Sermon 3438. The Compassion of Jesus
(No. 3438)
"He was moved with compassion." Matthew 9:36.
THIS is said of Christ Jesus several times in the New Testament. The original word is a very remarkable one. It is not foundin classic Greek. It is not found in the Septuagint. The fact is, it was a word coined by the Evangelists, themselves. Theydid not find one in the whole Greek language that suited their purpose and, therefore, they had to make one. It is expressiveof the deepest emotion-a striving of the heart-a yearning of the innermost nature with pity. As the dictionaries tell us-Exintimis visceribus misericordia commoveor. I suppose that when our Savior looked upon certain sights, those who watched Himclosely perceived that His internal agitation was very great, His emotions were very deep and then His face betrayed it-Hiseyes gushed like fountains with tears and you saw that His big heart was ready to burst with pity for the sorrow upon whichHis eyes were gazing. He was moved with compassion. His whole Nature was agitated with commiseration for the sufferers beforeHim.
Now, although this word is not used many times even by the Evangelists, yet it may be taken as a clue to the Savior's wholelife-and I intend thus to apply it to Him. If you would sum up the whole Character of Christ in reference to ourselves, itmight be gathered into this one sentence, "He was moved with compassion." Upon this one point we shall try to insist, now,and may God grant that good practical results may come of it. First, I shall lead your meditations to the great transactionsof our Savior's life. Secondly, to the special instances in which this expression is used by the Evangelists. Thirdly, tothe forethought which He took on our behalf and, fourthly, to the personal testimony which one's own recollections can furnish.Let us take a rapid survey of-
I. THE GREAT LIFE OF CHRIST, just touching, as with a swallow's wing, the evidence it bears from the beginning. Before everthe earth was framed. Before the foundations of the everlasting hills were laid. When as yet the stars had not begun theirshining, it was known to God that His creature, man, would sin-that the whole race would fall from its pure original statein the first Adam, the Covenant Head as well as the common parent of the entire human family, and that in consequence of thatone man's disobedience every soul born of his lineage would become a sinner. Then, as the Creator knew that His creatureswould rebel against Him, He saw that it would become necessary, eventually, to avenge His injured Law. Therefore, it was purposed,in the eternal plan, before the stream of time had commenced its course, or ages had began to accumulate their voluminousrecords, that there should be an Interposer-One ordained to come and re-head the race, to be the Second Adam, a federal Chiefto restore the breach, and repair the mischief of the first Adam-to be a Surety to answer for the sons of men on whom God'slove did light, that their sins should be laid upon Him-and that He should save them with an everlasting salvation. No angelcould venture to intrude into those Divine counsels and decrees, or to offer himself as the surety and sponsor for that NewCovenant. Yet there was One- and He none other than Jehovah's Self-of whom He said, Let all the angels of God worship Him,the Son, the Well-Beloved of the Father, of whom it is written in the Word, "When He prepared the heavens I was there. WhenHe set a compass upon the face of the depth, when He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the fountains of thedeep" then, "I was by Him as One brought up with Him, and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him, rejoicingin the habitable parts of the earth; and My delights were with the sons of men." He it is of whom the Apostle John speaksas the Lord who was God, and was in the beginning with God. Was He not moved with compassion when He entered into a Covenantwith His Father on our behalf, even on the behalf of all His chosen-a Covenant in which He wasto be the Sufferer and theythe gainers-in which He was to bear the shame that He might bring them into His own Glory?
Yes, verily, He was even then moved with compassion for His delights, even then, were with the sons of men! Nor did His compassionpeer forth in the prospect of an emergency presently to diminish and disappear as the rebellion took a more active form, andthe ruin assumed more palpable proportions. It was no transient feeling. He still continued to pity men. He saw the fall ofman. He marked the subtle serpent's mortal sting. He watched the trail as the slime of the serpent passed over the fair gladesof Eden. He observed man in his evil progress, adding sin to sin through generation after generation, fouling every page ofhistory until God's patience had been tried to the uttermost! And then, according as it was written in the volume of the Bookthat He must appear-Jesus Christ came, Himself, into this stricken world! Came how? O, be astonished, you angels, that youwere witnesses of it, and you men that you beheld it! The Infinite came down to earth in the form of an Infant! He who spansthe heavens and holds the ocean in the hollow of His hand, condescended to hang upon a woman's breast-the Eternal King becamea little Child! Let Bethlehem tell that He had compassion! There was no way of saving us but by stooping to us! To bring earthup to Heaven, He must bring Heaven down to earth! Therefore, in the Incarnation, He had compassion, for He took upon Himselfour infirmities and was made like unto ourselves. Matchless pity, indeed, was this!
