Sermon 3168. The Scarlet Line in the Window

(No. 3168)




"She bound the scarlet line in the window." Joshua 2:21.

EVERY little incident in a remarkable conversion like that of the harlot Rahab is worthy of notice. The Apostle James selectedher as an illustration of the fact that faith is always attended by good works, and he asks, "Was she not justified by workswhen she had received the messengers?" while Paul quotes her as an instance of justification by faith, and says, "By faiththe harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not." If both these eminent Apostles found an illustration of an importantDoctrine in her life, we may surely do the same. If the hiding of the spies under the flax had some significance, so alsohad the hanging out of the scarlet line.

The two spies whom Rahab had concealed made an agreement with her that she should hang out a scarlet line in the window bywhich she had let them down, that they might know, in the day of battle, the house in which she dwelt. She fulfilled theirrequest and displayed the chosen emblem. In connection with that scarlet line, I observe four things.

I. First, I see here AN OBEDIENT BELIEVER.

She was told to tie the scarlet thread in the window and she did it-there was exact obedience. It was not merely a thread,a line, but the scarlet line. She did not substitute a blue, or a green, or a white line. The order was this scarlet line,not another, and she took that particular one. Obedience to God will be very much seen in small matters. Love always delightsto attend to the little things and thereby makes the little things great. I have heard of a Puritan who was charged with beingtoo precise, but his answer was excellent, "I serve a precise God." The Lord our God is a jealous God and He is very jealousof His commands. It appeared a little mistake that Moses made when he struck the rock instead of speaking to it, and yet hecould not enter into the promised rest because of his offense! A small action may involve a great principle and it is forus to be very cautious and careful, searching out what the Master's will is, and then never halting or hesitating for anyreason whatever, but doing His will as soon as we know it. Christian life should be a mosaic of minute obediences. The soldiersof Christ should be famous for their exact discipline.

I commend scrupulous obedience to all of you and especially to those young people who have lately made a profession of theirfaith in Christ. Do not be as your fathers were, for the generation which is now going off the stage neither reads its Biblenor cares to know the Lord's will. If people searched the Scriptures, we would find them come together in union-but the least-readbook in all the world, in proportion to its circulation, is the Word of God. It is distributed everywhere, but it is scarcelyread anywhere with care and attention-and with a sincere resolve to follow its precepts at all hazards. You come and listento us and we give you little bits taken from it here and there, but you do not get a fair notion of it as a whole. How canyou? Ministers make mistakes and you follow them without enquiry. One elects this leader, and another that, to the creationof varieties of opinions and even of sects which ought not to be-and would not be if all stood fast by the standard of theInspired Truth of God. If the Bible were but read and prayed over, many errors would die a speedy death and others would besorely crippled. Had that Inspired Book been read in the past, many errors would never have arisen! Search, then, the Bookof God, I pray you-and whatever you find there, be sure to attend to it! At all costs, keep to the Word of God.

Notice, next, that hers was obedience in a very small matter. She might have said, "I do not think it is essential to tiea piece of line in my window. Can I not be preserved just as well without it, seeing that I believe in the God of Israel?I have faith and I have shown it by my works by hiding the spies-you cannot suppose for a moment that I shall perish simplybecause I have not complied with a regulation about a scarlet line!" In this way many, nowadays, enquire whether

they may not omit those duties which they consider to be non-essential to salvation. Now this is a question which I neverintend to answer for anybody else because I never intend to ask it on my own account! Whether or not a Believer will perishbecause some known duty or Scriptural ordinance is neglected, is a question which only selfishness would raise! Are we onlyto do that which will procure our progress, or secure our salvation? Are we so grossly selfish as that? Does a loving childsay, "If I refuse to do my father's will, shall I not still be my father's child? Shall I not still be fed and clothed byhim?" Only an evil child would talk thus! The true son enquires, "What would my father have me do? I will do it cheerfullyfor his sake. What does my father forbid? For what he forbids shall be hateful to me." Rise above all questions concerningessential and non-essential and learn to obey in all things-if it is only tying a scarlet thread in the window, or washingin water, do as you are bid-and in nothing rebel against the Word of the Lord!

Remember, too, that this small matter of obedience, as some call it, had an important symbolical significance. I am not surethat the spies meant by it that the scarlet thread would be the same to Rahab as the blood on the lintel and on the two sideposts had been to Israel in Egypt, but it does strike me as being very probable. Those two men were so acquainted with thePassover, the sprinkling of the blood and the consequent preservation of all in this house, that it was very natural thatthey should give Rahab a sign akin to the token which God had ordained for His people Israel when His angel passed them byin the day of doom. Therefore, trifling as the color of the cord might seem, it had a deep significance-and even so the commandsof God, which are little in themselves-are great in symbolic teaching. Great errors have come into the Christian Church bythe alteration of simple points in God's commands and, therefore, since a little thing in the sign may involve a great thingin the substance, it becomes us to cultivate exact obedience!

"Oh," says one, "but I fear we shall always be in error." Assuredly we shall unless we endeavor to avoid it! Unless we giveabundant attention to the Word of God, we shall fall into mistakes beyond number! Errors are unavoidable if we do not studyour perfect Chart, even as it is certain that a man will lose his way if he never enquires about it. At any rate, we neednot rush into mistakes by omitting to use our judgment and to inform our understanding. Ask the Lord to teach you by His HolySpirit and you will not be taught wrongly. Commit yourself to His instruction and be willing to do what He teaches you-andyou will not go amiss.

This woman's obedience also arose out of real faith and was the exponent of that faith, for when she tied the scarlet linein the window, she expressed her confidence in the fact that Jericho would be destroyed and that she would be saved becauseshe had received a promise to that effect. She would not have hidden the spies if she had not believed in their God! And afterhaving done so, if her faith had failed her, she would not have complied with the Covenant requirement to hang the scarletline in the window. Beloved, obey in faith! The obedience of the slave is worth little. The obedience of the child is precious,for it is the fruit of love. That keeping of God's Commands which comes of slavish fear lacks the very heart of obedience,for love is absent, but, as God's dear children, resting alone in Jesus and confiding in your Father's promise, feel thatbecause you believe you must obey, not because you dread Hell or expect to win Heaven through any works of your own-but becauseyou have believed in Jesus to the salvation of your soul and, therefore, it is your joy to do His bidding.

Thus I have enlarged upon the first point of the text, that in the hanging out of the scarlet line, I discern an obedientBeliever.

II. Now, secondly, I see here AN APPROPRIATED COVENANT.

These men had made a covenant with her that she would have her life spared, and the lives of her family, if she concealedtheir secret and if she tied a scarlet line in the window. As she tied up that line she did, as it were, say, "I claim thecovenant that you have made with me." Beloved, let us speak about this for a moment, for we need more and more to be ableto appropriate Covenant blessings. How do we appropriate Jesus? By simple faith. Faith is the hand which touches the headof the Great Sacrifice and lays sin upon it, that sin may no longer lie upon the sinner. Faith grasps Jesus as the Bread ofLife and makes that Bread to be our own, that we may feed upon it and may live forever. Thus the grand thing for appropriatingChrist is to obtain faith and to gain more and more faith. Do you remember when you first tied a scarlet line in your windowand said, "Christ is mine"? I remember the very hour and the precise spot, but many cannot tell the moment or the occasion-norneed they agitate themselves about it if they still continue to tie that line in its place! Still, you do remember that therewas such a time when you could say, "Jesus is mine." You apprehended Christ because He had apprehended you. If such an houras that has never come to you, may it come even now! Jesus Christ can save you,

but He must be appropriated, or He will be no Savior to you. Remember that God the Holy Spirit, Himself, though He is theAuthor of faith, cannot believe for you-you must personally believe for yourself.

Certain persons talk very much of repentance as the gift of the Holy Spirit-their witness would be true if they would notexaggerate it so as to leave the impression on men's minds that the Holy Spirit repents and that the sinner has little ornothing to do with it, for that is not true! It is clear that the Holy Spirit has nothing to repent of-repentance is an actof the repenting sinner's own soul-and faith a personal exercise of the heart, "for with the heart man believes unto righteousness."If we do not, ourselves, repent and believe, Christ is not ours and we are none of His and neither shall we obtain any benefitfrom His life and death. Tie the scarlet line in your window, for it will not be tied there for you-you must do it with yourown hands. And I do pray that even now you may have boldness through Christ to say, "Yes, Jesus shall be mine. I dare withhumble confidence to appropriate Him for myself, since He is given freely to poor needy sinners-and I am such a sinner."

Faith is the first and grandest way of tying the scarlet line in the window, but let your faith follow on in the use of theordinances and means of Grace, for these assist her in laying hold upon Jesus. I have often found it most blessed to sit atthe Communion Table and feel, while I ate the bread and drank the wine, that faith was in active exercise, so that I saidto myself, "Yes, as certainly as this bread is put into my mouth and goes into my bodily system, so as to become a part ofmyself, so that nobody can ever take it away-even so I have by faith believed on and received into my soul the Incarnate Godand in that way He has become mine so that none can separate Him from me, or me from Him." The ordinance itself will not giveyou Christ, but often does the symbol blessedly enable the soul to realize Jesus and contemplate Him so as to partake of Him.In that draught of wine, so typical of His blood, how often has our soul said, "I rest entirely upon the Redeemer's bloodySacrifice. His substitutionary pangs, griefs and merits are all my trust before God and I receive them as my sole reliancefor the remission of sin, and take them into my very self, just as I drink of this cup and thereby the juice of the vine coursesthrough my veins." Continue, Beloved Friends, thus to appropriate Jesus Christ and let every communion season be a tying ofthe scarlet line afresh in the window!

Let your whole life be a course of action correspondent to the belief that Christ is yours. I am afraid many Believers liveas though Jesus Christ did not belong to them at all, nor yet the blessings of the Covenant. Do you think that we would beso desponding when we have losses in business if we really believed that all things are ours? And if we had tied the scarletline in the window and appropriated all things as ours in Christ? Do you think we would be so soon flustered and made to doubtwhether we are saved or not in times of temptation, if our faith took a firm grip of Christ and tied the scarlet line in thewindow fast and firm by claiming the Covenant of Grace as ours? Beloved, some of you have only appropriated a part of Christ!You believe you are pardoned, but you scarcely know that you are justified! You are justified and covered with His righteousness,but you have not laid hold upon the sanctification which Jesus gives you. You have a measure of Grace, but you have not yetbelieved that Christ can sanctify you wholly-spirit, soul and body. We are stinted and stunted, lean and lethargic becauseof our failure to grasp with holy confidence the Infinite Treasure which is stored up in our all-sufficient Lord! He is oursand all things are ours in Him! "According to your faith be it unto you," is the rule of that great house over which Christpresides. This woman took the covenant which she had made with these men to be hers and showed that she did so by tying thescarlet line in the window. The Covenant of Grace was made with her and she knew it-and believed it, in like manner! O Brothersand Sisters in Christ, by a living faith grasp the promises of God and claim them as your own!

Here let me also say, let us do this by displaying a corresponding restfulness. After Rahab had tied the line in her window,we do not read that she did anything else except bring her father, her mother and her brethren under her roof. She did notmake preparations to defend the house against the siege. There is no notification that she appealed to the king to have aspecial guard to protect that part of the wall. I do not believe that she had a solitary fear, or a moment's terror-the scarletline was in the window and she felt secure! She had appropriated the promise and she believed it would not be broken. It isa high privilege to dwell peaceably and quietly in the finished work of Christ-and in the sure Immutable promise of God, whocannot lie. Why fret yourselves and question yourselves, and go about with a thousand anxieties when salvation's work wasfinished on the accursed tree and Christ has gone into Glory and has carried His perfect work before His Father's face? Whymourn and suspect your safety when the Lord has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Him?We who have believed enter into rest! The peace of God is ours, so let us, by our resting, show that we have tied the scarletline in our window, have claimed the finished work of Christ and, therefore, rest henceforth from our own works as God didfrom His!

