Sermon 3307. Over the Mountains

(No. 3307)




"My beloved is mine, and I am His: He feeds among the lilies. Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away, turn, my Beloved,and be You like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether." Solomon's Song 2:16,17.

[Other Sermons by Mr. Spurgeon upon the same verses are #1190, Volume 20-A SONG AMONG THE LILIES; #2442, Volume 41-"MY BELOVEDIS MINE" and #2477, Volume 42-DARKNESS BEFORE THE DAWN.]

IT may be that there are saints who are always at their best and are happy enough never to lose the light of their Father'sCountenance. I am not sure that there are such persons, for those Believers with whom I have been most intimate have had variedexperiences and those whom I have known who have boasted of their constant perfectness, have not been the most reliable ofindividuals. I hope there is a spiritual region attainable where there are no clouds to hide the Sun of our soul, but I cannotspeak positively, for I have not traversed that happy land. Every year of my life has had a winter as well as a summer, andevery day its night. I have hitherto seen bright days and heavy rains, and felt warm breezes and fierce winds. Speaking forthe many of my Brothers and Sisters, I confess that though the substance is in us, as in the olive tree and the oak, yet wedo lose our leaves and the sap within us does not flow with equal vigor at all seasons. We have our downs as well as our ups,our valleys as well as our hills! We are not always rejoicing-we are sometimes in heaviness through manifold trials. Alas,we are grieved to confess that our fellowship with the Well-Beloved is not always that of rapturous delight, but we have attimes to seek Him and cry, "Oh, that I knew where I might find Him!" This appears to me to have been in a measure the conditionof the spouse when she cried, "Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away, turn, my Beloved."

I. These words teach us, first, that COMMUNION MAY BE BROKEN.

The spouse had lost the company of her Bridegroom. Conscious communion with Him was gone, though she loved her Lord and sighedfor Him. In her loneliness she was sorrowful, but she had by no means ceased to love Him, for she calls Him her Beloved andspeaks as one who felt no doubt upon that point. Love to the Lord Jesus may be quite as true, and perhaps quite as strongwhen we sit in darkness as when we walk in the light. No, she had not lost her assurance of His love to herand of their mutualinterest in one another, for she says, "My Beloved is mine, and I am His." And yet she adds, "Turn, my Beloved." The conditionof our Grace does not always coincide with the state of our joys. We may be rich in faith and love, and yet have so low anesteem of ourselves as to be much depressed. It is plain, from this sacred Canticle, that the spouse may love and be loved,may be confident in her Lord and be fully assured of her possession of Him, and yet there may, for the present, be mountainsbetween her and Him. Yes, we may even be far advanced in the Divine Life, and yet be exiled for a while from conscious fellowship.There are nights for men as well as babes, and the strong know that the sun is hidden quite as well as do the sick and thefeeble. Do not, therefore, condemn yourself, my Brothers and Sisters because a cloud is over you-cast not away your confidence-butrather let faith burn up the gloom and let your love resolve to come at your Lord again whatever barriers which divide youfrom Him may be!

When Jesus is absent from a true heir of Heaven, sorrow will ensue. The healthier our condition, the sooner will that absencebe perceived and the more deeply will it be lamented. This sorrow is described in the text as darkness-this is implied inthe expression, "until the day breaks." Till Christ appears, no day has dawned for us. We dwell in midnight darkness! Thestars of the promises and the moon of experience yield no light of comfort till our Lord, like the sun, arises and ends thenight! We must have Christ with us or we are benighted-we grope like blind men for the wall and wander in dismay.

The spouse also speaks of shadows. "Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away." Shadows are multiplied by the departureof the sun, and these are apt to distress the timid. We are not afraid of real enemies when Jesus is with us, but when wemiss Him, we tremble at the shade. How sweet is that song, "Yes, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death,I will fear no evil: for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me"! But we change our note when midnight iscome and Jesus is not with us! Then we people the night with terrors-specters, demons, hobgoblins and things that never existedsave in fancy, are apt to swarm about us-and we are in fear where there is no fear!

The spouse's worst trouble was that the back of her Beloved was turned to her and so she cried, "Turn, my Beloved." When Hisface is towards her, she suns herself in His love, but if the light of His Countenance is withdrawn, she is sorely troubled.Our Lord turns His face from His people though He never turns His heart from His people. He may even close His eyes in sleepwhen the vessel is tossed by the tempest, but His heart is awake all the while. Still, it is pain enough to have grieved Himin any degree-it cuts us to the quick to think that we have wounded His tender heart. He is jealous, but never without cause.If He turns His back upon us for a while, there is doubtless a more than sufficient reason. He would not walk contrary tous if we had not walked contrary to Him. Ah, it is sad work this! The Presence of the Lord makes this life the preface tothe celestial life! But His absence leaves us pining and fainting, neither does any comfort remain in the land of our banishment.The Scriptures and the ordinances, private devotion and public worship are all as sundials-most excellent when the sun shines,but of small use in the dark. O, Lord Jesus, nothing can compensate us for Your loss! Draw near to Your beloved yet again,for without You, our night will never end-

"See! I repent and vex my soul, That I should leave You so! Where will those vile affections roll That let my Savior go?"

When communion with Christ is broken, in all true hearts there is a strong desire to win it back again. The man who has knownthe joy of communion with Christ, if he loses it, will never be content until it is restored. Have you ever entertained thePrince Emmanuel? Is He gone elsewhere? Your chamber will be dreary till He comes back again. "Give me Christ, or else I die,"is the cry of every spirit that has lost the dear Companionship of Jesus! We do not part with such heavenly delights withoutmany a pang. It is not with us a matter of "maybe He will return, and we hope He will," but it must be, or we faint and die!We cannot live without Him-and this is a cheering sign, for the soul that cannot live without Him shall not live without Him!He comes speedily where life and death hang on His coming. If you must have Christ, you shall have Him! This is just how thematter stands-we must drink of this well or die of thirst. We must feed upon Jesus or our spirit will famish!

II. We will now advance a step and say that when communion with Christ is broken, THERE ARE GREAT DIFFICULTIES IN THE WAYOF ITS RENEWAL.

It is much easier to go downhill than to climb to the same height again. It is far easier to lose joy in God than to findthe lost jewel. The spouse speaks of "mountains" dividing her from her Beloved-she means that the difficulties were great.They were not little hills, but mountains that closed up her way! Mountains of remembered sin, Alps of backsliding, dreadrange of forgetfulness, ingratitude, worldliness, coldness in prayer, frivolity, pride, unbelief! Ah me, I cannot teach youall the dark geography of this sad experience! Giant walls arose before her like the towering steeps of Lebanon. How couldshe get to her Beloved?

The dividing difficulties were many as well as great. She does not speak of "a mountain," but of "mountains." Alps rose onAlps, wall after wall. She was distressed to think that in so short a time, so much could come between her and Him of whomshe sang just now, "His left hand is under my head, and His right hand does embrace me." Alas, we multiply those mountainsof Bether with a sad rapidity! Our Lord is jealous and we give Him far too much reason for hiding His face. A fault whichseemed so small at the time we committed it, is seen in the light of its own consequences, and then it grows and swells tillit towers aloft and hides the face of the Beloved! Then has our sun gone down and Fear whispers, "Will His light ever return?Will it ever be daybreak? Will the shadows ever flee away?" It is easy to grieve away the heavenly sunlight, but ah, how hardto clear the skies and regain the unclouded brightness!

Perhaps the worst thought of all to the spouse was the dread that the dividing barrier might be permanent. It was high, butit might dissolve. The walls were many, but they might fall. But, alas, they were mountains, and these stand fast for ages!She felt like the Psalmist when he cried, "My sin is always before me." The pain of our Lord's absence be-

comes intolerable when we fear that we are hopelessly shut out from Him. A night one can bear, hoping for the morning, butwhat if the day should never break? And you and I, if we have wandered away from Christ and feel that there are ranges ofimmovable mountains between Him and us, will feel sick at heart. We try to pray, but devotion dies on our lips. We attemptto approach the Lord at the Communion Table, but we feel more like Judas than John. At such times we have felt that we wouldgive our eyes to behold once more the Bridegroom's face and to know that He delights in us as in happier days. Still, therestand the awful mountains-black, threatening, impassable-and in the far-off land the Life of our life is away and grieved.

