Sermon 3104. Binding Up Broken Hearts

(No. 3104)




"He has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted." Isaiah 61:1.

[Another Sermon by Mr. Spurgeon upon this text, is #1604, Volume 27-HEART DISEASE CURABLE]

THESE are some of the words of the Lord Jesus, the Christ of God, the Messiah, which He read in the synagogue at Nazarethand then said, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears." One of the worst calamities that can happen to anyoneis to have his spirit broken. "The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit, who can bear?" All thewater in the sea will not hurt the vessel one thousandth part as much as that which comes into it. When trouble gets intothe heart, every other trouble seems to be magnified and it is hard to bear up against even the ordinary trials of daily life.Save us, O God, if possible, from the terrible affliction of being entirely broken down in life's battle!

Yet, very closely allied to this great calamity is one of the greatest spiritual blessings, namely, a spiritually broken heart,broken on account of sin and, sometimes, the brokenness of spirit which arises from physical sorrow, mental anxiety, or temporaltrouble leads up to the contrition of heart which is most acceptable to God. Oftentimes He sanctifies a lower form of afflictionand makes it conducive to the higher form of brokenness of spirit. I am not going to give you any descriptions of spiritualbrokenness of heart-I want rather to address myself to broken hearts of any sort and of every sort. There is no particulardescription of broken hearts given in the text, but simply Christ's declaration, "He has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted."There is no descriptive epithet limiting the declaration to the spiritually brokenhearted-and what is not in the text I willnot put into it. I am the more glad not to make these distinctions and discriminations because they would only lead the troubledones to look within to see whether their hearts were spiritually broken and that is just where I do notwant them to look!I want them to look away from themselves to Jesus Christ the Healer of broken hearts. Descriptions of spiritual experienceand character are sometimes useful, but I fear that quite as often, they turn the poor sinner's eyes upon himself, whereashis hope lies in his eyes being turned towards Him who was lifted up upon the Cross! To look at self is likely to humble us,but when that humbling has already taken place, then is the time for the Lord's command, "Look unto Him and be you saved,all the ends of the earth."

I. So, making no distinction, but speaking to all the brokenhearted, my first remark is that GOD HAS PRACTICALLY REMEMBEREDTHE BROKENHEARTED, FOR HE HAS SENT A SAVIOR TO HEAL THEM.

This simple remark ought to be a great comfort to those who are broken in spirit and desponding, because they are generallyvery apt to say, "No one cares for us. Now that we are in trouble, everybody avoids us. They were merry enough with us inour merriment, but they have no sympathy with us in our sorrow. They could dance with us in our days ofjoy, but they willnot go with us to the grave of our hopes to weep there. They are like the swallows that are with us in summer and forsakeus in winter. And like the leaves that are green and plentiful when the sun is with us, but fade and wither when winter isapproaching." Still, my brokenhearted Friend, suppose that all men forsake or forget you? God does not! His eyes see you,His heart feels for you and His hand is able to deliver you. You are not friendless, nor will you be till the God of all consolationdies-and that can never be.

Christ's declaration should cheer the brokenhearted, again, because they often conclude that their case is beyond all help.' 'Ah," says one, "even if I had a friend, he could not help me, for my case is beyond all succor. If I had 50 friends, theywould not know how to minister to such mental disease as mine. I am too far gone for relief." But listen, my

brokenhearted Friend! You dare not say that anything is too hard for the Lord! Though your despair would make you go a longway, yet it would not make you go so far as to say that God cannot help you! He it is that turns the night into morning, thatstills the roaring of the sea, that puts a bit into the mouth of the tempest. Then what can He not do? You cannot be in soforlorn a condition that God cannot help you! To Omnipotence nothing can be a difficulty, much less an impossibility! So,then, let me whisper in your ear that there is still hope for you, for you have a true Friend who is both able and willingto help you.

