Sermon 3083. Comfort for Those Whose Prayers Are Feeble

(No. 3083)




"Hide not Your ear at my breathing." Lamentations 3:56.

YOUNG beginners in Grace are very apt to compare themselves with advanced disciples and so to become discouraged. And triedsaints fall into the same habit. They see those of God's people who are upon the mountain, enjoying the light of their Redeemer'sCountenance and, comparing their own condition with the joy of the saints, they write bitter things against themselves andconclude that surely, they are not the people of God! This course is as foolish as though the lambs should suspect themselvesnot to be of the flock because they are not sheep, or as though a sick man should doubt his existence because he is not ableto walk or run as a man in good health. But since this evil habit is very common, it is our duty to seek after the dispiritedand cast-down ones and comfort them. That is our errand in this short discourse. We hear the Master's words, "Comfort you,comfort you My people," and we will endeavor to obey them with His Spirit's help.

Upon the matter of prayer, many are dispirited because they cannot yet pray as advanced Believers do, or because, during somepeculiar crisis of their spiritual history, their prayers do not appear to them to be so fervent and acceptable as is thecase with other Christians. Perhaps God may have a message to some troubled ones in the present address and may the Holy Spiritapply it with power to them!

"Hide not Your ear at my breathing." This is an amazing description of prayer, is it not? Frequently, prayer is said to havea voice-it is so in this verse-"You have heard my voice." Prayer has a melodious voice in the ear of our Heavenly Father.Frequently prayer is expressed by a cry. It is so in this verse-"Hide not Your ear at my cry." A cry is the natural, plaintiveutterance of sorrow and has as much power to move the heart of God as a babe's cry to touch a mother's tenderness. But thereare times when we cannot speak with the voice, nor even cry. And then a prayer may be expressed by a moan, or a groan, ora tear-"the heaving of a sigh, the falling of a tear." But possibly we may not even get as far as that and may have to say,like one of old, "Like a crane or a swallow, so do I chatter." Our prayer, as heard by others, may be a kind of irrationalutterance. We may feel as if we moaned like wounded beasts rather than prayed like intelligent men. And we may even fall belowthat, for in the text we have a kind of prayer which is less than a moan or a sigh. It is called a breathing-"Hide not Yourear at my breathing." The man is too far gone for a glance of the eye, or the moaning of the heart-he scarcely breathes, butthat faint breath is prayer! Though unuttered and unexpressed by any sounds which could reach a human ear, yet God hears thebreathing of His servant's soul and hides not His ear from it.

We shall teach three or four lessons from the present use of the expression, "breathing."


Bodily weakness should never be urged by us as a reason for ceasing to pray. In fact, no living child of God will ever thinkof such a thing. If I cannot bend the knees of my body because I am so weak, my prayers from my bed shall be on their knees-myheart shall be on its knees and pray as acceptably as before. Instead of relaxing prayer because the body suffers, true hearts,at such times, usually double their petitions. Like Hezekiah, they turn their face to the wall that they may see no earthlyobject and then they look at the invisible things and talk with the Most High. Yes, and often in a sweeter and more familiarmanner than they did in the days of their health and strength. If we are so faint that we can only lie still and breathe,let every breath be a prayer!

Nor should a true Christian relax his prayer through mental difficulties. I mean those perturbations which distract the mindand prevent the concentration of our thoughts. Such ills will happen to us. Some of us are often much depressed and are frequentlyso tossed to and fro in mind that if prayer were an operation which required the faculties to be all at their best, as inthe working of abstruse mathematical problems, we could not, at such times, be able to pray at all. But, Brothers and Sisters,when the mind is very heavy, then is not the time to give up praying, but rather to redouble our supplications! Our blessedLord and Master was driven by distress of mind into the most sad condition-He said, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, evenunto death"-yet He did not, for that reason say, "I cannot pray" but, on the contrary, He sought the well-known shades ofthe olive grove and there unburdened His heavy heart and poured out His soul like water before the Lord! Never let us considerourselves to be too ill or too distracted to pray. A Christian ought never to be in such a state of mind that he feels boundto say, "I do not feel that I could pray" or, if he does, let him pray till he feels he canpray. Not to pray because you donot feel fit to pray is like saying, "I will not take medicine because I am too ill." Pray for prayer! Pray yourself, by theSpirit's assistance, into a praying frame! It is good to strike when the iron is hot, but some make cold iron hot by striking.We have sometimes eaten till we have gained an appetite, so let us pray till we pray. God will help you in the pursuit ofduty, not in the neglect of it.

The same is the case with regard to spiritual sicknesses. Sometimes it is not merely the body or the mind which is affected,but our inner nature is dull, stupid, lethargic, so that when it is time for prayer, we do not feel the spirit of prayer.Moreover, perhaps our faith is flagging and how shall we pray when faith is so weak? Possibly we are suspicious as to whetherwe are the people of God at all and we are molested by the recollection of our shortcomings. Now the tempter will whisper,"Do not pray just now-your heart is not in a fit condition for it." My dear Brothers and Sisters, you will not become fitfor prayer by keeping away from the Mercy Seat! But to lie groaning or breathing at its foot is the best preparation for pleadingbefore the Lord. We are not to aim at a self-worked preparation of our hearts that we may come to God aright, but "the preparationsof the heart in man and the answer of the tongue are from the Lord." If I feel myself disinclined to pray, thenis the timewhen I need to pray more than ever! Possibly when the soul leaps and exults in communion with God, it might more safely refrainfrom prayer than at those seasons when it drags heavily in devotion. Alas, my Lord, does my soul go wandering away from You?Then come back, my heart! I will drag you back by force of Divine Grace! I will not cease to cry till the Spirit of God hasmade you return to your allegiance. What? My Christian Brother, because you feel idle, is that a reason why you should stayyour hand and not serve your God? No, but away with your idleness and resolutely bend your soul to service! So, under a senseof prayerlessness, be more intent on prayer. Repent that you cannot repent, groan that you cannot groan and pray until youdo pray-in so doing God wil help you.

But, it may be objected, that sometimes we are placed in great difficulty as to circumstances s o that we may be excused fromprayer. Brothers and Sisters, there are no circumstances in which we should cease to pray in some form or other. "But I haveso many cares." Who among us has not? If we are never to pray till all our cares are over, surely then we shall either neverpray at all, or pray when we have no more need for it! What did Abram do when he offered sacrifice to God? When the Patriarchhad slaughtered the appointed creatures and laid them on the altar, certain vultures and kites came hovering around, readyto pounce upon the consecrated flesh. What did the Patriarch do? "When the fowls came down upon the carcasses, Abram drovethem away." [See Sermons #420, Volume 7-abram and the ravenous birds and #1993,


we ask for Grace to drive our cares away from our devotions.

That was a wise direction which the Prophet gave to the poor woman when the Lord was about to multiply her oil. "Go, takethe cruse," he said, "pour out the oil, and fill the borrowed vessels." But what else did he say? "Shut the door behind you."If the door had been open, some of her gossiping neighbors would have looked in and said, "What are you doing? Do you reallyhope to fill all those jars out of that little oil cruse? Why, woman, you must be mad!" I am afraid she would not have beenable to perform that act of faith if the objectors had not been shut out. It is a grand thing when the soul can bolt the doorsagainst distractions and keep out intruders-for then it is that prayer and faith will perform their miracle and our soul shallbe filled with the blessing of the Lord! Oh, for Grace to overcome circumstances and at least to breathe out prayer if wecannot reach to a more powerful form of it!

Perhaps, however, you declare that your circumstances are more difficult than I can imagine, for you are surrounded by thosewho mock you and, besides, Satan, himself, molests you. Ah, then dear Brother or Sister, under such circumstances, insteadof restraining prayer, be ten times more diligent! Your position is pre-eminently perilous-you cannot afford to live awayfrom the Throne of Grace-do not, therefore, attempt it. As to threatened persecution, pray in defiance of it. Remember howDaniel opened his window and prayed to his God as he had done before? Let the God of Daniel be your God in the chamber ofprayer and He will be your God in the lions' den! As for the devil, be sure that nothing will drive him away like prayer.That couplet is correct which declares that-

"Satan trembles when he sees

The weakest saint upon his knees!" Whatever your position, if you cannot speak, cry. If you cannot cry, groan. If you cannotgroan, let there be "groans which cannot be uttered." And if you cannot even rise to that point, let your prayer be at leasta breathing-a vital, sincere desire-the outpouring of your inner life in the simplest and weakest form, and God will acceptit. In a word, when you cannot pray as you would, take care to pray as you can!

