Sermon 2182. Jehovah-Shammah-a Glorious Name for the New Year
(No. 2182)
"The name of the city from that day shall be, The Lord Is There [or in the Hebrew, 'Jehovah-Shammah.']" Ezekiel 48:35
THESE words may be used as a test as well as a text. They may serve for examination as well as consolation and, at the beginningof a year, they may fulfill this useful double purpose. In any case they are full of marrow and fatness to those whose spiritualtaste is purified. It is esteemed by the Prophet to be the highest blessing that could come upon a city that its name shouldbe, "JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, The Lord Is There." Even Jerusalem, in its best estate, would have this for its crowning blessing-nothingcould exceed this. Do we reckon the Presence of the Lord to be the greatest of blessings? If in any gathering, even of thehumblest people, the Lord God is known to be present in a peculiarly gracious manner, should we make a point of being there?Very much depends upon our answer to these queries.
Doubtless many would be greatly pleased if there were no God at all, for in their hearts they say, "No God." God is not tothem a father, a friend, a trust, a treasure. If they were to speak from their hearts and could hope for a satisfactory answer,they would ask, "Where can I flee from His Presence?" If a spot could be found where there would be no God, what a fine buildingspeculation might be made there! Millions would emigrate to "No God's Land," and would feel at ease as soon as they trod itsgodless shore! There they could do just as they liked, without fear of future reckoning.
Now, Friend, if you would escape from the Presence of God, your state is clearly revealed by that fact. There can be no Heavenfor you, for Heaven is where the Lord's Presence is fullness of joy. If you could be happy to be far off from God, I musttell you what your fate will be. You are now going away from God in your heart and desire and, at last, the great Judge ofAll will say to you, "Depart, you cursed"-and you will then be driven from the Presence of the Lord and from the glory ofHis power.
I know that there is a company who can truly say that they feel only happy when they are conscious that God is with them.The place where they meet with the Lord is very dear and precious to them because of His unveilings. The memory of holy convocationsis sweet because the Lord was among them. They would not care to go where God is not. If there were a place forsaken of God,however happy and full of merriment men might think it, they would not be found among its guests. Where we cannot enjoy God'scompany, we will not go. Our motto is-"With God, anywhere. Without God, nowhere." In Him we live, and move, and have our beingand, therefore, it would be death to us to be apart from God! Without God we should be without hope. Ah, my dear Friend, whateveryour difficulties, trials and sorrows, all is well with you if God is your delight and His Presence your joy! But, howeverhigh your temporal enjoyments may rise, it is all wrong with you if you can rest away from the God of Grace. The child mustbe in a sad state of heart when he does not care to have his father's approving smile. Things must be terribly wrong withany creature when it can be content to walk contrary to its Creator. Nothing but the corruption of the heart could permitany man to be at ease away from God.
Will you permit these thoughts to saturate you for a little time? I have spoken them with the desire that each one of us mayask himself, "Is the Presence of God my delight?" If so, I am His, and He will be with me. On the contrary, "Is the Presenceof God a matter of indifference, or even of dread?" Then my condition is one of guilt, disease and danger. May the Lord, inHis infinite mercy, set me right!
This much may stand as a preface, but it must not be treated as most prefaces are, namely, left unread, or glanced over andforgotten. I pray you, carry it with you all along.
I. Now kindly notice that, according to our text, THE PRESENCE OF GOD IS THE GLORY OF THE MOST GLORIOUS PLACE. The ProphetEzekiel has been telling us many remarkable things which I shall not attempt to explain to you-and my chief reason for notdoing so is the fact that I do not understand them, myself. Even if I could open up every dark saying, now is not the timeto go into an explanation of all the sublime mysteries which were seen by the eagle eye of Ezekiel, for I seek present, practicaledification-and this we can gain in an easier way. It is clear from the text that when God shall bless His ancient peopleand restore them to their land-and the Temple shall be rebuilt and all the glory of the latter days shall arrive-this willstill be the peculiar glory of it all, that, "the Lord is there." The Prophet works up a climax and closes his Book of prophecywith these glorious words, "the Lord is there."
