Sermon 1877. Our Own Dear Shepherd


Sermon 1879. A Plain Man's Sermon

Sermon 1880. A Lesson and a Fortune for Christian Men of Business

Sermon 1881. The Dying Thief in a New Light

Sermon 1882. Retrospect-"The Lord Has Blessed"

Sermon 1883. Prospect-"He Will Keep"

Sermon 1884. Exhortation-"Set Your Heart"

Sermon 1885. The Problem of the Age

Sermon 1886. God's Remembrance of His Covenant

Sermon 1887. Pleading For Prayer

Sermon 1888. The Blood of Sprinkling

Sermon 1889. The Blood of Sprinkling (Second Sermon.)

Sermon 1890. Our Lord's Prayer for His People's Sanctification

Sermon 1891. The Sermon of the Seasons

Sermon 1892. Why They Leave Us

Sermon 1893. Jesus Angry with Hard Hearts

Sermon 1894. The Two Appearings and the Discipline of Grace

Sermon 1895. Love Abounding, Love Complaining, Love Abiding

Sermon 1896. The Three Hours of Darkness

Sermon 1897. Holding Fast Our Profession

Sermon 1898. Mouth and Heart

Sermon 1899. Zealous, But Wrong

Sermon 1900. Rejoice Evermore

Sermon 1901. Mysterious Meat

Sermon 1902. The Happy Duty of Daily Praise

Sermon 1903. Who Found It Out?

Sermon 1904. The Personal Pentecost and the Glorious Hope

Sermon 1905. Healing and Pardon

Sermon 1906. How To Become Fishers of Men

Sermon 1907. 'The Tender Mercy of Our God'

Sermon 1908. Washed to Greater Foulness

Sermon 1909. A Seasonable Exhortation

Sermon 1910. The Heart of The Gospel

Sermon 1911. Hideous Discovery

Sermon 1912. The Holy Road

Sermon 1913. Confidence and Concern

Sermon 1914. Secret Drawings Graciously Explained

Sermon 1915. The Ever-Living Priest

Sermon 1916. The Great Sin Of Doing Nothing

Sermon 1917. In Christ No Condemnation

Sermon 1918. The Abiding of the Spirit the Glory of the Church

Sermon 1919. The Very Bold Prophecy

Sermon 1920. Believers as Blessed as the Blessed Virgin

Sermon 1921. Cleansing-a Covenant Blessing

Sermon 1922. Concerning Death

Sermon 1923. The Annual Atonement

Sermon 1924. A Cheering Incident at Bethabara

Sermon 1925. Jesus and the Children

Sermon 1926. Love's Complaining

Sermon 1927. Our Sympathizing High Priest

Sermon 1928. Our Ascended Lord

Sermon 1929. To Those Who Are Angry With Their Godly Friends

Sermon 1930. Is It True?

Sermon 1931. One More Cast of the Great Net

Sermon 1932. Love's Law and Life

Sermon 1933. "Your Rowers Have Brought You Into Great Waters"

Sermon 1934. "And We Are"-a Jewel from the Revised Version

Sermon 1935. "Where Are The Nine?"-or, Praise Neglected

Sermon 1936. The Unkept Vineyard-or, Personal Work Neglected

Sermon 1937. A Mingled Strain