Sermon 1206. Heart-Knowledge of God
(No. 1206)
"I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord." Jeremiah 24:7.
WITH what blindness has sin struck the heart of man, for man does not know his own Maker! It is implied in the text that inhis heart he is ignorant of Jehovah, though in Him he lives, and moves, and has his being. What an impotence has sin broughtupon the mind of man, since being ignorant of God he is also incapable of finding Him out! This, also, may be most readilygathered from the text. The fact that a promise is made in the Covenant that to the chosen shall be given hearts to know theLord is a clear proof that without the Divine teaching and without the reception of a new heart from the Lord, man not onlydoes not know, but cannot find out his God!
You boast of your intellect, O vain Man, but your foolish heart is darkened so that you stumble in the noonday as at midnight.You have eyes, and you say, "I see," but your eyes are closed, your ears are dull of hearing and your heart has waxed gross.And your soul has become so dull that only He who formed the ear can make you hear. And only He who fashioned the eye cangive you sight.
How can we sufficiently admire the condescension of God, that He should stoop to instruct the heart of man? Man forgets hisGod, but God does not forget him. Though man knows not God, yet God knows him and, seeing that his powerlessness to graspDivine knowledge lies in his heart, He visits him in Grace and renews the fountain of his strength and the center of his natureby giving him a new heart and a right spirit.
The infinitely glorious God might have regarded it as a matter of indifference whether such an insignificant creature as manknew Him or not. He might well have said, and it had been consistent with the majesty of His justice to say it, "Seeing thatyou do not desire to know Me, you shall not perceive Me. And inasmuch as you close your eyes to Me, you shall continue inouter darkness. Because you will not glorify Me as God, your hearts shall abide in midnight, I will leave you to your owndevices."
But the Lord of Love said not so to the sons of men, upon whom His heart was set! On the contrary, He has made a Covenantof Mercy on our behalf and His speech is the reverse of what we might have expected. He declares in the words of the text,"I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am Jehovah." What is meant by this great promise of the text is not merely thatGod will lead the converted to know that there is a God, because that may be known without a new heart. Any man possessedof reason may know that there is a Supreme Being who created all things and preserves the universe in existence.
The heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament show His handiwork. The tokens of Divine skill and power are so abundantthat, "The invisible things of God from the creation of the world are already seen, being understood by the things that aremade, even His eternal power and Godhead." The knowledge intended here is much deeper than that which comes from observation-andonly affects the intellect. To know that there is a God is a lower step which every man takes except the fool who has saidin his heart, "There is no God." The text promises that the favored ones shall know that God is Jehovah! So the original texthas it, "I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am Jehovah."
God leads men to see that the God revealed in Scripture and manifested in the Person of the Lord Jesus, is the God who madeHeaven and earth. Man fashions for himself a god after his own liking. He makes to himself, if not out of wood or stone, yetout of what he calls his own consciousness, or his cultured thought, a deity to his taste who will not be too severe withhis iniquities or deal out strict justice to the impenitent. He rejects God as He is and makes other gods such as he thinksthe Divine One ought to be. And he says concerning these works of his own imagination, "These are your gods, O Israel."
The Holy Spirit, however, when He illuminates our minds, leads us to see that Jehovah is God and beside Him there is noneelse. He teaches His people to know that the God of Heaven and earth is the God of the Bible, a God whose attributes are completelybalanced, Mercy attended by Justice, Love accompanied by Holiness, Grace arrayed in Truth and Power linked with Tenderness.He is not a God who winks at sin, much less is pleased with it, as the gods of the heathen are supposed to be. No, He is aGod who cannot look upon iniquity and will, by no means, spare the guilty.
This is the great quarrel of the present day between the philosopher and the Christian. The philosopher says, "Yes, a godif you will, but he must be of such a character as I now dogmatically set before you." But the Christian replies, "Our businessis not to invent a god, but to obey the one Lord who is revealed in the Scriptures of Truth." The God of Holy Scripture isLove, but He is also possessed of justice and severity. He is merciful and gracious, but He is also stern and terrible towardsevil. Therefore unregenerate hearts say, "We cannot accept such a God as this," and they call Him cruel and I know not whatbesides.
Herein they are idolaters-they set up another god and forsake the true God-and it does not alter the case if they plead thatthey make no graven image, for the First Commandment says, "You shall have no other gods before Me." The Lord teaches Hispeople that He is Jehovah, who brought Israel up out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. He teaches them Heis the Jehovah who smote Pharaoh with plagues and drowned his hosts in the Red Sea. The Jehovah who led His people throughthe wilderness, but cast out their enemies from before them with a strong hand and an outstretched arm. The Jehovah that redeemedHis people, but chastened them for their iniquities and took vengeance upon their inventions.
The God of Sinai is the same God as the God of Calvary. "I am Jehovah your God," is His solemn proclamation, and it is wellfor the soul when it understands and knows that Jehovah, He is God, yes, Jehovah, He is God alone. When the heart is contentto believe in God as He is revealed and no longer goes about to fashion a deity for itself according to its own fancies andnotions, it is a hopeful sign. The main stress of the promise lies, however, in this-"I will give them a heart to know ME."That is, not merely to know that I am and that I am Jehovah, but to have a personal knowledge of Myself. I can scarcely expressthe idea which I wish to convey to you, but you all know the difference between knowing who a man is-what his character isand all about him-and knowing the man himself.
There are hundreds of people of whom we know a great deal. We are favored by some prying gentleman or other with stories ofhow our great men dress, what they say, what they eat, when they eat and all sorts of minute details of their personal habits.Still, despite all this information, we do not know these people-we should speak falsely if we said we did. To know them wemust be on speaking terms with them. There must be a mutual recognition. There must be dealings of some kind between us.
Now, it is so in the far higher matter of which we now speak. It is not enough to know that our Creator is the Jehovah ofthe Bible and that He is perfect in Character and glorious beyond thought-to know God we must have perceived Him-we must havespoken to Him! We must have been made at peace with Him. We must have lifted up our heart to Him and received communicationsfrom Him. If you know the Lord, your secret is with Him and His secret is with you. He has manifested Himself unto you asHe does not unto the world. He has made Himself known unto you by the mysterious influences of His Spirit-because of thisyou know Him.
I cannot explain this knowledge, but it is delightful to remember that many of you understand what it means by experience.Is it not sweet to traverse the world discerning God on every side? Your Father ever near! Is it not a blessing to be in troubleand find Him helping us? To be in a dilemma and to hear His voice saying, "This is the way, walk you in it"? To be depressedin spirit and to feel that His comforts rejoice our souls? To be exulting in joy and to feel that His Presence calms and sobersus and keeps us from undue delight in created things? It is inexpressibly honorable and joyful to walk with God as Enoch did,to speak with Him as Abraham did of old, as a man speaks with his friend, or to be hidden in the hollow of His hand, as Moseswas in Horeb! This is to know God after the manner of the text.
My Hearer, do you know God? Have you beheld the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ? Have you discerned the Father inthe Son? Do you see all the attributes of God shining mildly through the Mediator, toned down to our capacity, lest the effulgenceof the Deity should blind our finite sense? Do you know God by going to Jesus as your Savior? He that has seen Christ hasseen the Father! "No man knows the Father save the Son and he to whom the Son will
reveal Him." If you know Christ and are found in Him, then, Beloved, you know the Lord and are among the blessed company whoare taught of the Spirit, for flesh and blood have not revealed the Lord unto you!
We will consider our text in the following manner. We will first of all describe the seat of this knowledge-"I will give thema heart to know Me." Then the necessity of this knowledge. Then the excellency of this knowledge and, lastly the source ofthis knowledge. May the Holy Spirit aid us in speaking upon each topic.
I. THE SEAT OF THIS KNOWLEDGE-"I will give them a heart to know Me." Observe that it is not said, "I will give them a headto know Me." As I have already said, man's great stumbling block in coming to God does not lie in his reason-there is a difficultyin his reason, but not the major one. The first and primary impediment to his knowledge of God lies in the affections. Man'sheart is set upon that which is evil-consequently he wants a God after his own fashion-who will smile upon sin, or at leasttolerate it.