III. Thirdly, I see here AN OPEN DECLARATION.

Rahab tied the scarlet line, not in some secret part of the house, but in the window. It was her public declaration of faith.I do not say that everybody understood what she meant by that-only those understood it who were in the secret with her-andthat sufficed. She hung out the red signal from the window where it could be seen by those who needed to see it. It was notthat she was ostentatious and wished to attract attention-but she was bound to make a public sign and she did it. Now, someof you believe in my Lord Jesus and yet you have never united with His people. You are resting in Him, but you are mightilyafraid that anybody should know it. Be not ashamed of Jesus! The wonder is that He is not ashamed of you! If He was not ashamedto take upon Him your nature and die for you, you need never blush to acknowledge His name! Come forward, you trembling ones!Tie the scarlet line in your window and say, "We are His, and we confess it."

Let it be a scarlet line that you tie in the window, however-namely an avowal of true faith in His precious blood, a declarationof confidence in atonement by blood-for there are some who profess a sort of faith, but it is not faith in the Substitutionof Christ. It is unfashionable, nowadays, to believe in the old Doctrine of Atonement. Modern "culture" has expunged it, oraltered it in such a way that no real Atonement is left. There are many who are too advanced to avow the old-fashioned Gospel,but as for us, we tie forever the scarlet line in our window and stand by the Truth once delivered to the saints! Our declarationof faith is that we believe in the real and literal Substitution of Christ who died, "the Just for the unjust, that He mightbring us to God." In the midst of a thousand new gospels-none of them worth the breath that utters them-we hold to that ancientGospel of the Prophet Isaiah, "the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes we are healed." Beloved Believer,if the Doctrine of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His substitutio-nary Atonement is your hope, acknowledge it! Acknowledgeit boldly and let there be no mistake about it in these evil times! Tie the scarlet line in your window and if nobody elsewill see it, your Brothers and Sisters will and be encouraged. If nobody else will be pleased with it, your God will smileupon you and you will be a sweet savor unto Him. No man that I know of saw the blood upon the lintel and the two side posts,at the dead of night, in the land of Egypt, for there were none abroad to look upon it-but God saw it, and it is written-"WhenI see the blood, I will pass over you." When God sees our simple confidence in His dear Son and perceives us resting uponHis Word without the admixture of human reason and opinion, then, Beloved, He will accept us in the Beloved and our houseshall stand when others fall!

Every Christian ought to make his faith in the precious blood visible in many ways. It ought to be manifest in our commonconversation. If we are resting in the blood of Jesus, we ought not to be able to talk a quarter of an hour without thoughtfulpersons perceiving that we are followers of Jesus. I have heard of a man who was so entertaining and instructive in his conversationthat it was said that you could not stand under an archway for five minutes with him, to get out of the rain, without learningsomething from him. Every Christian ought to be of this sort in a higher style-so that you cannot be with him many minuteswithout perceiving him to be a man of God. Of course in the Church of Christ, the Christian ought to hang a scarlet line outof his door at once and let his fellow worshippers see that he is decided and resolute for the Lord, his God-and he oughtto do the same in his business. Customers should soon see that in your shop the common tricks of the trade are detested! Thescarlet line is over this door. In the house, the mistress in the management of her servants, the master as a husband andas a father should be known to be better than others. There is a certain sect of people called, "the peculiar people." I wishwe were all peculiar people in this respect, that the blood mark set us apart as not our own, but bought with a price! TheLord grant that it may be so with us!