Then, while He tarried in the world, a Man among men, and we beheld His Glory, the Glory as of the Only-Begotten of the Father,full of Grace and Truth, He was constantly moved with compassion, for He felt all the griefs of mankind in Himself. He tookour sicknesses and carried our sorrows. He proved Himself a true Brother, with quick, human sensibilities. A tear broughta tear into His eyes, a cry made Him pause to ask what help He could render. So generous was His soul that He gave all Hehad for the help of those who had not. The fox had its hole, and the bird its nest, but He had no dwelling place. Strippedeven of His garments, He hung upon the Cross to die. Never one so indigent in death as He, without a friend, without evena tomb, except such as a loan could find Him. He gave up all the comforts of life-He gave His life, itself-He gave His verySelf to prove that He was moved with compassion! Most of all do we see how He was moved with compassion in His terrible death.Oft and oft again have I told this story, yet these lips shall be dumb before they cease to reiterate the old, old tidings.God must punish sin, or else He would relinquish the government of the universe. He could not let iniquity go unchastenedwithout compromising the purity of His administration. Therefore, the Law must be honored, Justice must be vindicated, righteousnessmust be upheld, crime must be expiated by suffering! Who, then, shall endure the penance or make the reparation? Shall thedread sentence fall upon all mankind? How far shall vengeance proceed before equity is satisfied? After what manner shallthe sword do homage to the scepter? Must the elect of God be condemned for their sins? No! Jesus is moved with compassion.He steps in, He takes upon Himself the uplifted lash and His shoulders run with gore! He bares His bosom to the furbishedsword and it smites the Shepherd that the sheep may escape! "He looked, and there was no man, and wondered that there wasno intercessor; therefore, His arm brought salvation." He trod the winepress alone, and "bore, that we might never bear, HisFather's righteous ire."
Are you asked what does the Crucifixion of a perfect Man upon a felon's Cross, mean? You may reply, "He was moved with compassion.""He saved others. Himself He could not save." He was so moved with compassion, that compassion, as it were, did eat Him up!He could save nothing from the general conflagration-He was utterly consumed with love and died in the flame of ardent lovetowards the sons of men! And after He had died and slept a little while in the grave, He rose again! He has gone into Hisglory! He is living at the right hand of the Father! But this is just as true of Him-"He is moved with compassion." Is proofneeded? Let faith pass within the veil and let your spirits, for a moment, stand upon that sea of glass mingled with firewhere the harpers stand tuning their never ceasing melodies! What? Do you see there, conspicuous in the very midst of Heaven,One who looks like a lamb that has been slain, and still wears His priesthood? What is His occupation there in Heaven? Hehas no bloody Sacrifice to offer, for He has perfected forever those that were set apart! That work is done, but what is Hedoing now? He is pleading for His people! He is their perpetual Advocate, their continual Intercessor! He never rests untilthey come to their rest! He never holds His peace for them, but pleads the merit of His blood, and will do so till all whomthe Father gave Him shall be with Him where He is! Well, indeed, does our hymn express it-
"Now, though He reigns exalted high,
His love is still as great! Well He remembers Calvary, Nor will His saints forget."
His tender heart pities all the griefs of His dear people. There is not a pang they have but the Head feels it, feels it forall the members! Still does He look upon their imperfections and their infirmities, yet not with anger, not with loss of patience,but with gentleness and sympathy, "He is moved with compassion." Having thus briefly sketched the life of Christ, I want youto turn to-
You will find one case in Matthew 20:31-"Two blind men sat by the wayside begging, and when they heard that Jesus passed by, they said, "O Lord, You Son of David,have mercy on us." Jesus stood still, called them, questioned them and they seem to have had full conviction that He couldand would restore their sight, so Jesus had compassion on them, touched their eyes and immediately they received sight!