The Lord complains in the Psalm, "You thought that I was altogether such an One as yourself"-it is the tendency of man tothink that God is like himself. The impure in heart cannot conceive of a pure God! If he could conceive Him, he would detest,rather than worship Him. "The pure in heart shall see God," is one of the opening benedictions of the Savior's ministry. Butthe impure in heart cannot see God and cannot, therefore, know Him! The heart is the seat of the blindness-there lies thedarkness which beclouds the whole mind. Hence to the heart the light must come and to the heart that light is promised.
I understand by the fact that the knowledge of God here promised lies in the heart, first, that God renews the heart so thatit admires the Character of God. The understanding perceives that God is just, powerful, faithful, wise, true, gracious, long-sufferingand the like. Then the heart, being purified, admires all these glorious attributes and adores Him because of them. You canin a measure test your knowledge of the Lord by the enquiry-Do you approve the Character of God? Perceiving the God of theScriptures to be the true God, do you admire Him as He reveals Himself? I must repeat what I have already said. There aremany who have imagined God to be what they would like Him to be and then, of course, they admire the image which they haveset up.
But to see God as the Scripture reveals Him, especially in His holiness, is a gift of His Divine Grace! Have you noted howDavid sings in the 103rd Psalm, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name"? It would havesounded more in accordance with the context to have said His gracious name, for he goes on to speak of the Lord's deeds ofGrace-"who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases." But that which the Psalmist most admired was the Lord'sholiness in all this-the way in which He could deal mercifully with the guilty and yet retain His spotless holiness. Holinessis the great terror of the ungodly and, therefore, it is a token of our knowing God in our hearts when we can bless His holyname.
How do the angels praise Him? Do they sing, "Mighty, mighty, mighty, Lord God of Hosts"? Or, "Bounteous, bounteous, bounteousCreator of the universe"? No, but, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth." They adore the whole of God and God as a whole-holinessmeans completeness of character, the absence of everything like excess, the presence of everything that is perfection. O mySoul, can you, in some measure, see the infinite perfection of the Lord in all points? And seeing, do you admire? Do you seeHim as a consuming fire, burning up evil? And do you approve Him as such? Do you see His sovereignty, His hatred of sin, Hisimmutability, His jealousy and yet admire Him? Do you, indeed, delight in even the sterner traits of the Divine Character,knowing that under all aspects the Lord is good?
Then in you is fulfilled the promise, "I will give them a heart to know Me"! The heart-knowledge promised in the Covenantof Grace means, however, much more than approval. Grace enables the renewed heart to take another step and appropriate theLord, saying, "O God, You are my God, early will I seek You." All the saved ones cry, "This God is our God forever and ever.He shall be our God even unto death." The man who only knows the Lord with his head regards Him as anybody's God, or anotherman's God. But the man who knows the Lord with his heart exclaims with Thomas, "My Lord and my God."
By an act of appropriating faith the gracious man cries out, "The Lord is my Portion says my soul," and then in return hededicates himself to the service of his God. And there is fulfilled in him that other promise of His, "I will be to them aGod, and they shall be to Me a people." Admiration of God leads on to appropriation and this to something higher, still. Alltrue knowledge of God is attended by affection for Him. In spiritual language, to know God is to love Him. "He that lovesnot, knows not God, for God is Love." "I love the Lord," says David, "because He has heard my
voice and my supplication." He had been no stranger to the Lord, but had conversed with Him in prayer and received tokensof favor and, therefore, his love overflowed.
He cries out in another Psalm, "I will love You, O Lord, my Strength," and then he goes on to heap up and pack together ahost of words of love and praise-"The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust;my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." Where the Lord is fully known, He is intensely loved. The spousefirst described her Beloved as the apple tree among the trees of the woods, and then she cried out, "I am sick of love." Atanother time, after drawing a full-length portrait of her Lord, she could not refrain from exclaiming, "His mouth is mostsweet, yes, He is altogether lovely." Such is our love of God when we know Him- that we feel bound to glory in Him beforeothers.
"My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear thereof and be glad." It is the great passion of the renewedsoul to glorify God, whom He knows and loves. Knowledge without love would be a powerless thing, but God has joined this knowledgeand love together in a sacred wedlock-and they can never be put asunder. As we love God we know Him-and as we know Him welove Him. Admiration, appropriation, affection are crowned with adhesion. To know a thing by heart is, in our common talk,to know it thoroughly. When a child knows his lesson by heart, we hope that he will not forget it.
