Sermon 1927. Our Sympathizing High Priest

(No. 1927)




"Who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplication, with strong crying and tears unto Him thatwas able to sa ve Him from death, and was heard in that He feared; though He were a Son, yet He learned obedience by the thingswhich He suffered and, being made perfect, He became the Author of eternal salvation unto all who obey Him, called by Godas High Priest after the order of Melchisedec." Hebrews 5:7-10.

THE Holy Spirit, in this chapter, reminds us that two things were necessary in a High Priest. First, he must be suitable forthe men for whom he stood and next, he must be acceptable with God. "Every High Priest taken from among men is ordained formen in things pertaining to God." He must be fit from both points of view, both man-ward and God-ward. Our Lord Jesus Christwas ordained of God from of old and did not, of Himself, assume the position of High Priest. The Prophets spoke of Him asthe Messiah of God and Jehovah, Himself, declared, "You are a Priest forever after the order of Melchisedec." When He cameinto the world, the Holy Spirit bore witness to His being the Son of the Highest. At His Baptism there came a Voice from Heavensaying, "You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," and that same Voice was thrice heard declaring the same fact.The Father has given further testimony to the mission of Christ, "in that He has raised Him from the dead," and has causedHim to enter into the heavenly places on our behalf. Moreover, He has given Him a pledge that as Melchisedec, being both Kingand Priest, He shall sit at His right hand until He has made His enemies His footstool. Our Lord Jesus has been chosen, ordainedand glorified as our "Great High Priest, that has passed into the heavens." This is the groundwork of our comfort in our LordJesus, for we know that He is One with the Father and that all things are done by Him as the Messenger of the Covenant, theauthorized Representative of Jehovah our God.

That is not the point to which I call your attention this morning-I would have you follow the text and consider the pre-eminentsuitability of our Lord Jesus to be a High Priest for us, viewed from the human side. A High Priest must be one "who can havecompassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way; for that he, himself, also is compassed with infirmity." Hemust be one who has learned compassion in the school of suffering, so that he can succor the afflicted. There is no learningsympathy except by suffering. It cannot be studied from a book, it must be written on the heart. You must go through the fireif you would have sympathy with others who tread the glowing coals. You must, yourself, bear the cross if you would feel forthose whose life is a burden to them.

Beloved Friends, we live in a world of sin and sorrow and we are sinful and sorrowful-we need one who can put away our sinand become a sharer in our sorrow. If he cannot go with us through all the rough places of our pilgrimage, how can he be ourguide? If he has never traveled in the night, himself, how can he whisper consolation to us in our darkest hours? We havea fully qualified High Priest in our Lord Jesus Christ-He is perfect in that capacity. I desire to speak of Him, this morning,in that light. Oh for help from on high, for I feel that it needs the Inspiration of the Holy One to enable a man to speakof Jesus as He should be spoken of. No careless utterance must attempt to describe the Great High Priest of our profession!It needs a perfect preacher to fully describe a perfect Redeemer and where is he to be found? To preach a crucified Saviorin a crucified style is no easy task! I take it that a lip needs as much to be touched with a live coal from off the altarto speak of the lowly sympathy of Jesus as to describe His Glory. Of the two I had rather venture to speak of the Garden ofParadise than of the Garden of Gethsemane-apart from the help of the Holy Spirit. Oh that the

Divine Instructor would direct our meditations at this time so that we may glorify Christ and may, with increased confidence,repose in Him!

I have this further objective, also-while trying to comfort the people of God, I would persuade others to approach our GreatHigh Priest. Oh how I long that many of you who have, until now, never known the love of Christ, may now be touched with asense of it and may be sweetly drawn to Him! By the very fact that He is able to sympathize with you in your griefs, I hopethat those of you who are afflicted may be induced to draw near to Him. Oh that upon this spot and at this hour, you who havebeen halting and hesitating for years may at once find a shelter with the Compassionate One! He waits to give you everlastingcomfort! Oh that you would believe in Him and enjoy it! We shall pray for this and look for it-and may God grant us our desiresso that His Son, Jesus, may be glorified!

