Sermon 3536. A Threefold Slogan

(No. 3536)




"One thing is necessary." Luke 10:44.

"One thing I know." John 9:25. "One thing I do." Philippians 3:13.

[The original title of this sermon was A THREEFOLD MOTTO.]

I HAVE "one thing" in view-"one thing" on which I want to rivet your attention. Forbear with me if I detain you a few minutesbefore announcing a text. It has been said that a man of one book is terrible in the force of his convictions. He has studiedit so well, digested it so thoroughly and understands it so profoundly, that it is perilous to encounter him in controversy.No man becomes eminent in any pursuit unless he gives himself up to it with all the powers and passions of his nature-bodyand soul. Michelangelo had never been so great a painter if his love of art had not become so enthusiastic that he frequentlydid not take off his garments to sleep by the week together-nor had Handel ever been such a great musician if his ardor forcelestial sounds had not led him to use the keys of his harpsichord till, by constant fingering, they became the shape ofspoons. A man must have one pursuit and consecrate all his powers to one purpose if he would excel or rise to eminence amonghis fellows.

When streams of water divide themselves into innumerable streams, they usually create a swamp which proves dangerous to theinhabitants of the neighborhood. Could all those streams be dammed up into one channel, and made to flow in one direction,they might resolve themselves into a navigable river, bearing commerce to the ocean and enriching the people who dwelt uponits banks. To obtain one thing, one comprehensive blessing from Heaven, has been the objective of many a saintly prayer, likethat of David, "Unite my heart to fear Your name." The advice of Paul was, "Set not your affection upon things on earth,"not, "your affections," as it is often misquoted. The Apostle would have all the affections tied up into one affection-andthat one concentrated affection not set upon earthly things-but upon things above, where Christ sits at the right hand ofGod! The concurrence of all our powers and capacities with one single impulse, to obtain one objective and to produce oneresult, is one great aim of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

The "one thing" concerning which I am now about to talk very seriously to you will require three texts to elucidate it. Thereare three pithy passages of Holy Scripture which I shall endeavor to press home on your heart and conscience.


Our first text is to be found in the Gospel according to Luke 10:44, "One thing is necessary." This one thing, according to this passage, is faith in Christ Jesus, the sitting down at the Master'sfeet, the drinking in of His Word. If I may expand for a minute the "one thing," without seeming to make 20 things of thatwhich is but one, I will refer it to the possession of a new life. This life is given to us when, by the power of the HolySpirit, we are created anew in Christ Jesus. And it develops itself in a simple confidence in Jesus, in a hearty obedienceto Jesus, in a desire to be like Jesus and in a constant yearning to be near to Jesus. "One thing is necessary"-that one thingis salvation-worked in us by the Holy Spirit, through faith which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. The new heart, the right spirit,a filial fear of God, love to Jesus-this is the "one thing necessary." How I trust you all know how to distinguish thingsessential from things convenient, and that you are more concerned about necessary things than about things merely attractive,or, at most, but an accessory to your welfare! The little child may admire the field which is covered with red and blue flowers.The farmer cares nothing for these flowers-he delights in the wheat that is ripening for the sickle. So our childish mindsare often fascinated with the flaunting flowers of fortune and fashion-craving after wealth, fame and worldly distinction-butour better reason, if it is allowed to speak, will prefer the necessary things, the things which we must have, or else must

2 A Threefold Slogan Sermon #3536

perish. We may do without earthly goods, for thousands have been happy in life and triumphant in death without any of theluxury which riches can purchase. The heart's love of his fellow creatures has been fairly won by many a humble man who nevercourted popular applause. The patience of the poor has often counted for fine gold, while the pride of the affluent has passedfor nothing but foul dross. Even lack of health, Heaven's priceless blessing to mortals here below, has not hindered someprecious sufferers from serving their generation, glorifying God in a martyrdom of pain and bequeathing treasures of pietyto a grateful posterity. Ten thousand things are convenient. Thousands of things are desirable. Hundreds of things are tobe sought for, but there is one thing, only one thing, the one thing we have described to you, of which our Savior speaksas the "one thing necessary."

