Sermon 3029. God's Tender Mercy
(No. 3029)
"The tender mercy of our God." Luke 1:78.
IT was a proof of great tenderness, on God's part, to think of His sinful creature, man, at all. When the created one hadwillfully set himself in opposition to his Creator, that Creator might at once have destroyed him, or have left him to himself-towork out his own destruction. It was Divine tenderness that looked on such an insignificant creature impudently engaging inso gross a revolt! It was also infinite tenderness which had, long before that, considered man so carefully as, practically,to frame a plan by which the fallen might be restored. It was a wonder of mercy that Infallible Wisdom should unite with almightypower to prepare a method by which rebellious man might be reconciled to his Maker. It was the highest possible degree oftenderness that God should give up His own Son, His only-begotten Son, that He might bleed and die in order to accomplishthe great work of our redemption. It is also indescribable tenderness that God should, in addition to the gift of His Son,take such pity upon our weakness and our wickedness as to send the Holy Spirit to lead us to accept that "unspeakable Gift."It is Divine tenderness which bears with our obstinacy in rejecting Christ-Divine tenderness which plies us with incessantexpostulation and invitation-all to induce us to be merciful to ourselves by accepting the immeasurable Gift which God's tendermercy so freely presents to us.
It was wonderful tenderness on God's part that when He thought of saving man, He was not content with lifting him up to theplace which he had occupied before he fell, but he must lift him far higher them he was before, for, before the Fall, therewas no man who could truly call himself the equal of the Eternal-but now, in the Person of Christ Jesus, manhood is unitedwith Deity! And of all the creatures that God has made, man is the only one whom He has taken into union with Himself andset over all the works of His hands. There was infinite tenderness in God's first thoughts of love toward us and it has beenDivine tenderness right through up till now! And that same tenderness will bring our souls into Heaven where we shall saywith David, "Your gentleness has made me great."
I am going to speak of the tenderness of God's mercy towards sinners, in the fond hope that, perhaps, some of you who havenever yet loved our God, may see how great has been His love to you and so may be enamored of Him-and trust in His dear Son,Jesus Christ-and so be saved!
I. And, first, I will try to show you that in the mercy of God THERE IS GREAT TENDERNESS IN ITS GREAT PROVISIONS.
There is a wounded soldier bleeding out his life upon the battlefield and here comes a friend, merciful and tender, who hasbrought him a refreshing draught which will help to bring him back to consciousness and open his half-glazed eyes again. Heis covered with a clammy sweat, but there is cold water with which to wipe his fevered brow. His wounds are gaping wide andhis very life is oozing forth from him, but his friend has brought the salve and bandages with which to strap up every wound.Is this all that he has provided for the wounded warrior? No, for there is a stretcher, carried by men who choose their stepswith care, so that they do not jolt the poor invalid. Where will they carry him? The hospital is prepared. The bed-so soft,just fit to bear such a mass of weakness and pain-is waiting for him and the nurse stands there in readiness to render suchservice as may be required. The man soon sleeps the sleep that brings with it restoration-and when he opens his eyes, whatdoes he see? Just such food as is suited to his circumstances and needs! A bunch of flowers is also placed near him, to gladdenand cheer him with their beauty and fragrance. And a friend comes stepping softly up, and asks whether he has a wife, or amother, or any friend to whom a letter may be written for him.
Before he thinks of anything that he needs, it is there beside him and, almost before he can express a wish, it is supplied!This is one instance of the tenderness of human sympathy, but infinitely greater is the tenderness of God towards guilty sinners!He has thought of all that a sinner can possibly need and he has provided in abundance all that the guilty soul can requireto bring him safe into Heaven itself!
