Sermon 3146. The Power of Christ's Presence

(No. 3146)




"Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said unto Peter, It is the Lord." John 21:7.

I AM going to speak, on this occasion, to my Brothers and Sisters who are workers for Christ. When our Lord met His Apostlesby the lake and provided for them that memorable meal, He did not think it out of place to say to Peter, "Feed My lambs; feedMy sheep." These practical exhortations were regarded by Him as quite in keeping with holy fellowship and so, though we arecoming to the Communion Table at the close of this service, I feel that I am only right in speaking upon practical mattersto you, my fellow laborers and fellow soldiers in the work and warfare of Christ. And I pray that God will, through me, speakto all here who love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You know that we read in the Gospels according to Luke and John, of two miraculous draughts of fishes. [See Sermon

#443, Volume 8-THE TWO DRAUGHTS OF FISHES.] The one that is recorded in this Chapter from which our text is taken was, inseveral respects, similar to that which was worked at an earlier period of our Lord's history.

Before He called His Apostles, He worked the miracle of giving them a great haul of fish after they had toiled all the nightand had taken nothing. And then, after He had died upon the Cross and risen from the grave, He repeated the miracle in almostidentical fashion. I think there was a great lesson which our Savior intended His disciples to learn from that repetition.The miracle was a picture-and He wanted them to look upon it and catch the idea it was meant to convey-and as they had probablynot all caught it the first time, He held the picture up before them again, that they might have another opportunity of learningthe lesson which He had intended it to teach them.

You notice that in both instances they had toiled-they had toiled all the night-but they had toiled in vain. The night wasthe best season for fishing, as it still is. They had toiled in the place where they had often caught fish before, for theywere experienced fishermen, apt at their craft. Yet after using all the means that had been successful at other times, theywere unsuccessful, for they had taken nothing. They had toiled perseveringly, too, for it was not only at night that theyhad toiled, but all the night. From the time when they pushed forth from the shore, in the moonlight, until the morning starwarned them of the dawning of the new day, they had toiled. Yet they had taken nothing.

This teaches us that we may work for Christ and try to win souls for Him-and do that work at the best time, in the best wayand even persevere in doing it-and yet be unsuccessful. We must be unsuccessful if, like the disciples, we are laboring withoutthe Master's Presence. In both instances, the turning-point was when the Master came. On the first occasion, He borrowed Peter'sboat and preached a sermon from it to the crowd upon the shore. And then He said to Peter, "Launch out into the deep and letdown your nets for a draught." In the second case, He bade the disciples, "cast the net on the right side of the ship." Butin both instances it was the appearance of Jesus that filled the netand filled it so miraculously that the despairing toilersof the night realized that Someone who was more than man had spoken to them- and they fell down to worship Him as Divine.So whenever Jesus comes to His workers, however unsuccessful they may have been, they are sure to succeed when He is there!Yes, and to succeed beyond their own expectations-just as the disciples were surprised that by the same hands which all nighthad taken nothing, 153 great fishes should be taken-and out of the same nets which were empty all the night, (save here andthere a piece of tangled weed to mock their hopes), there should come so many great fishes upon which they and others mightbe feasted to their full! The Apostles could not do anything without their Lord and neither can we-so the main point for usto remember is that we need Jesus Christ to

come into our midst-and this point I shall try to drive home with all my might, praying God the Holy Spirit to stir up thehearts of His people so that they may have a great longing to be useful in the winning of souls and realize that this canonly be achieved by those who enjoy true fellowship with Christ!


