Sermon 3437. Friendship's Guide

(No. 3437)




"You are My friends if you do whatever I command you." John 15:14.

IT is very easy to understand how Jesus Christ is our Friend. Did ever anyone deserve the name so well? Who can prove hisfriendship as Jesus proved it by laying down His life for those He calls His friends? But it is a mark of wonderful condescensionon His part that He should call us His friends and it confers upon us the highest conceivable honor that such a Lord as Heis, so infinitely superior to us, should condescend to enter into terms of friendship with us. My Friend, O Jesus, You are,for You have redeemed my soul from death and Hell-but that I should be Your friend-nothing but Your loving, condescendingtenderness could ever have conceived of this! If you do put such a title as this upon me, teach me how I may act in conformitywith it. Beloved, there is a mutual friendship between Christ and the Believer. There cannot be friendship if it is all onone side. There is bounty, there is kindness and there may be some gratitude in return, but friendship is a reciprocal thing.In its fullest sense, it is between two, and the one heart must be as the other heart, or else there is no friendship. Nowevery Believer is a friend to Jesus, and Jesus is a Friend to him. They are friends because they have a mutual love for eachother. The Believer does not love His Lord as much as Jesus loves him, for his heart is little compared with Jesus' heart.But when the Believer is in a right state, he loves Jesus with all his heart, soul and strength. He feels that there is nonein the world that can have a place in his affections at all comparable with his Lord and Master. He can say-

"My Jesus I love You: I know You are mine, For You, all the follies of sin I resign."

And if Jesus loves us, we also love Him. Friendship has in it a mutual delight. Two friends value each other. Now the delightof Jesus is with the sons of men. In those whom He has redeemed with His blood, He sees the satisfaction for the travail ofHis soul. He says of His Church that her name is Hephzibah-"My delight is in her"-and on the other hand, the Believer's delightis in Christ. "He is all my salvation and all my desire," says the Believer. "He is the chief among ten thousand, and thealtogether lovely." None can be compared with Him. It is sweet to think of the saint looking on the Savior and the Saviorlooking on the saint-and the two, together, blending their love in mutual delight in each other. This love and this delightlead to mutual converse. Persons can hardly maintain friendship if they only see each other now and then. If there is no communionby letter or in any other way, I should think friendship could scarcely be maintained. But oh, Jesus reveals Himself to Hispeople and His people tell out their hearts to Jesus! Do not suppose that because He is not here, for He is risen, that thereforewe have no conversation with Him. Our prayers speak into His ears, our tears fall into His heart. When we are wounded, Hiswounds bleed afresh. He is the Head, and we the members and, however great the body, if you wound the body, the head feelsit at once, so close is the communion. Yes, and we do converse with Him in meditation, in adoration, alone in our chambers.Though we have not seen Him with these eyes, which are, after all, poor things, we have seen Him with our soul's eyes, whichare brighter eyes by far! And as we have beheld Him, our soul has melted for joy in the glance of His beauty.

Now to make friendship, there will be not only mutual love, delight, and conversation, but friends must have harmony of thought.I will not say identity, for man and man must always be two, and Christ and His people, though one in some respects, are twoexistences. But though two notes, though different, may be in perfect harmony, so is it with the heart of Christ and the heartof His renewed child. What Jesus loves, we love. what Jesus hates, we hate. What Jesus seeks,we seek-what Jesus shuns, weshun. This is true friendship when there is but one heart in two bodies, and when one heart in the two produces with undividedstrength one objective. Now Christ's objective is His Father's Glory. If you are Christ's friends, that objective is yours,too. His objective is to seek and save the lost-if you love Him, you also seek to save the lost in your way. He loves truth,holiness, righteousness. He delights in that which puts an end to misery, to evil, to cruelty, to wrong-doing. Do you delightin the same? If so, unity of design, harmony of thought will very greatly make up the friendship between you and Jesus. Oh,and we are going to the same great end! Where He is, there our hearts are drawn. We are living here for the same purpose thatbrought Him here-and when our work is done, the same reward that gladdened Him, shall also gladden us-we also shall enterinto the joy of our Lord! Some of you do not know much about this-I am talking strange things to some of you. Jesus-yes, youread of Him. Jesus-you hear of Him. It is proper to receive His name, but oh, you have never spoken with Him! You have neverknown Him to be real nor conceived of Him as such! I pray that you may be made spiritual, may be born-again. Until you are,you cannot be a friend of Christ. But when you are, and may it come now, this very hour, may you discover that He is a greatFriend, and then, out of love to Him, may you become a friend of His!