That which is learned in the head may be unlearned, for our understanding is very fickle and our memory frail, but that whichis written upon the heart cannot be erased. Holy Scripture asks, "Can a maid forget her ornaments or a bride her attire?"These she dotes upon and, therefore, she will not forget them. Can a woman forget her sucking child? No, she cannot, becauseher knowledge of her child is heart knowledge. Memories of the heart abide when all others depart. A mother's love, a wife'sfondness, a sweet child's affection will come before us even in the last hours of life. When the mind will lose its learningand the hand forget its cunning, the dear names of our beloved ones will linger on our lips. And their sweet faces will bebefore us even when our eyes are dim with the shadow of approaching death.
If we can sing, "O God, my heart is fixed, O my heart is fixed," then the knowledge which it possesses will never be takenaway from it. To know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, is not a fleeting attainment, but shall abide with us andincrease until we know even as we are known. This is not the knowledge which shall vanish away, but that which shall be perfectedwhen the day breaks and the shadows flee away.
Now, beloved Friend, have you such a knowledge of God? Do you admire, appropriate, love and cleave to the Lord, your God?Can you hope that you have been taught of the Lord according to that promise, "They shall know Me from the least even untothe greatest." Do not say, "I am so little in Israel that I cannot be expected to know." Does not the Covenant promise implythat the least must know the Lord as well as the greatest? This blessed knowledge is essential to every Christian! Do youpossess it? If not, do you desire it? If so, plead for it, and say, "I beseech You show me Your Glory. Let me know You asthe Lord God, merciful and gracious, passing by transgression, iniquity and sin." He will hear you if you plead for Jesus'sake.
II. This brings us at once to the second point, namely, THE NECESSITY OF THIS KNOWLEDGE. If we think a minute we shall seehow necessary it is. To know God is a necessary preparation for every other true knowledge because the Lord is the centerof the universe, the basis, the pillar, the essential force, the All in All, the fullness of all things. Not to know God isas if a student should attempt to construct a system of astronomy and be altogether ignorant of the sun! Or a mariner shouldbe a stranger to the sea! Or a farmer should not know the existence of seeds! The place which God occupies must be settledin our minds or we shall have no arrangement in our knowledge-and our science will be nothing but a conglomeration of truthand error.
You may learn the doctrines of the Bible, but you do not know them truly till you know the God of the doctrines. You may understandthe precepts in the letter of them and the promises in their outward wording, but neither precept nor promise do you trulyknow until you know the God from whose lips they fell. The knowledge of God is, at once, the beginning and the end of wisdom.The ancient sage said, "Man, know yourself." He spoke well, but even for this, man must first know his God. I venture to saythat no man rightly knows himself till he knows his God-because it is by the light and purity of God that we see our own darknessand sinfulness.
There must be a perfect model before us before we can discern our own departures from perfection. You must have a standardby which to weigh yourself or you cannot tell whether you are lacking or not. God is the Standard and until a
man knows the Standard he does not know how far he has fallen short of it. The proper study of mankind is God. And that attendedto, the next appropriate subject of study is man. We must know God, or our other knowledge may be dangerous to others andcertainly will be hurtful to ourselves. It will puff us up or load us with responsibilities which we shall not be able tomeet. For the highest and most practical purposes, without the knowledge of God, we abide in utter ignorance.
The knowledge of God is necessary to any real peace of mind. Suppose a man is in the world and feels that he is right in everyway except with regard to God, and as to Him he knows nothing? Hear him say, "I go about the world and see many faces whichI can recognize and I perceive many friends upon whom I can trust, but there is a God somewhere, and I know nothing at allabout Him. Whether He is my friend or my foe I know not." If that individual is thoughtful and intelligent he must sufferunrest in his spirit, because he will say to himself, "Suppose this God should turn out to be a just God and I should be abreaker of His Laws? What a peril hangs over me. How is it possible for me to be at peace till this dreadful ignorance isremoved?"