Yes, and what a lesson this is for any here present who have a like conviction! Do you believe that Christ can heal you? Doyou believe that He is willing to heal you? Then let me assure you that a channel of communication is opened between Him andyou, for He is moved with compassion towards you, and already I hear Him command you to come to Him. He is ready to heal younow! The sad condition of a blind man should always move pity in the breast of the humane, but a glance at these two poormen-I do not know that there was anything strange or uncommon about their appearance-touched the Savior's sensibility. Andwhen He heard them say that they believed He could heal them, He seemed to perceive that they had inward sight-and to accountit a pity that they should not have outward sight too! So at once He put His fingers on their eyes, and they received thepower of seeing. O Soul, if you believe "Christ can save you, and if you will now trust in Him to save you, be of good cheer,you are saved! That faith of yours has saved you. The very fact that you believe that Jesus is the Christ, and rely upon Him,may stand as evidence to you that you are forgiven, that you are saved! There is no let or bar to your full redemption! Goyour way and rejoice in your Lord! He has compassion on you.
The next case I shall cite is that of the leper, Mark 1:41. This poor man was covered with a sad and foul disease when he said to Jesus, "Lord, if You will, You can make me clean."He had full faith in Christ's ability, but he had some doubts as to Christ's willingness. Our Savior looked at him, and thoughHe might very well have rebuked him that he should doubt His willingness, He merely said, "I will, be you clean," and straightwayhe was made whole of that loathsome plague! If there is in this assembly one grievously defiled or openly disgraced by sin,see the leprosy upon yourself and do you say, "I believe He could save me if He would"? Have you some lingering doubt aboutthe Savior's willingness? Yet I beseech you breathe this prayer, "Lord, I believe, I believe Your power. Help You my unbeliefwhich lingers round Your willingness." Then little as your faith is, it shall save you! Jesus, full of compassion, will pityeven your unbelief and accept what is faith and forgive what is unbelief. That is a second instance.
The third I will give you is from Mark 5:19. It was the demoniac. There met Christ a man so possessed with a devil as to be mad! And instead of belief in Christ or askingfor healing, this spirit within the man compelled him to say, "Will You torment us before the time?"-and rather to stand againstChrist healing him than to ask for it. But Christ was moved with compassion and He bade the evil spirit come out of the evilman. Oh, I am so glad of this instance of His being moved with compassion! I do not so much wonder that He has pity on thosethat believe in Him, neither do I so much marvel that He has pity, even, on weak faith-but here was a case in which therewas no faith, no desire, nor anything that could commend him to our Lord's sympathy! Is there no such case among the crowdsgathered together here? You do not know why you have come into this assembly. You scarcely feel at home in this place. Thoughyou have led a very sad life, you do not want to be converted-not you! You almost shun the thought! Yet it is written, "Hewill have compassion on whom He will have compassion." Well, we have known it in this house, and I hope we shall know it againand again that the Lord has laid violent hands of love upon unprepared souls! They have been struck down with repentance,renewed in heart and saved from their sins! Saul of Tarsus had no thought that he would ever be an Apostle of Christ, butthe Lord stopped the persecutor and changed him into a preacher-so that ever afterwards he propagated the faith which oncehe destroyed! May the Lord have compassion on you tonight! Well may we offer that prayer, for what will beyour fate if youdie as you are? What will be your eternal doom if you pass out of this world as soon you must, without being sprinkled withthe blood of Christ and forgiven your iniquities? Jesus knows the terrors of the world to come! He describes the tormentsof Hell. He sees your danger. He warns you. He pities you-He sends His messengers to counsel you. He bids me say to the verychief of sinners, "Come unto Me, and I will give you rest." "Only return unto Me and confess your iniquity, and I will havemercy upon you," says the Lord. May God grant that the compassion of Christ may be seen in your case!