Now we are not left in the dark as friends of Jesus as to the best way of showing our friendship. Two persons may be greatfriends and one may wish to serve the other, and say, "I hardly know what I can do to please my friend. I wish I knew hisneeds. I wish I knew his desires-I would strive to gratify them." Now you have, tonight, given to you as lovers of Jesus-youhave the guide as to how you can prove yourselves His friends. "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you." We have,then, in the text, the guide for friendship, and I will say this about it-it contains seven things. The first is-


That position is contained in these words, "I command you." We are friends of Jesus, but Jesus must still be first-"I commandyou." The genuine friend of Christ does not command himself-he has taken Christ's yoke upon him and is now Christ's servant.He does not, now, follow his own whims in religion, nor does he think he is to be dictator to himself. In becoming Christ'sfriend, he agrees to subordinate his mind and will to the supremacy of Christ Jesus the Lord. Now then, friend of Jesus, notethis! You are not your own-from now on not your own master, neither are you your own guide. I am often afraid when I hearpersons talk of the glorious excellence of liberty of conscience, that they make a mistake as to what liberty of conscienceis. What is liberty of conscience? Is it liberty to believe anything I like-liberty to hold any Doctrine I please? No! Itis such liberty with regard to the civil magistrate and with regard to my fellow man. Before my fellow man I have a rightto believe what I will, and he may not call me to account-I am free there. But does such freedom exist before God? I thinknot! The friend of Jesus asks to have his conscience taught. He lays his judgment at the feet of the great Teacher and allthe liberty that he wants for his conscience is to have it purified and cleansed, that it may be a fit guide for him to follow-otherwisea distorted, perverted, dark, polluted conscience may as readily lead a man to Hell as if he never had a conscience at all!It is not because I am conscientious that I am right. As I have often told you, a man may conscientiously drink arsenic orprussic acid and believe that it will do him good-but he would die for all that. Ah, and a man might conscientiously believea lie, and he will reap the fruit of that lie! You are a friend of Jesus, to take your command from His lips and lay downat His feet, for He says, "I command you."

But mark, though Christ has to command His friends, we are not to let anyone else command us. Oh, shun the slavery of allwho take their religion from men, be they who they may, whether called priests or presbyters, or from human creeds or books!Read them, gather what you can from them all, but, "One is your Master, even Christ," and all you are brethren. No Churchmay lord it over your minds, for the Church may err, but not so Christ. "Whatever I command you," says He. He is Infallible-Hewill bid you do no ill! But a Church of fallible men is still fallible, and may slide aside, first a little, then more, thenmuch, then monstrously-then utterly apostatize from the faith of God's elect! Therefore your Guide, your Leader, is no onebut Jesus! "Do whatever I command you." There is too much among us of doing whatever our particular religion may command us.I charge you, Brothers and Sisters, do nothing of the sort! What are your councils? What are your assemblies? Nothing-lessthan nothing, I think! If they decree anything contrary to God's will, they are mischief makers. Christ is the Head of theChurch, and He has not vacated His high position in the midst of His Israel. Yield to Him! Go to the fountainhead, the statutebook that shows His will, and get it there.

You have enough there, though all contradict you. You have enough there, and all the councils of the fathers, and all theChurch will be less than the small dust in the balance if you find not the law to be Christ's! Whatever He says, the truefriend of Jesus does-neither less nor more-for he knows that none can legislate in his realm but the King, Himself, and allthat pretend to legislate do but err when they get away from the, "It is written," of the grand old Word of God!

