Sermon 3228. 'Oh, How He Loves!'

(No. 3228)




"Then said the Jews, Behold how He loved him!" John 11:36.

IT was at the grave of Lazarus that Jesus wept and His grief was so manifest to the onlookers that they said, "Behold howHe loved him!" Most of us here, I trust, are not mere onlookers, but we have a share in the special love of Jesus. We seeevidences of that love, not in His tears, but in the precious blood that He so freely shed for us-and so we ought to see furtherinto His heart than they did-and to know more of Him than they could in the brief interval in which they had become acquaintedwith Him. When we think of His love to us, we may well cry, "Behold how He has loved us!"

These Jews expressed their wonder at the love that Jesus had for His friend, Lazarus. They did not keep that wonder to themselves,but they said, "Behold how He loved him!" In these days, we are too apt to repress our emotions. I cannot say that I greatlyadmire the way in which some enthusiastic folk shout, "Glory!" "Hallelujah!" "Amen," and so on, in the midst of sermons andprayers. Yet I would sooner have a measure of that enthusiastic noise than have you constantly stifling your natural emotionsand checking yourself from giving utterance to your heart's truer feelings. If we were in a right state of mind and heart,we would often say to one another, "How wondrous has the love of Jesus been to us!" Our conversation with one another as Brothersand Sisters in Chris, would often be upon this blessed subject. We waste far too much of our time upon trifles-it would bewell if the love of Jesus so engrossed our thoughts that it engrossed our conversation, too! I fear that many who professto be Christians go for a whole year, or even longer, without telling to others what they are supposed to have experiencedof the love of Jesus. Yet this ought not to be the case. If we were as we should be, one would frequently say to another,"How great is Christ's love to me, my Brother! Do you also say that it is great to you?" Such talk as that between the saintson earth would help us to anticipate the time when we shall need no other theme for conversation in the land beyond the river!

I am going to remind you of some very simple Truths of God in order to excite the hearts of those of you who are coming tothe Communion Table. My objective is to increase your love to the dear Lord and Savior who has loved you so intensely as todie for you. And first, Beloved, let us think of what the love of Christ has done for us. Secondly, of what His love has doneto us. And then, thirdly, I need to say that I am afraid our love to Christ will never cause any wonder except on accountof the littleness of it

I. So first, let us quietly think over WHAT THE LOVE OF CHRIST HAS DONE FOR US.

When did Christ's love begin to work for us? It was long before we were born-long before the world was created! Far, far backin eternity, our Savior gave the first proof of His love to us by espousing our cause. By His Divine foresight, He lookedupon human nature as a palace that had been plundered, broken down and in its ruins He perceived the owl, the bittern, thedragon and all manner of unclean things. Who was there to undertake the great work of restoring that ruined palace? No onebut the Word, who was with God, and who was God. "He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor.Therefore His own arm brought salvation unto him, and His righteousness, it sustained him." Before the angels began to sing,or the sun, moon and stars threw their first beams across primeval darkness, Christ espoused the cause of His people and resolvednot only to restore to them all the blessings that He foresaw that they would lose, but also to add to them richer favorsthan could ever have been theirs except through Him. Even from eternity His delights were with the sons of men! And when Ithink of Him in that far-distant past of which we can

form so slight a conception, becoming "the Head over all things to the Church" which then existed only in the mind of God,my very soul cries out in a rapture of delight, "Behold how He loved us!"

Remember, too, that in that eternal secret council, the Lord Jesus Christ became the Representative and Surety of His chosenpeople. There was to be in what was then the far remote future, a Covenant between God and man. But who was there who wasboth able and willing to sign that Covenant on man'sbehalf and to give a guarantee that men's part of that Covenant shouldbe fulfilled? Then it was that the Son of God, well knowing all that such a Suretyship would involve, undertook to be theSurety for His people to fulfill the Covenant on their behalf, and to meet all its demands which He foresaw that they wouldbe unable to meet! Then the Eternal Father gave into Christ's charge, the souls that He had chosen unto eternal life thoughages, of which we can have so faint an idea, were to elapse before those souls were to be created! And the Eternal Son covenantedto redeem all those souls after they had fallen through sin-to keep them by His Grace and to present them "faultless" beforethe Presence of His Father with exceeding joy! Thus, as Jacob became accountable to Laban for the whole flock committed tohis charge, Jesus Christ, "that Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the "Everlasting Covenant," undertook toredeem and guard the whole flock entrusted to His care, so that when, at the last great muster, they should pass under thehand of Him that counts them, not one of them would be missing and the blessed Shepherd-Son would be able to say to His Father,"Those that You gave Me I have kept, and not one of them is lost." It was in the Everlasting Covenant that our Lord JesusChrist became our Representative and Surety, and engaged on our behalf to fulfill all His Father's will! And as we think ofthis great mystery of mercy, surely all of us who are truly His must exclaim with grateful adoration, "Behold how He lovedus!"

I have been speaking of very ancient tidings, but let us now come to matters that we can more clearly comprehend. In the fullnessof time, our Lord Jesus Christ left the glories of Heaven and took upon Him our nature. We know so little of what the word,"Heaven," means that we cannot adequately appreciate the tremendous sacrifice that the Son of God must have made in orderto become the Son of Mary. The holy angels could understand far better than we can what their Lord and ours gave up when Herenounced the royalties of Heaven and all the honor and glory which rightly belonged to Him as the Son of the Highest-andleft His Throne and Crown above to be born as the Babe of an earthly mother-yet even to the angels there were mysteries aboutHis Incarnation which they could not fathom. And as they followed the footprints of the Son of Man on His wondrous way fromthe manger to the Cross and to the tomb, they must often have been in that most suggestive attitude of which Peter wrote,"which things the angels desire to look into." To us, the Incarnation of Christ is one of the greatest marvels in the historyof the universe, and we say with Paul, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh."The Omnipotent Creator took the nature of a creature into indissoluble union with His Divine Nature and, marvel of marvels,that creature was man! "He took not on Him the nature of angels, but He took on Him the seed of Abraham." For an angel tobecome an ant, if that were possible, would be nothing at all in comparison with the condescension of Christ in becoming theBabe of Bethlehem! For, after all, angels and ants are only creatures formed by Christ working as one of the Persons of theever-blessed Trinity, for John, writing under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, expressly says, "All things were made byHim; and without Him was not anything made that was made." O glorious Bridegroom of our hearts, there never was any otherlove like Yours! That the Eternal Son of God should leave His Father's side and stoop so low as to become one with His chosenpeople, so that Paul could truly write, "We are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones," is such a wonder ofcondescending Grace and mercy that we can only exclaim again and again, "Behold how He loved us!"

Then, "being found in fashion as a Man," He took upon Himself human sickness and suffering. All our infirmities that werenot sinful, Jesus Christ endured-the weary feet, the aching head, and the palpitating heart-"that it might be fulfilled whichwas spoken by Isaiah the Prophet, saying, "Himself took our infirmities, and bore our sicknesses." This was a wondrous proofof love-that the ever-blessed Son of God, who needed not to suffer, should have been willing to be compassed with infirmityjust like any other man is. "We have not a High Priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but wasin all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin."

But if you want to see the love of Jesus at the highest point it ever reached, you must, by faith, gaze upon Him when He tookupon Himself the sins of all His people, as Peter writes, "who His own Self bore our sins in His own body on the tree. Oh,how could One who was so pure, so absolutely perfect, ever bear so foul a load? Yet He did bear it and the transfer of Hispeople's sin from them to Him was so complete that the Inspired Prophet wrote, "The Lord has laid on

Him the iniquity of us all," and the Inspired Apostle wrote, "He has made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us that we mightbe made the righteousness of God in Him." When a man marries a woman who is deeply in debt, knowing well the burden that heis taking upon himself-even though it is enough to crush him all his life-we may well say, "Behold how he loves her!" Thatwas what Christ did for His Church when He took her into an eternal marriage union with Himself although she had incurredsuch liabilities as could not have been discharged if she had spent all eternity in Hell! He took all her debts upon Himselfand then paid then unto the utter most farthing. For we must never forget that when Christ bore His people's sins, He alsobore the full punishment of them! In fulfillment of the great Eternal Covenant and in prospect of all the glory and blessingsthat would follow from Christ's atoning Sacrifice, "it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief." We cannothave the slightest conception of what that bruising and that grief must have been! We do not know what our Lord's physicaland mental agonies must have been, yet they were only the shell of His sufferings-His soul-agony was the kernel-and it wasthat which made Him cry, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Then it was that the precious "corn of wheat" fell intothe ground and died. And dying, brought forth "much fruit" of which Heaven and eternity, alone, can tell the full tale! Icannot speak of this wondrous mystery as I would like to do, but you who know even in part what it means must join me in saying,"Behold how He loved us!"