As I turned over the Greek Concordance to find out where this word is repeated again and again, I found one instance in Luke 7:13. It refers to the widow at the gates of Nain. Her son was being carried out-her only son. He was dead and she was desolate.The widow's only son was to her, her sole stay-the succor as well as the solace of her old age. He was dead and laid uponthe bier, and when Jesus saw the disconsolate mother, He was moved with compassion and He restored her son. Oh, is there notrefreshment here for you mothers that are weeping for your boys? You that have ungodly sons, unconverted daughters, the LordJesus sees your tears! You weep alone, sometimes, and when you are sitting and enjoying the Word, you think, "Oh, that myAbsalom were renewed! Oh, that Ishmael might live before You." Jesus knows about it. He was always tender to His own mother,and He will be so to you. And you that are mourning over those that have been lately taken from you, Jesus pities you. Jesuswept, He sympathizes with your tears. He will dry them and give you consolation. "He was moved with compassion."
Still the occasions on which we find this expression most frequently used in the Evangelists are when crowds of people wereassembled. At the sight of the great congregations that gathered to hear Him, our Lord was often moved with compassion. Sometimesit was because they were hungry and faint, and in the fullness of His sympathy, He multiplied the loaves and fishes to feedthem. At the same time He showed His disciples that it is a good work to feed the poor. Jesus would not have them so spiritually-mindedas to forget that the poor have flesh and blood that require susten-ance-and they need to eat and to drink, to be housed andclothed-the Christian's charity must not lie in words only, but in deeds! Our Lord was moved with compassion, it is said,when He saw the number of sick people in the throng, for they made a hospital of His preaching place. Wherever He paused oreven passed by, they laid the sick in the streets! He could not stand or walk without the spectacle of their pallets to harrowHis feelings. And He healed their impotent folk, as if to show that the Christian does well to minister to the sick-that thepatient watcher by the bedside may be serving the Lord and following His example, as well as the most diligent teacher orthe most earnest preacher of the glorious Gospel! All means that can be used to mitigate human suffering are Christ-like,and they ought to be carried out in His name, and carried to the utmost perfection possible. Christ is the patron of the hospital-Heis the President of all places where men's bodies are cared for. But we are also told that the multitude excited His compassionbecause they were like sheep without a shepherd. So He taught them as a Guide that showed the path by leading the way-andHe looked after their welfare as a Shepherd who regarded the health of their bodies as well as the good estate of their souls!Surely, Brothers and Sisters, if you love Him, and wish to be like He, you cannot look on this congregation without pity.You cannot go out into the streets of London and stand in the high roads among the surging masses for half an hour withoutsaying, "Where are these souls going? Which road are they travelling? Will they all meet in Heaven?" What? You live in London,you move about in this great metropolis and do you never have the heartache, never feel your soul ready to burst with pity?Then shame on you! Ask yourself whether you have the spirit of Christ at all! In this congregation, were we all moved withpity as we should be, I should not have to complain, as I sometimes must, that persons come in and out of here in need ofsomeone to speak with them, to condole, to console, or to commune with them in their loneliness, and they find no helper!Time was when such a thing never occurred, but, in conversing with enquirers lately, I have met with several cases in whichpersons in a distressed state of mind have said that they would have given anything for half an hour's conversation with anyChristian to whom they might have opened their hearts. They came from the country, attended the Tabernacle, and no one spoketo them! I am sorry it should be so. You used to watch for souls, most of you. Very careful were you to speak to those whomyou saw again and again. I do pray you mend that matter. If you have a heart of mercy, you should be looking out for opportunitiesto do good! Oh, never let a poor wounded soul faint for want of the balm! You know the balm. It has healed yourselves. Useit wherever the arrows of God have smitten a soul.
Enough. I must leave this point. I have given you, I think, every case in which it is said that Jesus was moved with compassion.Very briefly let me notice-
The Lord has gone from us, but as He knew what would happen while He was away, He has, with blessed forethought, providedfor our needs. Well, He knew that we should never be able to preserve the Truth of God pure by tradition. That is a streamthat always muddies and defiles everything. So, in tender forethought, He has given us the consolidated testimony, the unchangeableTruths of God in His own Book, for He was moved with compassion. He knew the priests would not preach the Gospel. He knewthat no order of men could be trusted to hold fast sound Doctrine from generation to generation, He knew there would be hirelingsthat dare not be faithful to their conscience lest they should lose their pay-while there would be others who love to ticklemen's ears and flatter their vanity rather than to tell plainly and distinctly the whole counsel of God. Therefore, He hasput it here, so that if you live where there is no preacher of the Gospel, you have the old Book to go to. He is moved withcompassion for you. For where a man cannot go, the Book can go, and where in silence no voice is heard, the still clear voiceof this blessed Book can reach the heart. Because He knew the people would require this sacred teaching and could not haveit, otherwise, He was moved with compassion towards us all and gave us the blessed Book of Inspired God-breathed Scripture!
But then, since He knew that some would not read the Bible, and others might read and not understand it, He has sent His ministersforth to do the work of Evangelists. He raises up men, themselves saved from great sin, trophies of redeeming Grace, who feela sympathy with their fellow men who are reveling in sin, reckless of their danger. These servants of His, the Lord enablesto preach His Truth, some with more, some with less ability than others. Still, there are, thank God, throughout this happyrealm and in other favored lands, men everywhere, who, because sinners will not come to Christ of themselves, go after themand persuade them, plead with them and entreat them to believe and turn to the Lord. This comes of Christ's tender gentleness.He was moved with compassion and, therefore, He sent His servants to call sinners to repentance.
But since the minister, though He may call as he may, will not bring souls to Christ of himself, the Lord Jesus, moved withcompassion, has sent His Spirit The Holy Spirit is here. We have not to say-
"Come Holy Spirit, heavenly dove." He is here! He dwells in His Church and He moves over the congregation and He touches men'shearts, and He subtly inclines them to believe in Christ. Oh, this is great mercy when a Prince spreads a feast and givesan invitation! That is all you can expect him to do. But if he keeps a host of footmen and says, "Go and fetch them, one byone, till they do come," that is more gracious, still! But if He goes Himself and with sacred violence compels them to comein-oh, this is more than we could have thought He would have done-but He is moved with compassion and He does that! Furthermore,Brothers and Sisters, the Lord Jesus knew that after we were saved from the damning power of sin, we would always be fullof needs and, therefore, He was moved with compassion, and He sets up the Throne of Grace, the Mercy Seat, to which we mayalways come, and from which we may always obtain Divine Grace to help in time of need. Helped by His Spirit, we can bringwhat petitions we will, and they shall be heard! And then, since He knew we could not pray as we ought, He was moved withcompassion when He sent the Holy Spirit to help our infirmities, to teach us how to pray! Now I do not know a single infirmitythat I have or that you have, my Christian Brothers and Sisters, but what Christ Jesus has been moved with compassion aboutit and has provided for it! He has not left one single weak point of which we have to say, "There I shall fail, because Hewill not help there." But He has looked us over and over from head to foot, and said, "You will have an infirmity there-Iwill provide for it. You will have a weakness there-I will provide for it." And oh, how His promises meet every case Did youever get into a corner where there was not a promise in the corner, too? Had you ever to pass through a river but there wasa promise about His being in the river with you? Were you ever on the sick bed without a promise like this, "I will make yourbed in your sickness"? In the midst of pestilence have you not found a promise that, "He shall cover you with His feathers,and under His wings shall you trust"? The Lord's great compassion has met the needs of all His servants to the end! If ourchildren should ever need as much patience to be exercised towards them as Christ needs to exercise towards us, I am surethere would be none of us able to bear the house. They have their infirmities and they full often vex and grieve us, it maybe, but oh, we ought to have much compassion for the infirmities of our children-yes, and of our Brothers and Sisters, andneighbors-for what compassion has the Lord had with us? I do believe none but God could bear with such unruly children aswe ourselves are. He sees our