Sermon 2058. "Eyes Right"
"Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you." Proverbs 4:25.
THESE words occur in a passage wherein the wise man exhorts us to take care of all parts of our nature which he indicatesby members of the body. "Keep your heart," says he, "with all diligence. For out of it are the issues of life. Put away fromyou a disobedient mouth, and perverse lips put far from you. Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straightbefore you. Ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left:remove your foot from evil."
It is clear that every part of our nature needs to be carefully watched, lest in any way it should become the cause of sin.Any one member or faculty is readily able to defile all the rest, and therefore, every part must be guarded with care. Wehave selected for our meditation the verse which deals with the eye. These windows of light need to be watched in their incomings,lest that which we take into our soul should be darkness rather than light. And they need to be watched in their outgoings,lest the glances of the eye should be full of iniquity, or should suggest foolish thoughts. Hence the wise man advises, "Letyour eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you." Have eyes and use them. Using them, take care to usethem honestly.
Some persons are always as if they were asleep. They go though the world moping about, seeing nothing or seeing men as ifthey were trees, with a sight which is not sight but blindness. The shadows of this transient life impress them and that isall-they have never awakened yet to the true life and its solemn realities. They have never seen anything in very truth-forit is faith that sees and of faith they have none. That which is apart from faith is not visible to the soul, however clearit may be to the eye. We have thousands around us who need to be startled out of that slumber in which they see the fabricsof their dreams and the unsubstantial fancies of the hour.
They say, "We see," but scales are on their eyes. I fear we have such in all our congregations, lulled to sleep even by thepreacher's tones, to whom the fact of coming to their accustomed seat and listening to the usual hymns tends rather to confirmthem in a sluggard's slumber than to stir their souls to action. O you Sluggards, may God awaken you by Divine Grace, lestHe arouse you by the thunderbolts of His vengeance! It is time that your eyes began to look right on and your eyelids straightbefore you.
Many others are somewhat awake mentally but they are not looking right on, neither do their eyelids look straight before them.They are staring about them, star-gazing, wondering what will be seen next-always ready, like the Athenians, to hear and seesome new thing. They move, it is true, but it is in a labyrinth which leads to nothing-in a circle which ends where it began.They toil and slave but it is all in the shadow land-of substantial work they do nothing. An active idleness, a diligent lazinessis all that their life is made up of. For, as yet, they have no purpose-no purpose worth being the aim of an immortal soul.
An arrow will never strike the mark if it travels in a zigzag direction. And the man whose life has no aim whatever, who pursuesthis, and then that, and then the other, what will he achieve? Are not many like "dumb driven cattle," going, they know notwhere? They have never yet discovered that this life is a preface to a life of a more Divine mold. They do not regard thepresent as the lowly porch of the glorious edifice of the future. They have not thought that time is but the doorstep of eternity,a thing of small account, save that it is linked with the endless ages.
And so they seek after this, and then after that, and then after the other. And always after that which is too poor, too triflingto be the object of a mind capable of fellowship with God. How many there are whose spirit is agitated by a mere nothing,resembling-
"Ocean into tempest tossed To float a feather or to drown a fly"! To beings who lead such purposeless lives we would addressthe words of the wise man, "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you." Have something todo and do it. Have something to live for and live for it. Get to know the right way and, knowing the right way, keep to itwith full purpose of heart and concentration of faculty.
O Man, see where you are going and go that way with your eyes open, resolutely marking every step as you take it. Look whereyou ought to look and then follow your eyes which shall thus be useful outriders to your life and help to make your way safeand wise. When you have sent your eyes before you to make sure of the way, it will be safe to follow. Look before you leapand only leap when looking bids you do so. If a man is to let his eyes look right on and his eyelids straight before him,then he is to have a way, and that way is to be a straight way-and in that straight way he is to persevere.
You cannot see to the end of a crooked way. You can only see a small part of a way that twists and winds. Choose, then, adirect path which has an end which you dare think of and look upon. Some men's lives are such that they dare not think ofwhat the end of them must be. They would not long pursue their present track if they were forced to gaze into that dread abysswhich is the only possible close of an evil course. The way of transgressors is hard in itself but it is hardest of all whenwe behold their dreadful end. "Surely you have set them in slippery places. You cast them down into destruction." You needto have a way and a straight way and a way whose end you dare contemplate or else you cannot carry out the advice of Solomon,"Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you."