So the spouse seems to have come to the conclusion that the difficulties in her way were insurmountable by her own power Shedoes not even think of herself going over the mountains to her Beloved, but she cries, "Until the day breaks and the shadowsflee away, turn, My Beloved, and be You like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether." She will not try to climbthe mountains, she knows she cannot. If they had not been so high, she might have attempted it, but their summits reach toHeaven! If they had been less craggy or difficult, she might have tried to scale them, but these mountains are terrible, andno foot may stand upon their long crags! Oh, the mercy of utter self-despair! I love to see a soul driven into that closecorner and forced, therefore, to look to God alone! The end of the creature is the beginning of the Creator! Where the sinnerends, the Savior begins! If the mountains can be climbed, we shall have to climb them, but if they are quite impassable, thenthe soul cries out with the Prophet, "Oh that You would rend the heavens, that You would come down, that the mountains mightflow down at Your Presence, as when the melting fire burns, the fire causes the waters to boil to make Your name known toYour adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Your Presence! When You did terrible things which we looked not for, Youcame down, the mountains flowed down at Your Presence." Our souls are lame, they cannot move to Christ and lo, we turn ourstrong desires to Him and fix our hopes alone upon Him! Will He not remember us in love and fly to us as He did to His servantof old when He rode upon a cherub and did fly, yes, He did fly upon the wings of the wind?

III. Here arises that PRAYER OF THE TEXT WHICH FULLY MEETS THE CASE-"Turn, my Beloved, and be You like a roe or a young hartupon the mountains of Bether."

Jesus can come to us when we cannot go to Him. The roe and the young hart, or, as you may read it, the gazelle and the ibex,live among the crags of the mountains and leap across the abyss with amazing agility. For swiftness and sure-footedness theyare unrivalled. The sacred poet said, "He makes my feet like hinds' feet, and sets me upon my high places," alluding to thefeet of those creatures which are so fitted to stand surely on the mountains' sides. Our blessed Lord is called in the titleof the 22nd Psalm, "the Hind of the Morning"-and the spouse in this golden Canticle sings, "My Beloved is like a roe or ayoung hart; behold, He comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills."

Here I would remind you that this prayer is one that we may fairly offer, because it is the way of Christ to come to us whenour coming to Him is out of the question. "How?" you ask. I answer that of old He did this, for we remember "His great lovewherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sin." His first coming into the world in human form-was it not because mancould never come to God until God had come to him? I hear of no tears, or prayers, or entreaties after God on the part ofour first parents-but the offended Lord spontaneously gave the promise that the Seed of the woman should bruise the serpent'shead. Our Lord's coming into the world was untaught, unsought, unthought of-He came altogether of His own free will, delightingto redeem-

"Withpitying eyes the Prince of Grace Beheld our helpless grief! He saw, and oh, amazing love- He ran to our relief."

His Incarnation was a type of the way in which He comes to us by His Spirit. He saw us cast out, polluted, shameful, perishing-andas He passed by, His tender lips said, "Live!" In us is fulfilled that ancient word, "I am found of them that sought Me not."We were too averse to holiness, too much in bondage to sin to ever have returned to Him if He had not turned to us. What doyou think? Did He come to us when we were enemies and will He not visit us, now that we are friends? Did He come to us whenwe were dead sinners and will He not hear us, now that we are weeping saints? If Christ's coming to the earth was after thismanner and if His coming to each one of us was after this style, we may well hope

that now He will come to us in like fashion, like the dew which refreshes the grass and waits not for man, neither tarriesfor the sons of men.