The Old Testament Scripture says, "Acquaint now yourself with God and be at peace." There is no peace to the heart while Godis unknown. He is the God of peace and there can be no peace till the soul knows Him. Does it not strike you as being mostcertainly so? To leave this point unknown would be to leave in jeopardy the most vital part of happiness, the hinge upon whichour eternal destiny must turn. Are you doing this? Or is the Lord known to you? That this knowledge of God is necessary isclear, for how could it be possible for a man to have spiritual life and yet not know God? The very first being which a mandiscerns when he is quickened into spiritual life is the Father of Spirits. His first cry is, "Father, I have sinned," andall his life he cries, "Abba Father."
Prayer is his breath, but he cannot truly pray to an unknown God. Faith is his life, but how shall he believe in Him whomhe does not know? I cannot imagine such a being as a spiritual man who knows not God. It is a self-evident impossibility-tobe of the sons of God and not yet know the Father! To be pressed upon the Father's bosom. To receive the Father's forgivenessand yet to be an utter stranger to that forgiving God is impossible-it is utterly inconceivable! The knowledge of God is anabsolute necessity of the spiritual life, without which we cannot see or enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
Certainly it is necessary for the spiritual life when fully developed above. In Heaven and not know the King who reigns there?The golden harp in your hand and not know for whom to sweep its melodious strings? White-robed in Glory and not know the Redeemerin whose blood our robes were washed? Absurd supposition! It cannot be endured for a moment! Sinner, you must know the Lord!If you do not know Him you are not a partaker of His Grace, but you abide in darkness. Into His Heaven you can never entertill He has given you a heart to know Him! Do not forget this warning, or trifle with it.
III. Our third theme is THE EXCELLENCY OF THIS KNOWLEDGE. And here I shall spend a little longer time and I hope I shall nottire you. I shall not weary those who care more for sense than sound. One of the first effects of knowing God in the soulis that it turns out our idols. Paul tells the Galatians in the 4th chapter and 8th verse of his Epistle, that it was whenthey knew not God that they did service unto them which by nature are not gods. But when they knew God, or rather were knownof Him, they turned from their idols at once.
A knowledge of God! O my Brothers and Sisters, it creates an abhorrence of idols-especially of those which have enslaved ourown hearts. It seems to us most monstrous that the ancient Greeks and Romans could have worshipped the deities which theirpoets fabled for them. And yet, at this very time, as I have said, men imagine for themselves a god such as they would chooseand then they worship this god of their own fabrication. Only let the Lord reveal Himself to the soul. Let the heart knowthe true God and away these idols go! With loathing are they cast to the moles and to the bats. Get a view of the Jehovahof Revelation-shining through the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you say-"What have I to do, anymore, with idols?"
With holy scorn you pour contempt upon the gods of man's invention and glory, instead, in the living God, the God of Israel!Your hearts burn with the jealousy of Elijah and flames with indignation against the rivals of the Lord of Hosts! You wouldtake the prophets of Baal and let not one escape, because they have dared to set up "the image of jealousy" in the templeof the Most High and have seduced the minds of men to pay their worship to the gods that are not God! Beloved, God so enamorsthe soul of the converted man, so engrosses every spiritual faculty, that he cannot endure
an idol, however dear in former times! And if, perhaps, in some backsliding moment an earthly love intrudes, it is becausethe man has withdrawn his eyes from the splendor of the Deity. When once he gets his eyes back, again, to the God of Love,then does Dagon fall before the Ark of the Lord and not so much as the stump is left! Blessed Lord, let us know You, for thenwe shall know our idols no more.
The second good effect of the knowledge of God is that it creates faith in the soul. To prove this I might give a great manytexts, but one will suffice. From Psalm 9:10, "they that know Your name will put their trust in You." We cannot trust an unknown God. But when God reveals Himself tous by His Spirit, then to trust Him is no longer difficult. It is, indeed, inevitable! Whenever a man does not believe God,it is because he does not know Him. If you doubt His willingness to pardon sin, you do not know the abundance of His mercy.If you doubt His skill to bring you through your present difficulties, you do not know the infinite resources of His wisdom.If you dream that He cannot deliver you in this, your time of need, you have closed your eyes to the unlimitedness of Hispower. If you think He has forsaken you, you have failed to know His immutability. Know Him and you must trust Him!
Thirdly, this knowledge of God not only creates faith, but creates good works, also. Turn to 1 John 2:3 and you read, "Hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments"-meaning it is absolutely certain that whereverthere is a knowledge of God there must follow the keeping of His commandments. And it is certainly so-know the Lord and withholy reverence you will obey Him. See what a great deal the Apostle ascribes to the knowledge of God in Colossians 1:9-"For this cause we, also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filledwith the knowledge of His will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding." What was to be the benefit of this? Let us readon-"That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledgeof God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness."
See what a string of excellent Graces spring out of our being filled with the knowledge of God?! It is a tree which bears12 manner of fruits! The soul that knows the Lord is like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which brings forth its fruitin its season. Daniel says (11:32), that "The people who do know their God shall be strong and do great exploits," so thatcourage, valor and prowess are learned in this sacred school! A heart to know the Lord begets and nurtures every virtue andevery Grace-and is the basis of the noblest character-the very food which feeds Divine Grace till it matures into Glory!
Brothers and Sisters, to know God has over us a transforming power. Remember how the Apostle writes (in 2 Cor. 3:18), "We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory,even as by the Spirit of the Lord." The knowledge of God is the most effectual influence under Heaven, for the Spirit worksthereby, and by its means we are renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created us. Everything that we learn andknow affects our character in some measure, even as the flesh of an animal tastes of its food. A constant sight of any object,good or bad, tells upon us.
We heard a German missionary say, last Monday night, that when he was in Coomassie, the sight of dead bodies and of mangledcorpses from week to week so hardened him to it that the horror was almost gone. Every thought which crosses the mind affectsit for the better or the worse. Every glance is molding us, every wish fashions the character. A sight of God is the mostwonderfully sanctifying influence that can be conceived of! Know God and you will grow to be like He. Dear Hearer, have youbeheld this marvelous vision?
The knowledge of God has a further effect. It causes us to praise Him. Here is a proof text-"In Judah is God known; His nameis great in Israel." Wherever the Lord is known He must be magnified! It is not possible for us to have low thoughts of Him,or to give forth mean utterances concerning Him, or to act in a miserly way towards His cause when we know Him practically.There are some men whom we know whose presence renders paltry actions impossible- you feel that you could not act towardsthem in any but a generous manner. To know them elevates you! You must do the good and the great and the generous thing whenthey are concerned.
So, when once we know God it is much more so, for to know Him constrains us to praise Him, not only with our lips, but withour lives! It makes us feel that nothing is good enough for Him and we would even die for His name's sake. We wish for a glorioushigh throne on which He may be exalted above the highest heavens, King of kings and Lord of lords. The knowledge of God bringscomfort and that is a very desirable thing in a world of trouble. What does the
Psalmist say? "God is known in her palaces for a refuge." Do you know Him? Then He is your refuge. Blessed be God, in daysof storm we put into this harbor and in days of battle we fly to this castle and dwell in this high tower. If you know Godyou will not be ruffled, or if for a little while you are disturbed, your heart will soon come back to its rest. You willcast your cares on Him, wait patiently for Him and rejoice in Him at all times-and surely it shall be well with you.
To know God also brings a man great honor. I cannot attempt, at this time, to explain the noble text which I am about to quote.I throw it out as a pleasing theme for meditation. It is the 14th verse of the 91st Psalm. "Because he has set his love uponMe, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known My name." Think of it-"set on high"-and seton high by the Lord Himself! And all as the result of knowing the name of the Lord! There is no getting on high and stayingthere, no dwelling above the world and sin, no sitting in the heavenlies, no triumphing over death and Hell except by knowingGod! When we do know Him, our meditation of Him shall be sweet. Then shall our head be lifted up above our enemies round aboutus. Then our heart shall mount above the cares and sorrows of the world and our soul shall dwell on high, where our placeof defense shall be the munitions of rocks.
One thing more, and that is, the man who knows the Lord will have usefulness given him. And to prove that I will quote a passagein 2 Corinthians 2:14-"Now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the savor of His knowledge by usin every place. For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved and in them that perish." Do you not seethat the Apostle knew Christ and Christ's name was in him as ointment poured forth? The man who knows God has a savor abouthim and wherever he goes he will be a power among men! The savor of Christ will come streaming out of him, as incense froma censor filled with glowing coals!
