Sermon 2551. God's Knowledge of Sin

(No. 2551)




"O God, You know my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from You " Psalm 69:5.

IT seems, then, that the best of men have a measure of foolishness in them and that, sometimes, that foolishness shows itself.How gentle and tender ought we to be with others who are foolish when we remember how foolish we are, ourselves! How sincerelyought we to rejoice in Christ, as made of God unto us wisdom, when we see the folly that is bound up in our hearts and whichtoo often shows itself in our talk and in our acts! Yet while the best of men have folly in them, it is one of the marks ofa good man that he knows it to be folly and that he is willing to confess his sin before God. "If we say that we have no sin,we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." If we stand as the Pharisee stood in the Temple and cry, "God, I thankYou that I am not as other men are," we shall go home, as the Pharisee did, without the justification which comes from God.It is the truly good man who stands afar off with the publican and cries, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner," and he, also,shall go to his house "justified rather than the other."

There is one solemn thought which deeply impresses the man who is right at heart, but who sees his own foolishness and sinand mourns it-and that thought is that God sees it-and sees it more perfectly than he sees it, himself. His own sight of itmakes him repent and humble himself. And his knowledge of God's sight of it helps him to that repentance and humiliation.God sees everything concerning every man, but the most of men care not about God seeing them. They do not give it so muchas a passing thought. It is the gracious man, the child of God who, from a broken heart, cries out, "O God, You know my foolishness;and my sins are not hid from You." And this it is that makes a Christian man so greatly value the precious blood of Christand the perfect righteousness which Jesus Christ has worked out, albeit that Omniscience still perceives sin, yet Justicedoes not perceive it.

God knows we are sinners, but He imputes to all Believers the righteousness of Christ and looks upon them as they are in Him.He cleanses us in the precious blood of Jesus so that we are clean in His sight and, "accepted in the Beloved." What a wonderfulAtonement is that which hides from God that which cannot be hidden, so that God does not see what, in another sense, He mustalways see-and forgets what it is impossible for Him, in another sense, ever to forget! In a just and judicial way, God castsour sin behind His back and ceases to see iniquity in His people because they are clean, every whit, through washing in the-

"Fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins."

Now, looking at our text, I am going to call attention to the great Truth of the Omniscience of God, desiring that each oneof us may say from our heart, "O God, You know my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from You."

I. First, concerning God's knowledge of man's sin, I remark that IT MUST BE SO. I am not going to argue, but just to talka little to set this Truth of God before you with greater assurance of certainty.

God must know our foolishness, for, first, He is infinite in knowledge. We cannot conceive of a God whose knowledge is limited.That condition belongs to the finite, the creature, but not to the Infinite, the Creator, the great First Cause of everything!God knows all the past, all the present and all the future. He knows all the things that might have been and are not. He knowswhat might have come out of certain germs and what yet may come, which at the present seems to be far remote. All knowablethings must be known to the Most High-the very Nature of God implies it and, therefore, He must know my foolishness, for Iknow something of it myself-He must know much more than I know and my sins are not hid from him, for they are not altogetherhidden from myself. God must know perfectly what I only perceive in part, though that partial perception is terrible to myown heart. Yes, the infinite knowledge of God is an absolute certainty and, consequently, His knowledge of the folly and sinof every heart is beyond all question.

Moreover, God is everywhere present At all times, He is in every place and, therefore, our foolishness and sin must be knownto Him. It is not merely that you committed a folly or a sin and that it was reportedto God. No, but He was there during thedoing of it. What? Though the blinds were drawn and the doors were fast closed? Yet HE was there and all through the sin Hestood by you and observed your every thought and every movement! There is no darkness that hides from Him, nor any other formof screen that can be used to shut out the glances of the eyes of the Eternal. He does not see from a distance, but He ison the spot. You cannot conceive of a place where God is not, for He fills all space! There could no more be a boundary toHis existence than to His knowledge and, therefore, we are sure that our text is true, "O God, You know my foolishness; andmy sins are not hid from You."

Moreover, God is also everywhere perceiving. He is never a blind God, nor a blindfolded God. His knowledge is never, evenfor a moment, stopped and rendered intermittent, but, as His Presence is on the highest hill and in the deepest cavern, faraway on the wild sea or in the plain where the foot of man has scarcely made a track, so, in that Presence there is a constantsight, an unfailing observation at all times. You would not, I hope, reduce God to the level of One who has eyes and seesnot! "He that planted the ear, shall He not hear? He that formed the eye, shall He not see?" The fact that eyesight and hearingcome from Him proves how abundantly He possesses those faculties, Himself. He sees and He hears in every place and there wasnever anything done of man without His knowledge. The secret murder, the silent plot where everybody had sworn an oath ofsecrecy-all was known to God. There was never a thought in a human mind, although the man had not uttered it in words evento himself, but what the Lord perceived it. Does not this make the fact certain that He knows my foolishness and that my sinsare not hidden from Him? Infinite in knowledge, everywhere present, and everywhere perceiving everything, He must know myfoolishness and my sin. Dr. Watts forcibly expresses this idea in his hymn on God's Omnipresence-

"In all my vast concerns with You,

In vain my soul would try

To shun Your Presence, Lord, or flee

The notice of Your eyes.

Your all-surrounding sight surveys

My rising and my rest.

My public walks, my private ways,

And secrets of my breast.

If winged with beams of morning light,

I fly beyond the west.

Your hand, which must support my flight,

Would soon betray my rest

If over my sins I think to draw

The curtains of the night.

Those flaming eyes that guard Your Law

Would turn the shades to light.

The beams of noon, the midnight hour,

Are both alike to Thee-

Oh, may I never provoke that power

From which I cannot fleer

Beside that, God is always reading the heart We have heard a good deal about thought-reading. I hope that the most of youwill never be gifted in that direction, for such a power would make it very unpleasant for many. One said that he wished thathe had a window in his bosom, that everybody might read his thoughts. I think that if he were at all a sensible man, he wouldneed to pull the blind down before long! There is something which, now and again, crosses the purest mind which he would notwish another to perceive-and he who watches his thoughts with an exemplary vigilance will sometimes be off his guard and toleratean imagination which he would not wish to pollute any other person's mind. But though we cannot read each other's hearts,God can read them. There is no possibility of lying to the Lord so as to deceive Him. He reads the hypocrite when he putson his fine vestments and prays his prayer in the most devout style-and even when he gets into his closet and bows beforehis God only after a formal manner. We may have performed what looked like a holy deed. We may have sung a solemn Psalm. Wemay have appeared unto our fellow men to be among the excellent of the earth, but if it is not really so, no one can hidehimself in secret, or conceal the deceit of his spirit in the dark place from the eyes of the Most High.

Though you should climb to the top of Carmel in the pride of your heart, or go down with Jonah to the bottoms of the mountainsin your deceit, yet shall He find you out, strip you, unmask you and set you in the sunlight to be despised of men and allintelligent beings, as they, also, shall see your lies. O Beloved, God must have seen my foolishness! And my sins cannot behid from Him since He reads the secrets of the heart and the tortuous passages of the soul are easily threaded by His unerringwisdom!

We are sure, also, that He knows our foolishness and our sin because He knows what is yet to be. To know what men have alreadydone is a light matter compared with knowing what men will yet do. There are black crimes which are recorded by Moses in Scripturewhich Moses never could have known if God had not first seen them and then communicated the knowledge of them to him. Thereare many incidents mentioned in the Pentateuch which could only have come to the knowledge of Moses through the Revelationof the Spirit of God and, therefore, God Himself knew all about those events. But, throughout the prophecies there are intimationsof the sins of men that would yet be committed and, more especially, that sin of sins-the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ-thatcrime of crimes is described in all its dreadful details!

Now, if God saw all that and recorded it by the agency of His servants centuries before it happened, there can be no hopethat anything which has ever occurred has escaped the observation of the Most High! You are all books and every page is opento the eyes of the great Reader who reads you from the first letter to the last! There is nothing which any man can possiblyconceal from God. Men love what they call, secrets, yet there are no such things in very truth where God is concerned, forHe observes everything! It matters not what it may be-minute or majestic, malevolent or benevolent, a curse or a blessing-itall passes before that eye which never wearies or sleeps, or suffers anything to escape its notice! It is so, it must be soif God is God-He knows my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from Him.

II. Now let us just turn the current of our thought while I ask, concerning God's knowledge of man's sin, AFTER WHAT FASHIONIS IT? If God knows, in what particular way does He know?

The answer is, that it is complete knowledge. The Lord knows us altogether. I must confess that I cower down beneath thatthought. That the Lord should know my public service is sufficiently awe-striking-but that He should know my privatethoughts-ah,this sinks me into the very dust! The Lord knows not only the action, but the motiveof the action-all the thoughts that wentwith my action, all the pride and self-seeking that came after it-and spoiled it when it might have been praiseworthy. "Everyway of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord ponders the hearts." The word, "ponders," means that He weighs us, Hetakes the specific gravity of our actions. They may cover a great surface, yet there may be no real substance in them at all-butthe Lord weighs them as goldsmiths weigh the metal that is subjected to their test. He takes care not to be deceived by anythingthat is apparent to our fellow men. "The fining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold: but the Lord tries the hearts."There is nothing hidden from God's eyes-every separate part of us is open to His perpetual inspection! Think of that. God'sknowledge is complete and baffles all evasion.

It is also the knowledge of a holy Being. You, perhaps, know some people who see all they can, yet do not see all that canbe seen. It is with them as it was with the lady who said to Turner, as she looked upon one of his notable paintings, "Mr.Turner, I have never seen anything like that." "No," replied the artist, "I don't suppose that you have seen it. Don't youwish that you could?" So, when God looks at a man's life, He sees infinitely more in it than the man ever saw in it, himself,or than all his fellow creatures have seen. The keen eyes of envy and of malice will detect a fault, if fault there is, butkeener is the eye of perfect holiness! The Lord's eyes are as a flame of fire. Being, Himself, essential Truth, He truly discoverseverything that is within us and makes no mistakes. When we are dealing with God, mistakes on His part are quite out of thequestion. He knows us after the manner of a perfectly holy Being and many a thing that looked white to us, is absolutely blackto God! His eyes can see according to the clear white light of Heaven, but you and I can only see in some single ray of faintlight-we see not as God sees. We shall, one day, be holy as He is holy, and we shall then look upon the affairs of this lifein a strangely different light from that in which we look upon them now. And when once we get to Heaven, we shall realizehow foolish we were to form the judgments that we did while we were here. "Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then, faceto face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as, also, I am known." Think of this, dear Friends-the eyes that seeyou are the eyes of a perfectly holy God who, therefore, more readily discovers your shortcomings and your sins than all theeyes of men could do!

Reflect, again, that God knows us with an abiding knowledge. It is a great mercy that time brings with it relief of our sorrowsby the oblivion in which it steeps us. You lost your mother and you could not have lived a month suffering the pangs thatyou felt in the moment that you realized your loss. All your losses are the same as they were when they first befell you,but they do not eat into your spirit with that terrible force which was in them at the onset, for time has taken off theiredge. It is so with sin-the first time that the youth told a lie, he could not sleep-but that first time was 40 years agoand he is almost sorry that I have brought it to his recollection! After a while, time covers up the remembrance of sin andwe think that God has covered it up, too, but every sin, even of 50 years ago, is present to God's eyes just as if you werecommitting it at this moment! And your whole life does not stand out to Him as the dim past and the bright present-it is allpresentto Him. As when a man looks on a map and the whole of the country is before him, so does God look down upon our lifeas it is spread out for His inspection-He sees it all at once. Up from the graves of forgetfulness where you have buried them,your sins perpetually rise and confront the Judgment Seat of God. Think seriously of this matter, for it is after this mannerthat God knows our foolishness and that our sins are not hid from Him.

The Lord has an eternal knowledge ofour sins. He will never forget them. If they are not washed away by the blood of Christ,He can never forget or cease to be angry because of them! He has written the record of man's sin in a book-He means it, therefore,to abide. He says, "Is not this laid up in store with Me, and sealed up among My treasures?" It is as if He had put men'ssin by, to be called as a damning witness against them in that Great Day when every action and word and thought shall passbefore the Judgment Seat. I do not know how this thought makes you feel, but it makes me tremble while I speak of it!

For, further, all our sins are known to Him who is to be our Judge. There will be no need of witnesses in that last dreadday, for the Judge knows all about us! There will be no need to call this one and that to bear testimony as to our sin, forthe Judge saw it, heard it and He has never forgotten it, nor does His memory fail Him as to any of the details. He will flashthat eternal light of His into the conscience of the criminal and write upon the tablet of his heart the revived memory ofall that he had forgotten-and there cannot be a more terrible Hell for a man than to be in the grasp of his memory and ofhis conscience in the Last Great Day. Yet so it will be and I beg each unconverted man, woman and child to recollect thathis foolishness and his sin are known to Him to whom he must give an account at the Day of Judgment.

One thought more might, perhaps, tend to impress some who have not yet felt the force of this Truth of God, and that is thatthis knowledge will be published. If God knows about our sin, it is tantamount to everybody knowing about it. "Oh," says someone,"I trust it will not be so! I hope that nobody knows of that dark deed of mine." I tell you, Sir, everybody shall know ofit, "for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known." There shall come a day,the Day for which all other days were made, when the books shall be opened and every man shall give an account of the deedsdone in the body, whether they have been good or whether they have been evil and, further, our Savior said, "That every idleword that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment." Can we bear to have it all known? Yetknown it shall be, written as across the sky, when those we have deceived and deluded shall discover what we were-and we shallwake up to everlasting shame and contempt unless we find shelter in the atoning Sacrifice and are washed in the precious bloodof Christ! If I could speak of these Truths of God as I ought to speak of them, they would move your hearts. I pray God thatthey may.

III. And now, thirdly, WHAT THEN? If God sees everything and sees it in the fashion I have tried to describe, what then?

Why, first, how frivolous must those be who never think about it! A man is about to commit a crime, but his child is present,so he hesitates, or somebody looks in the window and he cannot do the wrong he intended. How is it that men will tremble underthe eyes of a child and almost at the presence of a dog-and yet God's Presence is nothing at all to them? A man, about tosteal, had taken his child with him to help him secure the booty. He looked all round and said,

"There is nobody here, Boy." But the lad said, "Father, there is one way you did not look-you did not look up-God can seeyou." Just so. Men do not look up and if you tell them that God sees them, of what account is He to them? This is practicalatheism, yet men say that theywould not have crucified Christ. Sirs, as far as you can, you kill God, for you put Him outof your thoughts! You make nothing of Him and what is that but the Crucifixion of God? You despise Him so much that His Presencehas no effect upon you, though the presence of any mortal man would have stopped you from your sin!

Next, dear Brothers and Sisters, what care this ought to work in us! How diligently we ought to do our work for God! How earnestlywe ought to pray when we know that we always have the great Taskmaster's eyes upon us! Or, better still, that dear eye thatlooked in pity upon us when we were lost and ruined! The eyes of the Well-Beloved, who gave Himself for us, are always fixedupon us. "Fight, my children," said a Highland chieftain, "fight and conquer, for your chieftain, though he lies here bleeding,has his eyes upon you." And they fought like tigers under their leader's eye and thus should Christians fight against sinwhen the eyes of the beloved Captain who died for them is always upon them! There must be no sleeping, there must be no "scamping"of our work, as bad workmen do when the master is away. It must be gold, silver and precious stones that we build with-andevery stone must be well laid upon the one great Foundation. Everything must be done at the very best because God sees it.You know how the heathen sculptor put it-he was working with his chisel and hammer upon the back part of a statue of whichonly the front was to be seen. The back part was to be built into the wall, so someone said to him, "Why are you toiling soelaborately at that which will be hidden in the wall?" He answered, "The gods can see inside the wall." The heathen gods couldnot see, but our God can and, therefore, the secret part of one's life is, perhaps, the most important part of it! That whichis never meant for the eyes of man, but wholly for the eyes of God, ought to have a double care exercised in the perfectingof it, that His eyes may rest upon it with a sacred complacency, according to His abounding Grace and mercy.

And what holy trembling this ought to put within us! It is often a joy to think that God knows everything. It was a true comfortto Peter when he could say, ' 'Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." It is a great joy, when you are slanderedand misrepresented, to be able to say, "Well, God knows the way that I take. And when He has tried me, He will bring me forthas gold. My true record is on high, so I need not fear what the record below may be." That is a very delightful thought! Atthe same time, can any among you look forward to that Last Great Day without some trembling? Does it not take all your faithin the atoning blood and in the Divine Substitute to gird up your loins that you may face that Day without fear? Yes, andeven that you may now live in the full conviction that your life is all known to


Just let us think for a minute or two more about this subject and then I will close. The Lord knows all about us, so thatHe knows our omissions. I do not know any subject that so much depresses me, humbles me and lays me in the dust as the thoughtof my omissions. It is not what I have done about which I think so much as of what I have not done. "You have been very useful,"says one. "Yes, but might I not have been 10 times more useful?" "You have been very diligent," says another. "Yes, but mightI not, somehow, have been more diligent? Might I not have done my work in a better spirit? If I had been better, would notmy work have been better? If I had borrowed more of my Master's strength, which I might have had, might I not have accomplishedmuch more?" Do you ever feel satisfied with yourself? If so, I would advise you to fling that satisfaction out of the window,as Jehu said of the painted Jezebel, "Throw her down!" A sense of satisfaction with yourself will be the death of your progressand it will prevent your sanctification. Many a man might have been sanctified if he had not thought that he was already sanctified.By that thought he clutched the shadow and so he lost the substance! Mind that such a thing as that does not happen to you.

Our Lord knows all the faults of our holy things-the coldness of our prayers, the wandering of our thoughts, the scantinessof our alms-giving and the hardness of our hearts-so that they do not go in generous tenderness with the gift we feel boundto bestow. Our sermons, our Bible reading, our Sunday school teaching-the Lord sees the faults of them-while our friends oftensee the excellences of them. I have had many abusive letters at different periods of my life, but specially in the early partof my career in London I think that I had as much abuse as ever fell to the lot of anybody. But, as I read letter after letter,I said to myself, "O foolish writers, if you knew me better, you could say sharper things than these-that would sting me muchmore-but, happily, you have never been able to lay your hands on the truth. You have had to tell a lie in order to abuse meand that does not hurt me a bit. If you had known me as God does, you might have had something to say which would have causedme great sorrow." If men could read the secrets of your soul, sincere though you have tried to be, they would see such failures,slips and errors that you would not dare to set your holiest things in the light of day-yet the Lord knows the sins-even ofyour holy things.

Then the Lord also knows our lies. That is a very tender point. "We do not lie," we say, but is there any man among us whois perfectly true? When you prayed, did you not say a little more than you had ever attained in your own experience? Or youwere talking about yourself and you wished to be very sincere and truthful, but you put just a touch of color into the picture,did you not? At least you painted yourself with your finger over your scars-there are not many like Oliver Cromwell, who said,"If you make a portrait of me, paint me as I am, warts and all." You may do that with the warts on your forehead, but I questionwhether you would like the warts on your characterto be seen. "I hate flattery," says one. Why, you are flattering yourselfall the while that you are saying that! "But," says one, "I feel that I am humble." Do you? Then I guess that you are notreally so, for he who is humble still laments his pride and thus shows his humility better than in any other way. But, whateverwe are, God sees all our lies and there is nothing hidden from Him.

Lastly, the Lord knows-and this is the best thing that He knows about us-He knows, concerning some of us, that we are clingingto Christ alone! Unless I am utterly deceived, I can truthfully say to the Lord Jesus Christ-

"Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on You." Can you say the same, dear Friend? If you can, take heart. Do notbe afraid of God knowing all, but rather say, as we read a little while ago, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me,and know my thoughts: and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Pray with David, "Washme thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin." Come and cast yourself upon the Omniscience of God, desiring tobe cleansed-spirit, soul and body-and made meet to enter where the redeemed and glorified Church adores the Lord forever withoutfault before His Throne!

God bless this searching message to every one of you for His dear Son's sake! Amen.


1. O LORD, You have searched me, and known me. God does not need to "search" us, for that implies a lack of knowledge, a knowledgeobtained by search. But the meaning of the text is that God knows us as well as if He hadexam-ined us through and through,just as an excise officer searches a house to find contraband goods. "O Lord, You have searched me, and known me."

2. You know my sitting down, and my rising up. "Such commonplace things as these, my sitting down at home, my rising up togo to my business, You, O Lord, observe and know even such minor matters as these."

2. You understand my thoughts afar off "Before the thought has entered my mind, You know what it will be. When I run far awayfrom You in my own apprehension, You are still so near to me that You can hear my mind think and You know the meaning of mythoughts when I try to think crookedly."

3. You compass my path and my lying down, "You surround me when I go out, or when I rest at home; when I labor, or when Isleep. You set a fence around about my every action and my non-action, too."

3. And are acquainted with all my ways. "You know all that I do, as One that is most intimate and familiar with me. You, greatGod, 'are acquainted with all my ways.'"

4. For there is not a word on my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, You know it altogether ''Not only the words of my tongue, but thewords on my tongue, are known to You, O Lord." As we sang just now-

"My thoughts, before they are my own, Are to my God distinctly known! He knows the words I mean to speak, Ere from my openinglips they break."

5. You have beset me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me "I am taken as in an ambush: I am held captive; I cannotget away. 'You have beset me behind and before'-more than that, You have arrested me, 'laid Your hand upon me.'"

6, Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it' 'You have it, but I cannot reach it. You haveit, but, 'I cannot attain unto it.'"

7, 8. Where shall I go from Your spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your Presence? If I ascend up into Heaven, You are there.For so it runs in the Hebrew. The translators put in the word, "are," as you can see by the italics. "If I ascend up intoHeaven, you there"-that is all the Psalmist says.

8, If I make my bed in Hell, behold, You. Again it is more emphatic without the words supplied by the translators. "You, OGod, are in the depths as well as in the heights, You are everything in every place, You are All in All."

9, 10. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall Your hand lead me."I cannot go anywhere except You enable me to go."

10, 11. And Your right hand shall hold me. IfIsay, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light aboutme. "There is no escaping that way, for the night shall be transformed into light, and I shall be as clearly perceived inthe darkness as in the daylight."

12. Yes, the darkness hides not from You. "It hides from eyes which are but mortal, but You are pure Spirit and You discernnot through the impinging of light upon the retina of the eye."

12. But the night shines as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to You. Now the Psalmist goes back to the veryfoundation and origin of his being.

13. For You have possessed my reins.' 'You are within the secret portions of my bodily frame."

13, 14. You have covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Therefore Galen,the oldest and the best-known of the ancient surgeons, was known to say that an undevout anatomist must be mad, as anothersaid that an undevout astronomer was mad, for there is such a marvelous display of skill and wisdom, delicacy and force inthe making of a man, that we may, each one, say, "I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

14-16. Marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows right well My substance was not hid from You, when I was made in secret,and curiously worked in the lowest parts of the earth Your eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect and in Your bookall my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. Still he dwells uponhis birth and all that went before it-and he did well to speak of those marvels. We are too apt to forget God's goodness tous in our infant days, but we should remember that we come not into this world without a Creator and in that Creator we finda Friend, the best we have ever had, the best we can ever have! Oh, for Grace never to wish to stray away from Him in whomwe live, and move, and have our being!

17. How precious, also, are Your thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! How often God has thought of eachone of us! Remember that if you were the only man in all the world, He would not think more of you than He does now that youare only one of myriads of myriads! The infinite mind of God is not divided by the multiplicity of the objects brought beforeit, but His whole mind goes forth to contemplate each individual. What deep thoughts, what bright thoughts, what faithfulthoughts God has had concerning us! "How precious, also, are Your thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!"

18. IfIshould count them, they are more in number than the sand: when Iawake, Iam still with You. "Whether I sleep or wake,You are with me, but, better still, I am with You! Before I fell asleep, I put my soul into Your hands. And when I awoke,I found it there."

19. Surely You will slay the wicked, O God. I t cannot be that God, who sees everything, will forever endure the wickednessof men. It cannot be that He will suffer all crime and villainy and blasphemy to escape with impunity! "Surely You will slaythe wicked, O God."

19. Depart from me therefore, you bloody men.' 'I do not want to be with you, or to have you with me, in the day when Godmetes out vengeance upon the ungodly."

20-22. For they speak against You wickedly and Your enemies take Your name in vain. Do not I hate them, O LORD that hate You?And am not I grieved with those that rise up against You? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them my enemies. We arebound to love our enemies, but we are not bound to love God's enemies. We are to wish them, as enemies, a complete overthrow,but to wish them, as men, a gracious conversion, that they may obtain God's pardon and become His friends, followers and servants.

23. Search me, O God. Is it not amazing that what the Psalmist started with as a doctrine, now becomes a prayer? Before, hesaid, "O Lord, You have searched me, and known me." Now he cries, "Search me, O God!

23. And know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts. Every attribute of God works for the good of those who trust Him. Ifyou are a Believer, you may ask for His infinite power to protect you and His infinite knowledge to search you.

24. And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. May God first make that our prayer and thengraciously hear it, for His great name's sake! Amen.