Sermon 3047. If So-what Then?

(No. 3047)




"If the righteous are scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" 1 Peter 4:18.

SOME people suppose that it is a very easy thing to be saved, but our Lord said, "Strive ("Agonize" is the original word)to enter in at the strait gate, for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in and shall not be able." When men hear a simpleGospel sermon of which the pith and marrow is the great soul-saving message, "Believe and live," they say, "If it is sucha simple matter, will not all believe?" But the Prophet Isaiah spoke not so, for his sad inquiry was, "Who has believed ourreport ("our doctrine" is the marginal reading)?" Faith seems so easy that one might ask, "Where will it not be found? Butour Savior thought not so, for He asked, "When the Son of Man comes, shall He find faith on the earth?" He who knows whereto look for it and who has the quickest eyes to discern it, asks whether He shall be able to find, anywhere on the earth,that scarce thing called faith-"the faith of God's elect." Believe me that though "the way of holiness" is so plain that "thewayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein," yet on account of the hardness of our hearts, it is no easy thing forany of us to enter that way and to continue in it until it leads us to our everlasting Home above.

I do not intend to keep strictly to my text, but to give you the meaning of it in this way. First, here is a fact stated-"The righteous are scarcely saved." Then, secondly, there is an inference drawn from that fact-if they are truly saved withgreat difficulty, "where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" When we have considered that inference, we shall take theliberty to draw two other inferences which may afford us further instruction.

I. First, then, HERE IS A FACT STATED-"The righteous are scarcely saved." That is to say, they are only saved with great difficulty.This is not because there is any deficiency in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, or any lack of efficacy in His atoning Sacrifice,or in His intercession for transgressors. God be thanked that there is no difficulty there! It is not through any lack ofpower to save on the part of the Holy Spirit. Nor is it through any failure of God's faithfulness that "the righteous" areonly saved with great difficulty. But it is for two reasons which I will now give you.

The first reason is, because of the strictness of Divine rule. Read the first clause of the verse preceding our text- "Thetime is come that judgment must begin at the House of God." And that judgment is so severe that even "the righteous are scarcelysaved." When Christ comes even to His own people, He comes to purge and purify them. The Prophet Malachi wrote concerningHis first coming, "He is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap; and He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver;and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering inrighteousness." John the Baptist said, concerning Christ, "He that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am notworthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and with fire: whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughlypurge His floor, and gather His wheat into the garner; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." Judgment mustalways "begin at the House of God" and there is, as good Archbishop Leighton very properly says, both "equity and congruityin such an arrangement." There is equity in it, for Christians profess to be better than others and so they ought to be. Theysay they are regenerate, so they ought to be regenerate. They say that they are a holy people, separated unto Christ, so theyought to be holy and separate from sinners, as He was. It is right that where there is a high calling and an honored name,there should be a life proving the accuracy of these two things. So, when God begins to test that which professes to be goldand silver, who can say that He does not begin His testing at the right place, and with the right material? There is alsoa congruity or fitness in this arrangement.

The Church of God is His house-and where does a man begin cleansing and reforming? Why, in his own house, of course! He mightperhaps feel that he must have some filth in the farmyard, but not in his own sitting-room! There may be much evil abroadthat he cannot remove, yet he can begin cleaning up at home. If we want to do any good in reforming the world, the very firstduty for each of us is to begin reforming at home- and the Lord, when He means to clear away the dross, begins at home bysetting up His "fire in Zion and His furnace in Jerusalem."

The tests to which God subjects those who profess to be His people are not easy ones. When His fan is in His hand, woe beunto those who are "like the chaff which the wind drives away." The Lord says, by the mouth of the Prophet Amos, "I will siftthe house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth."Nor shall an atom of chaff be left in the sieve. When Omnipotence and Omniscience unite to sift the chaff from the wheat,you may depend upon it that the sifting will be thoroughly done! There is also the testing by fire. And if any are not ableto endure that test, "reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord has rejected them." Then God will weigh us-weshall be put into the balances of the sanctuary and if we are found wanting, how terrible it will be! We often judge by appearances,but God looks at the heart. We may be deceived by the outward profession, but God sees what is within. He looks for the Truthin our inward parts and in our hidden parts there must be the true Wisdom or else we are not saved.

Now, dear Friends, as the tests are so severe, you see how it is that the righteous are only saved with difficulty. Oh, ifI may but come out of that scale full weight, if I may but come out of that fire as pure gold, if I may but remain with thewheat in that sieve and not be blown away with the chaff, I shall bless God forever and ever that I was saved, even thoughit was with great difficulty!

Further, the experience of all Christians proves that the work of Grace in their hearts is not easily accomplished and thattheir pilgrimage to Heaven is full of difficulties. At the very beginning of the Christian life, some find it hard to layhold on Christ. We truly sing or say-

"There is life for a look at the Crucified One." Yet there was a time when I felt that I would gladly give my life in exchangefor that look! Easy as it seems to be to cast ourselves into the Savior's arms, there are Satanic doubts, evil questionings,and fierce temptations that cause even that simple act to be accomplished only with great difficulty. Indeed, wherever itis accomplished, it is a miracle of Divine Mercy and in every case saving faith is "the gift of God."

Then, how difficult it is to overcome the flesh! Are you a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ? Then I need not ask whetheryou find it so. You love holiness, yet unholiness tries hard to make you its slave. Perhaps it is a fiery temper that is your"thorn in the flesh," or some constitutional sin, or some lust that you thought had been subdued. You may have said, withDavid, "My feet were almost gone; my steps had well-near slipped." And I know that if your life is that of a true child ofGod, you have to fight hard in order to "put off the old man with his deeds," and to lead a godly life in the midst of thisungodly generation.

The temptations that assail you from without are equally hard to overcome. There are temptations of wealth and temptationsof poverty-temptations to turn aside to the right or to the left-and it is not easy to keep to the middle of the King's highwayand to walk in the footprints of Jesus who has left us an example that we should follow His steps. When the world, the fleshand the devil combine to assail us-if the Lord does not cover our head in the day of battle, how can we gain the victory?With some Christians it is a very hard struggle from day to day, and even from hour to hour-and then we are like Mr. Stand-Fastwho, when he was in what Bunyan calls the Enchanted Ground, was assailed by Madam Bubble and who could do nothing but fallon his knees and cry to God for help! There are many of us who have felt like that and who, in the bitterness of our agony,have had to cry to God to help us, for it is only with difficulty that we are saved. I can say, with good John Fawcett-

"Temptations everywhere annoy,

And sins and snares my peace destroy.

My earthly joys are from me torn,

And oft an absent God I mourn.

My soul, with various tempests tossed,

Her hopes overturned, her projects crossed,

Sees every day new straits attend,

And wonders where the scene will end.

Is this, dear Lord, that thorny road

Which leads us to the Mount of God?

Are these the toils Your people know,

While in the wilderness below?

'Tis even so, Your faithful love

Does thus Your children's graces prove-

'Tis thus our pride and self must fall,

That Jesus may be All-in-All." How difficult is it for a true Christian even to perform necessary duties in a humble and holyspirit! It is a simple matter to pray-it is just going, like a child, to tell God all that you feel and all that you need.Yet I ask you, Christian, whether you do not sometimes find it hard work to pray? When you are on your knees, all sorts ofcares come buzzing about you, like so many hornets. You want to wrestle with God as Jacob did, but you find that your wrestlinghas to be with the devil! I know what it is to long to pray when I cannot find a prayer in my soul! I make this confessionbecause I believe there are many of God's people who get into that state. And, moreover, I know that we often pray best whenwe think we are not praying. Perhaps those groans that come from the lowest depths of our spirit when we think we are notgroaning at all are just the most potent prayers that ever reach the Throne of God! But there are seasons when one can onlysay, "May the Holy Spirit feel for me what I cannot feel, and utter for me what I cannot speak, and do for me what I cannotperform!"

And if such ordinary acts of devotion are so difficult, how much more difficult is it to reach gracious attainments in theDivine life! If any of your graces come to you very easily, suspect whether they are genuine, for in the Christian life, allthat is worth having has to be fought for in stern conflict. So determined are the powers of darkness to prevent the Christianpilgrim from entering the Celestial City that all the way to Heaven will be more or less a Hill of Difficulty. You will haveto go often upon your hands and knees because the road is so rough and the ascent is so steep that you cannot advance in anyother way. We would be holy as God is holy, but there is another law in our members warring against the law of our renewedminds. God knows that we yearn after perfection but, alas, like the bird that would gladly fly, there is something that holdsus down! Many of you have seen an eagle in a cage and you know how he looks up with those bright eyes of his that were madeto gaze into the sun! If he stretches his wings and tries to fly, he only wounds himself against the bars of his cage and,oh, what wounds some of us have had when in our aspirations after better things, to will has been present with us, but howto perform that which we would, we found not! Often have I had to cry, with Paul, "O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliverme from the body of this death?" Yes, it is hard work for any of us to get to Heaven. God, the Eternal Spirit, helps us toovercome our infirmities, but we are often made to feel those infirmities and to confess that our weakness is no match forthe strength of sin-and to admit that were it not for God Himself, we should certainly perish after all. I delight to singwith holy John Newton-

"Beyond a doubt, I rest assured

You are the Christ of God!

Who has eternal life secured

By promise and by blood.

The help of men and angels joined

Could never reach my case,

Nor can I hope relief to find

But in Your boundless Grace!" Do you not, dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, sometimes feel how hard it is for you to besaved when you put your soul before the tribunal of your own enlightened conscience? Our own conscience, at the best, is apoor partial judge compared with the impartial and Infallible Judge who will, by-and-by, sit upon the Great White Throne.Yet I ask any Christian here who is really aware of his own frailties and infirmities-when he comes seriously to take stockof himself, whether he finds any reason in himself for glorying? I have turned over my sermons and my many labors for theLord, but there is scarcely one of them that I dare to think of without tears-they are all marred by sin and imperfection!As I think of every act I have ever done for God, I can only cry, "O God, forgive the iniquity of my holy things!" But what

about our unholy things? Brothers and Sisters, look well to the evidences of your new birth. And as you examine them, seeif you do not have to say with the Prophet, "We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags;and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." If so, then let each one of us praywith penitent David, "Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow." If we are reallyGod's people, it is a great consolation for us to know that-notwithstanding our many infirmities and iniquities, our manyanxieties and doubts and fears as to whether, after all, we have been self-deceived or devil-deceived-God will never forsakeus!

II. This must suffice concerning the fact that Christians are only saved with great difficulty. Now, secondly, let us considerTHE INFERENCE FROM THAT FACT.

Peter says, "If the righteous are scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" By which he means, I think,first, that if even the righteous are so severely tested, what short work will God make with the unrighteous-if the wheatmust thus be winnowed, how certainly will the chaff be destroyed-if the gold must pass through the fire, how assuredly willthe dross be consumed! The God who tries and tests the best will certainly not wink at the worst.

He means next, I think, that if "the righteous" only attain to felicity with great diificulty, "the ungodly and the sinner"can never attain to it Suppose there has been a terrible storm on a rock-bound coast. The lifeboat has gone out and the menhave nobly done their duty and saved many precious lives. But as each man leaps ashore, he says, "I was never before out insuch a storm. It is only by the merciful Providence of God that we were able to get back." When the people on the shore seethat even the lifeboat so narrowly escaped destruction, they naturally ask, "What must become of those poor leaky and unseaworthyboats that are hardly fit to be in a mill pond?" Or imagine a river, full of sandbanks, with a channel that twists and turnsin a tortuous fashion-and there is a vessel on it with an experienced pilot on board-yet even he is very anxious and is constantlyheaving the lead, and frequently going at half-speed, or stopping altogether! Now, if a steamer with a good pilot on boardcan scarcely get up the river, what will happen to a small sailboat, in the charge of a reckless drunk, who scarcely steersat all, but lets the boat drift wherever it will? Why, it must be lost! So, if "the vessels of mercy...before prepared untoglory," on which Christ is the Pilot, barely escape the rocks and quicksands, what must be the end of "the vessels of wrathfitted to destruction" which have no pilot on board and drift here and there at the mercy of winds and waves? If there isa great conflagration in the city and there is a massive stone structure with iron girders which the firemen can only savefrom destruction with great difficulty, what will be the fate of a wooden house, covered with pitch and tar and full of oil?If a man who has built for eternity upon Christ, the only true Foundation-and who has built, not with gold, silver and preciousstones, but with wood, hay and stubble- if such a man "shall be saved, yet so as by fire," what will become of the sinnerwho is only like a dry log fitted for the everlasting burning?

My text does not tell us where "the ungodly and the sinner" will appear. This is one of the unanswered questions of Scripture-"Whereshall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" So I shall scarcely speak of that dreadful place where our Savior says, "There shallbe weeping and gnashing of teeth," "where their worm dies not and the fire is not quenched." These metaphors, terrible asthey are in their grim suggestiveness, are only faint images of the awful reality! And I again remind you that they are thewords of Him to Whom we teach our children to pray-

"Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child."

In Psalm 50:22 there is this dreadful Divine warning, "Consider this, you that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be noneto deliver." If it is difficult for a Christian to be saved-and I have shown you that it is-where shall you who are not God'speople, you who have no Christ, you who have no Holy Spirit to guide you-where shall you appear? The Apostle Paul wrote, "Ikeep my body under and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should bea castaway." If Paul entered Heaven with difficulty, where will you be? Martin Luther's biography tells us that he was thesubject of grievous doubts, depressions and soul anxieties. So, if he only reached Heaven as a sinner saved by Grace, wherewill you be who know nothing experimentally of the Grace of God? If John Knox, after serving his God so faithfully that hisepitaph truly says, "Here lies a man who in his life never feared the face of man"-if he, on his deathbed, found it hard tocherish a hope of Heaven-what will you do who despise Christ's mercy and riot in sin?

Before I close, I want to draw two other inferences. The first is this-IF THE RIGHTEOUS ARE ONLY SAVED

WITH DIFFICULTY, WHAT ABOUT THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE "SAVED" SO VERY EASILY? It looks as if they were not righteous, does it not?Perhaps there is a man here who is like Bunyan's Formalist. This is his hope-"I was 'christened' when I was a child, I wasconfirmed as a youth, I attend my church and take the 'sacrament' regularly." Or he may say, "I regularly attend chapel."He says, "Don't talk to me about anxieties as to my state-I have no such anxieties." No, I expect you have not, but if youhave no doubts about yourself, permit me to have my doubts about you! And let me go a great deal further than doubts and solemnlytell you that a hope founded on ceremonies will lead to your "everlasting destruction from the Presence of the Lord and fromthe glory of His power."

There may be another who says, "I have made a profession of religion, but I never have any questions about whether I am savedor not. I pray-in a fashion. As to praising God, I always could sing and I believe I am about as right as I can be. I don'tsee any cause for distressing myself." Yes, Friend, but let me remind you that there is a great difference between presumptionand "full assurance of faith." There is also a very great difference between believing that you are saved and being reallysaved!

Possibly there is another who says, "I believe I am one of God's elect and that I am quite safe." Well, Friend, if it is so,no one is more thankful than I am. But if that is your only hope of salvation and you have never been born-again and knownothing of the new life with its anxieties and joys, I would not give a bent pin for your hope of Heaven! And the sooner youget rid of it, the better. A dead fish finds no difficulty in floating down the stream-it is only the living fish that canswim against the current. The broad road is very smooth and there is a good deal of company on it-but it leads to destruction.There are few in the narrow way and many difficulties there-but it leads to eternal life. You say that you never know anychanges. No, nor do the statues in St. Paul's Cathedral. There they stand, year after year, upon their marble pedestals becausethey are dead-and you are the same. "But I never have to fight that battle of which you have been speaking." No, of coursenot, because the world and you are friends! And because you are of the world, the world loves its own. If you were a strangerand a foreigner in this world, you would be treated as strangers and foreigners are in an inhospitable country.

I will draw only one more inference from our text and that is a very comforting one. THE RIGHTEOUS ARE ONLY SAVED WITH DIFFICULTY-THENTEMPTED SOULS MAY BE SAVED. That Truth of God has given me comfort when I have thought, "Well, it is difficult for me to besaved, then it appears that I am numbered with the righteous and that I am on the right road." "Oh, Sir," says a poor sinnerhere, "I am glad you said that. I hope I have cast myself wholly upon the Lord Jesus Christ and I thought I was going to havepeace always, but, instead of that, ever since I have believed, or thought I had believed, I have had more fights in my soulthan I ever had before." Well, the righteous are only saved with difficulty, so do not be depressed. "But I have been moretempted than I ever was before and it seems, Sir, as if everybody is against me and tries to drive me back. I thought I shouldfind cheerful companions who would help me on the road to Heaven, but I seem to be alone in an enemy's land." My dear Brother,it is always so with the righteous-no strange thing has happened to you. "But, Sir," says one, "horrible thoughts and terribleblasphemies arise in my mind even when I try to pray. And I say to myself, 'If I were a child of God, could it be thus withme?'" Dear Friend, be comforted! Satan is afraid of losing you, so he is putting out all his force to try to hold you. Nowthat you are a Christian, you are a target for all the devil's fiery darts, so do not be astonished-this is the lot of thepeople of God! When a man has been drowning, I have heard that his sensations have often been very pleasant, but when thecirculation of the blood commences again, pain begins at once and the more pain he suffers, the more surely is he being restoredto life! It is just so with the spiritual blood that is circulating in your soul. You are not dead, so you smart and sufferbecause you are alive. If you imagine that the moment you believe, your battle is over, you make a great mistake-your battlehas only just begun and because while really trusting in Jesus, you have battles, contentions, difficulties and troubles,conclude that, therefore, you are a child of God!

Remember this, if the righteous are only saved with great difficulty, they would never be saved if they did not look rightaway from themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ. There lies the one hope for sinners and saints-in the finished work of theblessed Redeemer! "I know what you are at," said a good man once to one who was doubting, "Christ has finished the work ofsalvation, but you are not content with what He has done, so you want to patch it up with something of your own." Come sinnersand come saints, back to the foot of that dear Cross where Jesus bought with His own blood the souls of all who believe inHim! let us throw ourselves prostrate before Him and say, "You are all our confidence, our only hope and our full salvationforever and ever. Save us, O Savior! We are sinners and You are the sinners' Friend- save us now and we shall be saved forever!"Amen, so let it be!

EXPOSITION BY C. H. SPURGEON: ZECHAARIAH8. [See Note to Sermon No. 3045, on Zechariah 8:13.]

Verses 1, 2. Again the word of the LORD of Hosts came to me, saying, Thus says the LORD ofHosts; I was jealous for Zion withgreat jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury. Because they worshipped idols instead of the living God, Jehovahof Hosts, who is a jealous God, was very angry with His ancient people and allowed them to be carried away into captivity.And it is well for us in these days to remember that we serve a jealous God and that if our hearts are not true to Him, Hewill soon send us sharp afflictions and make us feel the weight of His rod! It was Paul's anxious desire that he might beable to present the Church at Corinth "as a chaste virgin to Christ" and, certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ will not acceptthe professing Church of these days on any other terms. Let your heart be loyal and true to Him, or else you will stir upthe holy jealousy of your God! Yet the same jealousy which makes God punish His people for their unfaithfulness, prompts Himto return to them in love as soon as He sees that He can justly do so. When their enemies have sorely vexed and oppressedthem, then is the Lord jealous, not against them, but against their enemies- and He swiftly returns to His own people in love.

3. Thus says the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called acity of truth; and the mountain of the LORD ofHosts the holy mountain. The first coming or the return of God to a Church,or to an individual heart, always promotes holiness. So, unless your piety is growing daily, do not imagine that God is inthe midst of you, for wherever the Lord comes, He comes "as a refiner and purifier." You will never find Jesus come exceptas John the Baptist pictured Him to the Pharisees and Sadducees of his day-"whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughlypurge His floor." The coming of Christ into any soul, or into any Church, is the death of sin and the birth of holiness!

4, 5. Thus says the LORD ofHosts, There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man withhis staff in his hand for very age. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereofIt is an indication that there is peace in the city when the children can play in the streets without fear. We may thus applythese verses spiritually-when God greatly blesses a Christian Church, there are sure to be many aged persons in it, thosewho, by their long experience and their matured wisdom, are able to teach others the lessons which they have themselves learnedat the feet of Jesus. Happy is the Church that has in it many fathers and mothers in Israel. At the same time, a Church thatis largely blessed by God will also have in it many young converts who will be as full of life and joy as children playingin the streets of a city in time of peace. There is a text which is true both in its literal and its spiritual sense-"Lo,children are a heritage of the Lord...Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them." There is no glory so great to aChristian minister and a Christian Church as that of having an abundance of spiritual children and multitudes of convertsbrought to Christ. So shall it be with any Church when God is in the midst of her.

6. Thus says the LORD ofHosts; If it is marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it alsobe marvelous in My eyes?says the LORD ofHosts. This is a very remarkable passage, warning us not to judge of God by ourselves.Though a thing may be difficult to us, there are no difficulties with God. No, even if we imagine anything to be impossibleto man, the word impossibilityhas no relation to the Deity, for "with God all things are possible." Are you in trouble today?Do you say that it is impossible for you to be delivered? It is an easy thing for God to deliver you, though the task seemsso hard to you. Do you feel the weight of your sin and do you imagine that it is impossible for your sin to be pardoned? Wouldyou look upon it as a miracle and because it seems so marvelous to you, do you think it is marvelous in God's eyes? Rememberwhat He said by the mouth of Isaiah, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord." Considerthe infinite difference between God and man-and look no longer at God through the misleading glasses of your own feebleness!

7, 8. Thus says the LORD ofHosts; Behold, I will save My people from the east country, and from the west country; and I willbring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, in truthand in righteousness. Mark God's emphatic language, how full it is of, "shalls" and, "wills." "I will," and "they shall,"says He, again and again. And if God says, "I will," who shall dare to say that it shall not be? What God declares shall certainlycome to pass. Surely this is golden language of comfort to those who are bowed down! Then how great must be the sinfulnessof that unbelief which dares to despair when God says, "shall" and, "will"! That one sentence in the eighth verse containsthe whole Gospel in two short sentences-"They shall be My people, and I will be their God." This is the tenor of the Covenantof Grace. There is no "if," nor "but," nor "perhaps" in it. God does not say, "I will be their God if they will be My people."Nor, "I will love them if they will keep My Laws." That is the Old Covenant of works which has been broken forever! The Covenantof Grace runs thus, "They shall be My people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness."

9-11. Thus says the LORD ofHosts; Let your hands be strong, you that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the Prophets,which were in the day that the foundation of the house of the LORD ofHosts was laid, that the Temple might be built For beforethese days there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast; neither was there any peace to him that went out or came inbecause of the affliction: for I set all men, everyone against his neighbor But now I will not be unto the residue of thispeople as in the former days, says the LORD ofHosts. The Jewish people had been brought into abject poverty. They were allso poor that there was not one who could hire his fellow man or even pay for the hire of a beast of burden. This was beforethe foundation of Solomon's Temple was laid. But, as that wondrous structure grew, the State also grew and often the prosperityof a Church brings prosperity to the people around it. And to the residue of God's people there comes a blessing, and nota curse.

12. For the seed shall be prosperous. It is a happy omen for a Church when the Word preached is with power.

12. The vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase. Happy are the hearts that are like fruitful vines,and good and fertile ground yielding thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold increase.

12. And the heavens shall give their dew.We cannot bring forth fruit unto God without the bedewing influences of the HolySpirit. This is that "womb of the morning" of which David speaks in Psalm 110:3-and out of which the precious fruit of the Spirit must come.

12-15. And I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things. And it shall come to pass, that as you werea curse among the heathen, Ohouse of Judah, andhouse ofIsrael; so willIsave you, andyou shall be a blessing; fear not, butlet your hands be strong. For thus says the LORD ofHosts; As I thought to punish you, when your fathers provoked Me to wrath,says the LORD ofHosts, and I repented not: so again have I thought in these days to do well unto Jerusalem and to the houseof Judah: fear you not Did you notice the repetition of the exhortation, "Fear not," and then again, "Fear you not"? The Lordknows how much mischief, doubts and fears do to His people and, therefore, many a time in Scripture He aims a blow at them."Fear nots" abound in Scripture! It would be well if you made every one of them into a gallows upon which to hang your unbeliefuntil it died! What is your fear at this moment? What is the cause of your trembling? "Fear you not," says God to you! Willyou dare to fear after this?

16, 17. These are the things that you shall do; Speak you every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truthand peace in your gates: and let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor Some have wickedly said that"thought is free and can't be condemned." But here we see that if it goes after evil, it is a wicked thing which God abhors.

17-19. And love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, says the LORD. And the word of the LORD of Hosts cameunto me, saying, Thus says the LORD ofHosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of theseventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love thetruth and peace.God turns sad fasts to glad feasts when He visits His people in love! Is there one here who has been havinga long fast? Has your soul been sorely afflicted? Have you been desponding and trembling so that you have had no joy and gladness?Ah, when the Lord Jesus Christ reveals Himself to you, He will soon change your sad state into something brighter and better!He will give you "beauty for ashes, the oil ofjoy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness." Look up,poor trembling Soul, to yonder hill of Calvary where Jesus bled and died for you-and there let your joys begin and never,never end!

20, 21. Thus says the LORD of Hosts; It shall yet come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of manycities: and the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seekthe LORD of Hosts: I will go also. You see that in the latter days there is to be a great spirit of prayer and of seekingthe Lord. This will include the hearing of the Word and the love of the Truths of God. And one good sign is that the peoplewill say, "Let us go speedily." They will not come in late, as so many do nowadays, just getting into their seats when theScripture is being read, instead of being present at the opening prayer. I am sorry to say that some of you are getting laterand later-and some morning I shall most certainly carry out my threat, and preach the sermon first unless you are more punctual!A little more thought and a little sooner start and you might all be at God's House on time. David longed to be a doorkeeperin the Lord's house and you know that the doorkeeper is always the first in and the last out. May you all have more of David'sspirit, though you cannot all be doorkeepers! These people are to say, "Let us go speedily (the marginal reading is 'continually')to pray before the Lord and to seek the Lord of Hosts: I will go also." That is the best way of bringing others to God's House-tosay, "I will go also." I have read that Julius Caesar never said to his soldiers, "Go," but, "Let us go." So should we seekto get others to God's House by saying to them, "Let us go...I will go also."

22, 23. Yes, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD ofHosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.Thus says the LORD ofHosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of thenations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God iswith you. In the latter days, the Jews, who are still despised, oppressed and persecuted in many countries, shall be so highlyhonored by God that men of other nationalities will want to be in their company! But, no doubt, there is here a special referenceto Jesus, the Jew, the Son of God who became the Son of Mary, too. Oh that this very day many Jews and Gentiles may take holdof His skirt by a living faith and so may receive blessing from Him and be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation!