Sermon 3522. Christ a Sanctuary

(No. 3522)




"And He will be as a sanctuary." Isaiah 8:14.

MANY of the Rabbis, and I think with good reason, refer this to the Messiah. We refer it to Jesus Christ, the Man of Nazareth,the Son of God, who is the Messiah of God to our souls. We are, no doubt, justified in referring it to our Lord Jesus Christ,because Peter, speaking by the Holy Spirit, uses the next part of the verse in reference to Him. He declares that it was writtenthat Jesus should be a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense. If, then, the latter part of the verse is by Divine Authorityinterpreted as belonging to Christ, we may be pretty sure that the former part of the verse requires the same construction!

So then, as a subject for our present meditation, we take the fact that Jesus Christ will be as a sanctuary. He will be asa sanctuary in three respects, upon each of which we shall speak with all possible simplicity. First, Jesus will be as a sanctuary-


A sanctuary was a place where a criminal who dared not appear before the tribunals of his country found a shelter. Such sanctuariesonce abounded in England. Certain shrines which were considered sacred had this privilege or this curse-I do not know whichit was-accorded to them-that whenever a criminal had fled to them, he was beyond the arm of justice. There was such a sanctuaryin Westminster and another not far from this Tabernacle, but they were ultimately abolished. Among the Jews the privilegeof the sanctuary was kept in proper check, yet it was not forbidden. Certain cities were set apart to which man-slayers, whohad accidentally slain anyone, might flee for security. We find also that among the Jews, some hoped to find shelter in theprecincts of the Temple. Joab went to the altar and laid hold upon the horns, and thought himself secure, though when Solomonsent and bade him come outside, he said, "No, but I will die here," so that the altar in those days was nota sanctuary. Itwas not until later times that it was unjustifiable to kill men when they had entered into holy places, and hence holy placesand sanctuaries became places of refuge.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is a place of secure refuge for every soul that flies to Him. The moment a sinner believes in Jesus,he is safe-and continuing to believe, he remains safe in life, safe in death, safe in judgment, safe in eternity! The passingout of self-righteousness into confidence in Christ is the act that saves the soul. When your faith lays its hand upon thedear head of the Redeemer-what if I say upon the horns of the altar of His Sacrifice-then is your soul secure and nothingcan destroy it!

Let us explain this mystery. Why is it that believing in Jesus makes the soul safe? It is because when God was angry withmen and must necessarily smite men for their sins, Jesus interposed. The blows that ought to have fallen upon men fell uponthe Savior. The debt which was due from the multitude of sinners to the great God, Jesus paid-

"He bore that man might never bear His Father's righteous ire."

It will be manifest to you all that if Jesus Christ suffered, thus, in our stead, we shall not be called on to suffer thepenalty He discharged. If Jesus paid our debts, they are cancelled and we are in debt no longer! If Jesus Christ became ourSubstitute and stood for us before God, then our warfare is accomplished and, henceforth, the Law of God can exact nothingat our hands. Do you ask for whom did Jesus Christ thus shed His blood as a Substitute, a Representative? We answer, for asmany as believe on His name. "For God so loved the world"-now, mark, here is the gauge, this is the test! I have heard peopledwell on that word, "so," as if it were something boundless and unqualified, without measure or

limitation! But listen to the passage-"For God so loved the world"-so much and no more-"that He gave His only-begotten Son,that whoever believes on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The work of Christ thus begins and ends with," Whoever believes on Him." If you believe not, dying as you are, the death of Christ has nothing to do with you except toplunge you into yet deeper despair! It is only to the man who believes that the blood is applied! No other soul under Heavenhas any share in the merit of that glorious Sacrifice, or shall be accepted thereby, but the men who believe. But for everysoul that believes in Him, Jesus Christ has borne all the punishment that soul deserved to have borne. God cannot in justicepunish that man, for He has punished Christ instead of him. For every soul that believes, Christ has drunk the cup of wrathto the very dregs. There is not a drop left in that cup for anyone who believes on Christ, for Christ has drained it. By Jesusthe debts have all been discharged-He has not left one of them in the book of God's record. Every soul that believes is securebefore the courts of Heaven because Jesus stood for him! My main enquiry here must be, "Do you believe in Jesus?" I will putit in other words. To believe is to trust. Do you trustin Jesus? Do you rely upon Him? If so, then Jesus stood for you!

Now do you see how Jesus Christ becomes a Sanctuary? Just in this way. Because I fear God's anger for my sin, by faith I putmyself beneath the Cross of Christ. There God's anger fell upon the innocent Victim. Divine Justice was clear when it allowedthe Holy One to be condemned and put to death. But that same Justice demands a full release for those on whose behalf He mediated!Their faith furnishes the evidence of their freedom. If God has punished Christ for my sin, He will not also punish me forit. If Christ has paid my debt, then paid it is-nor will God, the Judge of all, bring the handwriting of ordinances whichwas once against me, to indict me for charges that have been fully satisfied! Where is common equity if the Substitute shouldsuffer and then the man for whom the Substitute suffered should suffer again? Thus Justice, itself, puts a canopy over thehead of the ransomed sinner. When the fiery sleet of God's wrath descends, he smiles, because he has found a retreat, a Sanctuary.The fury of the storm spent itself upon the great Substitute. He bore it all and the sinner escaped. Oh, what a blessed Truthof God! He who has never realized it for himself has never known the Gospel. I care not how high your professions, nor howgreat your boastings, nor to what church you belong-if you have not come to rest in the substitutionary work of Jesus Christ,you do not know the first letter of the Gospel alphabet! May the Lord, the Holy Spirit, teach you, for this is the Gospelof the Grace of God which we declare unto you, knowing that we shall have to answer for our preaching at the last assize!

Mark, the Lord Jesus Christ in this way becomes a Sanctuary to us from all our deadly fears. Who among us is not sometimesdisturbed with the recollection of his past life? Surely it has not been as it ought to have been with us. What black spotsdoes our memory conjure up? How much of our time has run to waste? Were you called to die now-and oh, how soon the summonswill come-every week takes some of you away! But in the solemn hour of death, would not your past life bring up dismal fears,deep regrets and dark forebodings? What, then, would you do? Why, what should you do but-as you have done before-fall backupon this great Truth that Jesus died for him that believes and, trusting in Him, you would say-

"A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, On Your kind arms I fall! Be You my strength, my righteousness, My Savior and my All!"

So might you lean your head back upon your pillow and feel it sweet to die with confidence in Christ. Thus, Beloved, fromGod's wrath and from our deadly fears, the Lord Jesus Christ becomes a Sanctuary to those who trust Him.

A Sanctuary He is, likewise, from all our cares. From anxiety and disquietude, who among us is exempt? In the midst of trialsand troubles, be they in mind, body, or estate-from pain, poverty, or pressure of any kind, is it not a blessed thing to say-

"His way was much rougher and darker than mine Did Christ, my Lord, suffer, and shall I repine?"

The remembrance of what He endured for you becomes a sanctuary from dejection and despair! The Friend you trust will provetrue. He will treat you tenderly, to whatever cause you trace your hardships.

Permit me to ask each and every one of you individually-Have you ever fled to this Sanctuary? Can you answer, "Yes"? Thenhappy are you! Go and tell others about it? Let not your tongue be silent. Let others know that there is a covert from thetempest and a shelter from the rough wind; and that you have found and proved it. Be not afraid to

speak. There is more reason to fear silence than speech with such a safeguard from sins, snares, and sorrows! Publish it tothe worst and vilest, if you meet with them. Let your kinsfolk and acquaintances know that there is a safe sanctuary in Christand that you have tested its virtues and its validity. The weight of your personal testimony may be blessed by God's Spiritto their conversion! At any rate, your duty to your fellow creatures and your devotion to your heavenly Benefactor demandthis grateful service! Or perhaps you may have never resorted to this Sanctuary. Then be sure that your peril is fearful andyour doom is imminent! Out of Christ there is no hope! He that believes not on Him is condemned already, because he has notbelieved on the Son of God! At this present moment-and who can tell how critical the present moment may be-the wrath of Godabides on you! It rests on you, moral though you may be as a citizen, virtuous though you may be as a young man, or pure andaffectionate as a young woman, seeing you have not believed! The one thing necessary is lacking. No plea you can offer isvalid. You have put yourselves out of court. The wicked shall be cast into Hell with all the nations that forget God! Thatis the category in which you place yourselves. You have forgotten God! You have neglected Christ! You have never reached aresting place!

