Sermon 3034. Reasons for Seeking God

(No. 3034)




"Seek Him that makes the seven stars and Orion, and turns the shadow of death into the morning, and makes the day dark withnight: that calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord is His name." Amos 5:8.

IDOLATRY has been, in every age, the besetting sin of mankind. In some form or another, the unregenerate are all given toit and even in God's people there remains in their old nature, a tendency towards it.

In its grosser manifestation, idolatry is the desire of man to see God with his eyes, to have outward representation of Himwho cannot be represented, who is too great, too spiritual to ever be described by human language, much less to be set forthby images of wood and stone, however elaborately carved and cunningly overlaid with gold! There is a great God who fills allspace and yet is greater than space-whose existence is without beginning and without end, who is everywhere present and universallyself-existent! But man is so unspiritual that he will not worship this Invisible One in spirit and in truth, but craves afteroutward similitudes, symbols and signs. If Aaron makes a calf, Israel forgets the Divine Jehovah's Glory and says of the imageof an ox that eats grass, "These are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt."

We are apt to imagine that it is a very strange freak of human depravity when men are led to worship visible objects and signs,but it is not at all unusual or singular! It is the general sin of all mankind. I suppose no man has been entirely free fromit and every Believer has to contend against it in its subtler forms, for idolatry takes insinuating shapes, less gross inappearance than the worship of Dagon or Ashtaroth, but quite as sinful.

Take, for instance, the common religious idolatry of our own country which consists, in part, of reverence to holy places,as if under the Christian dispensation, which is not one of type, but of fact, holiness could dwell in stone, lime, wood,slate, iron and brass when architecturally arranged! English idolatry further reveals itself in reverence to an order of men,not because of their superior character, but because of certain mystic rites performed upon them, by virtue of which theyare supposed to become the representatives of Heaven and the reservoirs of Divine Grace. How trustful are our English idolatersin these men when they behold them appareled in vestments which the tailor has cut into fashions remarkably helpful to devotion!Without these priests and their sumptuous adorning and grotesque disfigurements, our modern idolaters cannot publicly worship-butin these they have as much as the Ephesians had in their great goddess Diana!

They can only worship their god by objects which appeal to the senses. An outward altar, an outward priest, an outward ritual,outward rites-all these are nothing but another form of the old idolatry of Babel and of Bethel! Man still turns from theunseen God. The unseen Priest who has passed within the veil, man still ignores. The spiritualfeast upon the body and bloodof Jesus Christ which is the joy of the saints, they know not! But the outward emblems are adored by some and held in greatreverence by others. Bread and wine, which are but created and common things, even when placed on the table to assist us inCommunion, are made into deities by the blind idolaters of this age! Could Egypt or Assyria do worse? Bread used at the ordinanceis but bread and nothing other than ordinary bread. Its emblematic use imparts to it no measure or degree of sanctity, muchless of Divinity! It is idolatry-flat, groveling idolatry-and nothing less, which on all sides is spreading its mantle ofdarkness over this land under the pretense of profoundly reverent piety!

Where Ritualism does not reign, how easy it is for men to be idolaters of themselves! What is self-reliance, understood astoo many understand it, but idolatry of self? It is the opposite of dependence upon the living God, the

great Source of power and wisdom. Reliance upon my own wisdom, upon my own resolution, upon my own strength of mind-theseare idolatries in a subtle and attractive shape. What is much of our overweening affection to our children and to our relatives?What is our unsubmissive repining but idolatry? How is it that we rebel against God if our friends are suddenly taken fromus? O man, why is it that your God has so little of your love and the creature so much? There is a lawful affection-up tothat point you should go. There is an unlawful affection when, by any means, the creature comes before the Creator-to thisyou may not descend! Unlawful love, love which idolizes its object, is to be avoided with all our might!

Then, again, perhaps a less excusable form of idolatry, though no excuse is to be offered for any, is that in which men idolizetheir estates and their confidence in their accumulations-living only to acquire wealth and position- struggling in the race-notto win the crown which is immortal-but that poor wreath with which men crown the wealthy merchant, the diligent student, theeloquent barrister, the valiant men of arms! This is idolatry, again, for it is setting up an earthly object in the placeof the Creator. To God is due all my love, my trust, my fear. He made me and, therefore, I am bound to serve Him-and wheneverI lay down at the feet of any person or object, dominion over my powers, apart from God, I am at once guilty of idolatry!

I cannot stay to tell you all the various form which this idolatry assumes, but may God give us Grace to strive against them.And you who are still held captive by these idolatries, may He deliver! May He save you from leaning upon an arm of flesh,from trusting in what may be seen and handled, and bring you to rely upon the Invisible God to whom alone belongs power andstrength, and who has a right to our confidence and our service!

The text is addressed to those who have been guilty, either in word, or thought, or deed, of idolatry against God. It givesarguments to persuade them to turn away from everything else and to seek the true God. We shall read the text, first, in itsnatural sense and then, diving into its meaning a little more deeply, we shall find spiritual reasons in it for seeking Jehovah,and Jehovah alone.

I. First, then, IN THE NATURAL SENSE OF THE TEXT, we find a Truth of God which is plain enough, but which we need to constantlybe reminded of, namely, that Jehovah is really God. If Jehovah were not really the Creator of the world, if He did not invery deed make "the seven stars and Orion," if He did not actually work in the operations of Providence, changing the nightinto day, and day again into night, we might be excused for not rendering Him service since homage might be safely withheldfrom an imaginary deity.

But, as God is real and exists as truly as we do, as our existence is dependent upon His Sovereign will and He is All-in-All,it is due to Him that we should "seek His face." And simple as that utterance is, I have need to push it home to you. I amafraid, dear Friends, that many of you think of religion in its bearing towards God as being a very proper, but at the sametime, imaginative, matter. You do not practically grasp the thought that God Is and that He is the Rewarder of them that diligentlyseek Him. You do not lay hold upon the fact that as surely as there are fellow creatures round about you, there is a God closeto you in whom you live, and move, and have your being. The worldly man puts his foot down on the earth and he says, "Thisis the main chance. I believe in this." He takes up certain fragments of that earth, yellow and glittering, and he says, "Ah,I believe in this. Here is something solid and I feel it." Just so, the created earth is real to him and God, who createdall things, is to him but a shadowy being! He may not rudely deny His existence, but practically, he reduces his thought ofGod to a mere fancy and says in his heart, "No God." My attentive Hearer, I trust that you are not so unwise! You know thatGod Is, that He Is even if we are not, that He fills all things and that He dwells everywhere-and since He is the Creator,the First and Chief of all things, I trust you are anxious to seek Him and to yield your obedience to Him!

Note from the text that God is not only the true God, but He is the glorious God. I cannot understand how the heathen, supposingtheir gods had been gods, could worship such little, mean, base and contemptible beings! Think of Jove, for instance, thegreat god of Rome and Greece-what a disgusting animal he was! What a monster of sensuality, selfishness and folly! I shouldfeel it hard, as a creature, to worship such a god as that, if he could be a god. But when I think of Him who made "the sevenstars and Orion," who stretched out the heavens like a curtain and made the sky as a molten mirror-who is magnificent in theacts of Creation, marvelous in the wonders of Grace and unsearchable in all the attributes of His Nature, my soul feels itto be her honor and delight to adore Him! It is an elevation to the soul to stoop to the dust before such a God! The morewe reverence Him and the less we become in our own sight, the more

sublime are our emotions. Well did even a heathen say, "To serve God is to reign." To serve such a God as ours is to be madekings and priests! Oh, were not our hearts perverted and depraved, it would be our greatest happiness, our highest raptureto sound forth the praises of a God so glorious! And our hearts would be always enquiring of Him, "Lord, what will You haveme do? Your will is wiser and better than my own will. I ask no greater liberty than to be bound with Your bands of love!I ask no greater ease than to bear Your blessed yoke."

Since, then, the Lord is real and, moreover, so glorious as to be infinitely worthy of worship, we should seek Him and live.

Again, Jehovah the true God, is most powerful for He "makes the seven stars and Orion, and turns the shadow of death intothe morning, and makes the day dark with night: that calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face ofthe earth: Jehovah is His name." Think reverently of Him, for He is not like the gods of the heathen, of whom the Psalmistsaid in satire, "Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes havethey, but they see not: they have ears, but they hear not; noses have they, but they smell not: they have hands, but theyhandle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat." Contempt and ridicule are pouredupon these wooden gods by the Prophet Isaiah when he tells of the workman who takes one end of a log and makes a god of it-andwith the other part kindles a fire and warms his hands and cooks his food. Such a god as this it is indeed a degradation forthe human mind to worship! But the true God, who has displayed His power in the glittering firmament and in the foaming sea,who is revealed with wonder to the eyes of the astronomer in the innumerable worlds revolving in boundless space-such a Godwe must reverence. In the hour of storm and tempest, when the Lord is abroad, riding in His chariot of thunder-cloud uponwings of the wind, casting forth His hailstones and coals of fire, making the earth shake at the sound of His voice and breakingthe cedars of Lebanon with the flash of His spear, we feel we must adore Him! And as we bow before Him, reason endorses theworship which Grace suggests. Is not His power a cogent argument for seeking Him? Will not you who have hitherto lived withoutHim, now adore Him? A real God, so glorious and so powerful, should surely command your reverent adoration!

Further, He is a God who works great marvels, achieving wonders every moment which would astonish us if we were not so usedto beholding them! They tell the story-'tis but a legend of the days of Solomon the Wise, that the king astonished all beholdersby taking a seed and producing from it in a few moments, a full-grown plant. They cried, "How wonderful! How astonishing!"But the wise man said, "This is only what the Lord does every day. This is what He is performing everywhere in His own time,and you see it, and yet you never say, 'How wonderful!'" When we have watched those who practice sleight-of-hand perform theirfeats, we have marveled greatly, but what are a few poor elicit tricks when compared with the ordinary, but yet matchlessprocesses of Nature? Our fields and hedgerows teem with marvels never equaled by all the wisdom and skill of man! Walk intothe grass field and you tread on miracles. Listen to the birds as they sing in the trees and you hear marvelous speech. Ifone little mechanical bird, with a few clockwork movements, were warbling out something like music in an exhibition, everybodywould gather round it and some would even pay to hear it sing-and yet thousands of birds sing infinitely more sweetly thananything man can make-and men had rather kill them than admire them! Men fail to see the miracle which God is working in eachliving thing.

Turn your eyes above you to the starry firmament and watch the Pleiades and Arcturus with his sons, for though we know butlittle of them, they have won from many an observer an awestruck acknowledgment of the greatness of God, insomuch that ithas been said that-

"An undevout astronomer is mad." The order, the regularity, the manifest calculation and design which appear in every oneof the constellations, in every single planet, in every fixed star and in every part of the great multitude of worlds whichGod has created are such decisive evidences that if men do not see something of God in them, they must be weak in their mindsor wicked in their hearts! Surely, what is seen of God in this way has tended to make us worship Him. Many of you may knowbut little of astronomy, but still, you see every day that God is working everywhere around us and that Heaven and earth,and land and sea are teeming with the products of His marvelous skill. The revolutions of day and night and the formationand fall of rain are indisputable proofs of the Presence of eternal power and Godhead! Let us, therefore, seek the Lord.

How is it that a man can go up and down in God's world and yet forget the God who made the whole? I do not suppose that aman could have walked through the Exhibition at Paris without thinking of the emperor whose influence gathered all those treasurestogether and who attracted the kings and princes of the earth to visit it. And yet men will go through this world, comparedwith which the Paris "Exposition" was a box of children's toys, and will not recognize God therein! Oh, strange blindness!Mad infatuation that with God everywhere present and such a God-the God whom to know is life eternal, whom to delight in ispresent happiness and future bliss-man is willingly ignorant, blind to His own best interests, senseless to the sweetest andthe most ennobling emotions and an enemy to his best Friend!

The surface of the text supplies us with motives for seeking GOD. Oh, that the Holy Spirit might supply us with Grace thatwe might feel the motivesand be obedient to them!