Further than that, Christ has so completely given Himself to us that all that He has is ours. He is the glorious Husband andHis Church is His bride, the Lamb's wife. And there is nothing that He has which is not also hers even now, and which He willnot share with her forever! By a marriage bond which cannot be broken, for He hates putting away, He has espoused her untoHimself in righteousness and truth, and she shall be one with Him throughout eternity! He has gone up to His Father's houseto take possession of the many mansions there, not for Himself, but for His people. And His constant prayer is, "Father, Iwill that they, also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am; that they may behold My Glory, which You have given Me:for You loved Me before the foundation of the world." Jesus has an ever-flowing fountain of joy in His heart, but He desiresthat His joy may be in you if you belong to Him-and that your joy may be full! And everything else that He has is yours asmuch as it is His, so surely you will again join with me in saying, "Behold how He loved us!"

II. Now, secondly, let us consider WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE TO US, for each of His acts of love should cause us to exclaim, "Beholdhow He loved us!"

Think, dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, how the Lord dealt with us in the days of our unregeneracy. He called us againand again, but we would not go to Him. And the more lovingly He called us, the more resolutely we hardened our hearts andrefused to accept His gracious invitation. With some of us, this refusal lasted for years-and we now wonder why the lord waitedfor us so long. If a rich man invites a pauper to a feast and the poor man is indifferent to the invitation, or positivelyrefuses to accept it, he gets no second invitation, for man does not press his charity upon the needy. But when we even scoffedat our Lord's call and made all manner of excuses for not coming to the Gospel banquet, He would not take our, "No," for ananswer, but called, and called-again and again-until at last we could hold out no longer and had to yield to the sweet compulsionof His Grace! Do you not remember, Beloved, how you received pardon, justification, adoption and the indwelling of the Spirit-andhow the many "exceeding great and precious promises" were brought to you like the various courses at a royal festival servedupon golden dishes adorned with priceless gems? Oh, that blessed, blessed day in which you first came and sat among the guestsat the great King's table! As you look back upon it, your heart glows in grateful remembrance of Christ's mercy to you-andyou cannot help saying, "Behold how He loved us!"

Many days have passed since then, and I ask you, now, to remember what Christ has done to us since we first trusted in Him.Has His love for you cooled in the slightest degree? We have, all of us, tried that love by our wandering and waywardness,but we have not quenched it-and its fire still burns just as vehemently as at the first! We have, sometimes, fallen so lowthat our hearts have been like adamant, incapable of emotion, yet Jesus has loved us all the while and softened our hard heartsas the glorious sun melts the icebergs of the sea! We were like the insensible grass which calls not for the dew, yet thedew of His love gently fell upon us. And though we had not sought it, our hearts were refreshed by it. Our Lord has, indeed,proved how He loved us by the gracious way in which He has borne with our many provocations. And think, too, Beloved, withwhat gifts He has enriched us, with what comforts He has sustained us, with what Divine energy He has renewed our failingstrength and with what blessed guidance He has led and is still leading us! Take your pencil and paper and try to set downin figures or in words your total indebtedness to His love-where will you begin and when you have begun, where will you finish?If you were to record only one out of a million of His love-gifts to you, would the whole world be able to contain the booksthat might be written concerning them? No! All you can say is, "Behold how He has loved us!"

