Sermon 165. The Warning Neglected

Sermon 166. The Destroyer Destroyed

Sermon 167. The Holy Spirit and the One Church

Sermon 168. The First Christmas Carol

Sermon 169. What Have I Done?

Sermon 170. The Immutability of Christ

Sermon 171. Paul's Sermon Before Felix

Sermon 172. Search the Scriptures

Sermon 173. The Death of Christ

Sermon 174. A Call to the Unconverted

Sermon 175. The Two Talents

Sermon 176. The Prodigal's Return

Sermon 177. God, the All-Seeing One

Sermon 178. The Work of the Holy Spirit

Sermon 179. The Great Reservoir

Sermon 180. How To Keep the Heart

Sermon 181. Particular Redemption

Sermon 182. Particular Redemption

Sermon 183. The Solar Eclipse

Sermon 184. The Glorious Gospel

Sermon 185. The Great Revival

Sermon 186. The Form and Spirit of Religion

Sermon 187. Providence

Sermon 188. The Redeemer's Prayer

Sermon 189. The Cry Of The Heathen

Sermon 190. The Desolations of the Lord, the Consolation of His Saints

Sermon 191. Christ Glorified as the Builder of His Church

Sermon 192. The Sunday-School Teacher-A Steward

Sermon 193. The World Turned Upside Down

Sermon 194. Human Responsibility

Sermon 195. Looking Unto Jesus

Sermon 196. A Present Religion

Sermon 197. The Spies

Sermon 198. The Heavenly Race

Sermon 199. A Free Salvation

Sermon 200. The Wicked Man's Life, Funeral, and Epitaph

Sermon 201. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Sermon 202. The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

Sermon 203. The Sympathy of the Two Worlds

Sermon 204. The Mission of the Son of Man

Sermon 205. A Lecture for Little-Faith

Sermon 206. Everybody's Sermon

Sermon 207. Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility

Sermon 208. Righteous Hatred

Sermon 209. The Way of Salvation

Sermon 210. 'As Thy Days, So Shall Thy Strength Be'

Sermon 211. The Voice of the Blood of Christ

Sermon 212. The New Heart

Sermon 213. The Fatherhood of God

Sermon 214. His Name-Wonderful!

Sermon 215. His Name-The Counsellor

Sermon 216. Confession and Absolution

Sermon 217. Declension from First Love

Sermon 218. Self-Examination

Sermon 219. An Appeal To Sinners

Sermon 220. God's Barriers Against Man's Sin

Sermon 221. Comfort Proclaimed

Sermon sermons0221a.htm. A Pastoral Letter

Sermon 222. The Christian's Heaviness and Rejoicing

Sermon 223. The Evil and Its Remedy

Sermon 224. Samson Conquered