II. We will now regard the text with a more spiritual eye.

We speak to those who are sensible of their departure from the living God and are anxious to be reconciled to Him by the forgivenessof their sins for Jesus' sake. But our text also has a word for the stubborn and unawakened. In many parts of Scripture theLord has been pleased to invite the penitent to come to Him, but in this passage, in order that the invitation my miss none,it is made exceedingly wide in its character. Our text will appear to be very wonderful if we notice the context in whichit stands-"You who turn judgment to worm word, and leave off righteousness in the earth, seek Him." There is no mention ofthose who thirst for Him, who are humbled and confess their faults! This exhortation is given to those who have no good pointsabout them, but many of the most pernicious traits of character! Those who turn judgment into wormwood and leave off righteousnessin the earth-even theyare bid to seek God! Marvelous mercy! Who after this shall dare despair? If my hearer has, up to thisday, lived a stranger to God, the text does not exclude him from seeking God, but, as with an angel's voice, it whispers,"Seek Him." If sin has perverted your judgments, yet seek the great Creator and Preserver! Seek Him, for you shall find Him!You are not bid to seek His face in vain-the command to seek Him implies the certainty of His being found of you!

The reasons given for seeking the Lord are, spiritually, these. The Lord "makes the seven stars." That is to say, the Pleiades.And He also "makes Orion." Now, the Pleiades were regarded as being the constellation of the spring, harbinger of the comingsummer. We read of "the sweet influences of Pleiades." They are most conspicuous at the vernal period of the year. On theother hand, the Oriental herdsman, such as Amos was, when he saw Orion flaming aloft, knew the wintry sign right well. Boththe Pleiades and Orion are ordained of the Lord-He makes our joys and our troubles. See, then, the reason why we should seekGod, because if Orion should just now be in the ascendant and we should be visited with a winter of despondency, chilled byhowling winds of fear and sharp frosts of dismay-if we seek God, He can withdraw Orion and place us under the gentle swayof the Pleiades of promise, so that a springtime of hope and comfort shall cheer our souls, to be succeeded by a summer ofrare delights and fruitful joys! Do you hear this, poor troubled one? [See Sermon No. 818, Volume 14-THE PLEIADES AND ORION.]Whatever your sorrow may be, the God who made Heaven and earth can suddenly change it into the brighter joy! By the dispensationsof His Providence, He can do it! Your circumstances, which are now so desperate, can be changed by a touch of His hand withinan hour. To whom can you better apply for succor? And if your heart is sick and sad with a sense of sin, and you are piningwith remorse, His Grace can find a balm and cordial for your wounded conscience which shall give you peace at once! Beforethe clock ticks again, God can grant you perfect salvation, blot out your sins like a cloud and like a thick cloud your iniquities.Seek you the pardoning God! Seek Him, I say, for to whom else could you go? Where else could you look for strength but tothe Strong? Where else for mercy but to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ?

The Lord, moreover, turns grief into joy. In the text it is added, "He turns the shadow of death into the morning." The longdark night of sorrow, blacker than darkness, itself, because it presages everlasting wrath. The night created by the grimshadow of death-cold, chill, terrible-may have fallen upon your soul, but the living God can at once turn this darkness intothe brightness of the morning! When the sun arises with healing beneath his wings, the whole earth is made to smile, and eventhus can the Lord at once make your whole nature glad with the light of His Countenance. Though you are ready to lie downin despair. Though you suppose that Hell yawns for you and will soon receive your guilty soul-He can turn this shadow of deathinto the morning of peace and joy! To whom, then, should you go but to this God? He has already given His dear Son to be theway of life for us sinners. Have you ever heard of another who gave His son to die for His enemies? Gad not about after otherhelpers, but come at once to your Heavenly Father's arms, and say with the prodigal, "I will arise and go to my Father." Ifyou are willing to come to God, the way is open, for Jesus

died. You must not come arrayed in the supposed fitness of your own good works or good feelings, but you must come restingon the finished work of the appointed Savior. If you look to Him, you shall be lightened. If you come with His name upon yourlips, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. Should not this be a reason for coming- that He can turnyour night into day, your winter into summer?

But the text bears another aspect, namely, that God can also turn your present joy into grief and, therefore, you should seekHim. He makes the seven stars give way to Orion. "'He makes day dark with night." At this moment it may be that you are atease-but how long will you be so? Though you have no God, you are content with what you possess in this world, satisfied withyour daily earnings, or charmed with your yearly income. You are with your wife, your children, your estate. But rememberhow soon your joys may be taken from you! Have you not heard how often God's Providence has stripped the house, stripped thefamily, stripped the man's very soul of every comfort? Remember you not the story of Job who, in one day descended from richesto poverty? Know you not that although the wicked spread themselves abroad like a green bay tree, they shall suddenly wither?And though they are exceedingly proud and strong, they shall come to their appointed end like the ox fattened for the slaughter?

All our joys on earth are dependent on the Sovereign will of Heaven. Some of you know this by bitter experience, for you haveseen the delight of your eyes taken away in a stroke and the comfort of your heart carried to the grave. Now, to whom shouldyou fly for succor, but to Him upon whom all your present comfort depends and who can so soon take it all away? How prudentto be at peace with Him! How wise, above all wisdom, to be reconciled to the mighty God! But, alas for those who have oftenbeen warned but who will not heed the warning! They have hardened their necks and will be suddenly destroyed. Their day willblacken into everlasting night! The proud sinner will die as others do-his eyes will pale and his brow grow cold, for he mustface inexorable Death. And then, when he comes into the land to which the wicked are banished, he will enter into the outerdarkness, darkness which shall be felt, in the land of confusion, where there is no beginning of hope, or end of misery-whowould then desire to stand in his soul's place? Escape, then, before the darkness gathers! Seek Him, O man, who makes theday dark with night!-

"You sinners, seek His Grace, Whose wrath we cannot bear. Fly to the shelter of His Cross, And find salvation there."

The last clause of the text suggests a fourth reason for seeking the Lord, namely, God may make that which is a blessing tosome a curse to others. Did you observe it? Seek Him "that calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the faceof the earth." This may allude to the deluge, when the waters of the ocean covered the very tops of the mountains. But itmay be equally well explained by reference to the clouds which yield refreshing rain. The sun draws up the waters of the sea,leaving the salt behind and when these exaltations have floated their appointed time in the air, they descend upon the thirstyearth to make glad the soil. Now, since the clause bears two readings, it were well to note how the actions of God oftentimesbear two renderings. There is, for instance, the gift of His dear Son, an unexampled act of love-and yet to some of you itwill prove "a savor of death unto death." To the unbeliever, it will prove a terrible thing that Jesus ever came into theworld! He is a precious Cornerstone to those who build upon Him, but those who stumble upon Him shall be broken-and if thisStone shall fall upon any man, it shall grind him to powder! That which is Heaven's greatest joy is Hell's greatest horror.When Christ shall come, the sight of Him shall draw forth the acclamations of His people, but it will also cause the utmostanguish to His enemies. They shall weep and wail because of Him. They shall call upon the rocks and mountains to fall uponthem, and hide them from the face of Him who sits upon the Throne of God and from the wrath of the Lamb! Since you who soconstantly hear the Gospel must have it made to you either a savor of death unto death or of life unto life, I pray that theEternal Spirit may show you the wisdom of seeking God by Jesus Christ-and of seeking Him now!

It will be a dreadful thing, at the Last Great Day, to find the gentle Lamb become a Lion to you, to tear you in pieces whenthere shall be none to deliver! Why should that which is the meat of humble souls, become your poison? Why should the bloodof that Savior in Whom so many have washed their robes, and made them white, be your condemnation? Remember that the bloodof Jesus will be either upon you to cleanse you or upon you to condemn you! That dreadful cry of the Jews in the streets ofJerusalem, "His blood be on us, and on our children"-what a curse it

brought upon their race in the massacres within the city walls and in the bitter exile and suffering which they have so longendured! Take care that the same curse does not bring upon you an eternal exile from God! Seek His face, I beseech you! Youmay not long have the opportunity to seek it. The day of His mercy may close as closes this day with the setting sun. Youmay not survive to enjoy another day of Gospel invitation! May God the blessed Spirit, who alone can do it, make you seekers-andthen make you finders-and His shall be the praise!

Thus much to the unconverted. The people of God can think over the text in relation to themselves. It is rich in pricelessinstruction to them, but time forbids me to direct their meditations. Farewell.


In this Psalm David praises God by specially dwelling upon the one attribute of Omniscience. If we really wish to praise God,we must think of Him as He is-and it is the best praise that we can render to God to describe Him as He is. And any one ofHis many attributes is so full of His Glory that if we give due honor to it, we shall have much to say upon it.

Verse 1. O LORD, You have searched me, and known me. It is true that God knows everything, but that is not what David sayshere. He makes a personal application of the universal Truth of God-"O Lord, You have searched me, and known me." He doesnot talk about God's knowledge of other men, but he speaks to God concerning himself-"O Lord, You have searched me, and knownme." "You have searched me as if You were looking for contraband goods. You have ransacked me, You have gone down into myvery heart and have spread out every secret part of my being-'You have searched me, and known me.'"-

"Lord, You have searched and seen me through. Your eyes command with piercing view My rising and my resting hours, My heartand flesh, with all their powers."

2. You know my sitting down and my rising up. You understand my thoughts afar off "What I do, and what I do not do-my sittingdown for rest, and my rising up for action-You know me altogether, my most trivial deeds and my most important movements.My thoughts are so well known to You that even before I think them, You know what they will be. You need not come near tome in order to know me, so strong are Your eyes that if You only look at me from a vast distance, as a man looks at a starin the midnight air, 'You understand my thoughts afar off.' What I think and why I think it, whether it is sorrowful or hopeful,You understand my thoughts. Sometimes I cannot understand it myself, but You always understand it."

3. You comprehend my path andmylyingdown, andareacquainted with allmy ways. "You have put a ring around me both in my stayingand my going. I go to sleep, but You do not sleep. I cannot think of You while I slumber, but You think of me and You 'areacquainted with all my ways.'"-

"Great God, Your penetrating eyes

Pervade my inmost powers.

With awe profound my wondering soul

Falls prostrate and adores.

To be encompassed around with God,

The Holy and the Just.

Armed with Omnipotence to save,

Or crush me into dust!

Oh, how tremendous is the thought!

Deep may it be impressed!

And may the Spirit firmly engrave,

This Truth within my breast!"

4. For there is not a word on my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, You know it altogether "You not only know what it is, but You knowall about it-even the word which I have not yet spoken, the word that is on my tongue, as well as the

word that is not on my tongue-those seeds of speech that have as yet not grown into words, You know them altogether."

5. You have beset me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me."Like men lying in ambush, 'You have beset me behind andbefore.' All that I have ever done and all that I shall ever do, You know it all. I am like one under arrest, upon whom theofficer lays his hand so that he may have no opportunity of escaping. I am in Your grip. You have taken such a firm hold uponme that I cannot get away from You. In another sense, I am like a child enfolded in His mother's arms, for You have 'laidYour hand upon me.'"

6. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is too high, I cannot attain unto it "I cannot climb up to Your glorious Throne-thevery lowest step of it is far higher than my feet can reach! 'I cannot attain unto it.'"

7. Where shall I go from Your spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your Presence?'"I do not want to do so, but it would be quiteimpossible for me to flee from Your Presence even if I wished to do so. Neither by steady marching, nor by rapid flight canI get away from You."

8. If I ascend up into Heaven, You are there. The Hebrew is, "You there," as if there was nothing else there but God.

8. If I make my bed in Hell, behold You are there. This seemed even more amazing to the Psalmist than that God was in Heaven,so He put in a, "behold"-"Behold, You."

9. IfI take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea. "If I fly on the wings of light, whichtravels with inconceivable rapidity."

10. Even there shall Your hand lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me."I cannot go there except by Your leading and Ishall not be there except by Your uplifting. There is no way by which I can keep away from God even if I try to do so. If,instead of living in the light, I seek to hide myself in the darkness, what then?"