The great suitability of Christ for His work will be seen as we view Him in three Characters. Let us first consider Him asa Suppliant-this is set forth in the seventh verse-"Who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplicationswith strong crying and tears unto Him that was able to save Him from death, and was heard in that He feared." Next we wouldview Him as a Son-"Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered." And then we shall closeby regarding Him as a Savior-"He became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him." Come, Holy Spirit, andtake of the things of Christ and show them to us!

I. First, then, that we may see the suitability of our Lord to deal with us in our cares and sorrows, we shall view Him asA SUPPLIANT.

The text begins with a word which reveals His weakness-"Who in the days of His flesh." Our blessed Lord was in such a conditionthat He pleaded out of weakness with the God who was able to save. When our Lord was compassed with the weakness of flesh,He was much in prayer. It would be an interesting exercise for the younger people to note all the times in which the LordJesus is said to have prayed. The occasions recorded are very numerous, but these are, no doubt, merely a few specimens ofa far greater number. Jesus was habitually in prayer-He was praying, even, when His lips did not utter a sound. His heartwas always in communion with the Great Father above. This is said to have been the case "in the days of His flesh." This termis used to distinguish His life on earth from His former estate in Glory. From of old the Son of God dwelt with the Father,but He was not, then, a partaker of human nature, and the eternal ages were not "the days of His flesh." Then He could nothave entered into that intimate sympathy with us which He now exercises since He has been born at Bethlehem and has died atCalvary. "The days of His flesh" intend this mortal life-the days of His weakness, humiliation, labor and suffering. It istrue that He wears our nature in Heaven, for He said to His disciples after His Resurrection, "Handle Me and see, for a spirithas not flesh and bones, as you see I have." But yet we should not call the period of His exaltation at the right hand ofthe Father, "the days of His flesh." He still prays-in fact He continually makes intercession for the transgressors. But itis in another style from that in which He prayed "in the days of

His flesh"-

"With cries and tears He offered up His humble suit below, But with authority He asks, Enthroned in Glory now."

Among the days of His life on earth there were some which peculiarly deserved to be called "the days of His flesh"- days inwhich His feebler Nature pushed itself to the front. Then men saw less of His greatness as a Teacher and more of His sufferingas Man. I should call that one of the days of His flesh when He went to Gethsemane and "was exceedingly sorrowful, even untodeath." He was very heavy because the shadow of His Cross fell upon Him with a denser darkness as He drew nearer to His deathupon it. When the dread desertion by God, which was the center of His grief, began to startle Him and when men esteemed Him"stricken, smitten of God and afflicted," then were, "the days of His flesh!" Prostrate under the olives, pouring out Hisinmost soul in plaintive entreaties, even to a bloody sweat, you see your Lord a Suppliant in weakness-"in the days of Hisflesh."

Brothers and Sisters, I beseech you to think of our Lord's pleading, "in the days of His flesh," as a matter of fact. Do notdream of Him as though He were a phantom and of His prayers as if they were part of a mere show. He was a real Man and Hisprayers were as real as yours can be. Believe in Jesus as Man. You would be indignant at anyone who would diminish the Gloryof His Godhead and most justly so, but oh, do not, yourself, take away from Him the truth of His Humanity! He was, in verydeed, made flesh and dwelt among us! This was the case even when His Apostles beheld His

Glory, "the Glory as of the Only-Begotten of the Father, full of Grace and truth!" We must get a firm grip of the true Humanity,or otherwise we lose the Sacrificial death, the Resurrection and all the rest-and the Brotherhood of our Lord, which is agrand source of consolation, also disappears. Remember that He who sits at the right hand of God was once here in the likenessof sinful flesh! He who shall shortly come to judge the quick and dead passed through a period of limitation, weakness, suffering,weariness since He was in human flesh. "The days of His flesh" were, to Him, days of poverty, sickness, weariness, reproachand temptation-though in Him was no sin, yet He was tempted and tried in all points like as we are. Inasmuch as He has passedthrough such days as these, He is fitted to be the High Priest of Believers who also are passing through the days of theirflesh. Brothers and Sisters, we know too well that we are partakers of flesh and blood-and it is no mean comfort that ourLord Jesus, Himself, took part in the same!