Remember, too, all friends of Christ's, that this Doctrine of Christ's supremacy stands good always. He is your Lord and Heis to command you everywhere, not only in your religious thought, but at home, in the chamber, in the parlor, in the drawingroom, outside, in the street, on the mart, on the Exchange, in your shop. His rule contained in His own life-His Golden Rule,"Do you to others as you would have them do to you"-His new commandment that you love one another-these are always binding!A soldier may have a furlough, but a Christian never does. You might plead that concerning such-and-such a law you were exemptbefore men-but to Christ you are never exempt, nor would you wish to be, for His service is freedom, and His Law, O friendof Christ, has now become your delight! Grasp, then, that first thought, "You are My friends if I command you"-if you recognizeHim as being the Leader and the Commander unto you, His people. You must recognize Christ in that capacity-and Him only-oryou are not His friends!

But note, again, the text has in it a word which I may paraphrase in this way-


You are my friends if you do whatever I command you. The mass of mankind who pretend to be religious, suppose this Bible tobe written to all sorts of good people, but not particularly to themselves. And there are they who think that the commandsof Christ are very proper to be read, and to be heard, and to be proclaimed-but they do not look upon them as being bindingon themselves. Friend of Jesus, Jesus has a right to your service and to your obedience! What He bids, He bids you-if to noother, yet to you. Then the zeal of some good men does not exempt me. If my minister is very useful, that is not myself. Iam Christ's friend if I do whatever He commands me. Then the intense fervor of the Church does not permit me to recoil andsay, "There is nothing for me to do." No, I am His friend if I do what He commands me. If, on the other hand, I dwell amonga slumbering Church, if I see all around me the signs of sloth, yet I am not to judge the Church and excuse myself, and say,"I do as much as others-perhaps a little more. I am not so hardhearted as So-and-So." Oh, Sirs, what have you to do with yourbrethren, with your fellow servants? To your own Master you must stand or fall, as they must-and you are Christ's friend ifyou do whatever He commands you! It does seem to be very difficult to get men to individualize themselves in the things ofGod. They do not count themselves rich because England is rich-they do not consider themselves to be getting rich becausethe bank interest rate is lower! They want to get the solid coins in their own grasp and to their own banking account! Butwhen I come to religion, men talk of this denomination and that Church, and that other-anything but about themselves! Butyou, O friend of Christ, you must live before the Lord as though there were no other! "You are My friends if you do whateverI command you." Now we will lay the force of our thought on another word. Observe here that-


It is not "You are My friends if you do some things that I command you." But, "You are My friends if you do whatever I commandyou"-whatever. Are there public duties? Do they require courage? I must perform them. Are there private duties? Are they unseenof men? They are as much incumbent upon me-I must discharge them. Are there commands of precept by way of ordinance? I mustkeep them. Are there commands by way of morals? I must obey them, however hard or stern they may seem. Whatever Christ commandsis the Law to His people. O England, England, when will the day come back when this Book which is said to be the only religionof Protestants shall be truly so? The Bible, and the Bible, only, is the religion of Protestants-so they say, but it is notso! There are many things practiced by so-called Protestants that are not here! Where are your holy baptisms? Where are yourconfirmations? Where are half the ceremonies, if not all, of the Church of England and many other bodies? They are inventionsof man, and man only, having not so much as a shred or trace of foundation in God's own Book! You have made another book-yourbishops have made another book-and laid it on the top of God's own book, and these are your Bible-not the Bible, and the Bibleonly, but the Book of Common Prayer! And with other denominations-dissenting denominations-there is too much of the same sortof thing. "What said John Calvin?" What care I what he said, or did not say? "What said John Wesley?" What care I what JohnWesley said, or did not say? The Master-the MASTER-let us do whatever HE commands us! These were His good servants, as I believe,both of them, John Wesley and John Calvin-and if they did better than I, which I know they did, therein will I rejoice andbless God, and wherein they followed the Master, I, with unequal footsteps, would seek to follow, too-but to say that I willdo this because John this or John that taught it-shame on the Christian that dares to bow his head to such a yoke as that!Let every Christian contend for this-that he is to do whatever Christ commands! Does it kick over the conventionalities ofthe Church? Let them go over! Does it burn the tag rags you thought so much of-your venerable things that you laid up as holyrelics? Burn every one of them! What right have they to stand in contradiction to the Law of Christ? No, whatever He commands-notmore, not less-this is to be our religion and our Law, and to it let every Christian stand! Happy day shall it be for theChurch and for the world when this is true! Once more, it is clear from one word, that-