faults, you know, when we do not see them, and He knows what those faults are more thoroughlythan we do. Yet, still, He never smites in anger. He cuts us not off, but He still continues to show us abounding mercies!Oh, what a Guardian Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ to us, and how we ought to bless His name at all times, and how His praiseshould be continually in our mouth. One thought strikes me that I must put in here-He knew that we should be very forgetful-andHe was moved with compassion with our forgetfulness when He instituted the blessed Supper, and we can sit around the Tableand break bread, and pour forth the wine in remembrance of Him. Surely this is another instance of how He is moved with compassion-notwith indignation towards our weaknesses! And now let me close with-
I shall only recall my own experience in order to stir up your pure minds, by way of remembrance, my Brothers and Sisters.I do well remember when I was under conviction of sinand smarted bitterly under the rod of God-that when I was most heavyand depressed, there would sometimes come something like hope across my spirit. I knew what it was to say, "My soul choosesstrangling rather than life," yet when I was at the lowest ebb and most ready to despair, though I could not quite lay holdof Christ, I used to get a touch of the promise, now and then, till I half hoped that, after all, I might prove to be God'sprisoner and He might yet set me free! I do remember well, when my sins compassed me about like bees, and I thought it wasall over with me, and I must be destroyed by them, it was at that moment when Jesus revealed Himself to me. Had He waiteda little longer, I had died of despair, but that was no desire of His! On swift wings of love He came and manifested His dearwounded Self to my heart. I looked to Him and was lightened, and my peace flowed like a river! I rejoiced in Him! Yes, Hewas moved with compassion. He would not let the pangs of conviction be too severe-neither would He allow them to be protractedso long for the spirit of man to fail before Him. It is not His practice to break a leaf that is driven by the tempest. "Hewill not quench the smoking flax." Yes, and I remember since I first saw Him and began to love Him, many sharp and severetroubles, dark and heavy trials, yet have I noted this, that they have never reached that pitch of severity which I was unableto bear. When all gates seemed closed, there has still been with the trial, a way of escape, and I have noted again that indeeper depressions of spirits through which I have passed, and horrible despondencies that have crushed me down, I have hadsome gleams of love, and hope, and faith at that last moment, for He was moved with compassion! If He withdrew His face, itwas only till my heart broke for Him, and then He showed me the light of His Countenance again. If He laid the rod upon me,yet when my soul cried under His chastening, He could not bear it, but He put back the rod and He said, "My child, I willcomfort you." Oh, the comforts that He gives on a sick bed! Oh, the consolations of Christ when you are very low! If thereis anything dainty to the taste in the Word of God, you get it then! If there are any hearts of mercy, you hear them soundingfor you then. When you are in the saddest plight, Christ comes to your aid with the sweetest manifestations, for He is movedwith compassion!
How frequently have I noticed, and I tell it to His praise, for though it shows my weakness, it proves His compassion, thatsometimes, after preaching the Gospel, I have been so filled with self-reproach that I could hardly sleep through the nightbecause I had not preached as I desired. I have sat down and cried over some sermons, as though I knew that I had missed themark and lost the opportunity. Not once nor twice, but many a time has it happened, that within a few days someone has cometo tell me that he or she found the Lord through that very sermon, the shortcoming of which I had deplored! Glory be to Jesus-itwas His gentleness that did it! He did not want His servant to be too much bowed down with a sense of infirmity, and so Hehad compassion on him and comforted him! Have not you noticed, some of you, that after doing your best to serve the Lord,when somebody has sneered at you, or you have met with such a rebuff as made you half-inclined to give up the work, an unexpectedsuccess has been given you, so that you have not played the Jonah and ran away to Tarshish, but kept to your work? Ah, howmany times in your life, if you could read it all, you would have to stop and write between the lines, "He was moved withcompassion." Many and many a time, when no other compassion could help, when all the sympathy of friends would be unavailing,He has been moved with compassion towards us, has said to us, "Be of good cheer," banished our fears with the magic of Hisvoice and filled our souls to overflowing with gratitude! When we have been misrepresented, maligned and slandered, we havefound in the sympathy of Christ our richest support, till we could sing with rapture the verse I cannot help quoting, now,though I have often quoted it before-
"If on my face for Your dear name, Shame and reproach shall be, I'll hail reproach and welcome shame, Since You remember me."