And, oh, how necessary it is! Necessary for your children-they are growing up about you and much joy they give you-for youcan see in them many budding excellences. To your partial eyes they give promise of goodness, if not of greatness! They willbe the comfort of your declining years. You have carefully watched their education. Not a whit of their moral habits haveyou failed to overlook. To give them a fair start in the world has been your fond desire till their portion is the fruit ofyour providence. From perils you would protect them. Lest they should have to rough it, perhaps, as much as their father beforethem, you would pilot them through the straits. Good! But, dear parents, do remember that "one thing is necessary" for yourchildren, that they may commence life, continue in life and close life honorably. It is well that they should be educated.It is well that morality should be instilled into them, but this is not enough! Alas, we have seen many leave the purest parentalinfluences to plunge into the foulest sins! Their education has become but a tool for iniquity, and the money with which theymight have helped themselves to competence has been squandered away in vice. "One thing is necessary" for that bright-eyedboy! Oh, if you can take him to the Savior, and if the blessing of the Good Shepherd shall alight upon him and renew him whileyet a child, the best will have been done for him-yes, his one chief need supplied! And if that dear girl, before she comesto womanhood, shall have been led to that blessed Savior who rejects none that come to Him, she will have received all sheshall need for time and for eternity! Quicken your prayers, then, dear parents. Think of your children, to seek their welfaremore intelligently. Be more importunate in intercession on their behalf! Truly, this is the one thing necessary for them.

One thing, too, is necessary for that young man just leaving home to go out as an apprentice and learn his trade. That isa trying time for an untried hand. The heart may well flutter as one, young and inexperienced, reflects that he is now aboutto sail, not on a coasting voyage, but to put fairly out to sea. Before long it will be seen whether those fair professionshad the Truths of God as a foundation. He will get to London-many of you have passed through this ordeal! The Metropolis,what a maze it seemed to you at first, and with what amazement you surveyed it! What with propensities within your breast,and profuse attractions outside-temptation held you spell-bound! What could not be done in the village-what you dared notthinkof in the little market town, seems easy to be done unobserved in the great city! Hundreds of fingers point you to thehaunts of pleasure, the home of vice, the path to Hell! Ah, mother and father, you present the Bible as your parting gift.You write the youth's name on the flyleaf. You offer your prayers and you shed your tears for him. Steals there not over youthe conviction that the one thing he needs you cannot pack in his trunk, nor can you send it up to him by a post office order?The one thing necessary is that Christ should be formed in his heart the hope of glory! With that he would begin life well.A sword of the true Jerusalem metal, that will not break in the heat of the conflict, will be serviceable all his journeythrough. Do I address some young man who has not forgotten his mother's kind remarks when he left home? Let me just echo them,and say to him, One thing you lack! Oh, seek it, seek it now! Before going out of this house, seek till, through Grace, youobtain this one thing necessary which shall bear you safely to the skies!

But "one thing is necessary," not merely for those youngsters at home, or for those about to go abroad in the world. One thingis necessary for the businessman. "Ah," he says, "I need a great many things." But what, I ask, is the one thing? You speakof "the necessary." You call ready cash "the indispensable." "Give me this," says the man of the world, "and I don't careabout anything else! Recommend your religion to whom you please, but let me have solid gold and silver, and I will be wellcontent." Ah, Sirs, you delude yourselves with phantoms! You fondly dream that wealth in your hands would count for more thanit has ever done for your fellows. You must have seen some men make large fortunes whom you knew to be very miserable. Theyhave retired from business to get a little rest, and yet they could find no rest in their retirement! You must have knownothers who, the more they got, the more they have wanted, for they have swal-

lowed a horseleech, and it has cried, "Give, give!" Of course, you never suspected that the money did the mischief, or thatthe precious metal poisoned the heart. But are you in quest of happiness? It lies not in investments, whether in governmentbonds or mortgages, or stocks or debentures, or gold or silver. These properties are profitable. They can be used to promotehappiness. As accessories to our welfare, they may often prove to be blessings, but if accredited with intrinsic worth theywill eat as does a canker! Money circulated is a medium of public benefit, while money hoarded is a means of private discomfort!A man is but a muckraker who is forever seeking to scrape everything to himself. A miser is bound to be miserable. Beforehigh Heaven, he is an object to make the angels weep! One thing is necessary for you merchants, brokers and warehousemen tokeep you from sinking under your anxieties and losses, or to preserve you from becoming sordid and selfish through your successesand lest your greed should increase with your gains! One thing is necessary that your life may be a true life, or else, whenit comes to its end, all that can be said of you will amount to this, "He died worth so much." Must that be your only memorial?When you depart from this world, the poor and needy will not miss you. Widow and orphans will not grieve for you! The Churchmilitant will not mourn! The bright spirits above will not be waiting to greet you. The grand climax of your career-a will!A testament sworn under a very large sum! What shall it profit any man what fortune he may have amassed, if he loses his soul?

Do you think that riches possessed in this world will procure any respect in the nether regions? I have heard that in theold Fleet Prison, the thief who was put into jail for stealing ten thousand pounds thought himself a gentleman in comparisonwith those common fellows who were put in for some paltry debt of 20 or 25 pounds! There are no such distinctions in Hell!You who can boast your talents of gold and talents of silver, if cast away, shall be as complete wrecks as those who neverhad copper or sliver, but lived and died in privation and poverty! You need one thing, and if you get this one thing, yourwealth shall prove a blessing-otherwise it will be a curse! With this one thing your sufficiency for the day guaranteed toyou by promise shall make you as one of Heaven's favorites, fed by the hand of God, always needy, but never neglected. Youaged folk-there are some such here-shall I have to remind any of you that one thing is necessary-yes, most necessary to you?Death has already put his bony palm upon your head and frozen your hair to the whiteness of that winter in which all yourstrength must fail, and all your beauty fade. Oh, if you have no Savior! You will soon have to quit these transitory scenes.The young may die, but the old must. To die without a Savior will be dreary and dreadful! Then, after death, the judgment!Brave old man, how will your courage stand that outlook, if you have none to plead your cause? Oh, aged woman, you will soonbe in the scales-very soon must your character be weighed. If it is said of you, "Tekel, she is weighed in the balances andfound wanting," there will be no opportunity to get right or adjust your relations to God or to your fellow creatures. Yourlamp will have gone out. There will be no chance of rekindling it! If lost, forever lost-forever in the dark-forever castaway! Little enough will it avail you, then, that you have nourished and brought up children. It will not suffice you, then,that you paid your debts honestly. Vain the plea that you attended a place of worship and were always respected in the neighborhood!ONE THING is necessary! Lacking that, you will turn out to have been a fool! Notwithstanding many opportunities and repeatedinvitations, you have rejected the one thing-the one only thing-what an irreparable mistake! Oh, how you will weep as onedisappointed! How you will gnash your teeth as do those who upbraid themselves! You will mourn forever, and your self-reproachshall know no end!

I wish I could move you, as I desire, to feel as I feel, myself-that this one thing is necessary to every unconverted personhere present. Some of you have already got this one choice thing that is so necessary. Hold it fast! Never let it go! Gracegave it to you-Divine Grace will keep it for you-Grace will hold you true to it. Never be ashamed of it. Prize it beyond allcost! But as for you who have it not-I think I hear your funeral knell pealing in my ears, and as you speed away, your spiritsmade to fly for very fear, right into the arms of Justice, I think I hear your bitter cry, "The harvest is past, the summeris ended and we are not saved!" I would gladly pluck you by the skirts, if I could, and say to you, "Why not seek the onething necessary without more ado? Get it now! It will not in any way hurt you. It will make you happy, here, and blessed hereafter."It is as necessary for this life as for the next, as necessary for the exchange as for the sick chamber, as necessary forthe street and for the shop as for the dying bed and for the Day of Judgment. One thing-one thing is necessary! And now allowme to stop before taking you a stage further. Allow me, as it were, to change horses. I must take another text-


It is in the Gospel according to John, the 9th Chapter, and the 25th verse, and these are the words, "One thing I know."

The man who was born blind, whose eyes were opened at the pool of Siloam, said, "One thing I know." This simple statementI want to turn into a pointed question. Among the many things, dear Friends, that you are acquainted with, do you know theone thing that this poor man knew, "Whereas I was blind, now I see"? Here is a wealth of self-knowledge in this single avowal.Little enough, I daresay, he knew about other people, but he knew a great deal about himself He was well aware that he oncewas blind-and he was quite positive that he now could see. Oh, can you say it with sincerity, "I know that I was once blind-Icould see no beauty in Christ, though I thought I saw great beauties in the world. Then I could not love God. I did not hatesin. I had no repentance, nor had I any faith. I was blind, but now- oh, blessed change-now I see my sin and weep over it!Now I see a Savior, and I trust Him! Now I see His beauties and I admire Him! Now I see His service and I delight to spendmy strength in it! One thing I know." What a marvelous experience of a marvelous change this implies! Nor can its importancebe overrated. There is no going to Heaven unless you undergo a change which shall make you entirely new and make all thingsentirely new to you. A young convert once said, "I do not know what is happening-either the world is changed, or else I am,for nothing seems to me to be the same as once it was." Ah, this old Bible, what a dry Book it used to be, but, oh, how itabounds in marrow and fatness now! Prayer-what a tedious duty, once, but what a delightful exercise now! The going up to God'sHouse on the Sabbath- used it not to be a weariness of the flesh? How much better to be in the fields! Yet now, how delightfulwe feel, to assemble with the Lord's saints! With what pleasure we hail the festal morn! All things are altered. Behold, allthings are become new! What we once hated, we love, and what we loved, we hate! Is it so, dear Hearer-is it so with you?