"You are My friends if you do whatever I command you"-not "if you do some things." Not, "if you talk about it," for lip serviceis hypocrisy! Not, "if you tell others to do it"-there is a great deal of religion that is very much like charity, and youknow what charity is! A sees B is very badly off and he writes a letter at once to C to help B. So is it with re-ligion-Asees it a duty that such a thing should be done and tells B that he is very wrong not to do it. That is what is called religion.But as I understand religion, it is this-A sees B needing help and gives it to him! A sees a duty and does it, himself, andafter he has done it, himself, then he may talk to B about it-but not till then! "You are My friends if you do whatever Icommand you." Well, some of you have been thinking about it a long while-it is time for you to do it! He commands you to loveyour brother-you have been talking about that-well, do it! Don't grumble and complain, and criticize any longer. You knowHe commands you to forgive any who offend you. Do not know it any longer, but go and doit! Some of you believe that you oughtto be baptized and make a profession of your faith. What is the good of thinking of it? Go and do it! Go and do it! It isin the keeping of His commandments that there is great reward! He does not do the will of God who says, "Well, I am turningit over, and one of these days I suppose I shall be moved to do it." What do you need to move you but this-that you owe everythingto Christ-and that Christ commands you? A soldier in the day of battle only needs the command, and on he marches-and a truefriend of Jesus pays to Him as perfect an obedience as a soldier to his captain, or at least he desires to do it. A lift ofJesus' finger and away he goes! One look from Jesus' eyes shall cause him to stop, or make a rapid advance, just as the wordmay be!


I shall close by commending this text to you because it is so. You are My friends if you acknowledge Me your Master in everything-yourown personal Master-and then do what I tell you. Now how plain is this? There is no mistake about it. It is obedience Christasks for! "To obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams." And what a blessing it is that this textgives us such a very simple thing to do! Suppose Jesus Christ were to say, "That man is My friend who will support a minister,who will build a place of worship, who will go out abroad for a missionary." Oh, there are some of you who would weep andsay, "I can do none of those things! I wish I could! It would be my greatest pleasure if I could." My dear Friends, the poorestman, the poorest woman here who is a true friend of Christ can do this-you can do whatever He commands you! By the power ofHis blessed Spirit who has made you love Him, you can watch earnestly to be holy, to be loving as Jesus was. The notion witha great many is, "I need to show that I am Christ's friend-now I must shut myself up and get away from everybody." That isnot what Christ says! He says, "Do whatever I command you"-not run away from the battle, but fight through and win it. "No,but," says another, "what can I do to praise my Savior? I must speak about Him." Yet, perhaps, that dear friend could notput three words together consecutively. Dear Brother, if God has not given you that gift, you need not cry that you have notgot it! Go and do whatever He commands you-that will be better than sacrifice. I know some persons who are very attentiveto sermons. I am glad they are. They wish to get out on weeknights, and I am glad they are. I wish all were able to. But manya mother will be serving God much better by keeping the house clean, and the garments mended, than by coming to hear a sermon!You must do whatever He commands you, and what He commands you as a wife, is to discharge a wife's duty.

When I sometimes see a religious serving man, a great talker, who does not groom his employer's horses well, and who, if hecan get an excuse for leaving work, will, I think, "That man might do more good in minding his employer's business than inrunning here and there to make a show of religion." I believe plain, holy, godly living is more needed- a great deal more-thanfine preaching! And if my preaching does not, by God's Grace, produce in you a finer character than that, then I am preachingfor nothing! I heard of a man the other day who could preach with his feet, and I know agreat many who do. That is, preachingwith living and daily walk and conversation. It is, after all, to be upright in business, to be affectionate in the family,to make those around you happy, to liveChrist-that is, after all, true friendship with Christ! No big words of ready talkers,no polished periods, no gift of prayer will ever be so acceptable to the Lord Jesus Christ as the simple piety that gracesthe fireside, that adorns the private and the public life of the Believer. "You are My friends if you do whatever I commandyou." Practically to prove that Jesus Christ is your Lord is the highest service that you can, any of you, render to Him!May God help you to render it from this time forth with undeviating correctness! And with the help of His Spirit may you yetdo it more and more. Let me conclude by observing that though this seems a very simple thing, yet after all-


It is not possible that a rebel should be a friend to Christ. If a man says of any Law of Christ, "I do not mean to keep that,"then, Sir, you have virtually said, "I do not mean to have Christ for my Lord," and that means that you cannot have Him asyour Savior. If you do not know a thing to be Christ's, well, I believe you are still sinful, for you ought to know it. Thelaws of our country never excuse a person for breaking the law because he says he did not know the law. It is presumed thateverybody ought to know it. And the Bible is not such a Book as they cannot understand if they try. Any person can find outChrist's will if he likes. But suppose you know it is Christ's will, and do not choose to do it-if you put your foot downand say, "I shall not do it," then there is an end of all friendship! Obedience, then, is an essential of true friendshipto Christ, for those who make a profession of friendship and don't do what He commands are the worst enemies He has! No citythat is besieged need fear so much the enemy outside, as treachery inside. If there is known to be treachery inside, thenthe stress of war becomes severe. So if inside the Church there are persons who deliberately say, "We are disciples of Christ,but we will not be obedient to His will," there is sedition and treason inside the camp! And these are they of whom Paul said,"I have told you even weeping-that they are the enemies, the special enemies, of the Cross of Christ." And let me say thiskeeping of the Law of Christ is, after all-


Sermons preached at home are the best sermons. Sermons at sick beds by holy women, sermons to drunk husbands by the patientgodliness of the much-suffering wife, sermons by holy fathers and mothers in their loving anxiety for wayward sons and daughters,sermons by servants in the rectitude of their conduct to their employers, sermons by Christian tradesmen preached in theirbills and in their trade by strict attention to everything upright-these are sermons that the world must hear! These are thingsthat will glorify Christ! These are the most friendly actions that you can do for Jesus. You raise His name in the market,you make men think the better of His religion by the holiness and consistency of your conduct. You are His friend!

I dismiss you with this upon your minds. If you are His friends, obey His command, imitate His example and seek to have thisnot in theory, but as a matter of fact of daily life. The day will come, my Hearers, when to be a friend of Christ will bethe grandest thing beneath the heavens. He is an exiled Prince in regard to this world, now, and men despise Him, but He iscoming to His crown before long! And when He shall appear in the clouds of Heaven, as He shortly shall, all those who wereHis friends on earth, who stood in the pillory with Him and suffered for Him-these shall shine forth as the sun in the Kingdomof His Father! Oh, it will then be a grand day, a brave day, for those who died for Him, for those who were made poor forconscience sake, for those who left kindred and friends for His name. I think I hear the King say, "Make way, angels! Makeway, cherubim and seraphim! These poor men and women were friends of Mine! When I was in exile, they suffered with Me. Theywere willing to bear reproach for Me-let them come! They shall be courtiers round My Throne. They were friends of Mine inMy humiliation-they shall be friends with Me in My Glory. "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared foryou from before the foundation of the world." And oh, how will all men who were notHis friends-how they will hide their headsand wish they had never been born to continue at enmity with Him! They did not know who it was they were despising when theylaughed at His people. They did not know what it was they trampled on when they put their profane feet upon the Cross of Christ.They did not know who they insulted when they broke the Sabbath and lived godless, Christless lives-but they will know itthen, when they see the King on His throne, for their cry will be-their bitter lament shall be-"Fall on us, you mountains!Cover us, you rocks, and hide us-hide us from the face of Him that sits on the Throne." What? Can you not face Him? You usedto jeer at His people! You used to say, "It is all nonsense, this religion." Cannot you face Him? Cannot you face Him? Hehas not spoken yet! No thunderbolts are in His hand. Can you not face Him? No, they are ashamed-they dare not look, they darenot gaze on such heavenly beauty! They seek shelter-they hold their hands before their eyes. They ask the mountains to affordthem a hiding place, for could they be such fools as to despise Him who died for His enemies, to despise the Christ of God,to despise the Everlasting Creator who out of mighty love, gave up His life for men? Before He speaks a word, before He pronouncesa sentence, this shame shall begin their Hell, "Hide us from the face of Him that sits on the Throne, and from the wrath ofthe Lamb."