In the days of His flesh, our Divine Lord felt His necessities. The words, "He offered up prayers and supplications," provethat He had many needs. Men do not pray and supplicate unless they have greater needs than this world can satisfy. Men workfor what they can get by working, but pray for that which can by no other means be obtained. The Savior offered no petitionsby way of mere form-His supplications arose out of an urgent sense of His need of heavenly aid. It is difficult to realizeit, but so it is, that our Divine and innocent Savior placed Himself in such a condition for our sakes that His needs weremanifold. Of course, as God, He could come under no necessity, but being Man, like ourselves, He did not permit the powerof His Godhead to destroy the man-like weakness of the flesh! Therefore He endured such necessities as we do and resorted,as we must, to the one all-sufficient Source of supply, approaching His Father by prayer! He sought for blessings with prayers,He pleaded against evil with supplications. His approaches to God were many-both words are in the plural-"prayers and supplications"-andthey were manifold in their character, for He presented prayers and supplications of all kinds. Especially in the Garden Hecried again and again, "If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me."

Now, trite as the observation may be, yet it is one that needs to be often repeated, that our Savior did really pray. Whenyou, in your heaviness, shut the door of your chamber and kneel down in prayer-when that prayer gathers strength and you fallflat upon your face in agony-when you cry and weep before the Most High, under a sinking sense of need, it is hard for youto think that Jesus ever did the same! But He did. He asked as really as you ask. He implored and besought, He entreated andwrestled even as you must. He knows that solitary place on Carmel where Elijah bowed his head between his knees and criedseven times unto the Lord! He knows the turning of the face to the wall and the weeping of the sorrowful eyes, even as Hezekiahknew them! He can have pity upon you in your loneliness, your distraction, your apparent desertion, your sinking of heart,your sorrowfulness even unto death. Look to Him, then, in your night of weeping and be of good cheer!

Those of you who are only now beginning to pray, I would encourage you to remember Jesus as your Example of praying. If yourprayers have but few words in them and are mainly made up of crying and tears, yet in this they are like those of your Saviorand so you may hope that they will be accepted. If you are afraid that your prayers are shut out from Heaven, remember howthe Savior complains in the 22nd Psalm, "O My God, I cry in the daytime but You hear not; and in the night season, and amnot silent." He was heard in the end, but, at the first, He seemed to plead in vain. Jesus prayed under discouragements-whatHe did, Himself, He will help you to do. He knows what the agony of prayer means and He will cast a Brother's eyes on youwhen, in the bitterness of your repentance, you seek the Lord. How clear it is that we have a suitable High Priest, of tenderheart and loving soul!

Further, let us see how like the Son of God was to us in His intensity of prayer. I wish I knew how to preach upon a themeso sacred. One had need take his shoes off of his feet upon this doubly-consecrated ground. The intensity of His prayer wassuch that our Lord expressed Himself in "crying and tears." The Evangelists do not record His tears, but the Holy Spirit,here, reveals what human eyes could not have seen. He pleaded with God until His pent-up grief demanded audible utteranceand He began to cry! He said, so that the disciples heard Him a stone's cast away, "My Father, if it is possible, let thiscup pass from Me." His voice grew louder as the stream of His sorrows forced a channel for itself! There was great strengthin His cries-there was "strong crying"-there was deep, plaintive, touching, heart-breaking crying. "If it is possible-if itis possible, let this cup pass from Me."

We may be thankful that we did not hear the cries of that sore distress which fell upon our great Substitute. Cries are weakthings, but His was strong crying-strong with the heart of the Great Father. When He ceased His crying and was

silent, His tears took up the strain. The Lord heard a voice in His tears and who shall say which spoke the more loudly, Hiscrying or His tears? When a Man so courageous, so patient as Jesus, betakes Himself to cries and tears, we may be sure thatthe sorrow of His heart has passed all bounds. His soul within Him must have been bursting with grief! We know it was so byanother sign, for the life-blood forgot to course in its usual channels and overflowed its banks in a sweat of blood. I donot think, as some do, that it was merely a sweat such as is common to labor. I believe it was a sweat of blood, or the expressionwould not have been used, "as it were. great drops of blood." A sweat of blood has now and then been seen upon men in greatand fatal alarm, but the Savior's was more amazing than any of these cases, for so profuse was this bloody sweat that therewas, as it were, great drops of it "falling down to the ground." This was prayer, indeed-supplication which exhausted Hiswhole Manhood! Body, soul and spirit were now upon the rack of anguish and upon the strain of agony! He pleaded with God aftera more piteous, painful, terrible, and powerful sort than you and I will ever attain.