First, there was a dissimilarity in which the advantage is altogether on our side. The Apostle Peter and his brethren hadbeen fishing unsuccessfully, but they had not been commanded to fish. They may or may not have been right in fishing at thattime, but at any rate, they were doing it on their own account. Peter said, "I am going fishing." It was his own work, doneentirely in accordance with his own will-Christ had not bidden him go fishing. But in our case, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,we have our Lord's commission, "Go you into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." We have received thisDivine commission, so that when we preach the Gospel, we are not fishing as amateurs or self-sent volunteers, but as thosewho are sent by the Most High to do His bidding. When He commissions anyone, there is a sort of implied guarantee that Hewill give him success. At any rate, He will not send His servant upon a fool's errand, but by some means or other, He whogives the authority will be sure to give the power that is needed to go with it. "Wisdom is justified of all her children."You, dear Brothers and Sisters, in trying to serve God, each of you in your proper sphere, have done what you were sent todo, for Jesus has said to you as He said to His disciples, "As My Father has sent Me, even so send I you." Remember that passagealmost at the end of the Revelation, "Let him that hears, say, Come." Having heard the Gospel, you have tried to say, "Come,"to the people and you have not gone beyond your commission in doing so, for you were commanded to do it! Every Believer isa priest-under the Christian dispensation there is no other priesthood save that of our Lord Jesus Christ and that which iscommon to every Believer in Him. So when you, having believed on Him, have gone to speak of Him to others, you have only exercisedthat royal priesthood which is rightly yours, for He "has made us kings and priests unto God." So, first, the Apostles wentfishing without having any commission to fish and, therefore, they were unsuccessful. But we have an advantage over them becausein the Gopelfishery, every true child of God who casts the net is commissioned by his Master to do so!

The disciples also had not their Master with them. All the night when they were casting the net and drawing it in, and findingnothing in it, they were by themselves. But that is not the case with us. As a Church we can say that we have had the Master'sPresence with us these many years. Oftentimes in our assemblies we have been as sure of His Presence as we can ever be sureof anything! Our hearts have been rejoiced, purified and sanctified by gazing upon Him by faith. There have been Prayer Meetingsin which I hope all of us have felt bowed down and humbled like Peter was when the Master was in his boat. And there havebeen times of solemn rejoicing over converted sinners in which the Lord Jesus has been manifestly in our midst! His promise,"Lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world," has been most graciously fulfilled in our experience and we, therefore,bless the Savior that we have not to wait for Him to come to us, for He has long been with us and has never left us! Thesemany years the simple preaching of Jesus Christ and Him crucified has filled this House of Prayer as it is tonight. Peopleknow that there is nothing to be heard here but the old, old story "of the Crucified Savior, yet let the weather be as rigorousas it may, still will the crowds come to hear the Word of the Lord-and in this we do rejoice and evermore will rejoice! Inthis respect, also, we have the advantage over the fishermen on the Sea of Galilee.

And so we have in another point-because the Master was not with them, they caught nothing-but it cannot be said of us thatwe have taken nothing. I do not know that it would be right for us to try to compute how many souls have professed to havefound the Savior during the years in which we have worked together, but I believe, Brothers, we may say this to the Gloryof God and to the honor of the simple Gospel that we have preached-the number who have joined this Church, alone, can onlybe spoken of by thousands. And if we were to speak of tens of thousands, yes, and many tens of thousands who here and elsewherehave found the Savior under the Word preached by us, we would not exaggerate in the least. We put the crown upon the headof our Master, but what joy we feel that it has been so! Suppose that He had left us? Vain would it have been for us to preachthe Word, even with earnestness, for earnestness, alone, will not convert souls. There must be the Presence of Jesus to blessmen-and it has been with us, year after year, even unto this day,

glory be to His holy name! [The years referred to number approximately 20.]

In these points, then, our case is dissimilar to that of the Apostles when they were toiling all the night and had taken nothing.

But we are precisely like the Apostles in certain other points, the first of which is that we would have taken nothing ifthe Master had not helped us. No child would have come from the Sunday school to say, "I love the Savior and wish to confessmy faith in Him and to unite with the Church here." No young woman would have come out of that large and blessed Bible classif the Lord had not put the right words into the lips of the Sister who speaks for Him there. No young man would have beenconverted in our senior classes if the Spirit of God had not gone with the conductors. And from this pulpit no Word of Lifewould have been spoken if it had not been first given to us by God and then sent home to the hearts of our hearers by theHoly Spirit. We would have "taken nothing" without our Lord!

