Sermon 3063. Jotham's Peculiar Honor

(No. 3063)




"So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God." 2 Chronicles 27:6.

THIS is a very singular expression which is used here concerning Jotham who is one of the kings of Judah who are commendedas having done that which was right in the sight of the Lord. All of them had their faults, yet they were the best monarchsthat sat upon the throne of Judah-and concerning Jotham it is mentioned as his peculiar honor that he "became mighty, becausehe prepared his ways before the Lord his God."

I want to draw your attention to this ancient king and specially to point out to you, first, the peculiar circumstances ofJotham's life. Secondly, thepeculiar distinction ofhis character. And then thirdly, thepeculiar honor ofhis career. He "becamemighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God."

I. So let us commence by considering THE PECULIAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF JOTHAM'S LIFE.

And to begin with, he was the son of a good father and I should suppose, from the mention of his mother here, of a good mother,too. This is a good beginning for a young man and yet, mark you, there are many who have been trained in the ways of godlinesswho have not continued to walk in them. How often does it seem as if children were dead set against the very things whichtheir parents have loved and although one would almost have expected that they would have gone in the right way, yet sinceDivine Grace does not run in the blood, we have deplorable proofs of human depravity even in those who can trace a long lineof Christian ancestry. However, it was no small advantage to Jotham that he had godly patents. But it would have been no permanentand eternal advantage to him-it would rather have involved him in greater responsibility without corresponding benefits ifit could not also have been said of him that "he prepared his ways before the Lord his God."

And note, next, that he did not commit the great fault ofhis father, Uzziah. Uzziah was a good man, an excellent man in manyrespects, but in his latter days, he conceived the idea that he would be a priest as well as a king and he therefore thrusthimself into the place that was meant for only the priests. The priests, in great alarm, hastened into the Temple of the Lordwhere Uzziah had gone to burn incense upon the altar of incense and vehemently protested against his intrusion into theirholy office. He was very angry with them, but suddenly the deadly leprosy was white upon his brow, for God had smitten himfor his daring intrusion-and the priests thrust him out of the Temple that he might no longer pollute the sanctuary of theLord. "Yes," we read, "he, himself, hurried also to go out because the Lord had smitten him." Now, if a father-and especiallya professedly godly father-has committed a great fault, it may be a temptation to his son to fall into the same evil. Butin the case of Jotham, it was not so. He regarded his father's sin rather as a beacon to warn him away from that rock on whichUzziah's life had been wrecked-and so, when he was put upon the throne as regent for his father and Uzziah had to be shutup in a house apart as a leper who could not be allowed to mingle with his family and his subjects, Jotham took that as adaily lesson to himself and he walked the more carefully and humbly before God, preparing his ways as his father Uzziah hadnot done on that unfortunate, unhappy day when he went into the Temple to offer incense.

It is a great mercy for us when we have seen others sin, if we use their shipwrecks as beacons for ourselves. What fascinationshould there be in sin? When one bird sees another fall into a snare, we wonder that it should, itself, be so foolish as tofall into the snare that it can see. Yet we have known men who have seen the sins of their parents and the consequent sorrow,thereon, who have fallen into the same sins themselves! Dear Christian young people, if God has

called you, by His Grace, and you have had professing Christian friends whose imperfections you could not help seeing, andseeing with sorrow, also, the evil effects of their wrong-doing-do not run into the same courses yourselves-but let the painfulcircumstances which have happened in your own family lead you the more carefully, like Jotham, to prepare your ways beforethe Lord your God!

