Sermon 2953. Spiritual Sight and Eternal Life

(No. 2953)




"Yet a little while, and the world sees Me no more, but you see Me: because I live, you shall live also." John 14:19.

IT is very noticeable in this verse and in many other parts of the New Testament, what a sharp line of demarcation the Lorddraws between His people and the world-"The world sees Me no more, but you see Me." We have the same Truth of God taught inJohn's first Epistle. "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the Wicked One." It is quite evident that ourLord kept prominent in His teaching the distinction between the regenerate and the unregenerate-the converted and the unconverted-thosewho have been quickened by the Holy Spirit and those who have remained dead in trespasses and sins. This distinction whichour Lord kept up so strikingly, should always be made clear in every ministry. I feel that much evil comes of a mode of addresswhich is adopted by some of my ministerial brothers in which they speak to the entire congregation as though all who werepresent were Christians. That is a false theory to go upon because it is not at all likely that any congregation ever gatheredtogether will consist wholly of Christians. The mere coming together for public worship, nowadays, does not at all prove peopleto be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. When they met in the Catacombs or in the caves of the earth and every worshipperhad to carry his life in his hands, there might have been some excuse for addressing the whole assembly as Christians. Inthese days we know right well that there are unconverted persons in the audience and it is proper, therefore, to have onemessage to the saints and another message to the sinners-and to let it be seen, all through the sermon, that the preacheris aware that the Lord has made a distinction between Israel and Egypt-between them that fear Him and them that fear Him not.

The same rule ought, I think, to be observed in prayer. It is a radical mistake to have forms of prayer which take it forgranted that the whole congregation is saved. In this way, many persons are comforted who ought to be awakened to a senseof their true spiritual condition. At the grave, especially, things are said of men who have lived and died in sin, whichare calculated to make unsaved survivors think lightly of their own lost state. There should be one prayer for the saint andanother prayer for the sinner-and all through the supplication, as well as the preaching, there should be such a distinctionas Christ drew, in this verse, between His disciples and "the world"-between those who continue to see Jesus and those whowill never behold His face with joy-either in this world or in that which is to come.

If you look carefully at our text you will notice in it, first, a fact which should solemnize the mind of every unconvertedperson here, namely, that the religious privileges enjoyed by the world will, sooner or later, be taken away-"Yet a littlewhile, and the world sees Me no more." Secondly, the text very clearly tells us that the Holy Spirit has given to Believersa sight of Christ-"but you see Me." And, thirdly, this sight is accompanied by a life which is linked with the life of Christ-"becauseI live, you shall live also."

I. So the first lesson to be learned from our text is that THE PRESENT PRIVILEGES ENJOYED BY THE WORLD WILL BE TAKEN AWAY-"Yeta little while, and the world sees Me no more."

For a comparatively long time Jesus was seen here among the sons of men. I call His life a long time, for every moment ofit must have been painful to Him, since, for His pure spirit to have dwelt in the midst of impurity such as pervades thisworld must always have been painful. Yet He tarried here and worked innumerable miracles of blessing. Sometimes He fed thethousands who crowded around Him. He was constantly healing the sick and doing everything that He could for man's good-thesummary of His life was that "He went about doing good." He is gone, now, and the world sees Him no more. How shamefully themen of the world treated Him! It would not be right for Him to come back

to another persecution and a second Crucifixion. They said, "This is the heir. Come, let us kill Him and let us seize on Hisinheritance." They did kill Him, but He will never come here to be killed again! When He comes the next time, it will be ina very different fashion and for a very different purpose. The world will never again see Him as it saw Him then-

"A lowly Man before His foes,

A humble Man, and full of woes." No, Earth, you have lost your Miracle-Worker. You sick ones, you have lost your Great Physician.You hungry ones, you have lost Him whose blessed hands fed you! Never again will the weeping Mary and Martha see their brotherraised to life. Never again will sorrowing widows have their dead sons restored to them from the grave's mouth. No, Jesushas gone and all the blessings which He was known to bestow have ceased to be given, for the world sees Him no more. It willsee Him again, certainly, but in a very different fashion-it will not see Him as Savior, a Friend and Physician-it will onlysee Him with the rod of iron in His hand, passing sentence upon those who said, "We will not have this Man to reign over us"!

