(No. 1878)




"The carnal mind is enmity against God." Romans 8:7.

MEN naturally mind the things of the flesh. This is as sad as if a seraph should rake upon a dunghill! It is not amazing thata brute beast cares for the flesh, for it is only flesh, but it is lamentable in the highest degree that man, in whom thereis a principle infinitely superior to mere materialism, should, nevertheless, so generally give himself up to minding thethings of the body-the things of time and earth.

The world's catechism is, "What shall we eat? What shall we drink? With what shall we be clothed?" Men begin with these questionsas soon as they leave their father's roof and they often die with them upon their lips. It is said of the peasants aroundNice that they seem to have no thought of anything but how they can make a living and save a little money-and I am afraidthey are, by no means, a unique people-in some form, or other, the world is in all men's hearts and thoughts. The dust ofearth has blinded eyes that were meant for Heaven! You would think, from the talk of many a human being, that he, himself,was meant to walk about for a few years and then to occupy six feet of earth and never be heard of again. The creature's lifeseems in consistency with such a destiny and is, by no means, suggestive of a life to come, or an existence in a nobler sphere!

Yet there is in us an immortal spirit-the very heathen were convinced of this! Man has an inborn consciousness that he isnot to be extinguished by death. His strange longings, hopes and fears are, in a disjointed way, the proofs of this primevalknowledge which he can never quite forget. It was not necessary that Scripture should reveal the future existence of the soul.When you miss a clear statement of that Truth of God, you only miss that which is supposed to be already known! The existenceof God and of an immortal soul in man is taken for granted in Scripture. A future state is plain upon the face of things.Every thoughtful man can see that there is a wide difference between the brute that grovels and man that aspires!

Now, if this is so, one would have supposed that this immortal being would, in thought, have projected himself into the nextstate and that he would have been very much occupied with the consideration of where he should be and what he should be inthe world to come. One would have suspected that he would have shaped the actions of the present with a view to the futureand so have ceased to be earth-bound and hide-bound and would have risen into something superior to the life of the mere animal.Yet men, by nature, do not give dominion to their nobler part, but allow the brute in them to overrule the mind in them! Theyare earthly-minded and then, because they are earthly-minded, spiritual things are despised by them and the great God, whois the Spirit of all spirits, is most of all neglected and treated as if He were of small account. The minding of the fleshsours the soul against God so that he who minds the flesh is soon filled with enmity against God.

Our Apostle declares this fact and declares it very positively. He does not say that the carnal mind is at enmity to God,but he gives us the solid noun-he says, "the carnal mind is enmity against God." It is enmity in essence- altogether and alwaysenmity against God! It is a solid block of aversion to God and animosity against Him. It is very strong language to use, butso he puts it under the guidance of Inspiration and, therefore, he does not mistake or exaggerate. The mind that looks afterthe flesh, the carnal mind, is a mass of downright undiluted enmity to the Most High God! Such a mind is opposed, not merelyto the things of God, the Laws of God and the Truth of God, but to God Him-

self! The mind which is under the dominion of the flesh cannot endure the Being of God-His Character is the object of itshate! No, such a mind is hate, itself, towards God!

Of some men this need not be stated, for they declare it themselves. There are men, (God be merciful to them and change them!),who deliberately say that they do not believe in God and who use all kinds of opprobrious epithets towards our Lord and theDivine Truth which He has been pleased to reveal. These men's sins "go before them into judgment." They will need no witnessesagainst them at the bar of their Maker-they themselves have testified against themselves! Their mind is evidently, confessedly,intensely enmity against God.

Many others would not care to confess their enmity so distinctly and yet their lives proclaim it. Their outward conduct showsthat they are not only enemies of God and His Christ, but that their heart is a mass of enmity to Him-their speech betraysthe fact that they are not reconciled to God. Some of these even make profession of being His friends and yet, of such, Paulsaid, "Many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the Cross ofChrist"-the enemies beyond all others, for they have entered into the Church by treachery and thus have attacked the Lordin His own house-where they can do most mischief. They blasphemously misuse their profession of faith to comfort them in theirsins-and while they vow that they are God's servants, their lives show that they are the willing slaves of a very differentmaster!