There have been times-of which I will not say much just now, for some here would not understand what I mean- when we haveseemed to stand in the very suburbs of Heaven! Where we could hear the bells pealing forth celestial music from the invisiblebelfries and our hearts were ravished with the sound of the heavenly harpers harping with their harps and the ten thousandtimes ten thousand white-robed choristers singing the Song of Moses and of the Lamb. No, more than that-the King Himself hasbrought us into His banqueting house and His banner over us has been love! He has not only permitted us to sit at His feet,as Mary did, but He has allowed us to pillow our head on His bosom, as John did, and even condescended to let us put our fingerinto the print of the nails in our rapturous familiar fellowship with Him who is not ashamed to call us His brethren! I mustnot continue in this strain-not for lack of matter, but for lack of time in which to speak concerning Him, so I must againsay, "Behold how He loved us!"

I must, however, mention one more proof of Christ's love, and that is this-He has made us long for Heaven and given us atleast a measure of preparation for it. We are expecting that one of these days, if the chariot and horses of fire do not stopat our door, our dear Lord and Savior will fulfill to us His promise, "if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come againand receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." To a true Believer in Jesus, the thought of departingfrom this world and going to be "forever with the Lord," has nothing of gloom associated with it! This earth is the placeof our banishment and exile-Heaven is our home! We are like the loving wife who is separated by thousands of miles of seaand land from her dear husband-and we are longing for the great reunion with our Beloved Lord, from whom we shall, then, neveragain be separated! I cannot hope to depict the scene when He shall introduce us to the principalities and powers in heavenlyplaces and bid us sit with Him on His throne, even as He sits with His Father on HisThrone. Surely, then, the holy angelswho have never sinned will unite in exclaiming, "Behold, how He loved them!" It is a most blessed thought to my mind, thatwe may be up there before the second hand of that clock completes another round! But if not as soon as that, it will not belong before all of us who love the Lord will be with Him where He is-and then the least among us shall know more of His lovethan the greatest of us can ever know while here below! Meanwhile, we have much of the joy of Heaven even while we are uponthis earth, for, as Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, evenwhen we were dead in sins, has quickened us together with Christ, (by Grace you are saved), and has raised us up together,and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."

III. The closing portion of my sermon is to be very practical. Did anybody ever say of anyone of us here, "Behold how He lovesChrist"? If someone did say that of you, my Brother or Sister, was it true? I think I hear your answer, "Oh, I do love Him!He knows all things and He knows that I love Him." But do you love Him so fervently that strangers or even your more intimateacquaintances would say of your love to Jesus what the Jews said of His love to Lazarus, "Behold how He loved him! "I wish,"says one, "I could do so." Then listen for a minute or two while I tell you of WHAT SOME SAINTS HAVE DONE TO SHOW HOW THEYLOVED THEIR LORD.

There have been those who have suffered for Christ's sake. They have lain in damp dungeons and have refused to accept libertyat the price of treachery to their Lord and His Truths. They have been stretched upon the rack, yet no torture could makethem yield up their fidelity to God! If you have read Foxe'sBook of Martyrs, you know how hundreds of brave men, women andchildren, too, stood at the stake, gloriously calm, and often triumphantly happy-and were burnt to death for Christ's sake,while many of those who looked on learned to imitate their noble example. And others who heard their dying testimonies andtheir expiring songs, (not groans), could not help exclaiming, "Behold how these martyrs love their Master!"

There have been others who have shown their love to their Lord by untiring and self-sacrificing service. They have laboredfor Him-at times under great privations and amid many perils-some as missionaries in foreign lands and others with equal zealin this country. Their hearts were all aglow with love for their dear Lord and Savior. And they spent their whole time andstrength in seeking to win souls for Him, so that those who knew them could not help saying, "Behold how they love their Lord!"Some of us can never hope to wear the ruby crown of martyrdom, yet we may be hon-

ored by receiving the richly-jeweled crown from the hand of Christ as He says to each of His true laborers, "Well done, goodand faithful servant...enter into the joy of your Lord."

Then we have known some saints who showed their love to their Lord by weeping over sinners and praying for their conversion.There have been gracious men and women who could not sleep at night because of their anxiety about the eternal welfare oftheir relatives and friends, or even of lost ones who were personally unknown to them-and they have risen from their bedsto agonize in prayer for sinners who were either calmly sleeping and not even dreaming of their doom, or else at that veryhour were adding to their many previous transgressions! There have been others who could not hear a blasphemous word, as theypassed along the street, without feeling a holy indignation at the injury that was being done to their best Friend! And atthe same time their eyes filled with tears of pity for the poor blasphemers and their hearts poured out a stream of supplicationfor those who were thus ignorantly or wantonly sinning against the Most High! They have been like Jeremiah weeping over thelost and like Moses and Paul ready to sacrifice their own souls for the sake of others, until men have been compelled to say,"Behold how these weeping and pleading saints love their Lord and love lost sinners for His sake!"