This ought still further to comfort the poor desponding one because he often concludes that certainly God is against him."I would not be in this sad state of mind," says one, "if I were not abhorred by the Most High. He has set me as a targetfor His arrows and He shoots at me, and grievously does He wound me. He has filled my cup with sorrow mingled with gall andput it to my mouth that I may drink it to the dregs. God has utterly abhorred me and cast me away from His Presence." It isnot so! If it were, then might the great bell toll out your knell-but my text says that the Lord has sent His Son, Jesus Christ,to bind up the brokenhearted. He is no enemy to you, or He would not have sent His Son to heal you! Do you not remember whatManoah's wife said to him? Her husband said to her, "We shall surely die because we have seen God," but she was wiser, soshe answered, "If the Lord were pleased to kill us, He would not have received a burnt offering and a meat offering at ourhands, neither would He have showed us all these things, nor would He at this time have told us such things as these." Sosay we to you, poor brokenhearted one! If the Lord meant to destroy you, why did He send His Son to heal the brokenhearted?And to what end is the Gospel sent and why are you here to be tenderly wooed and assured that the Lord has deep designs oflove toward just such troubled souls as you are? I believe that you will yet dance for joy of heart! That you will yet takedown your harp from the willows and, like Miriam with her timbrel, that you will yet rejoice over the Egyptians whom you havefeared, but whom you shall see no more forever! II. There is much consolation, also, in the second Truth of God which we findin the text, which is that GOD HAS

SENT A SUITABLE HELPER FOR BROKENHEARTED PEOPLE. Christ says, "He has sent ME to bind up the


See, then, dear troubled one, what a suitable Helper God has sent to you, for He has sent you One who was well acquaintedwith sorrow of all kinds. There are some people who cannot comfort others, even though they try to do so, because they neverhad any troubles themselves. It is a difficult thing for a man who has had a life of uninterrupted prosperity to sympathizewith another whose path has been exceedingly rough. Even though that successful man should try to sympathize, he does it veryawkwardly. He is like a person who never was trained as a nurse, yet who tries to make up a pillow for a sick man. Such peoplealways make harsh lumps in our pillows, especially if they have not themselves been ill. But when you have suffered from thevery complaint with which your friend is afflicted, it is amazing what sympathy that gives you with him. "Stuff and nonsense!"says a strong man to some poor suffering one-"you are too nervous! Try and exert yourself." That is often one of the mostcruel things that can be said to the sufferer. But if the man has been through a similar experience, he uses another toneof voice altogether. He knows that even if it is nonsense to the strong, it is not so to the weak-and he so adapts his remarksthat he cheers where the other only inflicts additional pain. Broken-hearted one, Jesus Christ knows all your troubles, forsimilar troubles were His portion. Thorns are found in your pillow, but sharper thorns pierced His blessed brow. More thanthis, He knows your temptations as well as your sorrows, and the temptations which are peculiar to your sorrow and which veryoften cause great sin.

Best of all, as the Healer of broken hearts, God has chosen One whose own heart was broken. I think it is conclusively proventhat Jesus died of a broken heart. The most careful investigation of the symptoms preceding His death appears to lead to thatconclusion. He could say, with an emphasis that was not possible even with David, "Reproach has broken My heart and I am fullof heaviness." The brokenhearted Savior is the Healer of brokenhearted sinners! Christ will not allow sorrow to abide in HisPresence without attempting to relieve it. You must have noticed how often He used to say, when here upon earth, "Be of goodcheer," or, "Be of good comfort." He could not pass by a sorrow-stricken heart-He must stand still and put forth His powerto heal it. And He is the same now as He was then! He still cares for those who have broken hearts and contrite spirits-andeven in our common, ordinary sorrows, He sympathizes with us.

Let me also tell you, O you brokenhearted ones, that God has sent One to heal your hearts who has already healed multitudesof others. We like an experienced doctor. I knew a very clever surgeon who could not, for a long while, get

many patients because he looked so young. People like a man of experience for the healing of the body and experience is justas valuable for the healing of the soul. Jesus Christ has bound up millions of broken hearts, so He knows how to heal yours!He knows precisely where the malady is and what remedy to apply.