Do not, I pray you, be content with mere reformation. Were you before a drunk, and are you now a teetotaler? Good-very good!Yet, good as it is, it will not save your soul! Dishonest and knavish you once were, but truthful and trustworthy you maynow be-yet rely not upon it for salvation! In former days, unchaste-by stern resolve you may have given up the favorite lust-buteven that will not save you! Those who never fell into your foul sloughs need the change, too. "You must be born-again." Youmust have an entire renewal-a radical change! It is not cutting off the limbs of a tree, nor shifting it to another place,that will convert a bramble into a vine. The sap must be changed. The heart must be renewed. The inner man must be made completelynew. Is it so with you? Why, I think if some of us were to meet our old selves walking down the street, we would hardly knowourselves! 'Tis true, old self has taken good care to knock at our door pretty often since. Of all the knocks we hear, noteven excepting that of the devil, there is none we dread so much! The knock of the old man when he says, "Let me in with mycorruptions and lusts, and let me reign and have my own way." No, old man, you were once ourselves, but go your way, for wehave put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man-we cannot know you, for one thing we know now that we knewnot before-whereas we were blind, now we see!

Need I linger any longer upon this point? Let it suffice if I leave it as a kind of awakening question upon the heart andconscience. There are not 20 things, but there is ONE THING you have to enquire about. Do you know for sure this one thing-thatyou are not now what you used to be? Do you know that Jesus has made the difference? That Jesus has opened the eyes that wereonce without sight? That you now see Jesus, and seeing, you love Him? Our third subject is- III. ONE THING DONE.

The text is in the 3rd Chapter of the Epistle to the Philippians, at the 13th verse. There the Apostle Paul says, "One thingI do."

Pray observe that I did not introduce "doing" first. That would not be appropriate. We do not begin with doing. The one thingnecessary is not doing. Coming to Christ and trusting Him, must take the lead. Not until after you have got the one thingnecessary, and know that you have got it, and are conscious that, whereas you were blind, now you see, can you be fit to takethe next step-"one thing I do." And what is that one thing? "Forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forth untothose things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." It seems,then, that the Apostle gave his whole mind up to the glorifying of God by his spiritual life. He was never content with whathe was. If he had a little faith, he sought for more. If he had a little hope, he aimed to obtain more. If he had some degreeof virtue, he coveted more. Oh, Christians, never be satisfied with being merely saved! Up with you! Away! Off! Go onwardto the high mountains, to the clearer light, to the brighter joy! If saved and

brought, like the shipwrecked mariner, to shore-is that enough? Yes, for the moment it is enough to guarantee the purest satisfactionand the warmest congratulations. But the mariner must seek a livelihood as long as he lives. He must put forth his energies.Whatever avocations open up before him, he must vigorously seek such favors of fortune as may possibly be within his reach.Just so, let it be with you. Saved from the deep which threatened to swallow you up, rejoice that you are preserved from death,but resolve that the life vouchsafed to you shall be active, earnest, vigorous, fruitful in every good deed and work! Be diligentas your traders are! See how they wake their servants up in the morning, how they scold them if they are not diligent. Thisman must be hurried to one place, and that man to another. How sharp they speak! How quickly they move about! They will dotheir business and they spare no pains to increase it. Oh, that we were half as diligent in the service of God! Here we aredriveling away our time. We do not put out all our talents, augment our faith, or enlarge our coast. Why are we so indolentin going to that great giver of every good and perfect gift for fresh supplies? Why do we not wait upon Him to be enriched?Would to God that we were as diligent in spiritual as we are in temporal things! Oh, that we were burning with a holy covetousnessfor the best gifts God can bestow and the choicest blessings saints can receive!

