Sermon 3073. Thrice Happy Day!

(No. 3073)




"From this day will I bless you." Haggai 2:19.

I THINK as soon as ever I read that promise, your heart would leap towards it and you would spontaneously say, "Lord, be thisthe day-the first day of the year, and that day the Lord's Day-make this the day from which You will begin to bless me ina very special manner!" God's blessing is the richest gift which His creatures can receive. To be deprived of it is theirgreatest calamity! What is Hell? It is the place where God's blessing cannot come. What is Heaven? It is the place where God'sblessing is constantly enjoyed without admixture. My God, were there a choice between Your blessing and Heaven, I would soonerchoose Your blessing and be out of Heaven, than be in Heaven, if such a thing were possible, unblessed of my God. The highesthappiness of a creature is to be blessed by its Creator-and the very highest felicity of the child of God is to have his Father'sblessing on his head and in his heart!

In a certain sense, dear Friends, we cannot tell the time when God began to bless His people. If you go back to the day beforeall days, when there was no day but the Ancient of Days. If you get back to the time when there was no time, when only eternityexisted, you find, in the council chambers of Divinity, that God was blessing His people. If I might suppose a day in eternity,I might say of it, "From this day will Jehovah bless His people." When Jesus Christ appeared in human flesh, though you andI were not born, yet were we written in the Book in which all the members of Christ are written-and from that day when Hebowed His head and said, "It is finished," and yielded up the ghost, a channel was opened for those mighty streams of DivineGrace which sprang from the Divine Decree! And it might be peculiarly said that from that day God began to bless us. Whenyou and I were born, from the first moment that our face received the air and our eyes were opened to the light, mercies werewaiting for us. A tender mother received us on her bosom. A kind father provided for the needs of our weakness and infancy.I may say that from the cradle, the Lord has said, "From this day will I bless you." But to some of us there has been a secondbirthday, a day in which we passed from death unto life, from darkness into light. Happy day! We can never forget it! Nextis it in happiness to that day in which we shall see the face of Christ without a veil between! The happiest day of our existencewas that when we saw Christ hanging on the tree to bear the punishment of our sins. Truly may I say, as I stand at the footof the Cross and remember the day when Jesus first met with me there, that He then said to me, "From this day will I blessyou."

Passing, however, over all the times and seasons upon which we might well be tempted to linger, I shall use my text, first,for seeking souls. The time is come, even tonight, when God will bless them! Then I shall use it for individual Christians.May the same be their case! Then I shall apply it to this Church as a whole. May this Church realize the blessedness of thepromise!

I. First, I shall use the text FOR SEEKING SOULS.

I remember well when my heart was seeking after God with intense earnestness. My never-ceasing desire and my daily cry was,"Oh that I knew where I might find Him!" And I would ask the Lord, "How long shall I cry unto You and You will not hear me?How long shall I seek the face of Christ in vain?" This gives me sympathy with others in a like condition. You have been fora long time seeking rest and finding none. You are weary and heavy laden-and you are saying, tonight, "When will God blessme? When shall I be privileged to see my Father' s face in Christ Jesus and to know

that my sins are forgiven?" My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, there is a period known to God when He will show His face toHis people. That period, when it does arrive, will certainly bring you comfort. It is written concerning Christ, "He mustneeds go through Samaria" and there is a similar necessity that, to every chosen sinner, a day of Grace should come so thathe may see Christ and be saved through Him! That fixed and delightful time shall yet arrive to you. I pray that it may arrivetonight!

If you want to know when it is likely to arrive, let me give you some signs by which you may foresee it.

You are likely to have the whisper of God's love in your heart when you have given up all confidence in the flesh. It maybe that you have some indistinct reliance, at the present moment, upon your own prayers. You are not so foolish as to trustin your Baptism, or your Confirmation, or your Church attendance, or Chapel attendance-but there lurks within you the traitorousthought that there is some efficacy, some usefulness in your Bible reading, in your tears and repentance-or something elsethat comes from you. Now, remember, you will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everythingelse but Christ! All that was ever woven by man God shall unravel. All the sticks and stones that human energy can build inthe matter of eternal salvation must be plucked down by Jehovah's hand, for it is Christ alone who must build that house!Unless He shall do so, they will labor in vain that build it. I say that this may be only an indistinct matter, but I prayyou to cast out every particle of this old leaven-for Christ and your soul can never be agreed until you are willing to takeHim to be your sole and only reliance. And if you have a shadow of a dependence anywhere else, Christ can never be a Saviorto you. See to that matter.

The time to bless you is probably come when there is a clean divorce between you and all your sins. That it is which keepsso many poor sinners in trouble, because though they have given up many sins, there is one favorite sin which they still hold.But, Sinner, you cannot love Christ and your sins too! I know you are quite content to give up all the outward sins of theflesh, but there may be some worldliness, some covetousness, some little sin which you are loath to part with. But you mustslay every one of these, in the purpose of your heart, or you can never be reconciled to your Father and your God. One unrepentedsin. One sin indulged in and delighted in will as effectually stop the gates of Heaven against your soul as if you were livingin fornication, adultery, or murder! Your heart must hate all sin and your heart must love all holiness. When this comes topass, from that day God will bless you.

There are some who have never obtained peace through Christ because they have not sought it in earnest. "I have prayed," yousay, "in earnest. I have groaned, cried, and wrestled." Yes, I know you have done so at times, but your earnestness has beenof the spasmodic order. The gates of Heaven open to all who are really believing in Christ, but they must know how to knockand to knock again and again. When your soul has come to the point when you can say-

"I can no denial take, For I plead for Jesus' sake"-

then you shall have no denial! O Soul, think of the Hell from which you would escape! Will not that quicken your slumberingspirit? Then think of the Heaven of which you would be a partaker! Will not this fire your sluggish soul? Come, I pray you,and meditate for a little while upon your state and condition, upon time, eternity, death, Heaven, Hell-and let your soulbegin to bestir herself. If you are cold and love not prayer, God will not bless you. But when your soul comes to a devoutenthusiasm-from that day will God bless you.

I think you are quite sure to get a blessing when you are willing to have it in God's way. Some of you do not intend to believein Christ unless you feel very deep conviction. If God will condescend to alarm you with dreams, you will then go to Him.If you have made up your mind that you are to be saved in a certain stereotyped fashion and you will never believe in Jesusunless He shall be pleased to manifest Himself in that particular way-the day of your blessing will tarry a long time beforeit comes. But when your soul says, "If I can but look to Jesus, I will not ask for this experience nor for that. Only saveme, Lord! Do but take me into the Ark and let me escape from the destruction that is coming upon all who are outside-and mysoul will lay aside her whims, her wishes, her proud will-and bless Your name for what Your Grace has done." When your heartlies before God as the wax under the seal, ready to take any impression that the Divine Hand chooses to put upon it, thenwill God say, "From this day will I bless you."

To sum up everything in one-if there is a sinner here who says in his soul, "Truly, I will take Christ tonight and rest uponHim. I see clearly that I have nowhere else to fly and I, therefore, fly to the cleft in the Rock of Ages and find a shelterthere"-from this night God will bless you! If your faith is built on Christ, and Christ only, go your way-your

sins, which are many, are forgiven you and you are an accepted soul! And neither death nor Hell shall ever divide you fromyour Father's love. Rejoice with unspeakable joy, for a long train of mercies shall be yours, world without end! I think Ihave said enough on that point. Pray, you who understand the power of prayer, that God may bless these simple, feeble sentencesto the comforting of some captives-and to the loosening of their bonds! II. And now I shall turn TO GOD' S PEOPLE and addressa few words to them.

Present in this assembly, tonight, are many saints who know their blessedness in Christ Jesus, but they are pining after ahigher state of spiritual life. They need more communion with Christ, a greater conformity to His image, and so on. Dear Friends,you are wanting to know when you may expect this choice favor, when you may dare to walk in the light of your Father's face.Let me answer you. When your spirit is entirely resigned to the Divine will, then, from that day, God will bless you! It isvery hard to bring down Lord Will-be-Will to be a contented servant of the King of kings. It is an easy thing to stand uphere and sing-

"If You should call me to resign

What most Iprize-it never was mine!

I only yield to You what was Yours-

'Your will be done!'"

But it is not so easy to say that when you are looking into the face of a dead child, or have to follow to the grave somedearly-beloved wife or husband, or some brother or sister upon whom your soul was set! To stand to our surrenders, then, ishard work. We say, "Your will be done." But when God's will is being done, we do not always use Job's language and say, "TheLord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!" When you see a Christian in the furnace, you cannotexpect that he will get out by asking, "When will this flame abate?" But the fire will soon be over when a man, in such circumstances,can say, "The Lord's will be done." It is a sign that the metal has been properly fused and that the dross has gone when youcan see the image of the Refiner in it-when the heart reflects the face of God and says, "Not as I will, but as You will."

Beloved, depend upon it, our miseries grow at the root of our selfishness! Where selfishness begins, sorrow begins. And whereselfishness is dead, grief is dead. Have I made myself clear? If our souls had wholly given up everything to Jehovah's will,we would never lose anything, for we would already have given it up! We would never murmur if we could say, as the old Puritansaid, "I always have my own will because God has helped me to make His will my own will." It proved the good state of thebeggar's heart when someone said to him, "I wish you a good day," and he replied, "I thank you for your wish, but I alwayshave good days. I do not know that one day is better than another when God is with me." "Well," said the one who was speakingto him, "surely there are some days that you like better than others." "No," he said, "there are not-all days please God-andwhat pleases God pleases me." "If," said one, to an aged Christian woman, "you had your choice whether you would live or die,what would you choose?" She replied, "I would not choose at all." "But suppose you were forced to choose?" "I would then askGod to be good enough to choose for me." Still, you see, she would avoid the choice and leave it to the Lord! When your heartbecomes like that-then from that day will God bless you!

As Christians, we may expect great blessing when it is no longer a matter of talk with us that we will give our all for theservice of God, but when we really do so. Then, from that day, God will bless us. I need not say, probably, that there isno giving so acceptable to God as that which is most costly to us. The widow's mite was precious not because it was a mite,but because it was all that she had. The old proverb says that "the liberal man gives until his hand sweats." There are notmany of that sort. True liberality begins when the hand begins to feel when some sacrifice is caused by what we have givento the Lord our God. Do I feel, tonight, that all I am and all I have belongs to my Master? Can I truly say that if a lifeof pain and poverty would glorify Him, I would desire to live in pain and poverty? And if my death would more honor Him, Iwould be willing to leave health and comfort at once and to bear the stroke of the sword of death? Do you feel that-

" There's not a lamb among the flock I would disdain to feed. There's not a foe before whose face I'd fear His cause to plead"'?

Can you make again, tonight, that solemn declaration of allegiance to your God that you made when first you came to Christ-

" 'Tis done! The great transaction's done! I am my Lords, and He is mine- He drew me, and I followed on. Charmed to confessthe voice Divine"?

If so, then from this day God will bless you.

There are some particular days on which God is pleased to grant a new lease of blessing to His people. Sometimes it is whenthey have been especially engaged in prayer I suppose you have all some landmark, if I may so call it, in your life, to whichyou can refer as being the starting point of your spiritual career, and also seasons of peculiar spiritual enjoyment. On sucha day, for instance, one of you can say, "I had sweet communion with Christ. My soul was ravished with the glance of His eyes."Well, dating back from that, you feel that there was a period of peculiar enjoyment. Now, I hope that, tonight, at the CommunionTable, we shall be favored with such a season and equally so tomorrow in private prayer. A certain Highlander began to entertaindoubts as to his salvation. He could not, however, rest in doubt, but went to the top of a high mountain and continued thereall night wrestling in prayer. And he was so taken up in devotion that he remained there the whole of the next day! But, fromthat time forth, he was never vexed with doubts again! His mighty struggle with Satan upon the top of the mountain seemedto end forever the period of his doubts and fears-from that time a clear shining set in upon him until he was taken Home.It were well if we were to have some seasons set apart for seeking communion with Christ, for at such times He would blessus.

I believe, too, that many Christians have dated new spiritual life from some particular act in their history. I do not liketo tell my own secrets, but there has been such a day with me from which I have had to date a sort of new life. Our friendsknow little of it, perhaps, but I recollect one Sabbath evening when, for some weeks, the collections in support of the Collegehad not amounted to more than £2 or £3, and there were some 20 or 30 young men to maintain-and all that I had, had been spent-therewas no money that I knew of to pay for another week. That evening I learned to walk by faith in God in temporal things-a lessonthat I had not so fully learned before. That very night I went out from here and said to one of my Brothers who is sittingbehind me, "Now my bank is exhausted." "No," he said, "your Banker is the eternal God and He can never be exhausted." "Well,at any rate," I said, "I have nothing in hand." "Still," he said, "cannot you trust your God?" We opened a letter that wasthen lying on the table, totally unknown to him or to me, and found in it £200 sent by some donor whose name I never heardof and probably never shall hear of until the Day of Judgment! From that moment to this I have trusted God in that matterand, mark my words, though I have found funds to be lacking for this or that, there has never been any real need of money,for, whenever it isneeded, God sends it! I have considered that from that very night, my heavenly Father took that work intoHis own hands and He said, "From this time will I bless you."

Some of you may have had a comfortable income and you got on very well, but it was all taken from you and you seemed to becast adrift. But then, for the first time, you began to live by faith-and though, as men call it, it is only a hand-to-mouthway of living-yet you have had greater blessedness in it than you ever had before! And, though you may not be as rich as before,yet you have had such inward comfort and such peace of conscience, that you have felt that God from that day has blessed you.If there are any Christians here who are dallying midway between faith and sense, I advise you to snap the chain! Worldlypeople will say to you, "Let well enough alone," and so on, but the best prudence in the world is to be a child-and the highestwisdom is that which the world thinks folly! "He who runs straightforward makes the best runner," was the saying of a Germanwhen he was resting upon his God in one of his works of piety, and very true is it. Do not go roundabout, here and there,and ask, "Is this or that true?" but go straight to your God in the simple path of duty, in the holy way of faith. Take thatcourse and "from this day," says the Lord, "will I bless you."

III. And now, to close. I think there is a time when EVERY CHURCH may hear the voice of God saying, "From this day will Ibless you."

I believe it will hear that voice as soon as ever it is bent upon getting a blessing. It is a difficult thing, however, toget a church into that state. I know some country churches where the minister's efforts are almost certain to be fruitless,not so much because of the congregation as because of the church. My Brothers in the ministry sometimes say to me, "I tried

to get a Prayer Meeting, but they would not come. I wanted to have some special meetings, but an old deacon said, 'We neverhad such a thing and we ain' t going to have any now.' I wanted to get them to do something by way of evangelizing the neighborhood,but they said they could not afford it-they had as much as they could do to keep up their own cause-and they would not doit." Now, such churches never can expect a blessing. But I believe that in this church we have only one mind and that onemind is this-we mean to plead before God until He opens the windows of Heaven and pours us out a blessing! We feel, everyone of us, upon this subject, that we will wrestle with the Covenant Angel until He gives us our heart's desire! And we feel,too, that Christ will never be satisfied till many more jewels are put into His sparkling crown. Well, I believe that if thisis true, from this very night God will bless us!

God is sure to bless His people when everyone feels that he has something to do and means to do it Do not say, "My brotherought to do such-and-such and my minister ought to do this and that." Of course you can speak like that if you wish to doso, but that is notthe way to get a blessing! The main business of each Christian should lie in his own personal responsibility.I have heard of a man who, as he went by the plate one collection Sunday, said, when he was asked what he gave, "What I giveis nothing to anybody." Somebody said he thought that was exactly what he did give! Now there are some people who, in whatthey do, come up to the same standard-they do no good to anybody. They live for themselves. And when they die, their existencewill have been purely a selfish one. Such people bring a curse, rather than a blessing, to the Church. But if you feel, Brothersand Sisters, tonight, that each one of you has a niche to fill, and resolve that you will try to fill it. If you realize thatthere is something to be done and, in God's name you mean, each of you, to do it, then, from this time God will bless you!

And there is sure to be a blessing when there is a strong current of prayer And there is that current in this church rightnow. There will be that current, I hope, tomorrow evening when we meet together especially for prayer. I hope that everyonemay come up with a heart like a censor full of sweet incense smoking with holy prayer! Brothers and Sisters, we must praymore in private! Here, perhaps, we fail. We must be instant in season and out of season in prayer, if prayer can ever be outof season. And then, when we come together at our Prayer Meetings, there must be wrestling times-times in which the blessingmust surely be won from God by holy wrestling. When love and concord reign. When each member assists each other member. Whenthe whole united church seeks nothing but the Glory of God in the conversion of souls, then will the blessing come! I am nota Prophet, nor the son of a Prophet, but I do venture to foretell a great blessing upon this church in the year which hasso happily commenced! We ended the last year by wrapping it up in a shroud of prayer-we will give this year the wings of praise,but we will still continue to pray for a visitation of the Spirit! And we shall surely have it-and the Lord's name shall beglorified!


Haggai 1:1, 2. In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month, came the word of the LORD by Haggaithe Prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, saying,Thus speaks the LORD of Hosts, saying, This people says, The time is not come, the time that the LORDS house should be built.Godkeeps an almanac and the date on which He speaks is always important. There is a set time for each of His messages to cometo men-and God would have them give heed to every message as soon as it is delivered to them. If they do not, He keeps countof the days of their delay and, therefore, He is particular in causing His servants to record the exact date when His messagewas delivered-"In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month, came the word ofthe Lord by Haggai the Prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech,the high priest." Oh that God would make this very day notable in our history by speaking to the hearts of many here!

Notice, too, that God also takes care to direct His messages to those for whom they are intended. The word of the Lord cameby Haggai the Prophet unto Zerubbabel and to Joshua. God knows to whom His message is especially addressed, today, and Hewill not let it miss its mark. Oh that someone here would cry unto Him, and say, "Lord, speak to me as You did to Zerubbabel!And not to me, only, but to such-and-such another, as You did to Joshua."

"Thus speaks the Lord of Hosts, saying, This people says." So that the Lord notes what people say and, in due time, He remindsthem of what they have said. Sometimes He makes men eat their own words but, if not, He at least recalls them to their remembrance-"Thispeople says, The time is not come, the time that Jehovah's house should be built." Delay has always been one of the strongestof Satan's temptations even with God's own people. They far too often say, even concerning His work which they know oughtto be done, "The time is not come." How much more would be done for God if we would all do at once what ought to be done!We could then go on to something else and make our lives still more useful and fruitful. But we delay the carrying out ofone good purpose so long that there remains no opportunity for another. If any of you Christian people are tempted to putoff some service for God which lies upon your heart, I pray you to remember your Lord's words and to imitate His prompt action,"I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work."

3, 4. Then came the word of the LORD by Haggai the Prophet, saying, Is it time for you, yourselves, to dwell in your paneledhouses, and this house lie waste?'"There seems to be time enough for you to enjoy the luxuries of life, but not time for youto rebuild the Temple of the Lord-time enough for you to get rich, but not time for you to serve God-time enough for you tospend your labor upon anything for yourself, but not upon the house of your God!" What a rebuke was this to those who professedto be the Lord's people!

5. Now therefore thus says the LORD of Hosts; consider your ways. "Just look back a little and see what has already been theconsequences of looking to yourselves, and not to your God. Have you gained anything by so acting?

6. You have sown much, and bring in little. "You have sown much to yourselves, but little to God-what has your sowing broughtin to you?"

6. You eat, but you have not enough. "Those of you who do seem to prosper are not content with what you have. Peace of minddoes not come with it. You are not happy."

6. You drink, but you are not filled with drink "You are as thirsty as ever after all your drinking from the earthly cistern,yet you still crave for more of that drink which can never quench your soul's thirst."

6. You clothe yourselves, but there is none warm; and he that earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes. How oftendoes this happen! Yet what folly it is for a man to work hard and earn wages-and then put the money into a bag with holesand so lose it all!

7-9. Thus says the LORD of Hosts; Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house, and I willtake pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, says the LORD. You looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when youbrought it home, I did blow upon it Why? says the LORD of Hosts. Because of My house that is waste, and you run every manunto his own house. Again I beg you to note what a stern rebuke this was, yet how richly was it deserved! God had done greatthings for His people-He had brought them back from Babylon to Jerusalem! And their first concern should have been to rebuildthe Temple which had been destroyed. But every man was more concerned for his own house than for the house of the Lord and,therefore, no good could come of whatever they did, or whatever they had. "I did blow upon it," said the Lord. And when Godblows upon whatever a man has, or upon whatever a man does, He soon blows it away, as the marginal reading says.

10, 11. Therefore the heavens above you withhold the dew, and the earth withholds her fruit And I called for a drought uponthe land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the groundbrings forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labor of the hands. We are dependent upon God for everything!And sometimes He makes use of the ordinary laws of Nature to be a chastisement to those who forget Him. If we will not bereminded of Him by His mercies, we shall be reminded by His judgments! And if, as stewards, we do not make a proper use ofthat which He entrusts to us, He can easily take it all away.

12. Then Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua, the son of Josedech the high priest, with all the remnant of the people,obeyed the voice of the LORD their God, and the word of Haggai the Prophet, as the LORD their God had sent him, and the peopledid fear before the LORD. What a blessing it is when faithful testimony is thus received! Sometimes it happens that peopleget angry and hate the preacher who too plainly rebukes them for their sins. But when the Spirit of God works within them,they take heed to what is said and receive the preacher's message as from God Himself.

13. Then Haggai, the LORD'S messenger, spoke the LORD'S message unto the people, saying, I am with you, says the LORD. Haggaiwas the Lord's messenger, so he did not utter his own words, but he "spoke the Lord's message unto the people, saying, I amwith you, says Jehovah." He was with them, so they were with Him-and it is the same with us if we are true Believers in theLord Jesus Christ, for He says to us, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." And if we have the Presenceof God, we have all that we need.

