Sermon 2984. A Silly Dove

(No. 2984)




"Ephraim is like a silly dove without heart." Hosea 7:11.

THE race of Ephraim is not extinct. Men are to this very day very much like what they were in the days of the Prophets. Thesame rebukes are still suitable, as well as the same comforts. As man has altered very little, if at all, in his outward bodilyconformation, so has he not varied in the inner constitution-he is much the same today as he was in the time of Hosea. Inthis congregation, in the midst of the city of London, we have too large a company of those who are "like a silly dove withoutheart."

To proceed at once with the text, I want you to notice four things. First-a saintly similitude. Secondly-a secret distinction.Thirdly-a severe description. And lastly, a serious consideration.

I. Here we have A SAINTLY SIMILITUDE-"Ephraim is like a dove!"

The people are not compared here to the eagle that soars aloft and scents its prey from afar, nor to the vulture which delightsto gorge itself with carrion. They are not likened to any foul and unclean bird which was put aside under the Law of God,but the very figure which is constantly chosen to set forth the beauty of holiness, to describe the Believer, and to picturethe whole Church-no, that very emblem by which we set forth Him who is Holiness, itself, God the Holy Spirit-that same comparisonto a dove is here used to describe those who were without heart. "Ephraim is like a dove"-it is a saintly similitude.

Let me remind you that in all congregations there are those who are like doves, but not Christ's doves, who never build theirnests in the clefts of the rock, in the bosom of the Savior. They are like doves-you can never tell them from genuine Believersand, like doves, they are perfectly harmless. They do no mischief to others in all their lives. Track them, if you will, youwill never find them in the alehouse. They sing not the song of the drunkard. No man ever lost anything in business by them.Men may have their pockets picked in the streets, but never by them. Persons may go staggering home under a wound, but thatwound never comes from their hands-there is no uncleanness in their heart and no slander on their tongue-they are amiable,admirable. We might almost hold them up for examples of propriety. Alas, alas, that we have only to look withinto find thatthey are not what they seem!

Moreover, being like doves for harmlessness, they are also like them for loving good company. We find not the dove flyingwith a host of eagles, but it consorts with its own kind. Some of you are never happier than when you are either in the Tabernacleor else in some of the classes formed by various members of the congregation. You also find such a pleasant excitement inthe Prayer Meeting that you are not absent from it except when you are prevented by business. You love being where God's peoplego-their hymns are sweet to your ears. In their prayers you find some sort of comfort and in the ministry of the Word youtake delight. You fly like a cloud and like doves to their windows, and it is a joy to us to see you do it. And yet it maybe that although you know how to congregate like doves, you are simply "like a silly dove without heart."

Moreover, these persons are still more like the dove in that they have the same meekness, apparently, as distinguishes thedove. They hear as God's people hear and sit as His people sit. They are not skeptics. They never object to the expositionof the Doctrines to which they listen. They pick no holes in the preacher's coat-they have no particular fault to find eitherwith the style or the matter of his discourse. They decorously frequent the House of God and behave themselves in a seemlymanner when there. No, more than that, they seem with meekness to receive the Word, though

they do not receive it as engrafted into their own hearts. They even receive it with joy when the Seed is scattered on them,but having no root in themselves, the good Seed comes to nothing. O my dear Hearers, it is a great subject for thanksgivingthat so many of you are ready and willing to listen to the Word with deep and profound respect! But I do beseech you to rememberthat you may, in this, be like the dove, and yet, after all, you may be taken in the same net and destroyed with the samedestruction as that which fell upon the Ephraimites who were "like a silly dove without heart!"

The dove, you know, is a clean feeder, and so we have many who get as far as that. They know the distinction between the preciousand the vile-they will not feed on Law-they can only live on Grace. They have come to know the Doctrines of the Gospel andthey feed on them-upon pure corn, well winnowed. You have only to bring in a little free will and straightway they know thechaff from the wheat and refuse to receive it! They cast it away as refuse metal which is of no value to them. But, whilethey have an orthodox head, they have a heterodox heart-while they know the Truth of God and feel it, yet it is still notthe right kind of feeling-they have never so received it as to incorporate it into their very being. They have accepted itwith the same sort of belief and in somewhat the same manner as Simon did in Samaria. But, after a while, when trouble andpersecution shall come, and waxes too hot, they will turn aside.