Others have proven their love to their Lord by the way in which they have given of their substance to His cause. They havenot only given a tithe of all they had to the great Melchizedek, but they have counted it a high privilege to lay all thatthey had upon His altar, counting that their gold was never so golden as when it was all Christ's and that their lands werenever so valuable to them as when they were gladly surrendered to Him! Alas, that there should be so few, even in the Churchof Christ, who thus imitate their Lord who freely gave Himself and all He had that He might save His people! Blessed willthe Church be when she gets back to the Pentecostal consecration which was the fitting culmination of the Pentecostal blessing-"allwho believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, asevery man had need."

Another most admirable way of proving our love to Christ is by being scrupulously careful to please Him in little things aswell as in the more important matters. One of the worst signs of this present evil age is that so little is thought of eventhe great things of Christ-His atoning Sacrifice, His high priestly Character and work, His kingly rule and so on-while thelittle things of Christ, those that are less by comparison with these, are often utterly despised! There was a time, in Scotland,when men of God signed the Solemn League and Covenant with their blood-how many would do that today? One jewel in Christ'scrown, that priceless Koh-I-Noor of the crown rights of the King of kings, was sufficient to call into the battlefield thenoblest of Scotland's sons. But today, the very Crown of Christ, itself, is kicked about like a football by some of His professedservants, for they set up their own fallible judgments against His Infallible Revelation and practically say, "We will nothave this Man to reign over us!" In this land, in the most glorious days that England has ever seen, our Puritan forefatherswere so scrupulous that men called them strait-laced, sour-faced, bigoted and I know not what! But nowadays many of the Truthsof God for which they contended and for which many of them resisted even unto blood, are said to be unimportant or of no accountwhatever! The special Truth of God which distinguishes us as a denomination is regarded by many with supreme contempt! Notlong ago a professedly Christian minister said that he did not care a penny about baptism! If he belongs to Christ, he willhave to answer to his Master for that saying! But I could not utter such sentence as that without putting my very soul inperil! He who really loves His Lord will not trifle with the least jot or tittle of His Lord's will. Love is one of the mostjealous things in the universe. "God is a jealous God," because "God is Love." The wife who truly loves her husband will notharbor even a wanton imagina-tion-her fidelity to him must not be stained even by an unchaste thought-and so must it be withevery true lover of the Lord Jesus Christ! God grant that we, beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, may do our Lord's willso scrupulously in great things and little things-and in all things alike-that those who see us in our daily life may be compelledto say, "Behold how these Christians love Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior!"

But, Beloved, remember that when our love has reached its climax, it can only be like a solitary dewdrop trembling on a leafcompared with the copious showers of love that pour continually from the heart of our dear Lord and Master! Put all our lovestogether and they will not fill a tiny cup! And there before us flows the fathomless, limitless, shoreless ocean of the loveof Jesus Christ! Yet let us have all the love for Him that we can. May the Holy Spirit fill our souls to the brim with loveto Jesus for His dear name's sake! Amen.


Mark 1:28. And immediately His fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee. ' 'Immediately." That is, as soonas Jesus had healed the man with an unclean spirit His fame spread like wildfire. The miracle was reported from mouth to mouthtill everybody in that region knew of it. It was said that the words and writings of Martin Luther were carried as by thewings of angels, so speedily was everything that he said and wrote made known far and wide. On this occasion, it was so withour Lord's wondrous deed of mercy and power-"Immediately His fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee."

29. And forthwith, when they were come out of the synagogue, they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James andJohn. "Forthwith," or again, "immediately." Simon and Andrew and James and John were intimately connected-we are told thatthey were "partners" in their fishing business. James and John, the sons of Zebedee, seem to have been in a good positionin life-we read that their father had "hired servants" employed in the boats. So James and John went with Simon and Andrewinto their partners' house when Christ went there after performing that notable miracle in the synagogue.