But, Brothers and Sisters, here is the point-if it comes to your case to be in a dark, dark hour and to be praying with theheavens like brass above your head. And if you are obliged to cry aloud and weep your soul away, then remember Jesus in thedays of His flesh! Usually it may be you are very quiet and, perhaps, wordless in prayer. But now you cannot refrain yourself-asJoseph cried so that the Egyptians in the house of Pharaoh heard him-so do you give vent to your agony! Be not ashamed ofyour weakness-your Lord did so before you. Strong man as you are, you weep like a child. Do not apologize lest you seem toaccuse your Savior! Behold, you are not alone! Jesus is passing through the deeps with you. Can't you see the blood-stainedfootprints of your Lord? Your utmost anguish is known to Him. Fear not! Commit your way unto the Lord, even in this worstpart of it. Trust Him when the iron enters into your soul. Leave all in His experienced hands.

You poor souls who have never as yet trusted my Lord, are you not attracted to Him? If He suffered all this, can He not meetyour case? By all this He was made perfect as a High Priest-oh, can you not trust Him? Is He not able to enter into your misery?Oh, darkened hearts, is there not light here for you? When you pray with anguish, Jesus perfectly understands the situation.Oh, you that loathe yourselves! Oh, you that wish you had never been born! Oh, you daughters of melancholy and children ofdespair-can you not see, in the marred visage of your Redeemer, a reason for trusting Him? Since from His lips you hear strongcrying and from His eyes you see showers of tears, you may well feel that His is a sympathetic spirit to whom you may runin the hour of danger, even as the chicks seek the wings of the hen!

Still, to proceed with the text, we have seen our Lord's needs and the intensity of His prayer, now note His understandingin prayer. He prayed "unto Him that was able to save Him from death." The expression is startling! The Savior prayed to besaved! In His direst woe He prayed thoughtfully and with a clear apprehension of the Character of Him to whom He prayed. Itis a great help in devotion to pray intelligently, knowing well the Character of God to whom you are speaking. Jesus was aboutto die and, therefore, the aspect under which He viewed the great Father was as "Him that was able to save Him from death."This passage may be read in two ways. It may mean that He would be saved from actually dying if it could be done consistentlywith the glorifying of the Father. Or it may mean that He pleaded to be saved from death, though He actually descended intoit. The word may be rendered either from or out of. The Savior viewed the great Father as able to preserve Him in death, fromthe power of death, so that He should triumph on the Cross-and also as able to bring Him up, again, from among the dead.

Remember how He said in the Psalm-"You will not leave My soul in Hell, neither will You suffer Your Holy One to see corruption."Jesus had faith in God concerning death and prayed according to that faith. This brings our blessed Lord very near to us-Heprayed in faith even as we do! He believed in the power of God to save Him from death and even when cast down with fear, Hedid not let go His hold on God! He pleaded just as you and I should plead, impelled by fear and encouraged by faith! Let usimitate His intensity, His intelligence and His faith. He has condescended to set us an example which we can copy-He has comeinto living companionship with us in our most urgent supplications. He has had His Jabbok. Therefore, O you seed of Jacob,trust in Him!

It will further help you if I now call your attention to His fear. I believe our old Bibles give us a correct translation,much better than the Revised Version, although much can be said for the latter, "With strong crying and tears unto Him thatwas able to save Him from death, and was heard in that He feared." That is to say, He had a fear, a natural and not a sinfulfear-and from this fear He was delivered by the strength brought to Him from Heaven by the angel. God has im-

planted in all of us the love of life and we cannot part from it without a pang-our Lord felt a natural dread of death. Ifit is said that the Savior was too courageous to know the fear of death, I beg to remark that He was the more courageous becauseHe so calmly encountered that which He feared. Martyrs have died without the preceding dread which fell upon our Lord, butremember that the help of God which sustained them was taken away from Jesus! And consider, also, that His death was specialand differed from that of all others of our race, for in that death there was condensed the penalty due to sin.

