Sermon 2833. Lessons on Divine Grace

(No. 2833)




"But by the Grace of God I am what I am." 1 Corinthians 15:10.

THIS confession, suitable on the lips of Paul, is equally appropriate in the mouth of each one of us who have known and provedthe Grace of God. We must consider Paul, according to his own account of himself, as being "not meet to be called an Apostle"-though"not a whit behind the very chief Apostles"-because he had persecuted the Church of God. In respect of personal merit, heknew that he did not deserve to be accounted of at all, yet, when the sole ground of approbation was not the service he hadrendered to his Sovereign, but the favor which his Sovereign had bestowed upon him, he could say, "By the Grace of God I amwhat I am." Take the meanest lamb in Jesus' fold, the feeblest heir of Grace, the most timid and fearing-the most hopelessand helpless of all disciples, the man most devoid of talent, the man who stands the very lowest on the list of the saintsof God-surely he may and must say that "by the Grace of God" he is what he is, so far as he is in Christ-a Believer, withall the privileges that Believers have a gracious right to claim! Let this be your comfort, you little ones, that the sameGrace that made an Apostle of Paul has made a Christian of you. The same power that has quickened the mightiest man in thearmy of the Lord of Hosts has also quickened you. The Grace that saves the greatest saves the least. If the largest and brightestgem in the crown of Christ reflects His Grace and glorifies His love, even so shall you, though you are as the smallest pearlthat shall be set in His glorious diadem of honor!

Then, next, take the Apostle Paul in the other way he describes himself in our text. In the preceding verse, he says he isthe least of the Apostles, yet he also says, "I labored more abundantly than they all." It is equally true, whether you puthim in the meanest place among converts, or in the very forefront of the army of faithful soldiers of Christ-among the feeblestof pensioners or the most zealous of all the laborers in the vineyard of the Master-the acknowledgment must be made, "By theGrace of God I am what I am." Be our attainments never so eminent, our knowledge never so extensive, our usefulness neverso great, yet still we stand, in the sight of God, on the same footing as the very meanest member of the Church of Christ!The song which begins among the little and the timid gathers strength among the great and the brave. It is not altered inthe slightest degree-the language is the same, the strain the same, the song the same-"By the Grace of God," we, all of us,must say, "we are what we are"!

I am going to speak of my text, first, doctrinally. Secondly, experimentally. And, thirdly, practically.

I. First, DOCTRINALLY. Each one of us who is a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ can take this sentence as his creed and say,"By the Grace of God I am what I am."

That is to say, first, I am not what I am as the result of something good which God foresaw would be in me. God has not vouchsafedHis love, His favor, His mercy to me because He foresaw that I would repent of my sin and trust in His dear Son. No, thereis a deeper cause for His love than anything that could be found in me! Indeed, there is nothing that could be found in methat is lovely in His sight, but it would be proved, immediately, that He had, first of all, freely given that lovely thingto me, or created it within me. If I am a child of God, an heir of Heaven, the wellspring of God's love to me is in His ownSovereign Grace. Nothing in my disposition or character could move His heart to me. His heart must have moved spontaneously-itmust have welled up because of its own deep love-and it must have flowed towards me

in its own Divine channel simply because God, in His Sovereignty, would have it so! "By the Grace of God," I am elected untoeternal life-

"Grace first inscribed my name, In God's eternal book."

'Twas Grace which set me apart, in distinguishing love, before the stars were made! 'Twas Grace that separated me from themass of mankind. 'Twas Grace that laid hold of me while I was but as a pebble in the brook-and ordained that I should be abright diamond in Christ' s crown! It was God who, in the beginning, by His own Grace, decreed that I should be what I amand, therefore, to begin there, we take this as our creed, "By the Grace of God"-as manifested in eternity and, by that alonehave I been caused to be "what I am."

Then, next, my text also means I am not what I am as the result of any creature strength, or any means of my own. I am notwhat I am because I chose to be what I am, for if I had been what I chose to be, I would still have been "dead in trespassesand sins." If I had followed my poor, blind free will, it would have been, to this day, leading me to Hell! It would neverhave led me Heaven. If I had made it my guide, I would have wandered further and further, and further away from God. Withmy back to the Savior, I would never have moved towards God. It is the same with all of us-if there is anything good in anyof us, we must confess that God Himself put it there. He taught our souls to pray. He made us feel our need of Divine Grace.He stripped us of our boastful pride. He delivered us from our refuges of lies. He leveled the legality of our hearts by bringingus low with labor, exhausting all our strength. Twas He who cast the first ray of hope into our soul! He opened our blindeyes to see the beauty of Christ! He gave us the first glimmering of faith! He enabled us to see that our sins were washedaway by the precious blood of Jesus and He has kept us alive to this day and will not let us go!

We will maintain this Truth of God against all comers, that saints are what they are "by the Grace of God" and not by theirown free will! I have sometimes heard men preach doctrines contrary to this. They have said that men are what they are asthe result of the improvement of "universal Grace," and that the distinction which is apparent in them is made by themselves.God gave them a Grace which they were to use-not a Grace which operated upon them, but a grace which they operated upon. Accordingto that teaching, Divine Grace is given to men as a tool with which they are to work, not as a seal which God sets upon aman-Grace is subservient to man-he is not subservient to Grace. Yet I must say that although I have heard such doctrine asthat preached from the pulpit, I have never known it to be practically received in the heart of a child of God. When you cometo the point and ask a true Believer, "Why are you, now, a child of God and an heir of Heaven?" he tells you, once and forall, "God made the difference." He will, perhaps, tell you that men can do much towards their own conversion, but He willdeny that he has done anything towards his. He will loyally put the crown on the head of Christ, even though being cloudedin his understanding, he may have talked as if he denied the Truth. But, Brothers and Sisters, what we hold is the Doctrineof the effectual working of God in the hearts of His chosen ones, as the Lord said to Zerubbabel, "Not by might, nor by power,but by My Spirit, said the Lord of Hosts." And as Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "according to the working of His mighty power,which He worked in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places."

Now let us look at our text in another aspect. Some suppose that even if Divine Grace begins the work, we must at least carryit on. It cannot be denied that the living child of God has power, but it must not be forgotten that the power of the livingchild of God is not in himself, but in his Heavenly Father. For it is as true of him as of any sinner-"dead in trespassesand sins" that, without Christ, he can do nothing. The living child of God is still as powerless as the dead sinner apartfrom the constant indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the constant inflowing of the Divine Life into his soul. "By the Graceof God" we not only are what we are, but we also remain what we are. We would long ago have ruined our-selves-and damned ourselves-ifChrist had not kept us by His Almighty Grace!

There has not been one hour in our whole Christian experience in which we have preserved ourselves! We cannot look back toany stage in our history and say, "Here I worked mighty marvels by my own unaided power." We dare not say, when we have beenmade to stand on our high places, that we stood there by our own wisdom. Nor can we say, when we have run without weariness,that we did it in our own strength. No, Beloved, whenever we discover our own strength in our pilgrimage, it is in going backwardand in tumbling down-never in going forward, or in mounting upward.

With the Psalmist, we have to say to the Lord, "All my springs are in You" and, as all the springs are in the Lord, so areall the streamsas well. As for myself, I must continually sing-

"Oh, to Grace, how great a debtor

Daily I'm constrained to be"

Not only am I debtor to Grace, once and for all, but each day adds to the debt and each hour the bulk of my obligation grows.I must still say, "By the Grace of God I am what I am." Some of you could say this 20 years ago, but you can say it with evengreater emphasis now! And when you get gray-headed and totter down to Jordan' s brink, you will not be able to say, "By myown goodness I am what I am." Even there must you give all the glory to that Divine Grace which, having been the Alpha, willalso be the Omega-which, having been the beginning, will also be the end.

So, doctrinally, I state the Truth of my text thus, "By the Grace of God I am what I am." I am elect. My election is of Grace.I am redeemed. Redemption is a mighty masterpiece of Grace. I am called-called by Grace. I am preserved- preserved by Graceand whatever there is in me that is commendable and virtuous, whatever there is in me which the Son of God can admire andwhich gives to my own soul real comfort, must be all of Grace and of Grace alone! I have spoken so much in the first personbecause the text is in the first person. Will each of you, also, speak in the first person and say in your heart, "By theGrace of God I am what I am," endorsing the text from your own experience, setting your seal to this part of God's Word anddeclaring it to be true and going forth with this motto emblazoned on your banner as the Doctrine which you will hear, andwhich, if you are called to the ministry, you will preach, "By the Grace of God I am what I am"?

II. Now, in the second place, I am going to take the text EXPERIMENTALLY.

By this I mean that there are times in our experience when this Truth of God starts up in letters of light and we recognizeit as an indisputable fact, not only taught to us as a Scriptural Doctrine, but proved to us by our own personal experience.Let me just narrate a few instances.

Brothers and Sisters, have you ever had times when the fountains of the great deep of your depravity have been broken up?Have you ever been taken into the chambers of imagery and has the Spirit of God said to you, "Son of man, I will show yougreater abominations than these!" And has He taken you, first, into one room, and then into another and made you stand aghastwhile He has shown you the idols of your heart, the deep depravity that still remains in you, the pride, sloth and variousforms of sin which still lurk and find shelter there? Have you ever had the filthy rags unrolled before your eyes? Have youheard the chattering of the unclean birds in the cage of your heart? Have you ever been fully conscious of the stench arisingfrom your Old Adam nature? Has your spirit sickened at the very thought of the depravity of manhood in general and of yourselfin particular? Have you ever had your secret sins set in the light of God's Countenance? Have you ever been made to see theblackness of your own sin, side by side with the brightness of Divine favor? Have you ever been made to taste the exceedingbitterness of your sin even at the Communion Table-even while you realized the preciousness of the blood of Chris and renewedyour former fellowship with Him? If so, then I know that my text has been true to you, as it also has been to me, and thatyou have said, as I have often been compelled to say, "By the grace of God I am what I am."

You have looked at your heart and you have seen its barren soil. And if there has been any wheat growing upon it, you havesaid, "This is the result of the Grace of God." You have looked at the huge black rock of your Old Adam nature and when youhave seen rivers of Living Water flowing out of the very midst of it, you have been obliged to say, "This mighty miracle couldonly have been worked by the Grace of God." Flimsy views of human depravity lead to very indistinct ideas of the Grace ofGod. There is nothing but deep sub-soil plowing that ever makes a man sound in the Doctrines of Grace-and I will defy anyman who has had a deep experience of his own odious depravity to believe any other doctrines but the Doctrines of Grace whichare commonly called Calvinism! No, more than that, the mind, unless it is most graciously taught by the Spirit of God, willbe apt to go beyond the true Scriptural Doctrine and to push the term beyond its legitimate sphere.

There have been other occasions on which you and I have been forced to cry, "By the Grace of God I am what I am," namely,after some strong and terrible temptation. Have you ever known what it is to feel some old lust which you thought was dead,suddenly come upon you with a whirlwind power and drive you before it like a sere leaf of the forest that could not resistits might? I have, sometimes, had this trying experience. When quietly meditating upon the things of

God, some fierce and fearful impulse to sin has assailed me-as if a giant had seized me by the neck and pushed me onward until,at last, I came to the very brink of some awful iniquity and looked down upon it. And, just as it seemed as if I must plungeinto it, my eyes have been opened and I have seen the horror of great darkness and I have exclaimed, "O God! How is it thatI have not committed that sin? How is it that You have come to save me just in the nick of time and stretched out Your handto rescue me just when 'my feet were almost gone,' when, 'my steps had well-nigh slipped'? Not only had I thought of slipping,but 'my steps had well-nigh slipped.' Then, Your mercy, O God, held me up!" I do not know whether you have had strong impulsesof that kind. Many of God's people have, and especially those who, before conversion, plunged deeply into sin. You have sometimeshad almost on your lips the oath which you have hated in your inmost heart. Iniquity has come before you in a fascinatingguise and, although you abhorred it, yet, for the moment, a strange hallucination of dazzling witchery seemed to lay holdof your spirit-and if you had yielded to it, you would have been like Samson when he fell into the hands of the Philistines!So it is that we are often compelled to say, as we look back upon marvelous Providences and Divine interpositions, "Truly,by the Grace of God we are what we are, and by that Grace, alone, have we been preserved from falling into sin."

I think, too, that this Truth has often been brought home to us when we have witnessed the fall of others. You have, perhaps,walked to and from the House of God with some notable professor of religion and he has instructed you on many points. He seemedto be a man of deep experience and devout life. Your heart has been knit to him and you have said, "Here, indeed, is a Brother,"and you have, possibly, envied him his great attainments and his fluent speech. Then, all of a sudden, you heard that he hadfallen into some terrible sin. You made enquiries and you found that it was only too true. You were present, one night, atthe Church meeting when the solemn sentence of excommunication was pronounced upon him-and while the minister uttered it,all the members wept and prayed that the poor fallen one might be brought to repentance and that his soul might not be theprey of Satan. At such a time as that, you have said, "By the Grace of God I am what I am," and you have said, with good JohnNewton-

" When any turn from Zion's way, (Alas, what numbers do)! I think I hear my Savior say, ' Will you forsake Me too?' Ah, Lord,with such a heart as mine, Unless You hold me fast, I feel I must, I shall decline, And prove like they at last!'

Such instances may act as beacons to warn us of pride and to teach us, again, the lesson that by the Grace of God we are whatwe are.

Then, Brothers and Sisters, I think there are other seasons when we learn this lesson. That is, in times of great dullnessin spiritual matters. Heavenly trade is not always brisk, even in the best market-that is, in the breast of the Believer.Spiritual mariners do not find that the wind always blows and thus, though we should always have our sails up, (which, alas,is not always the case with us), even then the wind would not always blow, for it "blows where it wishes." Like the sea, wehave our ebb as well as our flood-tide. Do you not know what it is to go to the Throne of Grace when- as for words, you canfind plenty of them, but as for heart and soul, and vigor in prayer-if your salvation depended upon your fervency, you mustperish? Have you not gone to the Mercy Seat and groaned there-and groaned most of all because you could not groan as you ought?You have taken your needs to the Throne of Grace, but you have had to bring them away again. You have gone up to the Houseof God and though you could find no fault with the sermon, there was, somehow or other, nothing in it for you.

You went home to read your Bible and though you knew that it was a precious Book, it did not seem precious to you. It mightbe like a honeycomb, but you could not get any of the honey out of it. You had lost all spiritual appetite and you felt asif you were drawing near to the gates of death. You remember, too, how you then sought the society of the godly, yet you receivedno consolation from them. Heavenly things seemed to be but dreams-the substantial things of eternity did not affect your spiritas they should have done and you could only cry, with the Psalmist, "My soul cleaves unto the dust: quicken You me accordingto Your word." And at such times, and especially if your prayer has been graciously heard, you have been compelled to say,"It is my natural state to be cold and dull and if, at any time, I run swiftly in the heavenly race-if my sails are filledand my boat is carried towards Paradise-surely this is by the Grace of God."

Just one more remark upon this point. Times of great mercy often operate upon some of us so as to bring us very low and tomake us feel, "By the Grace of God we are what we are." Simon Peter had this experience. When his boat was full of fish, sothat it began to sink, he fell on his knees before his Master and said "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." Theirgreatness of God's mercy to him convinced him of his own unworthiness and it has been the same with some of us. The more theGlory of God's Grace has been revealed to our souls, the humbler have we been made to lie at His feet. When the Lord has piledup His mercies till they were like the great mountains and His faithfulness has been like the bottomless depths, then havewe been obliged to say, "These great things are, indeed, of God-they could not have come of man." At such times we have feltthat we could sit before the Lord, as David did, and ask, "Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that You have broughtme to this point?" God sometimes overwhelms His children with mercy quite as completely as He ever does with affliction. Pridemay be overcome in two ways. It is sometimes overcome by trouble that crushes a man, but, at other times, the same resultis produced by Almighty Grace which, in overwhelming waves of love, rushes in upon the man's spirit, till, submerged in loveand mercy, he can only resign himself to its depths and feel-yet always feel that he cannot feel enough-the wonders of God'sGrace and his own littleness in comparison with God's amazing favor! God sometimes humbles His children by putting them inthe dark, but He sometimes does it in another way, as David said, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,the moon and the stars which You have ordained; what is man, that You are mindful of him? And the son of man, that You visithim?" How often have we also had to say, with David, "How precious, also, are Your thoughts unto me, O God! How great is thesum of them!" So I hope it will be with each one of us, that the greatness of God's mercy to us, as a Church, and as individuals,will lead us to say, "By the Grace of God we are what we are."

III. Now, in closing, let us consider our subject PRACTICALLY. What is the practical use of this text, "By the Grace of GodI am what I am"?

Surely, as I have already reminded you, it is designed to keep us humble. Depend upon it, if we do not take this text forour motto every day, there is the rod of the Covenant ready for us. He will soon be in a storm who does not see God's Gracein the sunshine. If His mercies surround us and our days roll happily along, but we begin to ascribe our greatness and ourriches to ourselves, it will not be long before God will bring us down. It may be so in your experience, especially if yousoar upon the wings of self-confidence. As surely as you begin to get strong in your own strength, there is an hour of weaknessclose at hand! Whenever you are full of self, it will not be long before you learn your own emptiness, for he who begins togrow rich in himself is next door to poverty-no, he is already clothed in rags. No, my Brothers and Sisters, there is no safewalking unless we make this the staff on which we lean-"By the Grace of God we are what we are." While we stick to this asour hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, everlasting motto, we shall not go astray, nor shall we experience those terribledowncastings which are the inevitable result of our flying up in self-confidence. Come then, Beloved, from this day let uslearn humility, let us tread our pride in the dust and say, "Why should we be proud? By the Grace of God we are what we are."

Then, in the light of our text, let us learn charity Why should I be harsh towards those who are not what I am? I wish thatsome persons who think themselves very sound in Doctrine, would recollect our text. If another Brother is thought to be unsound,they are ready to cut him in pieces! It would be better if they were to say, before using their sword for such a purpose,"By the Grace of God we are what we are." Though you should be ever so sound and right, yourselves, be gentle with the Brotherwho has not received so much Grace as you have. Good John Newton used to say that for a Calvinist to be proud was the mostinconsistent thing in the world, because, by his own profession, there were Truths of God which no man could receive or understandof himself-so, why should he boast of his own attainments and why should he blame others for not doing what he knows theycannot do of themselves? If our Brothers and Sisters cannot see as well as we can, why should we be angry with them becauseour eyes are better than theirs? I see no reason for being angry with a blind man because he cannot see-that is the very reasonwhy we should pity his infirmity. So, let us seek to relieve those who are burdened, to bring back those who have wandered,to strengthen the weak hands, confirm the feeble knees and, to the best of our power, lead others into that glorious Lightof God in which we ourselves are walking, for, by the Grace of God we are what we are!

Moreover this should teach us hopefulness concerning other men. There is a drunken man-you think he can never be converted,but why not? The Grace that saved you is sufficient to save him. You sometimes meet with an infidel. Per-

haps you have one in your family-a father, or brother, or sister-and you are apt to say, "Well, it is no use trying to getsuch an one to go to the House of God-all he would do would be to mock and jeer. If the minister should make a mistake, hewould seize upon it and use it as his stock-in-trade for the abuse of the week. If there is a fault among God's children,he is sure to notice it and to make it the theme of his reproach, so he had better be kept away from them." But again I saythe Grace that saved you is sufficient to save him-never give anyone up, even as God did not give you up! I always think thatas God has converted me by His Grace, He can convert anybody! The conversion of any other sinner is not any more difficultto Omnipotence, neither is it any easier, for Omnipotence knows nothing of degrees. What marvelous things Christ has doneand done in some of us, too! Some of you must weep over that verse in which the Apostle says, "And such were some of you,but you are washed." And you say, "Yes, and to God be all the Glory that He has made us what we are." Therefore let us continueto look after those whom Satan has ensnared-even the most hardhearted sinners-and seek to bring them under the saving influenceof the Grace of God.

Then, lastly, if we are what we are "by the Grace of God," this should teach us greater thankfulness. Children of the HeavenlyKing, never forget to praise your God! We sometimes fail in this duty. We have had many meetings for prayer to ask God tobless us in our manifold labors. Now let us have some meetings for praise-to bless the Lord for His great goodness to us.I have heard that in some parts of New England, there used to be a day of fasting every month to mourn for the iniquity ofthe land and so on. And, at last, some senator proposed that they should have a feast and thank God for the mercies whichthey had received-and, truly, he was in the right. It is not good always to be fasting-we must sometimes feast! An old Puritansays that we take in breath by prayer by a sort of heavenly Inspiration-and that we breathe it out again by praise. Dear Brothersand Sisters, if you and I were to sing as heartily as we ought to sing, what a joyous song of praise there would be! If ourvoices could but be tuned to the goodness of God, what songs and sonnets would make glad this wilderness!

You remember Ralph Erskine's sonnet on the battle in Heaven-the great contention of the bards in Paradise? He pictures themall contending as to who should have the lowestplace and which should most loudly praise the Lord! There were the babes snatchedfrom their mothers' breasts-they claimed the lowest place because they had gone straight to Heaven without any trials or troubles.But the gray-headed men who had been Divinely supported under the afflictions of many years said that theyowed the most toSovereign Grace. Then came those who had been converted in their early years and who said that they had already had a Heavenbelow, so they could sing the loudest of all. Then came the penitent thief who said that he had the greatest cause to praisethe Lord for he had been converted at the last. While some declared that they must praise God most because they had been theblackest sinners, others said that they would praise Him most for the restraining Grace which had kept them from sin. Andso the strife went on until they agreed, each one, to sing with all his might to the praise of that Everlasting Love whichinscribed their names in the Lamb's Book of Life, that great Love which bought them with Jesus' precious blood and that OmnipotentLove which attended them all their journey through and landed then at last in Heaven!


Verses 1, 2. And the LORD spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, Take the sum of the sons of Kohath from among the sonsof Levi, after their families, by the house of their fathers. There were three families, those of Kohath, Gershon and Merari-andto each of these families a different service was allotted. First, they were to be numbered. "The Lord knows them that areHis," and He takes count of all His people.

3. From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old, all that enter into the service, to do the work in the tabernacleof the congregation. They were to take up this work as a warfare, for, though it was a peaceful work, yet it is describedas being a warfare. And he who serves the Lord, though that service is perfect peace, will not serve Him without also findingit to be a warfare.

4. This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things. Theywere to have to do with the Most Holy Place, to carry it and to carry the vessels of it-a very honorable position.

5, 6. And when the camp sets forward, Aaron shall come, and his sons, and they shall take down the covering veil, and coverthe Ark of Testimony with it: and shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skin, and shall spread over it a cloth whollyof blue, and shall put in the staves thereof. These Kohathites might not so take the Ark as to handle it, much less mightthey ever look at it. But the priests and the sons of Aaron went in first and, after carefully covering the Holy Place, theycovered up the sacred Ark with a cloth of blue. Blue was the token of holiness-of separation. Hence, every Israelite worea border of blue upon his garment, but this, which was the symbol of the Divine Presence, was "all of blue." It is all holiness.We wear, alas, but a border of blue, but this holy thing was "all of blue."

7. And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and thebowls, and covers to cover all: and the showbread shall be thereon. When they moved the sacred table, the bread was alwaysthere-twelve cakes for the twelve tribes-for the bread of God's House is never lacking.

8-10. And they shall all spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shallput in the staves thereof And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light and its lamps, anditstongs, andits snuffdishes, andall the oil vessels thereof, wherewith theyminister unto it: and they shallput it and all thevessels thereof within a covering of badgers' skin and shallput it upon a carrying beam. There were means for handling thesevessels without touching them. I mean the Ark had staves, and the vessels were put upon a bar for carrying them.

11. And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shallinsert its poles. A type of the holiness veiled in our Lord's Humanity-the badger skin made apparent the simplicity, the poverty,the humility of our Lord-covering evermore that wondrous cloth of blue.

12, 13. And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, herewith they minister in the sanctuary, andput them in a clothof blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins and shallput them on a carrying bar: and they shall take away theashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon. A royal altar is this, always grand and glorious in our eyes, coveredwith a purple cloth.

14-20. And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, even the censers, the forks,and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers' skins,andinsert itspoles. And when Aaron andhis sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, andall the vessels of the sanctuary,as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing,lest they die. These things are the burden of the son of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, and to the office ofEleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, pertains the oil for the light and the sweet incense, and the daily meat offering, andthe anointing oil, and the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary, and in the vesselsthereof. And the LORD spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, Cut you not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathitesfrom among the Levites: but thus do unto them, that they may live, and not die, when they approach unto the most holy things:Aaron andhis sons shall go in, and anoint them, everyone to his service and to his burden: but they shall not go in to seewhen the holy things are covered, lest they die. This is a very awful thing. I mean something which should produce a greatawe and solemnity in our hearts. These men were chosen to carry the vessels of the Most Holy Place, yet they must never seethem! They must be covered up by the hands of the priest-and they must never touch them. They must bear them by their staves,or upon the carrying bar upon which they were placed. Oh, how terrible a thing it is to draw near to God! The Lord our Godis a jealous God. He will be served with holy reverence or not at all. Hence he says to Moses and Aaron, "Take care that youdo not lead these men into any mistake. You go in first, and point out to each man what he is to carry. See that all is coveredup, for if you do not, they may die in their work. Do not be accessories to their act and bring upon them this terrible judgment."

I often wish that God's people would be careful not to cause sin in any of His servants when they are engaged in the ministry.Perhaps in preaching, or otherwise, there may be something done which vexes the Holy Spirit and causes trouble and sin. And,oh, he who stands in the holy place and bears the holiest of the vessel, needs to fear and tremble before God! And he needsto ask his brethren to see that they do nothing which might inadvertently cause him to sin.

21-24. And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying, Take also the sum ofthe sons ofGershon, throughout the houses of their fathers,of their families, from thirty years old and upward until fifty years old shall you number them; all that enter in to performthe service, to do the work in the tabernacle ofthe congregation. This is the sequence ofthe families

of the Gershonites, to serve, and for burdens. They were to bear the external coverings of the Holy Place. The Most Holy Placewas in the custody of the Kohathites, but the Gershonites were to carry as follows-

25-28. And they shall bear the curtains of the tabernacle, and the tabernacle of the congregation, its covering, and the coveringof the badgers' skins that is above upon it, and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and the hangingsof the court, and the hanging for the door of the gate of the court, which is by the tabernacle and by the altar round about,and their cords, and all the instruments of their service, and all that is made for them: so shall they serve. At the appointmentof Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burdens, and in all their service:and you shall appoint unto them in charge all their burdens. This is the service of the families of the sons of Gershon inthe tabernacle of the congregation: and their charge shall be under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron, the priest. Therewas a wise decision of labor. I wish we had the same kind of thing in every church, and that every member occupied himselfin that to which God has appointed him. But there are some who want to do what they cannot do, and who do not care to do whatthey can do.

29-32. As for the sons of Merari, you shall number them after their families, by the house of their fathers; from thirty yearsold and upward even unto fifty years old shall you number them, every one that enters into the service, to do the work ofthe tabernacle of the congregation. And this is the charge of their burden, according to all their service in the tabernacleof the congregation, the boards of the tabernacle, and the bars thereof, and the pillars thereof, and sockets thereof, andthe pillars of the court round about, and their sockets, and their pins, and their cords, with all their instruments, andwith all their service: and by name you shall reckon the instruments of the charge of their burden. They had the heaviestload to carry, but they were the more numerous. They carried the solid columns upon which the covering of the tabernacle rested.And notice that they had also to carry the pins. Sometimes God's servants dislike carrying pins. They feel themselves toobig-but blessed is that servant who, in his place, can be content to carry "their sockets, and their pins, and their cords,with all their instruments."

33. This is the service of the families of the sons ofMerari, according to all their service, in the tabernacle of the congregation,under the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron, the priest.