What a glorious state this world was in at the very first, in the age of Paradise, for the Lord was there! Our glorious Creator,having taken the first days of the week to make the world and fit it up for man, did not bring forward His dear child untilthe house was built and furnished and supplied for his use and happiness! He did not put him in the Garden to dress it tillthe roses were blooming and the fruits were ripe! When the table was furnished, He introduced the guest by saying, "Let Usmake man in Our image, after Our likeness." The Lord put man, not in an unreclaimed plot of soil where he must hunger tillhe could produce a harvest-but into an Eden of delights where he was at home with creatures of every sort to attend him! Hehad not to water dry lands, nor need he thirst, himself, for four rivers flowed through his royal domain, rippling over sandsof gold. I might say much of that fair garden of innocence and bliss, but the best thing I could say would be the Lord wasthere! "The Lord God walked in the Garden in the cool of the day" and communed with man-and man, being innocent, held highconverse with his condescending Maker! The top stone of the bliss of Paradise was this all-comprehending privilege-"the Lordis there."
Alas, that has vanished. Withered are the bowers of Eden-the trail of the serpent is over all landscapes, however fair. Yetdays of mercy came and God's saints, in divers places, found choice spots where they could converse with Heaven. In the firstdays, our gracious God spoke with His chosen ones in their daily walk, as Enoch; or under the oak, as Abraham; or by the brook,as Jacob; or before the bush, as Moses; or near the city wall, as Joshua. Wherever it might be, the place became to them thegate of Heaven, for the Lord was there! Amid a torrent of sin and sorrow, you may cross the stream of time upon the steppingstonesof the places marked, "JEVOHAH-SHAMMAH." The Lord's delights were with the sons of men and to them, nothing brought such blissas to find that the Lord still would be mindful of man and visit him.
In the days when God had called out unto Himself a chosen nation, He revealed Himself at Sinai, when the mountain was altogetheron a smoke and even Moses said, "I do exceedingly fear and quake." Well might he feel a holy awe, for the Lord was there!I will not dwell upon the Glory of the tabernacle that was pitched in the wilderness, with its costly furniture and its instructiverites, for, after all, the Glory of the tabernacle was that the Lord was there! A bright light shone between the wings ofthe cherubim and so the Psalmist, in later days spoke unto the Lord saying, "You that dwells between the cherubim shine forth."Above the sacred tent was the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day-an emblem of the constant Presence ofGod, for all through the wilderness His glorious marching was in the center of the armies of His Israel. The desert sand glowedwith the blaze of the present Deity! No spot on earth was so like to Heaven's high courts as that wilderness the Lord, Himself,led His people like a flock. Holy was Horeb, for the Lord was there! Then were the days of Israel's espousals, for the MostHigh tabernacled among her tribes and made them "a people near unto Him."
In Canaan, itself, the days of sorrow came when the nation went after other gods and the Lord became a stranger in the land.When He returned, and delivered His people by the Judges, then the nations knew that Israel could not be trampled on, forthe Lord was there. This was the Glory of David's reign. Then the Lord made bare His arm and the enemies of His chosen weredriven like snow from the bleak sides of Salmon when the rough blast carries it away. This was the shout of the joyful people,"The Lord of Hosts is with us: the God of Jacob is our refuge!" Never were the hills of Judah more fruitful, nor the valesof Sharon more peaceful, nor the homes of Israel more restful, nor the sons of Zion more valiant than when to the harp ofDavid the song was raised, "They have seen Your goings, O God; even the goings of my God, my King, in the sanctuary. Thisis the hill which God desires to dwell in; yes, the Lord shall dwell in it forever."
You remember how, in later ages, when Solomon was crowned and his reign of peace had been inaugurated, he built for God aTemple adorned with gold and precious stones, and all manner of cunning, work of the artificer? But it was not
that glittering roof, it was not those massive pillars of brass in the forefront, it was not the hecatombs of bullocks whoseblood was poured forth at the altar which were the glory of the Temple on Mount Zion. Beautiful for situation, it was thejoy of the whole earth, but its Glory lay in this-"God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her,and that right early." The excellence of the Temple was seen when, on the opening day, the Lord revealed Himself and the cloudfilled the House of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud-for the "Glory of the Lordhad filled the House of the Lord." Little remains for man to do when in, very deed, the Lord dwells in the midst of His saints.Apart from priests and ceremonies, that place is sacred wherein the Lord Most High has His abode. Say of any place, "Jehovah-Shammah,the Lord Is There," and be it tent or temple, you have spoken glorious things of it!