God bless you, dear Friends, save you by His great mercy, richly bless every one of you and make you Christ's friends. Amenand amen.


Verse 37. But though He had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him. They had an opportunity of seeingwith their eyes what the Christ could do. He had even raised the dead in the midst of them-and yet this is the sorrowful statement.

38-40. That the saying of Isaiah the Prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke, Lord, who has believed our report? And towhom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? Therefore they could not believe, because that Isaiah said again, He has blindedtheir eyes, and hardened their hearts that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts and be converted,and I should heal them.This passage is very frequently quoted in the Old Testament-it was so exceedingly appropriate to thecondition of the unbelieving Jews. They were willfully blinded. They could see it. They were forced to hear it. There wasmuch that even touched their hearts, but they hardened their hearts against it, and to this day they remain the same!

41-43. These things said Isaiah, when he saw His glory and spoke of Him. Nevertheless, among the chief rulers also many believedon Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue. For they lovedthe praise of men more than the praise of God. And this is a common disease to this day. There are many who know the Truthsof God who, nevertheless, keep very quiet about it. They do not like to be despised. They cannot endure to seem to be separatefrom their fellow men-it is not respectable to be decided for Christ and to come out from among them-so they love the praiseof men more than the praise of God!

44. Jesus cried and said, He that believes on Me, believes not on Me, but on Him that sent Me. Faith in Christ is faith inGod-he that trusts the Son has accepted the witness of the Father!

45. And He that sees Me sees Him that sent Me.Wonderful expression! Perhaps we never fully realize it. Christ is seeable.God is not-but when we see the Christ, we do virtually see all of God that we may desire to see! The Invisible has made Himselfvisible in Christ-in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

46. I am come a light into the world, that whoever believes on Me should not abide in darkness. True faith in Christ shedslight on everything concerning which light is desirable. You shall understand things when you have come unto the right standpoint,when you have gotten to believe in Christ. I wonder not that those who doubt concerning Him, doubt about everything-if theywill not have this light, how shall they see?

47. And if any man hears My words and believes not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.Under this present dispensation, it is not the time of judgment. The Lord leaves you that are unbelievers to yourselves. Hedoes not come as yet, to judge you-there is a Second Coming when He will be both Judge and Witness- and Condemner of thosewho have rejected Him! But at present it is a dispensation of pure mercy. "He that rejects Me, and receives not My words,has One that judges Him." There is a great God above who reckons this to be among the greatest of all human crimes-that theyreject His Son. We speak of unbelief very lightly, and there are some who trifle with it as if it had no moral quality atall-but God does not!

48. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has One that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judgehim in the last day. Look, you, to that-the Gospel which you refuse will judge you at the last day! We know that the LordJesus Christ shall judge the world, says Paul, "according to my Gospel," and he that sins against the Gospel of love willcertainly involve himself in the most solemn condemnation! He perishes that sins against the law-he dieswithout mercy at themouth of one or two witnesses. Of how much sorer punishment shall he be thought worthy, who sins against love and rejectsthe Savior?

49. For I have not spoken of Myself; but the Father which sent Me, He gave Me a commandment, what I should say, and what Ishould speak.God at the back of Christ. Omnipotence supporting Love. The expostulations of Christ, not left to our will todo as we like with them, but solemnly sanctioned by the royalties of God, so that to refute them is treason against the Majestyof Heaven!

