Sermon 3193. The Man Whose Hand Stuck to His Sword
(No. 3193)
"And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite, one of the three mighty men with David when they defied the Philistinesthat were there gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel were gone away: he arose, and smote the Philistines untilhis hand was weary, and his hand stuck unto his sword: and the LORD worked a great victory that day; and the people returnedafter him only to spoil." 2 Samuel 23:9,10.
IN David's muster-roll we find the names of many mighties and they are honored by being found there. These men came to Davidwhen his fortunes were at the lowest ebb and he, himself, was regarded as a rebel and an outlaw. And they remained faithfulto him throughout their lives. Happy are they who can follow a good cause in its worst estate, for theirs is true glory. Wearyof the evil government of Saul, they struck out a path for themselves in which they could best serve their country and theirGod. And though this entailed great risks, they were amply rewarded by the honors which in due time they shared with theirleader. When David came to the throne, how glad their hearts must have been! And when he went on conquering and to conquer,how they must have rejoiced, each one of them remembering with intense delight the privations which they had shared with theircaptain. Brothers, we do not ourselves aspire to be numbered with the warlike. The roll of battle does not contain our namesand we do not wish that it should. But there is a roll which is now being made up-a roll of heroes who do and dare for Christ,who go outside the camp and take up His reproach and, with confidence in God, earnestly contend for the faith once deliveredto the saints and venture all for Jesus Christ! And there will come a day when it will be infinitely more honorable to findone's name in the lowest place in this list of Christ's faithful disciples than to be numbered with princes and kings! Blessedis he who can this day cast in his lot with the Son of David and share His reproach, for the day shall come when the Master'sGlory shall be reflected upon all His followers!
I. We will now turn our attention to one particular hero, Eleazar, the son of Dodo, and see what he did for his king and country.Our text records one of his feats. It is very instructive and the first lesson I gather from it is THE POWER OF INDIVIDUALENERGY.
The Philistines had set the battle in array. The men of Israel came out to fight them but, for some reason or other, "beingarmed and carrying bows, they turned back in the day of battle." Ignominious is the record, "the men of Israel were gone away."This man, Eleazar, however, made up for the failures of his countrymen, for "he arose, and smote the Philistines." He wasa man of marked individuality of character, a man who knew himself and knew his God, and did not care to be lost in the commonmass, so as to run away merely because they ran. He thought for himself and acted for himself-he did not make the conductof others the measure of his service, but while Israel fled-"he arose, and smote the Philistines."
The personal obligation of each individual before God is a lesson which all should learn. It is taught us in our Baptism,for there each Believer makes his own confession of faith and, by his own act and deed, avows himself to be dead with Christ.Pure Christianity knows nothing of proxies, or sureties in Baptism! After our profession of faith is made, the Believer isresponsible for his own religious acts and cannot employ priests or ministers to perform his religion for him. He must himself,pray, search the Scriptures, commune with God and obey the Lord Jesus. True religion is a personal thing. Each man, with onetalent or with ten, will, on the Great Day of Judgment, be called to account for his own responsibilities, and not for thoseof others. And, therefore, he should live as before God, feeling that he is a separate personality and must, in his own individuality,consecrate himself-spirit, soul and body-entirely to the Lord. Eleazar, the Son of Dodo, felt that he must play the man, whateverothers might do, and, therefore, he bravely drew his sword against the un-
circumcised Philistines! I do not find that he wasted time in upbraiding the others for running away, nor in shouting to themto return-he just turned his own face to the enemy and hewed and hacked away with all his might! His brave example was sufficientrebuke and would be far more effectual than ten thousand sarcastic orations!
Never let it be forgotten that our responsibility, in a certain sense, begins and ends with ourselves. Suppose you entertainthe opinion that the Church of God is in a very sad state? You are only responsible for that as far as you, yourself, helpedto create that condition. Do you regret that many persons with much wealth do not consecrate their substance? I do not wonderthat you feel thus, but, after all, the most practical thing is to use your own substance in your Master's cause! It is veryeasy to pick holes in other people's work, but it is far more profitable to do better work yourself. Is there a fool in allthe world that cannot criticize? Those who can, themselves, do good service are but as one in a thousand compared with thosewho can see faults in the labors of others. Therefore, if you are wise, my Brothers and Sisters, do not quibble as others,but arise and smite the Philistines!