I am not, at this time, intending to speak to these persons, of whom I will only say-The Lord have mercy upon any of us ifthat is our unhappy case! If we have dared to play the Judas, if we have ventured to enroll ourselves among the friends ofJesus and yet are giving Him a traitorous kiss, may infinite Grace yet convert us! Oh, that we may not turn out to be sonsof perdition, but may we be delivered from hypocrisy and made honest in the sight of the Most High!

But I am going to deal, at this time, with another class of persons who would say, each one for himself, "I am not a Christian,but I hope to be so, one of these days. I do not think that I am converted. I could not claim to be a believer in Christ savingly,or a lover of God so as to take my place among His people, but yet I do not think that I am an enemy to God." The accusationof our text is very distasteful to such persons. They think it too harsh a charge to bring against them. Yet, dear Hearer,you live not for the world to come, nor for spiritual things, nor for God. And, therefore, according to the teaching of thetext, your mind, being carnal or fleshly, is enmity against God!

I do not like to say any hard thing of you, because you are a very kind person. But I dare not say less than the Word of theLord-and you would not respect me if I were wicked enough to flatter you! You are moral, excellent and amiable, but still,you are enmity against God in your heart, for the things of the flesh are uppermost in your mind. Are you angry that I tellyou this? What would you have me do? You expect your physician to spy out your disease and your lawyer to discover any flawthere may be in the deeds of an estate you are purchasing-should not your minister tell you of the evils of your heart? Ifyou want to hear soft falsehoods, go elsewhere-I will have none of your blood on my garments! If you are not born again fromabove, I am compelled to say, even of the best of you, that your fleshly mind is enmity against God!

At this time my business shall be, first, to discover that enmity. Secondly, to deplore it. And then, thirdly, may God theHoly Spirit be pleased to deliver you from it and deliver you from it even while we are talking about it! O Eternal Spirit,renew us in the spirit of our mind and cause us to receive that spiritual mind which is the mark of the friend of


I. First, then, I HAVE TO DISCOVER THIS ENMITY which is in your heart. I know what you are saying, "You cannot do so. I amindifferent, but I am not enmity and I will not be called so." I hear your denial, but the cap will fit you very well beforeI have done-and you will be obliged to wear it-I am sure you will. If you are not obliged to plead guilty, none will rejoicemore than I if you can prove that you are reconciled to God by the death of His Son!

The man who does not love God, nor serve Him, nor even profess to do so, has in his heart a settled enmity against God! Letme show it to you. Do not shut your eyes to clear evidence.

First, the carnally-minded man is enmity against God as a servant. Take this description of yourselves and see if it doesnot lead to your conviction. You are all servants of God, for He has made you and not you, yourselves-and He who made youought to have the use of you. You are under obligations to your Creator, your Preserver, your Re-deemer-and these obligationsought to be recognized, but you do not recognize them. On the contrary, you act in a way which leads me to charge you withenmity against God, your liege Lord and King. Judge if it is not so! Here is a ser-

vant of yours and he will not serve you. Set that down to laziness, if you please, and the case will be bad enough. But youfind him working very hard for somebody else! Then it cannot be laziness which makes him decline your service. Look at him-heis toiling for your enemy from morning to night! And though he is your servant, he altogether refuses to serve you. What canbe his motive? Many of you are not serving God and yet you are not lazy. Your neglect of obedience to the Lord is not causedby love of ease. You are working very hard for something else-for yourselves, for your family, for approbation, for wealthor some other objective so that while you will not obey your God, whom you ought to honor, you are serving some other lord!Does not this create a natural suspicion that you are not on good terms with your Maker?

But suppose, in the case of your servant, it should turn out that he actually does heavier work for another than he wouldhave been expected to do for you? Suppose that he does harder and more degrading labor than you would have required of himand that he does it willingly, does it with all his might and yet he will not serve you? I think you would say, "This manmust be filled with enmity to me. He works for another and will not work for me. He does far harder work for another thanever I have proposed that he would do for me." Do not forget that the slavery of sin is much harder and much more degradingthan the service of God. The service of the world is much sterner, much more exacting, much more wearisome than the serviceof the Lord Jesus Christ! They that have served the world best will tell you that there is but little solace in the labor,while those who serve God best continually say that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. They that serve God with alltheir heart find an intense delight in His service and this is not true of the vassalage of sin. "His commandments are notgrievous," but the ways of sin are full of travail and disappointment and anguish. If a man prefers to bear the weary burdenof the world, the flesh and the devil-and will not take upon his shoulders the lighter load of Christ-what can be the reasonof it but that he is at enmity with God?

