Sermon 2642. The Flight to Zoar
(No. 2642)
"The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar." Genesis 19:23.
THE destruction of Sodom was, undoubtedly, a literal fact. And the record of it in Genesis is as true a piece of history asany event that is recorded by Tacitus or Josephus. But it was also intended to be a great parabolic lesson to us-a lessonin the shape of a parable-by which we might receive both instruction and blessing. The Old Testament is a great Book of textsand the New Testament contains the sermons upon them. Lot's wife was in the Old Testament as a text and in the New Testamentwe have the sermon upon it, "Remember Lot's wife." And wherever, my Brothers and Sisters, I find our Lord Jesus Christ, orany of His Apostles referring to an incident in the Old Testament, I always think it is our business to look at that eventto which they refer. In the writings of the old Puritans, which I delight to read, I often find in the margin a hand pointingto some special words which it is requisite that the reader should particularly note and read with care. And when I see thehand put opposite the passage, by some old lover of the Truth of God, who, in days of yore, read the book, I generally turnto it with eagerness, to see what is the gem pointed at by the finger.
Now, I think, when our Savior said, "Remember Lot's wife," He did, as it were, put a hand on the margin of the Bible, pointingto the whole incident describing the destruction of Sodom. He did, in effect, say, "Mark that event. Look at it closely, forthere is more in it than there seems to be." And as there is something instructive in Lot's wife becoming a pillar of salt,there is something to be learned from every step of Lot's journey-and from every incident connected with it. If it is so,I shall not be regarded as being whimsical and fanciful if I assert that, in this text, I believe there is much instructionin the simple incident recorded here-"The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar."
I will soon map out my sermon. Lot was nearly in the dark till he reached Zoar-that is the first head. Secondly, the sun wasrisen upon the earth as soon as Lot was in Zoar. Thirdly, the same moment which saw the sun rise on Lot saw the fiery hailfall on Sodom. We have here three facts which I think are three pictures illustrating three great Truths of God with regardto the sinner's experience.
Mark, when he first started, the Scripture tells us, in the 15th verse, that the morning rose-there was the first gray dawnwhen the angels hurried him out of Sodom! it was just the breaking of the day and it is said that as soon as Lot entered intoZoar, the sun was thoroughly risen, but not till then. He had to find his way through shadows and run, to a great degree,in the dark.
Ah, my Friends, that was a solemn moment when those notable guests turned their host out of doors and did it all out of loveand kindness, too! When the two angels took Lot, his wife and his daughters by the hand and dragged them forth, and bade themrun, it was a solemn moment. The heavens were heavy with God's wrath and only waited until Lot was safely housed to burstin impetuous torrents upon the devoted cities. Do you not see them, or, rather, do you not fancy you can see their black figuresin the gloom of the twilight? You scarcely understand what it can be-there are two men pushing forth a family into the street.You see them next grasping their hands and with loving haste driving them forward. You now hear a voice, something more thanearthly, speaking in the celestial language, crying, "Escape for your life!" And now mark the man, his wife and his daughtersfleeing-fleeing from their own house-fleeing from their own kinsmen and acquaintances! A woman leaving her own sons-in-lawand wives leaving their own husbands to perish in the city! Watch their flight! See them as they flee across the plain-theyoften stumble, for the way is not clear before them-and they little know where they are going. They only see the dark shadowof the mountain looming in the distance and they run there, in the darkness, with all their might.
Now, Lot running in the dark is the picture of a poor sinner when he comes out of Sodom. You who have just been awakened andconvinced of sin, must not expect that you will have the sunlight of God's favor all at once. There must first come into yourhouse the angel of conviction to thrust you out of your abode of ruin. After you have run a while, you will then have sunlight,joy and peace. But in your running, while you are seeking the Savior, you must expect to run in the darkness-and if you doexpect it, you will not be disappointed. Oh how dark it is to a poor sinner when he is first brought to know his state bynature, before the blessed remedy of Grace has been applied to him by the Holy Spirit! Look at him-tears follow each otherdown his cheeks in one perpetual race! He weeps almost all day and all night. And if he rests for a while for very sorrow,his dreams disturb him-he is always miserable-men call him mad, for he is as one demented. He talks to himself in dolefullanguage and, as he goes about his business, he moans and sighs, "Oh, that!" And, "Ah!" And, "Would that!" Monosyllables thatno man understands, but which are well known in their inward meaning both to God and to his own heart! He has no ray of hope.He believes he is shut out from God forever and he thinks that God is just in having hidden the light of His Countenance fromhim.
He does not murmur against the Most High, but never was man so nearto complaining as he is. He is ready to lay violent handson himself, for he says he cannot bear his existence. He cries with David, "I am weary with my groaning! All night I makemy bed swim; I water my couch with my tears!" "Day and night Your hand is heavy upon me." He turns to the Book of Job andhe reads the Patriarch's doleful cries and declares that he could say the same. And all the mournful words of David or Jeremiah,he applies to himself. "I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the housetop," he says. "I am like a pelican of the wilderness.I am like an owl of the desert. I have no comfort, no peace, no joy. God's mercy is clean gone from me forever! He will nolonger be mindful of me!"
Now, dear Friends, please remember that, to a greater or lesser degree, this always is and always must be the condition ofa sinner when he is seeking the Savior. O you who are in the dark, remember that you are only where thousands of others havebeen! Think it not a strange thing that you are subject to this eclipse-others have been eclipsed, too-and all those who havefound the Sun of Righteousness have had to run through the dark to get to Him! There must be a dark tunnel before we can getat Christ and we must grope through worse than an Egyptian night before we behold the face of God with joy!
Perhaps I may be asked what it is that makes it so dark to a poor sinner while he is seeking Christ. I think I may tell you,very briefly, it is partly his own ignorance. Poor Soul, he does not know enough about the Savior, nor enough about the planof salvation to cheer him. Very likely he has never heard the way of salvation preached in all his life. That may be trueand yet he may have attended a chapel-as chapels go in these times-for many a year! He does not understand the simple A BC of the Gospel, the sinner's sinnership the only argument to prove that he has an interest in Christ's salvation. He doesnot understand the Atonement-he cannot make it out how God can be just and yet pardon such a wretch as he is. "All this ignorancenecessarily causes darkness." And, mark you, that mistakes concerning the Gospel are never little things-they are always dangerous,they are always painful. Sinners have more griefs than they need have because they have less knowledge than they should have.
Sometimes, too, this darkness arises from mistakes concerning the Gospel There is not so much ignorance as there is errorwith regard to it-by which word, I mean, not a mistake willfully committed, but a mistake ignorantly committed. I know somepeople who understand the theory of salvation quite well, but they have a mistaken idea as to its application, or else, perhaps,they read it the wrong way upwards. I know many who do not neglect the Scriptures, but they begin reading about election andpredestination before they know anything of conviction. So, often, the darkness of the sinner arises from misapprehensionconcerning the Gospel.
Many a time, too, the poor soul is running after Christ in the dark because he has got legal ideas in his head. That Mr. Legalityis the ruin of many and, after all we do and say to him, he still lives on! You know how Martin Luther said that he preachedJustification by Faith every day because he found that the people forgot it every day. In one of his quaint sermons, he says,"I feel as if I could take my book and beat this doctrine into your heads because you will never remember that you are notsaved by your own good works, but by the righteousness of Christ." A sinner may be told, as plainly as possible, that allhe can do is less than nothing-that salvation is all of Grace from first to last-but that crafty old devil will not let himbelieve it. He will always lead him to think that he must dosomething, or besomething, or feelsomething before he can takeJesus Christ to be his All-in-All! And so legality, like a black dragon, spreads its wings between the soul and God's Lightand shuts out every ray of comfort from the poor desponding spirit.
Moreover, this darkness is caused principally by conscience and by Satan. It is a strange thing, but, sometimes, a sinner'sconscience and the devil will strike hands. When Mr. Conscience is blowing his dreadful trumpet and startling the sleepy sinner,he is doing good service. But, sometimes, after the sinner is thoroughly awakened, the devil comes and whispers to Mr. Conscience-andin such a voice that it seems as if an angel said it-"Blow on, Mr. Conscience! Blow a still more dreadful blast and I willhelp you." And the devil comes in and, with his awful yells, he makes a thousand times worse noise than even conscience does-andthe poor soul is bewildered, terror-stricken and well-nigh driven mad! "Oh," cries Satan, "you have been a sinner beyond thereach of Christ's mercy!" "Yes," says conscience, "that you have!" "Oh," says the devil, "you have committed every crime thatflesh can commit." "Yes," says conscience, "that's true!" And he echoes every word that Satan says.
In comes the devil, and says, "You have committed the unpardonable sin." "No doubt," says conscience, "I always told you so.""And now," says Satan, "there is no hope for you-you must be cast away forever." "Yes," says conscience, "you must be castaway forever! There is no way of escape for such a wretch as you are." And when conscience and the devil get to blowing thesame trumpet, it is a dreadful noise, indeed! And there is not a soul in the world that can endure its life when both Satanand conscience are making such a furious noise! No wonder, my dear Friends, it should be dark with the sinner when he is runningon the road to Heaven! No wonder that before he finds the Savior, there should be a doleful cry in his ears, if Satan andconscience are both assailing him! I know that I do not like my conscience to be against me, even without the devil. Conscience,when he is noisy, is not a very comfortable housemate-certainly, we would rather have him still and quiet than always thunderingin our ears. But when Hell and conscience go together, I say again, there is no soul that can long bear its existence, exceptGod, in sovereign mercy, shall either support the soul or put a speedy stop to the noise!
Perhaps you ask me, "Why does not the poor sinner look to Jesus?" Ah, that is the very point of his difficulty! He does notlook to Jesus because he does not think that Jesus Christ died for such a wretch as he! You know, it is one thing for youto talk about a sinner looking to Jesus when he is in the dark, and quite another thing to do it when you are in the dark,yourself. It is a blessed thing when the Lord enables a poor sinner to turn his eyes to Calvary and see the brightness ofJesus. But there are, often, long days and dreary nights before the sinner learns his own sinfulness and is enabled to lookto the Savior. "But," says one, "why does he not go hear a good minister preach? Surely that would help him out of his trouble."My dear Friends, we try to preach the Gospel as plainly as we can, but it seems that we only rivet the chains on some people.
There is a poor soul in this place now-I have talked with her many times. I know her sad condition and I have often shapedmy discourse so as to meet her case. Many times I have thought that the Lord has given me some sweet word that would breakthe gates of brass and set the imprisoned one at liberty. It has taken a little of the pride out of me and shown me how impossibleit is for man, when he labors the hardest, to bring a soul out of bondage before the Lord's promised hour of redemption comes."But," says one, "why do they not turn to the Bible and lay hold on some precious Truth of God! I do so and find comfort fromit." Yes, my dear Friends, and they do turn to the Bible just as you do, yet they find no comfort, for they cannot lay holdon the promises. I know when I was, for many a month, in bondage, I used to read the Bible through-and the threats were allprinted in capitals, but the promises were in such small type that, for a long time, I could not make them out! And when Idid make them out, I did not believe they were mine. But the threats were all my own-I was sure of it!
"There," I said, "when it says, 'He that believes not shall be damned,' that means me." When I read, concerning Christ, "Heis able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him," then I thought I was shut out. When I read, "He foundno place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears," "Ah," I thought, "that is myself again." And when I read,"That which bears thorns and briers is rejected and is near to cursing," "Ah," I said, "that describes me to the last iota!"And when I heard the Master say, "Cut it down; why cumbers it the ground?" "Ah," I thought, "that is mytext-He will have medown before very long and not let me cumber the ground any more." But when I read, "Ho, every one that thirsts, come you tothe waters," I said, "That does not belong to me, I am sure." And when I read, "Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavyladen," "No," I said, "that belongs to my brother, to my sister," or those I knew round about me, for they were laboring andheavy laden, I thought, but I was not. And though, God knows, I would weep and cry and lament till my heart was breaking withinme, if any man had asked me whether I sorrowed for sin, I would have told him "No, I never had any true sorrow for sin" "Well,do you not feel the burden of sin?" "No." "But you really are a convinced sinner?" "No," I would have said, "I am not."
Is it not strange that poor sinners, when they are coming to Christ, are so much in the dark that they cannot see their ownhands? They are so much in the dark that they cannot see themselves! And though God has been pleased to work the good workin them and give them godly fear and a tender conscience, they will stand up and declare that they have neither of those blessings,that in them there is not any good thing and that God has not looked on them nor loved them! But, strange as this is, thatis how souls go to Christ. They are like Lot going to Zoar-they are all in the dark and can see nothing until they come tothe Savior.
II. Now think of the second fact. NO SOONER WAS LOT IN ZOAR THAN THE SUN WAS UP.
Once he was inside the gate of that little city, the sun shone forth in all its brightness! I daresay Lot thought, "Well,I wish it had risen a little earlier. Oh, how pleased I would have been if I had had a little of that light while runningacross the plain!" So, when we are brought to the Lord Jesus, we often say, "I wish I had had a little of this peace whenI was in bondage. Oh, if I could have had one cupful of this river ofjoy I am now drinking! When I was so thirsty, what ablessing it would have been!" But God knows best. Depend upon it, my Brothers and Sisters-if one ray of sunlight more hadbeen good for Lot, he would have had it! And if, poor tried Sinner, one gleam of comfort more than you now have, would begood for you, God would not deny it to you. But He keeps you in the dark for your good, as He shall ultimately bring you intothe light for your good!
Lot, when he reached Zoar, had the sunlight. And when the sinner gets to Christ, then he gets sunlight, too. When the poorsoul is widowed of all its hopes and bereaved of all its trust. When it is reduced to beggary and in a penniless condition.When it has its feet cut from under it and its hands shot away. When it has nothing left to call its own, but is reduced todeath's door. In the hour of its extremity, then is God's gracious opportunity! Then, when the spirit casts itself wholly,without reserve, upon the blood and righteousness of Jesus and puts implicit trust in Him who lived and died to work, andweave, and spin, and dye a righteousness for poor sinners-I say, then, for the first moment, the sinner gets joy in his heart!Do not expect, my dear Hearers, that you will ever get any comfort while you are running anywhere except to Christ. Expectthe comfort only when you get to Him. You may have just a gleam or two of light beforehand, as Lot did, but you will not havemuch more.
And remember, it is no use your running anywhere except to Christ, for, though you run ever so fast, you will only run intodeeper darkness unless you run to Him-
"The moment a sinner believes, And trusts in his crucified God, His pardon at once he receives, Redemption in full throughHis blood." That very moment his burden rolls off his shoulders, his chains fall to the earth and he is free! That momenthis sores are all healed, his wounds are all bound up and his flowing blood is stanched forever. Have you, dear Friend, everfelt that instantaneous change which works such joy as this? If you have, then I am not uttering a strange thing when I saythat the sun has risen upon you! Oh, that moment, when the sinner first starts up, clean rid of guilt on his conscience! Ithought I could have leaped from earth to Heaven, at one spring, when I first saw my sins drowned in the Redeemer's blood!You know what John Bunyan says-to repeat an often-quoted tale-"I wanted," said he, "to even tell the crows on the plowed landwhat God had done for my soul!"
Did you ever follow a poor simple convert as soon as he knows the Lord? He runs home and calls his neighbors together andsays, "I have found the Lord Jesus." Probably they will begin laughing at him, but he cannot understand what there is to laughat, for he says, "My Master is a precious and blessed Master-He has taken all my sins away!" And he will go on telling thesimple story till, perhaps, some of them are melted by it, though the rest may scoff. The joy, the gladness, the rhapsody,the exultation, the young Heaven begun in the heart of the newborn convert is the nearest thing to Paradise that the earthever saw! On the day that our sins are pardoned, God sets all the bells of Heaven ringing-and then the bells of our heartchime in melody! On the day when God is pleased to blot out our sins, He hangs every lane and every alley of Mansoul withsplendid flags and colors, gilded lamps and bright jewels! Then He bids sweet music play in every part of the city and Hemakes the fountains run with wine-and He gives hogsheads of the precious liquid for poor souls to drink-souls that have beenfaint and dying and thirsty! Oh, that marriage day, when the soul is advanced to Christ! That day, when, for the first time,it rides in the chariot of Mercy and sits in the same seat with its Well-Beloved! Oh, that first hour, when Jesus puts thering of His eternal love on the finger of our experience and whispers, "You are Mine," and our heart says to Jesus, "I amYours."
Oh, that moment! Surely, Heaven itself is not happier! All the difference between that moment and Heaven is that Heaven isa great piece of tapestry and this is one of the threads. "The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar," sothe Light of God's Countenance rises upon poor sinners when they come to Jesus!
III. Now, thirdly, we have to consider a sadder fact. GOD CAN DO TWO THINGS AT A TIME.
With His right hand, He wheeled the sun up the steeps of Heaven and bade it shine upon Lot. And with the other He opened thebatteries of Heaven that they might rain their fire and brimstone upon Sodom. Let us remember that God's two hands are alwaysat work in that way-from the very beginning, that is always what He has done. With one hand, He shut Noah in the ark and withthe other He sent forth the floods of the everlasting cisterns and let the fountains of the great deep burst upon the earth.With one hand he smote the Red Sea and bade Israel walk through it dry-shod and with the other He cast the waters down intotheir place and drowned Pharaoh and all his hosts. And now look at Him-with one hand He lights the sun-and with the otherhand He darkens Sodom with the smoke of the devouring flames! Ah, Friends, remember that this is what shall be done all thestory through!
A day is coming when we who, like poor Lot, have been running to Heaven in the dark, with many clouds of fear and much gloomand sorrow, will reach the river of death! And when the Christian comes to die, God the mighty Savior is pleased to take thefilm from his eyes and enables him to see the angels! He opens wide his eye and bids him behold the glorious City that isbuilt on high and those shining ones that perpetually traverse its streets! He opens his ears and bids him listen to the hallelujahsof the blessed and then, sometimes, He catches away his spirit and seems to waft it almost over Jordan, till, before the mandies, he says, "Whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell, only God knows, but I have been caught up to the thirdHeaven and have seen and heard things which mortals cannot utter." Oh, who can describe the raptures of the dying saint, theglories of that moment when God is pleased to cut the fetters that bind us to our clay and give us leave to soar into HisPresence?!
But while God is doing that with His right hand, what is He doing with His left? He is smoothing the path of His childrento the grave, but what is He doing to the wicked? He is not smoothing their path. "Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fireand brimstone and a horrible tempest." When they are dying, He draws no curtains around them, except the black curtains ofdoom! When they are expiring, no angels attend their deathbed-but grim fiends are waiting there. The left hand of God fallsheavily upon the wicked man and as he is entering the world of spirits, God sometimes gives him a foretaste and prelude ofthe horrors of Hell. His right hand wheels the sun to give light to the Christian and bids him look to Heaven-but His lefthand rains down a tempest on the wicked and bids him dread to die!
And now follow the two spirits out of this world. The vital spark of the Christian has fled-
"In vain my fancy tries to paint The moment after death, The glories that surround the saint, When yielding up his breath."
The right hand of God is under the saint and in love He embraces him! God upholds His child in the floods. He whispers, "Iam with you, Israel, passing through the stream; be not afraid, underneath you are the everlasting arms." Listen to the shoutsof victory! Mark the calm composure of the countenance and see the joy flashing in the eyes! This is what God's right handis doing to the righteous. But what is His left hand doing to the wicked! My dear Brothers and Sisters, I dare not attemptto describe the sinner as he dies! And when he is dead, it were too awful for me to suppose how he feels the moment his spiritis out of his body. Oh, what an awful sensation that must be when the first pang of Hell shoots through the soul! My imaginationcan just mount to it, but I cannot go further. That man was a blasphemer-how must he feel when he confronts the God whom heblasphemed and stands before the burning eyes of his incensed Creator! Can you imagine that solitary moment-for I should supposethere is but one such-although eternity is horrible, there can scarcely be more than one moment so new with horror, so dolefullynovel with torment as when the soul is launched upon that everlasting sea, the waves of which are fire, and the depths ofwhich are Hell! I cannot tell all that it means. I only know that these are the Lord's own words, "Consider this, you thatforget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there is none to deliver."
And now comes the Last Great Day! The world is standing before God's bar. Look what He is doing with His right hand! He isbeckoning the righteous to Glory! He is adorning their heads with crowns that excel the sun in brightness! He is girding theirloins with snow-white robes of immaculate purity! He is touching their lips and making them sing like cherubim! He is settingtheir hearts on fire with the bliss of Heaven and kindling their spirits with everlasting Glory! He is lifting them up andmaking them sit together with Christ, far above all principalities and powers and every name that is named! See how the sunis risen upon them! Describe if you can, or imagine if you dare, the brightness of the sunlight of Glory when it shall dawnupon redeemed man in the day of the final account! Look, it is a sunshine without a cloud! It is a sun without an eclipse!Look, see, their happy faces! Listen to their joyous songs!-
"No groans do mingle with the songs That warble from immortal tongues." Words fail me to depict the bright sunlight of theSavior's love as it shines on every happy saint! Thought cannot let me tell the brightness of the Glory that shall streamfrom the brow of the eternal Father when He shall smile upon His well-beloved children! And who can describe the Glory ofthe Sacred Spirit when, in all the riches of His fullness, He shall beam in the eye and heart of every blood-bought soul?This is what God is doing with His right hand-leading all His saints to Heaven and setting them upon thrones forever and ever!
And what is He doing with His left hand?No, pardon me, excuse me from the task of picturing that dread work of Judgment! Imight, perhaps, say things that would be horrible, terrible and doleful-yet, even then, my speech would fall infinitely shortof the terrible reality! What is God doing to the wicked? He is unloosing the loins of the mighty and breaking the iron sinewsof their necks! What is God doing to the wicked? He is alighting them with terror and driving them mad with despair! See themas they fly from His Presence! Listen to them as they shriek in their agony! There they go-down, down, down-to the gulf ofeverlasting woe! What is God doing with His left hand? He is hurling fire upon them! He is launching thunderbolts! What isHe doing? O earth, I see you shaking! O stars, I behold you vanishing from the vault of night! Sun, you are quenched! Moon,you are a clot of blood! I see the heavens stripped of their light and the glorious Son of God seated on His snow-white Throne!And I see sinners trembling at their everlasting doom! I see them bite their tongues, that, like firebrands, scorch theirmouths. I see them dying, but not dead! Damned, but not annihilated-not ceasing to be-forever bruised beneath the foot ofvengeance and yet never crushed out of existence! O my God, no mortal tongue can tell this dreary tale! Had I been dead andpassed the burning lake, and smelt the sulfurous flame, then, perhaps, I might have spoken of all these terrible realities,but tonight I cannot speak! Take your Bibles and read of the fire that cannot be quenched, of the worm that dies not, of thePit that is bottomless-and remember that this is what God is doing with His left hand!
The sun had risen upon Zoar and the fire was falling upon Sodom. Ah, Sinner, will it not be an awful thing to see the contrastbetween you and the righteous? If you perish in your ungodly state, it will make your Hell more awful when you behold, afaroff, the righteous exalted in Heaven! Nothing makes the famished man more hungry than to see others feasting when he has nothing!O young man, what will it be to see your mother there in Heaven and you cast out? O young woman, will you see your companionglorified with Jesus and you cast away with devils? O husband, will you find yourself crying, with Dives, for a drop of water,while your wife is in the Presence of Jesus? Ah, son, will you see your parents glorified and you, yourself, cast out? Setthe two in contrast-look on this picture and on that! God give you Grace to bow the knee and "kiss the Son." And if He hastaught you your need of a Savior, may He give you Grace to accept the hearty invitation I would tender you in His name, "Come,and welcome, Sinner, come!"
Matthew 24:42. Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord does come. That He will come is certain. That His coming may be atany moment is equally sure and, therefore, we ought to always be ready for His appearing. The Lord make us to be so!
43, 44. But know this, that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watchedand would not have allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore be you also ready, for in such an hour as you think not,the Son of Man comes. Perhaps you can imagine how eagerly the householder watches when he expects thieves. Every little soundalarms him. He thinks he hears someone at the door, then he fancies it is someone at the window! But he is on the alert, witheyes and ears and his whole being wide awake. So ought we to be with regard to the coming of the Lord, as watchful as if weknew that Christ would come tonight! We do not know that He will come so soon, yet it may be so, "for in such an hour as youthink not, the Son of Man comes."
45, 46. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord has made ruler over his household, to give them meat in dueseason? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord, when he comes, shall find so doing. Doing whatever the Master has appointedhim to do. If he is a minister, preaching the Truth of God with all his heart. If he is a teacher, endeavoring to feed theminds of the young with sound doctrine. Whatever may be his calling, endeavoring to fulfill it to the great Taskmaster's satisfaction,as if He should suddenly break in upon the work and look at it, then and there, and judge His servant by it. This is the wayto live!
47. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. There are rewards for faithful service- not ofdebt, but of Grace-not according to the Law, but according to the discipline of the House of God. Oh, that we may be suchfaithful servants that our Lord may make us rulers over all that He has!
48-51. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delays his coming; and shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looks not for him andin an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shallbe weeping and gnashing of teeth. He was a servant, you see. So this is a warning, not to the outside world, but to you whoare inside the nominal church and who professto be servants of God. And it is especially a warning to those of us who areministers of the Gospel! Oh, that we may never begin to smite our fellow servants! Of course, we shall not do it with ourfists, but we may do it with our tongue. May we never be numbered with those who are living for the delights of the flesh!If so, see what must come to us. Our Lord still continued to speak upon the same subject of watchfulness by delivering thevery striking parable of the wise and foolish virgins.
Matthew 25:1-4. Then shall the kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom.And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: butthe wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. There did not seem to be much difference between them. They were allvirgins, they all carried lamps, their lamps were all lit. And, perhaps, the lamps of the foolish were quite as bright asthose of the wise. The difference was unobservable to most onlookers, but it was an essential and fatal difference.
Ah, dear Friends, it is the lack of oil that is the ruin of many a professor's lamp! Men have a name to live, but they havenot the true life which is the evidence of the effectual working of the Grace of God within their souls. They make a professionof religion, but they have not the secret Grace to keep it up. There is a glitter and flash, but there is no permanency-andthere cannot be any unless the Spirit of God is, indeed, in us! We may make a fair show in the flesh for a while, but whatwill be the end of it. This is the all-important question-Can we hold on and hold out? Certainly not without that heavenlyoil which only the Spirit of God can supply!
5. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. Oh, how sadly true it is that, sometimes, true saints as wellas mere professors slumber and sleep! Even those who have the oil of Grace are not always wide awake to serve their Masterand to proclaim the Gospel as they should. There are, alas, sleeping Believers and sleeping hypocrites, side by side!
6, 7. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go out to meet him. Then all those virgins aroseand trimmed their lamps. They were suddenly awakened, and they leaped to their feet-
"Rising up at the midnight cry, 'Behold the heavenly Bridegroom nigh!'"
They all trimmed their lamps. That was the first thing for them to do-to look to their torches and have them ready. They couldnot meet the Bridegroom in the dark. They must each have a light, so they began their lamp-trimming. It is a pity to haveto trim your lamp at the last. O dear Friends, it is hard work, upon a dying bed, to have to be looking to one's lamp! Youneed your evidences to be bright there-your faith to be firm and all your Graces brilliant! There must be no doubts and questionsthere, else they make a dying bed feel hard as granite. May we, none of us, have at last to trim our lamps! Those virginswho had oil in their vessels were able to trim their lamps and, though the work was done hurriedly, it was done, and theywere able to take their places in the bridal procession.
8, And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. The modern rendering of this requestis, "Send for the minister and ask him to pray for us, for our lamps are gone out." Take heed, I pray you, you who are boldprofessors, now-lest you should have to say at the last, "Our lamps are gone out." It was too late for trimming and lightingthen!
9, 10. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go you to them that sell, and buyfor yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came. There are deathbed repentances, undoubtedly, but I fear that,in the great majority of cases, people who wake up so late will find that while they go to buy, the Bridegroom will come andthere will not be, after all, the time in which to find the Savior. The mental capacity with which to think of Him may fail.The poor head may be so distracted with pain that it may not be able to catch the meaning of what faith in Christ is, or howit can be exercised. And so, the lamp will have gone out, and it will be too late to buy the oil which alone can make it burn."While they went to buy, the bridegroom came."
10, 11. And they that were ready went in with him to the marriage; and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins,saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. "Open the door at least to us, for we came to meet you, and we carried lamps, and we werewith the other virgins. 'Lord, Lord, open to us.'" You know, perhaps, those striking lines which describe the foolish virginsrequest and the Bridegroom's response to it-
"'Late, late, so late; and dark the night and chill! Late, late, so late; but we may enter still. 'Too late! Too late! Youcannot enter now.'"
12. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. When that door is once shut, it will never again be opened!All Scripture goes to prove that. There are some who foolishly dream about an opening of that door after death for men whohave died impenitent-but there is nothingin Scripture to warrant us in having any such expectation. The final answer of theBridegroom to these foolish virgins is, "Verily I say unto you, I know you not."
13. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man comes. That is, we do not know whenit will be. Some have foolishly said, "We do not know the day, or the hour of Christ's coming, but we may find out the year."We shall not do anything of the kind-the time is hidden altogether! It is not revealed to us and it shall not be known till,suddenly, the Lord Himself shall come in the clouds, with His bright heavenly retinue, to be glorified in His saints and tobe admired in all them that believe! Therefore, be always on the watch, Beloved, "for you know neither the day nor the hourwherein the Son of Man comes." God help us to be ready for His appearing at any moment, for His dear name's sake! Amen.