Our responsibility is not diminished by the evil conduct of other men but, on the contrary, it is increased thereby. You say,"How so?" I answer-If every man fights his best, then Eleazar may be well content to fight as well as the rest. But if othermen are running away, Eleazar is called upon, by that unhappy circumstance, to rise above himself and retrieve the fortunesof the day. It will never do to allow the enemy to triumph and, therefore, if we have fought well, before, we must now girdup our loins for extraordinary battle. Dear Christian Brother, if you are solemnly impressed that the condition of the Churchesis not what it should be, you must leave no stone unturned to set it right! Are your fellow Christians worldly? You shouldbecome more spiritual and heavenly-minded! Are they sleepy? Be you the more awake! Are they lax? Be you the more strict! Arethey unkind? Be you the more full of love! Set your watch all the more strictly because you see that others are overcome.And be you doubly diligent where you perceive that others are negligent. Dare, like Eleazar, to stand alone and, from theshortcomings of others, gather motives for a nobler life!
Perhaps Eleazar on that occasion was the better off for not having that cowardly rout at his heels. When we have good workto do for our Lord, we are glad of the company of kindred spirits determined to make the good work succeed. But if we haveno such comrades, we must go alone. There is no absolute necessity for numbers. Who knows? The friends we invite might bemore hindrance than assistance. When Luther went to a holy man and told him what he had discovered in the Scriptures, theprudent old gentleman replied, "My Brother, go back to your cell, keep your thoughts to yourself, serve God and make no disturbance."Dear old soul, he little dreamed what disturbance that Luther was going to make in the camp! I daresay Luther would not havebeen able to work such a reformation if he had been surrounded by a host of kind, prudent friends! But when, like the heroof our text, he was clear of all the excellent incapables, he made splendid havoc of the Philistines of Rome! When dear, good,motherly Christian men are forever saying, "Do not be too venturesome, be careful never to offend, do not over-exert yourself,"and all that kind of talk, a man is better without them than with them! A Christian should seek the help of his Brothers andSisters, but, at the same time, if he is called to a service for his Lord and they will not aid him, let him not be alarmed,but let him consider that if he has God with him he has all the allies he needs! The mighty God of Jacob is better than allthe armies of the saints! And if He shall put out His hand and say, "Go in this, your might," a man may be content to stepforth alone-the solitary champion of Jesus and His Gospel! Solitary prowess is expected of Believers. I hope we may breedin this place a race of men and women who know the Truth of God and also know what the Lord claims at their hands-and areresolved, by the help of the Holy Spirit-to war a good warfare for their Lord whether others will stand at their side or not!
II. Secondly, we have, next, in the text, A LESSON OF PERSONAL WEAKNESS.
This brave man, though he arose and smote the Philistines, was only a man, and so he fought on "until his hand was weary,"and he could do no more. He reached the limit of his strength and was obliged to pass. This may somewhat console those noblemen who have become brain-weary in the service of God. Perhaps they chide themselves, but indeed there is no reason for sodoing, for of them it may be said as of Eleazar, that they are not weary offighting, though they are weary infighting. Ifyou can draw that distinction in your case, it will be well. We wish we could serve our Lord day and night, but the fleshis weak and there is no more strength left in us. This is no strange thing and there is no sin in it. Elea-zar's wearinesswas that of bone, muscle, sinew-the weariness of his arm-but sometimes God's people grow weary in the brain, and this is quiteas painful and quite as little to be wondered at. The mind cannot always think with equal clearness, or feel with equal emotion,or find utterance with equal clearness-and the child of God must not blame him-
self for this. To blame himself in such a case would be to blame his Master. If your servant has been in the harvest fieldfrom daybreak till the moon has looked down upon him as he binds his sheaves, and if, as he wipes the sweat from his brow,he says, "Master, I am sorely wearied, I must have a few hours' sleep," who but a tyrant would blame him and refuse him therest? Those areto be blamed who never weary themselves, but those who wear themselves out are to be commended, not censured.
Perhaps Eleazar became weary because of the enormous number of his enemies. He cut dozens of them down with his death-bearingsword, but on they came, and still on! It seemed like a repetition of the day when Samson slew heaps upon heaps, and smotePhilistia hip and thigh with great slaughter. Christian Friend, you have been the means of bringing some few to Christ, butthe appalling number of the unconverted oppresses you till your mind is weary. You have opened a little room and a few poorpeople attend, but you say to yourself, "What are these among so many?" When we begin in the Master's service, we think weshall turn the world upside down in six weeks-but we do not do it and when we find that we must plod on and not despise theday of small things-we are apt to become weary. Lifelong service under great discouragement is not as easy as mere dreamersthink.
Perhaps Eleazar grew tired because nobody was helping him. It is a great assistance to receive a word of good cheer from acomrade and to feel that, after all, you are not alone, for other true hearts are engaged in the same battle, zealous forthe same Lord! But as Eleazar looked around, he saw only the backs of the retreating swords who ought to have been fightingby his side, and he had to mow down the Philistines with his lone sword. Who marvels that at length he grew weary?
The mercy of it all is this-that he only became weary when he could afford to be so-that is to say, the Lord did not allowhis weariness to overcome him till he had beaten the Philistines and the people had rushed upon the spoil. We are such veryfeeble creatures that faintness must come over us at times, but what a mercy it is that the Lord makes our strength equalto our day! And only when the day is over does He let us sink into ourselves. Jacob wrestled with the Angel and he did notfeel the shrinking sinew till he had won the blessing. It was good for him to go limping on his thigh after his victory-tomake him know that it was not by his own strength that he had prevailed with God. And so it was a good thing for Eleazar tofeel weary, for he would now understand where the strength came from with which he smote the Philistines. Eleazar only failedwhen there was spoil to be divided-and if you and I only shrink back when there is praise to be awarded, we need not be troubled,for there are plenty who have never done anything else who will be quite ready to claim the credit of all that is achieved!
Let us ask ourselves whether, weak as we are, we have given up ourselves to the Lord. If so, all is well, He will use ourweakness and glorify Himself by it. He will not let our weakness show itself when it could endanger the victory. He givesus strength up to the point where strength is absolutely essential-and if He lets us collapse, as Elijah did after his greatconflict was over-we must not be surprised. What a difference there is between Elijah on Carmel triumphant over the priestsof Baal, and the same man on the morrow fleeing from Jezebel and crying, "Let me die, for I am no better than my fathers."Of course that was the natural result of the strong excitement through which he had passed, just as the weariness of his handswas the natural result of the mighty battle which Eleazar had fought. And when you become downcast, as I often am after havingobtained a great blessing, do not be so very terribly alarmed about it. What does it matter? The work is over! You can affordto be laid low before God. It will be well for you to know how empty and how weak you are, that you may ascribe all Gloryto the Lord alone. He is almighty, however weak you may be!
III. There is a third lesson in the text, and that concerns THE INTENSITY OF THE HERO'S ZEAL.
A singular circumstance is here recorded-his hand stuck to his sword. Mr. Bunyan seems to have thought that it was the congealedblood which fastened the hand and the sword together, for he represents Mr. Valiant-for-Truth as being wounded till the bloodran forth and his hand was glued to his sword. But perhaps the better interpretation refers to the fact which has occasionallybeen observed in battles. I remember reading of a sailor who fought desperately in repelling a boarding attack from an enemy'sship. And when the battle was over, it was found that he could not open his hand to drop his cutlass. He had grasped it withsuch force that until a surgical operation had been performed, it was quite impossible to separate his hand from his sword!
This was the case with Eleazar-this sticking of his hand to the sword proves the energy with which he gripped his weapon.At the first, he laid hold upon it in the right way, so that he could hold it firmly. I wish that some of our converts wouldget hold of the Gospel in a better manner. A missionary said to me, the other day, "There are numbers of revival convertswho will never be worth anything till they are converted again." I am afraid it is so. The work is not deep, their understandingof the Gospel is not clear and their hold of it is not fast. They have got something which is of great good to them, I hope,but they hardly know what it is! They have need to come again to Him who has abundance of Grace and Truth to bestow, or theywill never be worth much. Many young people do not study the Word-they pick up texts here and there as pigeons pick up peas,but they do not see the analogy of faith. But he is the man to fight for God who lays hold of the Truth of God by the handleand grips it as though he knew what he had-and knew that he had got it. He who intelligently and intensely knows the Wordis likely to hold it fast!
Eleazar, having grasped his sword well, retained his hold. Whatever happened to him in battle, he never let go of his weaponfor an instant. If he had once opened his hand, there would have been no sticking, but he all the way through kept his handon his weapon! According to some modern teachers, you are wise if you change your doctrines every week, because some freshlight may be expected to break in upon you. The advice is dangerous! O young man, I trust you will get hold of the grand oldGospel and always hold it and never relax your grip! And then what will happen to you? Why this-that at last you will notbe able to relax your grip! I have frequently been delighted to observe the perseverance of earnest workers who have lovedtheir work for Christ so heartily that they could not cease from it. They have served the Lord year after year in a particularwork, either at the Sunday school or in some other useful labor. And when they have been ill and could no longer be in theirplaces, their hearts and their thoughts have still been there! We have known them when ill with high fever, talking continuallyabout the schools and the children. In their very dreams their good work has been on their minds-their hand has been stuckto the sword!
I delight to hear the old man talk about the work of the Lord even when he can no longer join in it. And the dying man with"the ruling passion strong in death," enquiring about the Church and the services-his sword still sticking to his hand. ChristmasEvans was known to drive his old pony from town to town in his journeys to preach the Gospel. And when he was about to die,he thought he was still riding in the old pony-chaise-and his last words were, "Drive on." Napoleon with his dying breathexclaimed, "Head of the army," and so do Christ's soldiers think to the last of the grand army of the saints and of Christtheir Head. When a certain good man lay dying, he had forgotten his wife and his children. But, yes, when the name of Jesuswas whispered in his ear, he said, "Oh, I know Him! He has been all my joy these fifty years!" See how the sword sticks tothe hand!
Years ago, we who have believed grasped the sword of the Lord with such a grip of cheerful earnestness that now there is establishedan almost involuntary connection between the two which cannot be severed. Every now and then some wise men think to convertus to skepticism, or what is very like it-modern thought-and they approach us with full assurance that we must give up ourold-fashioned faith. They are fools for their pains, for we are at this time hardly voluntary agents in the matter-the Gospelhas such hold upon us that we cannot let it go! We now believe because we must. I could sooner die a thousand deaths thanrenounce the Gospel I preach! The sophisticated arguments I have met with in skeptical books are not half as strong as thearguments with which the devil has assailed me! And yet, by His Grace, I have beaten him. Having run with them, the footmencannot make us afraid. How can we give up the Gospel? It is our life, our soul, our all! Our daily experience, our communionwith God, our sitting with Christ in heavenly places have made us invincible against all temptations to give up our hope!We hold our sword, it is true, but our sword also sticks to our hand. It is not possible that the most clever lies shoulddeliver the elect, for the Lord has created such communion between the renewed soul and the Truth of God, that the Truth musthold us, and we must hold the Truth till we die. God grant it may be so with all of you!
IV. I must pass on to notice the fourth lesson. That concerns THE DIVINE GLORY.
Does the text say that his hand stuck unto the sword and that he worked a great victory that day? Look at your Bibles andyou will see that I have been misquoting! It does not ascribe the victory to Eleazar, but it is written, "and the Lord workeda great victory that day." The victory was not won without Eleazar and yet it was not won byEleazar, but by the Lord! HadEleazar belonged to a certain class of professors, he would have said, "We can do nothing, the Lord will fulfill His own eternalpurposes," and then he would not only have done nothing, but he would have found fault with others if they had been forwardin the fight! If he had belonged to another class of professors, he would have said, "I do not believe in the one-man ministry.I will not go alone, but wait till I have gathered a few Brothers who can all take a
turn at it." Instead of either of these theories, Eleazar went straight to his work and the Lord gave him the necks of hisenemies! And then he ascribed the victory, not to himself, but to the Lord! The right thing to do is to work as if all dependedupon us and yet look to the Lord, alone, knowing that all depends upon Him. We must have all the humility and all the activityof men who feel that they cannot do anything by themselves, but that God works in them to will and to do according to Hisown good pleasure. You must be humbly God-reliant and personally resolute. Trust in God and keep your powder dry! Have youwon a soul to Christ? Then the Lord has won the victory! Have you upheld the Truth of God against an antagonist? The Lordmust have the glory of your triumph! Have you trampled down sin? Can you cry with the heroine of old, "O my Soul, you havetrodden down strength"? Then, lay your trophies at the foot of the Throne of God! I am glad that my text runs as it does,or else some captious critic would have said that I was exalting man and honoring flesh and blood. No, no! The Lord has workedall our works in us! Not unto us, but unto His name give all the praise!
V. The last lesson is one of ENCOURAGEMENT. It is said in the text that "the people returned after him only to spoil."
Dear Brothers and Sisters, does it grieve you to think that many professed Christians seem more like unbelievers than Believers?Do you feel sad to see them all run away in the day of battle? Be comforted, then, for they can be brought back! And yourpersonal prowess for God may be the means of making them return. The feeble folk, if the Lord makes you strong, will gathercourage from your bravery. They may not have been able to look a live Philistine in the face, but they knew how to strip adead one! You will get them back, by-and-by, when the spoil is to be divided. It is not a small thing, after all, to encouragethe Lord's downcast people. Eleazar was pleased to see them in the field again. I daresay he did not say one rebuking wordto them, but perhaps remarked, "Well, you have come back, have you? Share the plunder among yourselves!. I might claim itall myself, but I will not-you are welcome to it." It has sometimes happened that one man, speaking in God's name, has turneda community in the right way. One Christian woman, too, has saved thousands. There are points in the history of England wherecertain individuals have been the hinge upon which our nation's destiny has turned. If you seek of God to be faithful, andif His Grace is in you, then be firm in the day of battle and you will confirm other wavering souls. My young Sister, youwill yet turn your family around-one by one they will come to seek our Savior! Young Brother, you are entering into that largehouse of business. It is very perilous to yourself, but if the Lord enables you to be strong in the power of His might, youmay transform that whole house into a Church of God! You may hardly believe it, but you will yet have Prayer Meetings in thatlarge room! Remember Mr. Sankey's hymn-
"Dare to be a Daniel!
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known!"
Dare to be an Eleazar and go forth and smite the Philistines alone! You will soon find that there are others in the housewho have concealed their sentiments-but when they see you coming forward-they will be openly on the Lord's side. Many cowardsare skulking about-try to shame them. Many are undecided-let them see a brave man and he will be the standard-bearer aroundwhom they will rally!
Thus have I thought to say a few practical words which I hope the Lord will bless. I have finished when I have made one observationto a different class of people. It is clear that when a man gets hold of a sword, grips it fast, and holds it for a while,such a thing may happen that he cannot drop it. Has it ever occurred to you-to you especially who have never given your heartsto Christ-that the eager way in which you hold your sin-and the long time that you have held it-may produce a similar resultupon you? One of these days you may be unable to get rid of those habits which you are now forming! At first, the net of habitis made of cobwebs. You can soon break through it. By-and-by it is made of twine. Soon it will be made of rope and, last ofall, it will be strong as steel-and then you will be fatally ensnared! Beware in time! Young man, you are hardly yet awarehow strong a hold your habits have already taken upon you. I mean your habits of prayerlessness, your practice of secret sinand your intemperance. No, I will not mention all your follies-they are best known to yourself. They are fastening upon youlike huge serpents, coil upon coil. You have always intended to go so far and no further, but if you could see a picture ofwhat you will become, you would be horrified!
Did we not read in the papers, a few months ago, the story of a man who was respectable in many ways, and gifted above theaverage of men, who nevertheless descended by degrees, till he perpetrated a horrible crime which made the world stand aghast?Little did he dream, at one time, that he would have plunged into such wickedness! But the path to Hell is downhill and ifyou descend one step, at first, you take two steps at once next time, and then you take four, and so by great leaps descendto Hell. O Man, cast away the weapon of iniquity before it glues itself to your hand! Cast it away at once and forever!
The only way of breaking with sin is to unite with Christ. No man does in heart part with sin till he is one with his Savior-andthat comes by trusting Him, simply trusting Him. When you trust Him, He delivers you from sinful habits and no longer allowsyou to be the slave of evil. "If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, you shall be free, indeed." Seek that freedom! MayHe bestow it upon everyone of us and then may we become heroes for Christ-and He shall have the glory, forever and ever! Amen.
In this Psalm we have the story of God's ancient Covenant people. And as we read it, we may read our own history in it ifwe also are His people. It is a mirror in which the beholder may see himself.
Verse 1. Praise you the LOR . The Psalm begins with Hallelujah. The story of the Church is a succession of Hallelujahs-andthe story of every Christian's life concerning the wonderful forbearance of God to him is a series of Hallelujahs.
1. Ogive thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endures forever That is the text and this Psalm is the sermonupon it-an exhibition of the goodness and ever-enduring mercy of God!
2, 3. Who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD? Who can show forth all His praise? Blessed are they that keep judgment, andhe that does righteousness at all times. These are the really blessed people! And we shall see in this Psalm how God's ancientpeople so often missed that blessing by their sin, as I doubt not that we, also, miss much of the sacred, sweet blessednesswhich would be ours if we walked more closely with God and were more obedient to Him.
4, 5. Remember me, O LORD, with the favor that You bear unto Your people: O visit me with Your salvation; that I may see thegood of Your chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of Your nation, that I may glory with Your inheritance. This is asuitable prayer for each one of us to pray before we go any further. May God hear the cries of His people as we each one seekthe fivefold blessing!
6. We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly. God has dealt kindly and graciouslywith us, yet here is an all too true description of what we have done! "We have sinned with our fathers, we have committediniquity, we have done wickedly."
7. Our fathers understood not Your wonders in Egypt [See Sermon #2204, Volume 37-sin-its springhead, stream and sea. Yet theywere very plain, easy to understand, for they were the wonders of power that were worked by God on behalf of His people! Butthey understood them not.
7. They remembered not the multitude of Your mercies. They had bad memories as well as bad understandings. And it is so oftenwith us-we remember not the multitude of God's mercies to us.
7. But provoked You at the sea, even at the Red Sea.That was a bad beginning. They were only just out of Egypt and they hadnot yet crossed the Red Sea, but they provoked the Lord even there. Oh, how soon after our first joy does our evil naturebetray itself!
8. Nevertheless He saved them for His name's sake, that He might make His mightypower to be known. [See Sermon
#115, Volume 3-WHY ARE MEN SAVED?.] He saved them, not for their
own sakes, but for His name's sake, for the manifestation of His own power and glory. This is how God still deals with Hischildren-not on the ground of their merits, but for the manifestation of His own mercy and Grace toward them!
9-12. He rebuked the Red Sea, also, and it was dried up: so He led them through the depths, as through the wilderness. [SeeSermon #72, Volume 2-ISRAEL AT THE RED SEA.] And He saved
them from the hand of him that hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. And the waters covered
their enemies: there was not one of them left. Then believed they His words; they sang His praise. I would think they believedGod's words when they could see His wonderful works, but it is a poor faith that needs miracles to be worked each hour orelse it fails. No wonder they sang God's praise at the Red Sea, but, exultant as the songs of Moses and Miriam were, evenbetter is that praise which rises from a broken and contrite heart which the Lord has delivered out of its trouble!
13-15. They soon forgot His works; they waited not for His counsel: but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and temptedGod in the desert. And He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul So it always is with us when we beginto let our desires outrun the will of God. He will sometimes let us discover our own folly by granting us our desires. Theanswer to some prayers would be a dire calamity! Some pray for riches, and they get it-but they also get leanness in theirsoul. Some ask for earthly honors and success, and get them, but with them they also get leanness in their soul. And if aman is lean in his soul, it is not much good being fat anywhere else.
16. They also envied Moses in the camp. Envy is a gaunt, lean, spectral thing-and when a soul is lean, it soon gets to beenvious of others who are better than itself.