11. IfIsay, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. "The very night shall change its natureand turn from darkness into light!"

12. Yes, the darkness hides not from You, but the night shines as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to You.See, my dear Brothers and Sisters, how we dwell continually under the inspection of God? You have seen bees in a glass hiveand watched all their movements, or you have put an insect under a powerful microscope and examined every part of it. Evenso does the Omniscient God watch and examine you! Nothing is done by you that He does not observe. The poet speaks of thefierce light that beats about the throne of man, but you dwell in that far fiercer light which beats about the Throne of God!

13. For You have possessed my reins. "Those secret organs of my body which I cannot see, and whose working I can only imperfectlycomprehend."

13. You have covered me in my mother's womb. "Even before I came on the stage of action, You were exercising wondrous careover me."

14. I will praise You. That is a good resolution for each one of us, as well as the Psalmist, to make! As God sees me, letme praise Him-it will be pleasing to Him to hear me praising Him. "I will praise You."

14. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Nobody can rightly study the anatomy of the human body and see the beautifularrangement of the various veins, nerves, sinews, muscles and bones without saying with the Psalmist, "I am fearfully andwonderfully made."

14. Marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows right well To study God's marvelous works, you need not go abroad, forthey can be plainly seen in your own body. This earthly house of your tabernacle, in which you dwell so long as you are inthis world, is a masterpiece of Divine wisdom and skill!

15. My substance was not hid from You, when I was made in secret, and curiously worked in the lowest parts of the earth. Godmade us in His secret workshop by a marvelous method of Divine Power.

16. Your eyes did see my substance, yet being not perfect; and in Your book all my members were written, which in continuancewere fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. God's wonderful foreknowledge enabled Him to know us even before we knewourselves, or anyone else knew us! And in the very making of us, the creation of our body and mind and spirit, God was beforehandwith us.

17. How precious also are Your thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!"I love to remember that You, my God,are thinking of me. I am not distressed or alarmed by that recollection. I do not say, ' How terrible are Your thoughts untome, O God!' But, 'How precious'-how consoling, how full of promises of blessing to me-'are Your thoughts unto me, O God! Howgreat is the sum of them!'"

18. If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with You. "You lull me to sleepand You awake me in the morning. And when I open my eyes, You are still there." Happy Believer, who is always with God! Whyshould not You and I, dear Friends, always be consciously in the Presence of God? We are never right unless we are in thatcondition-and if we ever begin to forget God, we are in a wrong state of heart. If we can live from day to day without realizingthat God is near us, we are falling into a sad and dangerous condition!

19. Surely You will slay the wicked, O God. It cannot be that God has seen all their wicked acts and read their evil thoughts,and yet will spare them! When men offend in the very presence of the judge, it is easy work for him to try them.

19. Depart from me, therefore, you bloody men. "You men of blood. You men stained with the blood of your fellows. Get awayfrom me, for I do not want to be harboring criminals. God sees my company as well as myself, so depart from me!

20. For they speak against You wickedly, and Your enemies take Your name in vain. David could not bear even the thought thatmen should insult such a God-a lack of reverence to the All-Seeing One was altogether unbearable to him, so he bade thosewho were guilty of such wickedness to take themselves away from him.

21. 22. Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate You? And am not I grieved with those that rise up against You? I hate them withperfect hatred: I count them my enemies.We are to love our own enemies, but we are not to love God's enemies, nor willinglyto mix with them! How can Christians associate with the lewd and irreverent without becoming partakers of their evil deeds?Let us take note of what David says and realize that we cannot be the friends of God if we are the friends of God's enemies.Now the Psalmist comes back to his key-note. He began the Psalm with the declaration, "O Lord, You have searched me." Nowhe prays.

23. Search me, O God, and know my heart "You have searched me, O God, but I pray You to do it again, and to keep on doingit-never take Your great searchlight away from me."

23. Try me, and know my thoughts. "I cannot hide them from You, and would not if I could."

24. And see if there is any wicked way in me. "Lord, l ook for the dross, to consume it! Look for the spots, to wash themaway."

24. And lead me in the way everlasting. "Amen." Our hearts say, "Amen-so let it be."