Sermon 3505. A Miracle of Grace

(No. 3505)

Published on Thursday, March 30th, 1916.

Delivered by


At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

"So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, and to do worse than the heathen, whom the Lord had destroyedbefore the children of Israel. And the Lord spake to Manasseh and to his people; but they would not hearken. Wherefore theLord brought upon them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria, which took Manasseh among the thorns, and bound himwith fetters, and carried him to Babylon. And when he was in affliction, he besought the Lord, his God,and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers, and prayed unto him and hewas entreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knewthat the Lord he was God."-2 Chron. 33:9-13.

MANASSEH was born three years after his father's memorable sickness. You will remember that Hezekiah was stricken with a mortaldisease, and Isaiah, the prophet, come to him and said, "Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die,and not live." He appears to have been startled and appalled at the tidings, and gave vent to his feelings with bitter tears.Evidently he was afraid at the time to face death. He had probably been indulging a worldly spirit;and besides this, it lay as a heavy burden upon his heart that he had no son whom he should leave as his successor inthe kingdom. In deep distress of soul, accordingly, he turned to the wall and prayed to the Lord. With piteous weeping andearnest pleading he besought that his life might be spared. His prayer was heard, his tears were seen, and his petition wasgranted by God. His days were prolonged by fifteen years. In the third year of those fifteen years his son Manasseh was bornto hire.Had he knows, methinks, what sort of a son would have risen up in his stead, he might have been content to die, ratherthan to be the father of such a persecutor of God's people, and such a setter up of idolatry in the land. Alas! full oftenwe know not what we, pray for. We may be covetous of an apparent boon which would prove to be a real curse both to ourselvesand to thousands of others. You prayed, mother-yea, prayed fervently-for the life of that dear babe whom God was pleaded totakeaway from you. You cannot know what disposition the child would have shown, what temptations would have befallen it, orwhat consequences would have come of its life. Could some parents have read the history of their children from the day oftheir birth, they might rightly have wished that they had never been born. We had better leave such matters with God, andsubmit to his sovereign will. He knows better than we do, for ho is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working. Thank God,theseaffairs are not in our own hands. They are in far better and wiser keeping than ours.

Manasseh's mother was named Hephzi-bah, a beautiful name. I wonder whether Hezekiah gave her the name because she was hisdelight, or because his gratitude inspired it, as he was then himself delighting in his God. I can scarcely think that atsuch a time he would have chosen one who had not also chosen God; therefore, let us think of her as a godly woman. But inthat case she could have had little enough delight in her son; and sometimes, I should think, when she saw himpursuing the people of God with the sword, and sinning with a high hand, she must have been ready to say, "Call me nomore Hephzi-bah, but call me Marah, for the Lord hath dealt bitterly with me." It is not always that the thing which makesus glad to-day will make us glad to-morrow likewise. Let children be accounted a heritage of the Lord. They are the joy ofour hearts and the flowers of our homes. But what will they be to us when the gay, guileless, sportive days of their childhoodhave runout? Unless God sends his blessing with them, the increase of our families may be the sorrow of our lives. Evil passionsand propensities develop themselves in our children with their growth, and if the grace of God does not subdue their sinfuldisposition, we may have to rue the day that they were born. Manasseh's name signified "forgetfulness." I hope his fatherdid not forget his training, and leave him to those young courtiers who always hang about kings' palaces, and are pretty suretoinstil into a young prince's mind more vanity than virtue, and bespeak his favour and patronage for the popular party.There was a superstitious section in those days, cultivating idolatry and pouring contempt on the Evangelical brethren, whosecause his father, Hezekiah, had espoused so earnestly and defended all his days. That new religion, imported from among theheathen, had its meretricious attractions. Was there not a great deal to please the eye in its pageant, and much to charmthe earin its worship? The beautiful artistic work in the statuary of its idols, and the fine display of pomp in all the ceremonies-didnot these appeal to a cultivated taste? The old-fashioned puritanical order of worshipping at one temple, where the servicewas bald, and where there was scarcely anything to be seen except by the priests themselves, was becoming effete. Would itnot be better to go with the times, take up with Baalim and Ashtaroth, do homage to the sensuous proclivities of the commonpeople, and make friendly alliances with nations holding other creeds? I should not wonder but they talked to the youngman in that fashion, and he-oblivious of what God bad done for his sire and forgetful that in the long history of the houseof Judah the people had always been smitten when they turned aside to idols and that they only prospered when they clave tothe living God fell into the snare, and sinned with a high hand.

I shall introduce him to you first as a loathsome monster of guilt; then, secondly, I shall show you how the hand of God followed him till he became a piteous spectacle of misery; after which-blessed be God!-we shall have to mount into a clearer atmosphere, when we point him out to you as he became afterwards,a miracle of grace; and in fine we shall have to admire him as a delightful picture of genuine repentance. We must begin by consideringhim as:


I cannot imagine that any one of my hearers can have been so great a sinner as Manasseh. I shall not attempt to draw a parallelbetween him and anyone else. Still, I should not wonder if some of you may be led to draw some such parallel for yourselves.If you do so, I pray the Lord to give you such a sense of your own guilt as shall constrain you to seek pardon.

Deep was the crime, and daring was the impiety of Manasseh, in size that he undid all the good work of his pious father. What Hezekiah had painfully wrought at the web he began to unravel as fast as he could. That which the father built up forGod the son pulled. down; and that which the father had cast down because it was evil the son at once began to reconstruct.I must confess I have known sons do the like. Because, they have hated their father's piety, as it hasbeen a restraint upon their sin, they have vowed that if it ever came into their power to do as they liked, there shouldbe a change in the household. As I passed a certain house this week a friend said to me, "Many a prayer-meeting has been heldin that farmhouse. People used to come for miles round there to meet and pray." "Is that a thing of the past?" said I; "areno prayer meetings held there now?" "Oh! no," he replied; "the father died, and his reprobate son came into the property.Aprayer meeting, indeed! No. He defied his mother to attempt such a thing; and after having stripped her, and strippedthe little estate of all there was that was worth the having, he has gone away, and has not been heard of for many a year.As far as he could, he tore down everything that belonged to his father that reminded him of his God." Mr. Whitefield usedto tell of a wicked son who said be would not live in the same house that his father had inhabited, for he said that everyroom in thehouse stunk of his father's religion, and he could not bear it. There are men who after such manner devise mischief. Butah! young man, you cannot sin in that atrocious way without incurring extraordinary guilt. It will be remembered that yousin against the light; it will be recollected at the last great day that you were prayed for-that you were instructed in theright way; nor will you sin so cheap as others-others, did I say? I means such as, when they transgress, only follow an evilexample, and run in the path which their parents taught them. Oh! how I grieve over ungodly young men who treat theirfather's God with dishonour and despite.

Manasseh's sin was aggravated by the fact that he chose to follow the very worst examples. Though he had in his father one of the best patterns of purity, that would not do, but he must cast about him to see whomhe could imitate. Upon whom think ye, did he light? Why, upon Ahab-the Ahab Of whom God had said that he would cut off everyone of his house, and not leave one remaining; a threat which had been executed, for the blood of Ahab had been licked bydogs inthe field of Naboth, and Jezebel, his wife, had been devoured of dogs. Yet this young man must needs choose Ahab to behis pattern, so he set up Baalim, even as Ahab had done of old. The like folly I have known to be committed by young men inthese days. It may be there are those here who have not found anybody that they could imitate, until at last they sought outsome licentious individual, perhaps, of years gone by, whom they have elected to be their leader. Why, half the youth of Englandused, at one time, to be infatuated with Lord Byron. The glare of his genius blinded them as to the terrible hue of hischaracter and the atrocity of his conduct, so they followed headlong in his track, because, forsooth, he was a great man anda poet. Affecting wit, they bid defiance to pure morals. Alas! for the men whose sentiments, whose language, and whose actionsbetray the hardihood and the daring of vicious characters they are prone to emulate! Though they know better, they deliberatelychoose the worst models that they can copy from. What extravagance man will perpetrate in sin!

But this Manasseh sought out for himself unusual and outlandish sins. Bad as Ahab was, he had not worshipped the host of heaven. That was an Assyrian worship, and this man must needs import fromAssyria and Babylonia worship that was quite new. He set up the image Ashra, which you may, perhaps, have seen on the slabsthat have been brought from Nineveh: a tree bearing souls, intended to represent all the host of heaven. He carved this inthe house of God, and set itup for worship. We read in the prophets that the people used to stand in front of the temple and bow before the risingsun, worshipping the hosts of heaven. He was not satisfied with common sin. We have known sinners of this class; they arenot content merely to sin as others do; they are ambitious to invent some fresh sin. Like Tiberius, who offered a prize ifsomebody would find him out a new pleasure, they want to discover a new species of impiety, which shall draw attention tothemselves.They must be singular in whatever they attempt; even if it comes to being singularly wicked. Such was Manasseh. He couldnot be satisfied to run in the race with others, and mingle with the ill-fashion of his times; swiftly as they would fly,he must distance them all.

Beyond this, he insulted God to his face. Here, perhaps, his sin culminates. It was not enough to build idol temples for idol worship, but he must needs set up theidols and their altars in the Temple of Jehovah. Such arrogance, as we think of it, makes our blood chill. And ah! one tremblesto tell it, not a few men have thus invoked upon their bodies and their souls the curse of the Almighty. So desperately havethey been set on transgression, that they have liftedtheir hand and defied their Maker. Had he not been God-the God of all patience-he would have resented their defiance,and have suddenly smitten them down to hell; but being God, and not man, he has borne with them. He is too great to be stirredby their insults. He has put it by, and let it lie still, winking alike at their ignorance and their assumption. for a while,until their iniquity shall be full; and then, in his justice, will he visit it upon their head. There are not a few in ourgreatcity who continually do all that they can to provoke God, and to show how little they reverence him how utterly they ignorehis claims on their homage. They will go out of their way to introduce blasphemies into their common conversation, and toexpress their disgust and contempt for everything chaste and comely, sacred and godly. Such was Manasseh. He set up the altarsof the false gods in the house of the living God.

Is not his character black enough? Nay, we have not laid on the thickest touches yet. We are told he made his children to pass through the fire; that is to say, he passed them between the red-hot arms of Moloch, that they might belong for ever as long as they lived,to that fiendish deity. If we do not aver that men do this now-a-days, they fall little short of the same cruelty and crime.Many a man teaches his child to drink arduous spirits; trains him to habitswhich he knows will lead him to drunkenness; does his utmost to pass the child through the red-hot arms of the spirit-fiend,Else Moloch of the present time. Many a man has taught his child to blaspheme. If he has not deliberately purposed it, hehas actually effected it, fully conscious that he was so doing. What was his example but a deliberate lesson? Ay; there arepeople who seem to take delight in the sins of their children, Laughing at the iniquities they have instructed their own sonstoperpetrate. Do I address a father who, for many years, has never attended a place of worship on the Sabbath-who has oftengone home reeling drunk, and, though somewhat reformed himself, sees his own son plunging into every vice that he was himselfonce habituated to? Let me ask you, Do you wonder at it? Do you wonder at it? You have passed your children through the flames;what marvel that they were singed, and that the smell of fire is upon them? Oh! it is a crying sin that men will not onlygo to hell themselves, but they must needs drag their children with them. Many a man has not been satisfied to be ruinedbut he must ruin same young woman who, perhaps, once had religious convictions. He becomes her husband, and forbids her toattend the house of God. As for his children, they may, perhaps, be sent to the Sunday School to get them out of the way inthe afternoon, yet any goad they might learn there is Soon dissipated by the scenes and sounds they witness and hear underthe roofof their home. Why, multitudes in this city-we know it, and they must know it themselves-are ruining their children, deliberatelycompassing their perdition. Is this a small sin, an insignificant mistake in their training? I trow not.

