Sermon 2756. Saving the Lost

(No. 2756)




"The Son of Man hats come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10.

OUR Lord's mission upon earth was a very gracious one. It had a narrow side to it, for He came only as a Minister- not asa Savior, mark you, but as Minister-to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." He was, as the Apostle Paul reminds us, "aMinister of the circumcision for the truth of God." And He did not traverse any other country but Palestine, in order to preachthe Gospel to the people, but He kept Himself to the seed of Abraham.

Yet there was abundant room for one personal ministry within that realm alone. If a Christian worker were to say that he wouldconfine his labors to London, he certainly need not think that he would have a restricted range! And our Savior's personalpreaching in Palestine gave Him more work than any one man could accomplish. But, even in that restricted sense, it is remarkablethat He should have said to the woman of Canaan, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." The lostsheep were the peculiar desire of His heart-not so much Israel, as "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." His eye was especiallyfixed upon them, His Grace sought out the objects most needing it. His mercy hungered after human misery in order that Hemight relieve it so that there were always uppermost in His mind, thoughts of pity and love towards the sons of men.

At this present moment, under the Gospel dispensation, there is no division between Israel and the Gentile. I do not carewhether I am an Israelite or not, after the flesh, because in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Gentile. That is all abolishedand all the fuss that some people make about whether we are descended from the Jews is nonsense and nothing better! If itis so, it does not matter in the least. For now "there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumci-sion, Barbarian,Scythian, bond nor free-but Christ is all and in all." The middle wall of partition has been taken down once and for all and,now, all over the world, this Truth of God stands in reference not to this nation, or to that, alone, but to the whole humanrace, "The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Still do His eyes, with eagle keenness, spy out thelost. Still do those eyes, with dove-like tenderness, weep for the lost! Still does the eternal Savior live that He may seekand save that which was lost!

If you were never lost, you have no part or lot in His work of salvation. But if you are lost, and know it, this is the verylink which unites you to the Savior! He has come to seek and to save just such as you are and I hope, in the observationsI am about to make, that I shall be able to show that He came to save you!

I. I shall speak concerning OUR LORD'S MISSION. He has come to seek and to save that which was lost.

Notice, first, what a gracious mission it was!It was a mission of pure mercy and indescribable love. Our Lord Jesus Christdid not come into the world to seek His own honor, but to seek and to save the lost. Not to get anything for Himself, butto give everything to those who are lost. His mission is one of undeserved goodness, on His part, towards those who have treatedHim evilly and who deserve very different treatment at His hands. There was no law except His own love to compel Christ tocome to save sinners. They had no claim upon Him. When He resolved to come, it was an act of matchless Grace. If He had notchosen to come, He would still have been the ever-blessed Son of the Highest, enshrined in everlasting Glory though everyoneof us had perished! His coming was Infinite goodness, returning good for evil, coming down to our lost estate and determining,by superabundant affection, to save us from it! Our Savior is embodied Grace,

Incarnate Love and His mission is Grace itself. Let us never forget that He came to save the lost-not to save the good andthe excellent.

Ah, my Brothers and Sisters, Christ's eyes look in the opposite direction to ours. We usually look for some goodness on thepart of men before we help them, but He looks to their sin, degradation and need. He is kind to the unthankful and the evil.He justifies those who are not, in themselves, just-while we were dead in trespasses and sins, "in due time Christ died forthe ungodly." Grace, pure Grace, abounds in Him and is blessedly manifested in His mission of saving the lost.

Further, while that mission is a very gracious one, I call your attention to the fact that it is also a great one. Jesus Christcame to seek and to save the lost and there are plenty of them. It is no small charge that Christ has taken up when He speaksof saving the lost. What a mass of our fellow countrymen are lost! I mean, in the common use of the term, "the lost classes"that are morally gone astray and are, by universal consent, put down among the lost. Look at whole nations of mankind thatare sunk up to their eyelids in infamous transgression, lost to every sense of shame and decency. Christ, however, has cometo save just such as they are and, to tell the truth, the difference between us and them, by nature, is not more than skindeep! We are a little better washed on the outside than they are, but the inside of the cup and platter of fallen humanityis pretty much alike in all men. We may have been better taught. We may have been more restrained than they have been, buta viper is still a viper wherever he may live and man is, in every case, a lost man, a depraved and sinful creature. To mymind, it seems a wondrous charge for Christ to undertake-to save "the lost" without any qualification added to the word-just"the lost."

What a mission Christianity had when it first came, for instance, into Rome! When Christianity first came there it was inconceivablyvile. Its emperors were madmen! I think I cannot truthfully say less of such monsters as Nero, Tiberius and Caligula, whosepower seemed all to be bent to supply themselves with the means for the indulgence of the most abandoned forms of vice. Thecity of Rome was full of statues, the larger part of which, thank God, have been utterly destroyed-and I often wish the resthad been, for many of them are polluting and depraving even to look upon. The city was full of idols as well as of art andthe principal images were not the more respectable ones, like Jupiter and Mercury, but Venus and Bacchus and other abominationsfrom the filthy crowd of Olympus. The rich indulged themselves in every luxury. Women, while their maids waited upon them,and dressed them, practiced upon their female slaves cruelty of such a kind that one would think that everything femininehad gone out of them. Slaves were tortured and put to death-and nothing was ever said about such common crimes. In the amphitheatre,into which the multitudes crowded, scores and even hundreds of gladiators died in a single day-slaying each other in mutualconflict to make a Roman holiday! The nation was full of corruption, bribery, filthiness. A few characters shone out brightly,the more renowned because they were so few, but the land, as a whole, was such that, if Vesuvius had belched forth a torrentof fire high enough to set all Italy in a blaze, and an earthquake had opened its mouth and swallowed it all up, there wouldhave been as much justification for its destruction as for that of Sodom and Gomorrah of old!

But Christianity came into Rome in the form of a poor fisherman and a tent-maker, and others like them. And they began tosay, "We must love each other. You who are rich must count it a privilege to help the poor. We must all fear and serve theone true God, for there is but one. And God has made of one blood all nations to dwell upon the face of the earth. You arenot to treat men with cruelty. You are not to have these bloody games. You are not to indulge these licentious propensities.The Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son, has died to save us from sin and all its consequences." It was a very still small voicethat was heard in Rome at first-and if it had not been for the supernatural power of God, it would speedily have been silenced!But its influence soon began to spread, for some of the rich men in the city and some of the soldiers on guard in Caesar'spalace, and many of the poor slaves embraced the new religion and everywhere they were renowned for kindness, gentleness,purity and love.

Then wicked men said, "We will put this new religion down," and horrible persecutions followed. But, notwithstanding all thatthe Christians suffered, Rome became leavened with the influence of Christianity. By-and-by, slavery passed away, crueltieswere no longer indulged, the amphitheatre was abolished and many of the idol gods were broken in pieces. The one invisibleGod was worshipped and the world rose up like one that has been in an awful swoon, and dreamed dreadful things-and she lookedinto the mirror and saw her face as though she had been born-again! Christ had come to seek and to save lost society and Hedid it in a marvelous way, as He can always do it and He will continue to

do it, for this is the great errand of my Master, that wherever men are sunken in sin and vice-wherever they are immersedin crime, or satisfied with their self-righteousness-He has come to save them from it!

Mark, also, that my Master's mission, while it is a gracious one and a great one, is a very complete one. He comes to seek,that is, to find, the lost. And coming into contact with lost humanity, He does not leave it lost, for He saves those whomHe seeks.

And what a condescending way of saving He has, for the text says, "The Son of Man has come." He was no "Son of Man" once-Hewas and always remains the eternal Son of God! But He deigned to take upon Him this poor Nature of ours. He became a Man likeourselves-a condescension so marvelous that though we hear of it now with little astonishment, yet, if we sat down to thinkit over, it would remain an unexplained mystery to bewilder us with its marvels of matchless Grace! Yes, the Son of God becamethe Son of Man! As such, He lived. As such, He bled away His life upon the Cross that He might redeem us! He has come as theSon of Man that He might lift us up to be the sons of God! And, blessed be His name, the deed is done and, by His Spirit'spower, its glorious results are still bringing untold blessings to all who trust Him!

Just once more, what a practical aim our Savior had in coming here! Our Lord Jesus Christ did not come to propound a philosophy.He did not come to explode ancient errors. He did not come to keep abreast of the times. He did not come to do the prettythings that many ministers are trying to do nowadays. He did not come to be rhetorical. He did not come to be popular. Hedid not come that He might gain the esteem of the multitude. He came to seek and to save the lost! Would God that His Churchwould keep to the same kind of work! But His Church seems to me to act in a great measure as if she were in the world simplyto show off her pretty self with all her fineries-to play her grand music and tickle the ears of people with a Sunday concertand I know not what of floral show to increase the attraction of it. "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"-andwhat are we who call ourselves His disciples, doing? Many of us are doing a thousand other things than this one great thingwhich alone is worthy of the service of the man who calls himself a Christian and who, therefore, ought to be one who is likeChrist. He came to seek and to save the lost. Brothers and Sisters, try to get at this work as closely as you can. Whateverelse you can or cannot do, do seek to be the means of saving souls! Whatever you can do, that is fine and grand and that willbring you into esteem among your fellow men, do try to save poor lost sinners, even though they should be among the lowestof the low and the poorest of the poor! Do try to do what you are called to do in your Master's name, for, by the power ofHis matchless Gospel, you, also, can seek the lost and bring them to Him to save them!

Thus much about our Master's mission.

II. Now I want, in the second place, to give a MESSAGE TO THE LOST ONES FROM MY TEXT.

I do not know where you lost ones are, but here, somewhere, are some of you who know yourselves to be lost. I am not talkingto these other people, but you and I will have a little conversation between ourselves.

And, first, I ask you to think what an interest is excited about you. You are lost and it seems that earth and Heaven, too,are concerned about your being lost, for the Son of Man who is also the Son of God blends Heaven and earth in one in beingconcerned about you! God's Church is interested in your salvation. Many Christians are praying for you and I am trying tospeak out the common love of Christians to you. Because you are lost, we long that you may be saved! Suppose there is a littlechild in the family-not a very pretty child, not always quite clean, nothing very much to look at in anybody's eyes excepther mother's. They are seven or eight in the family and the parents have not much time to waste in admiration of any one ofthem when they have to earn bread for so many. But, just now, little Mary is the principal object of thought in the family.Everybody's heart is taken up with Mary. There is nobody in the house who is not thinking of Mary-what is the reason? Why,Mary went out this morning, to go on an errand, and it is now evening and she has not come home! And they have been roundto the police station, but they cannot find her. Mary is lost, so there is more thought of her than about Jane, or Hannah,or John, or Thomas, though, it may be, they are older and better children. But Mary, just now, is uppermost with everybodybecause Mary is lost!

It is so with regard to you, my dear Friend. You are in the uppermost thought of Christ just now, and you are in our uppermostthoughts, too, because you are lost. I do not want you to feel at all elated at being the subject of this interest, becauseit is not so much you, you know, or anything about you except the one fact that you are lost, which makes us so much interestedin you!

Presently there is such joy, such kissing and hugging, such delight, such singing because Mary is found. Perhaps you stepin and look at Mary-she is just as commonplace a little baby as ever sat on a mother's knee, but still, you see, she had beenlost and she has been found and, therefore, they are rejoicing over her with great joy. All the prominence that Mary getsis not due to her goodness, but to the fact of the love that cannot bear that she should be lost. And it is so with you, mydear Friend. We would move Heaven and earth about you if we could! We would suspend the angels' songs and bid them lean upontheir harps and look on, while all Heaven and earth, in the Person of the Well-Beloved, are seeking and saving that whichis lost! So I bid you remember what interest is excited about you!

Next, notice what power and what wisdom are engaged concerning you-you poor lost body over there! The Son of Man has cometo seek and to save you! It is not that the preacher is laboring to save the lost, but, you see, the pearly gates are swingingback on their golden hinges-the King's Palace gates are opening and there is One passing through whose coming to the earthastounds cherubim and seraphim! It is He who descends, disrobing Himself as He comes down, hanging up His royal rings likenew stars, doffing His azure mantle and stretching it across the sky, for, as George Herbert quaintly says, He has new clothesa-making down below! He comes here, to this poor earth, and you see Him as a babe at Bethlehem and a boy at Nazareth. Beinghere, He stoops continually lower and lower till He reaches the deepest depths of all upon the Cross of Calvary. And, allthe while He goes about His daily task hunting for such as you! And what He literally did when He was here, He is still doingby the Divine Spirit-He is stall watching, still waiting, still seeking, still going round the earth hunting after the los!

It ought to greatly encourage you who are lost when you remember that there is such an One as the Lord Jesus Christ who hascome after you. A child, lost in the woods, sits down and cries. The night is coming on, she is very weary and her sad littleheart has only one comfort. "Father will begin to hunt after me, directly. He comes home and when mother tells him that hislittle girl is lost, he will search for me all night long. Father knows the forest trails and knows where I have been knownto stray. Father will find me before the morning, so I will lay me down and sleep." And, dear lost one, you may have evenmore confidence that the Savior will search for you! Do not give up in despair because Jesus seems so long in coming to findyou. He has piercing eyes to see you and swift feet to leap o'er mountains after you-and a ready hand to grasp you and strongshoulders on which to bear His wandering sheep home to the fold above. There is hope for you, lost one, for the Son of Manhas come, bringing all His Godhead with Him and, in the Infinity of His power, and wisdom and love, He is seeking to savejust such sinners as you!

I want you, however, to notice another thing-you lost one, I mean, for you and I are supposed to be talking together tonight.Do you see what trouble you have caused?The little child is troubled at being lost, but think what trouble there is at homeon her account! Last Wednesday morning there came into my study a Brother-minister and I saw at once that he was in terribletrouble, He had come to see me about something else, but I could not help saying to him, "You have some great sorrow on yourheart, have you not?" He answered, "Yes, I have. I lost my wife a year and a half ago, and that was a great grief to me, butI have a trial now which seems to cut me to the heart almost more than that bereavement did." "What is that?" I asked, andhe replied, "Last Sabbath morning, when I went to preach, I thought my boy had come into the Chapel with me, but, after theservice, I could not find him. I went home, but he did not come in to dinner, and I could not get any tidings of him anywhere.I had to preach, in the evening, with a heavy heart, for I still could not find him, and I spent the greater part of the nightwith others searching everywhere for him. "And now," he said, "it is Wednesday and I have not found him, nor have I hearda word concerning him."

Oh, you should have seen how sad he looked! "It is my eldest boy," he said, "and he is lost." Up to this present moment, Ibelieve that he has not heard anything of him. He would compass the whole land to find him, I know, but he does not know whereto look for him. The boy is lost and, possibly, he does not know what trouble he is giving his father and all his friends.If he did, he would very soon be home. Ah, and sinners give great trouble because they are lost. You have heard what troublesinners gave to the Lord Jesus Christ. That death of His upon the Cross was part of the trouble that fell upon His great heartbecause we will sin-because we will be lost-because we will not turn to Him and live. What trouble many of you sinners giveto your friends on earth-and what trouble you gave to the Lord Jesus Christ! It threw Him into a bloody sweat even to thinkof you as lost and to take your place and bear the penalty of your guilt.

There is one other reflection, which will not, I hope, wipe out this one. That is, what joy you would give if you were found!Oh, what clapping of hands there would be and what singing of songs of thanksgiving in your home, if you have a

pious mother or a godly father! Sometimes, members of this Church come to speak with me and I know, by their manner, thatthere is something very joyful that they have to tell me. They do not laugh-they seem very quiet about their joy but thereis a deep undercurrent of gladness. One said to me, lately, "God has been very gracious to me, for both my son and my daughterhave just found the Savior." You know that fathers and mothers, when they are right-hearted, are much more glad about suchgood news as this than they are when they say, "My son has gained a fortune," or, "My daughter has married into a rich family."Oh, yes, to be able to say they are saved is the best thing that can possibly be said about them! I feel such gladness asI can never express when I think of my own dear sons, whom God has brought to the feet of Jesus and called to preach the Gospelwhich their father loves! O you poor sad sinners, you would be the cause of great joy on earth if you came to Christ-and youwould make Christ Himself glad, too! That is the greatest wonder of all- that He who sits upon the Throne of God in ineffablebliss, can have an increase to His joy if you are saved! Yet we know that it is so, for "there is joy"-not only among theangels-but Christ said, "there is joy in the Presenceof the angels of God over one sinner that repents." That is to say, itis God Himself who has the joy, and Christ who rejoices over one sinner that repents!

That is my special word with you, poor lost sinners. May God bless it to you and may you speedily be found by the seekingSavior!

III. Now I come to the closing portion of my discourse which is to be a WORD TO OURSELVES.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, the workers in this Church, I want to speak to you and to myself. And what I want to say isjust this-if Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, has come to seek and to save that which was lost, what honorable work is yoursand mine when we try to be the means of saving souls! The Grand Worthy Chief Master of the Confraternity of Soul-Sinners isour Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Those who belong to that blessed company have Jesus Christ as their Head. I always feelthat it is a high honor to be a minister of the Gospel when I remember what the old Puritan said. He said that the Lord Godhad only one Son, and He made a Minister of Him-what could He do better with Him? So, today there is no higher rank on earththan that of a winner of souls! Be you in whatever position in life you may, if you are seeking to bring eternal salvationto men, you have far higher employment than falls to the lot of the mightiest of earth's kings and princes!

Next, think how thorough your efforts ought to be in this work You ought to go after souls, to seek them, as the Son of Mancame to seek them. If they will not come into the place where you usually speak, go and speak to them where they are. If youhave not got the children you want to have in your class in the Sunday school, go and seek to bring them in and then, whenyou have sought them and gathered them around you, do not be satisfied till they are saved! It is a great mercy to have theHouse of Prayer filled with people listening to the Gospel. I am always glad to see such a sight, but oh, if you hearers arenot saved, what is the good of your coming here? If my Master will not give me your souls for my hire, I can scarcely thankHim for allowing me to preach to you, for I am doing you harm rather than good, being "the savor of death unto death," ratherthan "of life unto life," if you hear the Word, but are not saved by it! O dear unsaved souls, we can never be satisfied concerningyou until you are truly converted to God! Dear Christian workers, do not rest until those who listen to the Gospel messagebelieve it and so find eternal salvation!

Notice next how naturally some of you ought to take to the work of soul-winning. When a child is lost, who should seek it?Why, its mother and father, of course! They are sure to do so. Well, do you seek the souls of your own children? Do you prayfor them? Do you try, by your teaching, and by your example, to bring them to Christ? If you do not, shame on you that youbear the Christian name! I hope all of you who are Christian parents are seeking the salvation of your own children. The nextperson to go in search of a lost child, after its parents, I should think, is its brother. A lad hears that his dear littlesister is lost. I see the hot tears in the boy's eyes as he says, "Mother, I will go anywhere, I will go everywhere if I canbut find her." Well, now, you who are brothers, you who are related to one another-and you are all brothers of the one greathuman family-you all ought, for that very reason, to be concerned about finding these lost ones! But if there is one memberof the family who is affected the most by the loss of the child, it is, probably, the older sister who was especially chargedto take care of it. Or if the big brother is responsible, because the child was entrusted to his charge, he will not be ableto bear himself! He will cry, "Oh, that I should have lost her!-that I should be the cause of her wandering away!" He willnot rest at night, I am sure, unless he has found her.

Some of us are very specially put in charge of souls. You are teachers. You are evangelists. You are ministers and I am, asI know full well. What if I should ever be the cause of the loss of any one of you? I would not have it so. God grant thatit may never be, that any word of mine, spoken in a thoughtless manner, or anything that I might say too coldly, or with toomuch levity, should ever lead an immortal spirit to turn away from hope and from the Lord Jesus Christ! It would be a dreadfulthing if that were to happen-and if it ever has, let us henceforth be among the first to seek to find those who have goneastray.

I will tell you, too, who would be sure to look after a lost child, and that is a child who was once lost and who has beenfound. It may have happened years ago, but the lad says to his mother, "I know what it is to be lost, for I was once lostin the woods. Let me go and find the little one, as somebody came and found me." You who know the smart of sin, the sorrowthat sin brings, will be among the very first to try to find the lost ones. I am sure you will, so I scarcely need say a wordto urge you to this holy service.

Then there are those who are acquainted with the ground where the lost ones are-they are sure to go seek them. A child lostin our London streets will probably be found again, but a child lost in the backwoods of America may never be discovered untilits bones are found. We who know the dangers of the road-that roaring lion, those pitfalls and traps-we cannot but feel thatwe must be among the first to go to seek the lost!-

"Oh, come, let as go and find them! In the paths ofdeath they roam. At the close of the day 'twill be sweet to say, 'I havebrought some lost one home.

And we may, with great hopefulness, go about the work of seeking the lost because there is One with us, in the seeking party,who is sure to find them. "Come," we say to one another, "let us gather together, and let us go and search the woods to findthe lost one." But we know so little about the work and we are so weak and feeble that we soon become dispirited. But herecomes the One who is going to lead the search party! You know Him! Look at His pierced hands and feet and brow. Mark thatensign of the Son of Man, the spear gash in His side. Look at His dear face! Was there ever on any other countenance, suchbeauty of compassionate love? He comes forward, girt with His golden belt, with His eyes brighter than flames of fire, andHe says, "I will lead the search. You take your orders from Me. I will tell you where to go and I will go with you. And soMy lost ones shall all be found."

Dear Master, we are only too glad to go on such an errand! You shall not have to tell us twice and if any of us are inclinedto linger, we think we see You lift Your pierced hand and say, "Who will go for Me? And whom shall I send?" And many of us,rising in our seats, would gladly raise our hand and dedicate ourselves from this very moment to this blessed service, eachone of us saying, "Here am I Lord! Send me."

Go thus, Brothers and Sisters, in the Holy Spirit's might, and in your Savior's name! And may He enable you to bring home,with rejoicing, many of the lost ones-and to Him shall be all the glory forever and ever! Amen.


Verse 23. And when He was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto Him as He was teachingand said, By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority?fesus knew that these men came toHim for no good purpose, and that they were only trying to trip Him up in His speech. He was always willing to teach whenmen were willing to learn, but He did not care to cast His pearls before swine. Therefore, mark the holy caution, the sacredingenuity with which our Lord replied to these men.

24-27. And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if you tell Me, Ilikewise will tell youby what authority I do these things. The baptism of John, where was it from? From Heaven, or of men? And they reasoned withthemselves, saying, If we say, From Heaven, He will say unto us, Why did you not, then, believe him? But if we say, Of men;we fear the people; for all hold John as a Prophet. And they answered Jesus, and said, We cannot tell And He said unto them,Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things. He carried the war into the enemy's camp. He answered His accusersby asking them a question which they could not answer in either way without condemning themselves!

28-32. But what do you think? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work today in my vineyard.He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented and went. And he came to the second, and said likewise. And heanswered and said, I go, Sir: and went not. Which of the two did the will of his father? They said unto Him, The first. Jesussaid unto them, Verily I say unto you that the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John cameunto you in the way of righteousness, and you believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and you, whenyou had seen it, repented not afterward, that you might believe him. Those poor fallen women and degraded tax gatherers practicallysaid, by their conduct, "We will not serve the Lord." Their past evil life had been a deliberate rejection of the authorityof God and yet, when John the Baptist came, they repented and they believed! Each of them had said, like the elder son, "Iwill not," yet they did! But as for these chief priests and elders, who all their lives had been outwardly serving the Lordand saying, "We will go and work in God's vineyard," when John came and pointed them to God's own Son, they would not acceptHim.

They had, just now, by refusing to tell whether the Lord's messenger was from Heaven or of men, again rejected Him and provedthat they had not repented. They did not believe John-they had themselves confessed that it was so-and, therefore, out oftheir own mouths they were condemned! I wonder whether there is any lesson in this parable to some who are here. I shouldnot be surprised if there is. I hope that there are some among you who up to now have said, "I will not go," who will repentand go and serve your God! And, on the other hand, it is to be feared that there may be some here who have always been saying,"I go, Sir," who nevertheless have not gone and, perhaps, never will go-but will remain to the last, disobedient to the commandof God. The Lord grant that it may not be so!

33-41. Hear another parable. There was a certain householder which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and duga winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country: and when the time of thefruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. And the husbandmen tookhis servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. Again, he sent other servants more than the first: andthey did unto them likewise. But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son. But when the husbandmensaw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize his inheritance. And theycaught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. When the lord therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he dounto those husbandmen? They said unto Him, he will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard untoother husbandmen which shall reader him the fruits in their seasons. You see at once how this parable related to the leadersof the Jewish people! From generation to generation, they scorned the Prophets of God, persecuted them and put them to death.And when our Lord Himself appeared, though His Glory might easily have been seen by them, yet they cast Him out from amongthem and put Him to death!

Yet, beloved Friends, we must never regard the Scriptures as referring only to strangers and people of past ages! We mustalso look to see what bearing they have upon ourselves. The rejection of God's Prophets is the sin of our common humanity.And the murder of the Son of God was the crime, not of the Jews only, but of the whole human race. We, too, have a share init, for we have rejected the Son of the Highest. "But we were not there," you say. No, and yet we may have repeated that terribletragedy in our own lives. God has sent you many messengers and if you remain, at this moment, unconverted, you have not treatedthem well, otherwise you would have yielded your heart to God. Some of them you have rejected by your neglect and others havebeen the subject of your ridicule and contempt. Against some you have reacted violently, for your conscience has been touchedand you have had to do violence to conscience in order to reject their message!

Last of all, the Son of God Himself has come to you in the preaching of the Gospel. You have heard of His death and of Hisatoning Sacrifice, but you have rejected them and, in acting thus, you have done, as far as you could, the same as they didwho crucified the Savior! You still refuse to have Him for your Savior. You disown Him as your King. You strive against Hisrighteous sway. You tell me that you do not. Well, then, you have yielded to Him and you are saved. But if that is not thecase, you still remain such an adversary of God that you reject His Son! Take care lest of you, also, that prophecy shouldbecome true-He will miserably destroy those wicked men and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall renderhim the fruits in their seasons."

42. Jesus said unto hem, Did you never read in the Scriptures?What a question this was for our Lord to put to men who professedto have the whole of the Scriptures at their fingertips and to be the only qualified interpreters of them! "Did you neverread in the Scriptures?"

42, 43. The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the chief cornerstone: this is the Lord's doing, and itis marvelous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringingforth the fruits thereof. And, at this day, we Gentiles enjoy the privileges of the Gospel, while poor Israel is scatteredto the four winds of Heaven! But He that spared not the natural olive, will not spare the engrafted branches if we are foundunfruitful. God takes the Gospel away from one nation and gives it to another. But if it is not accepted by the other oneand if He has not all the Glory of it ascribed to Him, He will take it away from that nation, too! He may deal thus with us-ifEngland becomes and remains a drunken nation, a cruel nation, a proud nation, an unbelieving nation, a superstitious nationand brings forth the evil fruits of the vine of Sodom-we may not expect that God will always continue His Kingdom among us!He will say to us, as Christ said to these chief priests and elders, "The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and givento a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."

44. And whoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken. If you stumble over Christ, the chief Cornerstone of God's building,you will be broken in pieces! If you reject Him, you shall suffer serious loss!

44. But on whomever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. If you arouse the wrath of Christ and the Rock of Ages fallson you-a huge cliff comes toppling from its lofty height upon the traveler and crushes him past all recognition-you will beground to powder.

46, 46. And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard His parables, they perceived that Hie spoke of them. But when theysought to lay hands on Him, they feared the multitude, because they took Him for a Prophet. Unhappy people, to reject Himwho alone could bless them-and yet to stand in fear of Him whom they tried to despise! Let it not be so with any of us, butmay Jesus become our Teacher, our Friend and our Savior forever, by His abounding Grace! Amen.