Now, what has taken place as to the physical sight of Christ by the sons of men will take place with all of you as to yourmental sight of Christ unless you receive from the Gospel an inner and spiritual sight of Him. All of you have, in a certainsense, seen Jesus Christ. I mean that when the Sabbath bells ring out, you are accustomed to go where you hear concerningChrist and His great salvation. There you sit and Jesus Christ is set forth evidently crucified among you-and blessed areyour eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear what Prophets and kings in vain desired to see and hear concerning Christin days of yore. You go to your houses and there is that precious Book, the Bible, which contains the image of your Savior'sface almost on every page. Your family altar brings Jesus very near even to some of you unconverted ones! The Kingdom of Godhas, indeed, come near to you. Nowadays Jesus Christ is preached in almost every street. A man need not go far, especiallyon the Sabbath, if he wants to hear about Jesus Christ. So far as the hearing with the ears is concerned, He may be heardof almost everywhere! But it will not always be so. Some of you will soon go where the Sabbath bell is never heard. You willgo where Sabbaths, themselves, are all unknown, except as dreadful memories of shamefully neglected privileges. You will gowhere no minister will tell you of Grace, and mercy, and pardon bought with blood. You will go where you will never hear themusic of-

"Those charming bells, Free Grace and dying love."

The very opposite sound to that will forever grate upon your ears! There will be no godly teacher there to urge you to seekthe Lord in your youth and to give Him your heart while you are yet young. There will be no loving parents there, with tears,sighs and pious examples striving to lead you to Jesus. There will be no faithful preacher there, earnestly endeavoring, insimple language, to tell you the old, old story and to point you to Christ upon the Cross! Only a little while and there shallbe no Bible for you to read, no Mercy Seat to which you can go, no promise which you can plead, no blood of Jesus in whichyou can ask to be washed-for you will be beyond the line of hope and beyond the reach of mercy. You will be in Hell.

I am sure that if I had to come to you and say that I had received a Revelation from Heaven telling me that never again wouldsome of you be permitted to attend a place of worship, never again to read your Bible, never again to kneel in prayer-butthat you were forever to be denied all these eternal privileges-you would feel unhappy, indeed. I wish you felt somethingof that kind of unhappiness now, because to have these privileges and yet to neglect them is as bad as-in some respects, itis even worse than-it would be to have the privileges taken away! Godly Mr. Rogers, of Dedham, was preaching on one occasionabout the Scriptures and their value, and endeavoring to impress upon the people the duty of prizing the Word and being obedientto it. And, to bring the Truth of God home very clearly to their consciences, he asked them to imagine that he was commissionedto take away the Bible from them. He took it up from the pulpit and turned round with it in his hand. "There," he said, "youare never to have it again. It has been a dreary Book to many of you-you have not cared for it and you have neglected thereading of it, so I must take it away and you shall never hear another sermon from it, or hear anything more read from it."Then he pictured them all weeping and begging that the Book might be brought back to them again. And I would that, even thoughthe Lord should not take these privileges away from you while you are in this life, you might nevertheless prize them, forthis life will soon be ended-and then these privileges will be gone forever!

Notice also that our Savior said, "Yet a little while, and the world sees Me no more." Oh, it is such a little while evenif we live the longest life that is possible to men! But human lives are often cut short, suddenly and unexpectedly. Usefulservants of the Lord Jesus Christ are taken away in the very midst of their usefulness and the Home-call to them is a messageto us, saying, "Be you, also, ready, for in such an hour as you think not, the Son of Man comes." Some of you young peopleare reckoning that it will be a long while before you need come to a decision, but, I pray you, think how short your lifetimemay be! Certainly, if you do ever reach that period in which the voice of mercy shall cease to have a syllable to addressyou, you will then realize what a little time it has been. Why, even if a man could live as long as Methuselah, yet, if heonce found himself shut up in Hell, a life of a thousand years would seem to be but as a pin's point compared with the endlesseternity-and he would grieve and lament bitterly that he had wasted in sin those winged hours upon which his destiny throughouteternity had hung! A little while, Sinner, and you will never have another invitation to come to Christ! A little while andthere will be no outstretched arms of Him who died upon the Cross, "the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God."A little while-and such a little while-and you will see Jesus no more as a Savior, but you will see Him as your Judge andhear Him say, not, "Come, you blessed," but, "Depart, you cursed." Those who have outward privileges and yet neglect them,shall have them taken from them-and then how will they dare to appear before God?