Besides, He is coming again in Person, in the latter days, and mountains of sin, error, idolatry, superstition and oppressionstand in the way of His Kingdom-but He will surely come and overturn, and overturn till He shall reign over all! He will comein the latter days, I say, though He shall leap the hills to do it-and because of that I am sure we may comfortably concludethat He will draw near to us who mourn His absence so bitterly. Then let us bow our heads a moment, and silently present toHis most excellent Majesty the petition of our text, "Turn, my Beloved, and be You like a roe or a young hart upon the mountainsof Bether."

Our text gives us sweet assurance that our Lord is at home with those difficulties which are quite insurmountable by us. Justas the roe or the young hart knows the passes of the mountains and the stepping-places among the rugged rocks, and is voidof all fear among the ravines and the precipices, so does our Lord know the heights and depths, the torrents and the cavernsof our sin and sorrow. He carried the whole of our transgression and so became aware of the tremendous load of our guilt.He is quite at home with the infirmities of our nature. He knew temptation in the wilderness, heartbreak in the garden, desertionon the Cross. He is quite at home with pain and weakness, for, "He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness." Heis at home with despondency, for He was "a Man of Sorrows, and acquainted with grief." He is at home even with death, forHe gave up the ghost and passed through the sepulcher to Resurrection. O yawning gulfs and frowning steeps of woe, our Beloved,like hind or hart, has traversed your glooms! O my Lord, You know all that divides me from You and You also know that I amfar too feeble to climb these dividing mountains so that I may come to You. Therefore, I pray You, come over the mountainsto meet my longing spirit! You know each yawning gulf and slippery steep, but none of these can stop You. Hasten You to me,Your servant, Your beloved, and let me again live by Your Presence.

It is easy, too, for Christ to come over the mountains for our relief. It is easy for the gazelle to cross the mountains-it is made for that end. So is it easy for Jesus, for to this purpose was He ordained from of old that He might come to manin his worst estate, and bring with Him the Father's love. What is it that separates us from Christ? Is it a sense of sin?You have been pardoned once and Jesus can renew most vividly a sense of full forgiveness! But you say, "Alas, I have sinnedagain! Fresh guilt alarms me." He can remove it in an instant, for the fountain appointed for that purpose is opened and isstill full! It is easy for the dear lips of redeeming love to put away the child's offenses since He has already obtainedpardon for the criminal's iniquities. If with His heart's blood He won our pardon from our Judge, He can easily enough bringus the forgiveness of our Father. Oh, yes, it is easy enough for Christ to say again, "Your sins are forgiven!" "But I feelso unfit, so unable to enjoy communion." He that healed all manner of bodily diseases can heal with a word your spiritualinfirmities! Remember the man whose ankle bones received strength so that he ran and leaped? And she who was sick of a feverand was healed at once, and arose and ministered unto her Lord? "My Grace is sufficient for you; for My strength is made perfectin weakness."

"But I have such affliction, such troubles, such sorrows that I am weighted down and cannot rise into joyful fellowship."Yes, but Jesus can make every burden light and cause each yoke to be easy! Your trials can be made to aid your heavenwardcourse instead of hindering it. I know all about those heavy weights and I perceive that you cannot lift them. But skilfulengineers can adapt ropes and pulleys in such a way that heavy weights lift other weights. The Lord Jesus is great at graciousmachinery and He has the art of causing a weight of tribulation to lift from us a load of spiritual dead-ness, so that weascend by that which, like a millstone, threatened to sink us down! What else hinders you? I am sure that if it were a sheerimpossibility, the Lord Jesus could remove it, for things impossible with men are possible with God!

But someone objects, "I am so unworthy of Christ. I can understand eminent saints and beloved disciples being greatly indulged,but I am a worm and not a man, utterly below such condescension!" Say you so? Know you not that the worthiness of Christ coversyour unworthiness and He is made of God unto you wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption? In Christ, the Fatherthinks not so meanly of you as you think of yourself! You are not worthy to be called His child, but He does call you so andreckons you to be among His jewels! Listen, and you shall hear Him say, "Since you were precious in My sight, you have beenhonorable, and I have loved you. I gave Egypt for your ransom; Ethiopia and Seba for you." Thus, there remains nothing whichJesus cannot leap over if He resolves to come to you and reestablish your broken fellowship!

To conclude, our Lord can do all this IMMEDIATELY. As in the twinkling of an eye the dead shall be raised incorruptible, soin a moment can our dead affections rise to fullness of delight! He can stay to this mountain, "Be you removed and be youcast into the midst of the sea," and it shall be done. In the sacred emblems now upon this Supper Table Jesus is already amongus. Faith cries, "He has come!" Like John the Baptist she gazes intently on Him and cries, "Behold the Lamb of God!" At thisTable Jesus feeds us with His body and blood. His corporeal Presence we have not, but His real spiritual'Presence we perceive.We are like the disciples when none of them dared ask Him, "Who are You?" knowing that it was the Lord. He is come! He looksforth at these windows-I mean this bread and wine-showing Himself through the lattices of this instructive and endearing ordinance.He speaks. He says, "The winter is past, the rain is over and gone." And so it is. We feel it to be so-a heavenly spring-tidewarms our frozen hearts. Like the spouse, we wonderingly cry, "Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots of Amminadib."Now in happy fellowship we see the Beloved and hear His voice! Our heart burns! Our affections glow! We are happy, restful,brimming over with delight! The King has brought us into His banqueting house and His banner over us is love. It is good tobe here!

Friends, we must now go our ways. A voice says, "Arise, let us go hence." O Lord of our hearts, go with us! Some will notbe home without You. Life will not be life without You. Heaven itself would not be Heaven if You were absent. Abide with us!The world grows dark, the glooming of time draws on. Abide with us, for it is toward evening. Our years increase and we nearthe night when dews fall cold and chill. A great future is all about us! The splendors of the last age are coming down andwhile we wait in solemn, awe-struck expectation, our heart continually cries within herself, "Until the day breaks and theshadows flee away, turn, my Beloved!"


Let us read that well-known and most blessed Chapter, John 14, which so clearly shows our Savior's tender consideration for the comfort of His people, lest the great grief excited inthem by His impending death should altogether break their hearts.

Verse 1. Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in Me. [See Sermon #1741, Volume 29-"let not your

HEART BE TROUBLED.] I think our Savior meant to say and really

did say, "If you believe in God, you are believing in Me; and if you believe in Me, you are believing in God; for there issuch a perfect unity between us that you need not, when I die, make any distinction between Me and God, but still believein Me as you believe in the Father."

2. In My Father's house are many mansions: ifit were not so, I would have told you. "Wicked men will shut you out of My Father'shouse below: the Temple at Jerusalem, through being still used for Jewish worship after all its ritual and ceremonialism havebeen abolished, will cease to be My Father's house to you; but there is a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternalin the heavens, and there is room for all of you there. When this country gets to be a desert to you, remember that thereis the Home Country, the blessed Glory Land, on the other side of the river, and the Father's house there with its many mansions."

2, 3. I go to prepare a place for you [See Sermon #2751, Volume 47-"A PREPARED PLACE FOR A PREPARED PEOPLE."] And if I goand prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. Jesusoften keeps this promise in many senses. By His gracious Spirit, He has come again. By His Divine Presence in the means ofGrace, He full often comes again. By-and-by, if we die, He will come again to meet us. And if we do not die, then will thepromise be fulfilled to the greatest possible extent, for Jesus will come again and receive in His own proper Person thosewho are alive and remain unto His coming.

Anyhow, "I will come again, and receive you unto Myself," remains one of the sweetest promises that was ever given to Believersby the Lord Jesus Christ! He did not say, "I will receive you to Heaven." He promised something far better than that-"I willreceive you unto Myself." Oh, what bliss it will be to get to Christ, to be with Him forever and ever!

4. And where I go you know, and the way you know. "At least, I have taught it to you. I have explained it to you. I have toldyou that I am the goal of your way, and the way to your goal. That I am the end, and also the way to that end."

5. Thomas said unto Him, Lord, we know not where You go and how can we know the way?Oh, how much ignorance there may be wherethere ought to be much knowledge! It is not always the man who lives in the sunlight who sees the most. Thomas had been oneof the 12 Apostles for years. He had, during all that time, had Christ for his Teacher, yet he had learned very little. Withsuch poor teachers as we are, it is no wonder if our hearers and scholars learn but little from us, yet they ought to learnmuch from Christ-although I think that we learn nothing even from Jesus Christ, Himself, except under the teaching of theHoly Spirit!

6. Jesus said unto him, Iam the way the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but byMe. [See Sermons #245,

Volume 5-THE WAY TO GOD; #942, Volume 16-THE WAY and #2938, Volume 51-JESUS THE WAY.] "I am going to the Father-that is whereI am going, Thomas, and you can only come to the Father by Me-don't you know that?"

7. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. For Christ is the express Image of His Father, so that you alwayssee the Father when you see the Son!

7. And from henceforth you know Him, and have seen Him. Thomas had made an advance in heavenly knowledge. He had taken a higherdegree in Divinity now that the Master had taught Him so much upon this most important point-"from henceforth you know Him,and have seen Him."

8. Philip said unto Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffices us. It was not merely one of Christ's scholars, you see,who was so dull of comprehension-here is another of the dunces-Philip.

9. Jesus said unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known Me, Philip? He that has seen Me hasseen the Father; and how say you, then, Show us the Father?He who really knows Christ and understands Christ's Character,understands, as far as it can be understood by man, the Character of God. We know more of God from the life of Christ thanwe can learn from any other source.

10-12. Believe you not that Iam in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that Ispeak unto you Ispeak not of Myself:but the Father that dwells in Me, He does the works. Believe Me that Iam in the Father and the Father in Me: or else believeMe for the very work's sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believes on Me, the works that I do shall he do also;and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto My Father The Lord Jesus Christ, after He had gone back to Heaven,gave to His servants the power to do these "greater works"-the Holy spirit resting upon them-in the gathering in of the nationsunto their Lord. Whereas Christ kept to one little country, He sent His first disciples and He sends us still to preach theGospel to every creature in the whole world, and He clothes His servants with all necessary authority and power to do thework He has committed to their charge.

13-14. And whatever you shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall askanything in My name, I will do it There is the only limit to true believing prayer! There are some things which we could notask in Christ's name-that is, using His authority in asking for them. There are some wishes and whims that we may cherish,and that we think we may pray about, but we have not Christ's name or authority to warrant us in expecting that we shall realizethem and, therefore, we cannot ask for them in His name. To say, "For Christ's sake," is one thing, but to say, "I ask thisin Christ's name," is quite another matter! He never authorized you to make use of His name about everything. There are onlycertain things about which you can pray in His name, such as are the express subject of a Divine promise-and when you prayfor one of those things, you shall prove Christ's words to be true, "If you shall ask anything in My name, I will do it."

15-16. Ifyou love Me, keep My commandments. AndI willpray the Father, andHe shall give you another Comforter, [See Sermons#1074, Volume 18-THE PARACLETE and #1932, Volume 32-LOVE'S LAW AND LIFE.] The Paraclete, the Succorer, the Helper. The word,"Comforter," has lost its old meaning. You get

it in certain old writings, when you read of such-and-such a man that he gave to someone else succor and comfort. There

is more here than merely giving us consolation. It means Helper-"He shall give you another Helper." Advocatus is the

Latin, and that, too, is the correct word. "He shall give you another Advocate"-

16, 17. That He may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees

Him not, neither knows Him, but you know Him; for He dwells with you, andshall be in you [See Sermons #4, Volume 1-the PERSONALITYOF THE HOLY SPIRIT; #754, Volume 13-THE SAINT AND THE SPIRIT and #2074, Volume 35-INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT-.]Worldly men are not cognizant of the existence of the Holy Spirit. They do not believe in Him-they say that there may or maynot be such a Divine Being in the world as the Holy Spi-

rit, but they have never come across His path. This, then, is one of the tests of true Believers, the twice-born-they havereceived a new nature which enables them to recognize the existence of the Spirit of God and to feel the influence of Hiswork-"You know Him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you."

18, 19. I willnot leave you orphans: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the worldsees Me no more; butyou

see Me. [See Sermon #2990, Volume 52-THE BELIEVER NOT AN ORPHAN.]

"Your spiritual sight, which discerns the Presence with you of the Holy Spirit, will also discern My continued Existence whenI have gone away from you."

19, 20. Because Ilive, you shalllive also. At that day you shall know that Iam in My father, and you in Me, and Iin

you [See Sermon 968, Volume 17-LIFE IN CHRIST.] This is something more

for us to know. To know that Christ is in the Father is one thing, but it is still more for us to understand the next mysticunity, "you in Me, and I in you." Oh, wondrous combination of the Father and the Son, and of Immanuel, God with us, and ourselves!

21, 22. He that has My commandment, andkeeps them, He it is that loves Me; andHe that loves Me shall be loved of My Father,and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him. Judas said unto Him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that You will manifestYourself unto us, and not unto the world?'[See Sermon #29, Volume 1-christ manifesting himself to his

PEOPLE.] Large-hearted Judas, very different from Judas Isca-

riot! He wants Christ to manifest Himself to all the world! He seems to have been a man of very broad views. He does not comprehenddiscriminating love and electing Grace-He wants all the privileges of the children of God to be the privileges of the King'senemies-but that cannot be.

23. Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man loves Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and

We will come unto him, and make our abode with him. [See Sermon #2895, Volume 50-A BLESSED GOSPEL CHAIN.] Christ is sure tomanifest Himself to those who love Him, but how can He manifest Himself to those who love Him not? They cannot see Him! Theywould not appreciate Him if they couldsee Him- they have no spiritual taste with which to enjoy Him.

24-26. He that loves Me not keeps not My saying: and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's which sent Me.These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Fatherwill send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said unto you.Dowe sufficiently look to the Holy Spirit for Divine teaching? We read our Bibles, I trust, with diligence-and also any explanatorybooks by which we may better understand our Bibles-but do we look up to the Holy Spirit and ask Him distinctly and immediatelyto teach us what is the meaning of Christ's words, and to bring them to our remembrance? I wish we did this more than we do.

27. Peace I leave with you. "That is My legacy to you."

27. My peace I give unto you-[See Sermons #247, Volume 5-THE BEST OF MASTERS and #300, Volume 6-SPIRITUAL PEACE.] My own deepcalm of spirit, which is not ruffled or broken though the contradiction of sinners continually annoys Me-"My peace I giveunto you." Christ puts His hand into His heart and takes out of that priceless casket the choicest jewel it contains-His ownpeace! And He says, "Wear that on your finger, the seal and token of My love." "My peace I give unto you"-

27. Not as the world gives, give I unto you."With an expectation of getting a reward for it. Neither do I give it to takeit back again. Nor do I give it in mere pretence-I give it in reality, sincerely, disinterestedly, as your freehold possessionforever."

27-28. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You have heardhow I said unto you, I go away, and come againunto you. If you loved Me, you would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for My Father is greater than I.Christas Man had condescended to become less than the Father-He had taken upon Himself the form of a Servant, but now He was goingback to take His own natural dignity again. We ought to rejoice in His gain! Though you may think it a loss not to have Hiscorporeal Presence, yet would you like to call Him away from yonder harps that ring out His praises and the perfect love ofthe Father with whom He reigns supreme? Oh, no, blessed Master, stay where You are!

29-31. AndnowIhave told you before it comes to pass, that when it is comes to pass, you might believe. Hereafter I will nottalk much with you; for the Prince of this world comes, and has nothing in Me. But that the world may know that I love theFather and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go from here.

-Adapted from The C. H. Spurgeon Collection, Ages Software, 1.800.297.4307