The compassion of the Master making up for all the abuses of His enemies! And, believe me, there is nothing sweeter to a forlornand broken spirit than the fact that Jesus has compassion. Are any of you sad and lonely? Have any of you been cruelly wronged?Have you lost the goodwill of some you esteemed? Do you seem as if you had the cold shoulder even from good people? Do notsay, in the anguish of your spirit, "I am lost," and give up. He has compassion on you! No, poor fallen woman, seek not thedark river and the cold stream-He has compassion! He who looks down with the bright eyes of yonder stars and watches you isyour Friend! He yet can help you! Though you have gone so far from the path of virtue, throw not yourself away in blank despair,for He has compassion! And you, broken down in health and broken down in fortune, scarcely with shoes for your feet, you arewelcome in the House of God, welcome as the most honored guest in the assembly of the saints! Let not the weighty grief thathangs over your soul tempt you to think that hopelessness and darkness have settled your fate and foreclosed your doom! Thoughyour sin may have beggared you, Christ can enrich you with better riches. He has compassion! "Ah," you say, "they will passme on the stairs. They will give me a broad pathway and if they see me in the street they will not speak to me-even His discipleswill not." Be it so, but better than His disciples, more tender by far, is Jesus! Is there a man here whom to associate withwere a scandal from which the pure and pious would shrink? The holy, harmless, undefiled One will not disdain even him-forthis man receives sinners-He is a friend of publicans and sinners! He is never happier than when He is relieving and retrievingthe forlorn, the abject and the outcast! He despises not any that confess their sins and seek His mercy. No pride nestlesin His dear heart, no sarcastic word rolls off His gracious tongue, no bitter expression falls from His blessed lips. He stillreceives the guilty. Pray to Him now! Now let the silent prayer go up, "My Savior, have pity upon me! Be moved with compassiontowards me, for if misery is any qualification for mercy, I am a fit object for Your compassion. Oh, save me for Your mercy'ssake!" Amen.
Verses 27, 28. And when Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying and saying, Son of David,have mercyon us. And when He was come into the house.I suppose the house at Capernaum, where he was known to stay.
28. The blind men came to Him.Forced their way in. They must be attended to. Hunger breaks through stone walls, they say,and an earnest heart will follow after what it seeks.
28, 29. And Jesus said unto them, Believe you that I am able to do this? They said unto Him, Yes, Lord. Then He touched theireyes, saying, According to your faith, be it unto you. That is, "If you do not believe, you shall not see, but if there isfaith in you, behold, you shall have sight."
30-32. And their eyes were opened; and Jesus at once charged them, saying, See that no man knows it But they, when they weredeparted, spread abroad His fame in all that country. As they went out, behold, they brought to Him a dumb man posessed witha devil.Here we have had the dead, those that were bleeding to death, the blind and the dumb, and the possessed of a devil.
33. And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spoke. And the multitudes marveled, saying, it was never so seen in Israel No,but Jesus does wonders! Something off the common, and altogether out of the ordinary way, His work of Grace must be!
34. But the Pharisees said, He casts out devils through the Prince of the devils. There is always somebody or other who hasgot an ugly word to put in. It matters not how much God may bless the Gospel, there is no stopping the sneers and objections-butthe mercy is that it does not matter much. Our Lord was not hurt and the work went on, notwithstanding all the quibbling ofthe Pharisees.
35. And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom,and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. That was the answer to the Pharisees. Christian activity andfervent devotion to the cause of God is the best answer that can be given to quibblers of any sort or every sort! In yourwork hold on, my Brother, and those who quibble at you, now, may come to honor you one of these days.
36-37. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them because they fainted, and were scattered abroad,as sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.We areall loiterers, but where are the laborers? Where are they with the sharp sickle that can cut down the wheat and, with a readyhand, can bind it and, with a strong shoulder, carry it? Alas, in this great city the harvest is truly plenteous, but thelaborers are few!
38. Pray you, therefore, the Lord of the Harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.