But I have to add yet further that there are some of these persons who are like doves in another respect still more singular-asa dove is molested by all sorts of birds of prey, s o these persons do, for a time, share the lot which befalls the peopleof God! Why, there are some who for the mere coming to the House of God, get nicknamed, "saints." They are not saints, butthey have to bear the scoffing which is given to saints. And I know some who have turned out to be great sinners, who have,for a time, put up with much scoffing and rebuke for the sake of Christ! When pointed at in the street, it has been part ofthe manliness of their character to acknowledge that they did frequent such a place of worship. Though their soul has neverbeen stricken by the Divine Word, yet it has become so sweet in their ears that they are willing to bear some degree of reproachfor the sake of it! I should not like to be compelled to say precisely wherein the saint is to be distinguished by outwardsigns, for really, the counterfeits nowadays are so much like the genuine that it needs the Wisdom of the Infallible God,Himself, to discern between the one and the other! We can have false faith, false repentance, false hope and false good works.We have all sorts of things-paint, varnish, tinsel-and we may so grain that a skillful eye will scarcely know whether it isthe genuine wood or the artist's skill. There are many ways of preparing metals and sometimes the alloy seems to have in it,for some purpose, qualities which the unalloyed metal lacks. O Lord, the great Searcher of hearts, do search us lest we shouldhave applied to us saintly names and pass the saintly reputation and character-and hold saintly offices-and after all be castaway with the rubbish over the wall and left to be consumed forever and ever! But, enough on that point.

II. I have now to call your attention to A SECRET DISTINCTION-"Ephraim is like a dove without heart."

This implies a lack of understanding. The dove knows but little and experience scarcely teaches it anything. We may almostspread the snare in the flight of that bird and yet it will fly to it, it is so silly. It does not seem to possess, at leastto the outward eye, the wits and sense of some others of the feathered tribe. It has little or no understanding. And oh, howmany there are who are, spiritually, like the dove! They have no real knowledge of the Truth of God! They rest in the letterand think that is enough. I solemnly believe that there are those who have not the shadow of an idea of the meaning of thewords which they hear every Sabbath in a form of prayer! They repeat those prayers without any appreciation of the sense ofthem. They would probably not notice if the words were put in any other way. Doubtless they would get as much good out ofthem if they were thrown together in wild disorder, as they do out of the beautiful and magnificent array in which they aremarshaled! Many who come and hear the most simple Truths, go away and say, "It is a riddle to us. We cannot understand howpeople can sit and listen to that." Either they condemn the preacher's words as trite or else as fanatical-they cannot understandthem.

You may fetch a clodhopper and set before him the masterpiece of an eminent old painter and tell him, "That picture is worthsixty thousand pounds." He looks, opens his mouth, starts again and says he can't make anything of it. He can't see wherethe money could go. He'd sooner have carts, and horses, and pigs, and cows, and sheep. Well, now, to some extent we mightalmost sympathize with him, but the high-art critics despise the man at once for having no soul above his clod. And it isjust the same in spiritual things! Exhibit the glories of the Person of Christ and the matchless wisdom of the plan of salvation-thatman can see nothing in it. "It is, no doubt, a very good and very proper thing." He will attend to it and so on-and then hegoes to church and thinks he is pious, sits in his seat and goes through the routine-

and then supposes he is reconciled to God! Oh, how many such silly doves we have fluttering in and out of our places of worship!As a quaint old preacher said, there were scarcely seats enough for the saints on account of the number of simpletons thatcame to listen!

But, again, they were silly doves without heart, because, lacking an understanding heart, they also lacked a decided heart.Sometimes, however, the dove would be slandered if we should use her as a metaphor in this respect. Have you not seen thedove when, from afar, with her quick eyes she has seen her cot, fly straight away, over miles of sea and land, straight toher beloved home? There, she could not be used as a metaphor of the ungodly-but of a child of Jesus who thus flies to Himover the wild waves of sin. But, perhaps, you have seen the dove as first she rises in the air and then flies round and round.She deliberates in order to find out which is the right direction and, when she has made up her mind, away she flies straightas an arrow to the goal. But, while she is fluttering about, she is an apt emblem of some men. They are undecided whetherfor God or Baal. They halt, to use Elijah's figure, between two opinions. "How long halt you between two opinions? If theLord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him." On Sundays, they go to church, but on Mondays, they put off theirreligious habits-the weather is too rough, or something else prevents them from going to the Prayer Meeting. On Sunday, theysay-

"My willing soul would stay

In such a frame as this,

And sit and sing herself away

To everlasting bliss"-

but, on Monday or Tuesday, the sound of the wheels in the street and the noise of them that buy and sell put the music ofJerusalem out of their ears and they would gladly go back to the world again! Ah, they are silly doves without understandingand without decision!

No, there are some who may be said to have a sort of decision for a time, but they are like the dove in that they are withoutresolution. The doves seeks to fly in one direction. Somebody claps his hands and she changes in a moment. Or else he sprinklesa handful of barley on the ground and, though she was flying yonder, she is over here again! How many persons there are ofthat kind, setting their faces to Zion, intending to join the church-perhaps they have seen the elders and the pastor andbeen accepted-but, after a little time, they say, "Well, they did not know all about it. There are more frightful things thanthey dreamt of in it!" Like Pliable, they would go to Heaven, but they get into the Slough of Despond and there is strangestuff there that gets into the ears and mouth-and so they get out on the side nearest home and tell Christian he may havethe brave country all to himself, for they don't like the miry places on the way. Or, it may be that some old companion comesup from the country and he will treat them to some place of amusement. Or, perhaps, it may be that there is a prospect ofgain to be got in some branch of business that is not quite as honest as it might be. But does not the money count as well?Isn't it as good to spend? Will not other men think it worth twenty shillings to the pound, however it may have been gained?These people who seemed so true and warm-hearted are like the silly dove without resolution-and fly away again to their oldhaunts and become just what they used to be.

So likewise there are many, like a dove, without bold hearts. They never turn upon a persecutor. They never stood in the gapwith Mr. Valiant-for-Truth, holding the sword in their hand. They cannot open their mouth to speak for Jesus, but they runaway when they ought to stand out like a lion against their foes. They never give a reason for the hope that is in them. Wehave plenty of Baptist churches educating cowards by the score! They never come out before the whole church-that would betoo trying for their nerves! They are never expected to come out boldly on the Lord's side. Too often, Baptism is administeredsomewhere in a corner, when as few as possible are present and, in that way, where we ought to have lion-like men, we breedthose who hide their principles and are ready to amalgamate with any sect of people so long as they can but bear the nameof Christians! I would to God, dear Friends, we had bolder men for our Lord and Master! Be as full of love as you can, buttake care that you mix iron with your constitution! Silly are the doves that have no bold heart for God. The day will comewhen only the bold heart shall win, for the fearful and unbelieving are to have their part in the lake that burns with fireand brimstone!

Too many, also, there are like a silly dove, in that they have a powerless heart If you visit a great factory where thereis a large engine, you will notice that the amount of power used in the factory is proportionate to the capacity of the steam-engine.If that should work but feebly, then the wheels cannot revolve beyond a proportionate rate-and every

part soon discovers that there is some lack of motive force. Now, man's heart is the great steam-engine of his whole being-andif he has a heart that palpitates with swift strokes, it will put his whole nature in motion and that man will be mighty forhis Lord and Master! But if he has a little, insignificant heart that never did glow, and never did burn, and never did knowanything about the warmth, life, heat, power and benediction of God's Love, then his will fritter away his time, knowing theright and doing the wrong, loving in some sort the thing that is beautiful, but still following that which is deformed, givinghis name to God and giving what little strength he has to the other side! Brothers and Sisters, I would to God there werenot so many in all our communities that have but a pigeon's heart, or a dove's heart, or no heart at all!

The root of the master lies here-these Ephraimites have not renewed hearts and so they fail. Verily, verily, it is true tothis hour, as in Jesus' day, "except a man be born-again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." Many strive to see it in theirown way, but, until the effectual Grace of God comes down to turn their hearts from the great and extraordinary confidencewhich their proud flesh has in their own works, they never will see, they never can see, the Kingdom of God! How many likeEphraim, then, have the heart altogether wrong because it is not renewed? Therefore it has none of those qualifications whichtend to make the man what he should be.

III. With great brevity, we notice, in the third place, A SEVERE DESCRIPTION-"Ephraim is like a sillydove."

It is a fine word, that word, "silly." Hardly do I know another that is so eminently descriptive. There may be some sort ofdignity in being a fool-but to be silly-to attract no attention except ridicule-is so utterly contemptible that I do not knowhow a more sarcastic epithet could be applied!

"Ephraim is like a silly dove without heart." And why silly? Why, it is silly, of course, to profess to be a dove at all,unless a dove at heart!Silly of you to enslave yourselves with the customs of a country of which you are not a citizen-tobind yourselves with the rules of a family of which you are not a member! We find men, when they go to another country, ifthere is a conscription there, only too willing to plead their own nationality in order to escape it! And yet we have personswho will serve in the Christian conscription, who give as God's people give and outwardly do what God's people do-and yetthey are not of the godly nation, but are aliens from the commonwealth of Israel! Is not this silly-to take the irksome toiland not to get the joy and the benefit of it? You are silly to go and work in the vineyard, though you have never eaten ofthe clusters, and never can unless your heart is right in the sight of God.

Isn't it silly, then, to profess to be a dove at all, and yet not to be a dove? Isn't it silly, again, to think you can passmuster when your heart is wrong-to fancy that if you go with the crowd, you shall enter Heaven without being seen? Do youthink to deceive Omniscience? Do you think Infallible Wisdom will not discern you? Do you think to enter Heaven while yoursoul is estranged from God? Then, indeed, you are worse than a fool! You are "silly" to think such a thing! How can you thushope to deceive your God? What is more silly than to play fast and loose in this way-first, to sing the song of Zion, andthen the song of lasciviousness! There is something dignified even in the devil, himself-there is something awful about thegrandeur of his wickedness because he is consistent in it! But there is nothing of that consistency in you because you arehere and there, everywhere and nowhere-everything by turns, and nothing long.

Some of you are so silly as to hasten your own condemnation. You know that to be without God and without Christ will ruinyou, and yet you do that which keeps you from going to Christ! You hug the sins that prevent your laying hold on Him and stilldandle upon your knee the lusts which you know will shut the gates of Heaven against you! Like Ephraim, you are silly enoughto trust in that which will be your ruin. Some of you rest upon good works, or hope to be saved by good feelings. The twopowers which had oppressed Ephraim-Egypt and Assyria-were still the powers in which he trusted. Do not imitate his folly bytrusting to that which will ruin you!

You are silly, again, because when there is so much danger, you do not fly to the place of shelter. O silly dove, when thehawk is abroad, not to seek the clefts of the rock to hide yourself! And how silly are some of you! Day after day, year afteryear, Satan is hawking after you! The great fowler is seeking your destruction, but the wounds of Christ are open to you andthe invitation of the Gospel is freely given to you-and yet, you are so silly that though you know better, you prefer thepleasures of the day to the joys of eternity! Yet I know not that you do prefer them, only somehow or other you are too sillyto prove your preference and go on, like a child that is playing on the hole of the cockatrice, making mirth over your damnation-toosilly to make up your minds to choose either Heaven or Hell! I know there are some such people in this house-would God thatthe arrow might find out the right persons, but, too often, these doves are so silly,

in another respect, that they will not let the appeal of the Gospel come home to them. They say, "it cannot be for me, forI go to Mr. A's or Mr. B's class! It cannot be for me, for I go to the Prayer Meeting, I contribute to the College and everygood work!" Yet all the while it means just you who act upon your own whims, but not for God, who give God anything but yourheart, who are ready to make a sacrifice of all, except that you refuse that which He asks of you! "My son, give Me your heart."It was considered to be a sign of great calamity when the Roman prophet slew a bull and found no heart-and it is the worstof all calamities when a man has no heart to give to God! "This people draws near unto Me with their mouth, and honors Mewith their lips; but their heart is far from Me," is one of the complaints against Israel of old, and one of the sins whichmade the Prophets weep and caused Jerusalem to be plowed like a field.

IV. I close with just a few words upon the fourth point, and that is, A SERIOUS CONSIDERATION. There are one or two thingsI would say solemnly, softly and hopefully. Oh, that they may stick in the memory and the conscience of many of you!

Those of you, my Hearers, who have been long sitting in this Tabernacle-some of you ever since it was built and before thenin other places under our ministry-yet are just the same as you used to be, ought to recollect how sadly we look on thosewho are not saved. It is no rare thing to find the attendant of the sanctuary an unbeliever. It is a common thing to findthe child of converted parents, the lad educated at the Sunday school, the man who has always had a seat in God's House, stillhaving no hope and without God in the world. Think of that! Be not deceived-the Gospel will harden such people as you are!Speaking after the manner of men, (for with God, all things are possible, and a Sovereign God does as He wills), it does seemless and less probable that you ever should be called by Grace after you have sat and listened to the Word so long. The voicethat once startled you now soothes you! The manner that once attracted the eyes, and sometimes seemed to touch the heart,fails to do either! And the very Truths of God that once went over your heads like a crash of thunder has so little forcein them now that you even sleep under the sound of them! Think of that, you who are like a silly dove without heart!

Remember, too, that some of the vilest sinners that have ever livedhave been manufactured out of this raw material Some ofthe worst men were once, apparently, meek-hearted hearers of the Word, but they sat under the preaching of the Gospel tillthey grew ripe enough to deny God and curse Him. The unsanctified hearing of the Gospel has sometimes produced more giganticspecimens of sin than the deaf ear of the adder. Beware, my Hearer! I know that you will say with Hazael, "Is your servanta dog, that he should do this great thing?" Yes, there is dog and devil enough in you unless you have been changed by Grace,to do that thing and 20 other things that you have never dreamt of yet! Think what multitudes of souls in Hell there are likeyou-silly doves without hearts! Many of the population of that place of wailing once heard the Gospel, heard it with gladnessand appeared to receive it for a time-but they had no root, and so the impression withered away. They never had been calledeffectually by Grace and never had been renewed in heart, although they had all the outward semblance of holiness1 They aregone! Even now, your soul may listen to their groans and moans, the lesson of all which would be, "Make your calling and electionsure, and be not satisfied with the name to live while you are dead."

May the Spirit of the living God stir you up to this, for, if not, I have one more consideration to urge upon you. Rememberhow soon you may be in Hell And they who go there, if they have been such as you are, go there with a vengeance. To go fromunder the shadow of the pulpit to the Pit is terrible. To go from the Communion Cup, to drink the cup of devils-from the songof saints to the weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth of lost souls-from all the hallowed joys of God's Sabbath, ofGod's House and of His Word, down to the unutterable infamy of spirits that have no love of God, but curse Him day and night-myHearers, that may be your lot within an hour, a week, a year! It matters not what the period may be, for if it ever is yourlot, the time past shall seem to have been but the twinkling of an eye for its joy, though it may appear to you to have beenages for the awful responsibility which the day of mercy will have entailed upon you. Repent and be baptized, everyone ofyou!" As Peter said, so say I! If you have not as yet received Christ, lay hold on eternal life and oh, that the Spirit ofthe living God, while I preach the Word generally, may apply it particularly, finding out His own chosen and gathering themout of the ruins of the Fall, that they may be jewels in the crown of the Redeemer! The Lord make us doves, but God forbidthat we should be "silly doves without heart."


PSALM 88:10-61; 1 PETER 4:1-13.

The story of how the children of Israel behaved themselves towards their gracious God.

Psalm 88:10-16. They kept not the Covenant of God and refused to walk in His law; and forgot His works, and His wonders that He had showedthem. Marvelous things did He in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan. He divided the sea,and caused them to pass through, and He made the waters to stand as a heap. In the daytime also He led them with a cloud,and all the night with a light of fire. He clave the rocks in the wilderness and gave them drink as out of the great depths.He brought streams also out of the Rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers. In such a scene of miracles, surroundedby such prodigies of goodness, what did they do?

17. And they sinned yet more against Him byprovoking the most High in the wilderness. What a fierce fire must sin be thatit is even fed by the rivers of God's goodness and burns by means of that which ought to have quenched every spark of it!Yet there is such a fire as that raging in our hearts and even God's mercies will make us more sinful unless His aboundingGrace comes with them to teach us how to use them rightly.

18. And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for their lust. Not for their needs, but "for their lust." It is adreadful thing when prayer, itself, is prostituted and the Mercy Seat becomes a place for the expression of sinful desireswhich ought never to have been in our hearts. It was so, however, with these children of Israel.

19. Yes, they spoke against God. As you read that "they spoke against God," you naturally suppose that they uttered some blasphemy,or some denial of His Deity. Listen and learn!

19. They said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness That is speaking against Him-to speak unbelievingly- to speak ina questioning way concerning His power. I am afraid that there are very few of us who can plead innocence on this score.

20. Behold, He smote the Rock, that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed; can He give bread also? Can He provideflesh for His people These things, which they lusted after, they also turned into subjects for unbelief. And they even misusedthe miracle which they dared not deny.

21. 22. Therefore the LORD heard this, and was angry: so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up againstIsrael Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in His salvation. This was the provoking sin. The Lord would notendure such wanton and wicked unbelief as this. After He had turned the rocks into rivers, could He not turn the stones intobread, and the dust of the desert into flesh if He chose to do so?

23-32. Though He had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of Heaven, and had rained down manna upon themto eat, and had given them of the corn of Heaven. Man did eat angels' food: He sent them meat to the full. He caused an eastwind to blow in the Heaven: and by His power He brought in the south wind. He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and featheredfowls like as the sand of the sea: and He let it fall in the midst of their camp, round about their habitations. So they dideat, and were well filed: for He gave them their own desire; they were not estranged from their lust. But while their meatwas yet in their mouths, the wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen men of IsraelFor all this they still sinned. Mercy failed to move them, and judgment failed too. The right hand of God's gifts and theleft hand of His chastisement were equally ignored.

32-34. And believed not for His wondrous works. Therefore their days did He consume in vanity, and their years in trouble.When He slew them, then they sought Him: and they returned and inquired early after God. Perhaps some of them fought Him evenwhile they were dying and the remnant that survived trembled and, "returned and inquired early

after God."

35, 36. And they remembered that God was their Rock, and the high God their redeemer. Nevertheless they did flatter Him withtheir mouth, and they lied unto Him with their tongues. Oh, this is terrible! One would have thought that they would havebeen sincere when they were broken down with sorrow, but it was not so. And I fear that the kind of religion which has tobe whipped into us is never good for much. It must have in it the element of spontaneity if it is to be sincere. It was notso with these people.

37-41. For their heart was not right with Him, neither were they steadfast in His Covenant. But He, being full of compassion,forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not: yes, many a time He turned His anger away, and did not stir up all His wrath.For He remembered that they were but flesh, a wind that passes away, and comes not again. How often did they provoke Him inthe wilderness, and grieve Him in the desert! Yes, they turned back and tempted God, and

limited the Holy One of Israel In their unbelieving imagination, they circumscribed His power. They thought that He coulddo something, but not everything. They believed Him one day and doubted Him the next.

42-45. They remembered not His hand, nor the day when He delivered them from the enemy. How He had worked His signs in Egypt,and His wonders in the field of Zoan: and had turned their rivers into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink.He sent divers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them. All these judgments fell upontheir enemies, but they failed to remember them.

46-56. He gave also their increase unto the caterpillar, and their labor unto the locust. He destroyed their vines with hail,and their sycamore trees with frost. He gave up the cattle also to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts. He castupon them the fierceness of His anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them. He made a wayto His anger; He spared not their soul from death, but gave their life over to the pestilence, and smote all the first-bornin Egypt, the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham: but made His own people to go forth like sheep, and guidedthem in the wilderness like flock. And He led them on safely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.And He brought them to the border of His sanctuary, even to this mountain, which His right hand had purchased. He cast outthe heathen also before them, and divided them an inheritance by line, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents.Yet they tempted and provoked the Most High God, and kept not His testimonies. Oh, these terrible "yets"! Though God was faithfulto the end and kept His Covenant, and brought them into the land which He swore to their fathers that He would give them,yet they tempted and provoked the Most High God, and kept not His testimonies."

