Sermon 3242. Unparalleled Loving Kindnesses

(No. 3242)




"Lord, where are Your former loving kindnesses, which You swore unto David in Your truth?" Psalm 89:49.

THE LORD had made an Everlasting Covenant with David, ordered in all things and sure, yet that Covenant was not intended topreserve him from trouble. When this Psalm was written, he had been brought very low. His crown had been cast down to theground, his enemies had rejoiced over him and he had become a reproach to his neighbors. Then his thoughts flew back to thehappier days of the past and the Covenant which the Lord had made with him-and either David, himself, or Ethan, writing onhis behalf, enquired, in the words of our text, "Lord, where are Your former loving kindnesses, which You swore unto Davidin Your truth?"

I. Applying this passage to the people of God, I remark, first, that WE HAVE RECEIVED MANY MERCIES IN THE PAST.

Is that too common a matter for you to think and talk about? If you know it so well, why do you forget it so often? The merciesof God wake us every morning so that we are as used to them as we are to the sunlight, yet some of us think but little ofthem. They follow us till the night and we get as accustomed to them as we do to our beds, yet perhaps some of us think lessof them than we do of our beds! We have Providential mercies every moment of the day and every day of our lives-we can nevercount the number of them, for they are more than the sands upon the seashore! I am going, however, to speak of the spiritualmercies with which God has enriched us-the blessings of the upper springs-and it will help you to recall them if I take thelist of them that is given at the beginning of the 103rd Psalm.

Turn to it and read, first, " who forgives all your iniquities." All of us to whom these words belong should constantly rememberthat we are pardoned souls. We were not so once-oh, what would we not have given, then, to know what we know now? At thattime, our iniquities pressed upon us as a burden that we could not bear! The stings of conscience gave us no rest and theterrors of Hell got hold of us! When I was under conviction of sin, I felt that I would willingly have given my eyes, my hands,my all, if I might but be able to say, "I am a forgiven soul." So, now that we are pardoned, let us not forget the Lord'sloving kindness in forgiving all our iniquities. If you, my Hearer, can forget it, I may well question whether your iniquitieshave ever been forgiven, for the pardon of sin is so great a mercy that the song which it evokes from the heart must lastforever!

The next mercy in the Psalmist's list is, " who heals all your diseases." Think again, my Brother or my Sister, what the Lordhas done for you in this respect. Once, pride possessed you like a burning fever and long prevented you from submitting toGod's simple plan of salvation-but you have been cured of that terrible malady and now you are sitting humbly at the feetof Jesus rejoicing in being saved by Divine Grace! Perhaps you were once like the demoniac of old. The chains of moralitycould not bind you and the fetters of human law could not restrain you. You cut and wounded yourself and you were a terrorunto others. But, now, thanks be unto God, you are so completely healed that there is not even a scar left to show where youwere wounded! Will you not praise the Lord for this unspeakable mercy? What would you not have given for it, once, when yourmany diseases held you in their cruel grip? Then cease not to praise Jehovah-Rophi, "the Lord that heals you!"

The next mercy also demands a song of grateful praise-"who redeems your life from destruction." You have been saved from goingdown into the Pit-the ransom price has been paid for you and you have been redeemed-not with silver and gold, "but with theprecious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." Remember there

is no wrath against you, now, in the heart of God, for His righteous anger on account of your sin was all poured out uponthe head of His dear Son, your Surety and Substitute! The devil has no claim upon you, now, for you have been redeemed byChrist unto the last farthing. Then can you forget to praise Him who has done such great things for you? What would you nothave given, at one time, to have had half a hope that you were a redeemed soul when your poor knees were sore through yourlong praying, and your voice was hoarse with crying unto God? You would gladly have bartered the light of day, the comfortsof life and the joys of friendship for the assurance of your redemption! Well, then, since you have now obtained that pricelessgift, forget not to praise the Lord for all His loving kindness towards you!

For the next clause in the Psalm is this, " who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies" Think, Brother or Sisterin Christ, what the Lord has done for you. Not content with saving you from Hell, He has adopted you into His own family,made you a son or a daughter of the King of kings and set a royal crown upon your head-a crown of "loving kindness and tendermercies." You are made an heir of God and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ! Is not this unparalleled loving kindness? Is notthis, indeed, the tender mercy of our God towards you? Then can you ever forget such loving kindness and tender mercy? Therehave been times, in the past history of some of us, when that ancient prophecy has been most graciously fulfilled in our experience,"You shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing,and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." So, as we remember the former loving kindnesses of the Lord, we rejoicethat He still crowns us with loving kindnesses and tender mercies!

We must not forget the next verse-" who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."If we are in Christ Jesus, we have all that we need-we are perfectly satisfied. We do not need a better Savior, we do notneed a better hope, we do not need a better Bible, we do not need better promises. We doneed more faith, but we do not needa better ground of faith! We do desire to have more love to our Lord, but we do not desire a better Object for our love! Wedesire to always dive deeper and deeper, but only in the fathomless sea of Jesus' love! Others are roaming here and there,vainly seeking satisfaction, but our mouth is so filled with good things that we are satisfied. We asked and the Lord gaveto us. We prayed for pardon and the Lord fully forgave us for Jesus' sake. We have received so much mercy from Him that oursoul is satisfied and soars aloft as on an eagle's wings, leaving all terrestrial cares, sorrows and doubts far below us amidthe earth-born clouds above which we have mounted by God's Grace!

II. Now, having thus briefly recalled the Lord's former loving kindnesses, I have to remind you, in the second place, thatWE ARE NOT ALWAYS CONSCIOUS OF THE SAME FLOW OF MERCY TOWARD US.

The Psalmist asks, "Lord, where are Your former loving kindnesses?" Well, where are they? Why, they are where they used tobe, though we do not always realize them! The Lord's mercies have not changed, but our perception of them is not always asvivid as it ought to be. Let us again consider the mercies of which I have already spoken to you.

" Who forgives all your iniquities" There are times when a Christian fears whether his sins are really forgiven. He is saved,yet he has a doubt whether he is saved or not. All his past sins seem to rise up before him and the foul suggestion of unbeliefis, "Can it be possible that all those sins have been put away? Have all those mountains of iniquity been cast into the RedSea of the Savior's atoning blood?" Many young Believers who judge themselves too much by their feelings, are apt to imagingthat they have been deceived and that they are still under condemnation. If I have any Brothers or Sisters like that here,let me assure them that there are times when the very best of the saints have to cry out in the bitterness of their soul,"Lord, where are Your former loving kindnesses?" The Believer in Christ is always justified as far as the Law of God is concerned,but he does not always hear the proclamation of pardon in the court of conscience! God's sun is always shining, but thereare clouds that obscure its beams, yet it is only hidden for a while. So is it with the loving kindness of the Lord with regardto the forgiveness of sin-whether we always realize it or not, the forgiveness that has once been bestowed upon us will neverbe withdrawn from us, world without end!

It is the same with the next mercy-" who heals all your diseases." It may be that there are some of us here who know thatthe Great Physician has healed our soul maladies, yet at times unbelief and other evil diseases cause us pain and agony ofspirit. It is with us as it was in the days of Noah when the fountains of the great deep were broken up-and happy are we ifwe can now float in the ark of our faith above the awful sea of our depravity which threatens to drown every spiritual comfortand cover every hope! If I were to look within my own heart for comfort and hope, I would often be in despair-but when I lookaway to my Lord, alone, then I realize what He has done and is still doing for me, for He still

"heals" all my diseases! Marvel not, dear Friends, if you cannot see yourselves growing in Grace as you would like to do.When a farmer goes to look at his root crops, he is not so much concerned as to the appearance of the part that is above ground-heneeds to know how that part is flourishing that is out of sight. So, very often a Christian is growing underground, as itwere-growing in Divine Grace, knowledge, love and humility-though he may not have as many virtues and graces that are visibleto other people, or even to himself. Sanctification is being worked in the saints according to the will of God, but it isa secret work-yet, in due time the fruit of it will be manifest, even as the farmer at the proper season digs up his rootsand rejoices that his labor has not been expended upon them in vain.

Notice, too, that next mercy-" who redeems your life from destruction." Now mark this-those who are once redeemed are alwaysredeemed! The price of their redemption was paid upon Calvary and that great transaction can never be reversed. I dare toput it very strongly and to say that they were as fully redeemed when they were dead in trespasses and sins as they will bewhen they stand in the full blaze of Jehovah's Presence before the eternal Throne of God! They were not, then, conscious oftheir redemption, but their unconsciousness did not alter the fact of their redemption! So is it with the Believer-there aredark days and cloudy days in his experience, but he is just as truly saved in the dark and cloudy day as when the sun is shiningbrightly and the clouds have all been blown away! In the old days of slavery, when a slave's freedom had been purchased, theremay have been times when he had not much to eat, or when he had many aches and pains, but such things did not affect the factthat he was a free man. Suppose someone had said to him, "My poor fellow, you have nothing in the cupboard, you are very sickand ill, you are still a slave"? He would have replied, "That is not good reasoning. I know that I was redeemed, for I sawthe price paid for my ransom. I have my free papers and I shall never again be a slave!" So is it with Believers-the Son ofGod has made them free by giving Himself as a ransom for them, so they shall be "free indeed." Their redemption does not dependupon their realization of it, but upon their Redeemer who has made it effective for them!

The same principle applies to the next mercy-" who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies." There may be someChristians here who need to learn a lesson that one good Methodist tried to teach another whom he met at a class meeting.It grieved him as he heard over and over again the story of his Brother's trials and troubles, but nothing about the multitudesof mercies with which he was continually being crowned. So one day he said to him, "My Brother, I wish you would change yourresidence-you do not live in the right part of the town." "How is that?" enquired the other. "Why, you live where I used tolive, down in Murmuring Street. It is very dark and narrow, the chimneys always smoke, the lamps never burn brightly and allsorts of diseases abound in that unhealthy quarter. I got tired of living in Murmuring Street, so I took a new house in ContentStreet. It is a fine, wide, open street where the breezes of Heaven can freely blow, so the people who dwell there are healthyand happy. And though all the houses in the street are of different sizes, it is a very remarkable thing that they are, allof them, just the right size for the people who live in them! The Apostle Paul used to live in that street, for he said, 'Ihave learned in whatever state I am, therewith to be content," so I would advise you, my Brother, to move into Content Streetas soon as you can." That was very good advice-and we may pass it on to any murmurers or grumblers whom we know. Think, Beloved,how the Lord is still crowning you with loving kindness and tender mercies! I know you are not strong, but then you have notthat acute pain you used to have. I know that you are growing old, but that only means that you are getting so much nearerHeaven! I know your friends are fewer than they used to be, but then those who are left are true friends. So you see thatyou are still crowned with loving kindness and tender mercies!

So is it with the last mercy in the list-" who satisfies your mouth with good things." I will venture to say that the Christianhas not one real need that is not satisfied with the good things that God has provided for him. If he has any other need,or thinks he has, it is better for him not to have that need supplied. If we need the pleasures of sin, it is a great mercythat God will not give them to us, for the supply of such a need would be our soul's damnation! If we could gather any comfortthrough following that which is evil, it is of the Lord's mercy that such comfort is not our portion-

"This world is ours and worlds to come! Earth is our lodge and Heaven our home,"

so what can we need besides?



Sometimes we miss our former comforts as the result of sin. Sin indulged is a certain barrier to happiness. No one can enjoycommunion with Christ while turning aside to crooked ways. To the extent to which a Believer is inconsistent with his profession,to that extent will he be unhappy-and it will be no cause for surprise if he has to cry, "Lord, where are Your former lovingkindnesses?" We must always distinguish between the punishment of sin which Christ endured on His people's behalf and thefatherly chastisement with which God visits upon them for their wrong-doing. Though He will not condemn them as a Judge, Hewill chastise them as a Father. And they cannot expect to enjoy the loving kindnesses of the Lord while they are enduringthe strokes of His rod because of their transgressions!

We may also lose a comfortable sense of God's mercy through neglecting to use the means of Grace. Leave off the regular readingof your Bible and then you will be like the man who misses his meals and so grows weak and languid. Neglect private prayerand then see whether you will not have to cry with Job, "Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preservedme when His candle shined upon my head and when, by His light, I walked through darkness." Stay away from the Prayer Meetingsand then if your soul is not sad, it ought to be! If a man will not come where there is a fire, is it surprising that he criesthat he cannot get warm? The neglect of the means of Grace causes many to enquire, "Lord, where are Your former loving kindnesses?"

The same result follows when any idol is set up in our heart. While we worship the Lord, alone, the temple of our heart willbe filled with His Glory. But if we set up an idol upon His Throne, we shall soon hear the rushing of wings and the DivineVoice saying, "Let Us go from here." God and mammon cannot abide in the same house! Remember that you serve a jealous Godand be very careful not to provoke Him to jealousy. Every idol must be cast down, or His comfortable Presence cannot be enjoyed.

Coldness of heart towards Godi s another cause of the loss of enjoyment of His favor. When the heart grows spiritually cold,the whole being soon gets out of order. If the heart is warm and vigorous, the pulsations throughout the entire frame willbe kept strong and healthy, but when the heart is cold, the blood will be chilled in the veins and all the powers will benumbed and paralyzed. So, Beloved, see to it that in the power of the Holy Spirit you maintain the love of your espousals-thatpristine warmth of holy affection which you delighted to manifest when first you knew the Lord- or else you will soon haveto cry, "Lord, where are Your former loving kindnesses?" Live near to God and this shall not often be your cry! But if youbackslide from Him, this shall soon be your sorrowful enquiry. If you have to mourn an absent God, seek to know the reasonwhy He has withdrawn Himself from you-and repent of the sin that has separated you from Him.


UNDER ALL CHANGING CIRCUMSTANCES. The Covenant made with David was established by the oath of God. And Paul, writing to theHebrews, says that "God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmedit by an oath, that by two Immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation,who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us."

For our consolation, let us remember, first, that the parties to the Covenant are always the same. God has not one set ofchosen ones today and another set tomorrow. In the Lamb's Book of Life there are not erasures of certain names and the insertionof others in their place. No, Beloved, that is not the way in which the Lord deals with His elect-He does not play fast andloose with them like that. He does not love them one day, and hate them the next. Oh, no!-

"Whom once He loves, He never leaves, But loves them to the end."

And, next, the Seal of the Covenant is always the same. It is sealed with the precious blood of Jesus! His one great Sacrificeon Calvary made the Covenant forever sure-

"'Tis signed, and sealed, and ratified, In all things ordered well."

We do not seal the Covenant-Christ has done that-it is His blood that makes the Covenant sure to all for whom He stood asSurety and Substitute. This is our consolation even when we have no present enjoyment of the blessings that are secured tous by the Covenant. Even the sealing of the Spirit is not the Seal of the Covenant, though it is to us the certain evidenceof our interest in the Covenant-it is like a seal on our copy of the Covenant, the great deed itself, sealed with the bloodof Jesus, is safely preserved in the archives of Heaven where none can mutilate or steal or destroy it!

Further, the efficacy of the Covenant is always the same. It is not like human covenants which may or may not be fulfilled,or which may become void through lapse of time. This Covenant is eternal, covering past, present and future- and it shallbe fulfilled to the last jot and tittle, for He who swore unto David will certainly perform all that He has promised to Hisown chosen people-

"The Voice that rolls the stars along Speaks all the promises."

When God said, "Let there be light," there was light. And when that same God says, "Let there be light in that dark soul,"the light at once enters the heart and it is Divinely illuminated! Thus it has come to pass that we who were sometimes darkness,now are light in the Lord. And to us comes the Apostolic injunction, "Walk as children of light." The efficacy of the Covenantdoes not depend upon us-if it did, it would be a poor, feeble, fickle thing that would fail us just when we needed it most!There would be no hope of our ever getting to Heaven if we had to depend upon our own efforts, or our own merits, or anythingof our own-our comfort arises from the fact that the Covenant is made on our behalf by our great Representative and Redeemer,who will, Himself, see that all that is guaranteed to us in the Covenant is fulfilled in due season! There rolls the gloriouschariot of salvation in which all Believers are riding to Heaven! Death and Hell cannot stop it! All the fears of any whoare in it will not affect their eternal safety and not one of them shall be found to be missing in the day when the roll ofthe redeemed is called in Glory! Be of good courage, Believer, for you are saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation!Even though you have, for a while, to mourn the loss of the Lord's former loving kindnesses, search your heart to see howfar that loss has been caused by your own sin. And then return to the Lord with all your heart and He will renew to you Hisformer favors and give to you new mercies of which you have not as yet even dreamed!

As for those here who have no former loving kindnesses of the Lord to which they can look back, I pray that this may be thebeginning of better days for them. May they think of the mercies which the Lord has bestowed upon others and may they cryunto Him, "Lord, do to us as You have done to them! Adopt us into Your family as Your sons and Your daughters, and let usshare in all the blessings that You give to Your children!" Remember, dear Friends, that it is by simple and sincere faithin the crucified Christ of Calvary that sinners are eternally saved! It is by His blood that we who once were afar off, arenow made near! Whoever believes in Him shall not be ashamed or confounded! Therefore, my Hearer, believe on the Lord JesusChrist and you shall be saved, and God shall be glorified. So may it be, for Jesus' sake! Amen.


Verses 1, 2. I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever: with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.For I have said, Mercy shall be built up forever: Your faithfulness shall You establish in the very heavens.

[See Sermon #1565, Volume 26-MASCHIL OF ETHAN, A MAJESTIC SONG.]

1 Here is an eternal song concerning eternal mercy! The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting, so the saints'praise for the never-ending mercy must itself be without end. The Psalmist has made known God's faithfulness to all generations,not only by speaking of it, but especially by writing of it, for that which is written abides when that which is merely spokenis soon forgotten. God's faithfulness concerns Heaven as well as earth and He will establish it "in the very heavens."

3, 4. I have made a Covenant with My chosen, I have sworn unto David, My servant, Your seed will I establish forever, andbuild up your throne to all generations. Selah. The complete fulfillment of this glorious Covenant promise concerns not onlyDavid and his seed, but "great David's greater Son" and His spiritual seed-the chosen people with whom the Lord has made "aneverlasting Covenant, ordered in all things, and sure."

5-7. And the heavens shall praise Your wonders O LORD: Your faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints. For who inthe heavens can be compared unto the LORD? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD? God is greatly tobe feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about Him. A holy reverence is becomingin all who draw near to the thrice-holy Jehovah, whether in the upper sanctuary or in

the congregation of the saints on earth! In His gracious condescension, He allows His people wondrous familiarity in theirapproaches to Him, yet this must never make them forget the Infinite distance that separates the Creator from even the highestand holiest of His creatures!

8-10. O LORD God of Hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto You or to Your faithfulness round about You? You rule the ragingof the sea: when the waves thereof arise, You still them. You have broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; You havescattered Your enemies with Your strong arm. The ruling of the raging of the sea, the stilling of the stormy waves and thebreaking and scattering of the might of Egypt are used by the Psalmist to illustrate the Omnipotence of Jehovah, before whichthe mightiest monarch on earth had no more power than if it had been a corpse!

11, 12. The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours: as for the world and the fullness thereof, You have founded them.The north and the south You have created them: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in Your name. The Psalmist rejoices in the Lordas the Creator and Possessor of the heavens above and the earth beneath. "All things were created by Him, and for Him."

13. You have a mighty arm: strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hanc. [See Sermons #674, Volume 12-the mighty

ARM and #1314, Volume 22 which has the same title.] Amid all the varying expressions that the Psalmist uses, he continuesto admire and magnify God's majestic might. Whether for the defense of His people or the overthrow of His enemies, His armis mighty, yes, more than that, for it is Almighty! No human language can adequately describe that glorious hand which hasonly to be opened to satisfy the desire of every living thing!

14. Justice and judgment are the habitation of Your Throne: mercy and truth shall go before Your face. What blessed heraldsdoes the Lord employ! "Mercy and truth shall go before Your face." It is these gracious attributes, especially as they aredisplayed in the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, that enable us even to welcome those sterner attributes-"justiceand judgment," which are the habitation of God's Throne.

15. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound.There are many that hear it, but perhaps not one out of a thousand ofthem that really know it. The hearing of the joyful sound is not sufficient to make people blessed, though faith comes byhearing-it is the understanding of what is meant by the glad tidings-it is the reception of the Gospel message which bringsimmediate and eternal blessedness!

15. They shall walk, O LORD, in the light of Your Countenance. The practical effect of a saving knowledge of the Gospel isa holy walk, a walk of communion with God! Dear Friends, do you walk in that way? Do you know the joyful sound? Can you discernthe difference between the true and the false Gospel? Can you distinguish the contrast between the harmonies of the one andthe discords of the other? Do you know the inner secret of the heavenly music? Has it ever vibrated in your own souls? Happyare you if this is the case with you! The Psalmist goes on to show how such people are blessed.

16. In Your name shall they rejoice all the day. They shall not have mere passing fits of joy, but they shall be glad frommorning to night!

16. And in Your righteousness shall they be exalted.They shall mount to a higher platform of joy than that on which the menof the world are standing! They shall be lifted up in soul and spirit by the righteousness of God, especially as they seehow that great attribute guarantees their eternal salvation!

17-19. For You are the Glory of their strength: and in Your favor our horn shall be exalted. For the Lord is our defense;and the Holy One of Israel is our king. Then You spoke in vision to Your holy one, and said, I have laid help

upon One that is mighty; I have exalted One chosen out of the people. [See Sermon #11, Volume 1-THE PEOPLE'S CHRIST.] Thisis the very marrow of the Gospel! This is, indeed, "the joyful sound" which makes us truly blessed-the fact that God did,of old, exalt "One chosen out of the people," with whom He entered into an Eternal Covenant, pledging Himself to bless usthrough Him.

20. I have found David My servant; with My holy oil have I anointed him. David was the means of bringing great blessings tothe people over whom he ruled. God blessed the whole nation through him and the Covenant made with David was virtually a Covenantmade with all the people of Israel. In like manner, the Covenant made with "great David's greater Son" is virtually made withall those for whom He stood as Surety and Representative. The essence of the Gospel lies in the Covenant which God has madewith His Son, Jesus Christ, on behalf of all His chosen people. Notice that God

found David and anointed him as king, even as He has taken the Lord Jesus, and anointed Him with the oil of gladness aboveHis fellows.

21. With whom My hand shall be established: My arm also shall strengthen him. The Omnipotence of God is manifested in Christ,for He is "the power of God" as well as "the wisdom of God."

22. The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him. "The son of wickedness" did afflict David fora while, but afterwards he came to the throne and ruled gloriously over God's ancient people. So is it with our Covenant Lordand King. The wicked cannot now exact upon Him, nor afflict Him-He sits upon the Throne of God in Glory far beyond their reach!

23. And I will beat down His foes before His face, and plague them that hate Him. Who can ever stand up in opposition to Christ?He is that stone of which He, Himself, said, "Whoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shallfall, it will grind him to powder."

24. But My faithfulness and My mercy shall be with Him: and in My name shall His horn be exalted. God is always with His Son,Jesus Christ, in the plenitude of His faithfulness and mercy, to make Him a continual blessing to His people.

25. I will set His hand also in the sea, and His right hand in the rivers. Our King is a great King and He rules over seaand land-there is no limit to His dominions-and there will be no end to His righteous rule.

26. He shall cry unto Me, You are My Father, My God, and the rock of My salvation. All God's children are a praying familyand His only-begotten and well-beloved Son sets a noble example in this respect as well as in everything else! He is stillthe great Intercessor before the Throne of His Father.

27. Also I will make Him My first-born, higher than the kings of the earth. Christ is, indeed, "higher than the kings of theearth," for He is "King of kings and Lord of lords." Do not your hearts rejoice as you think of this blessed King with whomGod has entered into a Covenant to bless all who are trusting in Him, even the very poorest and feeblest of them? What a joyit is to us to see Jesus striking hands with the Eternal and entering into an Everlasting Covenant on our behalf!

28. 29. My mercy will I keep for Him forevermore, and My Covenant shall stand fast with Him. His seed also will I make toendure forever, and His Throne as the days of Heaven.There can never be an end to the Throne of Christ, for His Kingdom isan everlasting Kingdom and there can never be an end to the family of Christ, for His seed shall endure forever!

30-32. If His children forsake My Law, and walk not in My judgments; if they break My statutes, and keep not My commandments;then-"Then"-what? "I will destroy them, and sweep them away forever"? Oh, no! "Then"-

32. Will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. There is no sword in God's hand to beused against His own children, but He does hold a rod-and that rod makes us smart and causes the blueness of the wound whichcleanses away evil. We are grieved when we feel its strokes, yet there is Covenant Mercy in them. The rod of the Covenantis one of the best things that ever comes to us, since it whips our folly out of us! God grant us Grace to kiss the rod wheneverwe transgress against Him and He visits our iniquity with stripes!

33. Nevertheless My loving kindness will I not utterly take from Him, nor suffer My faithfulness to fail. Notice the use ofthe word, "Him," here, as if it was intended to teach us that God's love to His dear Son, and to His people in Him, is sogreat that though He may chasten us for our transgressions, He will never cast us away.

34-37. My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of My lips. Once have I sworn by My holiness thatI will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before Me. It shall be established foreveras the moon, and as a faithful witness in Heaven. Selah.In the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the dynasty of David shallendure forever, and the spiritual seed of Christ shall also never come to an end. By the most binding Covenant and the mostsolemn pledge, and the most sacred oath, Jehovah has guaranteed the everlasting Kingdom of His Son and the eternal enduranceof "His seed."

38-45. But You have cast off and abhorred, You have been angry with Your anointed. You have made void the Covenant of Yourservant: You have profaned his crown by casting it to the ground. You have broken down all his hedges; You have brought hisstrongholds to ruin. All that pass by the way plunder him: he is a reproach to his neighbors. You have set up the right handof his adversaries; You have made all his enemies to rejoice. You have also turned the edge of his sword, and have not madehim to stand in the battle. You have made his glory to cease, and cast his throne down to the ground. The days of his youthhave You shortened: You have covered him with shame. Selah.Spiritually, this sad description reveals the sorrowful state ofthe professing Church of Christ in the times in which we live.

46. How long, LORD? Will You hide Yourself forever? Shall Your wrath burn like fre?That was the wisest thing for the Psalmistto do, and it is our best course, also. In the darkest days of the most sinful age, we can always resort to prayer. Let usdo so.

47, 48. Remember how short my time is: Therefore have You made al men in vain? What man is he that lives, and shall not seedeath? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Selah. The brevity of life makes it all the more important thatwe should waste none of it-and that we should appeal to the Lord to interpose speedily on the behalf of His Truth and thosewho love it.

49-52. Lord, where are Your former loving kindnesses, which You swore unto David in Your truth? Remember, Lord, the reproachof Your servants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the mighty people; wherewith Your enemies have reproached,O LORD; wherewith they have reproached the footsteps of Your anointed. Blessed be the LORD forevermore. Amen and Amen. ThePsalm ends upon its keynote of praise unto Jehovah. There had been much to sadden the writer, as there is much to sadden usin these days. But we can unite with him in saying, "Blessed be the Lord forevermore. Amen and Amen."