16-20. And Aaron the saint of the LORD. The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the company of Abiram. And afire was kindled in their company; the flame burned up the wicked. They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image.Thus they changed their Glory into the similitude of an ox that eats grass.What a descent it was to come down from worshippingthe spiritual God who had worked such wonders for them, to the adoration of "an ox that eats grass." When we put our trustin men, instead of in God, we might have the same sort of ironical description applied to us, "They trusted in a man thatmust die, and in the son of man that is but dust." Whenever we forsake the Lord and put our confidence in anyone else, weare fools, indeed!
21-23. They forgot God their savior, who had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and awesome thingsby the Red Sea. Therefore He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses, His chosen, stood before Him in the breach, toturn away His wrath, lest He should destroy them.You remember the intercession of Moses with the Lord, how he cried "If Youwill, forgive their sin-and if not, blot me, I pray You, out of Your book which You have written." And, beloved Friends, whatwould you and I have done if it had not been for the Mediator, far greater than Moses, who has stood in the breach every timewhen we have provoked the Lord-and who has so stood in the breach that He has borne the wrath of God which otherwise wouldhave destroyed us?
24. Yes, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not His word.They said that the land that flowed with milk and honeywas a land that ate up the inhabitants thereof, and that was full of giants-and they could not drive them out.
25. But murmured in their hearts, and listened not unto the voice of the LORD.Do we ever fall into this sin of murmuring inthe family, murmuring in the counting-house, murmuring against men and murmuring against God, as they murmured in their tents?
26-28. Therefore He lifted up His handagainst them, to overthrow them in the wilderness: to overthrow their seed also amongthe nations, and to scatter them in the lands. They joined themselves also unto Baal-Peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead.They turned aside from the pure worship of the living God to hold communion with departed spirits! They fell into all thehorrible abominations of the heathen among whom they dwelt.
29, 30. Thus they provoked Him to anger with their inventions: and the plague broke out upon them. Then stood up Phinehas,and executed judgment and so the plague was stopped.God always has somebody to stand up for Him-it is Moses one day, and Phinehasanother. He will not permit His people to utterly quit their faith and be destroyed!
31-33. And that was counted unto him for righteousness unto all generations forevermore. They angeredHim also at the watersof strife, so that it went ill with Moses for their sake: because they provoked his spirit, so that he spoke unadvisedly withhis lips. It is not surprising that Moses should have spoken as he did to people who so worried and wearied him with theirrebellions and murmurings! Yet you see that God dealt sternly with His servant because of his sin and He will do the samewith those of us who bear the vessels of the Lord. The higher our office, the greater our responsibility. One slip of temperin the meek Moses shuts him out of the Promised Land! So see what sin will do and see how one who sins in a smaller degreethan others may be made a scapegoat for them.
34-36. They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them: but were mingled among the heathen and learnedtheir work And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. God warned them that it would be so! He told them thatthey must drive out those Canaanites and not make a league with them, or else they would be sure to be led astray by them.
37, 38. They even sacrificed their sons and daughters unto devils, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons andof their daughters whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. Yet these were God'speople whom He brought out of Egypt-whom He tutored in the wilderness, whom He fed with manna, and to whom He gave miraculousstreams from the Rock-these were the only people in the world whom God had chosen as His own! The rest were sitting in darkness,yet see at what degradation they had fallen!
39. Thus were they defiled with their own words, and played the harlot by their own inventions. They were not true to God-theyplunged into every kind of uncleanness.
40, 41. Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against His people, insomuch that He abhorred His own inheritance. AndHe gave them into the hand of the heathen, and they that hated them ruled over them. Read the history of God's ancient peopleand you will see how often this occurred.
42-44. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand. Many times did He deliverthem; but they provoked Him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity. Nevertheless-[See
Sermon #1886, Volume 32-GOD'S REMEMBRANCE OF HIS COVENANT.] Oh, that
wonderful, "nevertheless"-
44-48. He regarded their affliction, when He heard their cry: and for their sake He remembered His Covenant, and repentedaccording to the multitude of His mercies. He made them also to be pitied of all those that carried them captives. Save us,O LORD our God, and gather us from among the heathen, to give thanks unto Your holy name, and to triumph in Your praise. Blessedbe the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting; and let all the people say, Amen. Praise the LORD. And well wemay!