30. But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and soon they told Him of her. There were at least four of Christ's followersin the house, yet the mother of the wife of one of them lay sick of a fever. Divine Grace does not prevent suffering in thebody-there will still be physical diseases even though in the soul there is spiritual health.

31. And He came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up. And immediately the fever left her, andshe ministered

unto them. [See Sermon #2980, Volume 52-A LIFT FOR THE PROSTRATE.] Jesus was very calm. He was not afraid of catching thefever. See how deliberately and with what solemn, kindly dignity He deals with this sick woman. "He came and took her by thehand." I think I see Him doing it, "and lifted her up." He gently raises her and she yields to His tender uplifting hand-andsuddenly finds herself cooled of the burning fever and perfectly restored to health and strength! So she rises from her bedand the first thing she does is to minister to them. I am sure that whenever the Lord helps any of His people out of theirtemporal or spiritual distresses, they feel at once that they must say, "What shall we render unto the Lord for all His benefitstoward us?" Her ministering unto them proved that the fever was quite gone-and gone in a way in which it does not ordinarilygo, for as you all know, fever usually leaves behind it extreme weakness. It seems to burn up the strength that is in one-andafter it is gone, one is not fit even to wait at table for a long while! But Peter's wife's mother, the fever having immediatelyleft her, rose and "ministered unto them." Christ's cures are always complete! If He saves us from the burning fever, He savesus from the weakness that follows it! And when He deals with soul maladies, His cures are equally complete-there are no aftereffectsto the soul as there are in many diseases that afflict the body. When the Great Physician restores the soul, He restores itcompletely.

32. And at evening, when the sun did set, they brought unto Him all that were diseased and them that were possessed with devils.Itwas the Sabbath and they would not bring out their sick until the Day of Rest was over. The Jewish Sabbath ended at the settingof the sun, so these people were all watching and waiting until the sun dipped below the horizon and then, straightaway, theybrought their suffering ones to Jesus! What a mass of misery filled the streets of Capernaum that memorable night! The wholecity was turned into a hospital.

33. And all the city was gathered together at the door. It seemed as if everybody had come either to be healed or to witnessthe healing of others-"All the city was gathered together at the door." Oh, when shall we see our places of worship throngedin this fashion with the spiritually sick? When will this great city of London begin to turn towards the Lord Jesus Christ?Will any of us live to see all our fellow citizens gathered together around the Savior to be healed by Him of all the woundsthat sin has made?

34. And He healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and allowed not the devils to speak becausethey knew Him. They would persist in acknowledging Him-perhaps with the design of injuring His cause, for nothing hurts thecause of Christ more than to have it praised by bad men or evil spirits! I do not know that an outrageous sinner, if he willnot repent, can do Christ a better turn than to abuse Him, for then he is speaking after his own natural manner-but when thedevil or his servants go into the pulpit and begin to speak in praise of Christ, then is

Christ's cause in an evil case, indeed-so He "allowed not the devils to speak, because they knew Him." Or, as the margin putsit, even "to say that they knew Him."

35. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day. While it was yet dark, He stole away even from His favored disciplesthat He might be alone with His Father.

35-37. He went out and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. And Simon and they that were with Him

followed after Him. And when they had found Him, [See Sermon #1769, Volume 30-BEFORE DAYBREAK WITH CHRIST.] For He had endeavoredto conceal Himself in the loneliest spot that He could find. Possibly, the disciples overheard His groans, His cries, Hissupplications as He poured out His very soul in prayer to His Father-"when they had found Him"-

37, 38. They said unto Him, All men seek for You. And He said to them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there,also, for therefore came I forth. Jesus Christ came forth from God the Father that He might proclaim throughout the land themessage of redeeming Grace and dying love!

39, 40. And He preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils. And there came a leper to Him, beseechingHim, and kneeling down before Him, and saying unto Him, If You will, You can make me clean. [See Sermon #2008, Volume 34-THELORD AND THE LEPER.] It is a pity that he

could not go further than to say to Christ. "If You will," but it is a great mercy that he could go as far as that. So ifyou, dear Friend, cannot pray a prayer that is full of faith, pray one that has at least some faith in it! If you cannot goas far as some do, go as far as you can! I have often told you to bless God for moonlight, and then He will give you sunlight,but for anyone to say, "I will not pray at all because I cannot pray as I would like to pray," is a very foolish thing! Saywhat you can, even as this poor leper said to Jesus, "If You will, You can make me clean."