Every wise man will conclude that the best way for a man is the way which God has made for him. He that made us knows whatHe made us for, and He knows by what means we may best arrive at that end. According to Divine teaching, as gracious as itis certain, we learn that the way of eternal life is Jesus Christ. Christ Himself says, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life."And he that would pursue life after a right fashion must look to Jesus and must continue looking unto Jesus-not only as theAuthor but as the Finisher of his faith. It shall be to him a golden rule of life, when he has chosen Christ to be his Way,to let his eyes look right on and his eyelids straight before him. He need not be afraid to contemplate the end of that way,for the end of the way of Christ is life and glory with Christ forever.
"It does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like He. For we shall see Himas He is." A friend said to me the other day, "How happy are we to know that whatever happens to us in this life it is well!""Yes," I added, "and to know that if this life ends it is equally well, or better." Then we joined hands in common joy tothink that we were equally ready for life or death and did not need five minutes' anxiety as to whether it should be the oneor the other. Brethren, when you are on the King's Highway-that way which is a perfectly straight one-you may go ahead withoutfear and sing on the road.
With all my heart I invite any who have never yet begun to live after a right fashion, to take Christ to be the way of lifeto them. And then I entreat them to let their eyes look straight on and their eyelids straight before them and to follow Jesuswithout giving a glance either to the right hand or to the left till it shall be said of them, even in glory, "These are theywhich follow the Lamb wherever He goes."
I. I shall make my earnest appeals to the heart and conscience by beginning with this first exhortation-LET CHRIST BE YOURWAY. You that are young, let Him be your way from your youth. You that have up to now gone the wrong road until your hairshave grown gray in the service of iniquity, turn, I beseech you, and take to the way of salvation. May His Spirit turn youand you will be turned-then will Jesus become your way from henceforth.
If Christ is your way, you will begin first to seek to have Christ. "How shall I have Him?" says one. Do you desire Him? Willyou accept Him? He is yours. The act of accepting Christ secures Christ to us. For the Father freely gives Him to all whofreely accept Him. Some are troubled through ignorant and unbelieving fears and are saying, "I wish I could lay hold on Jesus!I wish I knew that Christ were mine!" Are you willing to have Him? Who made you willing? Do you desire Him? Who made you desireHim? Who but the Spirit of the Lord? Will you now take Jesus to be your Savior, to save you from your sin? Then depend onit He is yours. There was never any difficulty with Him to give Himself to you.
The difficulty was to bring you to receive Him. And now that you do receive Him, remember this-"As many as received Him, tothem gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." Jesus Himself has said it, "Him thatcomes to Me I will in no wise cast out." And therefore, since you come, you shall never be cast out. Jesus has accepted you,for you have accepted Him. But I pray that none of you will rest until you have Christ. Let your eyes look right on and youreyelids straight before you, till you find Him. Look nowhere else but to Him and after Him. Shut yourself up in your room-determinenot to come out again until you have Him and it shall not be long before you find Him.
Concentrating all your gaze upon the Crucified, light shall come from Him, causing the scales to fall from your eyes and youshall see Him, even you that could not see. And you shall cry in delight, "He is mine, He is mine." Remember how David saidto his son, "If you seek Him, He will be found of you." Think of the words of the Prophet, "Seek you the Lord while He maybe found, call you upon Him while He is near." When you have Christ, the next business of your life must be to know Christ.Seek to know more of Him, to know Him better, to know Him more practically, to know Him more assuredly. "That I may know Him,"said the Apostle, after he had been a believer in Him for fifteen years.
That same man of God speaks of "the love of Christ, which passes knowledge," even his knowledge, which was of the fullestsort-so that he meant to go on learning more and more of Christ and he did not count himself to have attained. Christian Menand Women, you do not know your great Master yet. Here have some of us been nearly forty years in His service and yet we couldnot describe Him to our own satisfaction. Why, we hardly know the power of the hem of His garment yet. We have not descendedfar down into the mines of His perfections. How little we know of our hidden wealth in Christ Jesus!
Oh, that we studied Scripture more, that we were more teachable and waited more humbly upon the Lord for the light of HisSpirit from day to day! Well says our singer-
"Hoard up His sacred Word, And feed thereon and grow;
Go on to seek to know the Lord, And practice what you know."
In this matter let your eyes look right on and your eyelids straight before you. Other men may have their pursuits, this isyours-stick to it earnestly. The science of a crucified Savior shines like the moon in the midst of the stars as comparedwith all the other sciences which men may know-study it with your whole power of mind and heart. The angels on the Mercy Seatof the ark stood always looking downward and bending over. Hence the Apostle says, "Which things the angels desire to lookinto." And if they desire to look into the Ark of the Covenant and its sacred mysteries, how much more should we!
When you come to know somewhat of what He is, then go on to obey Christ. Is there anything that He has bid you do? Do it.Some Christians have never yet been baptized-how will they answer for willful neglect of a known duty? Others have been Christiansfor years and yet have never communed at the Lord's Table. Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." Do they keepHis Commandments? It was His dying request, "This do in remembrance of Me," and yet they will not fulfill it. Even such atender request they slight, as though it were of no importance whatever, as if their Lord was a mere nobody whose wishes mightwell be overlooked.
What shall I say of many of the biddings of our holy Gospel, many of those sweet precepts which are to be used in the familyand in the business and in the field? What forgetfulness there is of them! What refusing to follow Christ! He might come tous and say, "If I am a Master, where is My honor?" Truly, it ought to be one of the first thoughts of a Christian to findout the Lord's will. And when he knows it, obedience should follow immediately. His eyes should look right on and his eyelidsstraight before him. What said the blessed virgin to those who were at the feast? Note the words, "Whatsoever He says untoyou, do it." It was well spoken of the favored mother and it remains as a golden precept for us all- "Whatsoever He says untoyou, do it."
Make no reserve, exercise no choice-obey His command. When you know what He commands, do not hesitate, question, or try toavoid it-"do it"-do it at once, do it heartily, do it cheerfully, do it to the full. It is but a little thing that as ourLord has bought us with the price of His own blood, we should be His servants. The Apostles frequently call themselves thebond slaves of Christ. Where our Authorized Version softly puts it "servant," it really is "bond slave." The early saintsdelighted to count themselves Christ's absolute property, bought by Him, owned by Him and
wholly at His disposal. Paul even went so far as to rejoice that he had the marks of his Master's brand on him and he cries,"Let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." There was the end of all debate-he was the Lord'sand the marks of the scourges, the rods and the stones were the broad-arrow of the King which marked Paul's body as the propertyof Jesus, the Lord.
Now, if the saints of old time gloried in obeying Christ, I pray that you and I, forgetting the sect to which we may belong,or even the nation of which we form a part, may feel that our first object in life is to obey our Lord. Not to follow a humanleader, or to promote a religious or political party. This one thing we mean to do and so follow the advice of Solomon ashe says, "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you." Beloved, let us endeavor to be obedientin the minute as well as in the greater matters, for it is in details that true obedience is best seen. Let us copy the faintesttouches in the life of our great Exemplar.
That being attended to, remember, if Christ is your way, you have further to seek to be like He, not only to do as He didbut to be as He was. For "as He was, so are we in this world." What a man does is important, but what a man is, is all-important.The ring of the metal is something but if its ring could be imitated by a base coin, it would be nothing. It is, after all,the substance of the metal that decides its value. O Man, what are you? If you are a twice-born man, you are a partaker ofthe nature of Christ. But if not, you are under the curse which cleaves to the old nature as leprosy cleaves to the leper.
"As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." And we must begin to bear that heavenlyimage even now. As born again into the headship of the Second Adam, we should seek to be as much like the Second Adam as weare already by nature like the first Adam, through our first birth. The second birth should be as operative to produce theimage of the second Adam, as the first was to produce the image of the first Adam. Alas, "the earthy" is impressed upon usvery distinctly. We cannot spend an hour without discovering the clear stamp of nature's die. Oh, that "the heavenly" couldbe quite as clearly discerned!