And even now, Brothers and Sisters, our success is wonderfully like the non-success of the Apostles, for we have scarcelytaken anything in comparison with what still needs to be taken! Even when we speak of tens of thousands converted, what arethey in comparison with the millions all around us in this vast city? When God gives us an increase of a hundred or a 120in a month, we are glad and thankful, but large as those numbers are, what are they compared with the perishing myriads ofLondon alone? Why should we not have 3,000 converts in a day as on the day of Pentecost? Why is it that our Churches are notmultiplied till they cover this city in every part? Why does not the old Church of Christ, (for such we are), the old Catholicand Apostolic Church of Christ, come more to the front instead of lingering in the background? It is because we have not yetthe fullness of the Master's power as we must have it-and desire to have it to the praise of His Glory! Christ's Presence,if He would but come among us in the fullness of His strength, would do so much more for us than anything that we have everseen-that we would be as much astounded by the increase as the Apostles were by the two great draughts of fishes! Christ hadbut to will it and the fish came swimming in shoals to the net-and He has but to will it and souls will be converted by millionsto Himself and His Gospel! He had but to give His disciples the directions to where to cast the net and the same net thathad been empty would become full. And He has but to teach His ministers how to preach, and touch their lips with a burningcoal off the altar to fire them with a Pentecostal enthu-siasm-and they would speak in a way in which as yet they have neverspoken and with a power they have never yet experienced! Such days are promised and they will surely come. We are not straitenedin God. We are straitened in ourselves. If we have not those glorious days of ingathering, it is because some sin of oursstill keeps the Master's Glory from us. Oh, let us turn to Him and may He graciously turn to us!-

"Let our mutual love be fervent,

Make us prevalent in prayers!

Let each one esteemed Your servant

Shun the world's bewitching snares,

Lord, revive us,

All our help must come from You!"

II. Now, secondly, I have to speak upon THE MEANS WHICH WE ARE TO USE SO AS TO GAIN OUR MASTER'S PRESENCE. I have tried toshow you that all our success must come from Him and all that He gives us must be ascribed to Him. So how can we secure HisPresence? We have it in a measure-how can we have it more fully?

Well, let us always remember that He comes just where He wills to come. There is absolute Sovereignty about the work of Christin the Kingdom of His Grace. As the wind blows where it wishes, so does the Spirit of God work wherever He pleases. I do notthink that we can always account for the great success of one preacher and the non-success of another by anything that wecan see. We have to fall back upon the Sovereignty of God and say, "God wills it and, therefore, it is." He will have us knowthat Sovereignty is His Divine prerogative. He has the key of David-He opens and no man shuts. He shuts and no man opens.If He wills it, the rain shall descend steadily to make fat the fields. But if He wills it, He can restrain the dew of Heavenuntil the most fertile Church shall become barren as the mountains of Gilboa! He exercises His power not according to ourwill,but according to His own will-we must never forget that.

At the same time, what course should we take in order to secure His Presence? I reply, first, that we had better go on withour work for Him. If we want Christ to bless us and we are doing work for Him, we had better keep on steadily doing it. Thesedisciples of His had been fishing all night. Perhaps if they had not fished at night Christ would not have given them fishin the daytime. He does not often come to bless idlers-He acts Sovereignly, as I have said, but He gener-

ally gives His blessing to those Churches that do the most for Him. I have always found that an earnest Gospel ministry anda prayerfully united Church will have God's blessing when others will not have it. Go on, Sunday school teachers, go on, tractdistributors! Go on, Evangelists-go on, all of you who are laboring for Christ-keep, each one, to his own service and evenif it has been night with you and you have taken nothing, still keep on at your toil! Probably the best way to bring the Masterto you is to labor for Him with all your might.

Sometimes, however, it will be necessary for us to wash or mend our nets. In the miracle recorded by Luke, we find that thefishermen, after toiling all night, were washing their nets-and either on that occasion, or on a similar one, some of themwere mending their nets. Every Church needs to do that and every Church member, every Christian worker needs to do that. Thepreacher will do well to adopt another style-to study more diligently and to make himself more proficient in the knowledgeof the Word. Sunday school teachers must more carefully study the lessons for their classes and go to their scholars betterprepared for their work. Your nets will often need washing and mending if you are to be fishers of men-and all of you willbe more likely to get the Master's blessing if you pay more attention to the means you are using for doing good in His service!Christ does not want slovenly work, nor is He likely to bless those who think that any kind of service will do for Him. Ihave heard of a preacher who thought that whatever came first into his head was good enough for his people. On one occasion,he informed one of his officers, at the end of his sermon, that he had never thought of it before he entered the pulpit. Andthe good Elder replied, "I thought so while listening to you. I thought that if you had considered it beforehand, you wouldnever have said what you did." We all need to wash and mend our nets-I mean that we all need to do Christ's work in the bestpossible way-and that is the way in which we are most likely to be privileged with His Presence.

On that first occasion, the fishermen had been listening to Christ's words, for they had, at His request, turned their boatinto a pulpit in which He sat down and taught the people who stood on the shore. Was there any connection between that incidentand the great haul of fish? I think there was and that if they had not granted Christ's request, and listened to His sermon,He would not have blessed them with that multitude of fish. At all events, I know that a worker will always be all the betterfor waiting a while and sitting as a learner at Christ's feet-reading the Word for Himself, or listening to the Truth as itis preached by some God-sent minister. The message may strike a keynote in your heart which shall so influence your wholelife that, henceforth, you shall be in a different condition and more likely to be blessed of the Most High.

Do you ask, "What is there that will bring Christ to a Church and keep Him there?" I reply, in a word, prayer. There is noforce in nature that is equal to the power of prayer! The law of gravitation holds the planets in their orbits and links thesun to all the spheres that circle round him, but prayer has before now made gravitation, itself, cease to exert its energy!"Sun, stand you still upon Gibeon," said Joshua-who had first spoken to the Lord about the matter- "and you, Moon, in thevalley of Ajalon"-and sun and moon stood still! We speak that which, to many nowadays, only causes ridicule, but to our mindsit seems ridiculous to doubt that God listens to the voice of men. When men are made in the image of God-twice-made and somade His children-surely their believing prayers shall move the heart of their heavenly Father! You remember what Christ saidto His disciples, in His Sermon on the Mount? "If you, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, howmuch more shall your Father which is in Heaven give good things to them that ask Him?" Of course He will listen to the voicesof those whom He so dearly loves! You know, Beloved, that there is power in prayer. When Believers meet together and unitedlycry, "Lord, revive Your work. Put more power into the ministry. Make the hearts of Your people to be more full of love andzeal. Save the ungodly. Awaken the unconcerned!"-It will be done. It is not with us merely a matter of hope that earnest prayerwill bring blessing to the Church and to the world-it is a matter of fact it must be so! The laws of Nature may be suspended,but laws that appertain to God's own Character for truth and faithfulness cannot be suspended. He would not be God if He didnot answer prayer! His own promises bind Him to do so. O you that doubt Him, try Him! If any of you question the power ofprayer, see what has already been done by it. As for you who are the servants of the living God and who have access to HisMercy Seat, you have but to ask and to receive-you have but to seek and to find-you have but to knock and the door shall beopened to you! Brothers and Sisters in Christ, join one another in praying Christ to come into our midst! Do pray for a blessing,pray mightily for it-and rest not day nor night till that blessing comes!

We must, however, add to prayer the waiting for that blessing that we seek After Christ had ascended to Heaven, His discipleswent to an upper room and waited there till the Holy Spirit was given to them on the day of Pentecost. They did not sit therethinking that perhaps the promised blessing might come, or might not come, but there they waited till they heard the "soundfrom Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind" and the "cloven tongues, like as of fire, sat upon each of them." So let us cometogether in our assemblies expecting the blessing which the Lord has promised, for the blessing will certainly come if webelievingly expect it. "Open your mouth wide," says God, "and I will fill it!" Oh, for the capacity to believe God, for assuredlyGod will never dishonor our faith!