Jotham also was quite a young man when he came into the position of power For some years he occupied the place of his father,nominally holding the position of regent, yet really acting as the actual monarch. And now, at the age of twenty-five, wefind him sitting upon the throne of Judah. How necessary it is, especially in young people, that the heart and the ways shouldbe prepared before the Lord their God! Yet I retract the expression that it is "especially" necessary for young people todo this, for I have lived long enough to observe that the greatest faults that are ever committed by professedly Christiansare not committed by young people. Most painful is it to me to remember that the worst cases of backsliding and apostasy thatI have ever seen in this Church, have been by old men and middle-aged men-not by young people, for somehow or other, the youngpeople, if they are truly taught of God, know their weakness and so they cry to God for help. But it often happens that moreexperienced people begin to think that they are not likely to fall into the faults and follies of the young. I care not howold a man may be-even if seven centuries had passed over his head-if he began to trust in himself, he would be a fool andsoon he would have a grievous fall! Yes, even if he had lived as long as Methuselah and all that while had been advancingin the Divine Life so that he could even fancy that he had reached perfection-the moment he thought so he would be in imminentdanger! And the instant he began to think that he should never fall, he would be the very one, above all other men, who wouldbe likely to fall into sin. They are the strongest who are the weakest in themselves. They are the richest who know how poorthey are apart from God. They have the most Grace who know how utterly empty they would be of Grace if the Lord should everwithdraw His hand from giving it to them. Growing Christians think nothing of themselves, but full-grown Christians know themselvesto be less than nothing.

Notwithstanding that there are peculiar dangers associated with youth and especially with youth placed in a prominent position,here was an instance of a young man and a king-and yet, for all that, a saint of the right kind- one who "prepared his waysbefore the Lord his God." It must be a hard matter to be a king and to be a saint at the same time. The combination has veryseldom occurred and when it has, it has been a prodigious triumph of Divine Grace. So young man, if God shall put you intoa place of great responsibility where you will need much Grace to keep you from falling, ask Him for the necessary Grace andHe will give it to you. Do not ask for an eminent position-let your prayer rather be, "Lead me not into temptation." An eminentposition always has a measure of temptation connected with it, so you are justified in praying to be preserved from it. Still,if the position is one which it is your duty to take, take it and trust to God's Grace to keep you there in safety. You arejust as safe if God has put you on the cross of St. Paul's as you would be on the pavement below-quite as secure on the topof a mast as you would be in the cabin of the vessel if God, in His Providence, has called you to occupy that position! But,since there is, in itself, a great danger in the lofty pinnacle, you have the more reason to ask for the necessary Grace thatyou may carefully prepare your ways before the Lord-so that you may not bring the greater dishonor upon His name because ofthe prominence of the position you are called to occupy. King Jotham was a young man and a great man-yet, for all that, hewas a saintly man.

Remember, also, that he lived in very evil times. The second verse of this chapter tells us that his own people, whom he hadto govern, "did yet corruptly." And the parallel passage, in 2 Kings 15:35, says that they "sacrificed and burnt incense still in the high places." Their king's good example was not sufficient toreclaim them from the iniquities in which they had so long indulged. It was a great thing for the nation to have a king whoworshipped Jehovah, but it was a sad thing that the people still continued to practice their idolatrous rites in the highplaces which they were forbidden to do. It is not an easy thing for a man-even a king-to live above his surroundings. Andall men are more or less the creatures of circumstances. They are influenced for good or evil by the people around them-andthe most of them fashion their consciences according to the consciences of other people with whom they come in contact. Evendown to a few years ago, there were undoubtedly good men in America who did not think it wrong to buy and sell and hold slaves.The general conscience of the people around them was only up to that level and their own conscience was not sufficiently enlightenedto lift them above their surroundings. They did not see that no man has a right to the labors of another man without adequatepayment and that every man has a right to his own liberty. Their conscience had no more light than

there was in those who lived around them. When a man lives in a feverish district, he must have a good sound constitutionand be in vigorous health if he is not to feel some of the evil influence by which he is surrounded. If he does not actuallytake the fever, there is a feverishness, a lethargy and a condition of malaise about him which he would not have felt if hehad been in a more healthful and bracing atmosphere.

Yet Jotham appears to have been, through Divine Grace, a man full of spiritual health although he lived in a land that wasspiritually fever-stricken. He dwelt in the midst of people who were corrupt and yet was himself not corrupt, "because heprepared his ways before the Lord his God." Some of you young people do not know much about this experience because you live,as it were, in a greenhouse with Christian parents and with the means of Divine Grace all around you. You are like plantsin a conservatory-you ought to grow fast. But there are others here who know what the chilly atmosphere of the world meansand who know only too well that after they have been communing with God a little while within these walls, they will haveto go where they will hear the voice of blasphemy and profanity-and see a thousand things which grieve their spirits day byday and hour by hour. If that is the case with you, my Friends, you ought, above all else, to prepare your ways before theLord your God! I charge you, my Brothers and Sisters, if your occupation takes you among ungodly men-and there are some lawfuloccupations that will call us where we shall certainly meet with little or nothing that will help us, but much that will hinderus-you must be careful, above all men, to keep a diligent watch upon yourselves and to prepare your ways before the Lord yourGod! Your Lord does not pray the Father to take you out of the world, but He does pray that He will keep you from the evilthat is in the world. And in accordance with His prayer, it ought to be the great aim of your life that you may so live asnot to be dragged down to the low level of ungodly men-yes, and not even down to the level of common Christianity-for thelevel of ordinary Christianity, at this day, far too closely resembles that of the Church in Laodicea which was so nauseousto the Lord. May you, Beloved, be a people separated unto God to walk in holiness before Him and to adorn the Doctrine ofGod your Savior in all things! But if it is to be so with those of you who are placed in circumstances similar to those ofJotham, king of Judah, you must do as he did-you must prepare your ways before the Lord your God.

Once more, as Jotham's surroundings at home were bad, so they were a little further afield, for the adjoining kingdom of Israelwas utterly polluted with idolatry and all manner of evil And Jotham was obliged, more or less, to feel the influence of thatungodly neighboring nation. Wherever he looked, he saw very few who prepared their ways before God. Every man went his ownway and sought his own wealth or pleasure and oppressed the people around him. But Jotham, like-

"the seraph Abdiel, faithful found Among the faithless, faithful only he-

prepared his ways before the Lord his God." Oh, that such Grace as that might be found in abundance in all Christians, thatthey might seek to walk in the right road in God's name-not running with the multitude to do evil, but choosing the straightand narrow way which leads unto life eternal with strong resolve determining, the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, that let othersdo as they will, as for them and their house, they will serve the Lord and their ways shall be prepared before Him!

While there were so many unfavorable circumstances that might have been a hindrance to Jotham, there was one fact that musthave been very helpful to him. There were some notable Prophets living in Judah in his day. Isaiah, Hosea and Micah must allhave been well known to Jotham. Isaiah wrote the biography of his father Uzziah, for it is said, in the chapter before thatfrom which our text is taken, "Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first and last, did Isaiah the Prophet, the son of Amoz,write." Jotham therefore knew Isaiah and I should not wonder if it was one of the greatest helps to the growth of his spirituallife-to be able to talk with such a man so full of love and the Light of God, with such a clear foresight of the coming ofChrist and such far-reaching visions of the Glory of the blessed Gospel day! I should not wonder if Jotham often got awayfrom the people and got away from the court-and talked alone with this holy man of God. If he did, it was the natural meanswhich God generally uses for the strengthening of His people. You will be wise, you young Christian professors, if you cultivateChristian companionship! Try to live with those who live with God and sit at the feet of these who sit at the feet of Christ.God may speak through them to your soul, so give heed to what they say-it may be that in giving heed to them, you will belistening to the voice of God Himself! If God does not lack a messenger to deliver His message, let not the messenger lacka hearer to receive the message! Rest assured that

you will be most likely to grow in Grace when you are earnestly and zealously attending upon the ministry of the Word. Themessages of the Lord's chosen Prophets probably greatly strengthened the good resolutions and the deep-seated principles ofJotham, and so helped him to prepare his ways before the Lord his God.

This must suffice concerning Jotham's circumstances-they are certainly instructive and suggestive to us.

II. Now, secondly we are to consider THE PECULIAR DISTINCTION OF JOTHAM'S CHARACTER. It is said that "he prepared his waysbefore the Lord his God." What does that sentence mean?

Certainly it means, first, that he resolved to do what God bade him. He made God's Law, God's will, to be the rule that wasto govern his life. He desired that what he did should be right in the sight of the Lord. He did not trouble about being thoughtto be right by neighboring kings, nor was it his chief care to be thought to be right by the people over whom he ruled. Hewas not ambitious to be regarded as right by the heathen nations that were near him, but he did want to be right in the sightof God. He had selected as the rule by which he was to regulate his conduct, God's standard of right, equity, truth and righteousness.Jotham recognized Jehovah as being his God and he understood that he was bound to obey God-that the first objective of hislife ought to be to please Him who first gave him life and who had continued to sustain him in life. It is a grand thing whena man comes to this decision-that the rule of his life shall be the will of God-that from that day forward, God the Holy Spirit,working in him to will and to do according to God's good pleasure, he will judge that to be right which God commands and thatto be wrong which God forbids-and that all other rules shall only be rules to him in proportion as they stay in a line withthis rule. And that whatever else may be the guide of others, though it may be a matter of custom, or prescription, or law,or example of the highest kind, he will not yield to it.

The worst of it is that there are so many who have a number of petty masters whom they try to serve. One says, "I would notdo anything that is not customary to people in my position." Another says, (and this is a great thing with most men), "I shouldnot like to be regarded as singular or unfashionable." Another asks, "What would society say?"- that wonderful tyrant of theselatter days! Yet another says, "But my father always did as I am doing," thus putting his father in the place that ought tobe occupied by his God. Another says, "But, you know, my practice is in accordance with the Council of such-and-such a Church."Or, "It is in accordance with the decisions of such-and-such a Synod"-as if Councils, or Synods, or anything else had anyright to rule over us except in so far as their regulations are in harmony with the will of the Lord our God! It is grandto feel that you are free from all these fetters and that you can say, "O Lord, I am Your servant! You have loosed my bondsand no earthly or hellish power can now make my spirit bow down before it. Your will commands me, but no other will does.My knees bow before Your Omnipotent majesty. With awe and reverence I worship You and desire to be subservient in all thingsto Your great behests, O Jehovah. But as for these, Your creatures, what are they that I should fear them? Who are they-likethe moths that swiftly pass away and the worms that soon perish-that I should tremble at their frown, or court their smile?"God said He, alone, should be the Christian's Master-and the rule of his conduct should be the will of the Lord as revealedin the teaching of this blessed Book. Happy will Christians be, and strong in the Lord will they become, when they get asfar as that!

But that is not all-that is only the beginning! Jotham had set up the true standard. He desired to do what was right in thesight of the Lord. But the next thing was that he realized God's Presence and so acted like a man who was living consciouslyin God's Presence. According to the text, he "prepared his ways before the Lord his God." Beloved, do you and I always realizeGod's Presence in this way? Suppose that at this very moment it flashed upon your mind that God was looking into your heart?Could you say that you are loving and thinking of such things as you would be glad to be loving and thinking of while youwere conscious that God was looking upon you? Where have you been today? It is not my place to answer the question for you.Where have you been today? Have you been in such places that you would be glad for God to see you there? Have you been insuch a frame of mind that you would be glad for God to see you in that frame of mind? Have you spoken to others in just thatspirit and tone that you would like God to hear? He did hear it- remember He was there. But would you have done as you havedone had you been fully conscious, as you ought to have been, that God was there? You know that you sometimes do things thatyou would not like others to see you doing and you are startled when somebody finds you so acting. But should it be so? Shouldit be so? Of course I do not mean that any of the ordinary work that any of us are doing is of that character-the work thatwe are doing about the house or in our business should not be a cause of shame to us. I suddenly came upon one of our friendsthe other day, just as she was

whitening the front steps. "Oh, dear," she said, "Mr. Spurgeon, I am sorry you caught me doing this." "My good woman," I said,"I hope that when the Lord comes, He will find me at work about my proper duties just as I have found you. Never mind aboutyour hands-they are as good to shake as ever they were! Let us go into the house and have a little talk together." There isnothing to be ashamed of or to blush at in such work as that! But I would be ashamed and expect others to blush if I foundthem cheating, or doing wrong in some other way, or idling their time away as some do. Ought we not to live as though we wereexpecting the Lord Jesus Christ to come any minute, or as if we knew, as we do know, that God sees us and knows all aboutus every moment?

But that is not all that we gather concerning Jotham's character. He had accepted the right standard and he had set that standardin the right light. But now he went still further, for he was thoughtfully and carefully considerate. I think that is thegist of the meaning of the expression, "He prepared his ways before the Lord his God." That is to say, he did not go and livein what I may call a careless, happy-go-lucky, hit-or-miss, neck-or-nothing, over-head-and-heels kind of way of living assome people do! They rush with desperate haste at the battle of life and never seem to give time for thought as to due preparationfor the great combat. When any good impulse is upon them, away they go, in the right direction, at such a speed that you wouldthink they were very eminent and zealous saints! But perhaps tomorrow there will be an evil impulse upon them and they willgo just as fast in the wrong direction! They are so easily influenced by outside circumstances that they are turned eitherway by those who have power over them-and they are as thoughtless for good as they are for evil. They are heedless and reckless-fineenthusiastic people in their way, but they lack solidity-they are without permanent principles. Like Reuben, being unstableas water, they shall not excel. If a tailor is about to make a suit of clothes, he looks carefully at the cloth before hebegins to cut it. But there are some people who seem to use scissors without any thought at all-they cut out their life-garmentat a chance! When a man goes into a certain trade, if he hopes to do business, he lays out his plans with considerable forethoughtand considers his projects with all proper care. If he is to be a successful man of business, he must exercise forethought.And in the Christian life, we also need much forethought. There ought to be a mapping out of the day, a mapping out of theyear-in fact, a mapping out of life, itself, and a serious thinking over every part of it. We would often do much better ifwe did nothing at all. We would frequently make the most progress if we stood quite still. Our common proverb is quite correct,"The more haste, the less speed." It would be a wise plan for each one of us to pause a while, to put the hand to the browand then to say, "Lord, let me hear a voice behind me saying, 'This is the way; walk you in it.'"

We need to be led where the path seems most plain. Did not the children of Israel make a great mistake in the case of theGibeonites because it seemed very clear that they must have come from a far country? We generally make our worst mistakesin matters which appear to us to be so plain that we think we do not need direction from God concerning them. If we waitedupon God in what we regarded as plain and simple matters-if we made that our rule with regard to them-we would be more likelyto do right in the more difficult matters. It would be something like the old proverb, "Take care of the pence, and the poundswill take care of themselves." I mean that if we always took our simplicities to God, we would be quite sure to take our difficultiesto Him. I suppose Jotham used, when he was considering a certain course of action, to consider whether he could glorify Godby that course of action. And if he thought, he could not, he would not take it. And when there was proposed to him any modeof doing a certain thing which had to be done, he looked carefully to see whether it was God's mode-and if it was not-he wouldnot adopt that method of doing even the right thing, but would do the right thing in the right way.

But I think there is even more meaning than this in our text. In order to accomplish this preparation of his ways before theLord his God, Jotham must have been a man of prayer He could not have prepared his ways thus anywhere except at the MercySeat. He must have been in the habit of taking his daily troubles to his God and of seeking guidance from Him in his dailydifficulties and of thanking Him for his daily mercies. He must have been in constant communion with his God or else he couldnot have ordered his ways aright before Him.

And I should also gather from our text that Jotham was a very fearless, calm, collected, quiet-spirited man who was not easilymoved, for I find that the marginal reading is, "He established his ways before the Lord his God." He was not fickle-minded,carried about by every wind that blew, but having prepared his heart to serve the Lord, God was pleased to give him a steadinessof heart so that he was established in the right way. He could say with David, "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed."And the marginal reading there is "prepared." "My heart is prepared, O God." Jotham was steadfast in the right, way. Whata grand thing it is, in our daily life, not to be so worried that we are almost driven to distraction and caused to do foolishthings through unwise haste. And what a mercy it is to be kept calm and quiet in our daily walk before the Lord our God! Odear Friends, seek to be thus established before the Lord, so that whatever happens to you, your heart shall be so fixed thatyou shall not be afraid of evil tidings! You can never have power to move the world unless you have a fixed fulcrum for yourlever. If your heart is fixed on God, you will be able to move the world, but the world will not be able to move you.