57-61. But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitful bow. For they provokedHim to anger with their high places, and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images. When God heard this, He was angry,and greatly abhorred Israel: so that He forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which He placed among men; and deliveredHis strength into captivity, and His glory into the enemy's hand.

1 Peter 4:1. Forasmuch then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for He that has sufferedin the flesh has ceased from sin. Brethren, we have a Savior who suffered for us. As the Head was, such must the members expectto be. Let us, then, be resolutely determined that, suffer as we may, we will never turn aside from our Lord, for, inasmuchas we suffered in Him, yes, and died in Him, we ought to reckon that we are henceforth dead to sin and that we have ceasedfrom it, and can no longer be drawn into it. "He that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin."

2. That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. The doctrineof Substitution is the strongest possible argument for holiness. You lived in sin once, but Christ died for your sin, so youmust reckon that, in Him, you died to sin, seeing that He died in your place. And the argument is that, henceforth, your lifeis to be a life in Him, a life of holiness, to the praise and glory of God.

3. For the timepast of our life may suffice us to have worked the will of the Gentiles. Suffice? O Brothers and Sisters, letit do much more than that! Let it make us cry, "Would God that we had never worked the will of the Gentiles at all!" Someyoung people foolishly say that they must have a little space in which they can "see life." Ah, those of you who have beenconverted in later years regret that you ever saw what men call, "life," which is but the alias for corruption and death!"For the time past of our life may suffice us to have worked the will of the Gentiles."

3, 4. When we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excesses of wine, revellings, banquets and abominable idolatries. Wherein theythink it strange that you run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you. What a strange world this worldis! It speaks evil of men because they will not do evil! Yet it has always been so. The men, "of whom the world was not worthy,"have been the very people of whom worldlings have said, "Away with such fellows from the earth! It is not fit that they shouldlive." The world's verdict concerning Christians is of little value.

5, 6. Who shall give account to Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. For this cause was the Gospel preachedalso to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.This is a very difficult passage to expound, but I suppose the meaning is that the Gospel was preached to those departed saintswho had been called to die for Christ's sake and that it was preached to them for this very reason, that while they were judgedby wicked men, and were by them condemned to die, they still live a far more glorious life than they lived here, because theywere thus enabled, by their martyr death, to consummate their consecration to God.

7, 8. But the end of all things is at hand; be you therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have ferventcharity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. It covers them sometimes by not seeing them, for,where there is much love, we are blind to many faults which, otherwise we might see. We do not exercise the sharpness of criticismwhich malice would be sure to exercise. Besides that, when love applies herself to prayer, and when, in addition to prayer,she kindly gives admonition to a beloved friend, it often happens that true Christian love does really prevent a multitudeof sins. The Apostle does not mean that by loving another person I shall cover my own sin; nor does he mean that the exerciseof charity, in the common acceptation of that word, can cover my sin! But if I have much love to others, I may be the instrument,in the hand of God, for covering many of their sins in one or other of the senses I have mentioned.

9, 10. Use hospitality, one to another, without grudging. As every man has received a gift, even so minister the same, oneto another, as good stewards of the manifold Grace of God. Whatever "the gift" is, whether it be money, or talent, or DivineGrace, "even so minister the same, one to another, as good stewards of the manifold Grace of God." God gives much to you thatyou may give it to others-it is only meant to run through you as through a pipe. You are a steward and if a steward shouldreceive his lord's goods, and keep them for himself, he would be an unfaithful steward. Child of God, see to it that you faithfullydischarge your responsibility as one of the "good stewards of the manifold Grace of God."

11-13. If any man speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man ministers, let him do it as of the ability whichGod gives: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion forever and ever.Amen. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happenedunto you. But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that when His glory shall be revealed, you maybe glad, also, with exceeding joy. If you do not share in Christ's humiliation, how can you expect to share in His exaltation?But if worldlings begin to rebuke and reproach you, take it for granted that they can discern something of Christ in you.Dogs do not usually bark at those who live in the same village with them-it is only at strangers that they bark. And whenribald tongues are lifted up against you, you have reason to hope that you are a stranger and a foreigner to the citizensof this world, for they love their own, as our Savior reminded His disciples, "If you were of the world, the world would lovehis own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you"