The Lord has also sent One who will not be discouraged or get irritated in His work of comforting you. Sometimes when we tryto comfort a mourner and he will not be comforted, we get impatient and do more hurt than good. There is many a man who hasgone with the best intentions to try and cheer a diseased mind, who has inflicted fresh wounds through his own impatiencewith the patient. But Jesus Christ "can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way." He bears andforbears and is as gentle as a nurse with the children under her charge, and far more so. He will drive your sin out of youand then He will take your sorrow away from you, or else give you the Grace to enable you to bear it. There never was anyoneelse who was like Jesus as the Healer of the brokenhearted! There are some people whom other people always like to trust.But it is a very serious matter to be a man in whom other folk believe a good deal because your heart has to become a kindof common receiving office for the troubles of all who are round about you. And the heart of Jesus is like this on the largestpossible scale. If you could see Him here, in bodily Presence, you would say, "That is the One to whom I can tell all my troubles."You know how it is recorded of Him that He "healed all that were sick; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiahthe Prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bore our sicknesses." You may always come to Jesus-He will always bewilling to hear your sad story, always be able to solve your difficulties and always be able to relieve your distresses. Thisought to comfort you, but I cannot make it do so. I am not sent to bind up the brokenhearted in the same sense in which Christwas-I am sent to be an instrument in His hands-He must do the work-for only He can do it!

III. This fact brings me to the third reflection from the text which is that THIS SUITABLE HELPER IS


He is not sent to tell you how your heart got broken and to scold you about it, l ike the schoolmaster who saw the boy drowningand lectured him upon his imprudence in getting out of his depth. There are many who act like that. If a man is very poor,they say, "Ah, you always were extravagant." Or, "You should not have gone into that speculation. You should not have putyour hand to that bill to oblige your friend-you must now pay for your folly." There are many who are quite able to tell youthat you ought not to have fallen into the ditch, but I think that their homilies had better be saved up till we have helpedyou to get out of the ditch! The Apostle James tells us that God "gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not," and it isa blessing for the brokenhearted that Jesus heals them freely and does not upbraid them for their sin and folly!

Notice, also, that Christ is not sent to bring to broken hearts remedies that we are to apply. If a man has a bad wound andthere is an ointment that will heal his wound, he has to put it on. But suppose the wound is in some part that he cannot reach?He says, "Here is the ointment, but what is the good of it? How can I put it on?" He has broken his arm and it is to be strappedup. "Here is the strapping," says he, "but how am I to strap my arm up? I need somebody to do it for me." I remember oncebeing with an old sea captain who was in trouble of mind. I was telling him of the promises of God and he said, "Yes, thosepromises are something like the great posts by the side of the river to which you can moor your vessel. You have got a ropewith a loop to it, but the job is to get it over the post. It will hold your vessel if you can, but," he said, "I cannot getthe loop over the post There are the promises, but I cannot get a hold of them." We are so weak and feeble that the Lord Jesushas not merely come to bring the ointment, but He has come "to bind up the brokenhearted." I think that one of the grandestpassages in the whole Word of God is Psalm 147:3, 4-"He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by their names."Does it not seem to be a great stoop from marshalling the stars to bending down over poor broken hearts and closing up theirwounds? Yet God delights as much in displaying His Grace as in displaying His power! So you see, dear brokenhearted ones,that Jesus Christ has come to bind up the broken in heart-that is, to bring to you the consolations of His Grace, and to applythem to you. And for this purpose we read in the verse in which our text is found, that the Spirit of the Lord God is uponHim because it is the Spirit of God who applies the Word to the heart and, therefore, the Spirit is put upon the Lord JesusChrist so that when He speaks, the Word may be with power. So, dear Friends, we have a Savior sent, upon whom the Spirit ofGod has been poured out and Who, therefore, speaks effectually-not to ears that are closed,

for He opens the ears and conveys the Truth through the ear right into the soul-and so makes us know the blessing and powerof it!

I will not enlarge further upon this very important point except to say that when the Lord Jesus binds up the brokenhearted,He does it so gloriously that the more trouble there was before, the more joy there is afterwards. Perhaps there are no peoplein the world so happy as those who were once most sad. Find me those who have the most joy and I think you will find thatthey are those who have been brought up out of the horrible pit and out of the miry clay-whose feet are now upon a Rock andwhose goings are established-and in whose mouths a new song has been put, "even praise unto our God."

IV. My fourth remark is that THE LINIMENTS WHICH JESUS USES ARE SUCH AS SUIT EACH BROKENHEARTED ONE. I will take each casebriefly.

There are some broken hearts that are the hearts of saints who have fallen into gross sin, as David did. God save me, Godsave you, my Brothers! God save you, my Sisters, from ever being allowed to sin a great sin against the living God! But ifwe ever do so sin, we shall be, of all men, most miserable, for having sinned against Divine Love and Mercy, and so much ofit-and against Divine Light-and that Light so clear and abundant! There may have come into this place, tonight, someone whois a child of God, but who has been suddenly overthrown by a great temptation to which he has yielded. Brother, I know thatyou do not excuse yourself and that you do not want me to make an excuse for you. Sin is an exceedingly bitter thing and youmay have to taste the bitterness of it as long as you live. But, for all that, do not despair! The Lord may sorely chastenyou, but He will not give you over to death. The Lord Jesus knows how to set your broken bones and you may now pray, as Daviddid in the 51st Psalm, "Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation; and uphold me with Your free Spirit. Then will I teachtransgressors Your ways; and sinners shall be converted unto You." The usual liniment that the Lord Jesus applies to sucha broken heart as that is this-"I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, your transgressions, and as a cloud, your sins: returnunto Me, for I have redeemed you." He assures the penitent soul that, notwithstanding all its faults and follies, He stillloves it with an everlasting love that will not give it up! This is a blessed balm to a heart that is wounded through havingfallen into great sin.

There are others who have not gone into any one gross sin, but they have done what is perhaps worse-they have gradually backsliddenuntil they have come to neglect Divine things altogether They are not easy about it, for the Spirit of God has made them realizethe misery of the state into which they have fallen. Some of you used to live in the country where you were members of littlevillage Churches and very earnest in the Lord's service. But you have come to this wicked London and you find that your neighborsdo not go to a place of worship, so many of you seldom attend the House of God. There are good women who have ungodly husbandsand, to please those husbands they have, by degrees, got weaned away from outward ordinances-and though there is a littlelove to God still left in them, so that they cannot quite give up private prayer and the reading of the Word-they have fallenvery low. I do not wonder, when the Holy Spirit convinces them of their sinful state, that they get broken hearts! They oughtto have broken hearts and to repent bitterly for having so grieved the Lord and backslidden from His ways. If I am now addressingany backslider, let me remind him or her that the Lord Jesus has been sent "to bind up the brokenhearted." Return to yourfirst love, poor Backslider, for it was better with you, then, than it is now!

There are other broken hearts besides these. There are sinners who were never converted, but who have broken hearts on accountof a sense of sin. They never were, consciously, children of God, but they are now awakened to see their danger and theirlost condition. I wish that all in this congregation who are not converted, had broken hearts-it would be worthwhile to stayup all night to preach to a congregation of broken-down sinners! When the Lord has broken their hearts, it is an easy taskto preach the Gospel to them-it is like feeding people who have healthy appetites! They are not very particular about thecarving, or the pattern of the plates on which their dinners are brought to them-and they are not squeamish about the foodthat is set before them, for "to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet." O you great sinners, Jesus Christ knows howto pardon you! He knows how to lay home to your hearts such texts as these-"All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgivenunto men." "Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white assnow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool." "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved,"even you, O you greatest of sinners!