II. But now, a second word of instruction. It is clear from the text, from many other passages of Scripture and from


This arises from the fact that they present living prayers in real earnest and feel far more than they can express. A mereformalist can always pray so as to please himself. What has he to do but to open his book and read the prescribed words, orbow his knee and repeat such phrases as suggest themselves to his memory or his fancy? Like the Tartarian Praying Machine,give but the wind and the wheel, and the business is fully arranged! So much knee-bending and talking and the prayer is done!The formalist's prayers are always good, or, rather, always bad, alike. But the living child of God never offers a prayerwhich pleases himself-his standard is above his attainments. He wonders that God listens to him and though he knows he willbe heard for Christ's sake, yet he accounts it a wonderful instance of condescending mercy that such poor prayers as his shouldever reach the ears of the Lord God of Sabaoth!

If it is asked in what respect holy men find fault with their prayers, we reply, that they complain of the narrowness of theirdesires. O God, You have bid me open my mouth wide and you will fill it, but I do not open my mouth! You are ready to bestowgreat things upon me, but I am not ready to receive great things! I am straitened, but it is not in You-I am straitened inmy own desires! Dear Brothers and Sisters, when we read of Hugh Latimer on his knees perpetually crying out, "O God, giveback the Gospel to England," and sometimes praying so long that he could not rise, being an aged man-and they had to lifthim up from the prison floor-and he would still keep on crying, "O God, give back the Gospel to poor England," we may wellwonder that some of us do not pray in the same way! The times are as bad as Latimer's and we have as great a need to prayas he had, "O God, drive away this Popery once again, and give back the Gospel to England." Then, think of John Knox. Why,that man's prayers were like great armies for power and he would wrestle all night with God that he would kindle the lightof the Gospel in Scotland. He asserted that he had gained his desire and I believe he had, and that the Light of God whichburns so brightly in Scotland is much to be attributed to that man's supplications. We do not pray like these men. We haveno heart to ask for great things. A revival is waiting, the cloud is hovering over England, but we do not know how to bringit down! Oh, that God may find some true spirits who shall be as conductors to bring down the Divine Fire! We need it much,but our poor breathings-they do not come to much more-have no force, nor expansiveness, no great-heartedness, no prevalencein them!

Then, how far we fail in the matter of faith! We do not pray as if we believed. Believing prayer is a grasping and a wrestling,but ours is a mere puffing and blowing, a little breathing-not much more. God is true and we pray to Him as if He were false.He means what He says, and we treat His Word as if it were spoken in jest. The master-fault of our prayer is lack of faith.

How often do we lack earnestness! Such men as Luther had their will of Heaven because they would have it! God's Spirit madethem resolute in intercession and they would not come away from the Mercy Seat till their suit was granted. But we are cold,and consequently feeble, and our poor, poor prayers in the Prayer Meeting, in the closet and at the family altar languishand almost die!

How much, alas, is there of impurity of motive to mar our prayers! We ask for revival, but we want our own Church to get theblessing that we may have the credit of it. We pray God to bless our work and it is because we wish to hear men say what goodworkers we are. The prayer is good in itself, but our smutty fingers spoil it. Oh, that we could offer supplication as itshould be offered! Blessed be God, there is One who can wash our prayers for us but, truly, our very tears need to be weptover and our prayers need praying over again. The best thing we ever do needs to be washed in the Fountain filled with blood,or God can only look upon it as a sin.

Another fault good men see in their supplications is that they stand at such a distance from God in praying, they do not drawnear enough to Him. Are not some of you oppressed with a sense of the distance there is between you and God? You know thereis a God and you believe He will answer you, but it is not always that you come right up to Him, even to His feet and, asit were, lay hold upon Him and say, "O my Father, listen to the voice of Your chosen and let the cry of the blood of YourSon come up before You!" Oh, for prayers which enter within the veil and approach the Mercy Seat! Oh, for petitioners whoare familiar with the cherubim and the brightness which shines between their wings! May God help us to pray better! But thisI feel sure of-you who plead most prevalently are just those who will think the least of your own prayers and be most gratefulto God that He deigns to listen to you-and most anxious that He would help you to pray after a nobler sort.


A breathing is a prayer from which God does not hide His ear. It is undoubtedly a great Truth of God, and full of much comfort,too, that our prayers are not powerful in proportion to their expression, for, if so, the Pharisee would have succeeded sincehe evidently had greater gifts than the Publican had. I have no doubt, if there had been a regular Prayer Meeting, and thePharisee and the Publican had attended, we would have called on the Pharisee to pray. I do not think the people of God wouldhave enjoyed his prayer, nor have felt any kinship of spirit with him and yet, very naturally, on account of his gifts, hewould have taken upon himself to engage in public devotion or, if that Pharisee would not have done so, I have heard of otherPharisees who would. No doubt the man's spirit was bad, but then his expression was good-he could put his oration so neatlyand pour it out so accurately. Let all men know that God does not care for that! The sigh of the Publican reached His earand won the blessing but the boastful phrases of the Pharisee were an abomination to Him!

If our prayers were forcible according to their expression, then rhetoric would be more valuable than Grace and a scholasticeducation would be better than sanctification-but it is not so. Some of us may be able to express ourselves very fluentlyfrom the force of natural gifts, but it should always be to us an anxious question whether our prayer is a prayer which Godwill receive, for we ought to know and must know by this time, that we often pray best when we stammer and stutter-and wepray worst when words come rolling like a torrent, one after another! God is not moved by words-they are but a noise to Him.He is only moved by the deep thought and the heaving emotion which dwell in the innermost spirit. It were a sorry businessfor you, who are poor, if God only heard us according to the beauty of our utterances, for it may be that your education wasso neglected that there is no hope of your ever being able to speak grammatically. And, besides, it may be, from your limitedinformation, that you could not use the phrases which sound so well. But the Lord hears the poor, the ignorant and the needy!He loves to hear their cry. What cares He for the grammar of the prayer? It is the soul of it that He wants! And if you cannotstring three words of the Queen's English together correctly, yet if your soul can breathe itself out before the Most Highanyhow-if it is but warm, hearty, sincere, earnest petitioning-there is power in your prayer and none the less power in itbecause of its broken words, nor would it be an advantage to you, so far as the Lord is concerned, if those words were notbroken, but were well composed! Ought not this to comfort us, then?

Even if we are gifted with facility of expression, we sometimes find that our power of utterance fails us. Under very heavygrief, a man cannot speak as he is known to do. Circumstances can make the most eloquent tongue grow slow of speech. It mattersnot-your prayer is as good as it was before. You call upon God in public and you sit down and think that your confused prayerwas of no service to the Church. You know not in what scales God weighs your prayer-not by quantity, but by quality-not bythe outward dress of verbiage, but by the inner soul and the intense earnestness that was in it does He compute its value!Do you not sometimes rise from your knees in your little room and say, "I do not

think I have prayed, I could not feel at home in prayer"? Nine times out of every ten, those prayers are most prevalent withGod which we think are the least acceptable. But when we glory in our prayer, God will have nothing to do with it! If yousee any beauty in your own supplication-God will not-for you have evidently been looking at your prayer and not at Him! Butwhen your soul sees so much of His Glory that she cries, "How shall I speak unto You-I who am but dust and ashes?" When shesees so much of His goodness that she is hampered in expression by the depth of her own humiliation, oh, then it is that yourprayer is best! There may be more prayer in a groan than in an entire liturgy. There may be more acceptable devotion in atear that dampens the floor of yonder pew than in all the hymns we have sung, or in all the supplications which we have uttered!It is not the outward, it is the inward! It is not the lips, it is the heart which the Lord regards! If you can only breathe,your prayer is still accepted by the Most High!

I desire that this Truth may come home to any one of you who says, "I cannot pray." It is not true. If it were necessary thatin order to pray, you should talk for a quarter of an hour together, or that you should say pretty things, why then I wouldadmit that you could not pray! But if it is only to say from your heart, "God be merciful to me a sinner," yes, and if prayeris not saying anything at all, but desiring, longing, hoping for mercy, for pardon, for salvation, no man may say, "I cannot,"unless he is honest enough to add, "I cannot because I willnot. I love my sins too well and have no faith in Christ. I donot desire to be saved." If you will to pray, O my Hearer, you can pray! He who gives the will joins the ability to it!

And oh, let me say, do not sleep this night until you have tried and proved the power of prayer! If you feel a burden on yourheart, tell the Lord! Cover your face and speak with Him. Even that you need not do, for I suppose that Hannah did not coverher face when Eli saw her lips move and supposed that she was drunk. No, your lips need not even move! Your soul can now say,"Save me, my God! Convict me of sin, lead me to the Cross! Save me tonight! Let me not end another day as Your enemy! Letme not go into the cares of another week unforgiven, with Your wrath hanging over me like a thunder-cloud! Save me, save me,O my God!" Such prayers, though utterly wordless, shall not be powerless, but shall be heard in Heaven!

IV. We will close with a fourth practical lemon-FEEBLE PRAYERS ARE HEARD IN HEAVEN.

Why is it that feeble prayers are understood of God and heard in Heaven? There are three reasons.

First, the feeblest prayer, if it is sincere, is written by the Holy Spirit upon the heart, and God will always acknowledgethe handwriting of the Holy Spirit Frequently, certain kind friends from Scotland send me for the Orphanage some portionsof what one of them called, the other day, "filthy lucre"-namely, dirty £1 notes. Now these £1 notes certainly look as ifthey were of small value. Still, they bear the proper signature and they pass well enough- and I am very grateful for them.Many a prayer that is written on the heart by the Holy Spirit seems written with faint ink and, moreover, it appears to beblotted and defiled by our imperfection. But the Holy Spirit can always read His own handwriting. He knows His own notes andwhen He has issued a prayer, He will not disown it. Therefore, the breathing which the Holy Spirit works in us will be acceptablewith God.

Moreover, God, our ever-blessed Father, has a quick ear to hear the breathing of any of His children. When a mother has asick child, it is marvelous how quick her ears become while attending it. Good woman, we wonder she does not fall asleep.If you hired a nurse, it is ten to one she would. But the dear child, in the middle of the night, does not need to cry forwater, or even speak-there is a little quick breathing-who will hear it? No one would except the mother! But her ears arequick, for they are in her child's heart. So, if there is a heart in the world that longs for God, God's ear is already inthat poor sinner's heart! He will hear it. There is not a good desire on earth but the Lord has heard it. I recollect when,at one time, I was a little afraid to preach the Gospel to sinners as sinners, and yet I wanted to do so, so I used to say,"If you have but a millionth part of a desire, come to Christ." I dare say more than that now, but, at the same time, I willsay that at once-if you have a millionth part of a desire, if you have only a little breathing-if you desire to be reconciled,if you desire to be pardoned, if you would be forgiven, if there is only half a good thought formed in your soul, do not checkit, do not stifle it and do not think that God will reject it!

And, then, there is another reason, namely, that the Lord Jesus Christ is always ready to take the most imperfect prayer andperfect it for us. If our prayers had to go up to Heaven as they are, they would never succeed. But they find a Friend onthe way and, therefore, they prosper. A poor person has a petition to be sent in to some government agency. If he had to writeit himself, it would puzzle all the officers in Downing-Street to make out what he meant. But he is wise enough to find afriend who can write, or he comes round to his minister and says, "Sir, will you make this petition right for me? Will youput it into good English, so that it can be presented? And then the petition goes in a very different form. Even thus, theLord Jesus Christ takes our poor prayers, fashions them over again and presents the petition with the addition of His ownsignature-and the Lord sends us answers of peace.

The feeblest prayer in the world is heard when it has Christ's seal to it. I mean He puts His precious blood upon it. Andwherever God sees the blood of Jesus, He must and will accept the desire which it endorses. Go to Jesus, Sinner, even if youcannot pray, and let the breathing of your soul be, "Be merciful to me, wash me, cleanse me, save me," and it shall be done,for God will not hear your prayer so much as hear His Son's blood, "which speaks better things than that of Abel." A loudervoice than yours shall prevail for you! And your feeble breathings shall come up to God covered over with the Omnipotent pleadingsof the Great High Priest who never asks in vain!

I have been aiming thus to comfort those distressed ones who say they cannot pray, but before I close, I must add how inexcusableare those who, knowing all this, continue prayerless, Godless and Christless! If there were no mercy to be had, you couldnot be blamed for not having it. If there were no Savior for sinners, a sinner might be excused for remaining in his sin.But there is a Fountain and it is open-why, then, do you not wash in it? Mercy is to be had "without money and without price"-itis to be had by askingfor it. Sometimes poor men are shut up in the condemned cell, sentenced to be hanged. But suppose theycould have a free pardon by asking for it and they did not do so-who would pity them? God will give His blessing to everyonewho is moved to seek for it sincerely at His hands on this one and only condition-that the soul will trust in Jesus! And eventhat is not a condition, for He gives repentance and faith and enables sinners to believe in His dear Son! Behold Christ crucified,the saddest and yet the gladdest sight the sun ever beheld! Behold the eternal Son of God made flesh and bleeding out Hislife! A surpassing marvel of woe and love! A look at Him will save you! Though you are on the borders of the grave and onthe brink of Hell, by one look at Jesus crucified your guilt shall be cancelled, your debts forever discharged before theThrone of God and yourselves led into joy and peace. Oh, that you would give that look!

Breathe the prayer, "Lord, give me the faith of Your elect and save me with a great salvation!" Though it is only breathing,yet, as the old Puritan says, when God feels the breath of His child upon His face, He smiles. And He will feel your breathand smile on you, and bless you. May He do so, for His name's sake! Amen.


The first part of this chapter is one of the saddest in the whole Book of God, yet I expect it has ministered as much consolationas some of the brightest pages of Holy Writ because there are children of God who are the subjects of great suffering andsorrow-and when they turn to such a passage as this, they see that one of the Lord's own Prophets had gone that way beforethem. And when they see the footprints of another of God's people in the dark and gloomy valley that they are traversing,they are encouraged. Besides, the chapter does not end as it begins. There is daylight for the poor sufferer after all, sowe shall read the sad utterances of the Prophet in the hope that if we have ever known experiences similar to his, we maylearn where to find comfort even as he did.

Verses 1, 2. I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of His wrath He has led me and brought me into darkness, butnot into light.This seems to be the hardest part of our lot-that God should lead us into darkness-"He has led me and broughtme into darkness." Yet dear Brothers and Sisters, that is, on the other hand, the sweetest thing about our trial, becauseif the darkness is in the place where God has led us, it is best for us to be in the dark! A child of God in the dark shouldderive much comfort from the thought, "My father brought me here and He loves me so much that He would not bring me whereI would be in danger. He must have had some good end and objective in view in what He has done." Surely, there is somethingcomforting to the tried child of God in that thought.

3-5. Surely against me is He turned; He turns His hand against me all the day. My flesh and my skin has He made old; He hasbroken my bones. He has besieged me, and compassed me with gall and woe. "I am like a besieged city that has strong fortsbuilt all round it to shut it in on all sides."

6, 7. He has set me in darkplaces, as they that are dead of old. He has hedged me about, that I cannot get out: He has mademy chains heavy.Ah, dear Friends, it is easy for some people to read such a passage as this, but there are others who haveread it with aching brows and eyes red with weeping! And often, I doubt not, as they have read the Prophet's descriptionsof just such sorrows as they are themselves feeling, they have said, "Then after all, we are not alone in our griefs, andwe may yet be delivered even as Jeremiah was"

8. Also when I cry and shout, He shuts out my prayer What a sorrow is this-to feel that even prayer itself is unavailing!Yet this suppliant was no graceless sinner-he was a dear child of God, one of the noblest of the Lord's ancient Prophets,one of the most faithful of His ministers! You must not think, because sometimes your prayers seem to be unheard or unheeded,and you are allowed to continue in sorrow, that therefore the Lord does not love you. "Whom the Lord loves He chastens, andscourges every son whom He receives." And that word, "scourges," is a very strong one, meaning much more than just an ordinarywhipping.

9. He has enclosed my ways with hewn stone. "The Lord has shut me right up, as if He had built a wall around me on every side."

9-13. He has made mypaths crooked. He was unto me as a bear lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places. He has turned asidemy ways, and pulled me in pieces: He has made me desolate. He has bent His bow, and set me as a mark for the arrow. He hascaused the arrows of His quiver to enter into my reins. The King's arrows had wounded him to the very quick. Perhaps someof you may know what it is to go to the Bible and yet to find no comfort in it, for the precious promises have seemed to betoo good to be true to you, and you seem to have hunted out every dark and threatening passage at once-and you have said,"Ah, that belongs to me!" You have written bitter things against yourself and have thought that surely you were the targetat which God was shooting His sharpest arrows. [See Sermon #3039, Volume 53-THE


14-17. I was a derision to all my people; and their song all the day. He has filled me with bitterness, He has made me drunkwith wormwood. He has also broken my teeth with gravel, He has coveredme with ashes. And You have removed my soul far offfrom peace: I have forgotten prosperity. "It seems so long since I have had any prosperity that I have forgotten it. I havebecome so accustomed to trouble and sorrow that it seems as if I had never known what joy was." The original is even moresad, "I forget good."