The real reason why Jotham's heart was prepared and established before God was because his heart was right with God. And howdid his heart get to be right with God? Why, in the same way as yours and mine must-by being created anew! The heart of man,by nature, whether it is Jotham's heart or anybody else's, is a heart of stone. And God's Almighty Grace must make it a heartof flesh, or else a heart of stone it will always remain. If there is anything good in any man, it must have been placed thereby a supernatural work of God the Holy Spirit. Job rightly said, "Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one."Who can bring steadiness of heart out of an unstable heart like ours? Who can bring the preparation of our ways before Godout of a heart that is, by nature, deceitful above all things and desperately wicked? Jotham earned the commendation in ourtext because he had been the subject of Sovereign Grace and continued still to be so. And if you and I think that we can prepareour ways before the Lord our God without first resorting to the precious blood of Christ for cleansing-and to the Holy Spiritfor the renewal of our nature-we shall make a very great mistake. The Lord must first work in us both to will and to do ofHis good pleasure and then we must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. But, not till He has thus worked inus can we work it out. [See Sermon


III. Now, thirdly, we are to notice THE PECULIAR HONOR OF JOTHAM'S CAREER-"So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared hisways before the Lord his God."

I should imagine, first, that he was mighty in resolve. It is a grand thing to have a man of resolves who has a high purposebefore him and who means to accomplish it. That is the only man who is worthy to be called a man. As for that poor creaturewho looks like a man, but who has not any mind or will of his own-who has his ear pulled, first this way, and then that way,by whomever likes to pull it-what is the use of such a creature on the face of the earth? But Jotham was not a man of thatkind. He sought counsel of the Lord to know what he ought to do. He judged honestly and carefully, in the sight of God, whatwas the right thing for him to do. And when he found that out, he put his foot down and said, "That is the thing that I amgoing to do." It was no use for any of his subjects to say to him, "But perhaps that is not a prudent thing for you to do."He believed that to be right is to be truly prudent. It was no use for any of them to say to Jotham, "But this course of yoursmay involve us as well as you in serious trouble." He knew perfectly well that if right sometimes brings trouble, wrong alwaysbrings ten times as much! And whenever doing right does bring trouble, it ought to be the delight of the right-hearted toendure that trouble cheerfully. Jotham was strong in resolution, as a man has a right to be when he knows that his resolutionis a right one. And that man who has prepared his heart and his ways with a single eye to God's Glory, resolving only to dothe right thing whatever may happen, is the man who has a right to say, "I will," and "I shall." And he is the man who inthe long run will be respected by his fellow men.

Having ordered his ways before the Lord, his God, Jotham had another sort of strength which is a very valuable one-he wasmighty in faith. He felt this, "I have sincerely desired to glorify God and to walk in His ways and I am sure that God willcarry me through." When he felt that it was right for him to fight the king of the Ammonites, he did fight him in no half-heartedmanner because he felt that if God had bid him fight, God would surely give him the victory! He went to all his work relyingupon God! And oh, how strong is the man who is mighty in faith! You know that you cannot have faith in God about a thing thatyou know is wrong. If you have ever so slight a suspicion that you are in the wrong, you cannot trust in God concerning it.It is like a little stone in your boot-it may not kill you, but you cannot walk with comfort as long as it is there. And alittle question-even a very little one-as to whether you are in the right, cuts the sinews of your strength and you go limpingalong, if you can go at all. If I were speaking to you as a member of a church in which I did not quite believe. If I hadto twist my message so as to make it fit the creed that I professed to hold, I would feel wretched. I would not get into sucha position as that! I would sooner break stones upon the road any day. But where I feel that I have satisfied the requirementsof my conscience in all points and that if I do err, I do not err willfully, or with my eyes open about it, then I can speakwith confidence and say, "I know that this is right and that God will help me through with it. It does not at all matter tome what it involves. If it should bring me to poverty or

suffering, or draw down upon my head misrepresentation and contempt, it does not matter an atom. Wisdom will be justifiedof all her children. God never did forsake the right, yet, and He never will-it must conquer in the long run." If the followerof the right and the true should have to suffer, it shall be a joy to him for he will thus be all the more a follower of hisLord and Master-and of all the true servants of his God who have gone before!