And then, to our expectation, we must add the opening of our own hearts to receive the blessing. We want the Savior to blessus and He says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to himand will sup with him, and he with Me." He is ready to bless you, Beloved-are you ready to be blessed by Him? O you that loveHim, fling wide the doors of your heart and ask Him to come in! He has bought you with His heart's blood-will you not giveHim your heart's best love? He is Himself your Beloved, your Husband, your All-in-All, so treat Him not as a stranger. LetHim not stand and knock any longer, but open wide the door and bid Him come in! Is it your will, dear Brothers and Sisters,to receive Him? Do you really want Him? Do you long for more of Him? You will have to be very prayerful and very careful ifHe does come to you, for He is a jealous lover-and when He dwells in the heart, He looks with severe eyes upon anything contraryto His will that is done by His own dear ones-just as a king will tolerate in a stranger what he would not endure from a courtier.I am afraid we sometimes pray for sanctifica-tion and do not really wish for it-and I am also afraid that we sometimes askfor a great blessing and do not really wish for it. Do you believe that Christ can come to us and bless us? Are you livingas if you expected Him to come to you? If so, when He comes you will be overawed by the majesty of His Presence-and you willsay with John, "It is the Lord." As we hear of blessing in the Sunday school, we shall say, "It is the Lord." As we hear ofthe work of Grace in the Bible classes, we shall say, "It is the Lord." And at every Church Meeting, as we hear the storiesof those who have been brought to believe in Jesus, we shall say, "It is the Lord," for no one else could have worked so blesseda work in our midst!

I wish I knew how to put this subject before you so that every believing heart would be affected by it to the highest possibledegree-but I do not-and therefore, as we are coming to the Communion Table, I will try to use the sacred feast to stir upyou who are serving Christ to pray for more of His Presence. You have here before you the memorials of His love to you. Hegave His body to be broken for you, His heart to be pierced for you. Has Christ done all this for you and will you not domuch for Him? You are saved, your sins are covered, you are His dear child-then will you not spend and be spent for Him? Ifthe Master were to come and stand here tonight instead of me-and show you His pierced hands and feet and then were to callyou, His own people, up, one by one and put such questions as these to you, (I will give you the questions directly)-I wonderhow you would feel? You would come up these stairs dazzled with His beauty and overwhelmed with His love as He gazed uponyou! And then He would say to each one of you, "My blood-bought one, what are you doing for Me? Are you feeding My sheep?Are you feeding My lambs?" I think I see you blush and hear you reply, "My dear Master, I have been with some of Your lambsthis afternoon." "But did you really feed them?" "I spent a happy hour with them." "Well but did you feed them?" "I endeavoredto do so, good Master, but I am ashamed to say that I did not feed them as I should have done." "But did you feed them asMy lambs, and as I would have fed them? Did you love them? Did you speak affectionately to them? Did you tell them about Me?Did you try to bring them to Me? Did you pray over them? Did you send them away feeling that their teacher longed that theyshould all know the


Well, the Master is not here in bodily Presence and I will not put such questions to you, but I would like you to put themto yourselves and to think that you hear the Master putting them to you, even as of old He said, "Simon, son of Jonas, doyou love Me?" I think I hear Him call up some Brother and say to Him, "You who are redeemed by My precious blood, what haveyou done for Me?" I think I see you blush as He says to you again, "What have you done for Me?" At last you say, "I am a memberof the Church." "But what have you done for Me?" "I sometimes put something into the offering box." "But what have you donefor Me?" He shows His hands, lays bare His side and says, "I suffered this for you-what have you done for Me?" I fear thatthere are some members of this Church who would not like to be put to such a test as that! And for my own part, I would desireto say to the Master, "Give me a few more years in which to serve You better and give me more Grace that I may be more diligentin the service that You have allotted to me." And I pray you, beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, if you feel that youmust present the same prayer, make this your solemn resolution that, by His Spirit's help, you will lay yourselves out-body,soul and spirit-for His dear sake.