Moreover, Manasseh proceeded further, for he made a league with devils. There were, in his day, certain persons who professed to talk with departed spirits, supposing that the devil had the meansof communicating with them about things to come. Now, whether this fellowship with familiar spirits is a delusion and a lie,as I suspect it is, or whether there may be a mystery of Satan involved in it, I do not know; but certain it was that Manassehtried to get as nearthe devil as he could. If he could get him to be his friend he was well content to make a covenant with hell, so thatit might answer his purposes. Let him have good luck; little did he care for God. He would consult a wizard. Superstitionled him to that, but the good Word of God he utterly despised. And there are same that have done this-some here, perhaps.I will not suppose they have lent themselves to those silly superstitions, or resorted lo those deceitful or deceived mediums whoperform in the dark. I should think, in these modern times of popular education, anyone is fit to be confined in a lunaticasylum who is beguiled by that snare. Intelligence should protect you from imposture. But there be those who, if the devilwould help them, would be glad enough to shake hands with him, and say, "Hail, fellow; well met!" If they do not entertainthe devil, it is no fault of theirs. They have set the table for him, and furnished the house, and made themselves quite readyforany evil spirit that chooses to come to them. Oh! what iniquity this is! They will not have God; they will have Satan.They cast off the great Father in heaven, but the archenemy of souls-with him they make a covenant, and contract a league.Could sin go much farther shall this? It could, and it did; for this man led the whole nation astray. Being a king, he had great power, and he used his authority and exerted his influence to induce his subjects to follow hispernicious course. Ioften wonder what will be the horror of a man that has lived in gross sin when, in the next world, he meets those thathe betrayed and seduced into iniquity, when he begins to see, in the murky gloom of that intolerable pit, a pair of eyes whichsomehow or other seem to hold him fixed and fast. He recognises them; he has seen them somewhere before, and those eyes flashfire into the soul as though they would utterly consume him, and a voice says, "A thousand curses on thee! Thou art he thatledme first into sin-enticed me from a virtuous home, and from godly associations, to become thy partner in iniquity. A blastbe on thee evermore!" What company they have to keep in that place of torment! How they will gnash their teeth at one anotherin dreadful rage, each one charging the other with being his destroyer! Oh! there is remorse enough in store for a man whoruins himself, but who can tell the pangs that shall scourge his soul who betrays his fellow-creatures, and precipitates theminto everlasting ruin? Verily, dear friends, we stand aghast at the picture of such a man as Manasseh, he set no boundsto his sin. He sinned with both hands greedily, and when the messengers came from God to tell him of it, he was angry withthem. Tradition says that he sawed the prophet Isaiah in halves for daring to reprove him. But it is not from tradition, butfrom revelation, we learn that he made Jerusalem to swim with blood from one end to the other, putting to death all thosethatwould not go in his ways and follow his devices. Persecution of the saints of God is a scarlet sin, that calls aloud toheaven for vengeance. Manasseh was guilty of this, among other crimes. I am sick at heart, and my tongue is weary of the story.Let me turn to another branch of the narrative. This terrible monster of iniquity presently became:-