14, 15. And the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua,the son of Josedech the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and did work in the houseof the LORD of Hosts, their God, in the four and twentieth day of the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.God takes note of the time when His people work for Him! He records, in His almanac, the day, the month, the year, for Heloves to see His people actively engaged in His service.

Haggai 2:1. In the eleventh month, in the twenty-first day of the month, came the word of the LORD by the Prophet Haggai, saying. God'speople need to be spoken to very often. And every time God speaks to them, He takes account of it. Let us do the same. Letus not think it is such an unimportant matter for us to hear a Gospel sermon that we need not take note when we hear it. Oh,that the Word of the Lord were more precious to us in these days! Let us praise God for it and not reckon it to be so commona thing that we take no more notice of it than we do of eating our breakfast or sitting down to our supper.

2, 3. Speak now to Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua, the son of Josedech, the high priest,and to the residue of the people, saying, Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? And how do you seeit now? Is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing? There could not have been many persons left who had seen Solomon'sTemple. If any such were still living at that time, they must have been extremely aged persons. Yet there were many therewhose fathers had seen it and who had heard from their fathers, when they sat upon their knees as children, what a gloriousplace the House of God had been in Solomon's day!

4. Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, says the LORD; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest; and be strong,all you people of the land, says the LORD, and work: for I am with you, says the LORD of Hosts. This is the second time thatHaggai was sent with this message. It was so rich, so full, so Divinely encouraging that the Lord might well repeat it-"Iam with you, says the Lord of Hosts."

5-7. According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so my Spirit remains among you: fear younot. For thus says the LORD of Hosts, Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and thesea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this housewith Glory, says the LORD of Hosts. So it happened, that to the second Temple, the Babe of Bethlehem was brought, that glorious"Desire of all nations" whom we worship! And thus it came to pass that the Glory of the second house was, after all, far greaterthan the Glory of the first!

8. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of Hosts. The released captives had not much of it with which tobuild the second Temple, but God had all that was needed and He was willing to supply them with enough for all the needs ofthe great work which they had undertaken in His name.

9. The Glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, says the LORD of Hosts: and in this place will I givepeace, says the LORD of Hosts. The Prince of Peace gave peace to many in that second Temple!

10. In the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, in the second year ofDarius, came the word of the LORD by Haggai theProphet, saying. Here is another message from the Lord-and the date of its delivery is as carefully noted as the dates ofthose that had preceded it.

11-14. Thus says the LORD of Hosts, Ask now the priests concerning the Law, saying, If one bears holy flesh in the skirt ofhis garment, and with his skirt touches bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priestsanswered and said, No. Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touches any of these, shall it be unclean?And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean. Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is thisnation before Me, says the LORD, and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is

unclean. [See Sermon #2495, Volume 42, DEFILED AND DEFILING.] That

which is ceremonially holy cannot communicate its holiness to that which is unclean. But that which is unclean in the

eyes of the Law of God can communicate its uncleanness to anything that touches it. These people, being themselves defiledwith sin, could not bring to God either acceptable service or acceptable offerings!

15-17. And now, I pray you, consider from this day forward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the Temple of theLORD: since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the heap forto draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty. I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hailin all the labors of your hands; yet you turned not to Me, says the LORD. How often, in these two chapters, the word, "Consider,"occurs! And this subject of the Lord's chastisement was well worthy of His people's earnest and solemn consideration, yetthey were not brought to repentance by all that they suffered!

18, 19. Consider now from this day forward, from the four and twentieth day ofthe ninth month, even from the day that thefoundation ofthe LORDs Temple was laid, consider it. Is the seed yet in the barn? Yes, as yet the vine, and the fig tree,and the pomegranate, and the olive tree have not brought forth: from this day will I bless you. That was, indeed, a memorableday in their history! I trust that many of us can also remember such a notable day in our life when the Lord said to us, "Fromthis day will I bless you."

20-23. And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying, Speak to Zerubbabel,governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I willdestroy the strength ofthe kingdoms ofthe heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them, and thehorses and their riders shall come down, everyone by the sword of his brother. In that day, says the LORD of Hosts, will Itake you, O Zerubbabel, My servant, the son of Shealtiel, says the LORD, and I will make you as a signet: for I have chosenyou, says the LORD of Hosts.