But, alas, there are some of you who do not love Him at all! Some of you to whom the Christ of God is quite a stranger. Oh,that your hearts were changed! For remember that He will soon come in His Glory and all His holy angels with Him! And youwho will not now kiss the silver scepter of Mercy that He holds out to you in the preaching of the Gospel, must then feelthe weight of that iron rod of Justice with which He will break the ungodly and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessels!Be wise, therefore, and trust the Savior now! The Lord grant that you may do so and then, having trusted Him for yourself,may you serve Him with all your heart and soul as long as you live on this earth-and then go to join that great multitudewhich no man can number of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues who stand before the Throne of God and beforethe Lamb-forever ascribing their salvation to His Grace!

Have you ever heard the story of the poor man, in deep distress of mind, who one night dreamed a dream? He found himself outsidethe gates of Heaven and he sat down and wept, for he longed to enter. Presently he heard sweet music and saw a company ofpeople approaching with palm branches in their hands. He asked who they were and one of them said that they were the noblearmy of martyrs coming to take their thrones. Then he wept much and said, "I cannot enter with you." While he sat mourning,he heard the trumpet sound, again, and another company came along singing, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain." He said tothem, "Who are you?" They replied, "We are the goodly fellowship of the Prophets and Apostles." And he wept again, for hesaid, "I cannot enter with you." Presently another company came, chanting the praises of the Grace of God. And he said, "Whoare you?" They answered, "We are the preachers of the Word, and the deacons and elders of the Church." Again he said, "I cannotenter with you." He sat down and wept till, by-and-by, he saw a larger company coming, marching like an exceedingly greatarmy, and singing sweetly as they came. In the very front rank was the woman that was a sinner, with her rich voice leadingthe song. And near her was the thief who, at the last, had prayed, "Lord, remember me." They came along right jubilantly andhe asked them, "Who are you?" And they answered, "We are the company of great sinners, saved by great mercy." At once he said,"I can go in with you!"

And, Brothers and Sisters, that is the company to which you and I belong! And when we enter Heaven, they will welcome us justas heartily as they did the martyrs, the Prophets and the Apostles! Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners-and whensinners repent, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God, and joy in the heart of God, Himself, because they havesought His pardoning mercy! If any of you are not saved, it is not because there is any lack of mercy in the heart of God!If you perish, it is not for want of an open door set before you! So come in while you may!


Verse 1. After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise showed HeHimself.May every one of you, my fellow disciples, realize that Jesus is showing Himself to you! He is only to be seen inHis own Light. He must show Himself to us, or else we shall never see Him.

2. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas calledDidymus, andNathanael of Cana in Galilee and the sons of Zebedee, andtwo other of His disciples. He had told them to go into Galilee and gave them the promise, "There shall you see Me." So nowthey were by the Galilean Lake. They were keeping their appointment with Christ and as He always keeps His appointment withHis people, He was there to meet them as He had promised.

3. Simon Peter said unto them, I am going fishing. They said unto him, We will go with you. Their Master had told them towait, but they could not wait. Surely when they were in Galilee by His command, they might have trusted Him to supply theirneeds, but their faith was slack, so Peter said, "I am going fishing," and the others were much of the same mind-waiting hadbecome weary work, as it often does with our faint hearts-so they said, "We will go with you."

3. They went forth, and entered immediately into a ship; and that night they caught nothing. As is generally the case withus in our will-work and will-worship. When we are not guided of God, but go entirely according to our own mind and will itwill be thus with us, also. Men attempt some business speculation without asking guidance of God and they make a miserablefailure of it, so that it might be written of them as of the disciples, "That night they caught nothing."

4. But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. They were thinkingof fishing, so they saw boats, nets and the sea. If they had been thinking of Jesus, they would have looked for Him-and whenHe came, they would have known Him.

5. Then Jesus said unto them, Children, have you anymeat?"Have you anything to eat?"

5. They answered Him, No. But that was not His fault.

6. And He said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you shall find. They cast therefore, and now theywere not able to draw it in for the multitude of fishes. He testified His Presence by crowning their exertions with His blessing.And soon they had a great catch of great fishes-a great contrast to their night of fruitless toil.

7. 8. Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was thelord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked), and did cast himself into the sea. And the other disciples camein the little ship, (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits), dragging the net with fishe. Weoften come very slowly to Christ because we will drag that net with fishes. We have such a deal of care, anxiety, and troublewhen we need not have any at all-and so we come slowly, "dragging the net with fishes."

9. As soon, then, as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. Why did theywant to go fishing on their own account? Christ had all that they needed ready for them-there was the fire and there werethe fish cooking on it, ready for their breakfast. It was the Lord Jesus Christ's business to provide for them and He didso.

10, 11. Jesus said unto them, Bring of the fish which you have now caught Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land fullof great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three and for all there were so many, yet the net was not broken. And there laythose 153 big fishes on the beach. Christ had no need of them but perhaps He condescended to use some of them for that morningmeal, as He said to Peter, "Bring of the fish which you have now caught."

12. Jesus said unto them, Come and dine. [See Sermon #2072, Volume 35-BREAKFAST WITH JESUS.] Or, "Come and break your fastafter your long night's toil." How they must have opened their eyes to see the fish ready cooked for them to eat!

12. And none of the disciples dared ask Him, Who are You? knowing that it was the Lord. "It was the Lord"-"the Lord" who hadasked them if they had any food, "the Lord" who had filled the net which had previously been empty, "the Lord" who had giventhem His own fish from His own fire that they might have breakfast with Him! O good Master, if we have been toiling all weekand have caught nothing, call us now to come and eat of that which You have, Yourself, prepared!

13-15. Jesus then came and took bread, and gave them some, and fish likewise. This is now the third time that Jesus showedHimself to His disciples after that He was risen from the dead. So when they had dined, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon,son of Jonas, Do you love Me more than these?"More than this lot of fish, these boats, these nets? You gave them all up forMe once, but now you have taken to them again-do you really love Me better than your fishing and your fish?"

15. He said unto Him, Yes, Lord; You know that Ilove You. He said unto him, FeedMylambs. [See Sermon #1684, Volume


fish any more, but attend to My business-'feed My lambs.' The proof of your greater love to Me than to all worldly thingswill be found in your doing of the work which I have committed to your charge."

16. He said to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, Do you love Me?[See Sermons #117, Volume 3-do you love

ME? And #1281, Volume 22-"DO YOU LOVE ME?"] He said unto Him, Yes,

Lord; You know that I love You. He said unto him, Feed My sheep. "Quit the sea. I am giving you no more business there-comenow and be a pastor to My blood-bought sheep."

17. He said unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, Do you love Me? Peter was grieved because He said unto him the thirdtime, Do you love Me? And he said unto Him, Lord, You know all things; You know that Ilove You. [See

Sermon #2669, Volume 46-COMFORT FROM CHRIST'S OMNISCIENCE.] Thrice

he had denied his Lord, so thrice he must be questioned concerning his love to the Lord whom he said he did not even know.And then for the third time he was re-commissioned by his Lord.

17-19. Jesus said unto hiim, Feed My sheep. Verily, verily, I say unto you, When you were young, you gird yourself, and walkedwhere you willed: but when you shall be old, you shall stretch forth your hands, and another shall gird you, and carry youwhere you would not. This spoke He, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And When He had spoken this, He said untohim, Follow Me. Peter's death was to glorify God, so he might well be content, painful though it was to be.

20, 21. Then Peter, turning about, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved [See Sermon #1539, Volume 26-"the disciple whom Jesus

LOVED".] following; which also leaned on His breast at supper,

and said, Lord, which is he that betrays you? Peter seeing him said to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Our Lord neveranswered such a foolish, inquisitive question as this! And therefore-

22. Jesus said unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me. That is how Christ wouldanswer any similar questions that we might put to Him. We need not concern ourselves so much about what is to happen to othersuntil we have made our own calling and election sure. "What is that to you? You follow Me."

23. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shallnot die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to you? This is only one of many instances in which Christ'swords have been twisted and made to mean something quite different from what He intended.

24. 25. This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true.And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written, every one, I suppose that eventhe world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.