This, therefore, we must aim at, though as yet we have not attained it. Here is something to be thought of very carefully,and I charge you by the Holy Spirit-let your eyes look right on and your eyelids straight before you, that you may be transformedfrom glory to glory into the image of the Lord. God grant that it may be so with everyone of us!
Now, supposing that we have attended to all this, if Christ is our way and our model, there is something more, namely, thatwe seek to glorify Christ, and labor to win others to Him. Here is a grand field for all our energies. O Christian people,what are we left in this world for, except to bring others to Jesus? Are we not left in this wilderness that we may find outmore of the good Shepherd's stray sheep and work for Him and with Him to bring them in? I fear we forget this. Are not someof you indifferent as to whether your fellow men are lost or saved? Have not some of you, in your families, come to this pass-thatyou see your brother an infidel, your sister frivolous, your parents godless-and yet it does not fret you?
I think that if I had a godless relative, it would break my night's rest, not now and then, but always. A brother, a father,a child unsaved! What do you mean by taking your ease? If the spirit of Christ is in us, the tears that fell from the eyesof Jesus will find their like upon our cheeks. We shall weep day and night because men are not gathered unto eternal life.Nor will this be a loss to us, for blessed are the mourners in Zion. Blessed are they that mourn because others abide in sinand reject the Lord!
Now, concerning the salvation of our fellow men. We shall never compass it unless our eyes look right on and our eyelids straightbefore us. Before we win souls, we must live for souls. We need men and women who live to convert others to Christ. The ministerhad better quit his pulpit if it is not his one burning desire to bring hearts to Jesus' feet. If a Divine impulse is notupon him, driving him to seek the souls of men, let him go elsewhere with his windy periods. Professors have little rightto be in Christ's Church unless they are passionately in earnest to increase His kingdom by the salvation of their fellowmen.
O my Brothers and Sisters, on whom is the blood-mark of redemption, I charge you concerning this matter to "let your eyeslook right on and let your eyelids look straight before you"! Seek souls as dogs hunt their game-eyes, nostrils, ears allopen and every muscle strained. Converts are not gained by dreamers. We cannot imitate Jesus as a Savior of men by being dulland heartless. In any point in which we follow our Lord let us do it with all our soul. Thus much upon the first point-letChrist be your way in all things and keep to that way.
II. Following the text again, only working it a little differently, the second exhortation is, SET YOUR EYES ON HIM AS YOURWAY. If Christ is your way and you follow Him to have Him, to know Him, to obey Him, to be like He and to glorify Him, thenset your eyes on Him as the way. Think of Him, consider Him, study Him and in all things regard Him as first and last to you.
First, that you may know the way of life, let your eyes be fixed on Him. Soul, are you in the dark? Kneel down and pray andlook Christ-ward. Saint, are you bewildered? Go by the way of the Cross, the way of the Crucified, for that is the true andsure path. Sinner, are you burdened? Would you be rid of your burden? Run Christ-ward. Any direction given you to go anywhereelse will misdirect you. I say not to anyone I meet tonight, "Go to the wicket-gate." Neither will I bid you look to any lightwithin and run that way. My only direction is, "Go to Jesus." You see that Cross and Him who bled thereon! Stand still andlook that way and your burden shall fall from your shoulders.
Where Jesus died, you shall live. Where Christ was wounded, you shall be healed. "Let your eyes look right on and let youreyelids look straight before you." Know the road. You will never know it too well-the more you know it, the happier you willbe in it. "To Christ!" "To Christ!" "To Christ!" That is the sole inscription upon every sign-post of the road to Heaven.Keep to the King's Highway. Since Christ is the Way, let your eyes be fixed on Him as the way that you may follow Him well,may follow Him wholly. Gather up all your faculties to go after your Lord. Be not like Lot's wife who longed and looked andlingered and was lost. Away, away, away from Sodom, altogether away-let no eye steal in that direction.
Away, away, away to Christ, to Christ alone. All eyes must be for Jesus, who cries, "Look unto Me and be you saved." As theplowman looks to the end of the furrow and keeps right on, even so must you look only to Jesus. What have you to do with anythingbut Christ, Sinner? I tell you that you have nothing even to do with your own sins but to lay them down at His feet. He isAll. The Beginning and the End. "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you."