To the righteous man, death is not now a penalty, but a mode of going Home-to Jesus it was, in the fullest sense, the penaltyof death for human guilt! He saw before Him, as we do not, all the pains and torments of death-He knew what He had to bearand foretasted in the Garden, the smart involved in being a Surety for sinful man. The vials of God's wrath were about tobe poured upon Him and Jehovah was heard saying, "Awake, O sword"-as if it had never awoke before-"Awake, O sword, againstMy Shepherd and against the Man that is My Fellow, says the Lord of Hosts." He saw the abyss into which He must fall! If nodread had come upon Him, why, I think the very essence of the atoning suffering would have been absent! Fear must take holdupon Him-not that of a coward, but that of one terribly oppressed! His soul was "exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death."So when you tremble after sipping your cup of bitterness, think of Jesus trembling, too. When you, in entering into the valleyof death's shade, feel yourself greatly disturbed at the prospect before you, think of Jesus who was heard in His fear! Come,you that fear, and find help in One who also feared! Borrow courage from One who, out of fear, prayed Himself into victory!Think of Him who cried unto God, "Be not You far from Me, O Lord: O my Strength, hasten You to help Me!" Trust your soulswith Him who, in the days of His flesh, cried out in anguish, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"

But then notice another thing in the text, namely, His success in prayer which also brings Him near to us. He was heard "inthat He feared." O my Soul, to think that it should be said of your Lord that He was heard, even as you, a poor suppliant,are heard! Yet the cup did not pass from Him, neither was the bitterness thereof in the least abated. When we are compelledto bear our thorn in the flesh and receive no other answer than, "My Grace is sufficient for you," let us see our fellowshipwith Jesus and Jesus' fellowship with us! Jesus came forth from His agony saying, "You have heard Me from the horns of thewild oxen! I will declare Your name unto My brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise You." Oh what a BrotherChrist is, since He, too, cried and wept and had power with God and prevailed! When God has sent from above and drawn us outof many waters, the Lord Jesus is there to sing with us and rejoice with us- the constant companion of all our experiences.Can we not trust Him? Brothers and Sisters, if Jesus rises with us to the highest note of the scale and if He also comes downwith us to the deepest bass that the human voice can reach, then we may conclude that all along He is in unison with us inall the intervening notes! So let us, today, feel that Jesus is like ourselves in all but our sin and that we may fearlesslycome and trust Him as we would trust a father or a brother, or as a fond wife confides in the husband of her love.

II. Let us now spend a few moments in beholding our Lord as A SON. His prayers and pleas were those of a son with a father-"thoughHe were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered."

The Sonship of our dear Savior is well attested. The Lord declared this in the second Psalm-"You are My Son; this day haveI begotten You." Thrice, as we have already noticed, did the Voice out of the excellent Glory proclaim this truth and Jesuswas "declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the Resurrection from the dead." Yes,He that cried, He that wept, He that pleaded until He came to a bloody sweat and He from whom the cup could not pass tillHe had drained it to the dregs, was, nevertheless, the only-begotten Son of God! So, my Brothers and Sisters, when you areput to great grief, do not doubt your sonship! What son is there whom the father chastens not? When you are in heaviness throughmanifold trials, do not listen to the insinuations of the enemy-"If you are the Son of God." Yes, if you should have to ask,"Why have You forsaken me?" do not doubt your sonship! Your faith should not be founded upon your own enjoyments, but uponthe promise and the faithfulness of God! You are as much a son or daughter when you walk in the dark as when you rejoice inthe light of Jehovah's Countenance!