Paul was anxious to do more good, to get more good, to be more good. He sought to win souls. He needed to make Christ's nameknown. An ardent passion inflamed him! A high enthusiasm inspired him. Tent-making, it is true, was his trade, but tent-makingdid not monopolize quite all his heart, and soul, and strength! Does your secular vocation absorb all your thoughts? ThoughPaul was proud of his industry, and could say conscientiously, "My own hands have ministered to my necessities," yet preachingwas the one thing he pursued as his life-work. He was a workman, just as many of you are-but where were his tools? They wereready to hand when he needed them. And did they, do you think, ever creep up into his heart? I believe never. "For us to live,"said he, "is Christ." That was as true, I will guarantee you, when he was tent-making, or picking up sticks on the islandof Malta, as when he was talking heavenly wisdom to the worldly-wise, addressing the Athenians on Mars' Hill or when he discoursedtouching the resurrection of the dead to the Jews, or when he expounded the way of justification to the Gentiles! He was aman of one idea, and that one idea had entirely possessed him! In the old pictures they put a halo around the head of thesaints. But, in fact, that halo encircles their hearts and penetrates every member of their bodies. The halo of disinterestedconsecration to Christ should not be about their brows, alone, to adorn their portraits, for it encompassed their entire being,their spirit, soul and body! It environed them, their whole being. "This one thing I do," was the slogan of early saints.Let it be your slogan!

Beloved, I address you as the saints of this generation. My earnest desire is that you should not come behind in Grace orin gifts. When the Believers of all ages muster, and are marshaled, may you be found among the faithful and true. If not amongthe first or second class of worthies in the army of the Son of David, yet good soldiers of Jesus Christ! Our God is a lovingFather. He likes to praise His people. To this end do be clear about the one thing you need, the one thing you know, and theone thing you do! So will you stand well in that day. Amen.


Verses l-3. Andas Jesuspassed by He saw a man who was blind from his birth. And His disciples askedHim, saying, Master, whodid sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents, butthat the works of God should be made manifest in him. We are not to look upon such afflictions as any indication of specialsin on the part either of the person or the parent. Of course, sin lies at the root of all our suffering as a great genericfact, but not so that we may attribute such an affliction to any one sin. The disciples, you see, dear Friends, are thinkingabout difficult problems. Their Master is thinking about how, practically, to meet the difficulty, and to this day there area large number of Christians, professors and even ministers who occupy their time about questions which really are to no profit.If they could be answered, nobody would be the holier or the better! What does it matter to us what is the origin of evil?Far more important to turn the evil out than it is to find out how it came in! Very frequently, you know, after there is aterrible calamity or accident, we have an inquiry as to how it was done, and then we think the thing is all attended to. Itwould have been better, perhaps, to have an inquiry, before it was done, as to how it could be prevented. Our Lord has thatwisdom-that practicalness. He begins to deal with the evil rather than to raise

questions about it. Yes, and He sees in that evil a good coming out of it! He says that this man was blind, that the worksof God might be made manifest in him.

4-7. Imust work the works ofHim who sent Me while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work. As long as I am in theworld, I am the light of the world. When He had thus spoken, He spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle, and He anointedthe eyes of the blind man with the clay. And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent).He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing. Our Lord used instrumentality. It did not appear, however, to be verylikely to achieve His purpose. The clay seemed more likely to blind than to give sight, yet if the Lord chooses to use thepoor and weak instruments that seem nothing better than dust and spittle, He has the glory of the grand result! If He takesthe humble ministry of His servants and uses it in the pulpit, or in the Sunday school, or anywhere else, He has all the moreGlory and is the less likely to be robbed of it because He uses such unlikely means.

8, 9. The neighbors therefore, and they who before had seen him that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged?Some said, This is he-We are sure of it.

9. Others said, He is like he-They were cautious bodies.

9. But he said, I am he. He knew there was no mistaking his witness!

10, 11. Therefore said they unto him, How were your eyes opened? He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay,and anointed my eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight.Verystraightforward, very concise, very accurate-and when we make answer about our conversion, it is always well to take thisfor a copy-not too many flourishes, no coloring. He even leaves out about the spittle, but he gives it all as he can recollectit. So when you are talking about the Lord's love to you and His way of converting you, it is quite sufficiently remarkable,without any touch of rouge. Let it be given just as it is.

12. Then said they unto him, Where is He? He said I do not know. Enough for him to know what he did know- that his eyes wereopened and how it was done! So sometimes I have known persons come upon the new convert with a question which has rather baffledhim, and he has been troubled because he could not answer it. Do not let it trouble you! You are not expected to know everything.The very best and most honest thing is to say, "I do not know"

13-14. They brought to the Pharisees him that before was blind. And it was the Sabbath Day when Jesus made the clay, and openedhis eyes.So you may be sure that the Pharisees would be down upon Him for that, because, according to the Rabbis, the makingof the clay to put upon this man's eyes would be a kind of brick-making-and they would bring Him in guilty of brick-makingdirectly! So did these men pervert things and make men guilty where no offense had been committed whatever.

15. Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight He said unto them, He put clay upon my eyes, andI washed, and do see. He is shorter with them. Some tales grow in telling. His gets shorter. Besides, he has to deal withcaptious people-and then the least said, the sooner mended-and this shrewd man thought so.

16, 17. Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This Man is not of God, because He keeps not the Sabbath. Others said, How cana man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them. They said unto the blind man, again, What sayyou ofHim, that He has opened your eyes? He said, He is a Prophet He could see that.

18-24. But the Jews didnot believe concerning him, that he had been blind, and received his sight, until they called the parentsof him that had received his sight. And they asked them, saying, Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How, then,does he now see? His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind. But by whatmeans he now sees, we know not; he is of age; ask him. He shall speak for himself. These words spoke his parents because theyfeared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was the Christ, he would be put out ofthe synagogue. Therefore said his parents, He is of age; ask him. Then again called they the man that was blind, and saidunto him, Give God the praise: we know that this Man is a sinner How piously these Pharisees can talk-and generally in thename of God, all sorts of mischief begins. When men are persecuting the Son of God, yet still they take the name of God upontheir lips. Did they not burn the martyrs to the glory of God? Oh, yes, and so did these men thus slander Christ by saying,"We know that this Man is a sinner," and yet they spoke about giving God praise!

25. He Our shrewd friend of the opened eyes.

25-27. Answered and said, Whether He is a sinner or not, I know not: one thing Iknow, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.Then said they to him again, What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes? He answered them, I have told you already,and you did not hear: therefore would you hear it again? Will you also be His disciples?The man is sharp, acute, cutting.

28, 29. Then they reviledhim andsaid, You are His disciple; but we are Moses'disciples. We know that Godspoke unto Moses:as for this Fellow, we know not from where He comes. The word, "fellow," is supplied by the translators. There is no suchword there because they did not know a word bad enough with which to express their scorn.

30-33. The man answered andsaid unto them, Why herein is a marvelous thing, that you know not from where He comes and yetHe has opened my eyes. Now we know that God hears not sinners: but if any man is a worshipper of God, and does His will, himHe hears. Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind. If this Man werenot of God, He could do nothing. He proves! He administrates! The thing is as clear as possible, and yet they refuse to seeit.

34. They answered and said unto him, You were altogether born in sins. It is the old rule, "Abuse the plaintiff." Nothingcould be said. Now abuse the man! He has answered you and his arguments are too difficult for you. Now throw hard words athim. "You were altogether born in sins."

34. And do you teach us?Wonderful, that, "us." "Do you teach us?" Folly, ignorance and pride go together. This man, in thesimplest and most unaffected manner, had told his tale and urged his argument-and now they abuse him and exalt themselves."Do you teach us?" No, great Pharisees, he does not teach you, for you will not learn!

34. And they cast him out. That is the last argument. Out with him! Now we have defeated him.

35. Jesus heard that they had cast him out: and when He had found him. What a blessed thing to be cast out, if Christ findsus! Many and many have been put out of the synagogue and treated with contempt, but then outside Jerusalem they found theirLord, for there He died outside the camp, and His people need not be ashamed to go after Him bearing His reproach. "When Hehad found him."

35-38. He said unto him, Do you believe in the Son of God?He answered andsaid, Who is He, Lord, that Imight believe in Him?And Jesus said unto him, You have both seen Him, and it is He who is talking with you. And he said, Lord, I believe. And heworshipped Him. He does not appear to have been a Unitarian, therefore, and if those persons had their eyes opened, they woulddo the same. "He said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped Him."

39. And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see mightbe made blind. Christ is the turner of the tables. Did not the virgin mother sing, "He has put down the mighty from theirseats, and He has exalted them of low degree. He has filled the hungry with good things, but the rich He has sent away empty"?So He always does.

40. Jesus said unto them, If you were blind-Really could not see.

41. You would have no sin If you really did not know better, were totally and altogether without knowledge-then you wouldhave no sin compared with what you now have.

41. But now you say, We see; therefore your sin remains. You acknowledge that you have sinned with your eyes open and, therefore,your sin is all the greater.