Look alone to Jesus and do this to keep your spirits up. Some men's eyes do not look right on and their eyelids do not lookstraight before them for they look back upon that part of the road which they have traversed and grow content with that whichthey have already attained. They live in retrospection. When you begin to look back at what you have done and rub your handsand say with self-satisfaction, "I remember when I did right well," wisdom warns you that this is not the right kind of look.What have you to look back upon? Poor, weak creature! Forget that which is behind and press forward to something better andhigher. When you sinful souls get to looking back upon your past bad lives, I am glad of that, but still I do not want youto keep your eyes always in that direction. You will get no comfort in looking into the foul ditch of your own transgressions.
Look, look, look before you! Look where the Cross stands. Run that way. Let your eyelids look straight before you to the atoningsacrifice-away from the past, which He will graciously blot out-to Jesus only. Some spend much of their time in what is calledintrospection. Now introspection, like retrospection, is a useful thing in a measure. But it can readily be overdone-and thenit breeds morbid emotions and creates despair. Some are always looking into their own feelings. A healthy man hardly knowswhether he has a stomach, or a liver. It is your sickly man who grows more sickly by the study of his inward complaints.
Too many wound themselves by studying themselves. Every morning they think of what they should feel-all day long they dwellupon what they are not feeling. And at night they make diligent search for what they have been feeling. It looks to me likeshutting up your shop and then living in the counting-house taking account of what is not sold. Small profits will be madein this way. You may look a long while into an empty pocket before you find a sovereign and you may look a long time intofallen nature before you find comfort. A man might as well try to find burning coals under the ice, as to find anything goodin our poor human nature.
When you look within, it should be to see with grief what the filthiness is. But to get rid of that filthiness you must lookbeyond yourself. I remember Mr. Moody saying that a mirror was a capital thing to show you the spots on your face. But youcould not wash in a mirror. You want something very different when you would make your face clean. So let your eyes look righton-
"To the full atonement made, To the utmost ransom paid."
Forget yourself and think only of Christ.
Some not only unduly practice retrospection and introspection but they carry much too far a sort of circumspection. They lookall around them-they look upon their past and their present and their fears and their doubts-and from all these things theyjudge their condition and decide their state of mind. You recollect Peter. He cried to his Lord, "Bid me come unto you onthe water." He receives permission. Down the side, over the boat, goes Peter. To his intense surprise he is standing on awave. Peter had never done such a thing before in his life as walk on the water.
He might have kept on standing on the wave and he might have walked all the way to Jesus if he had kept his eyes on his Masteruntil he reached Him. The waters would have borne him up as well as a granite pavement. But Peter began to look at the billowsand he listened to the howling of the wind and then to the beating of his own heart. And down he went. And then he had tocry to his Master. "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you"-you can walk the waters allthe way to the golden shore if you can but stop your eyes looking to other things.
Surely I may use the text as an illustration of that closing of the eyes. "Let your eyes look right on." "I understand that,"says one, "for I trust. But you cannot look with your eyelids." What can that mean? Remember that you can shut your eyes withyour eyelids to a great many things and so cease to see them. And in the matter of faith-sight a great many things are bestnot seen. So when you would otherwise see the danger and all the difficulties and the doubts, do not look with your eyes butlook with your eyelids. Not to look at the difficulties at all is all the look they deserve.
Let your eyelids shut out the view which would create distrust. Do not see, do not feel, "only believe." Believe Christ andbelieve nothing else. "Let God be true but every man a liar." If all the sins you have ever done should come rolling up likeAtlantic billows and if all the devils in Hell should come riding on the crests of those waves, howling as they come, takeno notice of them. Christ has said he that believes in Him has everlasting life. Believe in Him and you have the everlastinglife as surely as Christ is the Christ of God. Draw down the blinds and see nothing, know nothing, believe nothing but theliving Word of the living Savior. "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you."