Our usefulness very much depends upon our knowledge of God. We cannot teach others of things that we do not know ourselves.If we have no savor in us there cannot be a savor coming out of us. We shall only be a drag upon the Church in any positionif we are destitute of the knowledge of God in Christ Jesus. But if we are filled with a knowledge of Christ, then the sweetsavor of His name will pour forth from us as perfume from the flowers!
Thus I have put together many things upon which we cannot expatiate, but they will make you see how excellent a thing it isto know the Lord in the heart.
IV. Our fourth point is, THE SOURCE OF THIS KNOWLEDGE. Upon this I will dwell but briefly. We are clearly taught in the textthat it is a Divine work-"I will give them a heart to know Me." None but the Creator can give a man a new heart. The changeis too radical for any other hand. It would be hard to give a new eye, or a new arm, but a new heart [intellect] is stillmore out of the question! All the preaching, teaching and reforming in the world cannot do it. The Lord Himself must do it!
As surely as God made you, God must make you new or you will never know Him. It is evidently a work of pure Grace. "I willgive them a heart," not, "They shall grow into it, or purchase it," but, "I will give it to them." He freely gives to whomeverHe wills, according to His own declaration, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy." It is evidently a work which ispossible. All things are possible to God and He says, "I will give it to them." He does not speak of it as a desirable blessing,but unattainable. On the contrary, He says, "I will give them a heart to know Me."
It is a work which the Lord has promised to do. How many precious passages there are in Holy Writ in which the Lord declaresthat this shall be done? I have lately read them with much sweetness to my own heart. Here are some of them. In Hosea 2:19, "I will betroth you unto Me forever; yes, I will betroth you unto Me in righteousness and in judgment, and in lovingkindnessand in mercies, I will even betroth you unto Me in faithfulness, and you shall know the Lord." Then in the 8th chapter ofthe prophecy of Hosea, in the 2nd verse we read, "Israel shall cry unto Me, my God, we know You."
That wonderful passage in Jeremiah 31:33-34, is so nearly reproduced by the Apostle in the 8th of Hebrews that I need only read the New Testament version (Heb. 8:10-12). "This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord; I will put My laws intotheir mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people: and they shallnot teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know Me, from the leastto the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more."So then it is a promised blessing! A blessing all Divine and Divinely guaranteed to those with whom Jehovah has entered intoCovenant.
The sum of my discourse is this. If you have received this heart to know the Lord, bless Him every minute of your existencefor this choicest of all blessings without which you could not enjoy any other Covenant blessing! Never cease to
praise the Lord, for He has favored you above measure in giving you so priceless a blessing. But suppose you stand in doubtas to whether you know God? How should you act? Listen to good counsel-consider your ways and turn unto the Lord your God,even now. Confess your ignorance, dear Friend. A sense of ignorance is the very vestibule of knowledge.
Go before God this very day with an acknowledgment that you know nothing. Tell Him how ignorant, blind and stupid you are.Confess it all before Him. That being done, remember that it is by the knowledge of Christ that you are to be justified-"ByHis knowledge shall my righteous Servant justify many" (Isa. 53:11). Study the Character of Christ. Contemplate, with eager attention, His work and Person. See God in Christ Jesus and whenyou have done so, cry mightily unto the Lord, saying, "You have given this promise in Your Covenant! Lord, let it be a promiseunto me and do You fulfill it. You have said, 'I will give them a heart to know Me.' Lord, give me a heart to know You!"
"For this," He says, "I will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them." Go and inquire of Him concerning it.He will give you that heart! He will reveal Himself to you and you shall yet have to bless and praise His holy name, thatHe has turned you from darkness to light, and from the ignorance of your natural estate unto the true knowledge of His name.God grant it may be so with you this very day!
Time flies, we are almost at the end of the year and some of you still remain ignorant of God! Shall the year return to Heavento accuse you? Let not this blessed Sabbath go until you have thought upon your ways and turned your steps unto His testimonies!May His Spirit sweetly incline you to seek His face and He will be known of you. God grant His blessing, for Jesus' sake.Amen.