Sermon 2590. Hearing, Seeking, Finding

(No. 2590)




"Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the woods. We will go into His tabernacles: we will worshipat His footstool." Psalm 132:6, 7.

LONG before David's time, the Ark of the Lord had been almost forgotten by the children of Israel. It formed a most importantpart of the Ceremonial Law which God had ordained. I may almost call it the central portion of that pattern which was shownto Moses in the mountain. But the Ark had been carried into captivity by the Philistines and, afterwards, the terrible judgmentworked upon the men of Beth-Shemesh may have made many afraid to go near it. So it remained a long time in Kirjath-Jearimand there David found it. And, after leaving it for a while at the house of Obed-Edom, brought it up to Jerusalem with greatrejoicing. David's heart was so full of zeal for God that he desired that every part of the Lord's worship should be carriedout with due order and proper solemnity. He wished to see a sanctuary built in which the Ark of the Lord should rest in itsplace and the worship of God should be carried out as He judged was meet and fit.

The first thing, therefore, for David to do was to find the Ark, for, as I have already said, it was a central portion ofthe Divinely-ordained Ceremonial Law. The Ark was put away in the Most Holy Place and it was an express and notable symbolof the Presence of God among the people. It was there, from above the Mercy Seat, that God met with man and communed withhim in the person of the High Priest. It was there that the Shekinah glory, denoting the special Presence of God, shone forthbetween the cherubim. It is clear, therefore, that if David meant to restore the worship of God to its due and proper order,his first business was to find the Ark. Yet, without forgetting that fact, I am not going to talk so much about David findingthe Ark as to think of some who are in the condition in which I once was. When I desired to find God, I longed to meet withHim, in the Person of Christ, in His own appointed way, but I could not find Christ. My heart was dark, my eyes were blindand I looked everywhere but in the right place. I did not look where the true Light of God was shining. But, at last, I resolvedthat I must find Him and I did, by His Grace, find Him! I found Him where I little expected to find Him and now, having foundHim, myself, I have it on my heart to come and speak to everyone who is saying, "Oh, that I knew where I might find Him!"It may be that my message shall be like the voice that reached poor Hagar in the wilderness, when she and her son were readyto perish with thirst, though there was a well of water close at hand. As the Lord said to her, "What ails you, Hagar?" sowould I ask, "What ails you, poor seeking Soul, when Christ is so near?" His people will breathe a prayer for you that youmay find Him even while I speak to you.


Dear Friends, most here present-and I should suppose, all-are well instructed as to where God will meet with us as our reconciledGod. The symbol was the Ark of the Covenant. And the Mercy Seat, the reality, we know is Christ. We know this, I say, formost of us have been instructed in the Scriptures from our youth up. Oh, that we all knew it in our hearts!

Now, concerning that Ark, the first point to be noted is that it was covered with a golden Mercy Seat which was the placeof forgiveness when it was sprinkled with the sacrificial blood. Those who came to it, through the High Priest, knew thatGod had accepted them and forgiven their sins. You and I know that we can never meet with God except at the Mercy Seat whichis Christ Jesus, the Lord! Christ made an Atonement, a Propitiation, for our sins-He "offered Himself without spot to God."Though in Him was no sin, yet He was made sin for us. For our sake He came under the curse of the broken Law of God and now,if we want to meet with God, it must be at the Mercy Seat, by the Propitiation which Christ has made. You say that you knowthis is the case-then never try to meet God anywhere else, for remember that He is a consuming fire! There is no safety inmaking any attempt to come to God except by Christ Jesus, the one Mediator between God and men. His pierced body, that tornveil, is the only means of access for a sinner to a holy God!