A few words will suffice to describe it. The Assyrian king sent his captain, one Tartan, who besieged the city till it wasdevastated, and the king fled. It would appear that he hid himself in a thorn brake, and was dragged out from it, and fetteredand manacled with heavy irons. There remains a representation at the present time of some Jewish king-we cannot be sure itwas Manasseh-who was dragged before the King of Babylon. At any rate, it represents what was done toManasseh, whether the like treatment befell any other Jewish king or not. He has two rings-a ring on each ankle, and aheavy bolt between them, and his hands are fastened in the same manner. He is brought before the king at Babylon. There heseems to have been cast into prison, and kept in confinement. The cruelties of the Assyrian monarchs are attested by the memorialsupon their own palace walls; therefore, I can fully credit the story told; by Jerome, that this Manasseh was himself put intoa brazen vessel, and subjected to the most intense heat, the Assyrian king abusing him for having passed his own childthrough the fire in the same manner. That he was kept for many a long month in a dark and dreary dungeon, with only sufficientbread and vinegar given him to sustain his life, appears certain. He must have been wretched to the last degree: his crowngone, his kingdom devastated, his subjects put to unheard-of miseries, We are told that the judgment which God executed upontheland was such that it made the both ears of him that heard of it to tingle. The king must, therefore, have experiencedsome indescribable afflictions from the hands of the tyrant of Assyria. Ah! sinner, though thou harden thyself in thy transgressions,thou wilt not go unpunished. A bitter end awaits thee. Reckless as thou art, young man, thy father's God will not always bemocked. You have persecuted your wife and your friend, but their unhappiness will return ere long to your own bosom. Therewill come an end to your arrogance, and a beginning to your recompenses. Oh! I wish your iniquity would come to an endsoon, and that it might end with your conversion. If it does not come to that end, your outlook is gloomy indeed, for yourtotal destruction will complete the course you are running.

Perhaps I am addressing somebody who has been living in heartless sin until he has become entangled in helpless misery. Inthis crowd you seem as if you were pointed out, for your heart is ready to break with anguish. Your property is lost, yourhealth is broken up, your character is blasted; you are a mere wreck, a waif, a stray upon the dark sea. There is none tohave compassion upon you. You are a castaway. Even your old companions have forsaken you. The devil himselfseems to have cast you adrift. You are abandoned, and you might cry out and sound your own death knell. "Lost! lost! lost!"Well, now, I have a message from God to you. I am come to speak to you, in the name of the Lord, about this man Manasseh,in the hope that it may be also concerning yourself true-that after having been a prodigy of sin, and a spectacle of misery,you may now become as, in the third place, Manasseh became:-


Oh! I do not wonder at Manasseh's sin one half so much as I wonder at God's mercy. There was the man in the prison. He hadnever thought of his God except to despise his prerogative, and offend against his laws, till he was immured in that dungeon.Then his pride began to break; his haughty spirit had to yield at last. "Who is Jehovah, that I should serve him?" he hadoften said. But now he is in Jehovah's hand. Lying there half-starved in the prison, a crushed man, hebegins to cry, "Jehovah, what a fool I have been! I have stood out against thee until at length thy sovereign power hasarrested me. and thy infinite justice has begun to avenge my crimes. What shall I do? Where shall I hide from thy wrath? Howcan I escape? Is it possible to obtain thy pardon?" He began to humble himself; God's Spirit came and humbled him more andmore; he saw how foolish he had been, how wicked his character, how cruel his conduct, how abominable. Thus he spent his daysandnights, in weeping and in lamentation. It was not the prison he cared so much about. His soul had gone into iron bondage.Then it suddenly flashed across his mind that perhaps God might have mercy on him, so he began to pray. Oh! what a tremblingprayer that first prayer was. Methinks Satan said to him, "It is no use your praying, Manasseh. Why, you have defied the livingGod to his face. He will tell you to go to the idol gods you have served, repair to the images you have set up, and bowbefore the hosts of heaven you have been wont to worship, and see what they can for you." Nay; but in this awful despairhe felt he must pray; and surely the first prayer he breathed must have been, "God be merciful to me a sinner." And in hisdeep abasement, he continued still to pray and plead with God. And that dear Father of ours who is in heaven heard him. Ifever you can bring him a praying heart, he will bring you a forgiving message. As soon as he saw his poor child broken down,andconfessing his wrong, he took pity on him, heard, and answered him, and blotted out his sins like a cloud, and his transgressionslike a thick cloud. I think I see Manasseh, with his morsel to eat, never enough to stay his hunger, and his little dropsof vinegar, saying to himself, "Ah! I don't deserve this!" He would thank God even for that starving allowance in the depthsof his cell, feeling that it was mercy that let him live. "Why should a living man complain, a man for the punishment ofhis sins?" And so it came to pass that he was delivered.