Oh, listen! Do you not long for an asylum, a sanctuary, a safe retreat? Are you anxious to reach it? You may easily find it!As you run eagerly, you will read clearly. If you are really humbled and brought to know your need of a Savior, He is easyof access. Just give up all your doings and cast yourselves into His arms. I have used this illustration before, but it willanswer my purpose again. There is a boy in a burning house. He is clinging yonder to a windowsill. If he falls to the ground,he will be dashed to pieces. But a strong man standing underneath cries, "Boy, drop! I will catch you!" His hands let go andhe falls safely into the arms that are stretched out to rescue him. That letting go is an act of faith, and he is saved thereby.Such faith I would have you now exercise-let go of everything you have been clinging to-just drop into the Savior's arms andon His sacred bosom you shall find rest. Depend on Him, and on Him alone. 'Tis all that is asked of you! Will you tell methat you are not fit? Did you ever hear of fitness in connection with a sanctuary? Why, the worst of thieves, and even murderers,were accustomed to fly to the sanctuary! So, however vile you may be, Christ sets the sanctuary of His Atonement wide openbefore you, that you may go to it and find shelter-

"Let not conscience make you linger,

Nor of fitness fondly dream.

All the fitness He requires

Is to feel your need of Him-

This He gives you,

'Tis His Spirit's rising beam." Right joyful should I be if, by the Holy Spirit's power, I might persuade some of you to fleeto Jesus and depend alone upon Him. This would be the happiest day of your lives, the beginning of a new life! Well do I recollectwhen I looked to my Lord and Master and found salvation in Him. Never can I forget the happy day when Jesus took my sins away.Most affectionately and earnestly do I entreat you to look to Him-and so shall your eyes be enlightened. Depend on a CrucifiedSavior and you shall find peace and comfort to your souls. Secondly, Jesus Christ is a Sanctuary in the sense of-


We often hear people talk, nowadays, of exclusively holy places. They will sometimes call some edifice, be it a parish churchor a private chapel, a sanctuary. I take it that this is a mistaken use of the word if used exclusively. No one place is abit more sacred than another! Those who would draw near to the Lord should remember that-

"Wherever we seek Him, He is found, And everyplace is hallowed ground." It is nothing but a relic of Judaism, or a resultof Roman Catholic superstition, to suppose that there are specially holy places constructed of bricks and mortar, or consecratedstones. Your bedroom, where you bow the knee, may be as near the gate of Heaven as the grand cathedral along whose vaultedroofs the music of song has resounded for centuries! Jesus Christ, however, is a Sanctuary! He is the Holy Place of His people'sworship! Treasure that up. You may worship God anywhere if you get with Christ, but if you forget Christ, you can worshipnowhere! "No man comes unto the Father but by Me," says Christ. You can never have an acceptable worship of the Most Highexcept through Jesus Christ.

I will take you for a moment into that which was called the Holy Place under the old Jewish law, the Holy of Holiest. Whatwas there? Only two things which could be seen. The one was the golden censer, and the other was the Mercy Seat,

and both of these things were instructive. Now, Beloved, when you go to the Lord to worship, the first thing you need is somebodyto render your worship acceptable. See there, in the Person of your Lord Jesus Christ, a golden censor, representing the sweetmerit of His prevalent intercession by which you are accepted. When the High Priest went into the Holy Place, he filled thisgolden censer and waved it to and fro till the sweet perfumed smoke went up before the Mercy Seat. That is just what Jesusdoes in Heaven for us! We burn the incense here, below, and the sweet perfume of His merit continually ascends before theThrone of the Most High and Holy God. And beneath the cloud of smoke we worship. Jesus becomes a Sanctuary for us, and youcan never worship God aright till you feel that Jesus' merits go with your worship. If your prayers are perfumed with theincense of your own merits and you think they will be acceptable, you know not what you are doing! But if you see that goldencenser and look to God through the smoke of Jesus' merits, then do you really worship-and Christ thus becomes to you a Sanctuary!

The other article of furniture in the Holy of Holies was the Mercy Seat-a square casket upon which were set cherubim withoutstretched wings. It was before this Mercy Seat, perhaps, that all prayer had to be offered. There was only one place whereIsrael's gifts could really come up before God-and that was before the Mercy Seat. Now, Beloved, when we go to God, we cannotgo directly to Him-we must go to the Mercy Seat first. "I will have nothing to do with an absolute God," said Luther, andhe was quite right. We may not come unto God except through Jesus Christ! We look towards God in the Person of His dear Son.God in the Son of Mary. God in the Man of Nazareth. God in the bleeding Sufferer of Calvary-we look there, and we look throughJesus Christ up to the unseen, but ever-glorious Father-and with Jesus' merits before us, with His precious blood before ourmind's eye, we come to God through Jesus Christ-and we are accepted in the Beloved!

But, Beloved, I am afraid that many Sundays, and many weekdays, too, we try to worship God without Christ! It will never do-itcannot succeed! If ever you come out of your closet without the sense of having put the blood before God, you have had a lostseason of retirement! If you ever go out of this Tabernacle feeling that in all the worship there has been no sense of Christ'sPresence, no thoughts of His precious blood-that worship has been worthless-the time has been wasted! Without the incenseof His merit, without the Mercy Seat of His substitutionary Sacrifice, there is no Sanctuary, there is no worship, there isno drawing near to God!

Inside the Mercy Seat, if you had been permitted to open the lid and look in, you would have seen three things. First, youwould have seen a golden pot of manna. Now communion is one of the sweetest portions of worship. Communion is set forth inScripture by eating bread with one another. So the eating of manna with God is typical of communion, but we get no manna unlessit comes out of the golden pot of Christ! I find no manna, except it is concealed beneath the Mercy Seat-no eating with Godunless we come through Jesus Christ. Do not, I beseech you, attempt to commune with God apart from a precious sense of a CrucifiedSavior! It is at the Cross' foot that Jacob's ladder stands, the top of which is in Heaven. If you would see a Covenant God,you must get the telescope of faith and stand at the foot of the Cross and look, for you shall see God nowhere but in Jesus!You shall feed upon heavenly manna nowhere but as you feed upon Christ!

Another mode of worship is that of service, for to work for God is the best of service. Inside the Ark there was Aaron's rodthat budded. What was that? It was Aaron's symbol of work when he was called to work for God. Do you want to know whetheryou are called to work for God? Look for your Aaron's rod in Christ! You will never have a rod that buds if you look awayfrom the Lord to the visible Church. The Church may call you when you have no Divine vocation. There are thousands of priestswho have had bishops' hands upon their heads, who are neither God's ministers nor truly called to minister among men! Butif you see your calling in Christ, if you get Aaron's rod that budded, full of life and vigor, the Spirit of God will maintainyou in your work. In your worship, then, and in your service, Christ must be your Sanctuary.

One other thing was in the ark, and that was the tablets of stone, the perfect tablets of the unbroken Law of God fairly writtenout. If you desire to have the Law written on your hearts, if you desire to have perfect righteousness in keeping the Lawof God, you must not try to approach God for yourselves, but you must come through the Mediator, Jesus Christ! He who wouldoffer to God a perfect obedience must take the imputed righteousness of the Immaculate Son of God, and being arrayed in that,he shall worship God aright, Christ being a Sanctuary for him.

I am very, very anxious that every Believer here should draw a ring, as it were, around himself and ask his heavenly Fatherfor help, that he may draw near through the torn veil of the Savior's pierced body and come spiritually, with

heart, and soul, and strength, near to the Throne of God, worshipping the Most High! Our third point is that Jesus is a Sanctuaryin the sense of-


This is an unusual sense, perhaps, but it is a Scriptural one. "He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shallabide under the shadow of the Almighty. In the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me. He shall set me up upon the rock."The priest under the old Law only went into the Holy of Holies once a year, but every priest unto God-and you are all suchwho have believed-every priest unto God goes in and never goes out again-at least, he never needs to go out! He may abidealways in the Holy Place-a place where in the morning he sings his waking song-and a place wherein at night he sups with Christ.

The Sanctuary was a place in which only one Person ever dwelt, and that was God, Himself. The mysterious light which theycalled the Shekinah shone from between the wings of the cherubim. There were the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar offire by night-the symbols of the Divine Presence. It was God's House. No man lived with Him, no man could. The High Priestwent in but once a year, and out he went again to the solemn assembly. But now, in Christ Jesus, in whom dwells all the fullnessof the Godhead, bodily, we find a Sanctuary to reside in, for we dwell in Him-we are one with Him! God was in Christ, reconcilingthe world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. And as God was in Christ, so is it written, "You in Me, andI in you." Such is the union between Christ and His people. Every Believer is in Christ, even as God is in Christ. So Christis the Sanctuary where God and man may meet together and live in perpetual delight and solace! My Beloved, do you always dwellin Christ? I wish I did. I find it comparatively easy to get fellowship with Christ, but oh, it is so difficult to keep itup. When one climbs the mountain, gets one's forehead bathed in the sunlight, talks with God and feels the world to be farbelow in the valley, one feels that it is good to be there! But ah, we are soon down again, mixing with the people, marryingand giving in marriage. We are fighting our battles and buying and selling again! Oh, that we could have Peter's wish andbuild three tabernacles, for it is good to be there, where the transfigured Master reveals Himself to His delighted people!Oh, that we could always live in the banqueting-house, and see that banner of love always floating over us! And let me tellyou, we may do so! There have been some of the saints who have been helped to do it. They have been as much with God whenthey have been trading across the counter as when they have been bowing the knee-as much with Jesus in their daily toils asin their Sabbath rest! Why should it not be so with us? I covet. I covet beyond all luxuries, to walk with God! If I mighthave this, I would not ask for anything else beneath these skies-