And suppose, moreover, that your servant, who is working for somebody else, should get very poor wages, while you are willingto pay him the largest wages that can be proposed-and yet he will take the harder work and the lesser wage-and will not cometo you and take the easier work at higher wages? How could you account for this, except upon the supposition that the manhated you? Sirs, the case is thoroughly parallel with yours! "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life."Let a man work as hard as ever he may for himself and for the world, all that can come of it is death! Why then, does he choosea bitter toil and a deadly wage? "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?" Why does a manfollow such a profitless business? You know what the world's poet makes Wolsey say, when he comes to die-

"Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my king, he would not in my old age Have left me naked to my enemies."The service of God is a remunerative service-He gives wages in the work and an abundant reward, according to His Grace, whenthe work is done. If men refuse such service, what can their motive be? The wages of sin is death-eternal death! Infinitemisery follows upon the course of this world if men choose such service-what can be their motive, what but downright hatredof God as a Master-and a resolve to have the devil, himself, for lord, and Hell for a wage, sooner than serve the living God?Why then, Sir, it must be so, if I take you on the footing of a servant, that, inasmuch as you will serve other things withall your might at the poorest wage-and will not serve God when the recompense of His reward is altogether boundless-then myreason forces me to the conclusion that your mind is enmity against God!

Let me consider you under another figure. This time it shall be that of a subject towards a king. Suppose that we are livingin times in which there is a king, a rightful monarch upon the throne, but there is also a pretender who has set up a claimfor the crown and there is a war going on between the true monarch and the pretender? You are one of those who do not sidewith the pretender. At least you say you do not. You dwell among the subjects of the king and though you act somewhat strangely,yet you deny that you are the king's enemy. But, listen to me. There might be, in this city of London, certain persons whowould not be willing to confess that they were on the pretender's side and yet their course of action might lead you to feelthat they must be so and that they must be enemies of the king! Suppose that a certain man lives on your street and you meetwith him in business, in trade and in common conversation from day to day and yet you never hear him mention the name of theking? Would not his silence be suspicious?

If anybody else mentions the king's name, he edges off from it. He never utters a word that would enable you to feel thathe is a loyal subject. He does not openly propose three cheers for the pretender in a public meeting, nor does he hang outthe pretender's flag, but, on the other hand, you noticed that the last time they were crying, "Bravo," for the king, he wasas quiet as if he had been dumb. And you have also seen that whenever conversation has gone that way, he has been as muteas a fish! He has no opinion on politics. He says that he has enough to do to mind his own business. I am half afraid thatthe fellow is an enemy! Still waters run deep and I fancy that we shall find a deep traitor under the coat of this silentgentleman. I begin to think that he must be on the wrong side and it grows upon my mind that he must be an enemy to our lawfulsovereign, for, month after month, while all the country has been ringing with the war-cry and the whole nation has been dividedinto two camps, this man has never said a good word for the king-has never so much as mentioned him! I feel morally certainthat in his heart this close-mouthed being must be an enemy to the king. Are you not very much of my mind?

Do you want me to explain the parable? Does it not fit your case, my Friend? All these years you have been hearing about Godand His Christ, but you have not had a good word to say for either of them. When you are in company, you manifest a discreetsilence. If there were a debate upon vital godliness, you would take no side. You have nothing to say for Jesus and His preciousblood. You are neutral and silent. And why? You are such "a good easy man" that you are not willing to fight for truth andrighteousness! I suspect you greatly. I am solemnly afraid that you are an enemy!

Now, suppose that the king has achieved a great success. News has come that in a great battle the pretender has sustaineda heavy defeat. The flags are hanging out along the streets and there is an illumination at night. There is no flag at yourhouse. At night there are no candles in your window. You have nothing to say upon the important tidings. Friends, what arewe to make of this man? He never says a word about our king or his doings-and he does not share in the joy when everybodyis in the street at night hurrahing because of his Majesty's victory! He walks along as if he had no interest in it. I amafraid that if there were any spies about, they would report him for an enemy-and I do not think they could be much blamedif they did so!

Dear Hearers, some of you feel no interest in the triumphs of Messiah's Kingdom and are under no concern about His Gospel.So many persons were converted under a revival, but it is nothing to you. Whole streets in this city are Godless and Christless,but what of that? You do not really care whether this nation or that shall begin to acknowledge the sway of Christ. You showno opposition to King Jesus, but still, you take no delight in the growth of His dominion, or the increase of His Glory. Iftrue religion were banished out of the land, you would not lose a single night's rest! And if it covered the whole earth,it would excite in you no enthusiasm. Does it not look as if you might be very shrewdly suspected to have the carnal mindwhich is enmity against God? I might work out this subject further, but I only need to light the candle of your conscienceand you will not have to look far to find a traitor.

Further than that, they have been raising regiments in the city to help the king. There have been enthusiastic meetings ofyoung men who have enlisted in his cause. They have shouldered their rifles and have been ready to shed their blood on thebehalf of their lawful sovereign. There is news of an invasion-the enemy's ships are near the shore-the citizens have cometogether in crowds. This man was not at the meeting. He did not propose to be a soldier. He did not contribute a farthingto the expenses of the campaign. He did nothing whatever for his king. Putting all this with the rest, it seems to me thathe must be an enemy! Why, surely, if we had enemies at London's gates, today-if we knew that they were about to sack thiscity and kill our wives and children-why even the peace men among us would forget our peacefulness and shoulder arms on behalfof our hearths and homes! If any man said, "Yes, they have been blowing up some of the houses and they are about to destroyour city, but it is no concern of mine. I am not going to bear a hand in the struggle, one way or the other," we would say,"Why, the fellow is not a true-born Englishman! He is an enemy! Depend upon it, he is a traitor!" In such a world as this,where sin is rife, if a man does not contend against evil, he is on the side of it! If a man does not serve Christ and endeavorto extend His Kingdom, however humble may be his power, surely it must be that his carnal mind is enmity against God! Jesussays, "He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathers not with Me scatters abroad."

And suppose, further, that this man should find that the king had issued a certain proclamation and promulgated a code oflaws, and that this man should say, "Read them? No, not I! I would not read such dry book-stuff as that!" But these laws affectyour daily life, your business, your prosperity, your very life. "I do not care what they affect," he says,

"they are very dry and dull reading. I do not care to hear them, much less to study them." The proclamation of the king isposted up publicly and the man turns his back upon it. A play-bill is pasted on the wall-he reads that and is very interestedin it! Now, I should say that he must be an enemy, for he will not even read what is the will of his king and what is thelaw of his country! There must be in his heart some enmity against the law-giver who promulgated that law. My Hearer, yournon-searching of the Scriptures, your weariness under Gospel preaching, your lack of care to understand the mind of God isprima facie evidence that there is some enmity in your heart against the Most High. When your King sends you a message oflove and you are not willing to hear it, surely you have a prejudice against Him! When you do not even wish to know what Hepromises to those who are His friends, you must have made up your mind to be His foe!

But, suppose further, as in some olden time, this king were to say to all his subjects, "You are surrounded by the enemy.The city is tightly shut up and famine threatens you. But I am going to feed you all out of the royal granaries. There willbe so much of bread and so much of provender for all of you who choose to come and have it, a daily portion freely given toall who ask for it"? Suppose this man, though evidently very hungry and thirsty, never went to eat at the public table? Heneed not say anything against the king and his table, but suppose he persistently abstained from putting himself under anyobligation to the royal provider and would sooner go and eat with dogs, or pluck meat out of the hog's dish than he wouldbe nourished by the king's bounty? I should say that the fellow who starved himself in that fashion must have deep enmityin his heart against the king!

Your case is just the same. You will not go to Christ Jesus that you may have eternal life. You do not go to the Creator ofyour spirits that you may find comfort and joy in Him. You are willing, rather, to perish than to apply to the Father of mercies.You look for pleasure and happiness anywhere rather than in God-yes, in places only comparable to the dog kennel, or the styof the swine! Therefore you cannot persuade me out of my solemn anxiety that your heart is enmity against God! I am sure that,hungry as you are, you would go to His table to be fed; naked as you are, you would go to His wardrobe to be clothed if itwere not that you have an enmity in your heart against the Lord-terribly and deadly even though unacknowledged by yourself.He that will sullenly perish rather than accept the Gift of God must entertain desperately evil thoughts of God!

Suppose, once more, that you had offended this king and you had been tried for treason against him? And suppose you had beenfound guilty and he were to say to you, "Freely confess your treason and there is the pardon drawn out for you by which yourlife shall be spared and you, yourself, shall be taken into favor"? If you were to reply, "I will not have it!" Yes, and ifyou were not even to say as much as that, but only neglected to accept it and just sat carelessly in prison until the dayof execution, I would say that you must have a most awful enmity in your heart against your sovereign! He that will not evenaccept pardon must be rancorous, indeed! My Hearer, your not accepting the free pardon of Christ; your not receiving the benefitof the act of amnesty and oblivion which the great God has passed, proves that your traitorous heart is dyed to the very corewith the blackest enmity against the Majesty of Heaven! I am not talking about the villains of whom we have been reading,lately, in the newspapers, who would commit the foulest deeds of unmentionable crime, but I am talking about you good peoplewho are not far from the Kingdom and yet are base enough to spurn your Savior's love and blood! If you have not accepted thefavor of your King and the pardon provided by a bleeding Savior, there must, at bottom, be a cruel enmity in your heart againstthe King of Love! Is it not so? Do you not begin to suspect yourself of not being quite all you fondly hoped you were?

So I will use yet another similitude and but one, that I may not weary you. This time it shall merely relate to the commonconduct of one person to another. I might profess, of a certain person, that I had no enmity against him. But suppose thatwhenever I met him in the street, I would not look at him and, if he were on my side of the street, I somehow or other hada call from the other side of the way? And suppose that when I came into a room to meet friends, if I saw him there, I alwaysbacked out and went somewhere else? I would think that people would, before long, suspect that I had great enmity towardsthat person!

There are people who act in that manner towards God. They find hearing sermons very dull work. Talking with Christian peopleabout Divine things they cannot endure. Reading a religious book is slavery-they find themselves very soon reduced to a stateof slumber by treatises upon true religion. They have no care about such things. They want to get out of God's way. Theirheart has no delight in the thought of God. If there were information in tomorrow morning's paper that God was dead, wouldnot some of you be very happy? You would say, "Then there will be no day ofjudgment

and I may enjoy myself, for my greatest dread is gone!" To us who love the Lord it would be a calamity worse than 10,000 deathsif we could lose our God-but your condition of mind towards God is clear proof of enmity against Him!

Again, suppose that a person has written you a letter and you have taken no notice of it? When did it come? It came last Mondaymorning. Have you read it? "Oh, no," you say, "I do not bother to read his letters!" You have had a good many, then? "Oh,yes, hundreds of them!" What have you done with them? "I have done nothing with them. I leave them alone and do not troubleto read them." Are these letters rational? "Yes, they are wise and kind." Yet you do not care to read them? Did you say thatyou are not the writer's enemy? Ah, my Friend, I suspect that there is not much affection in your heart to him. There must,indeed, be a good deal of animosity! When you did read one of his letters, what was it about? "Well, it was about wishingto be at peace with me and desiring to do me good. He spoke of my being in great danger and said that he would help me; andof my being poor, and offered to make me rich."

Did he talk so and have you never read any more of his letters? What can ail you? Were these letters full of bitter upbraidingand fierce threats? Do you reply, "Oh, no, they were kind, good, affectionate and, I have no doubt, they were meant to benefitme, but I don't care about them! I think that other people ought to read them, but I have no mind to do so?" From this I feelsure that you hate the writer very heartily. Have I not described your conduct towards your Bible? That blessed Book is alove-letter from God, the great Father, and you do not read it nor care about it and, therefore, I am sure that there mustbe in your heart enmity against Him. I do not think that you can argue me out of that conviction. I would, therefore, be gladto convince you of your wrong state of mind until you become ashamed of it and turn to


Is prayer neglected by you? Is it a burden? Have you no pleasure in it? Then how can you say that you are a friend of God?Do you utterly neglect all communion with God? Do you never speak with Him? How can you think that you love Him? If I hada son who lived in my house, ate at my table and was clothed by my kindness-and that boy were to say to people outside, "Inever speak to my father. He speaks to me, but I never listen to him. I live in his house, but I treat him as if he were dead"-wouldnot everybody rightly conclude that there was a deadly animosity in the heart of such a son towards his father? I cannot helpthinking that if you live without speaking to God, or hearing Him speak to you, you have a carnal mind which is enmity againstGod!

There I leave the matter, hoping that your conscience will awake and concern itself about this business. If these things shouldsuggest a suspicion of your horrible and unnatural enmity against the good God and that should send you to your knees, I shallbless the Holy Spirit that it is so! Come, O great Convincer, and cause my unregenerate hearers to know their own true conditionbefore the Lord! And then guide them to Jesus, the Savior!

II. But now, secondly, and very briefly, LET US DEPLORE THIS ENMITY AGAINST GOD. Come, gracious Spirit, and melt our heartsto penitence!

For, first, what an injustice it is! I cannot bear for anybody to speak ill and think ill of one who is good, kind and generous.I would interpose, if possible, to rectify that mistaken judgment. But for you not to think well of God! For you not to lovethe God of Love! For you not to be at peace with the sweet Lord Jesus! For you not to delight in Christ is a gross injusticeto Him! Oh, do not continue in it! If you have any sense of rightness, may God make you feel shame that you should treat Himill!

Moreover, I venture to say that it is more than an injustice. What an infamy it is! If anyone in this country could pointto a person and say, "There is a man who hates the Queen and who, wherever he goes, speaks against her," we would feel thathe was no man of honor, no person of right feeling. Yet to slander a lady of blameless life is nothing compared with hatingthe perfect Lord! When I think of a man's not loving God, not loving Christ, I feel that it is an awful thing for him, aninfamous thing for him. Come here, angels, if you will! If you can turn your eyes from the august sight of your crowned Lord,come and look in this direction! Here is a man whom God has made, who does not love his Maker! Here is a monster that is fedevery day by God's bounty and never thanks Him! Here is an immortal being who hears of the death of Christ and is told thatif he believes in Him, he shall live in happiness forever-and he will not believe in Him! He does not care for Christ, orfor His love, His life, or His Heaven! Surely those blessed spirits turn away their faces! They stretch their wings for flightfrom such loathed company! They cry, "Let us not look on such a monster. He is not fit to live." There is an infamy aboutnot loving Christ.

In addition to all this I would say, what an injury is this to yourself It is a very great injury to any man not to be perfectlyat peace with God. You are losing happiness. You are losing holiness, which is still more! You are losing the full developmentof your being. You are missing the destiny for which a God-created soul is intended. You are finding your way into darknesswhich will gather blackness upon blackness forever! Oh, Sirs, I cannot bear that this should be the case-that you should beat enmity with God! Oh, the mournful consequences of living and dying at enmity with God! You cannot succeed in this enmity.You have no power with which to contend against the Lord and to prosper. You need not wish that you could have such power.Why should you want to contend against love, mercy, truth, goodness and righteousness? Oh, that the Spirit of All Grace wouldlead you to loathe yourself! You have never committed adultery; you were never a thief; you were never a swearer! But do notcompliment yourself upon being free from those crimes-it is sin enough not to love God! It is proof enough of a base heartnot to have delighted in the Lord!