Being a Son, the text goes on to tell us that He had to learn obedience. Is not that an amazing thing? As Man, our Saviorhad to learn! He was of a teachable spirit, and the Lord, Himself, instructed Him. All God's children go to school, for itis written, "All your children shall be taught of the Lord." The lesson is practical-we learn to obey. Our Lord took kindlyto this lesson-He always did the things which pleased the Father. This is our time of schooling and disci-

pline and we are learning to obey, which is the highest and best lesson of all. How near this brings our Lord to us, thatHe should be a Son and should have to learn! We go to school to Christ and with Christ-and so we feel His fitness to be ourcompassionate High Priest.

Jesus must learn by suffering. As swimming is only to be learned in the water, so is obedience only learned by actually doingand suffering the Divine will. Obedience cannot be learned at the university unless it is at the College of Experience. Youmust suffer the Commandment to have its way with you and then it will educate you. We think, when we are first converted,that we have learned obedience and assuredly we have, in a measure, received the spirit by which we obey, but no man knowsobedience till he has actually obeyed, both in an active and a passive sense. Even the Lord Jesus must come under the Lawof God, honor the Law and suffer the Law, or else He cannot learn obedience. Who knows what it is to obey God to the fullestuntil he has had to lay aside his own will in the most tender and painful respects? To plead with God for the life of a belovedchild and yet to see that dear child die-but to kiss the rod-this is to learn obedience! To get alone and plead with God forthe life of a husband or wife and agonize with Him for the gift-and then to be compelled to weep at the new-made grave, butyet to say, by His Grace, "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord"-this is to learn obedience!Our Lord, as Man, was made to know, by His sufferings, what full obedience meant-His was practical, experimental, personalacquaintance with obedience-and in all this He comes very near to us. A Son learning obedience-that is our Lord. May we notjoyfully walk with Him in all the rough paths of duty? May we not safely lean on the arm of One who knows every inch of theway?

The Lord Jesus Christ learned this obedience to perfection. The text speaks of Him as "being made perfect." As a High PriestHe is perfect because He has suffered to the end, all that was necessary to make Him like His brethren. He has read the bookof obedience quite through. He was not spared one heavy stroke of Divine discipline. You and I never go to the end of grief-weare spared the utmost depth-but not so our Lord. The Lord sets us a service proportioned to our strength, but what a servicewas exacted of the Son of God! Ours is a lightened burden, but the Well-Beloved was not spared the lest ounce of crushingsorrow. "For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto Glory, to makethe Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings."

Our Lord learned by suffering much with prayer and supplication. His was no unsanctified sorrow. His griefs were baptizedin prayer. It cost Him cries and tears to learn the lesson of His sufferings. He never suffered without prayer, nor prayedwithout suffering. Supplication and suffering went hand in hand and, in this way, our Lord became perfected as the High Priestof our profession.

The practical point I am trying to drive at in my poor way is this-let us trust ourselves with Him who, as a Son, knows thetraining and discipline of sons. Being yourself a son, look up and see what the elder Brother endured and know that, "in thatHe has suffered, being tempted, He is able to succor them that are tempted." You who are afraid that you never will be thechildren of God, come and hear your Savior cry as He rises from prayer, "Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden,and I will give you rest." Sons of men, why do you wander? Why not come to Him who is made like yourselves? Which way areyou looking? Look to Him that suffered in your place-and suffered both as a Suppliant and a Son! If you have never trustedHim before, I think that you should begin this morning, now that you see His fellowship with you, His sympathy with you. Ido not, at this time, set Him forth to you in His Power and Glory-that I will do on another occasion-but I bring Him beforeyou in His weakness and humiliation, hoping, thereby, to attract to Him the poor and needy who need such a Helper.

III. Time fails me and, therefore, we can do no more than spend a brief time in beholding the Lord Jesus as A SAVIOR. It isto this end that He pleaded as a Suppliant and learned obedience as a Son.

As a Savior He is perfect. Being made perfect through suffering, He is fully able to discharge His office. Nothing is lackingin the Character and Person of Christ in order to His being able to save to the uttermost. He is a Savior and a great one.You are wholly lost, but Jesus is perfectly able to save. You are sorely sick, but Jesus is perfectly able to heal. You havegone, perhaps, to the extreme of sin-He has gone to the extreme of Atonement. In every office essential to our salvation,Jesus is perfect. Nothing is lacking in Him in any point. However difficult your case may seem, He is equal to it. Made perfectby suffering, He is able to meet the intricacies of your trials and to deliver you in the most complicated emergency.