IV. The last point is this. Here was A DEDICATED HOUSE-a house with a scarlet line in its window.

Coming here, the other afternoon, and walking down one of the back streets, I amused myself by observing how many houses wereinsured. I noticed the marks of the different Insurance Companies. There was the sun on one, with his bright face lookingdown upon us, as much as to say, "There shall be no loss here." The globe, the star, the Phoenix-all were there as seals ofsafety. Now there was only one house in Jericho that was insured-and that had for its symbol and mark of insurance a scarletline tied in the window! What a mercy it is when houses are insured by the Grace of God and dedicated to the Lord-the veryhouses and much more-the inhabitants of those houses! How can you dedicate a house? I was reading, the other day, that inCromwell's time you could go down Cheapside at a certain hour in the morn-

ing and you would see the blinds down at every house and hear the families singing, all the way along, "for," says an oldDivine, "in those days, a drawn blind was the scarlet line in the window." People knew, as they passed along, that there wasan altar erected to God in that house. I am afraid that there are a great many streets in our towns and cities which you mighttraverse at any hour of the day and not discover a solitary sign of family prayer going on. The practice has gone out of fashioneven among many who profess to be the people of God-and farewell to any progress in godliness till we bring it back again!

I believe that when the house and the Church pull together, things are right. But when religion is made to be a thing of theChurch and not of the house-when the priest is looked to instead of the father, when men cease to be priests in their ownhouses-then the very sinews of vital godliness have been cut. If I had to give up all weekday services and shut up every placeof worship in Christendom from Sunday to Sunday, I would prefer to do that rather than lose the morning and evening gatheringsof devout households worshipping God! How much Scotland owes to her family devotions! You need not that I remind you of "TheCotter's Saturday Night." It is the very glory of that country that they worship God in their houses. "There is much formalityabout it," cries one! Well, was there ever anything good which did not degenerate here and there? But I have witnessed, fullmany a time, the hearty devotion of morning and evening prayer in the North. I wonder how many houses represented by you comeup to Matthew Henry's third standard. He says, "Those who pray, do well." You get up to that, I hope. "Those that read theScriptures and pray, do better. Those that read the Scriptures and pray and sing, do best of all." I think so. This is thescarlet line with the threefold cord to it, and I would that every house hung out that scarlet line as meaning, "This housebelongs to King Jesus. The devil need not trouble himself to come here, for the strong man armed keeps his goods in peace."

The beauty of it was that all inside Rahab's house were saved. "Come in, dear Mother," she said. Who among us could bear thethought of our mother being lost? It breaks our hearts to think of such a thing! My mother lost? Oh, no, that must not be!And your father lost? Oh, have you an unconverted father? I beseech you, give no slumber to your eyelids till you have doneall you can to set before him the way of peace and have pleaded for him before God with sighs and tears! And then she said,"Come in, dear brothers and sisters." I delight in Rahab for loving her household. If you have brothers and sisters who arenot yet under the scarlet line, pray to God to bring them in that all your house may be dedicated to the Most High and, withoutexception, all may dwell beneath the blessed blood red token which Infallibly preserves all who are sheltered beneath it!

I leave this point to notice that there are other things besides family prayer which should be like the scarlet line in thehouse. For instance, there should be in every Christian house a scarlet line put up in the selecting of the company that iskept. The Christian should carefully select his friends and associates. He should say, "He that tells lies shall not tarryin my sight." As for the drunkard, the swearer and those who use unchaste language, let them be what they may-they shall notvisit within our doors-we will not tolerate them! If we are masters of our household, we try to find our children friendswhom we should like to be their companions in eternity. Some parents introduce their children to young men and young womenwho happen to be "very respectable," as they say, but who are worldly and ungodly-and thus they do much to ruin them! It shouldnot be so. Hang the scarlet line over the door and if they do not love that scarlet line, religious conversation will beforelong make the place too hot for them! If you talk much of Jesus, the frivolous will consider that they have notice to leaveand stay away!

A Christian's house should have a scarlet line over its reading. I confess to great sorrow whenever I see in a Christian'shouse, commonly laid about for the use of the girls, that dreadful rubbishing yellow stuff which pollutes every railway bookstall-muchof it downright ungodliness and the best of it abominable nonsense-the reading of which is a sheer waste of time! When thereare thousands of good and interesting books to be read, it seems a pity that Christian people should give their time to readingtrash which cannot profit them. Let the asses have their thistles, I never grudge them! And so I will not say that worldlingsshould not read such books-they suit them-let them have them. I have never murmured at a farmer when I have seen him goingalong with his great mash of all manner of garbage to give to his hogs-as long as he did not give me a basin of it for dinner,I was satisfied to let the swine have their food! And there are a great many romances and a vast mass of literature whichit is vain to deny to ungodly people, for it is after their nature. But as for us, let us have none of it! I should as soonexpect to see the archangel Gabriel feeding out of a hog's trough, as

to see one who is a joint-heir with Christ finding his pleasure in books that are half lewd and the other half absurd. Hanga scarlet line over your library door as well as everywhere else!

So let it be with all amusements. There are some amusements that we cannot say are absolutely bad in themselves, but theylead to evil. They go up to the edge of the precipice-and there are many who only need to get so far and they are sure tofall over. Besides, they make the Christian so like the worldling that nobody could tell which is which! Now, tie the scarletline up! I would do so even as to what pictures I would hang up in my house. I am often sad to see, especially in the housesof the poor-Roman Catholic pictures exhibited on the walls because they happen to be rather pretty and very cheap. Popishpublishers have very cleverly managed to get up pictures of the Virgin and the lying fable of her assumption to Heaven andall sorts of legends of saints. And being brightly colored and sold very much under cost, these vile things have been introducedinto thousands of houses. I have seen to my horror a picture of God the Father represented as an old man-a conception almosttoo hideous to mention-yet the picture is hung up in the cottages of England! Whereas the Lord has declared that we shouldmake no image of Him, or represent Him in any way-and even the attempt is blasphemous! If you have a bad picture, no matterhow good a work of art it is, burn it! And if you have a bad book, no matter how much it may be worth, do not sell it forsomebody else to read-tear it in pieces!

Let the Christian hang up the scarlet line and make certain that nobody shall be debauched in mind or body by anything thathe tolerates in his house! I may seem to be too severe, but if my Master were to speak out of Heaven, He would not rebukethat as a sin on my part-rather He would say that we need to be much more precise and decided about evil things.

Well, you shall do what you please-you have your own liberty-but, "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord," and theblood red line shall be in my window! My father's father, do I not remember how, when I was a child, I used to hear his prayersfor my father and for me? Well do I remember my father's conversion in answer to my grandfather's prayers. And my father,can I ever forget how he wrestled for us at the Mercy Seat and God forbid it should happen that in my son's house, in yearsto come, there should be no altar to my God! I would sooner be without a tent for myself than without an altar for the Lord!Wherever we are, we must hang up the scarlet line! We cannot expect a blessing if we do not. Of course I am not speaking tothose who are not fathers or heads of households. If they are servants, they cannot help what is done in the house. If theyare underlings who have not the power, they cannot arrange as they would. But I am speaking to those who fear the Lord andcan do it. Do, Beloved, dedicate your house to God from the attic to the cellar. Let there be nothing even in the cellar whichyou would be ashamed for Jesus Christ to see. Let there be nothing about the house but what shall be so ordered that if yourLord should come, you could open your door and say, "Come and welcome, Master! There is nothing here that Your servant desiresto conceal."

Believe in Jesus, O you who know Him not! And you who know Him, practice what you know. And God bless you!

Amen and Amen.-Adapted from The C. H. Spurgeon Collection, Version 1.0, Ages Software, 1.800.297.4307.


Verses 9-11. And the LORD spoke unto Gad, David's seer, saying, Go and tellDavid, saying, Thus says the LORD, I offer youthree things: choose one of them, that I may do it unto you. So Gad came to David and said unto him, Thus says the LORD, Choose.Davidwas to choose where there was no choice, for everything proposed to him seemed to be equally bitter.