As Jotham was a mighty man in resolution and in faith, he also became mighty in prayer. You know that you cannot pray to Godwith power about a thing that you are not certain is right. It is no use for me to ask the Lord to help me in a matter inwhich there is something that will grieve His Holy Spirit. It must be a case that I can confidently bring before God if Iam to secure His help in it. I am sure that some trades people could not show the Lord their books. And if they cannot doso-and they are getting into difficulties-who can help them out of them? But when all is straight and honest, and the loss,whatever it may be, is caused by no fault of theirs, or when the accusation that is brought against them is nothing but slander,then they can present their petition to God with a clear conscience. And they may rest assured that He will hear them andgrant their requests. A man becomes mighty in prayer, as well as in resolution and in faith, whose ways are prepared beforethe Lord his God.

And such a man also becomes mighty in action. He has not that guilty conscience which is the very essence of cowardice. Hehas gone before God as a sinner and confessed his guilt-and he has been washed in the precious blood of Jesus and cleansedfrom every stain. His heart has been renewed by the Holy Spirit. And although he is not yet perfect, he is perfect in hisintention to do the Lord's will! And feeling that he is right and that what he is doing is at God's bidding, he is a terribleman to oppose. He is such a man that no other shall be able to stand against him all the days of his life. He is of that seedroyal that Haman will in vain seek to slay, for Haman will be hanged upon the gallows, but Mordecai will be in power in thepalace! If a man has thus prepared his ways before the Lord his God, he will be mighty in all that he does and God will bewith him.

And this, dear Friends, will make him mighty against his foes as Jotham was against the Ammonites. Oftentimes they will noteven dare to attack him, for "when a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." Theywill watch him and go around him, as Satan went around Job, but they will find scarcely anything that they can truthfullysay against him. Or if they do oppose him, it will be of no use, for he will live them down if he does not overcome them inother ways. If they bark at him, he will let them bark, for he knows it is the nature of dogs to do so. And he will go onhis way all the same, as the moon does when the dogs bark at her at night. She never pauses in her course, but goes shiningon her way!

If a man's ways are prepared before the Lord his God, he will be mighty, not only against his foes, but he will also be mightyin the midst off his own people. Even though Jotham's subjects would not follow him in all respects, they respected him andloved him and made great lamentation over him when he died. Let me say to you young men, if you want to have influence overyour fellows, do not take to flattering them-and never try to show them how great your talents are, or to make them believeyou are somebody of importance. We have seen plenty of flashes in the pan, but the darkness has been just as great afterwards.Believe me, there is no building up of character except upon sound principles! And there is no building up of influence exceptupon good character. You must seek God helping you by His Spirit to prepare and establish your ways before Him-and then suchinfluence as you ought to have will come to you. When a man tells me that he is very good, I do not believe it. There arecertain people, nowadays, who are writing, printing and talking in order to convince us that they are wonderfully holy. Iused to think that some of them were so till they said it themselves! But ever since they have said it, I have gravely questionedwhether it is true. If anyone whom I met always told me that he was rich-well, if I had dealings with him in business, I wouldwant him to pay cash for everything. And when a person tells me that he is holy-well, I trust him as far as I can see himand not much further, for really holy men seldom say anything about their own holiness. They have no need to do so, for italways shows itself. Gold glitters quite enough of itself to show what it is, so there is no need for us to say, "That isgold." You do not need to say of these lamps, "They are bright." They say that for themselves by saying nothing, but simplyshining.

I have been preaching to you about a very wonderful example of a gracious man. I wonder whether all here wish to be like he?I am afraid there are some of you who never try to prepare your ways at all. And as for preparing your ways before the Lord,that idea has never struck you. And yet, my dear Hearer, what can be so safe a way of living as to live in the love of God?And what can be more unhappy than for a man to be out of gear with the Omnipotent Creator-to feel every day you live thatyou are forgetting God and are ungrateful to Him-and that He is angry with you? I hope that this thought will strike someof you to the heart and make you miserable until all that is altered! And the way for it to be altered is for you to submityourself to God by repentance and by looking to Jesus Christ by faith. May His Holy Spirit lead you to do so now, and thenyou will begin to live the happiest of lives, for you will be preparing your ways before the Lord your God.

May God bless you all for Jesus' sake! Amen.