41. And Jesus, moved with compassion. This is a wonderful expression, "moved with compassion." The face of Jesus and His wholePerson showed that His very soul was stirred by an intense feeling for this poor leper! Jesus, moved with compassion-

41. Put forth His hand and touched him, and said unto him, I will Be you clean. If you or I were to touch a leper, his uncleanlinesswould at once be communicated to us, but when Christ touches a leper, His cleanliness is communicated to the leper! Oh, howhigh our blessed Lord stands above us! When we have to deal with certain peculiarly sad cases, we ought to go to the workwith much earnest prayer that we ourselves may not be contaminated by contact with gross sinners, but Christ has such virtuein Himself that He can even touch the fevered and the leprous and yet sustain no injury!

42. Andas soon as He hadspoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, andhe was cleansed. This was another very wonderfulmiracle. All that dryness of the skin, that peeling, that inward foulness that eats into the bones and pollutes the very currentof the blood-all this was quite gone-the Lord Jesus Christ made this foul, unclean leper perfectly clean and whole in a singlemoment!

43. 44. And He at once charged him, and forthwith sent him away; and said unto him, See you say nothing to any man: but goyour way, show yourself to thepriest, and offer for your cleansing those thing which Moses commanded for a testimony untothem. That was all he was to do-to go and show himself to the priest so that it might be officially known and certified thathe was clean. And he was not to tell anyone else of his cure. He was disobedient to Christ- perhaps you will think that hewas very naturally and excusably so-but we must never make excuses for doing what Christ tells us not to do! Our duty is notto judge whether such-and-such a course will be profitable or beneficial, but to consider whether such-and-such a course isin accordance with the Word of the Lord! This man ought to have held his tongue, for Christ had told him to do so. I haveno doubt that he said within himself, "The more I talk about this miracle, the more good I shall do and the more famous Christ'sname will become." But He had no business to think that- his business was to obey Christ's command!

45. But he went out and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter, insomuch that Jesus could no more openlyenter the city. There were such crowds that He could not work His miracles of healing. The disobedient man was no doubt movedby gratitude, which seems a very proper motive, yet his disobedience caused Christ serious inconvenience and hindered Hiswork. And I have no doubt that there are many things done in the Church of God today of which many say, "They are very properand very nice"-yes, but are they Scriptural Did the Master command them? If not, they will cause Him and His Kingdom seriousinconvenience and loss at some time or other. We cannot too fully realize that as Christ's disciples, we are to obey Him implicitly-andthe best proof of our gratitude is to do exactly as Christ

bids us. This man blazed abroad the news of his cure so that, "Jesus could no more openly enter into the city-

45. But was outside in deserted places: and they came to Him from every quarter [See Sermon #129, Volume 22-gathering to the

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Mark 2:1, 2. And again He entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was heard that He was in the house. And straightway many weregathered together, inasmuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so even near the door: and He preached the Wordunto thei . He could not be hidden-the healed leper had made His name so famous that men crowded to see Him-and He took advantageof their curiosity and, "preached the Word unto them."

3-5. And they came unto Him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. And when they could not come near untoHim for the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein thesick of the palsy lay. When Jesus saw their faith, He said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, your sins are forgiven you. Thosewho brought this man to Jesus believed that He could and would heal Him-and Christ delighted to honor their faith and, perhaps,also the faith of the palsied man himself.

6-9. But there were certain of the scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, Why does this Man thus speak blasphemies?Who can forgive sins but God only? And immediately when Jesus perceived in His spirit that they so reasoned within themselves,He said to them, Why reason you these things in your hearts? Which is easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Your sins areforgiven you? Or to say, Arise and take up your bed and walk?It was just as easy to say either the one or the other.

10-12. But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, (He said to the sick of the palsy), Isay unto you, Arise, and take up your bed, and go your way into your house. And immediately he arose, took up the bed andwent forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion!