Sermon 3273. A Sermon to Ministers and Other Tried Believers

(No. 3273)




"Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

THIS season of depression in trade has brought great care to many a house and heart, especially to village pastors and theirflocks. Their troubles have been heavy and I am afraid their cares have not been light. Few have escaped the pinch of thesehard times-the most prosperous have to watch the ebbing tide and ask-How long shall these things be? The subject will be seasonableto us all.

A very good preface to any sermon is the connection-let us look at the passage before us. The verse preceding it is, "Humbleyourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time." If we are truly humble, we shallcast our care upon God and, by that process, our joy will be exalted! We are slow to submit to the hand of God and oftentimesour care is fretful rebellion against our heavenly Father's will. We determine to carve for ourselves, and so we cut our fingers!I saw upon a cart only yesterday the name of a tradesman who calls himself, "Universal Pro-vider"-do we not aspire to somesuch office? There isa Universal Provider-and if we are humble under His hand, we shall leave our matter in His hands. Oh,for more humility, for then shall we have more tranquility! Pride begets anxiety-true humility gives birth to patience.

The verse which follows our text is this-"Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walksabout seeking whom he may devour." Cast your care upon God because you need all your powers of thought to battle with thegreat enemy. He hopes to devour you by care. Cast all your care upon God, for if you are worried you cannot be sober or watchful.Satan rides on the back of carnal care and so obtains entrance into the soul. If he can distract our minds from the peaceof faith by temporal cares, he will get an advantage over us.

The preface allowed of expansion, but I have compressed it with stern economy of time. I must condense with equal rigor allthrough my discourse. We will first expound the text and then enforce it.

I. First, let us EXPOUND THE TEXT-"Casting all your care upon Him, for He caresfor you."

It is noteworthy that in the Greek, the two words for, "care," are different. Hence the Revised Version reads, "Casting allyour anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you." The care which you are to cast upon God is wearing you out and you are tocast it upon God because, in quite another sense, "He cares for you." The word used in reference to God is applied to caringfor the poor and in another place to the watchfulness of a shepherd. Our anxiety and God's care are two very different things.His care, though tender and comprehensive, causes no anxiety to Him, for His great mind is more than equal to the task. Butour care ferments within us and threatens the destruction of our narrow souls. You are to cast your care, which is folly,upon the Lord, for He exercises a care which is wisdom! Care to us is exhausting, but God is All-Sufficient. Care to us issinful, but God's care of us is holy. Care distracts us from service, but the Divine Mind does not forget one thing whileremembering another!

If our care is to be cast upon God, we are hereby led to make a distinction, for there is a care which we could not dare tocast upon God-it would be blasphemy to attempt it! Anxiety to grow rich-can we impart that to God? Anxiety to be famous, tolive in luxury, to avenge an injury, to magnify myself-can I ask the Most High to bear such an anxiety for me? If any of youare vexed with such care, I charge you to fling it off, for it is like the poisoned tunic of Hercules, and unless you cantear it away, it will burn into your very soul! All cares of covetousness, anger, pride, ambition and willfulness must becast to the winds-it would be criminal to dream of casting them upon God! Do not pray about them,

except that God will redeem you from them. Let your desires be kept within a narrow circle and your anxieties will be lessenedat a stroke.

"Casting, "says the Apostle. He does not say "laying all your care upon Him," but he uses a much more energetic word. Youhave to cast the load upon the Lord-the act will require effort. It is no child's play to cast all our care upon our Lordwhen there are six little children, shoes worn out, cupboard empty, purse bare and the deacons talking of reducing the scantysalary! Here is a work worthy of faith-you will have to lift with all your soul before the burden can be shifted and the anxietycast upon the Lord! That effort, however, will not be half as exhausting as the effort of carrying your load yourself. Oh,the burden of watching and waiting for help which never comes! Depending on the help of man who is altogether vanity! Oh,the weariness of carrying a heartbreaking anxiety and yet standing up to preach! We have all seen statues of Atlas bearingthe world on his shoulders, but we can hardly conceive of his preaching in that attitude! It would be better to make one tremendouseffort and have done with it, rather than groan under a perpetual weight. If the fox is eating into our heart, let us pluckit from our bosom and kill it at once!

