Electric semis and tanks! and, The day after 9/11/01!

Thursday, September 12, 2024   -   Category: REVIVAL


(Psalm 18)

***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: God will bring someone into your life today so you can give them a kind word, a prayer for their needs.

**DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Father, I know this is an evil and sin-filled world I live in. Please, protect me, but don't let me be afraid. Let me be bold in declaring Your Truth to this lost world and not be afraid to speak up. Now more than ever I need Your strength to be the servant You have called me to be. Help me, strengthen me, and guide me to do Thy will. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

**THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: (In tomorrow's TV Nugget I will break down that sick excuse for a debate Tuesday night. Don't miss it!) Electric semis and electric tanks. Good news, bad news. The bad news is the geniuses in DC and state capitals are looking to transition diesel fuel powered semis to electric powered. ...

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A warning! and, 9/11, 23 years later!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024   -   Category: REVIVAL


(2 Corinthians 5:20)

***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: Look to JESUS each day for your direction!!!

**DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, this nation is under Your judgment for our sin, wickedness, and rebellion. Help me to be courageous as I stand for You in these perilous times. Use me as a beacon of Your light in the darkness of our world today. Though our enemies surround us, the world around me curses You, help me to stand for Your Truth that will ultimately defeat the lies of satan. May the evil of this world become so apparent, people will begin to bow their knee to You in repentance knowing YOU are their only hope and only answer! In the name of Jesus...AMEN!!!

**THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: A warning from decades ago that is sadly coming to pass! As this nation has sunk further into the spiritual abyss, as we have given in to every craven impulse...

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Killing the elderly! and, Lazy!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024   -   Category: LAZINESS


(Proverbs 18:9)

***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: Take 5 minutes and pray for our country today!

**DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to be a blessing to someone I meet today. Help me to not be so self-absorbed that I miss the opportunity to be a good witness for You. Today, I yield myself to You. Use me for Your glory! In the name of Jesus...AMEN!!!

**THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Canada, just a little behind Europe in regard to its' spiritual darkness, is pushing the death of older people through Dr. assisted suicide and euthanasia. Canada of course has national healthcare as do the countries in Europe. The problem they all have is that there is a finite amount of money available each year for the healthcare of their citizens. At some point, there has to be decisions made on how to best allocate those finite dollars. So if you have two people ...

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Stay home! and, New Year!

Monday, September 09, 2024   -   Category: DRIVING CARS


(Psalms 37:32)

***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: Make the Lord your first everything today!

**DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, give me an extra measure of discernment today. Help me to be able to "see" with spiritual eyes and "hear" with spiritual ears the things of You! Please help me to discern those things in my life that are good and I need to focus on, as well as those things in my life that are NOT helping me to grow in my faith and I need to leave behind. My only desire is to serve You and that You are glorified in my life. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

**THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: The movie on Mr. Rogers, portrayed by Tom Hanks, is a real anomaly. As many of that era know, Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian pastor. He was from a time when you didn't need to announce you were a Christian, most people by your words and deeds knew if you were ...

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A theologically challenged Pope! and, The compassion of Jesus!

Sunday, September 08, 2024   -   Category: KINDNESS


(Acts 20:35)

***THE LIVEPRAYER CHURCH!!! Haven't been to church yet this week? Join me for this week's service at the LivePrayer Church. This week's message is: "Will good people go to heaven?” Please visit the website at: http://liveprayerchurch.com and be part this week's worship service. Each Sunday there will be a new service at 12:01am EDT

***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: Thank the Lord today for giving you life, and a life of abundance as you serve Him!

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Lord, Thank You for creating me with a plan and purpose, making my life so meaningful. Give me the ability this day to appreciate the fact You can use my life to advance Your kingdom. Let me do my best today in the strength You give me through the Holy Spirit to be the best servant I can be. In the name of Jesus...AMEN!!!


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Say his name, WILLIE BROWN!!! and, Adultery!

Saturday, September 07, 2024   -   Category: ADULTERY


(Exodus 20:14)

***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: If married stay true to your spouse. If a follower of Jesus Christ stay true to your Lord and Savior!

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, this nation is under Your judgment for our sin, wickedness, and rebellion. Help me to be courageous as I stand for You in these perilous times. Use me as a beacon of Your light in the darkness of our world today. Though our enemies surround us, the world around me curses You, help me to stand for Your Truth that will ultimately defeat the lies of satan. May the evil of this world become so apparent, people will begin to bow their knee to You in repentance knowing YOU are their only hope and only answer! In the name of Jesus...AMEN!!!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: If I had $1 for every time the propagandists in the regime news operations said the name "Stormy Daniels” an...

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What are “packers?” and, Gambling is now LEGAL!

Friday, September 06, 2024   -   Category: GAMBLING


(Psalms 118:8)

***PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM BILL KELLER: It is time for those who follow Jesus to take their stand for HIM, and HIS TRUTH! NOW!!!!!!!!

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, please give me the strength to live today in Your Spirit. I will no longer walk in the flesh, but live in the Spirit. It is the key to me living for YOU each day. In Jesus name I pray...AMEN!

***THE DAILY LIVEPRAYER TV NUGGET: Do you know what a "packer” is? If you do, you are much more informed than I am after spending 8 hours a day dealing with every issue of the day around the world! A "packer” is a small rubber penis and balls that is given to little girls (2 years old to 12) to put in their panties to give the impression they have a "bulge!” LOOK IT UP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME!!! I wish I could tell you this was a joke, but it is NOT! You literally have sick parents doing ...

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