Therefore He is the Author of salvation. What a suggestive word-the Author of salvation! Author! How expressive! He is theCause of salvation; the Originator; the Worker; the Producer of salvation! Salvation begins with Christ; salvation is carriedon by Christ; salvation is completed by Christ! If a man is the author of a book and not a mere compiler, it is all his ownwriting. Salvation has Jesus for its Author! Do any of you wish to write a little of the book, yourselves? Then Jesus wouldnot be the author of it-it would be Jesus and you. But because our Lord has assumed our Nature and entered into fellowshipwith us, He has become the Author of salvation and we must not intrude into His office. Let the Author of salvation completeHis own work. Come and accept the salvation which He is waiting to give to you. He has finished it and you cannot add to it-itonly remains for you to receive it.

Observe that it is eternal salvation-"The author of eternal salvation." Jesus does not save us, today, and leave us to perishtomorrow! He knows what is in man and so He has prepared nothing less than eternal salvation for man. A salvation which wasnot eternal would turn out to be no salvation at all. Those whom Jesus saved, are saved, indeed! Man can be the author oftemporary salvation, but only He who is "a High Priest forever" can bring in a salvation which endures forever. This remindsus of the word of the Prophet-"Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation." Surely I know that whateverthe Lord does shall be forever. An eternal salvation is worth having, is it not? Jesus does not give a salvation which willlet you fall from Grace and perish, after all, but a salvation which will keep you to the end- though you should live to beas old as Methuselah! Salvation to eternity and through eternity is provided by Jesus. Oh, love the Lord, all you His saints,since by His stooping to be perfected as a High Priest, He has been able to bring in for you such a salvation as this!

Furthermore, inasmuch as He has learned obedience and become a perfect High Priest, His salvation is wide in its range, forit is unto "all them that obey Him." Not to some few, not to a little select company here and there, but "unto all them thatobey Him." One of His first Commandments is "Repent." Will you obey Him in that and quit your sin? Then He is the Author ofeternal salvation for you! His great command is, "Believe and live." Will you trust Him, then? For if you do, He is the Authorof eternal salvation for you. He whom I have tried to describe with all my heart-this blessed sympathetic fellow-suffererof ours-He is willing and able to save all of you who will obey Him at this moment by trusting Him!

Come, my Hearers, let Jesus be your Master and your Lord! Come, you runaways, return to Him! Come, you castaways, hope inHim! Be His, for He has made Himself yours. Seek Him, for He has sought you. Obey Him, for He obeyed for you. He is "the Authorof eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him."

Note, that He is all this forever, for He is "a Priest forever." If you could have seen Him when He came from Geth-semane,do you think you could have trusted Him? Oh, trust Him today, for He is "called of God to be an High Priest after the orderof Melchisedec," and that order of Melchisedec is an everlasting and perpetual Priesthood! He is able, today, to plead foryou, able, today, to put away your sins! Oh that God the Holy Spirit may lead many of you to come and obey Him at once!

A heavy atmosphere fills this Tabernacle this morning, making it difficult to speak and more difficult to hear, but yet, ifsome sudden news came to you, as the burning of your house, or the death of a dear child, you would shake off all lethargyand wake up from all dullness and heaviness of spirit! And, therefore, I claim your liveliest thoughts for the solemn subjectwhich I have introduced to you. Think much of the Son of God, the Lord of Heaven and earth, who, for our salvation, lovedand lived and served and suffered! He that made man was made Man! As a Suppliant, with cries and tears He pleaded with God-evenHe before whom the hosts of Heaven bow adoringly! He has still that tenderness to which He was trained by His suffering! Hebids you come to Him now! You that love Him, approach Him, now, and read the love which is engraved on His heart! You whohave not, until now, known Him, come boldly to Him and trust Him who has come so near to you. The Man is very near akin tous! Behold how He loves us! He bends down to us with eternal salvation in His hands! Believe in Him and live! God grant it!Amen.