You must also let your eyes look right on, dear Friends. For if you begin to look two ways at a time, you will miss the LordJesus, who is your Way. Under the Jewish Law no man who had a squint was allowed to be a priest. He is described as one whohad "a blemish in his eye." I wish they would make a similar law with regard to spiritual sight in preachers nowadays, forcertain of them are sadly cross-eyed. When they preach Free Grace they squint fearfully towards free will. And if they lookto the atonement, they must needs see in it more of man than of Christ. See how they look to Moses and to Darwin, to Revelationand to speculation!
A great many people would gladly be saved but they squint-they look a little towards sin and the flesh and the world-and theymake provision for personal gain and personal ease. In this case they fail to see Christ's strait and narrow way of the denialof self and the crucifixion of the flesh. If you would have salvation, "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids lookstraight before you." Look not a little this way and a little that way, or you will never run aright. "I could believe thatI was a Christian," says one, "if I felt more happy. I could trust Christ if I felt my nature changed." That is a squint whichruins the faith-look. That is trying to look two ways at once. You cannot do it-it will ruin you.
It would spoil the beauty of the sweetest countenance if we could use our eyes to look otherwise than straight on. We havesome friends who, if they wish to see us, look over there and yet we are not there. Avoid this spiritual blemish. It has noadvantages-"Let your eyes look right on." Look to Christ alone, to Him as your whole salvation. Have nothing to do with yourgood works as a ground of trust, or you are a lost man. I charge you, have nothing to do even with your faith and your repentanceas a ground of trust. Trust not your trust-but trust alone in what Christ has done. If you shall trust your best feelingsor your worst feelings, your prayers or your praises, your almsgivings or your consecration in any degree-you have made anantichrist of them.
Strip yourself of your last rag and let Christ clothe you from top to bottom. Be you hungry unto famishing and clean out thelast crumb you have in the pantry, for then only will you feed on Christ, the Bread of Life. Let Him be both bread and wineand make up the whole of a feast for you. You shall have salvation surely enough if this is what you do. But let not Jesusbring the bread, and carnal confidence the wine-take a whole Christ to be all your salvation and all your desire and yourpeace shall be unbroken. Let the Holy Spirit bring you to that oneness of trust which makes both eyes meet
at their proper focus and let that focus be the Lord Jesus. "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straightbefore you."
III. But my time has almost expired and I have only to lay emphasis on one more matter. LET YOUR EYES DISTINCTLY AND DIRECTLYLOOK TO CHRIST ALONE. I have gone over this before, but I need to hammer at it
again in order to clench the nail. Look not to any human guide but look to Christ Jesus alone. We have no faith in priests.But it is a very easy thing to fix your faith upon a minister and hear what he says and believe it because he says it. I chargeyou, believe nothing that I tell you if it cannot be supported by the Word of God. I am content to stand or to fall by this-"Tothe Law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, there is no light in them."
I will quote the authority of no other book, whoever may have composed it-no ancient book-let it belong even to the earliestdays of the Church. This one inspired volume is the text-book of our religion. Follow Holy Scripture and you have an infalliblechart. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the one Apostle and High Priest of our profession-follow Him. Not even mother or father, orthe brightest saint that ever lived must divide you from your perfect Guide. "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelidslook straight before you," and hear the gracious words of Him who bought you with His blood as He cries, "Follow Me."
Then, again, look to Christ directly and distinctly for yourself. I warn you against putting any trust in national religion,or in family and birthright godliness. A personal Christ must be laid hold of by a personal faith. You must yourself repent,yourself believe, yourself get a grip of Him and of none but Him. You must use your own eyes-"Let your eyes look right on,and let your eyelids look straight before you."
Again-look not to any secondary aims. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. In seeking Christ make no bargainwith gain or reputation. Be content to lose all gold and all honor if you may but win Christ. To follow religion for selfwould be a mean act of hypocrisy and to leave it for the same reason is equally vile. Let your eyes be fixed on followingyour Lord and as to any worldly consequences, bring your eyelids into use, keep them fast closed and go right on in implicitobedience to your Lord.
Forget all things else when seeking Christ and when you have found Christ. It is no ill thing for a man, when he is underconcern of soul, to let his business and everything go till he finds his Savior. I urge no one to such a course but I havenoticed many converts who have done this who have soon found rest. If a captain were busy about the comfort of his passengersin their cabins but all the while knew that there was a great leak in the ship and it would soon go down and to this he paidno heed whatever, you would say to him, "How foolish you are to mind the little and neglect the great!" But if he told thepassengers, "Breakfast cannot be prepared with our usual care, for all hands are pumping or repairing the vessel," you couldnot blame him when you knew that every man's help was needed to save the ship from going down.