I almost tremble while I remind you of the truest Temple of God-the body of our Lord. The nearest approach of Godhead to ourmanhood was when there was found, wrapped in swaddling bands and lying in a manger, that Child who was born, that Son whowas given, whose name was called, "Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Asfor you, O Bethlehem, favored above all the towns of earth, out of you He came, who is Immanuel, God With Us! Verily, Yourname is Jehovah-Shammah! All along, through 30 years and more of holy labor, ending in a shameful death, God was, in Christ,reconciling the world unto Himself. In the gloom of Gethsemane, among those somber olives, when Jesus bowed and in His prayersweat, as it were, great drops of blood falling to the ground, He was "seen of angels" as the Son of God bearing human sin!Speak of Gethsemane and we tell you God was there! Before Herod, Pilate, Caiaphas and on the Cross-the Lord was there! Though,in a sense, there was the hiding of God, and Jesus cried, "Why have You forsaken Me?" yet in the deepest sense Jehovah wasthere, bruising the great Sacrifice. The thick darkness made a veil for the Lord of Glory and behind it, He that made allthings bowed His head and said, "It is finished." God was in Christ Jesus on the Cross, and we, beholding Him, feel that wehave seen the Father. O Calvary, we say of you, "The Lord is there."
Here I might fitly close, for we can mount no higher, but yet we could not afford to leave out those other dwellings of theInvisible Spirit who still, by His Presence, makes holy places even in this unholy world! We have to remind you that God isthe Glory of the most glorious living thing that has been on the face of the earth since our Lord was here. And what is that?I answer, Jesus is gone-the Prophets are gone and we have no Temple, no human priest, no material Holy of Holies-
"Jesus, wherever Your people meet, There they behold Your Mercy Seat! Wherever they seek You, You are found, And everyplaceis hallowed ground."
And yet there is a special place where God dwells among men and that is in His Church. He has but one-one Church, chosen byeternal election, redeemed by precious blood, called out by the Holy Spirit and quickened into newness of life-this, as awhole, is the dwelling place of the Covenant God! Because God is in this Church, therefore the gates of Hell shall not prevailagainst her.
"The Lord is there" might be said of the Church in all ages. I have seen the crypts and underground chapels of the catacombs.And it made me feel that they were glorious places when I remembered that the Lord God was there, by His Spirit, with Hissuffering people-when holy hymn and Psalm and solemn prayer went up from the very heart of the earth from men who were huntedto the death by their foes-the Lord was there! In those dreary excavations, unvisited by sunlight and wholesome air, God wasas He was not in the palaces of kings and is not in the cathedrals of priests! In this land of ours, when a few people mettogether, here and there, to hear the Gospel and to worship, they made cottages, caves and hollows in the woods to be "holinessunto the Lord."
Yes, and when crowds met beneath your Gospel oaks, or gathered together by the hillside to listen to the pure Word of Grace,the Lord was there and souls were saved and sanctified! When the Puritans solemnly conversed together of the things of Godand held their little conventicles for fear of their adversaries-God was there! On Scotland's bleak moors and mosses, whenthe Covenanters gathered in the darkness and the storm for fear of Claverhouse and his dragoons- God was there! Those whowrote in those days tell us that they never knew such seasons in days of peace as they enjoyed among the hills, amid the heather,or by the brook-for Jehovah-Shammah, the Lord was there! And so onward, to this very day, wherever the chosen of God liftup holy hands and worship Him, whether it is in cathedral or in barn, beneath
the blue sky or beneath a thatched roof-anywhere and everywhere when the heart is right and the soul adores the living Lord,this is the special Glory of the place-"Jehovah-Shammah, the Lord Is There!"
Flying forward, as with a dove's wing, to the future that is drawing near, we think of the Truth of God that there is to bea millennial age-a time of glory, peace, joy, truth and righteousness. But what is to be the Glory of it? Why this, "Jehovah-Shammah,the Lord Is There!" The Lord Jesus Christ will come and begin His personal reign on earth among His ancients. In like manner,as He went up into Heaven, and the disciples saw Him, so will He descend a second time, to be seen here among men. And Hisglorious Presence shall fashion the golden age, the thousand years of peace! Then shall the nations shout, "The Lord Is Come!"What hallelujahs will then rise to Heaven! Welcome, welcome, Son of God! How will all His faithful ones rejoice with unspeakablejoy and sing and sing again, for now the day of their reward has come and they shall shine forth as the sun in the Kingdomof their Father! In all the Glory of the latter days everything is wrapped up in this one phrase, "the Lord is there."-
"Oh, come, You Day-Spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Your advent here!
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight!
Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel
Shall come to you, O Israel!"
Up yonder, where many of our beloved ones have already gone-up yonder, within that gate of pearl where eyes cannot, as yet,see, what is it that makes Heaven with all its supreme delights? Not harps of angels, nor blaze of seraphim! Just this onefact, "the Lord is there." What must it be to be with God? O soul that loves Him, what will your fullness of pleasure be whenyou shall dwell with Him for whom your soul is hungering and thirsting! What joy to be "forever with the Lord!" This perfectbliss may be ours this very day! We little know how near we are to our glorification with our Lord. The veil is very thinthat parts the sanctified from the glorified-
"One gentle sigh, the soul awakes-
We scarcely can say, 'he's gone,'
Before the ransomed spirit takes
Its mansion near the Throne."
The joy and glory of those Divine mansions is that "the Lord is there." Heaven's loftiest peak shines forever in this clearlight-The Lord God and the Lamb are the Light thereof-"the Lord is there."
Enough of this. I have proved my point, that the Glory of the most glorious place is that "the Lord is there."
II. Suffer me for a few minutes to speak to you upon another point-THE PRESENCE OF GOD IS THE BEST PRIVILEGE OF HIS CHURCH.It is her glory that "the Lord is there." Note this, and mark it well. Brothers and Sisters, we as a Church have grown togreat numbers and we are not deficient, either, in gifts or in Graces, or in work for our Lord. But let me solemnly remindyou always that our chief, our only strength, must always lie in this-"the Lord is there." If the Lord should depart fromus, as He has gone from churches which are now apostate, what an abyss opens before us! If He should take His Holy Spiritfrom us, even as the Glory departed from the Temple at Jerusalem, then our ruin would become a thing to mention with dread,a case to be quoted for a warning to future generations! O Lord, our God, take not Your flight! Abide with us, we pray You!Our only hope lies in Your making the place of Your feet glorious among us!
If the Lord is among us, the consequences will be, first, the conservation of true doctrine. The true God is not with a lie-Hewill not give His Countenance to falsehood. Those who preach other than according to His Word, abide not under His blessingand are in great danger of His curse. If any man speaks another gospel (which is not another, but there are some that troubleus), God is not with him-and any transient prosperity which he may enjoy will be blown away as the chaff. God is with thosewho faithfully speak His Truth, hold it devoutly, believe it firmly and live upon it as their daily bread. May it always besaid of this Church, "the Lord is there," and, therefore, they are sound in the faith, reverent towards Holy Scripture andzealous for the honor of Christ! Trust-deeds and confessions of faith are useful in their way, even as laws are useful tosociety, but as laws cannot secure obedience to themselves, so articles of belief cannot create faith, or secure honesty.And to men without conscience, they are not worth the paper they are written upon. No subscription to articles can keep outthe unscrupulous! Wolves leap into the fold however carefully you watch the door. The
fact is, the most of people say, "Yes, that doctrine is in the creed and is not to be denied, but you need not preach it.Put it on the shelf as an ornament and let us hear no more about it." Truth must be written on the heart as well as in thebook! If the Lord is among His people, they will cling to the eternal Truths of God and love the doctrine of the Cross, notby force of law, but because Divine Truth is the life of their souls.
Where God is present, the preservation of purity will be found. The Church is nothing if it is not holy. It is worse-it isa den of thieves! Setting the seal of its pestilent example upon evil living, it becomes the servant of Satan and the destroyerof souls. Who is to keep the Church pure? None but God, Himself. If the Lord is there, holiness will abound and fruits ofthe Spirit will be seen on all sides. But if the Lord is once withdrawn, then flesh and blood will rule and gender towardscorruption, after its own manner-and the church will become a synagogue of formalists. Pray, my Brothers and Sisters, continually,that the Lord may dwell in our Zion, to maintain us in all holy obedience and purity of life!
Where God is, there is the constant renewal of vitality. A dead church is a reeking Golgotha, a breeding place of evils, ahome of devils. The tombs may be newly whitewashed, but they are none the less open sepulchers, haunts of unclean spirits.A Church all alive is a little Heaven, the resort of angels, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. In some of our churches everybodyseems to be a little colder than everybody else. The members are holy icicles! A general frost has paralyzed everybody andthough some are colder than others, yet all are below zero! There are no flowing rills of refreshment. Everything is boundhard and fast with the frost of indifference. Oh, that the Lord would send forth His wind and melt the glaciers! Oh, thatthe Spirit of God would chase winter out of every heart and every church! No human power can keep a church from the frostbitewhich numbs and kills. Unless the Lord is there, growth, life, warmth are all impossible. You that make mention of the Lord,keep not silent and give Him no rest, but cry day and night to Him, "O Lord, abide with us! Go forth with our armies! Makeus to be the living children of the living God!"
When the Lord is there, next, there is continuing power. With God there is power in the ministry, power in prayer, power inall holy work. We may do a vast deal of work and yet nothing may come of it, but, on the other hand, we may only be able todo comparatively little and yet great results may flow from it, for results depend not on the quantity of the machinery, buton the Presence of the Lord!
Do you not all know persons who are not peculiarly gifted and yet are eminently useful? You do not remark anything about themthat is specially noticeable and yet their whole career enlists attention by its power. Their words are effective, for thereis character behind them. A consistent life gives force to a plain testimony. It is not so much what is said as who says it!And that is not all-God, Himself, is at the back of the man who is living for Him. He causes him to speak in His name so thatnone of his words fall to the ground. Is it not said of the godly, "His leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shallprosper"? This is so with every Church where the Lord abides. His Presence makes it a power with its children and adherents,a power with the neighborhood and a power with the age. Its example, its testimony, its effort is effective! God uses it and,therefore, it answers its end. The power is with God-but the Church is the instrument by which that power exercises itself.He uses a living people for the display of living power and He gives to them, both life and power, more and more abundantly.As we desire power with which to labor for God, we must pray that the God of Power will remain in our midst.
Furthermore, whenever it can be said of an assembly, "the Lord is there," unity will be created and fostered. Show me a churchthat quarrels, a church that is split up into cliques, a church that is divided with personal ambitions, contrary doctrinesand opposing schemes-and I am sure that the Lord is not there. Where there are envying, jealousies, suspicions, backbitingand dislikes, I know that the Holy Dove, who hates confusion, has taken His flight. God is Love and He will only dwell wherelove reigns. He is the God of Peace and will not endure strife. The children of God should be knit together. It would be ashameful sight, indeed, should children of His family fall out and chide and fight. Saints who dwell with God love each other"with a pure heart, fervently." Some professors act as if they hated each other! I may not say, "with a pure heart," but Iwill say, "fervently." Where God is present, the Church is edified in love and grows up, like a building fitly framed together,to be a holy Temple in the Lord. Oh, for more of this unity!
Where the Lord is, there is sure to be happiness. What meetings we have when the Lord is here! It is a Prayer Meeting, butwhen you have said that, you have not fully described it, for it is far more. It was an unusual meeting for prayer, for, Godbeing there, every prayer was spoken into His ear and all the desires and petitions of the saints were prompted by His HolySpirit! Why, the very room was lit up with the Glory of the Lord! And whether we were in Heaven or not,
we could hardly tell! What happy times we have in preaching the Word of the Lord when God's own Presence is realized! Hispaths drop fatness. What joyous seasons we have frequently enjoyed at the Communion Table! The provision is but bread andwine, but when, by faith, we perceive the real and spiritual Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the breaking of the breadwe eat His flesh, and in the fruit of the vine we drink His blood! When we have gathered in the Lord's Presence we have sung-
"No beams of cedar or of fir Can with Your courts on earth compare! And here we wait, until Your love Raises us to noblerseats above." At the Master's Table I have often been so blessed that I would not have exchanged places with Gabriel! TheLord was there-what more could I desire? Joy, delight, rapture, ecstasy-what word shall I use?-all these have waited aroundthe Table of Fellowship, as musicians at a king's banquet. If God is there, our Heaven is there!
III. I shall now close by noticing, in the third place, that since this Presence of God is the Glory of the most gloriousplace and the choice privilege of the most privileged, it is our exceeding joy. THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD IS OUR DELIGHT INEVERY PLACE.
We will think of our own dear homes. What a delightful family we belong to if it can be said of our house, "Jehovah-Shammah,The Lord Is There"! Has it a thatched roof and a stone floor? What does it matter? The father of the family lives near toGod and his wife rejoices to be his fellow-helper in prayer, while the children grow up to honest toil and honorable service.Assuredly that cottage home is dear to God and becomes a place where angels come and go! Because God is there, every windowlooks towards the Celestial City. It is a comfort that we need not go across the road to morning prayer, or step out everyevening to worship, for we are priests, ourselves, and have a family altar at home where the incense burns both morning andnight. We talk not of matins and vespers, but we glory that "the Lord is there" when we bow the knee as a household!
What is more delightful than to gather round the family hearth to hear the Scriptures read and listen to the senior, as hetalks to the younger ones, of what God has done for him and what the Lord is waiting to give to all who trust Him? Free fromall formality, family prayer makes a house a temple, a family a church and every day a holy day! Truly, I may say of familiesof this kind, wherever they dwell, that it is "none other but the House of God, and it is the very gate of Heaven," for, "theLord is there." Friend, is God in your house? If it has no family prayer, it has no roof to it. There is no true joy in domesticlife unless the Lord is there. All else is fiction! God alone is true delight. I charge you, if your homes are not such thatGod could come to them, set your houses in order and say, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Will you dareto dwell where God could not lodge with you? May all men say of your home, "The Lord is there!"
Here is a Christian who lives alone, altogether apart from family life. All his dear ones are dead, or far away. In his lonechamber, when he bows his knee in secret prayer, or whenever he takes his walk abroad to meditate, if he is, indeed, a truelover of the Lord Jesus, "the Lord is there." Wherever the Believer's lot is cast, if he lives in fellowship with Christ,he may say of his quiet room, or of the garden walk, or even of the stable or the loft, "Jehovah-Shammah, The Lord Is There."Many a humble attic is a right royal residence, for, "the Lord is there." Better Paul's inner dungeon at Philippi, with hisfeet fast in the stocks-and the Presence of the Lord-than the most grand apartment of Caesar's palace and an unknown god!The Lord is very gracious to His lonely ones. They can say, "And yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me." In a hospital,or in a workhouse-what does it matter if Jehovah is at your side to cheer you?
Some of us can bear witness that we have had the nearest approaches of God to our souls in times of intolerable pain and evenin seasons of intense depression of spirit as to earthly things. "I was brought low, and the Lord helped me," said David.And we can say the same. The Lord has said, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you," as much as to say, "IfI am not with you anywhere else, I will be with you then." In the furnace, one like unto the Son of God was seen. If Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego never had that glorious fourth Person in their company before, they had Him when they were cast intothe midst of the glowing coals! Jehovah-Shammah makes a seven-times-heated furnace a pleasant arbor! We may say of the refiningfire, of the threshing floor and of the oil-press, "God has been there!" In the time of trouble He has been a very presenthelp. One might almost say, "Send me back to my prison," as one did say who lost
God's Presence after he had gained his liberty! One might well cry, "Ah, let me have back my pain if I may again overflowwith the joy of the Lord's Presence."
Dear Friends, I thank God that you and I know what it is to enjoy the Presence of God in a great many different ways. Whentwo or three of the people of God meet together and talk to one another about the things of God, the Lord is never away. Youremember that blessed text, "They that feared the Lord spoke often, one to another." They had holy talks about heavenly things.It was such sweet conversation that the Lord, Himself, turned eaves-dropper and listened and heard. What He heard pleasedHim so well that He, then and there, made a note of it. Yes, and wrote it down and ordered that "a book of remembrance" shouldbe preserved "for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name." Was not this sure evidence of His most graciousPresence? John Bunyan knew that God was there when he went about tinkering and came to Bedford-and there were three godlywomen sitting in the sun, at work-and as they worked they talked so sweetly that the tinker stood and listened and was drawnto better things! By such means he became a Believer and a preacher-and the writer of the "Pilgrim's Progress"-which has sorefreshed us all. The Lord was there and, therefore, he dreamed a heavenly dream in Bedford jail. Wherever His people meet,the Lord is graciously near. "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."
Yes, but when Christian people go forth to work-when you come to your Sunday school, or go out with your bundle of tracts,to hand them out in your district, or when you join a little band and stand on the street corner, yonder, and lift up yourvoice in the name of Jesus-you may expect, if you go with prayer and faith, that it shall be written, "Jehovah-Shammah, TheLord Is There." It is only a young man standing up in a cottage to speak and he has not much to say, yet there are penitentialtears and broken hearts-it is so, for God is there! It is only a humble woman speaking to a few persons of her own class andyet angels are rejoicing over a repenting sinner-yes, because God is there! It is only a little room in one of our back streetsand the city missionary has come in. There are a dozen or two of the neighbors called together and he is talking of Jesusand His love-oh, but if the Lord is there, do not tell me that the missionary is not in the Apostolic succession-he need notclaim it, he is, himself, an Apostle of God to those poor people! He needs no gorgeous vestments, nor the swell of an organ,nor even the thunders of the multitude as they raise the solemn hymn! The few so simple and so poor have God with them andit is enough! Wherever you are seeking to do good, in prayerful dependence upon the Holy Spirit, it shall be said "the Lordis there."
