Sermon 3099. The Double Forget-me-not
(No. 3099)
"This do in remembrance of Me." 1 Corinthians 11:24.
[Other Sermons by Mr. Spurgeon upon this passage and verses before and after are as follows-Sermons #2, Volume 1- THE REMEMBRANCEOF CHRIST; #2368, Volume 39-THE GREATEST EXHIBITION OF THE AGE; #2595, Volume 44-WHAT THE LORD'S SUPPER SEES AND SAYS and#2638, Volume 45- THE RIGHT OBSERVANCE OF THE LORD'S SUPPER]
THERE are some persons who do not consider the Lord's Supper to be a Divine ordinance. They say that they cannot see whereit is commanded in Scripture. I have long ago given up trying to understand other people's understandings, for some of themare constructed upon such peculiar principles that I believe the Holy Spirit, Himself, could not put a Truth of God in sucha form but that some people would understand Him to mean the very opposite of what He said! Now to me, Christ's command toobserve the Lord's Supper seems to be so plain and so positive that it would take greater ingenuity than I possess to be ableto justify myself, as a Christian, if I lived in neglect of the Communion! I know a good deal of what has been invented byothers, but I cannot myself invent any syllogism, or argument, or reason by which I could set aside such a plain Divine preceptas that which is recorded in this Chapter- "The Lord Jesus, the same night in which He was betrayed, took bread: and whenHe had given thanks, He broke it, and said, Take, eat: this is My body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance ofMe. After the same manner also He took the cup, when He had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in My blood: thisdo you, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." If Christ did not mean that we were to do this, and to do it in remembranceof Him, what did He mean? It seems to me to be very plain and positive that this is what He did mean and being so, the preceptcomes to Christians with very great force for it is issued upon the highest possible authority! It is not the Apostle Paulwho tells us to do this in remembrance of Christ, but the Master, Himself, who says, "This do in remembrance of Me." The utmostsolemnity appertains to the Ten Commandments because they were issued by God Himself on Mount Sinai-and there is no less weightattaching to the command before us, since it was issued by the Son of God, Himself, who could truly say, "I and My Fatherare One."
It also seems to me that this command derives singular solemnity from the occasion upon which it was given. If the issuingof the Law of God was specially solemn because "Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon itin fire," I venture to say that the giving of this plain, positive command, "This do in remembrance of Me," is none the lesssolemn because it was given by "the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed." What other night, in the world'shistory, can be more august and more solemn to Him and to us as Believers in Him, than that night when He went, with His disciplesfor the last time to Gethsemane? My Lord, as this command was given by You at such a special time, how dare I neglect it ifI am indeed Your disciple? Let none of us who believe in Jesus, live in habitual disobedience to this command of His!
Let me make just one other introductory observation, namely, that this commandment was evidently not issued for one occasiononly, for it is quoted by the Apostle Paul in writing to the Corinthians-and he adds these significant words, "For as oftenas you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do show the Lord's death till He come." The command, therefore, remains inforce until the Second Advent-and until Christ, Himself, shall again appear upon this earth, these memorials of His passionare to be constantly before us!
I. I am going to remind you, first, of THE NEED OF SUCH COMMEMORATION OF CHRIST-"This do in remembrance of Me."
The need exists, first, because of our forgetful memories. Memory, in common with every other faculty, has been injured bythe Fall. It is more retentive of that which is evil than of that which is good and, as you all know, far more easily recollectsinjuries than benefits. But it certainly does show the deep depravity of the human heart that we should ever be likely toforget our Lord. Have we not often sung-
"Gethsemane, can I forget?"
Yet we have practically forgotten Gethsemane and have omitted to act towards our Lord as we should have acted had Gethsemanebeen perpetually painted on our memories. Yes, we are apt to forget our truest Friend, our best Beloved, Jesus, in whom oursouls delight! We do forget Him, and it ought to humble us when we remember that Christ knew what forgetful lovers we wouldbe and, therefore, gave us this love-token, this double forget-me-not.
Did there not also exist a need for this command in the fact of our childish condition?We are not, my dear Brothers and Sistersin Christ, what we shall yet be. We are, to a great extent, still underage. We are children of God and heirs of the Kingdomof God, but at present we are under tutors and governors. Now in a child's book there should be pictures. We are not altogetherlittle children-we have grown somewhat-and some Christians think we have grown so big that we do not need pictures, but Jesusknew that we should be, in many respects, little children or big children, so He has put two pictures in the Book which Hehas given to us because He would have us remember that we are not yet men, we have not yet come to our full estate. The twopictures are Believers' Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Because I am a child, therefore must I still have emblems and tokens,for these are more powerful to my mind than mere words would be.
No doubt, also, the two ordinances were left, and especially this one, because we are yet in the body. We are still linkedwith materialism. We are not yet purely spiritual and it is no use for us to pretend that we are. Some good people sit stilltill they are moved, which would be an admirable form of worship if we had not bodies. But, as long as we have bodies, theremust be some kind of linking of the spiritual with the material, let the links be as few as they may. Christ has made two-theyare enough, but they are none too many, for let it be remembered that there is a time coming when the material itself is tobe lifted up and re-united with the spiritual! "The creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruptioninto the glorious liberty of the children of God." And as if to teach us not to despise the material, not to consider everythingthat can be touched and seen as therefore foul and beneath the consideration of spiritual minds, our Lord has given us waterin which we can wash, and bread and wine, the products of the earth, that, being yet earthy, we may anticipate the time whenthe earth shall shake off the slough which came upon her at the Fall and, as a new earth, with her new Heaven of pure blueover her, shall become a holy Temple of the Living God!
I have often grieved over the fact that these two ordinances, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, have become nests in which thefoul bird of superstition has laid her eggs. But the Lord foresaw that when He instituted them-yet I have often rejoiced,notwithstanding this drawback, that we are able, through these material symbols, to get nearer to Him whose body was materialand is material, whose blood was real blood, who was born into this world of a virgin of real flesh and blood, was often wearyand was, in fact, a Man such as we are, a real Man, who once on Calvary died-no phantom, no myth, no dream of history, butOne who could have gripped my hand, as I, my Brother or Sister, can grip yours, and One who felt the nails that went throughHis hands as you and I would feel it if nails were driven through our hands! Therefore it is that we come to no shallow feast,but to a real one of bread and wine to make us feel that it was a real Christ who died for us and that this poor body, whichis so real to us, is yet, after all, to be cleansed and purified by that great Sacrifice of His upon the Cross of Calvary!
I hope I shall not be thought uncharitable if I suggest that the Lord's Supper was given to us for other reasons. Some havesaid, "We do not need this memorial, for we can think of Christ through hearing about Him from ministers in the pulpit." Yes,you can hear the ministers, but what can you hear from some of them? In many and many a case, you will hear what will do youlittle good, for the one thing that is absent from many a ministry, nowadays, is the clear proclamation of the great centralTruth of God of the substitutionary Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Earthly ministries are not to be relied upon, for almost allof them by degrees fall back from the faithfulness, seriousness, and earnestness with which they commenced. There is scarcelyan instance in history in which human ministries have fully preserved their pristine purity, yet, wherever Christians havebeen able to meet together to observe this ordinance as a memorial of
Christ's death, they have always kept up a living testimony to Christ's death! If ministries were silenced, or if ministershad lost their zeal, there was always this memorial ministry-the breaking of bread and the pouring out of wine in remembranceof Christ!
Somebody probably says, "But, surely, the Church would always keep Christ in memory." Alas, alas, that which ought to be thevery Glory of the earth-organized Christianity has full often become one of the main agents of evil in the earth! And thereforeI bless God for an ordinance which is not a Church ordinance, or a minister's ordinance. I hope none of you are under theimpression that, at the close of the present service, I am going to administer the Lord's Supper God forbid that I shouldever venture to do such a thing as that! No, it is you, or we, who come to the Lord's Table to break bread and to drink ofthe cup-and we come together, not as a Church holding certain views, but we come simply as Christians to, "do this in remembrance"of the Savior who died for us! You may break bread wherever you will, wherever two or three Christians can meet together andif you truly love your Lord, the oftener you do this, the better. "This do you, as often as you drink it," is no command addressedto an ecclesiastical organization concerning an ordinance to be administered by men who have the impertinence or impudenceto call themselves priests, but a command to all Christians everywhere, on any day of the week, and in any place-beneath theblue sky of Heaven, or in a barn, or in a tavern if they happen to be tarrying there-to break a piece of bread in memory oftheir Lord's broken body, and to drink of the cup in mutual loving memory of His precious blood poured out for them! And,mark you, if it should ever come to this, that ministries should fail, I mean what we usually consider to be ordained earthlyministries. And if churches should fail, there will still be found faithful followers of Christ-hunted and harried, it maybe-to the very ends of the earth! And they will break the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of Christ and so, till thetrumpet sounds to announce His return, it shall be remembered that Jesus was Incarnate and that Jesus died, and that throughHim we have access to the Father!
Thus have I tried to show you why a commemoration feast was needed, but I do not pretend to know all the reasons for its institution,nor a tithe of them. Jesus said, "This do you in remembrance of Me"-and that is all the reason that any truly obedient childof God will ever need!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this ordinance is in itself a very suitable commemoration of the death of Christ A crucifixmight have been suggested as a means of keeping the death of Christ before us, but I need not remind you how that has becomethe very emblem of idolatry. I do not know of any memorial of Christ that could have been so suggestive and so admirable asthe one which Christ has ordained. In itself it is admirable, for here is bread, the very staff of life-a fit token of thatflesh of Christ which is, spiritually, "meat, indeed." The fact of His Incarnation is most nourishing food to our hearts.We believe in Him as God, veiled in human flesh, and that great Truth of God, that wondrous fact is as much food for our soulsas bread is for our bodies. Further, in this memorial we have the bread broken, indicating Christ's sufferings and the breakingthat He endured on our behalf. The bread is, in itself, a most appropriate memorial of suffering. Was it not wheat that wassown in a furrow in the field and there buried? Did it not spring up to be bitten by frosts, to be blown about by rough winds,to suffer all the extremities of climate, to be drenched by the rain and scorched by the sun, to be cut down by the sharpsickle, to be threshed, to be ground, to be kneaded, to be put into the oven, to be passed through I know not how many processes,any one of which might be a sufficient type of suffering? The suffering body of the Incarnate God is the spiritual food forour souls, but we must partake of it if it is to nourish us. This emblematic bread must not only be broken, but eaten-a significanttype of our receiving Jesus by faith and depending upon Him, taking Him to be the nutriment of our new spiritual life. Whatcan be more instructive than all this?
Then there is the wine, "the fruit of the vine." There are two tokens, you see, because the two represent death. The bloodin the body is life, the blood out of the body is death, so the two emblems are separate, the wine in the cup and the breadyonder-these together indicate death. Water was not used, for water had been applied, in another way, in the other ordinanceof Believers' Baptism, and water would have been a pale, faint memorial of Him whose rich living blood could far better beset forth by the blood of the grape, trodden under foot of man and made to flow forth from the winepress. The wine is an admirabletoken of the blood of the atoning Sacrifice. Men need drink as well as food- therefore both are put upon the Communion Tableto show a whole Christ as the true food of the soul. You have not to go to Christ for spiritual food and to go somewhere elsefor spiritual drink, but all you need you can find in Jesus, and find it in Jesus Crucified, in Jesus Sacrificed and put todeath in your place. Surely the emblems themselves are most significant and suitable reminders of Christ's death.
And the whole ordinance is a most suitable memorial of Christ's death because the Lord's Supper can be celebrated anywhere.There is no climate where we cannot have bread and wine. There are no persons so poor that, among them, they cannot furnishthe table with these simple emblems. It may be decorous to have a silver cup and plate, but it certainly is not necessary-anycup and plate will do. They talk of the "chalice" and "water'" in the strange ecclesiastical jargon that so-called "priests"use, but I say, "cup" and "plate." They may be of any material, and the table of any sort. A cloth of "fair white linen" isdecorous, but not necessary. Let there be but a table and bread and wine, and that is all that is required. And if half-a-dozen godly peasants, women in homespun and men in smock frocks, are gathered together in a cave, or under a wide-spreadingbeech, they can show forth Christ's death "till He come." But as for that man-millinery show over yonder, and that "altar"of theirs, and that bell and the people bowing down to worship Jack-in-the-Box-for I will give it no better name-all thatis sheer idolatry! It is no memorial of Christ! It may be a memorial of the devil, and of the way in which he turns Christianityinto Popery, puts Christ off the Throne and sets up a man who calls himself infallible! But wherever the bread is broken andthe wine is poured out by true Believers in memory of Christ, there His command is obeyed.
The Lord's Supper is also a suitable memorial because it can be frequently celebrated. You may break this bread and drinkof this cup as often as you please. A costly rite could only be performed now and then, but this ordinance can be observedin the morning and in the evening and every day of the week if you will-and very little expense will need to be incurred.To the end of this dispensation, there will be enough bread and wine and sufficient gracious men and women to come to theTable of their Lord and thus to keep up the recollection that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the Son of Mary, died on Calvary'sCross, "the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God." I devoutly thank my Lord and Master for giving me so cheap,so easy, so unostentatious and withal so significant and symbolic a memorial of the death He died for me and for all His people!
III. Now, thirdly, and very briefly, let me speak of THE PERSONS TO WHOM THIS CELEBRATION WAS
ENTRUSTED. Who are to "do this in remembrance" of Christ?
Well, first, if you look at the connection of our text, you will find that they are persons who discern the Lord's body. Thatis to say, the persons who rightly come to this Table understand that this bread and this wine are types or emblems of Christ'sbroken body and shed blood, And they are also persons who have the spiritual perception to discern that the Christ Incarnate,the Christ who died upon the Cross is very precious to them. I trust there will be many who will come to this Table, eachone of whom will be able to say, "Ah, I know what a precious Christ He is! He is my joy, my hope, my delight, my All in All."Come and welcome, all of you who can thus discern the Lord's body. I know that you can do so, by the joy which this Communiongives you, by the sweetness which it leaves upon your spiritual palate when you feed upon it. You may certainly come, foryou have the spiritual life which possesses the spiritual senses by which you discern the Lord's body. Yes, you may come-no,more, you must come, for your Lord and Master said, "This do in remembrance of Me."
In the preceding chapter to that from which our text is taken, we are told that those should come who have fellowship withChrist in so doing-"The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which webreak, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?...Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrificespartakers of the altar?...But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God:and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils: youcannot be partakers of the Lord's Table, and of the table of devils." So it seems to me that as the Jew, who ate of the sacrifices,had, at any rate, a nominal fellowship with the God of the altar, and as the heathen, who drank of the cup of devils, therebyhad communion with devils; so none may come to the Lord's Table but those who are prepared to acknowledge that they are infellowship with the Lord. Is God your God? Is Christ your Savior? Do you avow yourself to be a disciple of Jesus and the childof God? If so, come and welcome to this Table! But if not, stand back, for you have no right to come here! If you do, youwill bring upon yourself a curse, and not a blessing. But as for all of you who are trusting in the blood of Jesus, all ofyou to whom Christ is all your salvation and all your desire-all of you
who call Jehovah your Father through faith in Jesus, all of you who are reconciled to God by the death of His Son- come tothis Table and have fellowship with the God of Heaven and earth, the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Butlet no one else come. I am always sorry when persons are urged to come to the Communion Table as though they would receivesome benefit from it although they were not converted, for there can, by no possibility, be any benefit to any who come tothe Lord's Table unless they are Believers in Jesus! God might bless the ordinance to their conversion, but in the natureof things it is highly improbable, for they would be acting in direct disobedience to His command! They have no right thereand they will be far more likely to be blessed if they humbly stay away until they have believed in Jesus-and then they willhave the right to come, the right given by His love. IV. Now, lastly, LET US CARRY OUT THE DESIGN OF THIS ORDINANCE.
The Lord's Supper is intended to remind us of Jesus. I am not going to preach now. I want you who can, to carry out the text-"Thisdo in remembrance of Me." Many of you are coming to the Table-remember your Lord and Savior now. Remember who He is and whoHe was. Remember Him, let Him stand before your mind's eye now as the "Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief." I do notappeal to your imagination, I appeal to your memory. You know-
"The old, old story,
Of Jesus and His love."
Recall it now. Remember that He died, for that is what you are especially bid to remember here. I have met with one, who was,I hope, a Christian, who said to me, "My confidence is in a glorified Savior." But I could not help saying to him, "My confidenceis in a Crucified Savior." Christ Crucified is the foundation of all our hopes, for Christ could not have risen from the deadif He had not first died. Of what use would His plea be if He had not His blood to offer? Do not be led astray even by ideasabout the Second Advent if they depreciate the death of Christ! Rejoice in Christ's Second Coming and look and long for it,but remember that the basis of our hope lies in Christ Crucified. "We preach Christ Crucified" and as we have preached sohave you believed, so let none turn you away from your confidence in Christ Jesus suffering in the sinner's place, and-
"Bearing, that we might never bear,
His Father's righteous ire."
"Look unto Me, and be you saved, all the ends of the earth," is a call from Christ upon the Cross. Remember that all yourhope hangs upon Him who hung upon the Cross and died there. Remember that when He died, you died in Him, for "if One diedfor all, then were all dead." And now you must "reckon yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through JesusChrist."
Remember Him, I pray you, till your hearts grow warm and your love burns within you. Remember Him till you resolve to serveHim, till you go from this Table determined to die for Him if necessary. Remember Him till you also remember all His people,for it is not to one that He says, "This do you," but, "This do in remembrance of Me," is said to all His people, and it needsat least a little company to do this. Remember Him till all the Church militant, and the Church triumphant, too, seem gatheredaround your heart and you commune with the whole Church of Christ in Heaven and on earth! Remember Jesus till you feel thatHe is with you, till His joy gets into your soul and your joy is full. Remember Him till you begin to forget yourself andforget your temptations and your cares. Remember Him till you begin to think of the time when He will remember you and comein His Glory for you. Remember Him till you begin to be like He. Gaze upon Him till when you go down from this mount intothe wicked world again, your face will glow with the Glory of having seen your Lord! I long to get to this Table again, thoughI have not been away from it any Sabbath for many a long day, for it has been my constant habit, wherever I have been, toget a few Christian friends together to break bread in remembrance of Christ. When I am with you, you know that I would neverbe absent on the first day of the week, from my Master's Table unless there was something that absolutely prevented it andI trust you may come with as keen an appetite as I have now, and then you shall lack no stores for this feast! And may theLord feed us with Himself to the full!
How sorry I am that there are many here who must not come to this Table, for they have never trusted in Christ! If it seemsnothing to you now not to love and trust the Lord Jesus Christ, remember that if you die in that state, a day will come whenit will seem to you to have been the most horrible thing that ever happened that you should have lived and
died without love to Him and trust in Him! God save you! Believe in Jesus now and you shall be saved now. Cast yourselvesupon Him and He will not cast you away. So may He bless you, for His dear name's sake! Amen and amen.
Let us read again what we have often read before, that saddest of all stories which, nevertheless, is the fountain of thehighest gladness-the story of our Savior's death, as recorded by Mark.
Mark 15:1. And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council,and bound Jesus, and carried Him away, and delivered Him to Pilate. "The whole council" could be there, so early in the morning,for such an evil purpose! Wicked men are very diligent in carrying out their sinful schemes, so, when Christ was to be murdered,His enemies were there, as Luke tells us, "as soon as it was day." How much more diligent ought the followers of Christ tobe to give Him their devoted service! It is a good thing to begin the day with united prayer and holy converse with His people.Let these wicked men who were so early in the morning seeking to secure the death of Christ make us ashamed that we are notmore diligent in His blessed service.
2, 3. And Pilate asked Him, Are You the King of the Jews? And He answering said unto Him, You say it And the chief priestaccused Him of many things: but He answered nothing. Silence was the best answer, the most eloquent reply that He could giveto each accusers-they deserved no other answer. Moreover, by His silence, He was fulfilling the prophecy, "As a sheep beforeher shearers is dumb, so He opens not His mouth."
4, 5. And Pilate asked Him again, saying, Answer You nothing? Behold how many things they witness against You. But Jesus yetanswered nothing; so that Pilate marvelled. You will often find that your highest wisdom, when you are slandered, will liein the imitation of your Lord and Master. Live a blameless life, and it shall be the best reply to the false charges of thewicked.
6-10. Now at that feast He released unto them one prisoner, whomever they desired. And there was one named Barabbas, whichlay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection. And the multitude cryingaloud began to desire him to do as he had always done unto these. But Pilate answered them, saying, Will you that I releaseunto you the King of the Jews? For he knew that the chief priest has delivered Him for envy.And he therefore hoped that thepeople, who were not moved by the same envy, would have chosen to have Jesus set at liberty.
11-13. But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them. And Pilate answered and saidagain unto them, What will you then that I shall do unto Him whom you call the King of the Jews? And they cried out again,Crucify Him.This was the very best reply to the charge of high treason, for if Jesus had really set Himself up as a king inthe place of Caesar, the people, when they were thus publicly appealed to, would not have cried out, "Crucify Him." If therehad been any truth in the allegation that He was the ringleader of a sedition, the Jews would not have said again and again,"Crucify Him." Thus Christ gave Pilate a much more effectual answer than if He had Himself spoken.
14-16. Then Pilate said unto them, Why, what evil has He done? And they cried out the more exceedingly, Crucify Him. And soPilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when He had scourged Him, to be crucified.And the soldiers led Him away into the hall, called Praetorium. The hall of the Praetorian guard.
16, 17. And they called together the whole band. And they clothed Him with purple. The uniform of the Roman soldiers was purple,as if to indicate that they belonged to an imperial master. So when these soldiers, in mockery, put on our Lord the old cloakof one of their comrades, it sufficed to clothe Him with the royal purple to which, as King, He was fully entitled.
17-19. And platted a crown of thorns, and put it about His head, and began to salute Him, Hail, King of the Jews! And theysmote Him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon Him, and bowing their knees worshipped Him. All this homage was paidto Him in mockery, yet what stern reality there was in that mockery! That band of soldiers really preached to Christ suchhomage as a whole world could give Him.
20. And when they had mocked Him, they took off the purple from Him, and put His own clothes on Him, and led Him out to crucifyHim.They "led Him out to crucify Him." It seems as if Christ had to lean upon those who led Him. The word almost signifiesas much as that. At least it might be the word employed concerning anyone leading a child or a sick man who needed support,for the Savior's weakness must have been very apparent by that time. After the agony and bloody sweat in Gethsemane and thenight and morning trials, and scourging, and mockery, and the awful strain upon His mind and heart in being made a Sacrificefor sin, it was no wonder that He was weak! Besides, He was not like the rough, brutal criminals that are often condemnedto die for their crimes. He was a man of gentle mold and more delicate sensibilities than they were, and He suffered muchmore than any ordinary man would have done in similar circumstances.
21. And they compelled one Simon, a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus,to bear His Cross.Christ could not bear it Himself. The soldiers saw that He was faint and weary, so they laid the Cross,or at least one end of it, on Simon's shoulders. [See Sermon #1853, Volume 31-up from the country and pressed into
22. And they brought Him. Here the word almost implies that they lifted Him and carried Him, for His faintness had increased.They "led Him out to crucify Him," but now they bear Him.
22. Unto the place Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, The place of a skull We sometimes speak of it as Mount Calvary,but it was not so-it was a little rising ground, the common place of execution, the Tyburn or Old Bailey of Jerusalem.
23. And they gave Him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but He received it not. He did not wish to have His sufferings abated,but to bear them to the bitter end. Christ forbids not that pain should be alleviated in the case of others, wherever thatis possible. But in His own case, it was not fit that it should be so relieved, since He was to bear the full brunt of thestorm of vengeance that was due on account of sin.
24. And when they had crucified Him, they parted His garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take.Christ'sgarments must go to His executioners in order to carry out the full shame associated with His death as well as to fulfillthe prophecy, "They parted my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture."
25-27. And it was the third hour, and they crucified Him. And the superscription of His accusation was written over, THE KINGOF THE JEWS. And with Him they crucified two thieves; the one on His right hand, and the other on His left As if, in carryingout that ordinary etiquette which gives the central place to the chief criminal, they gave to Christ the place of greatestcontempt and scorn.
28. And the Scripture was fulfilled, which said, And He was numbered with the transgressors. You could not count the "transgressors"on those crosses without counting Him. There were three, and the One in the middle could not be passed by as you counted theothers.
29-32. And they that passed by railed at Him, wagging their heads, and saying, Ah, You that destroy the Temple, and buildit in three days, save Yourself, and come down from the Cross. Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselveswith the scribes, He saved others; Himself He cannot save. Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the Cross, thatwe may see and believe. That is the world's way-"that we may see and believe." But Christ's way is, "Believe and you shallsee." Christ off the Cross is admired by worldlings, but Christ on the Cross is our hope and stay, especially as we know thatthis same Christ is now on the Throne waiting for the time when He shall return to claim as His own all who have trusted inthe Crucified.
32. And they that were crucified with Him reviled Him. Out of their black hearts and mouths came words of ridicule and scorneven then.
33. And when the sixth hour was come. When the sun had reached the zenith, at high noon.
33-41. There was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying,Eloi, Eloi, lama Sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Andsome of them thatstood by, when they heardit, said, Behold, He calls Elijah. And one ran and filled a sponge full of vinegar, and put it ona reed, and gave Him to drink, saying, Let Him alone; let us see whether Elijah will come to take Him down. And Jesus criedwith a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. And the veil of the Temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom. And whenthe centurion, which stood over against Him, saw that He so cried out, and gave up the
ghost, He said, Truly this Man was the Son of God! There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene,and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome (who also, when He was in Galilee, followed Him, and ministeredunto Him). And many other women which came up with Him unto Jerusalem. We can read further about these gracious women if weturn to Luke 8.
Luke 8:1-3. Andit came topass afterward, that He went throughout every city and village, preaching andstrewing the glad tidings of theKingdom of God: and the twelve were with Him. And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Marycalled Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others,which ministered unto Him of their substance. The previous Chapter tells how the woman in Simon's house manifested her loveto the Savior. She showed her love in one way, and in a very special way. But there were others who had similar affectionfor Him, who showed it in other ways. What is right for one person to do might not be a wise or right thing for everybodyto do. Christ did not need His feet washed with tears every minute in the day, nor to have them anointed with even preciousointment very often. There are some Christians who ought to do and I trust will do, some extraordinary thing for Christ-somethingwhich shall need no apology from them because they are extraordinary persons, who used to be extraordinary sinners-and itwould not be right for them to run in the ruts made by others-they ought to strike out a distinct pathway for themselves.Happy is the Church that has any such members! Happier still if it has many such. But there are others who love Christ justas truly, yet who must be content to show their love to Him in some other and apparently more common but, perhaps, in thelong run, more useful way. These gracious women ministered to Christ of their substance. He was only a poor itinerant Preacherwho needed daily sustenance. Some people say that every preacher ought to earn his own bread by trade or profession and preachfreely, yet the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Preachers, did not do this.
"Oh, but Paul did!" Yes, Paul attained to a very high honor. But we may be perfectly satisfied, as the servants of the LordJesus Christ, to attain to as high a degree of honor as our Master did and, inasmuch as He never did any carpentering afterHe began to preach, but gave His whole soul and being up to the work of preaching, He was fed and cared for by the kindnessof these godly women who were glad to minister unto Him of their substance. "The disciple is not above his master, nor theservant above his lord. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord." So, as ministersof Christ, we need not be ashamed to minister spiritual things to the people and to receive of their carnal things in return.These women, though they did not wash Christ's feet with their tears, nor anoint them with precious ointment, did well, forthey "ministered unto Him of their substance." Let us all do for Him all that we can.