The King of Assyria, for State reasons which I need not mention, determined to put this king on his throne again. He thoughtthat he had broken him down, and humbled him enough; that he would make a good viceroy and a faithful lieutenant, and thathe would be afraid to rebel again, so one bright day he opened wide Manasseh's dungeon, and told him he was going to sendhim back to Jerusalem. And when he told him that, then Manasseh knew that Jehovah, he was God. Thisconclusion was forced upon him by the mercy he obtained. "Who," he would say, "but the Most High God could have broughtme out of this horrible pit, have released me from the power of this tyrant king, or moved his heart to relent, and have compassionon me?" As he rode back to Jerusalem, how his heart would be breaking with gratitude! I think I see him when he first gotwithin sight of the walls of that temple which he had so recklessly profaned. Surely he threw himself upon his face, and weptsore, and then arose and blessed the name of the Lord tl at had forgiven all his trespasses. And when he entered Jerusalem,and the people gathered round him, what must the greetings have been? Where are those courtiers that had been his companions,that led him into sin? Do they come whining round him? What a rebuff they will get! How will he exclaim, "Get you gone. Iam another man. I do not want your company or your counsel." Are there any of those poor people standing in the background-thepeople that used to meet to pray and worship Jehovah, faithful among the faithless found-such as had been wont to hideaway their Bibles because they were hunted and harried from one retreat to another-a small remnant, that had escaped the fangsof the persecutors-did they came forward? How he could look at them, and say, "Ah! you servants of Jehovah, you are my brethren.Give me your hands; for I, too, have found from heaven, and I am, like you, a child of God." I warrant you there was singingin Jerusalem that night amongst the feeble band of the steadfast believers; and there must have been music in heaven too,for the fiery angels must have rejoiced in a conversion that seemed so unlikely, so incredible.

"What, Manasseh saved? Manasseh-that bloodhound-is he transformed, by the renewing of his mind, into a lamb of God's flock?What he, the red-handed persecutor-has he become a professor of the faith he once destroyed?" Ah! yes. Well might Bishop Hallsay, "Who can complain that the way of heaven is blocked against him, when he sees such a sinner enter? Say the worst againstthyself, O clamorous soul! Here is one that murdered men, defied God, and worshipped devils, yet hefinds the way to repentance. If thou be vile as he, know that it is not thy sin, but thy impenitence, that bars heavenagainst thee. Who can now despair of thy mercy, O God, that sees the tears of a Manasseh accepted?" I remember an old ladywho would not travel by railway because she thought that some of the bridges were in bad repair, especially the Saltash bridge,near her own house. Over that bridge she could not be persuaded to pass, for fear her weight should break it down, althoughhundreds of tons weight were carried over it every day. At such folly everybody can smile. But when I hear any man say,"I have committed so much sin, that God cannot pardon it," I think his folly is far greater. Look at this huge train thatwent over that bridge. Behold Manasseh laden with ponderous crimes! Mark what a train of sin there was behind him! Then lookat the bridge, and see whether it starts by reason of the loaded teem of wills which is rolling over it. Ah! no, it bearsup, and sowould it bear the weight if all the, Sins that men have done should roll across its arches. Christ is "able to save tothe uttermost them that come unto God by him." I do not know where to cast my eyes for the person to whom this message isdirected. That he is somewhere in this assembly I entertain no doubt. So I speak to some sister who, in an unguarded hour,left the path of virtue, and since then has pursued a course of shame? I pray you accept the message. I deliver it to you.The greatestsin, the utmost guilt, the most incredible iniquity, the most abominable transgressions, can be forgiven, and shall beblotted out. The Redeemer lives; the sacrifice has been offered; the covenant is sealed. Turn now to the Lord with purposeof heart. Confess the sins. Abjure thyself. Trust in the infinite mercy of God, through Jesus Christ, his Son. "Let the wickedforsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him turn unto the Lord, for he will have mercy upon him, andto ourGod, for he will abundantly pardon." Our closing reflection is that Manasseh became:-