In addition to this, the Ark was not only a Mercy Seat, but it was a Throne of Grace. God sat there, as it were, upon a throneof mercy and to us, today, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Throne of Grace. God in Christ Jesus is our reigning God, stretchingout the silver scepter of His mercy and accepting all who come to Him. Do you want to pray, poor Soul, so that God will hearyou? Then plead the blood of Christ! Do you wish to pour out your burdened spirit before the God of Grace? Then come withthe name of Christ in your mouth and His blood trusted in your heart-and you shall not be refused! There is no meeting placewith God, there is no place for prevailing prayer, but where you meet God in the Person of Jesus Christ the one great Sin-Offering!

Then, further, the Ark was the place of God's Manifestation. As much as could be seen of the Glory of God was seen betweenthe cherubim. It is said that a bright light alwaysrested there as a token of Jehovah's perpetual Presence-and if you wouldsee the Glory of God, you must look into the face of Jesus Christ. "No man can see God's face and live." But we may see theface of Christ and live by seeing it! But only through the veil of Christ's Humanity can we see it. I have noticed that whenmen look at the sun, it has to be through smoked glass. And when we look at God, it must be through the Incarnation of Christ,who was found in fashion as a Man, though He thought it not a prize to be grasped to be equal with God.

Furthermore, David knew, and you also know, that there were within the Ark three notable things-first, the tablets of stonewhich God had ordered to be placed there for preservation. There was, next, the golden pot with manna. And then there wasalso Aaron's rod that budded. Now, if you come to Christ, you will find in Him all that these things represented and all thatyou need.

First, there is preserved the complete, vindicated and honored Law of God. You will never be able, in your own strength, tokeep the Law of the Lord-you will break it as surely as you live. Yet you cannot be accepted without a perfect righteousness!Unless God sees you clothed in the garments of righteousness, He will never admit you to the wedding feast. So where are youto get that spotless robe? It is in Christ, for faith is imputed for righteousness to him who believes in the Son of God,even as Abraham believed in God and it was accounted to him for righteousness! But how is righteousness imputed to the guilty?Why, the Believer lays hold of the righteousness of Jesus Christ and it is reckoned as if it were his own! "For as by oneman's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous." That "One" is the Lord,our Righteousness, and when we put on His robe of righteousness, we stand before God, "holy as the Holy One." If, then, youneed a perfect Law, you will only find it in Christ. If any say that they have it in themselves, I believe that is only settingup another and a false Christ, for it is a derogation to the special Glory of Christ, of whom alone it can be said that Hehas magnified the Law and made it honorable by keeping it perfectly! I have no righteousness in and of myself, nor has anychild of God any of his own-any that we once thought we had, we do count but dross and dung-that we may win Christ and befound in Him, not having our own righteousness, which is of the Law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousnesswhich is of God by faith. Oh, how we need, then, to find the Ark, Christ Jesus, that we may see, there, the unbroken tabletsof the Law of God!

But every child of God also needs spiritual food. If the Lord has quickened you, He has given you hunger with your new life,for spiritual hunger always goes with spiritual life and you are saying, "Oh, that I might but eat of the crumbs that thelittle dogs get under their master's table-I must have some spiritual meat!" You will never have it till you get where thegolden pot of manna is to be found. There is the food of the saints treasured up in Christ! There is no food for a soul evenin Heaven except in Christ Jesus. He is the Manna, of which, if a man eats, he shall live forever! This shall satisfy hissoul, strengthen him, build him up and develop him into a perfect man in Christ Jesus! But you must come to Christ for thefood that was typified by the golden pot full of manna.

I think that I hear someone say, "I remember that a third thing that was in the Ark was Aaron's rod that budded. And thatreminds me that I need a power that can rule me, that can say to my rebellious passions, 'Be still,' and that can make mewalk in the way of God's commands, even bringing every wandering thought into captivity." Well, there is no rod that I knowof that can rule our rebellious nature but the rod of Christ Jesus, the great High Priest of God! Once let that blessed rodbe all-powerful over us, and with it shall come all manner of buds, blossoms and ripe fruit to our soul.

Jesus said, "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls."Only from that rod can come the perfect fruit-bearing that every true child of God desires to produce!

II. This leads me to my second remark, which is that knowing what we do about Christ, the Ark, WE DESIRE TO


I hope that I am addressing some who could even use the language of David and say that they intensely desire to find Him.They cry to the mighty God of Jacob in their affliction and with their whole heart and soul they long to find Christ! Davidmade a vow about it, for his heart was set upon finding the Ark. Dear Friend, is your heart set upon finding Christ, or areyou merely trifling with Him? Have you been so thoroughly awakened by the Holy Spirit that within you there burns a strongdesire, insatiable as death, itself, so that you feel that you must find Christ? If so, I am happy to be addressing you-andyou are already a happy person to have this hungering and thirsting after Christ, for that holy craving shall be fully satisfiedwith Him.

David thirsted to find this Ark immediately and so much in earnest was he that he said, "Surely I will not come into the tabernacleof my house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to me eyelids until I find out a place forthe Lord." Oh, when it comes to this-that you must have Christ, then you shall have Christ! When with every breath you seemto say, "Give me Christ, or else I die," then you shall not die, but you shall have Christ and live! I have heard of somewho have at last been driven to such a pitch of vehement determination that they have gone into their chamber and said, "Bythe Grace of God I will never leave this place until I have found my Lord." I knew one who said, "I dare not eat till I havefound Christ, lest every morsel should choke me." And in the ardor of his spirit to roll himself upon his Savior and to becleansed in His precious blood, he cast himself upon his knees and cried to his God-and the Lord revealed Himself to him!If you must have Christ, you shall have Him! But if you can be put off, you shall be put off.

Next, David sought the Ark most reverently, for he recognized it as being a token of the Presence of "the mighty God of Jacob."And you and I must seek Christ reverently. I do not like to hear the irreverent appeals of those who speak of Christ as thoughHe were to be seized by force and carried off against all law and justice. Truly, "the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence,"but it is the violence of humble men and women who dare to act with holy boldness because they are encouraged by their God.That I, a poor sinner, should ever speak with God in a sort of bullying tone, as I have heard some do, as though they saideven to their God, "Stand and deliver," this will never do! Your mouth is in the best position when it is in the dust-andyour heart is nearest to prevailing with God when it is bowed even to the ground. "Out of the depths have I cried to You,O Lord," should be the language with which we humbly approach His Throne of Grace.

But while David thus sought very reverently, yet observe that it was with intense desire that he might receive this Ark whenonce he found it He wanted to find it, but his ultimate objective was to harbor it, to give hospitality to it, to find a restingplace for it. And oh, dear Heart, if you want to find Christ, let it be with this desire, "Oh, that He may come and live inmy soul, and be my own personal Christ! I do not want merely to hear aboutHim, to be taught about Him-I want to have Him-andif He is to be had, I willhave Him! If there is Grace beneath the sky for a poor sinner, then I, the chief of sinners, willnot rest until I find rest in Him." If I am speaking to any here of that kind, I say again that I am thrice happy!

III. Proceeding still further with our subject and coming directly to our text-first, knowing what this Ark is, and then desiringto find it-thirdly, WE HAVE HEARD WHERE IT IS-"Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah."

"We heard of it." And is it not a blessed thing that we have heard about where Christ is?Where did you first hear of Him?I do not know whether, by Ephratah, David meant Bethlehem. Some think he did. That was the place where he was born and inhis own father's house David had heard about the Ark. And there are some of us who can say with overflowing gratitude thatwe heard about Christ in our Ephratah, in our Bethlehem. His dear name was mingled with our mother's hush of lullaby. Amongthe earliest recollections I have are memories of hymns about the Lord Jesus Christ! The Word of God was our first schoolbook-do we not remember, as little children, spelling out in Matthew, and Mark, and Luke, and John, something about that dearLord? "We heard of it at Ephratah," in our earliest home-if that is the meaning of David's words.