II. Let us now turn to the second point, which is far more sweet to our souls. Let us think upon HOW THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS GIVENSIGHT TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD-"The world sees Me no more, but you see Me."

In the deepest meaning of the word, no one ever truly sees Christ until the Holy Spirit opens his eyes. There are some personswho have very strange notions of what it means to see Christ. I occasionally have to talk with poor, ignorant people-who donot, however, think themselves ignorant-who tell me that they have seen Christ. But I soon discover that they mean that theyfancy they have seen Him with their natural eyes! I tell them that it is impossible and then they tell me of some dream inwhich they think they saw Him. Now, my dear Friend, even supposing you had a vision and that you did see Christ in it-do notplace any reliance upon that. There is many a man who has had a vision of the devil, yet has gone to Heaven-and there is manya man who has had a vision of Christ yet has gone to Hell! There is nothing in that. Did not great multitudes who lived inthe days of Christ upon the earth, see Him with their natural eyes? Yet they were not saved! Many even stood around the Crossand saw Him die in that dread culmination of His life-work, when He was paying the price of His people's redemption. Theystood and gazed at Him, but their hearts were not softened even by that matchless sight, for they jeered and jested whileHe was in His death-throes! That which can be seen with these eyes is of little consequence! The true sight of Christ-thatsight which alone can save-is a spiritual'sight, the sight of the inward soul!

Our Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples, "You see Me." Let us notice the ways in which Believers see Him in a spiritualsense. We see Him, first, with that earliest glance which continues throughout our whole lives-the life-look at the Lord JesusChrist. You remember when you first saw Him thus. Could any other word describe your experience? You did not see anythingwith your natural eyes, but you perceived, in your soul, that Jesus Christ stood as the one Substitute for sinners and that,trusting in Him, your sin would be forever removed from you. And you trusted in Him. You looked unto Him and were lightened,and your face was not ashamed. Possibly before that you had been a diligent student of the Scriptures and you may have beena tolerably intelligent theologian. But you knew more of Christ in a single moment, when you had looked to Him with that savingglance, than you had ever learned from any book, or heard from any ministry! Then you could say, "I have heard of You withthe hearing of the ears, but now my eyes see You." Then you knew what was meant by pardon through His precious blood and justificationby His righteousness, for you had looked for yourself and had seen that Christ is able to save, for He had saved you! Fromthat moment you began to see Christ with the opened eyes of your spiritual understanding. Just as Christ's disciples weremade to know that He was in the Father and that the Father was in Him, so you began to know that Jesus of Nazareth was inyou and that you were in Him! You began to understand the eternal relationship between Christ and the Father, and betweenthe Father and yourself. You began to perceive the offices of Christ as Prophet, Priest and King. You began to study Him-thedifferent points of His Character, the different stages of His life, the different gleams of Glory that shone even amid thedarkness of His death-and so you saw Him.

O dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, since that happy day we have had many precious sights of Christand we have been constantlyled to see more and more of Him! The Holy Spirit has lit up Christ to us by degrees, just as I have sometimes seen the lightingup of an illumination in which some one word was to be spelt out in letters of light. They have brought it out, letter byletter, with bright lamps and, at last, you could see the whole word. I am afraid that we have not yet learned to spell thewhole of Jesus Christ's name, but what we do know, we would not give up for twice ten thousand worlds! We do not yet see Himso clearly as we shall see Him, by-and-by, but still, our spiritual understanding does perceive far more of Him than it oncedid and we expect, in due time, to "be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, andheight, and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge."

If you follow the run of the chapter from which our text is taken, you will be helped further to perceive how it is that wesee Christ. According to the 12th verse, we see Christ by participating in His power ' 'He that believes on Me, the worksthat I do shall he also do; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father." A preacher who has neverseen Christ in the way I have been describing, delivers sermons which are without spiritual power. But if anyone-even thefeeblest among us-will teach others the Truths of God which he has received from the Holy Spirit, feeling that all power inHeaven and earth is given to Christ and that, therefore, He has sent His servants to preach His Gospel to all nations-sucha man, I say, will have the Presence of Christ and shall realize it by the power which will rest upon him and by the resultswhich will follow his testimony! Yes, Brothers and Sisters, Christ is still with His people! The power of Christ is not onlyup there in Heaven, but it is given to Him on earth as well, and He clothes with His Spirit those who preach His Gospel simplyand humbly! And that Spirit breaks men's hearts and binds them up again-slays men spiritually and makes them alive again-anddoes great marvels so that the power of Jesus Christ is truly seen in the midst of the assembly! Out of His mouth proceedsthat two-edged sword with which the battles of Divine Grace are fought and won. I wonder how many of you who are here haveever seen Christ in this sense-that His power has rested upon you in all forms of Christian service that are done as untothe Lord?

If you have seen Christ thus, you have also seen Him in the sense described in the 13th and 14th verses, pleading throughyou and with you in prayer-"Whatever you shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.If you shall ask anything in My name, I will do it." Have you ever prayed in that way, as though Christ had said to you, "Goto My Father and tell Him I sent you. Use My name with Him, for My name has authority in the courts of Heaven"? It is, indeed,blessed, when you are pleading with God, to feel that Christ is pleading through you-to see Him, as it were, as the greatHigh Priest of our profession, standing before God with outstretched hands, pleading the merit of His blood that we may prevail!It is powerful pleading when you have Christ praying by your side and know that you have Him there-and when you feel thatyour prayer is not the petition of a suppliant who is pleading alone, but the utterance of one who is covered up and lostsight of in the Person of the greater Pleader-the Lord Jesus Christ. This is, indeed, seeing Christ. "You see Me," said Christto His disciples, and we do see Him when we realize His power with us in the hour of prayer!

We see Christ, again, when we are obedient to His commands, for the 15th verse tells us that He said to His disciples, "Ifyou love Me, keep My commandments." A real Christian does what Christ bids him do, whether he is observed of men or not, becausehe realizes that he is in the Presence of Christ. The very best check upon sinful passions and the most Divine incentive tospiritual earnestness is the Presence of Christ. O Brothers and Sisters, I cannot tell you what a delight it is to feel surethat Christ is near you and observing you-to feel as if His hands were upon your shoulder and His shadow resting upon you,like that of a father leaning over his child and guiding the child's hand as he writes his copy- while you are trying to serveHim and yielding yourself up completely to Him, saying, "Tell me, my Lord, what You have for me to do and, by Your Grace,I will do it, for I live in Your sight and to please You is the one desire of my soul."

Sinners never see Christ in this way. In fact, they do not care anything about Him. The children of God constantly see JesusChrist before them so that if they are tempted to sin, they cry, "How can we do this great wickedness and sin against God?"If they are tempted to slumber when they ought to be actively engaged in His service, they can hear Christ knocking at theirdoor and saying to them, "Open to Me." And they rise from their beds and open the door to Him and go forth with Him to doHis will! You can, each one of you judge, Beloved, whether in this sense Christ can say to you, "You see Me."

Christ is also to be seen by Believers in the efficacy of His Spirit. Read what He says in the 17th verse-"Even the Spiritof Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: but you know Him; for He dwells withyou and shall be in you." Have you ever felt the Presence and power of the Spirit of God working within you? Does He evercomfort you when you are depressed? Does He ever guide you when you are in perplexity? Has He ever come upon you to calm youwhen you have been getting excited with worldly joy? Have you ever known the Spirit of God illuminate a Truth which beforeyou could not understand? Have you not known Him to point out to you a way of answering your accuser or adversary which youhad not thought of, giving you in the same hour the very words that you should speak? Some of us know what it is to be moreswayed by the Spirit of God than by our own spirit-and it should be so with every Christian. He should yield himself up absolutelyto that Divine Spirit who will bear him wherever He pleases, upward or downward, to ecstatic joy or to holy sorrow, but alwaysonward in that which glorifies God! Those who feel this power of the Holy Spirit really see Jesus Christ and so hear Him sayto them as He said to His disciples, "You see Me."

And, Beloved, I must add here what some of you know right well-I would that we all knew it more and more- that Jesus Christis to be seen by that near, and dear, and intimate communion which He permits His children to have with Him. They are to bedaily walking with God, but as the sea, though always full, is not always at flood-tide, so the Believer, who lives nearestto God, will not always experience precisely the same delights. There are high days and holidays for us-have you not had them?We hardly like to talk about them, for the love-dealings of Christ with our souls are such sacred secrets between Himselfand us that we can scarcely speak of them to others. We have known such joy in fellowship with Christ that we have felt almostas the Apostle did when he said that "He was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful fora man to utter." Indeed, we cannot utter them, for human language can never express the bliss which sometimes fills our spiritwhen Jesus Christ reveals Himself to us! It is vain for infidels to tell me that there is no Christ for I have seen Him! Whenmen tell us that there is no Heaven, we say, as Bunyan's pilgrims did, "What? No Mount Zion? Did we not see from the DelectableMountains, the gate of the city?" Do they tell us that the love of Christ is a myth? We reply that it has been shed abroadin our hearts by the Holy Spirit and that, therefore, we can never doubt its reality and power!

There is an individual who is accustomed to go down the sewers and who has no sense of smell-"He has got no nose," a man toldme once. Suppose that this man comes into a place which has been recently perfumed with perfume of roses or lavender waterand, while we are all saying, "What a delicious perfume!" He says, "I do not believe there is any perfume here." But we aresure that there is. He says that he cannot see it, he cannot hear it, he cannot taste it, he cannot feel it and he cannotsmell it, so he does not believe it is there. No, poor man, he has lost one of his senses, so he cannot perceive it. And theworld has lost its spiritual sense-that delicate nostril which can perceive the sweet perfume of the Rose of Sharon and detectHis Presence wherever He may be! But we, Beloved, are not to be argued out of an undoubted fact of our spiritual experience!It is useless to try to pervert a genuine Christian from the faith because he knows it, for he has tasted and handled it,and felt it! It is not a matter of opinion to him, but a matter of fact. The heathen philosophers said of the early Christians,that they were the most obstinate men and women that they ever met. They said that the plainest arguments were lost upon them,for they clung to certain things which they asserted to be facts and no one could, by any logic whatever, induce them to denythose facts! If we are genuine Christians, we are of the same stamp as those early saints. We might change our opinions, butwe cannot give up our knowledge of the great facts of our spiritual experience-and we do know that Jesus Christ has revealedHimself unto us as He does not unto the world-and we dare not deny that it is so!

He has given us such sweet fellowship with Himself that only in Heaven, itself, can we ever be happier! Sometimes we haveseemed to sit on the very doorstep of Heaven and have heard the music inside-and we have wondered whether they could be happier,there, than we were outside. We have felt that they must have larger capacity for joy than we had if they had more joy thanwe possessed, for we were as full of joy as we could be! Well, this being the case with us, we cannot be made to deny thefaith by anything that may be said to us by those who are strangers to our joy. "You see Me," said Christ to His disciplesand, oftentimes we have felt that He might also say to us, "You see Me," for, in the highest sense, it is true.

Beloved Friends, I must leave this point, but I wish, first, to ask everyone here, "Have you thus seen Jesus Christ? Do yousee Him at this moment?" Remember that you must spiritually see Him with the eyes of your soul or else, when He comes to Judgment,you will in vain call upon the rocks to hide you from His face! Recollect, also, that you cannot see Christ till the Spiritof God opens your eyes. You are spiritually blind. You are dead! And only the Spirit of God can make you live and give yousight. Oh, that the prayer might ascend from every unsaved soul here, "Blessed Spirit, breathe into me the breath of lifethat my dead soul may be quickened and that my darkened mind may be enlightened that I may truly see You." May the Lord firstgive you that prayer-and then may He graciously answer it in your happy experience this very hour!

III. My last point is this-THE HOLY SPIRIT NOT ONLY GIVES US LIGHT, BUT HE ALSO GIVES US LIFE. Jesus said to His disciples,"Because I live, you shall live also."

Every soul that has seen Christ in the ways I have described is a living soul, and such a living soul that as long as Christlives, and because Christ lives, that soul shall also live! What a precious promise this is! One needs to have a whole sermonupon it-"Because I live, you shall live also."

That is to say, we first get spiritual life from Christ. We are dead in trespasses and sins, but a glance from His eyes throughthe gracious operation of the Holy Spirit, creates the first spark of life within us and then we look to Him-and so we live!We find in Jesus Christ and in context and in communion with Him, all that our souls need, so that we not only derive fromHim spiritual life, but also the sustenance of that life.

Then, we get the life of Christ reproduced in us by living in fellowship with Him-a life which is to bloom and come to perfectionin the eternal life with Christ in Glory. All the life that any Believer ever had on the face of the earth, he must have derivedfrom the Lord Jesus Christ for he had none of his own. And when the Holy Spirit had given him this life from Jesus Christ,he could not keep it alive by his own power. He had to remain in union with Jesus if he was to continue to live, as Christreminded His disciples, "Without Me, (severed from Me), you can do nothing." Let us recognize this fact, Beloved, that wewho have seen Christ have a new life within us which we did not create and which we could not nourish and sustain, but whichJesus keeps, feeds and preserves through the gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit! And thus we live as the world does notlive-it is dead in sin, but we are alive unto God by Jesus Christ!

This life, being Christ's life, is an everlasting life.' 'I give unto them eternal life," says Christ concerning His sheep.Somebody once said, "Ah, but they may lose it!" What nonsense! How can they lose eternal life! How can that be eternal whichcomes to an end? "Eternal life" means a life that never ends! Language can only be meant to conceal men's thoughts if it doesnot mean that! But God uses language, not for the sake of concealing His Truth, but in order to reveal it! And when the LordJesus Christ puts everlasting life into a Believer, he has everlasting life and he will live forever! And for this reasonhe will live forever because Christ will live forever. "Because I live, you shall live also." When Christ can die, then canthe Believer perish. When it shall be possible for Christ to be cast out of Heaven-for His power and Glory to be taken fromHim, yes, for His very Deity to wax old and grow effete with age-then may the Believer's life be quenched, but not till then!

What strange notions some people seem to have about this matter! The Doctrine of Final Perseverance, or the Eternal Preservationof Believers, seems to me to be written as with a beam of sunlight throughout the whole of Scripture! If that is not true,there is nothing at all in the Bible that is true, for that Truth of God is there if anything is! It is impossible to understandthe Bible at all if it is not so. But it is so, glory be to God! What do the objectors say concerning the mystical body ofChrist? Do they suppose that Christ's body keeps losing its members, as lobsters lose their claws, and grow fresh ones? Isthat their strange simile-that the blessed mystical body of Christ goes on changing its members and getting new ones? To suggestsuch a monstrosity is approaching blasphemy! The members of Christ's body must be safe forever, for they are one with Him.Shall Christ be mutilated? Shall He be cut in pieces and His beauty marred? That is impossible-

"Once in Christ in Christ forever! Nothing from His love can sever."

He never did and He never can lose one of those who are in Him!

Put your trust in Jesus, dear Friends, and this passage shall be true concerning you, "As many as received Him, to them gaveHe power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name; which were born, not of blood,

nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God"-"being born-again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible,by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.The grass withers and the flower thereof falls away; but the Word of the Lord endures forever." Blessed is the man who hasthis Word of the Lord sown in His heart as a living seed which cannot die or be destroyed! The Lord grant this blessing toeach one of you, for His dear Son's sake! Amen.


Verses 15-17. If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I willpray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, thatHe may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, neither knowsHim but you know Him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you. "I am going away from you. You will not have My personalPresence much longer, but I will send you One who will never go away from you, for whom there is no death and no departure-'anotherComforter, that He may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth'-who knows the Truths of God, who can teach the Truthsof God and who applies the Truth to the hearts and consciences of men-'whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Himnot, neither knows Him.'" Let us not imagine that the world will ever receive the Spirit of God. It is supposed, by some,that the world gets more enlightened from age to age, but that is a supposition for which there is not the slightest foundation!The death of human nature never develops into life! The darkness brought by the Fall never becomes the Light of God withoutthe operation of a supernatural power. It is the Spirit of God that works this change in God's own children-"but you knowHim, for He dwells with you, and shall be in you." He was with them in a certain sense even while Christ was here, otherwisethey would have learned nothing. And He was more fully in them when Christ had gone back to Heaven-hence they learned, afterPentecost, more of the meaning of the Gospel than they had ever gathered from the teaching of their Master.

18, 19. I willnot leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the worldsees Me no more; but you seeMe: because I live, you shall live also. There is a continuous sight of Christ even as there is a continuous life in Christ.They who have not received the life of Christ cannot see Christ. How can there be eyes without life? And how can there bethe spiritual sight of Christ without the spiritual life in you?

20. At that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. This is a wonderful trinity of unities,each one a mystery, but each one to be known by the Believer when he is instructed of the Spirit of God-Christ in the Father,the saints in Christ, and Christ in them. He that experimentally knows what it is to be in Christ knows more than all thesecular philosophers who have ever lived!

21. He that has My commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves Me: and he that loves Me shall be loved of My Father,and I will love him and will manifest Myself to him. Oh, what privileges are enjoyed by those who love the Lord Jesus Christ!We cannot help loving Him and, by that love we are assured that the Father, Himself, loves us and we have the promise thatChrist will yet more and more manifest Himself to us!

22. Judas said unto Him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself unto us, and not unto the world?"Whyare we the subjects of this election, this selection, this gracious manifestation?"

23. Jesus answered andsaid unto him, if a man loves Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will comeunto him, and make Our abode with him. Just as the angels came to believing Abraham and sojourned for a little while withhim, so will Jesus and the Father, strangers in this world, become sojourners with us. Jesus says of the man who loves Him,"My Father will love him, and We will come unto him and make Our abode with him." This is not a mere call, it is residence-"Wewill make Our abode with him." God, whom the Heavens cannot contain, yet comes and dwells in a lowly heart and abides witha loving spirit-"We will come unto him and make our abode with him." There is an aroma about these words which I cannot conveyto you. But if you have the spiritual nostrils, you will perceive their fragrance for yourselves.

24. He that loves Me not keeps not My sayings: and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's which sent Me. Yousee that the Lord Jesus Christ does not profess to be a great original thinker, but He speaks as the Messenger sent by theFather. And unless we, also, are commissioned and taught by the Father, of what value will our

poor feeble thoughts be? Our only power lies in the fact that we do not utter our own thoughts, but the Truths of God whichhave been taught to us by the Holy Spirit! To some, this may look like weakness, but it is real strength.

25-27. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whomthe Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I havesaid unto you. Peace I leave with you. When men in the East met one another, they usually gave the salutation, "Peace be untoyou," "Peace be to this house." But Christ says-

27. My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.' 'I do not say, 'Peace, Peace,' where there is no peace. It is not a mere formal salutation, but there is a real, true peacecommunicated to you when I thus speak."

28. You have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If you loved Me, you would rejoice, because Isaid, I go unto the Father: for My Father is greater than I. Love makes us rejoice in the prosperity of the one we love. TheLord Jesus Christ, in coming to this earth, had taken upon Himself a subordinate position-He had become the stepping-stonebetween man and God. But now that He was returning to His Glory-returning to His Father-it was the duty of those who lovedHim to rejoice-and we should do the same now. He has left behind Him the humiliation, the scorn, the spitting, the Crucifixion-andwho among us, who truly loves Him, would wish to bring Him back to this poor earth as He same at first? Ah, no! It is wellthat all that is over! There is sweetest music to our ears in our Lord's declaration, "It is finished," and our soul swimsin a sea of light as we think of the ineffable Glory with the father to which He has returned forever!

29-31. And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that when it is comes to pass, you might believe. Hereafter I willnot talk much with you: for the Prince of this world comes, and has nothing in Me. But that the world may know that I lovethe Father; and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence. "Let us go to Gethsemane and to thePassion! Let us go fulfill the Father's will!" It was a sure proof of Christ's love when He went forward from speaking tosufferingthat He might save His own forever!