12, 13. Either three years famine, or three months to be destroyed before your foes, while that the sword of your enemiesovertake you, or else three days the sword of the LORD, even the pestilence in the land, and the angel of the LORD destroyingthroughout all the coasts of Israel Now therefore advise yourself what word I shall bring again to Him that sent me. And Davidsaid unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let me fall now into the hands the LORD; for very great are His mercies: but let menot fall into the hands of man. It shows how he was broken down. David's proud heart was humbled. He was entirely submissiveto the will of God. He wished to fall into the hands of the Lord.

14, 15. So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men. And God sent an angel untoJerusalem to destroy it: and as he was destroying, the LORD beheld. It is a very beautiful word-the Lord looked steadfastlyon what was being done.

15, And He repented Him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed, It is enough, stay now your hand. And the angelof the LORD stood by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. One of the old inhabitants of the land who had escaped destruction-andhad his possession on the top of Mount Morah.

16, 17. And David lifted up his eyes andsaw the angel of the LORD stand between the earth and the Heavens, having a drawnsword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders of Israel, who were clothed in sackcloth, fell upontheir faces and said unto God, Is it not I that commanded the people to be numbered? Even I it is that have sinned and doneevil indeed, but as for these sheep, what have they done? Let Your hand, I pray You, O LORD my God, be on me, and on my father'shouse; but not on Your people, that they should be plagued. Here the great heart of the man who had sinned comes out again-heis no tyrant, after all-he is a worthy man to be the Viceroy of the Most High. He has the same spirit that Moses had whenhe cried, "If not, blot my name out of the Book of Life." He offers himself, not the innocent for the guilty, but, indeed,the guilty for the guilty! As far as he can, he will bear the consequences of his sin.

18-20. Then the angel of the LORD commanded Gad to say to David, that David should go up and set up an altar unto the LORDon the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. And David went up at the saying of Gad, which he spoke in the name of the LORD.And Ornan turned back and saw the angel.He was busy at his threshing and he saw the angel standing by his own threshing floor.

20. And his four sons with him hid themselves. There are great caverns hard by the spot and, no doubt, they ran into one ofthem.

20-23. Now Ornan was threshing wheat. And as David came to Ornan, Ornan looked and saw David, and went out of the threshingfloor and bowed himself to David with his face to the ground. Then David said to Ornan, Grant me the place of this threshingfloor, that I may build an altar therein unto the LORD: you shall grant it to me for the full price: that the plague may bestayed from the people. And Ornan said unto David, Take it and let my lord the king do that which is good in his eyes. So,I give you the oxen also for burnt offerings, and the threshing instruments for wood, and the wheat for the meat offering.I give it all.And as we are told in the other narrative, as a king gives to a king, so did Ornan unto David. Probably he hadbeen a king and David had dispossessed him in his conquest of Jebus, but now he proves that he had a royal heart and he offersto give all to King David.

24, 25. And King Davidsaid to Ornan, No, but I will verily buy it for the fullprice: for I willnot take that which is yours,for the LORD, nor offer burnt offerings without cost. So David gave to Ornan for theplace six hundred shekels of gold by weight.Notpaid then and there, for he did not carry that amount with him, but fifty shekels of silver were paid that moment to bindtheir bargain according to the narrative in the 2nd Book of Samuel.

26, 27. And David built there an altar unto the LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called upon theLORD; and He answered him from Heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering. And the LORD commanded the angel; and he putup his sword into the sheath thereo. That God had already done in His own intent and purpose, now He does it actually, justas before Jesus Christ, our great Sacrifice, was offered, God, in the eternal purpose, had stayed the sword of vengeance fromHis redeemed people and then actually did it when Christ, their Sacrifice was presented.

28-30. At that time when David saw that the LORD had answered him in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he sacrificedthere. For the tabernacle of the LORD, which Moses made in the wilderness, and the altar of the burnt offering, were at thatseason in the high place at Gibeon. But David could not go before it to enquire of God: for he was afraid because of the swordof the angel of the LORD.