Note, next, the words, "upon Him."You may tell your griefs to others to gain their sympathy, for we are bid to bear one another'sburdens. You may ask friends to help you and so exercise your humility, but let your requests to man be ever in subordinationto your waiting upon God! Some have obtained their full share of human help by much begging from their fellow Christians,but it is a nobler thing to make known your requests unto God! But somehow, those who beg only of God are wondrously sustainedwhere others fail! What a pleasant story is that in which we recount the loving kindness of the Lord and tell how "this poorman cried and the Lord heard him." Quiet, patient Believers have come under my notice who have carried their cross in silence,waiting alone upon the Lord. How they endured their trial, I cannot tell, save that "they endured, as seeing Him who is invisible."But their necessity became known, it leaked out, they knew not how, and they were helped-and helped better than they wouldhave been if their appeal had been to man! I am condemning no appeal to our fellow Believers! Many are willing to help, butthey cannot do so if the need is unknown- but do not place anyone in the office and throne of the great God who alone is theCaretaker and Burden-Bearer of His people! I am afraid that, sometimes, in our care not to alienate this great man who doesso much for the cause, or that excellent lady who takes half-a-dozen sittings in the chapel, we may grieve the Lord and loseour true Helper. Cease, then, from man and cast all your care upon God-and upon Him only!

Certain courses of action are the very reverse of casting all your care upon God, and one is indifference. Whatever virtuethere may be in stoicism, it is unknown to the true child of God. "I don't care," may be an appropriate expression for anatheist to use, but it is not suitable for a Christian! It may sound well and the man who utters the defiant words may thinkhimself some great one, but it is an evil utterance for all that. I am afraid some Brothers' "I don't care," is very sinful,for they get into debt and don't care. They break their promises and engagements and don't care. Brothers, such men oughtto care! Every man is bound to care about his life duties and the claims of his family. He that cares not for his own householdis worse than a heathen! Casting care upon God is the very reverse of reckless and inconsiderateness!

It is not casting care upon God when a man does that which is wrong in order to clear himself. Yet this is too often tried.Under pressure, some men do very unjustifiable things. We ought to be slow to condemn since we ourselves also may yet be temptedin the same way and may err in like manner. Still, faith ought to be able to win every battle. He who compromises truth toavoid pecuniary loss is hewing out a broken cistern for himself. He who borrows when he knows he cannot pay, he who enterinto wild speculations to increase his income, he who does anything that is ungodly in order to turn a penny is not castinghis care upon God! An act of disobedience is a rejection of God's help so that we may help ourselves. He who does the rightthing at all hazards practically casts his care upon the Lord. Acts are with us, but their consequences are with God! Ourmain care should be to please God-and all other care we may safely leave to Him.

How, then, are we to cast all our care upon God Two things need to be done. It is a heavy load that is to be cast upon Godand it requires the hand of prayer and the hand of faith to make the transfer. Prayer tells God what the care is and asksGod to help, while faith believes that God can and will do it. Prayer spreads the letter of trouble and grief before the Lordand opens all its budget. And then Faith cries, "I believe that God cares, and cares for me! I believe that He will bringme out of my distress and make it promote His own Glory."

When you have thus lifted your care into its true position and cast it upon God, take heed that you do not pick it up again.Many a time have I gone to God and have relieved my care by believing prayer-but I am ashamed to confess that

after a little time, I have found myself burdened again with those very anxieties which I thought I had given up! Is it wiseto put our feet into fetters which have once been broken off? My Brothers, there is a more excellent way-a way which I havetried and proved. I have at times been perplexed with difficulties. I have tried my best with them and I have utterly failed.And then I have gone with the perplexity to the Throne of God and placed the whole case in the Lord's hands, solemnly resolvingnever to trouble myself about the aforesaid matters any more, whatever might happen. I was quite incapable of further actionin the matter and so I washed my hands of the whole concern and left it with God. Some of these cares I have never seen again-theymelted like hoar frost in the morning sun-and in their place I have found a blessing lying on the ground. Other troubles haveremained in fact but not in effect, for I have consented to the yoke and it has never galled my shoulder again. Brethren,let the dead bury their dead, and let us follow Jesus! Henceforth let us leave worldlings to fret and fume over the caresof this life-as for us, let our conversation be in Heaven, and let us carefully abstain from carelessness, being anxious onlyto end anxiety by a childlike confidence in God!

II. Accept this little contribution towards an exposition, and let us now proceed to ENFORCE THE TEXT. I will give you certainreasons, and then the reason why you should cast all your care upon God.

First, the ever-blessed One commands you to do it We need no other reason. The precept is akin to the Gospel command, "Believeon the Lord Jesus Christ." It is a blessed privilege and it is also a command. He who bids us cease from idolatry, also bidsus cease from care. The Law of Sabbath-keeping is not more Divine than that of resting in the Lord. He whom we call Masterand Lord bids us take no anxious thought-His bidding has all the authority of Law. Say to yourself, my anxious Brother, "Imay roll my burden upon the Lord, for He bids me do so." If you do not trust in God, you will be distinctly sinful-you areas much commanded to trust as to love.

Next, cast all your cares on God because you will have matters enough to think of even then/There are sacred cares which theLord will lay upon you because you have cast your care upon Him. When He has broken your painful yoke, you will have His easyyoke to bear. There is the care to love and serve Him better, the care to understand His Word, the care to preach it to Hispeople, the care to experience His fellowship, the care to walk so that you shall not vex the Holy Spirit. Such hallowed careswill always be with you and will increase as you grow in Grace. In a sense, we may cast even these upon God, looking for HisHoly Spirit to help us, for it is He that works in us to will and to do of His own good pleasure-yet not without our careand zeal does He operate upon us-and this is one reason why you are not to allow lower ends and designs to inundate your mind.Your spirit has another vineyard to keep, another capital to put out to interest, another Master to please and it cannot affordto yield its thought to meaner pursuits. Ministers are shepherds and must care for the sheep! "The hireling flee because heis a hireling, and cares not for the sheep." But you have the care of churches laid upon you daily, and it is peculiarly necessarythat you should not be occupied with carnal care.

And, next, you must cast your care upon God, because you have God's business to do. It is a dangerous thing for a merchantto employ a man who has a business of his own, because sooner or later the master's business will suffer, or else the man'sown concern will die out. "No man that wars," says Paul, "entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may pleasehim who has chosen him to be a soldier." There is sure to be a clashing of interests when a Brother goes into business, unlesshe does it as Paul did-that he may not be chargeable to the Church-for then he attains to double honor. Paul carried his needleand thread with him wherever he went, for everybody had a tent in those days, and he was ready for work at any moment eitherupon small family tents, or tents to cover a great assembly. When he had finished preaching, he could turn to mending tentsand so earn his own living and preach the Gospel freely. Paul did not make his preaching a stalking-horse to his trade, buthe made his handicraft a packhorse to his ministry, so that he could say, "These hands have ministered unto my necessities,and to them that were with me." That is a very different thing from a minister deserting his charge to make a larger incomeby some other calling. The less we have to do with other business the better, for all our care is needed by the Church.

Queen Elizabeth bade a notable merchant in the City of London go to the Continent on royal business. "Please, Your Majesty,he said, "who will attend to my business while I am away?" The queen replied, 'If you will go abroad and see to my business,I will see to your business." I will be bound to say that it would not suffer if such a queen took it in hand! Just so theLord says to us, "You attend to My work and I will take care of you and your wife and children." The Lord pledges Himselfto do it-bread shall be given us, our water shall be sure! The testimony of many among you will bear me out in this. I comeof a line of preachers and though some of them have had to endure straitened circumstances, yet none of them were forsaken,nor have their seed been seen begging bread. The Lord has cared for us and we have lacked nothing.

You ought to do it not only for this reason, but because it is such a great privilege to be able to cast your care upon God.If I am plunged in a lawsuit and some eminent lawyer would offer to undertake it all, out of love to me, how glad I wouldbe! I would worry no longer. I would say to all who troubled me on the matter, "You must go to my solicitor. I know nothingabout the matter." Do this to your cunning enemy, the devil, who is always glad to see you anxious and fretful. Let us sayto him, "The Lord rebuke you, O Satan, even the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you." What a file that is for the oldviper to break his teeth upon! Chosen! CHOSEN! And if chosen, shall we not be cared for?

Let me add that you ministers ought to cast all your care upon God because it will be such a good example for your hearers.Our people learn much from our conduct. And if they see us fretting, they will be certain to do the same. You preach faith,do you not? How sad it will be for you to be convicted of unbelief! Our own words may condemn us if we are anxious. Once whenI was unduly depressed, my good wife said to me, "I have a book here which I should like to read to you." It did me good tohear her read, but I felt myself rebuked by every word! I half suspected what was coming when she said, "That is your own,remember?" She had been giving the doctor some of his own medicine! What a many things you have said, my Brothers, that willcondemn you if you do not trust God! Is it, after all, mere talk? Did you mean what you said and is it true? Or have you merelybeen repeating official dogmas in which you have no personal confidence? Is the Providence of God a myth, or a living, brightreality? "Here," said a quack in the market, "is a medicine that will cure coughs, colds, consumptions [the fellow coughedhorribly at this point]. It is of such efficacy that it would almost restore the dead. [Here he coughed again.] Nobody needremain a sufferer-he has only to buy a box of the pills" [here the quack's own cough prevented him from speaking.] Ah, laughon, laugh on, Brothers, only find that nobody laughs at you for doubting while you extol faith! We must show in ourselvesthat faith in our God is a healing medicine, or man will not believe us! We shall make Christ, Himself, seem to be a pretenderunless we practically prove that we have been healed by Him. Let your people see in you what comes of trusting Christ! Letthem see what cheerfulness, what hopefulness, what buoyancy of spirit come to those who trust Christ and cast all their caresupon Him!

But the reason of reasons is that contained in our text, "He cares for you. " After all, what a small matter it must be toGod to care for us, since He provides for the commissariat of the universe, the feeding of the cattle on a thousand hillsand the wild beasts of the plains! Think of those myriads of fish, those armies of birds, those enormous multitudes of insects!What a God must He be who cares for all! Compared with the demands of all these, our little needs are soon supplied. We needbut little and that little is scarcely a crumb from the table of the Lord our God. Surely if God says, "I will care for you,"we need not give another thought except to sing, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." It does not need two of us forthis small matter, and certainly not two when One is Infinite in wisdom and power! Even if we were wise, the Lord would notneed our help. With whom took He counsel and who instructed Him when He created the earth, piled the mountains and spannedthe sky? Let us, therefore, stand still and see the salvation of God! The Lord thinks about us, plans for us, arranges forus, studies to make things right for us-these are poor words with which to describe His care, for He does more than that-Heloves us. That great, boundless, mighty heart loves us! This is fit matter for a heavenly song! Because He has set His loveupon us, we can surely cast our care upon Him. He has given us Christ-will He not give us bread? See, He has called us tobe His sons- will He starve His children? See what He is preparing for us in Heaven-will He not enable us to bear the burdensof this present life? We dishonor God when we suspect His tenderness and generosity! We can only magnify Him by a calm faithwhich leans upon His Word.

There, dear Brothers, there is my word from the Master for you. I should like to have hammered out that little grain of goldso that you might have gilded your lives with it, but please do it for yourselves. Now will you carry your cares away, orwill you bow your heads in silent prayer and throw them all off? Holy Spirit, the Comforter, lighten our darkness, we beseechYou!


Verses 1, 2. Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus,to Timothy, my dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I would again remindyou, as I have often done before, that the Apostle Paul, when he is writing to a minister, invariably begins his Epistle withthe triple greeting, "Grace, mercy, and peace," but when he is writing to a Church, he commences with the double benediction,"Grace and peace." You will find that this is his wish for the Romans, Corinthians, Gala-tians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossiansand Thessalonians, "Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ." This is also his form ofgreeting to Philemon, who was a private Christian, not a minister. But when the Apostle is writing to Timothy and Titus, hisown sons in the faith, and his fellow ministers of the Gospel, he says, "Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father andJesus Christ our Lord." It seems as though, guided by the Holy Spirit, he thought that the office of the Christian ministryis of so weighty and responsible a character that the man who rightly fills that honorable position not only needs the Graceand peace that are necessary for all Believers, but that he must in addition have a special supply of mercy. And truly, noone needs mercy more than the preacher of mercy! Note, too, that the "Grace, mercy, and peace" are to come "from God the Fatherand Christ Jesus our Lord." Father and Son are united in the gracious act of bestowing "Grace, mercy, and peace." The Fatheris the great eternal Fountain of all these blessings, but the Son is the Divinely appointed Channel through whom they flowdown to us!

3. I thank God whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of you in myprayers night and day. Thank God that Paul had such a sympathetic spirit and that Timothy's needs so continually rose beforehis supplicating eye-and that Paul was able to pray for Timothy, not with anxiety, not in doubtfulness-but with thankfulness.Oh, that all young Christians might be such consistent Christians that those who have brought them to Christ might alwaysbe able to pray for them with thankfulness!

4. Greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy. I suppose that Timothy was verytender-hearted and that he had been grieved because of Paul's many afflictions. And on his part, the Apostle greatly missedhis dearly-beloved son in the faith. In the latter part of this Epistle, Paul writes, "Do your diligence to come shortly untome: for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world." And again, "Do your diligence to come before winter." Lookingforward to his impending martyrdom, Paul longed for the companionship of the one who was so specially dear to him.

5. When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, and your motherEunice; and I am persuaded that in you, also. Grace does not run in the blood, but it often runs side by side with it. The"grandmother Lois" and the "mother Eunice" had the true Grace of saving faith dwelling in them, and Paul was persuaded thatit dwelt in the son and grandson Timothy.

6. Therefore I put you in remembrance. Paul had been speaking of his own remembrance of Timothy and of Timothy's faith, andnow he says, "Therefore I put you in remembrance-

6. Thatyou stir up the gift of God, which is in you by the putting on of my hands. [See Sermon #1080, Volume18-OUR gifts ANDHOW TO USE THEM.] The best of fires sometimes need stirring

and the best gift of God, even the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit, may sometimes burn low in the heart so that we have needto stir up the gift of God that is within us. There are some Brothers, also, who have more God-given gifts within them thanthey know of. They have never searched for them, so they allow them to lie hidden away unobserved and useless. We have needto stir up our gifts as well as our Graces and to use to God's Glory all the powers with which He has entrusted us.

7. For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. What a gift this is to allwho can truly say with Paul, "God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind!"

8. Be not you, therefore, ashamed of the testimony of our Lord-There is need to say this today, for many are becoming "ashamedof the testimony of our Lord," that old-fashioned Gospel which Paul received by direct Revelation from his Lord, and for whichhe laid down his life. It is fashionable, nowadays, to put on the ruffles of modern philosophy rather than to be robed inthe snow-white garment of the Truth of God. Paul says to Timothy, "Be not you, therefore, ashamed of the testimony of ourLord"-

8, 9. Nor of me, His prisoner: but be you partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God who hassaved us, and called us with an holy calling. Salvation comes first, and calling afterwards-at least, so it is in the greatplan of Redemption. We are saved by the death of Christ before we are effectually called by His Grace. The great work of oursalvation was worked for us on Calvary and now we are made to know and to partake of that salvation by the effectual callingof the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Gospel!

9. Not according to our work, but according to His own purpose and Grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the worldbegan.What a blessed Doctrine this is! Some people cannot endure even to hear or read of it, but it is full of comfort andjoy for the Spirit-taught people of God! God's Grace was "given us in Christ Jesus before the world began

[See Sermon #703, Volume 12-SALVATION ALTOGETHER BY GRACE.]

10, 11. But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought lifeand immortality to light through the Gospel: whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an Apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.HowPaul gloried in this triple Divine appointment! He commenced this Epistle by writing, "Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ bythe will of God," and here he says of the Gospel, "whereunto I am appointed a preacher." I see that some tradesmen put upa notice over their shops stating that they are so-and-so "by appointment to Her Majesty," but Paul had the highest honorunder Heaven in being "appointed a preacher, and an Apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles."

12. For which cause I also suffer these things. And I expect that his eyes glanced round on the walls of his dungeon, andthat he rattled the chains that bound his hands to those of the soldiers who had him in their charge.

12-15. Nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that whichI have committed unto Him against that day. Hold fast the form of sound words, which you have heard from me, in faith andlove which is in Christ Jesus. What good thing which was committed unto you, keep by the Holy Spirit which dwells in us. Thisyou know, that all they which are in Asia have turned away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. Probably these wereleaders who ought to have acted differently and to have stuck by the Apostle. But when he was in prison and likely to be putto death by Nero, many who had been his former companions forsook him, and were ashamed to acknowledge him-for which we alsoare ashamed of them. It is the same, now-if the servant of God shall fall into the disfavor of the great ones of the earth,many will be ashamed of him. Paul mentions these who turned away from him, for their unfaithfulness evidently grieved himsorely. But he also mentions another case of quite a different sort-

16, 17. The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chains: but,when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found me. He did not know exactly where the Apostle was-in whichprison he was confined-but he went from place to place until at last he lighted upon him! And then he was not ashamed to beseen ministering to the poor chained prisoner. We read of various corporations spending a great deal of money in buying chainsof office for their mayors, but this chain, worn by the Apostle in his prison cell at Rome, was far more valuable than anyof them. What an eternal honor it will be to him, and how sad it is that anyone should have been ashamed of his fetters whenhe was so bravely suffering for Christ's sake! There was more value in those chains on Paul's wrists than in all the chainsthat were ever worn on the necks of the great ones of this world!

18. The Lord grant unto him, that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day. I have no doubt he came to Paul and talked withhim and probably sang with him, and prayed with him. He often refreshed the Apostle in Rome. And then Paul added-

18. And in how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus, you know very weel. This happy Onesiphorus was a true servantof the Lord Jesus Christ who loved to minister to the Apostle when he was in suffering and sorrow. 2 Timothy 2:1-13

Verses 1, 2. You, therefore, my son, be strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus and the things that you have heard ofme among many witnesses, the same commit you to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. This is the true Apostolicsuccession-one minister brings another to Christ and then charges that other to train other preachers and teachers to carryon the blessed work of evangelization!

3, 4. You, therefore, endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that wars entangles himself with the affairsof this life, that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier. The man who has given himself wholly to the serviceof Christ must not undertake any other business that would prevent his giving his whole strength to his Master's work.

5-8. And if a man also strives for masteries, yet is hie not cro wned, except hie strive la wfully. The husbandman that laborsmust be first partaker of the fruits. Consider what I say, and the Lord give you understanding in all things. Re-

THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD JESUS-Read/download the entire sermon, free of charge, at .1 TheResurrection of Christ is

the cornerstone of the glorious Temple of Truth, the keystone of the arch of Revelation. Paul tells us, in that great chapter,1 Corinthians 15, how hopeless our case would be if Christ was not "raised from the dead." But he also proves most conclusively that he wasraised "the third day, according to the Scriptures."

33-NOT BOUND YET and #1453, Volume 25-ETERNAL FAITHFULNESS UNAFFECTED BY HUMAN UNBELIEF.] Thank God that it is not yet boundthough many have tried to fetter it! When they think that they have manacled it, it breaks loose again and so it always will.However low this heavenly fire may burn, it soon blazes up again and so it shall to the world's end. Immortal as the Christwho is the sum and substance of it is the everlasting Gospel of the blessed God!

10-13. Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sake, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesuswith eternal Glory. It is a faithful saying: For if we are dead with Him, we shall also live with Him: if we suffer, we shallalso reign with Him: if we deny Him, He will deny us: if we believe not, yet He abides faithful: He cannot deny Himself. Blessedtruth, God grant us the Grace to mediate upon it until we also shall become faithful to Him and to His