When I take a friend to see a landscape that enchants me and he looks at it and mutters, "I see nothing in it," I feel sorryfor him. When I cause him to hear the delightful strains of Handel's music and he murmurs, "There is a deal of noise and Ican hear a big drum," I feel greatly sorry for him that he has no ear for music. So it is when I think of the glories of Godand meet with men who do not appreciate them! I feel grieved for them. I would sooner be blind, deaf and dumb-and lose allfeeling-than lose the sense of the beauty and perfection of God! The capacity to enjoy God and to understand His superlativeexcellence is the grandest faculty that a being can possess! And he that has it not is dead while he lives! He who does notlove the ever-blessed Lord is a very Nabal, whose heart is like a stone within him. He is a fool writ large who knows notGod. May the Lord manifest His Grace to those of you who are in such a condition and bring you to deplore it and escape fromit!

' III. This brings me to a close. The third point was to be-LET US SEEK DELIVERANCE FROM THIS CONDITION OF ENMITY AGAINSTGOD. How is it to be done?

Truly, I do not believe it ever will be done in any man except by the Holy Spirit. This incapacity to see the beauty and lovelinessof God is such an inveterate disease that none can remove it but the Holy Spirit. You must be washed, I know. You must behealed, I know. You must be clothed, I know. But I know another thing quite as clearly-"You must be born again." Do you say,"How can a man be born when he is old?" There is but one way-He that first made you must make you over again! The change inyou must be radical and thorough-and you cannot work it of yourself. You are cast upon the Omnipotent Mercy of God and thatOmnipotent Mercy will freely come to your rescue if you will accept it in the Lord Jesus Christ. The crucified Son of God,alone, can be your salvation from all this spiritual inability and aversion. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to lead youto accept Jesus and so to be delivered from your enmity.

Next, the enemy of God needs to be delivered from the great guilt of not having loved God. How is that to be done? That canonly be accomplished through the Infinite Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. Great guilt has accrued to you from having livedso long without loving God. The first precept of the Law is, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and withall your soul, and with all your might." And that you have not done. Now, the guilt of that unjust omission can only be putaway through the bloody Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. By that one omission you have violated the whole Law ofGod and nothing but the blood of Jesus can make an amend to its honor. Thanks be to God, that precious Expiation can cleanseyou! Trusting in that glorious Sacrifice, the guilt of your not loving God shall vanish!

How can the enmity, itself, go? I have shown you that this must be removed by the heart being changed by the Holy Spirit,but the means of it will be this-your enmity will depart by a sense of God's love to you. I think that it is Aristotle whosays that it is impossible for a person to believe that another loves him without feeling some kind of love in return. I concedethat it is almost impossible, but I am not sure that it is quite so. However, this I do know-if you could but believe, atthis moment, that God loves you. If, trusting in Christ, you could but know the infinite affection that is in the heart ofthe great Father towards you, His child, you would love God in return-you could not help it! Oh, could you understand thelove that dropped from those five wounds, the love that forced your Savior to a bloody sweat, the love that cried, "It isfinished," as He gave up the ghost-the love which, when He rose from the dead, still thought of you, and which, when it mountedto its Throne, still remembered you!

If you could understand the love that pleads for the guilty, now, and intercedes for sinners, now-oh, could you but understandit-you would cry, "I cannot be at enmity with God any longer! I must love Him who has done so much for

me." The love of Jesus has such a melting power that even a heart of Hell-hardened steel softens and flows away in streamsof penitence beneath its influence!-

"Law and terrors do but harden,

All the while they work alone.

But a sense of blood-bought pardon

Soon dissolves a heart of stone." May you receive a sense of that love at once and you will then find that your enmity isgone, that you are spiritually-minded and that you love God!

For that-to conclude with-is the main thing. While the man continues to mind the flesh, he cannot love God. While his firstbusiness is his body and the things of time and sense, he is and must be at enmity with God. But when the Lord Jesus Christwins his heart. When the Spirit of God renews his mind. When he comes to love God-then he cares for spiritual things-thenhis treasure is in Heaven and his heart is there also! Then his hopes are in the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ when He shallcome a second time-and then his life tends towards Heaven, honor and immortality. Thus the man is raised from being a wormof the earth to kinship with angels! He drops the serpentine slough and puts on the seraphic wings. He gets away from themole life, burrowing under ground in the dark, and gains the eagle's eye and the eagle's pinion. He quits the gloom and nightof earth and mounts aloft with his eyes upon the Sun of Glory, delighting in the holy and the heavenly!

God bring you to that state by faith in Jesus Christ! Amen.