For every individual case, God, in the Covenant ofHis Grace, seems to have prepared some separate good thing. For great sinners,whose iniquities are many and gross, there are gracious words like these, "Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall beas white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool." If the man has not fallen into such depths ofopen sin, the Lord says to him, as the tender-hearted Savior said to one who was in that condition, "One thing you lack"-andthat one thing the Grace of God is prepared to supply! There is as much in the Word of God to encourage the moral to cometo Christ as there is to woo the immoral to forsake their sins and accept "the tender mercy of our God." If there are childrenor young people who desire to find the Lord, there is this special promise for them, "Those that seek Me early shall findMe." Yes, even for the little ones there are such tender words as these, "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, andforbid them not: for of such is the Kingdom of God." Then, if the sinner is an aged man, he is reminded that some were broughtto labor in the vineyard even at the 11th hour! And if he is actually dying, there is encouragement for him in the narrativeof the dying thief who trusted in the dying Savior and who, when he closed his eyes on earth, opened them with Christ in Paradise!So again I say that in the Covenant of His Grace, God has seemed to meet the peculiar case of every sinner who really desiresto be saved. If you are very sad and depressed, desponding and almost dismayed, there are Divine declarations and promisesthat are exactly suited to your case! Here are a few of them-"He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds." "TheLord takes pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy." "A bruised reed shall He not break, and the smokingflax shall He not quench." Everything seems to be done on purpose that into whatever condition a man may have fallen throughthe grievous malady of sin, God may come to him, not roughly, but most tenderly, and give to him just what he most needs!I rejoice to be able to say that all that a sinner can need between here and Heaven is provided in the Gospel of Christ-allfor pardon, all for the new nature, all for preservation, all for perfecting and all for glorifying is treasured up in ChristJesus, in whom it pleased the Father that all fullness should dwell!
Let us, then, before we go any further, bless that tender thoughtfulness of God which, foreseeing the greatness of our sinsand our sorrows, our needs and our weaknesses, has provided for our vast necessities a boundless store of Grace and mercy!
II. But, secondly, the tenderness of God is seen IN THE METHODS BY WHICH HE BRINGS SINNERS TO HIMSELF.
The old system of surgery may have been useful in its time, but it certainly was not very tender. On board a man-of-war afteraction, what rough methods were adopted by those who were trying to save the lives of the wounded! Some of the remedies thatwe read of in the old doctors' books must have been a great deal more horrible than the diseases they were intended to cure,and I do not doubt that many of the patients died through the use of these rough remedies. But God's method of showing mercyto man is always Divinely tender. It is always powerful but, while masculine in its force, it is feminine in its tenderness.
See now, my dear Hearer, God has sent the Gospel to you, but how has He sent it? He might have sent it to you by an angel-abright seraph might have stood here to tell you, in flaming sentences, of the mercy of God. But you would have been alarmedif you could have seen him and you would have fled from his presence! You would have been altogether out of order for thereception of the angelic message. Instead of sending an angel to you, the Lord has sent the Gospel to you by a man of likepassions with yourself-one who can sympathize with you in your waywardness and who will affectionately try to deliver hismessage to you in such a form as will best meet your weakness. Some of you first heard the Gospel from your dear mother'slips-who else could tell the sweet story as well as she could? Or you have listened to it from a friend whose tearful eyesand heaving bosom proved how intensely she loved your soul. Be thankful that God has not thundered out the Gospel from Sinaiwith sound of trumpet, waxing loud and long, reminding you of the terrific blast of the last tremendous day, but that theblessed message of salvation, "Believe and live," comes to you from a fellow creature's tongue in melting tones that pleadfor its reception!
See also the tenderness of God's mercy in another respect, in that the Gospel is not sent to you in an unknown tongue. Youhave not to go to school to learn the Greek, or Hebrew, or Latin language in order that you may read about the way of salvation.It is sent to you in your homely Saxon mother tongue. I can honestly say that I have never sought after the beauties of eloquenceand the refinements of rhetoric, but if there has been a word, more rough and ready than another, which I thought would favormy purpose of making plain the message of the Gospel, I have always chosen that word. Though I might have spoken in anotherfashion had I chosen to do so, I have thought it right and best, as the Apostle Paul did, to "use great plainness of speech,"that no one of my hearers might be able to truthfully say, "I could not understand the plan of salvation as it was set forthby my minister." Well, then, since you have heard the Gospel so plainly preached that you have no need of a dictionary inorder to understand it, see in this fact the tender mercy of God and His desire to win your soul unto Himself!
