Sermon 2689. The Ever-Living Christ

(No. 2689)




"I am He that lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevemore, Amen." Revelation 1:18.

WE long, sometimes, to behold Christ in His Glory. Certainly, it is one of our brightest hopes that we shall see Him as Heis. Every true Believer can say, with Job, "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that He shall stand at the latter day uponthe earth: and though after my skin, worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself,and my eyes shall behold, and not another." But, Brothers and Sisters, as we are now constituted, we are quite unfit for thevision of our Master's Glory. It was well that, when He was on earth, He veiled himself in the form of man, for when He didlift up the veil a little, as He did on the Mountain of Transfiguration, the sight, though it was but a glimpse, was too muchfor Peter, James and John. They were overpowered by it! They fell asleep on the holy mount and even when they were awake,they knew not what to say. And as we now are, if we could be favored with a sight of Christ in His Glory, it would be toomuch for us, also.

It was too much, even, for John, and we are far inferior to him-our eyes are not as clear and strong as his were- yet he couldnot endure that wondrous vision! The gray old saint in Patmos had been familiar with his Master more years than most of ushave known Him. He had laid his head upon the Savior's bosom-a privilege accorded to none beside himself. He had stood atthe Cross and seen the blood and water flow from that dear heart that loved him so well and yet, though he was "that disciplewhom Jesus loved," when he had a sight of his glorified Master, he fell at His feet as dead! The full Glory of Christ is toomuch for us to behold while we are here on the earth, so ask not to have it yet, dear Friends. By-and-by, when you are fittedfor it and Christ has prepared a place for you, His prayer shall be fulfilled in your happy experience! "Father, I will thatthey, also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am; that they may behold My Glory, which You have given Me." He mightsay to each one of you, "Not yet, My child, not yet may you see Me as I Am. Your eyes are not yet fit for such a sight asthat."

Observe, Beloved, how the Savior comforted John when, through the excessive Glory of the vision of his Lord, he swooned awayand was as one dead. First, He laid His right hand upon him-and that is where yourcomfort and mine must always come from-fromthe hand that was crucified for us. There streams from that pierced hand a wondrous power that makes the weakest strong. Atouch of it proves how near Christ is to us. We know, when He touches us, that He is Man as well as God, and the familiartouch which brings Him so consciously near our spirit makes us glad and joyous, and we become strong again. And if the factof His Incarnation-the Truth of God that Christ is flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bone-should not suffice to cheer us,then He adds, as He did to John, "Fear not." The Master is saying that to each one of you who believe in Him, but especiallyto such of you as are very faint and weak and who feel that you are soon to die. He is drawing near to you, Brothers and Sisters,who are shortly to lay aside the frail tabernacle of this mortal body. The glinting and gleams of the Glory yet to be revealedovercome you, but He whispers in your ear, "Fear not; I am the First and the Last: I am He that lives, and was dead." Allthese words are full of good cheer to spirits that faint away with expectation of the coming of the King and to hearts thatare ravished with desire for the company of the Best-Beloved.

"Fear not," He says, and that we may not fear, let us now look into the things here made known which ought to be a cause ofstrength and comfort to us. They seem to me to be three-though there are many more-there are three that strike me most. Thefirst is, the identity of Christ However glorious He may be, and His very face is as the sun when He shines in His strength,yet He is the same Christ as when He was here on earth. "I am He that lives, and was dead." Those words prove to us the identityof Christ. The next ground of sweet comfort, whenever we think of Christ in His Glory, is the perfection of His work, whichis implied in the expression, "and was dead." He has nothing to do with death now- as far as He is personally concerned, thatis all over. You see that the words are in the past tense-"I am He that lives, and was dead." And then, thirdly, the greatsource of heart-cheer to every Believer, as he trembles in the Presence of his glorified Master, is the fact ofChrist's eternalexistence. ' 'I am alive forevermore." He will never again be the dead Christ of Calvary-"I am alive forevermore, Amen."

I. Let us begin, then, with the first great Truth that I mentioned-and I must necessarily speak somewhat hurriedly on eachone-THE IDENTITY OF OUR BLESSED MASTER should greatly comfort us when we think of His Glory.

Christ in Heaven is the same as He was here. A great change has passed over Him, but not a change as to His identity or HisNature-and especially not a change as to His heart of love to us, for He is "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, andforever"-absolutely the same! He who now makes all Heaven bright with His Presence is the same Christ who was born at Bethlehem,trod the waves of Galilee's storm-tossed lake, hung upon the Cross, was wrapped in the cerements of death and laid in thetomb of Joseph of Arimathaea. That same Jesus has risen from the dead and is now sitting at the right hand of God, reigningover all worlds! I want specially to bring before you this one thought-that while Christ was here, during the 40 days afterHis Resurrection-He was manifestly the same Jesus that He had been during His earthly life. We will not suppose-we cannotimaginethat any change has taken place in Him since then. The 40 days of His Glory on earth were a fair specimen of what Henow is and He was, then, the same Jesus that the disciples had known before He was crucified.

There were certain points about Him in which He made it quite clear that He was the same. The first was, His tenderness. Hewas always meek and lowly, gentle and kind, and He was just the same after He rose from the dead. Mark tells us that, "whenJesus was risen early the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven devils."There is a fine touch of tenderness in that mention of the seven devils in connection with Christ's appearance to Mary Magdalene.She was one who loved Him much. She had been one of the last to watch by the sepulcher and now she was to be the first tomeet her Lord after He had risen from the dead. It was just like Christ to manifest Himself first to her-to find one of theweakest of His followers, one of those who loved Him most-and one for whom He had already done the most.

Then, it was just like He to send His angel with this message to the women, "Go your way, tell His disciples"-the very menwho had all forsaken Him and fled! The cowards who had deserted Him in His hour of greatest need-"tell His disciples"-andthen follows that tender, Christ-like touch-"tell His disciples and Peter"-poor, willful Peter who said that he would dierather than deny his Lord, yet he did deny Him with oaths and curses! Yet Christ sent him a special personal message, "tellHis disciples and Peter that He goes before you into Galilee: there shall you see Him, as He said unto you." I am quite surethat this is the same Christ who said to Peter, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift youas wheat: but I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not."

Then, further on, dear Brothers and Sisters, notice Christ's tenderness to Thomas. Even after Christ had risen from the gravea whole week, Thomas was still unbelieving. He had said that he would not believe that his Lord had risen unless he couldsee in His hands the print of the nails and put his finger into the print of the nails, and thrust his hand into the woundin Christ's side. On the second Sabbath, the Master came again to His disciples and, after saying to them, "Peace be untoyou," He spoke to Thomas no word of anger, but simply said, "Reach here your finger and behold my hands; and reach here yourhand, and thrust it into My side: and be not faithless, but believing." There were, necessarily, some rebukes during thatmemorable period, for love must rebuke that which is not right, but those rebukes were like the reproof of which David said,"It shall be an excellent oil which shall not break my head." They were just such rebukes as always come from Jesus-and onlyfrom Jesus-so we are sure it was the same Man who had both died and risen again.

And if another instance is needed to complete and crown the evidence, look at our Lord when He invited the disciples to eatfish with Him by the lake and then, afterwards, said to Peter, "Simon, son of Jonas, do you love Me more than

these?" Thrice He repeated the question, "Simon, son of Jonas, do you love Me?" And then He commissioned him to feed His lambsand act as under-shepherd to His sheep. That was exactly like Christ-there was no counterfeit about such an action as that!He might then and there have said, "I am He that lives, and was dead"-the disciples would have recognized the tones of Hisvoice, the manner of His speech and the spirit of His rebuke. Everything about it was so tender that it could not have beenimitated and we say at once, as John said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" We cry, like Thomas, "My Lord and my God!"

A second characteristic which, in connection with other things, proves the identity of Christ, is His energy. If Christ, afterthe Resurrection, had been very slow, dull, heavy, lethargic, we would have said, "This is not He who was eaten up with thezeal of God's house. This is not the Christ who was clad with zeal as with a cloak." But on that day of our Lord's Resurrection,He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, then to Simon Peter. Then, toward evening, He joined the two disciples going to Emmausand, after He had revealed Himself to them, they could scarcely reach Jerusalem before He was there in the midst of the elevensaying, "Peace be unto you." We have not a complete record of all that transpired during those 40 days, but we have sufficientrecord to show us that our Lord was busy, here and there, showing Himself, sometimes, to little groups of two or three, andat one time to as many as 500 brethren at once. And we can see that His never-tiring energy was steadily maintained throughthose days of His glory-life while yet He tabernacled here below.

Another point, too, is especially noticeable in the records of those 40 days. That is, the constantScripturalness of the blessedMaster's talk You know that, in His day, even the religious people did not quote Scripture as He did. The Rabbis said, "RabbiYohannin has said," or, "Rabbi Simeon has said," or, "Rabbi Levi has said so-and-so and so-and-so." But Christ quoted nothingfrom the Rabbis. On the way to Emmaus, "beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scripturesthe things concerning Himself." It was always His custom to do so and often He seemed to go out of His way to do or say something"that the Scripture might be fulfilled." He was always careful that by some act or word of His, He might fulfill a prophecywhich, perhaps, we never would have understood if He had not fulfilled it. So, after He had risen from the dead, if He hadnot been a Bible-loving Christ, we might have questioned whether He was the same Christ.

I have reminded you what He said to the two disciples going to Emmaus. And when He was back at Jerusalem among the eleven,He said to them, "These are the words which I spoke unto you while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled whichwere written in the Law of Moses, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms concerning Me. Then opened He their understandingthat they might understand the Scriptures, and said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer,and to rise from the dead the third day." His constant reference to the Word. His manifest delight in quoting it-the Scripturalnessof His whole conversation-all this is clear and convincing evidence that He was the same Christ who, all His life, from thetemptation in the wilderness to His death on the Cross, constantly quoted the Scriptures! There was no other such teacher,in His day, who continually drew his instruction from the written Word. He was the one lone Man who was mighty in the Scripturesand who perpetually quoted them and, as He continued to do so after His Resurrection, this was another proof of His identity!He was the same Christ, depend upon it.

There was another trait in His Character which must not be forgotten. That is, His love for the souls of men. Does that comeout after His Resurrection? Yes, it does, not only in the incidents to which I have referred, but also in His declaration"that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." I can seea great deal in those three words, "beginning at Jerusalem." Depend upon it, they were spoken by the Man who wept over Jerusalemand who cried, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the Prophets and stone them which are sent unto you, how often wouldI have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you would not!" "Give themone more opportunity of coming to Me," He says, "preach repentance and remission of sins, in My name, among all nations, beginningat Jerusalem." That is the Man, I am sure, of whom it is written, "Then drew near unto Him all the publicans and sinners tohear Him."

The Pharisees and scribes said of Him, "This Man receives sinners, and eats with them." That is why He said to His Apostles,"Begin with the greatest sinners first-'beginning at Jerusalem.'" I know it is He, it must be the Christ, Himself, for, beforeHe died, He prayed for His murderers, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." And having risen from the dead,it was for those very murderers that He gave His commission of Grace and mercy! His care for men, and for the very worst ofthem, and His love for souls, and for those that were most of all in need of His pity and

forgiveness prove that He was the same Christ who "was moved with compassion on the multitudes, because they fainted, andwere scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd."

One other thing I may note, for it helps to prove the identity of Christ. That is, His mention of the Spirit, for, in thosetimes, there were none but Christ who preached about the Spirit of God. I greatly fear that there are not very many who doso now. Oh, how the Spirit of God is neglected in many sermons! I heard of one preacher, of whom it was said that people wholistened to him did not know whether there was a Holy Spirit-they had not heard of Him for so long that they thought surelyHe must have ceased to operate! But our Lord continually mentioned the Spirit. In that great day of the feast, Jesus stoodand cried, "If any man thirsts, let Him come unto Me, and drink. He that believes on Me, as the Scripture has said, out ofhis belly shall flow rivers of living water. (By this spoke He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive:for the Holy Spirit was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified)." In that blessed Chapter where He tellsus about the Comforter whom the Father would send to us in His name, He showed that He was, Himself, clothed with the Spiritand He spoke much of the Spirit. Now see how He spoke after He had risen from the dead-could anything be more plain than this-"Behold,I send the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry you in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with power from on high"?In His last words to His disciples, there is always this reference and deference to the Spirit, this Witness to the necessityof His operations, this warning to His followers that they can do nothing without Him, that they cannot preach the Gospelsuccessfully unless the Spirit of God is with them. That is the same Christ upon whom the Spirit rested without measure! Iam sure it is He and when He says, "I am He that lives-and was dead," all the tokens of the 40 days go to prove the identityof the risen Christ with the Christ who died upon the Cross!

Let us dwell on that thought for just a minute before we pass on. Christ in Glory is none other than He who was here. No manever loses anything by going to Heaven-an ordinary man gains much by going there, so I am sure my Lord is none the worse forentering into His Glory-He is none the less tender, none the less zealous, none the less mighty to save! And just as we mighthave been glad to run to Him when He was here, so may we gladly go to Him now, for He is just the same.

II. Now I must speak very briefly upon the second head, although I might enlarge upon it to almost any extent, for it relatesto THE FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST.

When our Lord used to John the words, "was dead," and applied them to Himself, He meant that He had performed the crucialpart of the Atonement The very central point of the Atonement was death-there was no way of making atonement for sin exceptby the shedding of the precious blood of Jesus, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. There must be life to atonefor sin-and that life sacrificed-therefore, Christ "was dead." It was no dream, no delusion, no sleep, no swoon, no coma.He "was dead." Though it was not possible for our blessed and glorious Savior to be held by the bands of death, yet He "wasdead."

This meant, further, that Christ's work was ended and done with There are some people who talk about presenting the perpetualsacrifice of the "mass." There is perhaps, no grosser blasphemy under Heaven than the idea that we can offer up the body andblood of Christ again. "Once and for all" Jesus died, but He is not a dead Christ now! Pictures of Christ dead, crucifixesand all things of that sort may, to some extent, represent what He was, but they do not represent what He is. I should notcare to have hanging up in my house, the picture of a dead friend, representing him as he looked when he was dead-especiallyif he had been raised to life again. I would rather wait for his portrait till I could get one of him alive, for the pictureof a dead man is not the man's likeness at all! I saw in a friend's house, the other day, the likeness of a minister and Isaid, "Oh, dear, how ghastly he looks!" The gentleman replied, "I am told that the photograph was taken after he was dead.""Well, then," I said, "put it away at once, pray put it away! That is not the likeness of the man at all, for the man wasgone before it was taken." So, dear Friends, do not feel any kind of reverence for representations of the dead Christ-He isnot dead and we ought not to think of Him as dead.

I have seen, and some of you must also have seen, in Roman Catholic countries, figures of the Savior on the Cross till youhave grown sick of the sight and you have said, "If there is anything that could drive me away from being a Christian, itis these perfectly hideous caricatures of Christ that some people stick up at every corner of the road." Christ is not dead!He " was dead." It is in the past tense, never forget that-but He is not dead now. "He is not here: for He is risen,

as He said." And our trust is not in a dead Christ, but in the ever-living Christ who is still able "to save them to the uttermostthat come unto God by Him, seeing He always lives to make intercession for them."

Remember, also, dear Friends, that in the enterprise upon which our Lord's heart was set-the enterprise of saving men-thelove which led Him to die is living love. He has proved, once and for all, and beyond all doubt, how much He loves His people!"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." He has done that and, therefore, He hasproved His love to guilty men in a way that is perfectly indisputable and-

"Now though He reigns exalted high, His love is still as great."

And remember, next, that the purpose of Christ in dying will certainly be accomplished, now that He has laid down His lifefor His people and taken it up again. I am not one of those who think that the result of Christ's death ever hung in jeopardyfor a single moment. I believe that all He intended to do by His death will be done and that there is not one soul, for whomHe stood as Substitute, that shall ever be lost. He has paid the debt for all His elect and they shall never be charged withtheir debts again-they are gone, and gone forever. If the Son of God has actually laid down His life to achieve a certainpurpose, I cannot suppose that He will be prevented from achieving it. I can imagine myself living and dying for a certainend and yet being foiled, for I am but a man. I am not capable of such blasphemy as would be involved in believing that theSon of God could ever be born and live for a certain set purpose-and die to carry out that purpose and yet not accomplishit! "He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied." He "was dead" and He has, therefore, put forth allHis strength for the accomplishment of the end He had in view-and that end will certainly be achieved!

And remember, too, that the merit of His death lives. He "was dead," but all the merit of that death is just as efficacious,today, as though He had only died today. Imagine for a moment that this was the morning of Christ's Resurrec-tion-that I stoodhere to tell you that I had gone with Mary Magdalene and seen His empty tomb-and that He had spoken to me as He did to her.With what freshness and power would I talk to you about those dear wounds of His and about the meaning of His death and theSacrifice which He had offered! Well, now, although more than 1800 years have passed since His Resurrection, it is just asfresh to God and just as acceptable to God as ever it was! Still does He approve of the atoning Sacrifice of the Well-Belovedand the merit of it comes up perpetually before Him like the odor of sweet incense.

This is a glad, a joyous theme over which I would gladly linger-to think that Christ's work is all done, all finished, allcomplete-there is nothing more to be done for His people's redemption! As He Himself said, before He gave up the ghost, "Itis finished." That expression, "was dead," comes to me like the sound of a peal of bells tolling the death of death and ringingin the jubilee of all who believe in Jesus! He "was dead," but He is dead no longer! He lives now and He is "alive forevermore!"

III. With that third word of comfort I am going to conclude. THE ETERNAL EXISTENCE OF CHRIST should always comfort us wheneverwe think of His Glory. He that was dead is "alive forevermore."

Here, then, you warriors of the Cross, is unique leadership. Never did men before have such a leader as this One, who hasproved His ardor for the accomplishment of His purpose by dying to achieve it, and who now lives to see that purpose fullyaccomplished! When Mohammed was alive-false prophet though he was-he inspired his followers with extraordinary enthusiasmwhen he snatched up a handful of dust from the road and flung it in the faces of his adversaries, crying, as he did so, "Letthem be blinded." His followers believed that a miracle would really be worked and they, therefore, rushed upon their enemiesand swept them away like chaff before the whirlwind. Yet now that Mohammed is dead and gone, his religion wanes and must,in time, expire. But our Master is not dead, our Leader is alive! He still rides at the head of the army of the Cross andcalls us to battle for truth and right. The ungodly hear Him not, but as many as believe in Him still hear His clear voiceringing out the command, "Onward, hosts of God! Forward to the fight! 'Go you into all the world, and preach the Gospel toevery creature' until I come."

We take comfort from the fact that we are led by the living Christ. When the Cid, Rodrigo Diaz, had been slain in battle,these who had been accustomed to dread his mighty sword did not, for a time, know that he was dead. His followers mountedthe dead Cid on horseback and the very sight of him, though it was only his corpse that they saw, made his adversaries fleebefore him. We set no dead Christ in the forefront of our army-it is the livingChrist who marches be-

fore us and, therefore, we are confident of victory, for never was a host so led as by Him who can say, "I am He that lives,and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore."

Next, here is a singular guarantee. He, who was dead, is now alive. Then, Brothers and Sisters, He will carry on His work!If, when He died, He had never risen again, but had left His cause in our puny hands, it would soon have failed. But He hasrisen and, "He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till He has set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for HisLaw." His Kingdom shall extend to the utmost bounds of the earth-"they that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before Him andHis enemies shall lick the dust." Be you sure of this, Beloved, that there is a guarantee of victory in the fact that Christis still alive! In these dreary times in which we live, men tell us that Christianity is a failure, that the Gospel is a delusionand I do not know what is notgoing to happen. Yes, yes, but there is one very important thing which they omit to mention.He lives, He lives, HE LIVES who can never be crucified again! The Lord has set Him as King upon His holy hill of Zion andthough "the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against His Anointed,saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: theLord shall have them in derision," for the Lord reigns and He shall reign forever and ever, Hallelujah!

In addition to this unique leadership and this singular guarantee of success, we also have, here, special encouragement tosinners. I verily believe that if my Master were here tonight in bodily Presence, there are some of you who have been seekingHim who would come and fall at His feet. Yes, you would be only too glad if you might wash His feet with your tears and wipethem with the hairs of your head. Well, He is living and He is here, though you cannot see Him or touch Him-but you may cometo Him! You have not to travel any distance with weary feet in order to get to Him. Your minds can get to Him at once! Forgetyour eyes, awhile-they are poor dim things that hinder true sight. That may seem to be a strange description of our eyes,but it is true. And when we have got rid of them we shall see much better than we do now. But, oh, for once, believe withoutseeing! Believe that Jesus Christ is near you and ask Him to save you! Come to Him and, by faith, touch the hem of His garmentjust as if He were here corporeally. Cry to Him, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me," for He will hear you and grant yourrequest! Say, "Lord, that I might receive my sight" and He will spiritually open your eyes, now, even as, in the days of Hisflesh, He literally opened the eyes of blind men! You may well come to Him, for He is just the same Jesus as He used to bewhen He said, "Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." He lives, He lives, HE LIVES!Therefore go to your homes and find Him there! Go to your bedrooms and tell Him that you need Him! Cast yourselves down beforeHim in humble penitence and true faith, and He will save you! He will bless you because He still lives to make intercessionfor all that come unto God by Him.

Now I close by noticing that there is something in this text which has a solemn warning in it. Christ lives and as He lives,woe be to those who persecute His people! Woe be to those who make a jest of Him, or trifle with His Truth, neglect His Gospeland put off seeking their own salvation until tomorrow! O my dear Hearers, if Christ were dead, we ought to respect His memory.But since He lives, remember that He takes cognizance of every insult to His cause and though He is always ready to forgive,yet, if your ears refuse the invitations of His Grace-if you hold out against His warnings and entreaties, He will surelycome again-and when He comes, there will be upon that face of love something which you will dread more than all the lightningand thunders of the Last Tremendous Day!

What, do you think, will be the most dreadful thing in the Day of Judgment? The fairest sight that ever was seen by mortalmen-the face that causes the holy angels to sing and that makes Heaven for the saints-the face of Christ-love and justice,gentleness and truth, Godhead and Manhood blended in that matchless face. While His saints clap their hands with jubilantexultation at the sight of Him, the most awful thing in all the world to the ungodly will be that face, for, as they lookinto it and see the lines of suffering, and of suffering despised-and see the marks of love, and of love rejected-of majesty,and of majesty that has been insulted-as they look there, they will cry to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide usfrom the face of Him that sits on the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of His wrath is come; andwho shall be able to stand?"

O Sirs, that must be a dreadful thing which turns the best thing in Heaven into an object of the utmost terror! So, give upthat sin of yours, I pray you. Give up that unbelief! Give up that self-righteousness! Give up everything that will, as itwere, curdle the very love of Christ till even His great love shall turn to jealousy-for fiercer than the lion with his

prey is love when once it is transformed into wrath! "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way, when Hiswrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him," for their confidence is in Him who stillsays, "I am He that lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore." God bless you, for His dear name's sake! Amen.


Verse 1. For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer bothgifts and sacrifices for sins. Notice that the high priests were taken from among men, not from among angels. Hence, our LordJesus Christ took not on Him the nature of angels, but He took on Him the seed of Abraham. The Jewish high priests were ordainedfor men. They acted on behalf of men and they stood in the place of men. So the Lord Jesus Christ stood in the place of Hispeople that He might offer to God for them two things-gifts-that is, such offerings as the Jew made when he presented thefine flour, and oil and other bloodless oblations which were only intended for thanksgiving. Christ offered thanksgiving untoHis Father and that offering was a sweet savor unto God. But beside those gifts, the priests offered sacrifices, and our LordJesus Christ did the same, for He was made a Sin-Offering for us, though He, Himself knew no sin!

2. Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way. The marginal reading is, "Who can reasonablybear with the ignorant"-that is, one who does not lose his temper even when they are very slow to learn what he teaches them.Having taught them 19 times and finding that they do not understand or remember the lesson, he is ready to teach them the20th time! He is one who will give them line upon line, and precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, becausehe has compassion on the ignorant. Then there were others who tried the high priest far more, even, than the ignorant did-theywere those who erred from the right path, those who went out of the way and who continued to do so even after many warningsand much earnest exhortation. The true priest must have patience with people of this sort.

2. For that he himself also is compassed with infirmity. So all the high priests under the Law of God were. They had to confesstheir own ignorance, they had to admit their own errors and wanderings and, therefore, they could the more readily have patiencewith others. Our Lord Jesus Christ had neither ignorance nor sin of His own, but He has become so completely one with Hispeople, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh, that He can have compassion upon us, ignorant and out of the way as we maybe. Are you distressed, my Brothers and Sisters, because you feel your own ignorance? Do you mourn because you have gone astray?You have to come to no angry Christ-you have to approach One who will be very gentle toward you! Come boldly to Him, then,and confess your folly and expect the pardon that He is waiting to bestow.

3. And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins. We know that, being compassedwith infirmity and imperfection, the high priests first offered sacrifices on their own account and then, afterwards, offeredthem on behalf of the people. Christ, being pure and holy, needed no sacrifice for Himself, but He did offer a complete, acceptableand sufficient Sacrifice for us.

4. And no man takes this honor unto himself but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. Men could not constitute themselveshigh priests, for the appointment was made by God alone.

5. 6. So also Christ glorified not Himself to be made an High Priest; but He that said unto Him, You are My Son, todayhaveI begotten You. As He says also in another place, You are a Priest forever after the order of Melchisedec. Beloved, thereis rich comfort for all Believers in the fact that Christ is God's appointed and accepted High Priest! God ordained Him todo what He has done and is doing, and will do-and therefore it is impossible but that God should accept Him and all His work.

7, 8. Who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Himthat was able to save Him from death, and was heard in that He feared; though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by thethings which He suffered. Just as the earthly high priests offered sacrifices for themselves, so Christ, though He needednot to offer sacrifice for Himself, did need to prayfor Himself. You know, Beloved, how He gave Him-

self unto prayer upon the cold mountains at midnight, and how Gethsemane's Garden witnessed the bloody sweat falling in clotsto the ground. "Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered." God had one Son without sin,but He never had a son without suffering. We may escape the rod if we are not of the family of God, but the true-born childmust not-and would not if he might-avoid that chastisement of which all such are partakers.

9. And being made perfect That is, perfect in His obedience, perfect as a Sacrifice, perfect as the Mediator and Substitutefor His people.

9. He became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him. Brethren, what a grand expression that is, "eternalsalvation!" You know that there are some who preach a temporary salvation. They say that you may be in Christ today and outof Christ tomorrow, that you may be saved by Grace at one hour, but damned by sin the next. Ah, but the Bible says no suchthing! This may be the Gospel according to Arminius, but it is not the Gospel according to John, nor according to Paul, noraccording to our Lord Jesus Christ. That Gospel is-

"Once in Christ, in Christ forever;

Nothing from His love can sever." Christ became the Author of "eternal salvation" and the word, "eternal," must mean withoutend, so that, if we once receive the salvation which Christ has worked out, we are saved in time and shall be saved throughoutall eternity! Christ is the Author of this eternal salvation-not our good works-though our faith and our works become theevidencesof our having received this eternal salvation.

10. Called of God an High Priest after the order of Melchisedec. Then the Apostle appeared to be going on to enlarge uponthe Melchisedec priesthood, but he stopped. Perhaps he remembered what his Master said to His disciples on one occasion, "Ihave yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot hear them now." In a similar fashion Paul writes.

11-14. Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing you are dull of hearing. For when for the time youought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again which are the first principles of the oracles of God; and arebecome such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousnessfor he is a babe. But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their sensesexercised to discern both good and evil