And now, from this time forth, Beloved, you that fear God and think upon His name, wherever you go, let it be said, "Jehovah-Shammah,The Lord Is There." I often feel sorry when the Sabbath is nearly over and so do many of you. I know you wake on Monday morningand take those shutters down, again, or go off to that workshop where you suffer so much ridicule, or return to the ordinarygrind of daily labor and mix up with so many of the ungodly-and you do it mournfully. Now, pray that you may keep up the Sabbathtone all week! Make every place, wherever you go, to be the House of God. A dear Brother of ours went to a shop where he workedwith four ungodly men-and his Lord went with him. It was not long before we had the privilege of baptizing that friend's masterand all his shop mates, for the Lord was there! The other day there came a fresh man to work who could not bear to hear aword upon religion, but our Brother was the means of his conversion, too, and the new man is coming among us, warm with hisfirst love! Our Brother made up his mind that he was not going to be conquered by any scoffers, but, on the contrary, he wasdetermined to conquer them for Christ! He will not yield to the influences of sin, but he resolves, in the name of the Lord,that evil influences shall yield to the power of the Truth of God and to the attractions of the Cross. Write across your workshop,"The Lord is here." If you cannot do it literally, do it spiritually, "Jehovah-Shammah, The Lord Is There."
Do not be found anywhere where you could not say that the Lord was there! If you are called into the world in the pursuitof your daily vocation, cry unto the Lord, "If Your Spirit goes not with me, carry me not up hence." Determine that you willhave the Spirit of God with you and, if it is in busy Cheapside, or in the lonesome country while you are hoeing the turnipsor attending to a flock of sheep-in any field, any street, or any room-it shall be said that God is there! Take Jesus withyou when you go and, when you come home, may His Spirit still be with you! God grant that it may be so! The Holy Spirit canwork you to this!
What shall I say to those who do not know the Lord and do not care for Him? O Friend, the day will come in which Jesus Christwill say to you, "I never knew you: depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." Do not let Him say that, but, tonight, commencean acquaintance with Him. May His Holy Spirit help you to do so! I am sure the Lord Jesus Christ
could not say to me, "I never knew you." It is impossible, because I could reply to Him, "Never knew me, Lord? Why, I havebeen to You with so many burdens. I have run to You with so many troubles that I am sure You know me as one knows a beggarwhom he has relieved many times a day-
'Do You ask me who I am? Ah, my Lord! You know my name.' You remember me, for in my despair I cried to You and You did relieveme of my burden! You know me, for in my sorrow, my broken heart found no comfort but in You! You have known me all these yearsin which I have had to cry to You for something to preach about, and for help while preaching. You know how I have had tocome to You and confess my failures, and mourn my shortcomings, and lament my sins, and trust in Your blood for cleansing."
My Lord cannot say that He does not know me, for He has known my soul in adversity. Blessed be His name, I know Him and leanall my weight upon Him! They that know Him shall be with Him and He will receive them unto Himself forever-and this shallbe their Glory-"Jehovah-Shammah, The Lord Is There." With Him shall they dwell, world without end! Amen.
DEAR FRIENDS-In this, the beginning of another year, I find myself in Mentone gradually recovering health after a period ofpain and weakness. To begin Volume 37 of weekly sermons has fallen to the lot of no other man. I am grateful for the peculiarprivilege and all the more so because all the previous 36 volumes continue to be purchased and read, and preached. I beg eachfriendly reader to breathe a prayer for the preacher and for these hundreds of sermons, that the Lord may use both the livingvoice and the printed page to His own Glory and to the salvation of men. Man's thoughts change, but the Word of the Lord enduresforever-and this is the Word which in these sermons is preached to men. May the Holy Spirit acknowledge the testimony! Wishingto all my readers A HAPPY NEW YEAR, I am their servant for Christ's sake, C. H. SPURGEON.