Remember, too, that the Gospel comes to men not only by the most suitable form of ministry, and in the simplest style of language,but it also comes to men just as they are. Whatever your condition may be, the Gospel is suitable to you. If you have liveda life of vice, the Gospel comes to you and says, "Repent you therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out."You may, on the other hand, have lived a life of self-righteousness. If so, the Gospel bids you lay aside this worthless righteousnessof your own, which is as filthy rags, and bids you put on the spotless robe of Christ's righteousness! You may be very tender-hearted,or you may be quite the reverse. Your tears may readily flow, or you may be hard as the neither millstone, but, in eithercase, God's Gospel is exactly suited to you! Yes, blessed be the name of the Lord, if a sinner is at the very gates of Hell,the Gospel is adapted to his desperate condition and can lift him up even out of the depths of despair!
One other thing I want you to particularly notice, and that is that the mercy of God is so tender because it comes to younow. If you are able to relieve a poor sufferer at once, and yet you keep him waiting, your treatment is as cruel as it istardy. But God's Gospel says, "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation!" If any sinner standsoutside Mercy's gate for even half an hour, he must put the blame for his exclusion down to his own account, for, if he wouldbut obey the Gospel message and trust to the finished work of Christ, the door would be opened at once! Such delays as thisare not God's delays, but ours! And if we postpone our acceptance of His mercy, we have ourselves to blame!
What does the Gospel ask of us? It certainly asks nothing of us but what it gives to us. It never asks of any man a sum ofmoney in order that he may redeem his soul with gold. The poorest are as heartily welcomed by Christ as the richest! And thebeggar who could count all his money on his fingers is as gladly received as the millionaire who has his stocks and his shares,his lands and his ships! Poor men are bid to come to Jesus "without money and without price."
Neither does the Lord ask of us any severe penances and punishments in order to make us acceptable to Him. He does not requireyou to put your bodies to torture, or to pass through a long series of outward and visible mortification of the flesh. Youmay trust Christ while you are sitting in your pew-and if you do so, you shall be at once forgiven and accepted!
No great depth of learning is asked as a condition of salvation. In order to be a Christian, one need not be a philosopher.Do you know yourself to be a sinner-guilty, lost, condemned-and Christ to be a Savior? Do you trust Christ to be yourSavior?Then you are saved, however ignorant you may be about other matters!
Nor is any great measure of spiritual depression asked as a qualification for coming to Christ. I know that some preachersseem to teach that you must not come to Christ till you have first been to the devil-I mean that you must not believe thatChrist is able and willing to save you until you have been, as it were, right up to Hell's gates in terror of conscience andawful depression of spirits! Jesus Christ asks not anything like this of you-but if you truly repent and forsake your sins,give up the evils which are destroying you and put your trust in the griefs and pains which He endured upon the Cross, youare saved!
Nor does the Gospel even ask a great amount of faith of you. To be saved does not require Abraham's faith, nor the faith ofPaul or Peter. It requires a like precious faith-faith similar in substance and in essence, but not in degree. If you canbut touch the hem of Christ's garment, you shall be made whole! If your view of Christ is such a poor trembling glance thatyou seem to yourself scarcely to have seen Him, yet that look will be the means of salvation to you! If you can but believe,all things are possible to him that believes! And though your belief is but as a grain of mustard seed, yet shall it ensureyour entrance into Heaven! What a precious Savior Christ is! If you have sincere trust in Him, even though it is but veryfaint and feeble, you shall be accepted. If you can, from your heart, say to Christ, "Lord, remember me when You come intoYour Kingdom," you shall soon have His gracious assurance, "You shall be with Me in Paradise." Do not delude yourself withthe idea that there is a great deal for you to do and to feel in order to fit yourself for coming to Christ. All such fitnessis nothing but unfitness! All that you can do to make yourself ready for Christ to save you is to make yourself more unready!The fitness for washing is to be filthy-the fitness for being relieved is to be poor and needy. The fitness for being healedis to be sick-and the fitness for being pardoned is to be a sinner! If you are a sinner-and I guarantee you that you are-hereis the Inspired Apostolic declaration, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came intothe world to save sinners." And to that declaration we may add our Lord's own words, "He that believes on Him is not condemned.""He that believes and is baptized shall be saved." Oh that God would give all of you the Grace to receive this gracious Gospel,whose requirements are so tenderly and so mercifully brought down to your low estate!
IV. The fourth point which illustrates God's tender mercy is this-THERE IS GREAT TENDERNESS ABOUT ALL THE ARGUMENTS OF THEGOSPEL.
How does the Gospel speak to men? It tells them, first, of the Father's love. You never can forget, if you have once heardor read it, the story of the prodigal son who wasted his substance with riotous living. You remember how he said, when hewas feeding the swine, "I will arise and go to my father." That was a Divine touch and showed the Savior's master hand whenHe put it in and again when He added this affecting description, "When he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, andhad compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him." Sinner, that is God's way of coming to meet you! If you wantto meet Him, He sees that yearning desire and that trembling wish of yours and He will come more than half way to meet you!Yes, it is because He comes all the waythat you are able to go any part of the way!
How else does the Gospel talk to men? Why, it tells them of the great Shepherd's love. He lost one sheep from His flock andHe left the 99 in the wilderness while He went to seek the one which had gone astray. And when He had found it, He laid iton His shoulders, rejoicing, and when He came home, He said to His friends and neighbors, "Rejoice with Me; for I have foundMy sheep which was lost." That lost sheep was the type of an unconverted sinner, and that Shepherd is the bleeding Saviorwho came to seek and to save that which was lost!
Ought not such arguments as these prevail with you? When the Gospel seeks to win a sinner's heart-its master plea comes fromthe heart, the blood, the wounds, the death of the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ, the compassionate Savior! The thunders ofSinai might drive you away from God, but the groans of Calvary ought to draw you to Him! God's tender mercy appeals even toman's self-interest and says to him, "Why will you die? Your sins will kill you. Why do you cling to them?" It says to him,"The pains of Hell are terrible." And it only mentions them in love, so that the sinner may never have to feel them, but mayescape from them. Mercy also adds, "The Grace of God is boundless, so your sin may be pardoned. The Heaven of God is wideand large, so there is room for you there." Mercy thus pleads with the Sinner, "God will be glorified in your salvation, forHe delight in mercy, and He says that as He lives, He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turnfrom his way and live."
I cannot enlarge upon this point, but must be content with saying that all Scripture proves God's love to sinners. Almostevery page of Scripture speaks to you, Sinner, with a message of love! And even when God speaks in terrible language, warningmen to flee from the wrath to come, there is always this gracious purpose in it-that men may be persuaded not to ruin themselvesand may, through the abounding mercy of God, accept the free gift of eternal life instead of willfully choosing the wagesof sin which must assuredly be death!
O my dear Hearers, as I think of some of you who are unconverted, I can hardly tell you how sad I feel when I recollect againstwhat tenderness you have sinned! God has been very good to many of you. You have been kept from the depths of poverty, youhave even been dandled on the knee of prosperity. Yet you have forgotten God! Others of you have had many Providential helpsin fighting the battle of life. You have been often Divinely assisted when you were sick, or when your poor wife and childrenwere all but in need. God very graciously stepped in to supply your needs, yet now you talk to your friends about how "lucky"you have been, whereas the truth is that God has been tenderly merciful towards
you! Yet you have not even seen His hand in your prosperity and, instead of giving God the glory for it, you have ascribedit to that heathen goddess, "Luck." God has been patient and gentle with you as a nurse might be toward a wayward child, yetyou altogether ignore Him or turn away from Him! You were sick, a little while ago, and God raised you up again to healthand strength-is there still no burning of your heart towards God? I pray that God's Grace may work in you the change thatno pleading of mine can ever produce, and that you may say, "I will arise and go to my Father, and will say unto Him, Father,I have sinned." If you heartily make that confession to your Heavenly Father, He will forgive you and welcome you as freelyas the father in the parable welcomed the returning prodigal!
V. The last point of the tenderness of God's mercy that I can now speak of is this, THE TENDERNESS OF ITS APPLICATIONS ANDOF ITS ACCOMPLISHMENTS.
What does God do for sinners? Well, when they trust in Jesus, He forgives all their sins, without any upbraiding or drawbacks.I have sometimes thought that if I had been the father of a prodigal son, I could have forgiven him when he came home andI hope I should have very freely done so. But I do not think I could ever have treated him in quite the same way that I treatedhis elder brother. I mean this-I would have had them sit at the same table, and feast on the same food-but I think that whenmarket-day came round, I would have said to my younger son, "I shall not trust you with the money. I must send your elderbrother to the market with that, for you might run away with it." Perhaps I would not go so far as to say this, but I thinkI would feel it, for such a son as that one would be rather suspicious for a long time. Yet see how differently God dealswith us! After some of us have been great sinners and He has forgiven us, He puts us in trust with the Gospel and bids usgo and preach it to our follow sinners! Look at John Bunyan-a swearing, drinking profligate playing at "tip-cat" on Sundays-yet,when the Lord had forgiven him, He did not say to him, "Now, Master John, you will have to sit in the back seats all yourlife. You shall go to Heaven, I will provide you a place there, but I cannot make as much use of you as I can of some whohave been kept from such sins as you have committed." Oh, no! He is put in the front rank of the Lord's servants, an angel'spen is given to him that he may write The Pilgrim's Progress, and he has the high honor of lying for nearly 13 years in prisonfor the Truth's sake! And among all the saints there is scarcely one who is greater than John Bunyan! Look at the ApostlePaul, too. He called himself the chief of sinners, yet his Lord and Father made him, after his conversion, such an eminentservant of Christ that he could truly write, "In nothing am I behind the very chief of Apostles, though I am nothing."
It is a proof of great tenderness on God's part that He gives liberally and upbraids not. He not only forgives, but He alsoforgets! He says, "Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." And although we may have been the vilest of thevile, He makes no drawbacks on that account. I have known a father who has said to his bankrupt son, "Now, you young scapegrace,I will set you up in business again, but I have already lost so much money through you that I shall have to make a differencein my will, for I cannot give all this to you and then treat you as I treat your brother." But, blessed be God, He makes nodifference in His will! He has not said that He will give the front seats in Heaven to those who have sinned less than othershave done, and put the greater sinners somewhere in the background. Oh no! They shall all be with Jesus where He is and shallbehold and participate in His Glory! There is not one Heaven for the great sinners and another for the little ones-but thereis the same Heaven for those who have been the greatest sinners, but who have repented and trusted in Jesus, as there is forthose who have been kept from running into the same excess of riot. Let us admire the wondrous tenderness of Divine Gracein its dealings with the very chief of sinners! When God deigns to cleanse a sinner, He does not partly wash him, but He takesaway all his sin! He does not partly comfort him, but He loads him with loving kindness and gives him all that his heart couldwish! Oh, that sinners could be persuaded to come unto Him for His full and free forgiveness!
Possibly somebody here says, "If God is so tender in mercy towards those who come to Him through Christ, I should be gladif you could explain why His mercy has not been extended to me. I have been seeking the Lord for months! I am at His Houseas often as I can be. I delight to hear the Gospel preached and I long for it to be blessed to me. I have been reading theScriptures and searching for precious promises to suit my case, but I cannot find them. I have been praying for a long while,but my prayers still remain unanswered. I cannot get any peace! I wish I could. I have been trying to believe, but I cannot."Well, my Friend, let me tell you a story that I heard the other day. I cannot vouch for its truth, but it will serve for anillustration for me. There were two drunken sailors who wanted to go across a narrow inlet. They got into a boat and beganto row, in their wild drunken way, but they did not appear to make any headway. It was not far across, so they ought to havebeen on the other side in a quarter of an hour, but they were not across in an hour, nor yet in several hours! One of themsaid, "I believe the boat is bewitched." The other one said he thought they were and I suppose they were, through the liquorthey had been drinking! At last, the morning light came and one of them, who had become sober by that time, looked over theside of the boat and then called out to his mate, "Why, Sandy, you never pulled up the anchor!" They had been tugging at theoars all night long, but had not pulled up the anchor! You smile at their folly and I do not regret that you do because youcan now catch the meaning of what I am saying. There is many a man who is, as it were, tugging away at the oars with his prayers,and his Bible reading, and his going to Chapel, and his trying to believe. But, like those drunken sailors, he has not pulledup the anchor! That is to say, he is either holding fast to his own supposed righteousness, or else he is clinging to someold sin of his which he cannot give up. Ah, my dear Friend! You must pull up the anchor whether it holds you to your sinsor to your self-righteousness! That anchor, still down out of sight, fully accounts for all your lost labor and fruitlessanxiety. Pull up that anchor and there will soon be a happy end of all your troubles-and you will find God to be full of tendermercy and abundant Grace even to you! May it be so, for our Lord Jesus Christ's sake! Amen
The precious promises contained in this chapter belong in the first place to the Church of God, but, as that which belongsto the Church really belongs to every member of it, we shall not be acting dishonestly with the Scripture if we who are Believers,personally take home to ourselves every drop of comfort that we can find here!
Verse 1. Sing, O barren, you that did not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, you that did not travail with child.Sing,even though you are barren! Do not postpone your song until God's promise is fulfilled unto you, but sing even while you aredesolate and forlorn-and let faith pitch the key-note. Let me, therefore, entreat any of you who are disconsolate and sad,to give heed to the words of the Prophet and even nowbegin to sing! Give to God songs in the night-imitate the nightingaleand sing though not a star is to be seen!
1. For more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, says the LORD. After all, we who havethe deepest sorrow have the highest joy, and if we are sometimes desolate, we need not wish to change with those who alwayskeep the even tenor of their way. If we have great downs, we also have great ups! If the valleys are deep, blessed be God,the hills are high and the view from their summits is glorious! Let us be thankful even if our lot is a hard one, if we arethe Lord's, "for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, says the Lord."
2, 3. Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations: spare not, lengthen yourcords, and strengthen your stakes; for you shall break forth on the right hand and on the left; and your seed shall inheritthe Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. This is another act of faith-not only singing before the mercycomes, but getting ready to receive it before it is in sight, stretching the curtains and the cords in order to have roomto house the blessing which has not yet arrived! Carnal reason says, "When we have the children, we will enlarge the tent.When we have gathered the congregation, we will build a House of Prayer." But faith says, "I will enlarge my heart that itmay be able to take in the blessing which is sure to come. I will be big with expectation. I will open my mouth wide-not whenI see the blessing, but before I see it, that God may place the blessing in my open, empty mouth." May the Lord graciouslygive us enlarged expectations, for, according to our faith, so shall it be unto us!
4. Fear not; for you shall not be ashamed: neither be you confounded; for you shall not be put to shame: for you shall forgetthe shame of your youth, and shall not remember the reproach of your widowhood any more. Here is a third line for faith torun upon, namely, that of courage. Before you are strong, before you have been lifted up out of your weakness, be of goodcourage and fear not, for if you walk by faith and trust in the Lord with all your heart, you shall never have any cause tobe ashamed of having done so. The Lord will always honor your faith because your faith honors Him. Be of good cheer, for youshall yet have good reason to rejoice and all those days that you are now ashamed to think of, in which you lived withoutGod, and without Christ-your days of sad and terrible widowhood-shall be so completely surpassed by the abundance of mercywhich you shall receive from the Lord that you shall not remember them anymore!
5. For your Maker is your husband; the LORD of Hosts is His name; and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel The God of thewhole earth shall He be called.Oh, how blessed it is that Jehovah, Israel's God, the Lord of Hosts, is the God of the wholeearth-so that we poor Gentiles may come and hide under the shadow of His wings! And what a joy it is to all Believers thatthis great God has united us in the sacred bonds of marriage with Himself! "Your Maker is your husband." Oh, what bountifulprovision will such a Husband make for us! How well will He comfort us! How abundantly will He bless us! So let our heartsbe glad in Him.
6. For the LORD has called you as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when you were refused, saysyour God. Some of you know what it is to have had your affections betrayed and your hearts broken by unfaithful friends. Nowthe Lord calls you to come close to Himself that you may prove His faithfulness and so forget your past sorrows in your presentand future joy.
7. 8. For a small moment have I forsaken you; but with great mercies will I gather you. In a little wrath I hid My face fromyou for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on you, says the LORD, your Redeemer. These choice wordsdo not need any explanation! This blessed plaster only needs to be applied to the wounded heart and it will heal it at once.If the Lord will but speak these sentences into our souls, so that we may know that they are really meant for us, our rapturewill be complete! Let me read these verses again-"For a small moment have I forsaken you; but with great mercies will I gatheryou. In a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on you, says Jehovah,your Redeemer"-your God-your next of kin-your Advocate and Champion! What a blessed name is this and what a wonderful combinationis this-Jehovah, your next of kin!
9. 10. For this is as the waters of Noah unto Me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth;so have Isworn that I wouldnot be angry with you, nor rebuke you. For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed.There is nothing really stable about them-all things that are visible must melt and flow away.
10. But My kindness shall not depart from you, neither shall the Covenant of My peace be removed, says the LORD that has mercyon you.What gracious words are these! What majesty there is in such consoling sentences as these! They remind us of Mr. PaxtonHood's lines-
"All His words are music, though they make me weep, Infinitely tender, infinitely deep."
11. O you afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted. Where are you? Have you come in here to seek the consolationyou cannot find anywhere else? Then see how God lays Himself out to comfort you! He has put into human language the true sympathyfor you that He feels in His heart. And again He says to you, "O you afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted."
11. Behold, I will lay your stones with fair colors, and lay your foundations with sapphires. You shall have done with therough tossing of the troubled sea and you shall come to land-to a royal city which has foundations of sapphire-to a king'spalace where even the stones shall be stained with rich vermilion such as only princes use in their costly buildings-"I willlay your stones with fair colors, and lay your foundations with sapphires."
12. And I will make your windows of agates, and your gates of carbuncles, and all your borders ofpleasant stones. See whatriches belong to the Church of the living God! And, as I have already reminded you, everything that belongs to the Churchbelongs to every member of it. So we expect to see our Lord's face through a window of agate and to go through a gate of carbuncleto meet Him in the place of communion which shall itself be enriched with all manner of precious stones. Yes, and everythingthat has to do with us-even the very "borders" of our life shall be laid with "pleasant stones." Happy are all you who arethe favorites of Heaven, the Beloved of the Lord! Blessed are you even in your shop and your store-blessed in the common thingsof your life, as well as in the choicest parts of your Christian experience!
13. And all your children shall be taught of the LORD. Our children are often our greatest care. We ask, "How shall they beeducated? Where shall we place our boys and our girls?" Put them under the care of God, for, as Elihu said to Job, "Who teacheslike Him?"
13, 14. And great shall be the peace of your children. In righteousness shall you be established: you shall be far from oppression;for you shall not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near you. The man who has the fear of God within his heartneed have no fear of anybody else-
"Fear Him you saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear! Make His service your delight- He'll make your needs Hiscare."
15. Behold, they shall surely gather together You will have enemies, even if you lead the most blameless life that can belived, for the absolutely Blameless One had many cruel enemies who hounded Him to death. 15. But not by Me. God is not withthem, for He is on your side.
15. Whoever shall gather together against you shall fall for your sake. Oh, how often, and how mysteriously, and how terriblyGod has smitten the enemies of His people! The hand of the Lord has gone out against them as it went out against Sennacheriband his host in the days of good King Hezekiah.
16. Behold, I have created the smith that blows the coals in the fire, and that brings forth an instrument for his work; andI have created the spoiler to destroy. Even over the most wicked and the most powerful of men there is the supremacy of God!And deep and mysterious though the Doctrine is, yet Divine Predestination applies even to such sinners as Judas Iscariot andthe vilest of the vile in all times. And herein is our confidence-that God is greater than death, and the devil, and Hell!He is supreme above all the malice and craft and cruelty of the worst and the greatest of men.
17. No weapon that is formed against you shallprosper-
"Neither two-edged sword nor falchion bright, Nor barbed arrow that flies by night"-
"No weapon" of any kind-however cunningly made, or however deftly handled-"no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper."
17. And every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn. The tongue-that worst of weapons, whose wickedwords are sharper than swords-is like a condemned criminal.
17. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. Did I not rightly say that these precious promises belong not only tothe whole Church of God as a body, but also to each individual member of that Church?
17. And their righteousness is of Me, says the LORD. If, then, your righteousness is found in God, in God you shall find everythingelse that you need for time and for eternity! God grant this unto each one of us for His dear name's sake! Amen.