In times of extreme danger, secondary things must give place to the main thing. If this house were to take fire, you wouldnot stay to sing the last hymn, even if I gave it out. May the Holy Spirit lead some of you to feel that you must be saved!You must be saved, and therefore you must put other things into a second place. Remember how Bunyan pictures the man runningfor his life-when his neighbors called to him to stop-he put his fingers in his ears and as he ran he shouted, "Eternal life!Eternal life! Eternal life!" That man was a wise man. Imitate him. If you have not found eternal life, run for it, with your"eyes right on and your eyelids straight before you."
And, lastly, take care that you continue gazing upon Christ until you have faith in Him. "Faith comes by hearing and hearingby the Word of God." Go on hearing the Word of God till faith comes. Do you ask me how faith comes? It is the gift of Godbut it usually comes in a certain way. Thinking of Jesus and meditating upon Jesus, will breed faith in Jesus. I was struckwith what one said the other day of a certain preacher. The hearer was in deep concern of soul and the minister preached avery pretty sermon indeed, decorated abundantly with word-painting. I scarcely know any Brother who can paint so daintilyas this good minister can.
But this poor soul, under a sense of sin, said, "There was too much landscape, Sir. I did not want landscape. I wanted salvation."Dear Friend, never crave word-painting when you attend a sermon. But crave Christ. You must have Christ to be your own byfaith, or you are a lost man. When I was seeking the Savior I remember hearing a very good doctrinal sermon. But when it wasover I longed to tell the minister that there was a poor lad there who wanted to know how he could be saved. How I wishedhe had given half a minute to that subject! Dr. Manton, who was usually a clear and full
preacher of the Gospel, when he preached before the Lord Mayor, gave his lordship something a cut above the common citizensand so the poorer folk missed their portion.
After he had done preaching his sermon, an aged woman cried, "Dr. Manton, I came here this morning under concern of soul,wanting a blessing and I have not got it, for I could not understand you." The preacher meekly replied, "The Lord forgiveme! I will not so offend again." He had overlooked the poor and had thought mainly of my Lord Mayor. Special sermons beforeMayors and Queens and assemblies are seldom worth a penny a thousand. The Gospel does not lend itself to show performances.I am not here to give you intellectual treats-my eyes look right on to your salvation. Oh that yours may look that way!
Go after Christ, dear Friend. Seek after Christ with your whole heart and soul. Feel that the one thing you must have is tobe reconciled to God by the death of His Son. Keep on with that cry, "None but Christ-none but Christ." Make this your continuallitany-
"Give me Christ, or else I die; Give me Christ, or else I die."
Then you will soon find Him. "Let your eyes look right on and let your eyelids look straight before you," and you shall seethe Lord of Grace appearing to you through the mist and through the cloud-that same Savior who stands in the midst of us evennow and cries, "Look unto Me, and be you saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God and there is none else."
BELOVED FRIENDS-We are in our measure partaking in the change of weather which plunged England from an almost summer heatinto cold and fog, for we have a cold wind blowing with a force which overpowers the warm sun. This has a depressing influenceupon many invalids but does not affect me. Each day I make a little progress. I could not yet stand through a discourse, muchless walk a mile. But I can walk further than I could a week ago and I am conscious of renewed vigor. I thank God that theswelling of the feet is also decreasing and so I may look for complete restoration and then for a speedy return to my happywork.
I hope and pray that this week's sermon may prove useful. Purposely I have made it striking and plain, with the design thatit should be suitable for wide distribution. It contains the Gospel in its simplicity, stated in a pleasant manner.
I have prepared three sermons, as a double number, to close the year with and I hope they will be a fit top stone to the thirty-fourthvolume, which I am glad to have completed. Receive my sincere love in Christ Jesus. May all Grace abound towards you. Yourstill death, C. H. Spurgeon. Mentone, Dec. 13th, 1888