50. And I know that His commandment is life everlasting: whatever I speak, therefore, even as the Father said unto Me, soI speak.The eternal authority of God is at the back of the testimony of Christ. Oh, that men would not be so unwise as toreject it! Now in our reading at the 41st verse we met with these words- "These things said Isaiah, when he saw His Gloryand spoke of Him." Now let us read the passage which gives us an account of Isaiah's seeing the Glory of Christ.


Verse 1. In the year King Uzziah died. You remember him, that leprous king, that king who had thrust himself into the priests'office and was struck with leprosy, and shut up in a separate house during the rest of his life. In the year that he died,Isaiah saw a greater King, whom no defilement can ever touch, a King that reigns and lives forever, though Uz-ziah dies.

1. I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the Temple. Whenever you read in theOld Testament that any man saw the Lord-understand it is the Second Person of the Divine Trinity-the Lord Jesus Christ! Hemakes Himself, as we have said, visible to men, and God in Him.

2. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, andwith two he did fly.There are the spirits that dwell in the Presence of God, nearest to Him, and as He is a consuming fire,they come to be like He, for the seraphims are burning ones, consumers, burning and shining lights who wait upon God who isLight of Life. Notice how humble they are in that Presence-they cover themselves before that Infinite Majesty!

3. 4. And one cried upon another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD ofHosts: the whole earth is full ofHis Glory. Andthe posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. And if even the voice ofa seraph moved the very foundations of the Temple, what will the voice of God do when He shall speak once more? Accordingto that word, He shall shake not only earth, but also Heaven! What awe and trembling should be upon us when we wait upon God,if even the posts of the doors move! "Then said I, woe is me!" All God's saints do this when they get a view of Him. Therewas never a boastful thought in any man's mind in the Presence of God. They that talk of their own purity have not known God,neither seen Him. How could they? This is the cry of all the purified when they come into the Presence of God-"Woe is me,for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips." What made him think of lips, but the voice of the seraphim as responsivelythey cried to one another, "Holy, holy, holy"? ThenIsaiah thought of his own lips! Oh, Brothers and Sisters, what impuritycomes out of our lips! Perhaps more, there, than anywhere else is the impurity of the heart discovered in our idle words,our evil words.

5-7. Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of uncleanlips: for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD ofHosts. Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in hishand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar And he laid it upon my mouth and said, Lo, this has touched yourlips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged. Just where Isaiah felt the impurity, there he felt the expiation!His lips were unclean, but now a touch of the altar coal, a communication from the great Sacrifice, has taken all his iniquityaway and his sin is buried!

8. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I: send me.Observethe unity and the plurality, "Whom shall Isend, and who will go for Us?" Upon what theory, but that of the Doctrine of theTrinity, can we explain so singular a change from the singular to the plural? "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?Then said I, Here am I: send me." This man, now so lowly, so purified with the vision of God, just seen by Him, how cheerfullydoes he spring forward at the word of invitation! "Here am I: send me." Now see what asorrowful mission, God, in these nextverses, assured Isaiah that his ministry so far as the conversion of the Jews were concerned, would be altogether fruitless!They would not receive his testimony.

9, 10. And He said Go, and tell this people, Hear you, indeed, but understand not; and see you, indeed, but perceive not Makethe heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes and hear with theirears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. What a ministry-dark with insufferable light! So bright,so clear, that men should have willfully to harden their hearts and shut their eyes if they did not understand and receiveit!

11, 12. Then said I, Lord, how long? And He answered, Until the cities are wasted without inhabitant, and the houses withoutman, and the land is utterly desolate. And the LORD has removed men far away and there is a great forsaking in the midst ofthe land So it happened, as you know-the people were carried away captive. They still refused- they would not believe evenwhen Christ came! And then the destruction of Jerusalem and the sweeping clear of their country was the final stroke of God."But yet in it shall be a tenth." There is always gleam of light from God's Grace in the thickest darkness of His Justice.God has His tithe.

13. But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substanceis in them, when they cast their leaves; so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof And, therefore, the Jewish nationis not destroyed, but still exists-and the Church of God is not destroyed, despite all that happens to it. There is a substancein it, according to the election of Grace, for which may God be praised!