18-21. And I said, Your strength and my hope is perished from the LORD; remembering my affliction and my misery, the wormwoodand the gall My soul has them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.Andas long as your afflictions, poor troubled Souls, have really humbled you, you may have hope! Recall to mind the fact thatGod's chastising blows have brought you down to His feet in humble submission and ended all your boasting-and therein youmay have hope. [See Sermon #654, Volume 11-memory-the handmaid of hope-

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22. It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not See where Jeremiah gets his comfort!He seems to say, "Bad as my case is, it might have been worse, for I might have been consumed, and I should have been consumedif the Lord's compassions had failed." Ah, Brothers and Sisters, and we, too, might have been in Hell at this very moment!Amidst the hottest flames of that hopeless place we might have been enduring the wrath of God, but we are not there and, blessedbe His name for that! "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not." He still hascompassion upon us! If He had not, He would have given us up altogether! But there is love in His heart, even while thereis a frown upon His brow-and while His hand is smiting us, His heart is still loving us.

23. They are new every morning: great is Your faithfulness. If every day brings its trouble, every day also brings its mercy.Up to this day, at all events, we have not perished. The Lord has chastened us, but He has not crushed us. We have been castdown, but we have not been destroyed. "Great is Your faithfulness." No man can say that so truly as the one who has knownwhat it is to prove that great faithfulness in great affliction. But when there has been a great trial, the believing soulhas cast itself upon the ever-faithful God and so has been able to set its seal to this Truth of God, "Great is your faithfulness."

24. The LORD is my portion, says my soul What? With His mouth full of gravel stones, and made drunk with wormwood, overwhelmedwith sorrow, yet he says, "the Lord is my portion"? Oh, yes, Beloved, whatever else we have

lost, we have not lost our God! The thieves have robbed us of our little spare cash, but they could not get at the gold thatwe have in the bank, they could not break into the great treasure house of everlasting love. John Bunyan says, "LittleFaithlost his spending money, but the thieves could not find his jewels." Nor can they find ours! They are all safe. "The Lordis my portion, says my soul."

24. Therefore will I hope in Him. If I cannot cast the anchor of hope anywhere else, I may "hope in Him." And what betterhope do I need than that?

25. The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him. Do not be in a hurry. Do not expect to be deliveredout of your trouble the first time you begin to cry unto God. Oh, no-"the Lord is good unto them that

wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him." [See Sermon #2436, Volume 41-"HOW GOOD TO THOSE WHO SEEK"].

26. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. God's time is always the best time.To deliver you just now might be to deprive you of the benefit of the trouble. You must bear it till it produces "the peaceablefruit of righteousness." When the doctor puts on a blister, we are not to take it off the next minute. No, patience must haveher perfect work, that we "may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

27, 28. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. [See Sermon #1291, Volume 22-the best burden for young

upon him.When it makes a man get alone to contemplate and meditate, affliction is already doing him good.

29. He puts his mouth in the dust; if so be there may be hope. [See Sermon #2468, Volume 42-solitude, silence, submission]That is the way to find it-not lifting your mouth up to defy

the Lord, or to murmur at Him, nor yet opening your mouth in boastfulness, but putting your mouth in the dust-that is theway to find hope! A humble, penitent, resigned, silent, submissive spirit will soon find hope.

30, 31. He gives his cheek to him that smites him: he is filled full with reproach. For the Lord will not cast off forever.Oh, get a grip of that blessed Truth of God! I pray you, O you sons of trouble, lay hold of it and never let it go! The Lordmay, to all appearance, cast off for a little while, but He will not cast off forever!

32-34. But though He causes grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies. For He does notafflict willingly nor grieve the children of men. To crush under His feet all theprisoners of the earth. That is not God'sway of acting. Tyrants may do so, but the tender, compassionate God-our gracious, loving Father-will never do that. If youlie in the dust before Him, He will not tread on you.

35, 36. To turn aside the right of a man before the face of the most High, to subvert a man in his cause, the Lord approvesnot. Again I say, that is not God's way of acting.

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SHOULDERS] He sits alone and keeps silence