At once he ceased to do evil. He went straightway to the temple and pulled down the idols. How I would like to have been with him, and have had a hand in demolishing them. Down went the images; then over went thealtars; every stone was dragged right out of the city, and flung away. God grant that every image in England may yet be pulleddown, battered to pieces, and the small dust thereof flung into the common sewers. May that which is an utter abominationbeforeheaven stir a righteous indignation on earth. Oh! that our land may be so godly that no respect for fine arts may sufferher to tolerate foul impieties! Manasseh made haste to undo the mischief he had done. This is what every converted man triesto do. All the evil he has ever caused he tries to stay; he takes vengeance on his former devices; against them he lifts bothhis hands, raises his voice, and exerts his influence.

Nor did this suffice; Manasseh began forthwith to do good. Right speedily he began to repair the altar of the Lord, and to restore the services of God and the ordinances of the Templeto their original purity, according to the divine statutes. So when a man is truly converted, he will be anxious to join himselfto the Lord's people, and support the institutions of his house. Nor did Manasseh smother his gratitude, but he presentedthank-offerings to God. He was notunmindful of the devout acknowledgments that were due for the great mercy he had received. Like that other great sinner,whose gratitude is recorded in the gospel-the woman who brought an alabaster box of ointment, very precious, and brake it-likeher, methinks, he loved much because he had had much forgiven.

And, then, being established in his kingdom, he proceeded to use his high influence for holy purposes. He ruled his subjects in the fear of the Lord; and made the law of his God to be the law of the land, renouncing all strangegods, and adhering rigidly to the book by inspiration given. Oh! that God would incline the heart of some penitent sinnerhere at once to bring forth this fruit of conversion! What a change there would be in his house! What a difference hisfamily would see! What an altered man he would appear in his daily avocation, whether he be employer or employed! He wouldbe seeking the conversion of those whom he formerly led astray. Those he once scoffed at, and called by evil names, wouldbecome his choicest companions. "Can God do this?", says one. Oh! my dear hearers, the God that can forgive great sin canalso change hard hearts. Cry to him. If you are unsaved, may his Spirit lead you to seek salvation now. Stay not for to-morrow'ssun. If you are saved yourself, may that blessed Spirit lead you to pray for others, and seek their present and eternalwelfare. Watch unto prayer. Let your own faith in God stimulate you to believe that all things are possible. Never give themup, never give them up. Are you a mother-you do not know how prevalent your intercessions may prove. I wonder whether poorHephzi-bah was alive when Manasseh was converted? She had grieved over him, doubtless, in his young days. Well, if she didnot liveto see the fruit of her prayers, yet her prayers lived, and her tears were repaid with rich interest. There is many amother's son whose heart will be turned to God long after his mother's bones have been laid in the churchyard. The visionis for an appointed time; though it tarry, wait for it. Thy son will yet be brought to glory through thy prayers. Pray on,brethren and sisters, pray on for those whose sins and sorrows lay heavily on your heart. Pray on, and God will hear you.O poorsinners, the mercy of God is the antidote for man's despair. Believe in his mercy. Look for his mercy. Cast yourselvesupon his mercy, and you shall find his mercy unto everlasting life. God grant it for Christ's sake. Amen.