"Oh, that I might forever sit With Mary at the Master's feet To hear His gracious voice!"

Oh, that I might go into the door of His House and never find my way out! If we leave the Table, it is not because the feastis over or the Master has dismissed the guests. Oh, never! You are not straitened in Him, but in yourselves. The deep bottomlesssea of His precious love is all before you! If you thirst, it is because you will not drink! If you live in the cold Arcticregions, distant from Christ, it is not because the sunlight of His love could not warm and cheer you. If you would come intothe equatorial regions of a simpler faith and a more abundant trustfulness, you might yet have all the luxuriance of a tropicalheat sent into your souls! Come up higher, Brothers and Sisters! From the lowest chambers come to the highest ones! From theMaster's feet come to His bosom, and from His bosom come to His lips. From the outside court or tabernacle come to the courtof the priests, and from the court of the priests come to the Holiest of All. Advance! Come boldly! The Lord help you by HisSpirit to come and dwell in the Sanctuary! Amen.


Verse 1. Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved. Now these people had persecutedthe Apostle. Wherever he went they had followed him-they had hindered his work-they had sought his life and yet this was theonly return that he made to them-to desire and pray that they might be saved! Let us never be turned aside from this lovingdesire for those among whom we dwell. We wish them nothing worse-we cannot wish

them anything better than that they may be saved. Let us not only desire it, but let us prayfor it. Let us turn our desiresinto the more practical and holy form of intercession.

2. For I bear them record that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. Always make allowance for anythingthat is good in those who, as yet, are not converted. We must not be unjust with them because we desire to be faithful tothem.

3. For they, being ignorant ofGod's righteousness, andgoing about to establish their own righteousness, have not submittedthemselves unto the righteousness of God. And that is the great mischief with persons who are not saved. They are very sincere,very earnest, but they will not submit to the righteousness of God-they will not agree to be made righteous by the Grace ofGod through Jesus Christ. But they "go about"-that is the Apostle's word. It is very expressive of the energy men will putinto it, and the shifts to which they will have recourse in order to work out a righteousness of their own. They will go about,yes, even to the very gates of Hell! They will try to climb up by prayers, even to the gates of Heaven! They will go aboutto establish their own righteousness, but they do not know the righteousness of God- and they refuse to submit themselvesto it.

4. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone who believes. He that believes in Christ is as righteousas the Law of God could have made him, if he had kept it perfectly. The end of the law is righteousness, that is, the fulfillingof it-and he who has Christ will see the Law fulfilled in Christ, and the righteousness of Christ applied to himself!

5. 6. For Moses describes the righteousness which is of the law, That the man who does those things shall live by them. Butthe righteousness which is of faith speaks on this wise-Ah, that is a very different sort of thing! It does not speak aboutdoing and living, "but the righteousness which is of faith speaks on this wise."

6-9. Say not in your heart, Who shall ascend into Heaven? (That is, to bring Christ down from above). Or, Who shall descendinto the deep? (That is, to bring up Christ again from the dead). But what does it say? The word is near you, even in yourmouth, and in your heart that is, the word of faith which we preach. That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus,and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. There is the Gospel in a nutshell!What a very simple way it is-to believe these great facts about the Lord Jesus Chr-ist-really to believe them so that theybecame practical factors in your life. This is all the way of salvation. Christ has not to be fetched down. He has come! Hehas not to be sent up. He has risen from the dead! The work is finished! What you have to do is to believe in that finishedwork and accept it as your own-and you shall be saved!

10. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the month confession is made unto salvation. How differentall this from that going about to establish our own righteousness, this setting up of prayers, tears, church attendance, chapelattendance, good works and I know not what besides! Instead of that, here is Christ set forth and, "you are complete in Him."If you take Him to be yours, you are, "accepted in the Beloved," and "being justified by faith, you have peace with God throughour Lord Jesus Christ." Oh, what a blessing this is!

11. For the Scripture says, Whoever believes on Him shall not be ashamed. Though he did much that he need be ashamed of, yetwhen the Law of God so brought him to believe in Jesus Christ for righteousness, he is righteous! And he is so righteous thathe shall never be ashamed of his righteousness, nor ashamed of his faith in Christ! Would God that some who are going aboutafter a righteousness of their own would be led to try this method and believe in Jesus Christ.

12. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek. What a blessed word that is-"There is no difference betweenthe Jew and the Gentile"! There are some who want to keep up that difference. They say that we are Israel, or something ofthe kind. I do not care what we are. There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek!

12. For the same Lord over all is rich unto all who call upon Him. Someone said to me, "I think that the Romish Church cannotbe a Christian Church. I do not think that the Church of England is a Christian Church. Do you think the Baptists are a ChristianChurch?' And my answer was, "The Christian Church is to be found mixed up in all churches, and no churches at all." It isa people that God has chosen from among men-and they are to be found here and there and everywhere-a spiritual seed that Godhas marked out to be His own! And they are known by this-that they call upon the Lord and, "the same Lord over all is richunto all that call upon Him."

13. For whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. We call upon that name by having confidence in it. Byspeaking to God in prayer, using that name. By adoring and reverently proclaiming the majesty and the name of God. Whoevershall call upon or invoke that great name shall be saved!

14. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?For at the bottom of the saving invocation or call theremust be real faith. There cannot be any true worship of God unless it be grounded and bottomed upon faith in


14. And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? There cannot be such a thing as believing what has neverbeen spoken in our hearing, and has never been made known to us. Of course, reading often answers the same end as hearing.It is a kind of hearing of the Word, but a man must know, or he cannot believe.

14. And how shall they hear without a preacher?How is that possible? Do you see the machinery of the Gospel? There is thecalling upon the name. That comes of faith. There is the faith that comes of hearing, but there is the hearing that comesof preaching. Now a little farther.

15. And how shall they preach, except they are sent?Poor preaching. It will not be the kind of preaching that produces believinghearing, except they are sent. If God does not send the man, he had better have stayed at home! It is only as God sends himthat God will bless him. He is bound to back up His own messenger when he delivers God's own message. "How shall they preach,except they are sent?"

15. As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them who preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.And they are so beautiful because, you see, God has put them at the root of everything. God makes the preacher whom He sendsto be the source of so much good, or the channel of so much good, for by his preaching comes the hearing, and by the hearingcomes the believing-and out of the believing comes the calling upon the name and the salvation!

16. But they have not all obeyed the Gospel. "But." A sorrowful "but" is this. Oh, this is the mischief of it. The Gospel,then, has an authority about it-or else the Apostle would not speak of obeying the Gospel. Men are bound to believe what Goddeclares to them, and their not believing is a disobedience! "They have not all obeyed the Gospel."

16. For Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed our report?As if there were so few that did believe it, that he had to ask whothey were!

17. So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. You are wise, therefore, dear Friend, if you are seekingsalvation to be a hearer of the Word. But mind that it is the Word of God that you hear, because the word of man cannot saveyou. It may delude you. It may give you a false peace. But the hearing that saves is hearing which comes by the Word of God.Oh, take care, then, that you do not run here and there just because of the cleverness of certain speakers, but keep to theWord of God-whoever preaches it-for "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."

18. But I say, Have they not heard?These very people for whom the Apostle prayed-have they not heard?

18. Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. The preaching of the Gospelwent forth among those Israelites who rejected it. Wherever they went, the Gospel seemed to follow them like their shadows.They could not escape from it, but they did not believe it.

19. But I say, Did not Israel know? Assuredly, Israel did know, but did not believe.

19. First Moses says, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.Moses told them that it would be so if they rejected Christ. Christ would be preached to the Gentiles, and those whom theythought to be foolish would come in and accept what they had rejected!

20. But Isaiah is very bold, and says, I was found of them that sought Me not: I was made manifest unto them that asked notafter Me. He told them, therefore, that God would save a people who up to now had never sought after God- that He would sendthe Gospel to a people that were dead in sin, and had never asked to receive the light and life of God!