Oh, but, if you heard of Christ so soon, why have you not found Him yet? You who go to market know that there is nothing likethe morning market-and there is nothing like seeking Christ early. They that seek Him early, shall find Him. If others donot, they shall-they shall find Him with an emphasis-find Him to a degree and in a measure in which some others do not. Oh,go to Christ in the morning market! Be the first there to buy the Truth of God and never sell it!

But Ephratah means-well, I do not know what it means, nor do any of the critics-it probably means some town of Ephraim. AndI do not know and some of you do not know, perhaps, where you did nothear about Christ. You went to Sunday school and youheard of Him there. You went home and you heard of Him there. In these days, there are agencies that surround men so thatthey are often hearing of Him. Some here present have long heard of Christ and you are always hearing about Him-is it nottime that you should get further than merely knowing and hearing-and should intensely seek until you findHim? You have heardof Christ from ministers. They have told you, many a time, where Christ is. You have heard of Him from Christian men and women.I hope that you will hear of Him again tonight from some Brother or Sister who will buttonhole you before you get out of thisplace, for there are some here who are very quick at that blessed work! And they will be sharp after you, for their love toyou is great and they cannot bear that a soul should ever come within these walls and then, at last, be lost. I do pray theLord that none ever may!

Oh, that your coming here might be the result of God's Grace working upon your soul, that you may be saved! I remember onefriend coming to me and he said to me very earnestly, "I should like, Sir, to take a seat in the Tabernacle." I answered,"Well, do so, by all manner of means! I am very glad when people do so." "But," he said, "I may not come up to what you expectof me, for I have heard that if I take a sitting here, you will expect me to be converted-and I cannot guarantee that." "No,"I replied, "I do not want you to guarantee it. I do not mean the word, expect, in that sense at all, but I do hope that itwill be so." "Oh," he exclaimed, "and so do I! I am going to take a sitting with that very view." And it was so, of courseit was so! When the man wished it to be so, God accepted the wish and heard the prayer-and he was brought to Christ and joinedthe Church! May everyone who comes here have to say, "Well, wherever we did nothear about Christ, we didhear of Him at theTabernacle-that was our Ephratah. We were told where He was and we received plain and clear directions as to how we mightfind Him."

IV. Now, fourthly, the next words are, "WE FOUND IT."

You remember the learned Grecian who, when he had made a discovery while in the bath, leaped out of it and ran down the streetscrying, "Eureka! Eureka! I have found it! I have found it!" Oh, those are the best words in my text! "We found it."

Well, where did we find it? David said that he found it "in the fields of the woods," that is, where he did not expect tofind it Have not many of us found Christ where we never thought we should find Him? "Oh," says one, "I shall never go to Heaven,I am sure, through the preaching of Mr. So-and-So! I cannot stand him. I am sure I would never get a blessing among such-and-suchpeople." And, perhaps, dear Friend, the very man that you have thought could not be a blessing to you is to be made a blessingto you-and the very place where you did not expect to find Christ will be the exact spot where you shall meet with Him!

In the case of David finding the Ark, it was not only where he could not have expected it, but it was in a place that wasdespised-a rustic place-"in the fields of the woods." Perhaps the Lord may lead you to some very plain minister, without anypolish, or talent, or ability-a rustic speaker-a very Amos and, lo, there you will find the Ark of the Lord! If the Lord willguide you to Heaven through the word of a chimney-sweep, it would be far better than that you should go to Hell under theministry of the most eloquent orator or the greatest bishop who ever lived. If you are brought to Jesus Christ by one whomurders the Queen's English-it is a pity that he should do that but, still, it does not matter much, so long as he does notmurder the Lord's Gospel, for the Gospel comes out straight and clear, despite his broken words. Then you will, as it were,find Christ "in the fields of the woods." I have known some who have found Christ in a very lowly place. They have gone awayfrom all companions and up in their own little room they have sought and found Him. I knew one who found the Savior down asaw-pit and another who found Him in a hayloft. Some have walked the streets of London and have been more alone, there, thananywhere else and, as they have trudged along, men have seemed to them like trees walking-they have found Christ, figuratively,"in the fields of the woods." Get alone, dear Friends-it is horrible to live in a crowd! I do not know how a man's spirituallife is to be constantly maintained in a crowd-he must often be alone. "You, when you pray, enter into your closet, and whenyou have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret."

"We found it in the fields of the woods," may, perhaps, mean, Brothers and Sisters, that you will find Christ where you loseyourselves. You know that it is very easy to lose yourself in the woods. You get in among the trees and you do not know whetheryou should turn to the right or to the left. Or you are in "the fields of the woods" and you are quite lost, for you cannottell which way to go. The nearest thing to being saved is knowing that one is lost! When a man is really lost in his own consciousness,the next thing is for him to be saved. The end of yourself is the beginning of Christ. May the Lord cause you to know thatyou are thoroughly lost, and then soon you shall sing, "We found Christ in the woods where we lost ourselves."

It has struck me, too, in thinking over our text, that often we find Christ very near to us. Where did Adam go after he haddisobeyed his Lord? He went and hid himself among the trees. And you and I found Christ where we were hiding-we did not knowthat He was among the trees of the woods-we thought that we were out of sight of God and far away from Heaven and Grace andmercy. Yet all the time, there was the mercy close at hand. Poor Sinner, you do not know how easy it is to be saved. "Believeon the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved." You do not know how near that salvation is to you. "The Word is near you,even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the Word of faith which we preach; that if you shall confess with your mouththe Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved."

V. Fifthly, and very briefly, "WE WILL GO." "We will go into His tabernacles."

Now that we have found where Christ is and we can go to Him, we will have Him. We will go to God in Christ-"we will go intoHis tabernacles." We will not delay a minute longer, but we will, even now, by faith, go to the great Father in His own appointedway. We will go to Him for all that He is prepared to give-"we will go into His tabernacles" to find the Mercy Seat, to bowbefore the Throne of Grace, to behold the Glory of God, to eat of the manna, to see the perfect Law of God and to come underthe governance of the blessed rod that buds. "We will go into His tabernacles," first, into the outer court. Then, into theinner court and, last of all, into the Holy of Holies. It is a blessed thing to see a soul on the go towards God when Christbecomes the Way!

"We will go into His tabernacles" and we will dwell there. We will dwell with God. We will get back to the Father's Housewhere there is "bread enough and to spare," and there we will stay. We will go to learn of God. We will be the disciples ofChrist. We will go and we will go at once. Oh, I wish that I could hear some saying, "We will go. We know about Christ, wehave found Him near us-we will now go and simply trust and rest-and so dwell in the great Father's love." God grant that youmay do so!

VI. And then the last word is, WE WILL WORSHIP. "We will worship at His footstool."

In lowly reverence we will bow ourselves down in the very dust, for we are but dust and ashes even when we are saved. "Wewill worship at His footstool." That is, with deepest solemnity, for even His Ark, His Temple, is but the footstool of thegreat King! Oh, what must He be! Heaven is His Throne, but the earth is His footstool. This world is a wonderful place. Ihave looked upon mountains, hills, valleys and mighty seas-yet the whole earth is nothing but the footstool of God! Let usgo, then, and worship before Him in lowly reverence and with deepest solemnity.

But let us worship there with great joy. His "saints shall shout aloud for joy" and, as they bow at His footstool, it shallnot be as slaves, but as His chosen and accepted ones. Let us also bow there very gratefully, blessing God that He has broughtus to His feet. Part of the preparation for Heaven is to worship at God's footstool on earth, but, by-and-by, we shall worshipin His palace above! "We will go and worship" because we have found Christ and He is ours! May this be true of all of you,dear Friends, for Jesus' sake! Amen.


This Psalm is a prayer and pleading of the Covenant, such a prayer as might have been offered by Solomon at the opening ofthe Temple, or by any of the descendants of David, either in their times ofjoy or in their seasons of affliction. It dividesitself into three parts. In the first seven verses, mention is made of David's zeal for the Ark and for the House of the Lord.Then, in three more verses, there follows the prayer at the moving of the Ark. And then the last verses mention the Covenantwhich God made with His servant, David, which is pleaded by David's descendants in later years. The Psalm begins thus-

Verse 1. LORD, (or Jehovah), remember David, and all his afflictions. We cannot come before God in our own name; so what amercy it is that we have a good name to plead! You and I do not approach the Lord in the name of any saint or holy man-weplead the name of "great David's greater Son" and with the utmost emphasis can we say, "Lord, remember Jesus, and all Hisafflictions-His griefs and sorrows on our behalf." This was a most proper prayer, however, as it stands, from those who belongedto David's race-they pleaded the name of him with whom God had entered into Covenant on the behalf of all his seed-"Lord,remember David, and all his trouble-his trouble which he took about Your house, and about Your Ark."

2. Howhe swore unto the LORD, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob. Jacob was the great maker of vows and you will alsoremember that Jacob, on his dying bed, made mention of "the mighty God of Jacob." David, in this Psalm, imitated his forefathers-hemade a solemn vow to the Lord that he would build a house for God, even as Jacob did when he said, "If God will be with me,and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and clothes to put on, so that I come again to my father'shouse in peace; then shall the Lord be my God. And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house."

3-5. Surely 1 willnot come into the tabernacle ofmy house, nor go up into my bed; I willnot give sleep to my eyes, or slumberto my eyelids until I find a place for the LORD, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. He used strong words to signifythat his house would be no house to him and that he would not regard his bed as a place of rest until he had discovered whereGod would dwell. It means that he would give himself wholly up to this project-it would be his life-work to find a suitableplace for the worship of the Most High. I wish that this same zeal would take firm hold of all Christians. How many thereare who dwell in their ceiled houses while the House of God lies in waste! They can provide abundantly for themselves, butfor God's cause, for God's Gospel, for a place wherein the poor may meet for the preaching of the Word, they do not seem tocare. May the Lord give us to feel something of this self-denial and devotion to God that moved the heart of David!

6, 7. Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the woods. We will go into His tabernacles: we will worshipat His footstool This is what David did and you see what trouble he took in the matter. But you know that he was not permittedto build a house for God. Yet he had the same reward as if he had done so, for God built up his house and established hisdynasty for many generations! God often takes the will for the deed with His servants. And when they wish to do a good workand there is some reason why they may not carry out their plans, the Lord looks upon them and gives them the same reward asif they had accomplished their design. After all, dear Friends, David wised to build a house for God and although it was veryright and proper in itself, yet, in the sight of God, it was but a small matter! He took little account of Solomon's Temple,though it was "exceedingly magnificent!" You remember how Stephen said, just as a sort of passing remark of no great importance,"Solomon built Him an house. Howbeit, the Most High dwells not in temples made with hands." And it is a very curious factin history that from the very day in which the great Temple was dedicated, spiritual religion began to decline in the land!God's worship was never more pure than when it was rendered in a tent in a humble way. But, as soon as the great gilded Templewas erected and priestly pomp began to display itself, it seemed as if men began to depart from the spiritual worship of Jehovah.How often it is that the more gorgeous the Ceremonial Law, the less hearty and the less spiritual the worship becomes! Ourgreat and glorious God who fills Heaven and earth takes small account of noble architecture and earthly pomp and splendor,or of the sweetness of music, or the fumes of incense. He is far above all that is merely sensuous! He delights to dwell wherethere are broken hearts that He can bind and where genuine Believers worship Him in spirit and in truth.

8-10. Arise, O LORD, into Your rest; You, and the Ark of Your strength. Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness; andlet Your saints shout for joy. For Your servant David's sake turn not away the face of Your anointed. Turn back for a minuteto the 8th verse. "Arise, O Jehovah, into Your rest." This exclamation was very similar to the language which Moses used wheneverthe Ark set forward-"Rise up, Jehovah, and let Your enemies be scattered; and let them that hate You flee before You." Andwhen it rested, he said, "Return, O Jehovah, unto the many thousands of Israel." So David did well to use similar words whenthe Ark was, at lat, brought to its resting place. He calls it the Ark of God's Strength, for such it really was. It had donegreat wonders. It was when the Ark was borne by the priests into the midst of Jordan that the river was divided so that thepeople could pass over with dry feet. Even when the Ark was taken captive, it brought disaster to the Philistines. And whenthe men of Beth-Shemesh irreverently looked into it, great numbers of them were slain! It was truly the Ark of God's Strength-thegreat type of the power of God in Christ Jesus our Lord! In the 9th verse we read, "Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness."That is the best robe that he can wear who serves God! And you know that all of us who believe in Jesus have been made kingsand priests unto God. Righteousness, therefore, should be the garment which we wear from head to foot. "And let Your saintsshout for joy." God's holy ones should be happy ones! No man has so much right to be happy as he that is holy. We serve thehappy God-we may well be happy ourselves-and we are not to keep our happiness hidden within our own hearts. "Let Your saintsshout for joy." Let them exult, let them triumph, let them express their delight. The 10th verse is a prayer for the kingand for the whole line of kings-the Psalmist pleads with the Lord to continue to look upon them for the sake of David withwhom He had made His Covenant. Now the Psalm finishes with the Covenant made with David.

11. The LORD has sworn in truth unto David; He willnot turn from it, I willset upon your throne the fruit ofyour body. Thatwas literally fulfilled in a long line of kings, but it is more gloriously fulfilled in the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ.David the prophet-king is dead, but he, seeing before that God would raise up Christ, laid hold upon this precious promise,"I willset upon your throne the fruit ofyour body.." Our Lord Jesus Christ is the King of the Jews, but He is also King ofkings and Lord of lords and, as God has set Him on the Throne, neither devils nor men can ever pull Him from it.

12. If Your children will keep My Covenant and My Testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon yourthrone forevermore. And so it would have been. The kingdom of Israel would never have been broken up, either by internal rebellionor external attack, if it had not been that the kings flagrantly turned aside from God. He bore with them very long, but theywaxed worse and worse and, at last, God's Covenant had to be kept, through their default, by a deed of vengeance against them.Yet today, in spirit, this Covenant stands fast, for the Lord Jesus has kept it on His people's behalf and now He shall situpon the throne of David forevermore, blessed be His holy name!

13. For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. Here are some of the sweetest words that were everwritten! There are fathomless depths of sweetness in them, for here we have the Truth of God concerning the election of theChurch of God. "The Lord has chosen Zion." Some men cannot endure to hear the Doctrine of Election- I suppose they like tochoose their own wives, but they are not willing that Christ should select His bride, the Church! Everybody is to have a freewill except God! But let them know that God still exercises a Sovereign choice among the sons of men. Jesus said to His disciples,"You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you." Blessed be His name, the Truth still stands! "The Lord has chosen Zion; Hehas desired it for His habitation." We delight to dwell with those whom we love and God so loves His Church that He desiresto always dwell in it-and He does dwell in it by His Spirit-and a day shall come when the perfected Church, the new Jerusalem,shall come down out of Heaven from God, having the Glory of the Lord, and the Lamb shall be the Light thereof. You know howthe last chapters of the Book of Revelation describe the glorified Church and God dwelling in the midst of it. "The Lord haschosen Zion." That is the first thing-election. "He has desired it for His habitation. That is the next thing-the indwellingof the Spirit of God in the Church. And this is one of the greatest marvels of which we have ever heard!

14. This is My resting place forever Is it not amazing that God, Jehovah, should say of His people, "This is My resting placeforever"? Now, if He rests, I am sure that we may! It is very remarkable that when God was making the world, He never restedtill He had fitted it up for His child, and everything was ready for Adam. God never stopped His work till there was everythingthat Adam could desire. And when it was all complete, then He rested the seventh day. So, when He has done everything forHis Church, when His work for her is all completed, then Christ rests, but not till then! He says, by the mouth of Isaiah,"For Zion's sake will I not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest until the righteousness thereof goes forthas brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burns." But that being once accomplished, He says, "This is My restforever." God does not rest in the work of His hands as a Creator, He rests in the work of Christ as the Redeemer!

14. Here will I dwell; for I have desired it God dwells in His Church and will dwell in it. He has desired to do so and Hisdesire will certainly be realized-who can cause Him to be disappointed?

15. I will abundantly bless her provisions. By which I understand that there will be provisions, that there will be abundantprovisions and that there will be abundant blessings on those provisions. God grant that we may always find it so! Let usplead this precious, "I will." "I will abundantly bless her provisions."

15. I will satisfy her poor with bread. Poor, and yet satisfied-satisfied with bread! Yes, but what kind of bread? The Breadthat came down from Heaven, the Bread of God, which is Christ Jesus, whose flesh is meat, indeed, and whose blood is drink,indeed. "I will satisfy her poor with bread." The Lord does not say anything about her rich. No, but we read in another place,"The rich He has sent away empty." I wish to always remain among the poor of the Lord's flock- not to put my name down amongthose perfect people who are so rich in Grace that they are obliged to tell everybody about it! No, I would be poor in spirit-emptiedmore and more, lying lowly and humbly at my Lord's feet. I am the more ready to do this because I perceive that the Lord hasprepared all His goodness for the poor in spirit. "I will satisfy her poor with bread."

aloud for joy. The prayer in the 8' verse ith was, "Arise, O Lord, into Your rest." In the 14' verse, we read the answer,"This is My rest forever: here will I dwell."

Then in the 9t verse was the petition, "Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness." Now the Lord gives the response,"I will also clothe her priests with salvation." Righteousness is only a part of salvation, but oh, what glorious raimentit is when a man once wears the silken dress of salvation! Talk of "cloth of gold"-there is nothing among royal array thatcan be compared to the vestments of the saints! I go in for vestments when they are those of which the Lord says, "I willalso clothe her priests with salvation." They shall be covered over with it, from head to foot, so that there shall be nothingof His people to be seen but His own salvation! Notice the prayer in the 9th verse, "Let Your saints shout for joy." And theanswer is here, "Her saints shall shout aloud for joy." God always gives more than we ask! Silver prayers get golden answers!"Open your mouth wide," He says, "and I will fill it." Yes, and then open it again and He will fill it yet again, for He "isable to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think."

17. There will I make the horn of David to bud. As a stag's horn grows, putting out fresh buds and branches, so shall thepower of David be increased and enlarged. We see that promise fulfilled spiritually in the growing Kingdom of Christ.

17. I have ordained a lamp for My Anointed. His name shall never go out like an extinguished lamp. If it is blown out, once,as it were, in the death of Solomon or any other, king, yet from that lamp shall another be lighted. The Lord says, I haveordained a lamp," and Christ will always be a source of brightness in the world! He will always be "a light to lighten theGentiles, and the glory of His people Israel." As the holy lamp in the sanctuary was never to go out, so has God ordainedthat Christ shall always shine to the joy and delight of His people.

18. His enemies will I clothe with shame. In this Psalm two sets of clothing are mentioned and you can have which you like.Here is one, "I will clothe her priests with salvation." And here is the other, "His enemies will I clothe with shame." Shameis a terrible thing! Many a man has thrown away his life to try to escape from the shame of a guilty conscience. But the ungodlywill be forever clothed with shame and they will be eternally condemned. "His enemies," that is the description of the ungodly.It is of small account what your outward character appears to be-if you are an enemy of Christ, these are the garments inwhich you will die-and these are the garments in which you will continue to suffer forever. "His enemies will I clothe withshame."

18. But upon Himself shall His crown flourish. Upon Christ the laurel wreath, or rather, the Crown of Glory, shall never wither."He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till He has set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for His law."