There are, also, broken hearts that are caused by great trouble. I have known men who have been living simply to make money,but there has come a sudden panic, or a turn in the market, and they have lost everything. Now, if there is such a man here,I charge you, my Friend, before the living God, not to despair, for Christ still lives "to bind up the brokenhearted." Ifyou will but trust in Jesus, the day will come when you will bless God for permitting you to become a bankrupt-and you willsay, "When I was rich, I lived for this world alone, but I was brought down to poverty, and then I looked to Christ as mySavior, and in Him I have found untold riches that will be mine forever." It would be a great mercy for some rich people ifthey had their gods of gold all broken and were made to look to the living God, and put their trust in Him!

Further, some hearts are broken through severe bereavements. "Ah," says one, "I shall never be able to look up again, forI have lost the husband whom I loved with all my heart-and my dear child is gone, too." "Ah," says another, "the darling ofmy heart has been taken from me! All my earthly hopes have been buried beneath the sod. I shall never rejoice anymore." Won'tyou? There is One who heals just such broken hearts as yours, for He once wept at a graveside and comforted the mourners there.And He will let you see that even your bereavement shall be for your good. Whoever they may have been whom you have lost,the Lord is teaching you that these losses are meant to bring you nearer to Himself, that you may find all your heart's lovecentered upon the only One who deserves to have it all! Oftentimes the Lord Jesus Christ loves His people so much that Hegets jealous of them-and when they love others more than they ought, He takes away those whom they thus love so that He mayhave all their hearts for Himself! And we ought to think it a high honor that Christ should think so much of us as to wantto have the whole of our hearts for Himself.

Besides that, there are some broken hearts that are broken through poverty and oppression. Women work very hard for a verysmall wage and what they get seems as if it would hardly keep body and soul together. They have to stitch, stitch, stitch,from morning to night, till their brain whirls with their constant toil amid the daily pinch of poverty. Well, dear Friend,the Lord knows how to make you spiritually rich and to give you such fullness ofjoy in your soul that you shall be contenteven in your poverty-and sing God's praises even though you are clothed in rags!

Perhaps I am speaking to one whose brokenness of heart consists in being utterly forsaken and forlorn through a false steptaken in life. Strange people come into this Tabernacle and strangely does God guide my words to them. I sometimes feel asif my hair must stand on end when I am told, after a service, of remarks which I have made which have laid bare the secretsof men's hearts and made them see their own history as clearly as though a Prophet spoke to them, though I am no Prophet northe son of a Prophet! There may be someone here who has come to London to try to hide away in this crowded city. The youngman never wants to be seen at his home again. He says, "I only hope I may be forgotten by everybody. I would go to the endsof the earth if I could." Go back, my dear young Friend! Go back to your father and mother and make glad their aching hearts,for there is hope for you yet! You are brought down very low, but you will get up yet-you will be a man yet and, what is better,you will be a Christian and you will serve the Lord! There is hope for you, for there is One who can heal your broken heart.

And you, poor fallen woman, wherever you may be, though nobody gives you a good word and though all pass by you in the streetsfor very shame, there is one who binds up even harlots' broken hearts and has mercy upon them! Therefore be not driven utterlyto despair. Above all, do not lay violent hands upon yourself, for I am sent as a messenger from God to declare to you thatChrist heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds! O sons of misery, you need not be any longer in misery! Your sinsare the roots of your sorrows, so if you do but go to Jesus to have your sins forgiven, your sorrows will quickly vanish!There will still be burdens for you to bear, but if you are forgiven they will sit lightly upon your shoulders and then turnto wings which will help you to mount to your God! Even though you have made a covenant with death, and a league with Hell,the Lord says, "Your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with Hell shall not stand." Though you arein Giant Despair's deepest dungeon, Jesus will cut the bars of iron in sunder and set the prisoners at liberty!

Only believe in Him, the Son of Man, your Brother and yet the Son of the Highest. Fall at His feet, for they were piercedfor you! Look up to His almighty hands, for they were once nailed to the Cross for you! Bring your poor broken heart to theheart that was once pierced by the soldier's spear and find sweetest rest in Jesus! I know what despair means. I knew somethingof its bitterness in my early days, when I was under conviction of sin, but since the day when I saw the star of Bethlehemamidst the black darkness and tempest of my soul, and especially since I looked to the Christ of Calvary, all has been wellwith me! So I say to you poor waifs and strays upon the dark and stormy sea of life, look up, for there shines "the brightand morning Star." "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to savesinners," even the very chief of them! Look to Him, poor storm-tossed mariner, and He will guide you safely to the Port ofPeace. God bless you, for Jesus' sake! Amen.


Verse 1. The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the Spirit of the LORD. God's servants learn nothing untilthey have an experience similar to that of Ezekiel. They must be led by the Spirit of the Lord and they must have their eyesand mouths opened by Him-and then they can both see the vision and tell the vision to others.

1. And set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones. Like a huge grave, or morgue, or battlefield wherethe slain had not been buried. No servant of God would go without being sent to such a place, yet it was necessary that Ezekielshould be there in order that he might understand and speak the message of God.

2. And caused me to pass by them roundabout He had to make a thorough survey of this grim and ghastly place.

2. And, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and lo, they were very dry. They had lain there so long that thewind had dried up the juices of the bones, and they were turned to dust.

3. And He said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? God did not ask this question for His own information, but for theProphet's. The Lord wanted him to realize the difficulties of the work to which he was called that he might be driven themore completely to rely upon God and not upon himself!

4. And I answered, O Lord GOD, You know. Again He said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O you dry bones,hear the Word of the LORD. We have heard of a Romanist who had, as a penance from his priest, to go and water a dry stick.Ezekiel's task of preaching to dry bones seemed to be as useless as that, yet if God bids us do the same, we need no otherjustification for doing it. What is foolish in the sight of reason, is wisdom in the judgment of faith.

5. 6. Thus says the Lord GOD unto these bones, Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live: and I willlay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live;and you shall know that I am the LORD. He had to tell these bones the unconditional purposes and promises of God-"I will"and, "you shall." This is the way in which God works out His eternal purposes concerning the sons of men. He bids His servantsproclaim His message and then He fulfills His own purposes and promises.

7. So I prophesied as I was commanded: and asIprophesied, there was a noise. A rustle-

7. And behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.Here was Divine Power bringing the bones to their properposition in the various bodies and forcing the separated anatomy to re-form itself.

8. And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breathin them.So there was no very great improvement so far-there were only dead bodies instead of dry bones! There was somethingmore to look at, but nothing more agreeable-and really no more of life than there was before.

9. Then said He unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, "Prophesy unto the wind." That seems a very absurdthing to do, but there are no absurdities where God gives His commands.

9, 10. And say to the wind, Thus says the lord GOD, Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, thatthey may live. So Iprophesied as He commanded me. Ezekiel was very obedient. He only needed to know his Lord's will and thenhe raised no question, but did at once just as he was told to do. "So I prophesied as He commanded me." It is a prime qualificationin a servant of God that he should do exactly as he is bidden-not to think how he would like to do it, nor to follow the planthat his own wisdom suggests, but just to do as he is told, as Ezekiel did. "So I prophesied as He commanded me."

10, 11. And the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. Then He saidunto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole host of Israel: behold they say, Our bones are dried, and our

hope is lost: we are ourselves are cut off."There is no hope for us. We are dead and, worse than dead. Our case is hopeless.there is no possibility of restoration for us."

12. Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus says the Lord GOD; Behold, O My people, I will open your graves, and causeyou to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel There was to be a house of Israel after all. Thenation seemed to be dead and buried, but God would revive and restore it. This is a promise which may apply to a Church whenshe gets into a very low spiritual state and it looks as if she could never do any more good. "Behold, O My people, I willopen your graves." And to you, dear Friends, who are very heavy of heart, full of despair and who seem as if you were as goodas dead and buried, God speaks in this promise! Therefore believe His Word as though it had been directed to you, personally,"Behold, O My people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land ofIsrael."

13. Andyou shall know that Iam the LORD, when Ihave openedyour graves, O Mypeople, and brought you up out of your graves.Greatdeliverances and almighty quickening reveal God to us and make us know how gloriously great Jehovah is!

14. And shall put My Spirit in you, andyou shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall you know that Ithe LORD have spoken it, and performed it, says the LORD. When the Jews get back to Canaan-as they will- they will then notonly know that Jehovah is God, but also that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah! May the Lord hasten that blessed consummationin His own time!

15. 16. The Word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, Moreover, you son of man. Notice how the Lord constantly calls theProphet, "son of man." When God uses His servants much and greatly honors them, He always takes care to keep them humble byreminding them of what they are in themselves. So, Ezekiel, you have prophesied to the dry bones, and they have lived throughyour prophecy, but it was not by your own power that you did this. You are nothing but a son of man, God must have all theGlory of this wondrous work!

16. Take you one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stickOr rod.

16. And write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions. They were dividedinto separate companies. They first wandered away from God and then they wandered away from one another.

17. And join there one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in your hand. As he held them in his hand, theywere to grow into one and, when all the Churches get into the hand of Christ, there will be perfect unity between them. Thingsthat are near to the same thing are near to one another. But until the Lord shall come and take His divided Judah and Ephraiminto His own hands there will be no true unity between them-but there will be then.

18. 19. And when the children ofyourpeople shallspeak unto you, saying, Willyou not show us what you mean by these? Say untothem, Thus says the Lord GOD, Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes ofIsrael his fellows, and wiil put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be onein My hands. No Church will long continue in the enjoyment of the blessing of unity unless it continues in nearness to Christ.Communion with Christ means the communion of Christians with one another-we can only get true union and true communion inthat way.

20-22. And the sticks whereon you write shall be in your hand before their eyes. And say unto them, Thus says the Lord GOD,Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, where they have gone, and wiil gather them on every side,and bring them into their own land: and I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one kingshall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any moreat all When Christ comes, there shall be this true unity in Israel. Where Christ has already come, there is this true unityin His Church. And as Christ comes to all of us, He will take away the evil that divides us from Himself, and divides us fromthe rest of His people, and so we shall be one in His hands.

23. Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of theirtransgressions: but I willsave them out of all their dwelling places, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: soshall they be My people, and I will be their GOD. This applies first to literal Israel, and then spiritually to all the chosen.What a weighty and comprehensive promise it is! We are to be saved from our idols, to be saved from the most loathsome sins-"detestablethings." To be saved from our household sins-"I will save them out of all their dwelling places wherein they have sinned."Where do we go, may Brothers and Sisters, without finding sin? Sin in our bed and sin at the board, sin in the shop, and sinin the street, sins when we are in company and sins when we are alone in the field, sins everywhere! Yet the Lord Jesus Christis able to meet us in every place and to cleanse us. "So shall they be My people, and I will be their God." What a wonderfuldeclaration this is-we are the Lord's people, He is our God! We are His portion and He is our portion. Oh, that everyone ofus might have a share in this double blessing!

24. AndDaviddMy servant shall be king over them; and they allshall have one shepherd: they shallalso walk in My judgments,and observe My statutes, and do them. Oh, for the one King to reign over the one people, who shall keep the one Law, and walkin holiness and humility before the one Lord!

25. And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob, My servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shalldwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children's children forever: and My servant David shall be their princeforever.Surely God does not treat the saints now worse than he treated Israel in the days of old, so we may go to Him in prayerfor our children and for our children's children.

26. Moreover, I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them. Oh, that blessed word,everlasting! A salvation which is not everlasting is not worth having-any promise that is not fulfilled, any Grace that canfail-is not God's promise or God's Grace.

26, 27. And I will place them, and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in the midst of them forevermore. My

promise was, "They shall be My people, and I will be their God." And here Divine Grace seems to ring the changes by reversingthe order-"I will be their God, and they shall be My people." God is evidently so pleased with this declaration that He repeatsit, only turning the sentences round the other way.

28. And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them forevermore.

: yes, I will be their God, and they shall be My people. In the 23r verse, the Lord's