Sermon 2536. The Ethiopian

(No. 2536)




"Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may you also do good, that are accustomed to do evil."Jeremiah 13:23.

Jeremiah had a friend who was a black man. Ebedmelech, the Ethiopian eunuch, had a great and tender concern for Jeremiah whenhe was shut up in the miry prison. He took ropes and covered them with rags that they might not cut the poor Prophet's armpits,and drew him up out of that filthy well into which he had been cast for the Truth of God's sake. I suppose, from the way Ebedmelechafterwards treated the Prophet Jeremiah, that they were great friends. And as we usually talk of people of whom we are fond,it was natural that Jeremiah should use the Ethiopian as an emblem. I do not know that any other Prophet did so. Perhaps therewas no other Prophet who took to a Negro so thoroughly as Jeremiah did, but, anyway, he had that black man's face imprintedon his mind and when he was speaking to the people, the Holy Spirit moved him to use a simile with which he had become familiar.I wish that every thought and experience I have ever had could be used in speaking for my Lord. I would like to never setmy eyes on anyone or anything without trying to turn all to good account for the Master's work. And if those of us who areteachers of others will only go about with our eyes open, we shall find plenty of illustrations of the Truths we have to proclaim.There will not be a black man cross our path but we shall learn something or other from him.

Let us go at once to our text and notice that it contains a question which admits of only one answer-"Can the Ethiopian changehis skin?" Of course he cannot! And this fact suggests to us a spiritual question-Can a man who is accustomed to do evil,so change himself as to do good? Of course he cannot, any more than the Ethiopian can change his skin! When we have talkedover that question which admits of only one answer, I shall put another question which admits of the opposite reply In thatlatter part of our subject may the Lord be pleased to send comfort to those who are despairing and who know that they canno more change their own nature than the Ethiopian can change his skin, or the leopard his spots!

I. First, we are to consider a question which admits of only one answer-"Can the Ethiopian change his skin?"

No one ever heard of such a thing being done. Very wonderful things have occurred, but no one has ever yet heard of a blackamoorwho has been able to wash himself white. It was an old fable of Aesop as to the absurdity of attempting to do anything ofthe kind and, often, when we want to point out that a thing cannot be done, we use this simile, and say, "You cannot changethe blackamoor's skin."

There are some things that men can do. A white man may be made almost black, as far as his skin is concerned. There are certainmedicines that operate upon the skin and give it a very strange color-you may have seen a few such cases in your lifetime.But, though you can put the color in, you cannot take it out. The man who is white, or the woman who is very fair, may, eitherof them, sit in the sun till they become browned so that they might almost say with the spouse in the Song of Solomon, "Iam black because the sun has looked upon me." But you could not turn a black man, white, though you can turn a white man black.You can do what you please by way of spoiling, but you can do nothing by way of mending. You can make yourself filthy by sin,but you cannot make yourself spiritually clean, do what you will! There is an ease about going down-you can jump down a precipicequickly enough, but who could stand at the bottom of a high cliff and leap to the top at one bound? Man can come down againsthis will, but he cannot go up even with his will. You can do evil all too readily-you can do it with both hands, greedily,and do it again and again and not grow weary of it-but to return to the right path, this is the difficulty!

As Virgil said about his arduous task when he went down to the land of shades, "Easy is the descent to Avernus, but to returnto the clear air again-this is the work, this is the difficulty." You have all seen persons make themselves black externally-thechimney sweep in pursuit of his lawful calling becomes quite as black as a Negro, yet, with a basin of water, he can changethe look of his face very speedily because the blackness is only something outside of him which merely adheres to him fora time. But the question of our text is, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin?" That is a part of himself and he cannot alterit. The Ethiopian can wash himself clean and he ought to do so, it is his duty to do so. And a man can keep himself moraland he ought to do so, it is his duty. If the Negro is ever so black, he may be clean, but he cannot wash himself white, neithercan a sinner cleanse himself from the stains of his guilt.

But remember, dear Friends, that, even if an Ethiopian could change his skin, that would be a far smaller difficulty thanthe one with which a sinner has to deal, for it is not his skin, but his heartwhich has to be changed. There are some creaturesin which, if they lose a limb, it will grow again, or another will come in its place, but there is no creature living thatcould lose its heart and then grow another. There is a tree of a certain sort and you can, if you please, graft upon it andit will produce a different kind of fruit. Or you can take off one limb of a tree and another branch may grow-but you cannotchange the tree's heart. Even if it were possible for the Ethiopian to change his skin, that would be a change, as we say,only skin-deep, and that is no parallel to the sinner and his sin-the leprosy lies deep within. It is the heart that is "deceitfulabove all things and desperately wicked." It is the center and source of thought and action which is polluted and a changemust be worked there. "Can the Ethiopian change his skin?" No, but if he could do so, could a sinner change his heart? Assuredlynot!

Observe, dear Friends, that the question is about an Ethiopian changing his skin himself. That cannot be done, certainly,but, if it could be done, a man could not, himself, change his own heart. For an evil heart to make its own self good is inconceivable.Darkness never did beget light. You may sit as long as you like in the sepulcher amid the dry bones, but life will never beborn of death-life must come from quite a different source. The earth warms the seeds in her bosom and nourishes them intogrowth, but if those seeds were dead, all the genial seasons could not make them spring up. And even if the earth could makedead seeds to live, that is not the kind of miracle of which we are speaking- the miracle would be for the dead seed to makeitself alive. That is utterly beyond the bounds of possibility! The figure in our text is a very strong one. As I have saidbefore, the Ethiopian cannot change his own skin, but even that figure is not strong enough to express the utter helplessnessof human nature as to its own renewal, for the change is greater and deeper-and it is quite impossible that it ever shouldcome from fallen human nature.

Let me try to set forth, in some small measure, the difficulty of this business. The first difficulty is because the evilthat man has is in his nature. If sin were merely an accident, then it might be prevented. But it is not so. If sheep wereto fall down into the mud, they might soon be up again, and it would be possible to keep them from falling. But when the swinego down into the mud, they roll in it because they delight in wallowing! As long as there is any mire about and the sow canget there, she will return to her wallowing as long as she remains a sow, for the filthiness is in her nature as well as inthat which surrounds her! And it is so with us so far as sin is concerned. The Ethiopian could wash himself clean, but theblackness of his skin is a part of his Ethiopian nature and he cannot get rid of that. The leopard's spots are not accidentalto it, but it has spots because it is a leopard.

So, sin is not accidental to human nature, but it is part and parcel of ourselves. When you see a man, you see a sinner! Andif you could look into his heart, you would see the seed-plot of all manner of mischief which only needs congenial surroundingsto fully develop itself. How can a man change his own nature? I do not suppose that, by any possibility, I could ever becomean Ethiopian. I do not think that if I were to set my mind to the task, I could ever, by any possibility, turn into a Dutchmanbecause I was not born so-it is not according to my nature. I must remain an Englishman, Essex-born, as long as I live. Onlya miracle could make me anything different from that! And the sinner is a sinner right through. Wherever you look at him,he is a sinner, and so he always will be unless a superior power shall intervene to change him.

Alas also, this evil nature of man brings with it the fact that his willis altogether perverted. A man will not cease to doevil and learn to do well because he has no heart to do it. Sinners do not want to be saved. "Oh," says one, "I do!" But doyou understand what it is to be saved? Every sinner would like to escape from going to Hell, but that is not what is meantby salvation. To be saved means to be saved from loving evil, from seeking after it and living in it. Do you want to be savedfrom that? Do you want to be saved from falsehood, saved from the indulgence of your passions, saved from strong drink, savedfrom pride, saved from covetousness? The most of men have not a heart inclined to that-there is some sweet sin of theirs whichthey would like to sip, at least now and then upon the sly. That is to say, evil, as evil, is not abhorrent to the naturalwill, but the natural will of man goes after that which is evil as surely as ever children seek after that which is sweet!Sin is sweet to man and he will have it if he can. How, then, can his nature be changed while he has no will to it? The willis, as it were, the rudder of the ship. My Lord Will-be-Will, according to John Bunyan, is the Lord Mayor of the town of Mansoul.And so he is, and he carries it in a very lordly way. He will have this and he will have that-and he will not have the other-andhe is the master of the man. Till the will is changed, till what is called, "free will," is made, in truth, to be free will-freefrom the chains of evil and the love of sin-the man cannot rise to happiness and God any more than the Ethiopian can changehis skin!

Moreover, in connection with this natural depravity, and the perversity of the human will, there comes to be the power ofhabit. Oh, what an awful force the power of evil habit has upon a man! It begins at first only like a cobweb-he can breakit when he pleases. It grows into a thread and he is somewhat restrained by it. It changes to a cord and he is in a net. Ithardens into iron and the iron becomes further hardened into steel-and the man is shut up in it. He becomes like the starlingthat cried, "I cannot get out! I cannot get out!" The sad thing is that the man is in a cage of his own making! It is a sortof living cage which has grown up all around him and he cannot escape from it! How often is this the case with strong drink!The man at first only took a very little, but how much does he take now? Mr. Wesley, when dining once with a friend of hiswho had greatly helped him in the district, saw him, after dinner, rise from the table and get just a little brandy and water,Mr. Wesley said to him, "My Friend, what is that?" "I am very much troubled with indigestion," he answered, "but I only takea tablespoonful of brandy in a little water." "Well," said Mr. Wesley, "that is certainly very little, but, my Friend, youwill want two tablespoonfuls before long to do for you what you think that one does. And then you will want four. And thenyou will want eight and, unless you give it up, I fear that you will become a drunk and disgrace the cause of God." AfterMr. Wesley was dead, that man still lived a drunkard-he had lost his reputation, disgraced the people with whom he had beenconnected and brought untold sorrow upon himself.

Now, as it is with that one particular sin, so it is with every other! If a sin comes, alone, to your house the first time,it will come the next time with seven other devils more wicked than itself-and those seven will very soon bring seven eachand you will have a legion of devils! And when you get one legion, it is highly probable that another legion will come intothe barracks of your heart and stay there. The beginning of sin is like the letting out of water-just a little drop tricklesthrough the wall of the dike. Then it becomes a tiny rivulet which a child's hand can stop-then it increases to a stream andsoon the dike begins to heave, break, crack and, by-and-by, it is broken down and a torrent rushes over town and village andcarries away multitudes of men with it. Beware! That evil habit is a dreadful thing-he who yields to an evil habit is preparinghimself for the bottomless pit!

In addition to this habit, I grieve to say that there generally springs up a kind of delight in sin. There are, no doubt,some men who, for a time, feel an intense satisfaction in sin. Yes, and not only in their own sins, but they take pleasurein the sins of others. I hope you never hear them talk. If it has ever been your misfortune to do so, you know that they willtalk about some piece of filthiness as if it were a brave thing. They will boast about what some boy has done under theirabominable tuition and they seem to take a delight in seeing how precocious he is in everything that is vile. Some men arenever happy except when they are destroying souls and, while the deepest pleasure under Heaven is to bring a soul to God,the most diabolical pleasure out of Hell is certainly that of helping to damn a soul! Yet there are many who seem to takea delight in that terrible work. How some skeptics endeavor to entrap a youthful Believer! How some licentious persons seemto lay themselves out to try and seduce others! How many there are who have become ripe in iniquity and their evil seed isscattered broadcast, sowing sin and everlasting ruin upon every wind that blows! Can such an Ethiopian as that change hisskin or such a leopard as that his spots? Of course he cannot-the case is utterly hopeless so far as his own power is concerned.

Further than this, the force of sin increases upon men. If a stone is let fall from a tower, it multiplies the pace of itsfall in a mathematical ratio. It drops very much faster the last part of its descent than it did at the first. Set anythingrolling down a hill and see how the momentum increases. A railway truck has got on a decline-it is running down. It startsslowly enough at first, you might easily stop it. But let it go on and see how it accumulates force as it rushes along tillit breaks through every obstacle. Well, just such is the power of sin in men-they seem as if they cannot sin enough. Havingonce given themselves up to the demon power, it comes upon them stronger and yet stronger till the appetite grows within theminto a passion and a fury-and a fire that burns like the flame of Gehenna that cannot be slowed or quenched. I know what theythink at first-that they will go just so far and then stop. Well, try it-no, do NOT try it! It would be an awful experimentto set a house on fire, intending to let it burn just so much and no more. Can you say to the fire, "You shall come this far,but no farther"? Even if you could say it to fire among standing corn, blown by the wind, yet you would say it in vain tosin! Sin swiftly grows from a pigmy to a giant and, ever increasing in its awful power, it crushes down the man who is inits grip and holds him under its dreadful sway.

There are many drunks who now have within them a compulsion to drink. They seem as if they could not pass by the door of thebar. There is many an adulterer who cannot glance without a lascivious thought. As for the gambler-and I dare to say thatthere is no sin that does more swiftly send men down to Hell than gambling-having once begun with his shilling and his pound,he will plunge till he has lost his all! There is an awful infatuation about this evil-it is a stream that catches the boatand bears it swiftly along, noiselessly, but with irresistible force, till it comes to the cataract of endless ruin! Oh, thatyou could escape! But there are some who never can and never will-and there is not one of us who can escape unless He whois mighty to save shall come in with His own right hand and His holy arm and get unto Himself the victory! For when once theforce of sin really grasps a man, we may ask concerning him, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin?" and answer, "No, he cannot."

Added to all this there is another horrible evil-after a while the understanding refuses to see. The man who, at first, knewa thing to be wrong, may continue in it till he does not believe it to be wrong at all. There are men who can utter languagewhich would have chilled their blood when they first began to swear. But now it drops from them as an ordinary word. I believethat the filthy talkers of our street, or the most of them, do not mean anything by what they say-they have got so hardenedin misusing the Lord's name and using obscene language that their understanding does not convict them of having done wrong.They have given Mr. Conscience so much opium that he has gone to sleep! Now and then, perhaps, he wakes up and makes a greatnoise-but they soon lull him to sleep, again-and they go on sinning without compunction. We read of David, on one occasion,that his heart smote him. It is an ugly knock when your own heart smites you, for that blow comes home. But it is also a blessedknock and, if any of you have never felt it, I am very sorry for you. If your heart never smites you, it must be because yourconscience has fallen into a dead sleep, or is seared as with a red-hot iron! When a man reaches that stage that he can lieand swear, and then can wipe his mouth and say that there is nothing in it, oh, how shall such a man be changed? "Can theEthiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may you also do good that are accustomed to do evil."

Then, again, as a man's conscience is sent to sleep, so his heart is hardened against every holy influence that might movehim. He used to go to a place of worship, once, but he will not go now. He rails at such places and pours contempt upon Gospelministers and all Christian people. Though he is as bad as he can be, yet he thinks that he is better than they are and hetries to trample under his feet the saints of God. Though such a wretch as he is not worthy, even, to unloose the laces oftheir shoes, he cannot have sufficiently bad names for them. In former times, when there came sickness into the house, heused to pray. And in time of trouble he sought the Lord. He has had many a trouble, since, but he is not at all disturbedabout it-he only gets angry against God and becomes more and more hardened in sin. His dear wife used to have a wonderfulinfluence over him for good, but he has even broken away from that. And there is that dear girl of his-he loves her very muchand she has pleaded with her father. And there is somebody else there, for a little child has led him, but now he feels thatall that is a kind of weakness and he will get beyond it. Ah, he is hardening himself! As for his Bible-alas, he never readsthat. If there is a word spoken to him by some kind friend who takes an earnest interest in his welfare, he lets it go inone ear and out the other-or else he gets into a furious passion and asks who he is that he is to be talked to like that!He is as good as anybody else, though he knows, all the while, that he is rotten right through.

What is to be done with a man like that? He is determined to go over hedge and ditch to Hell. His father, a dear gray-headedold saint, has blocked the way, but he has pushed him aside. His mother has come and said, "My Boy, do not ruin yourself,"and she has hung about his neck and tried to keep him from sin. But he has shaken her off. In spite of wife, child, and friends,he is determined to destroy himself! And do you tell me that such a man is able to change himself? Yes, when Ethiopians changetheir skins and when leopards change their own spots, then will it be done, but not till then! The case is hopeless if itremains with the man, himself-the work cannot be accomplished.

You will say that now, surely, I have gone far enough in my description of this man. And so I have, painfully far, but whatcan he do by which he can change his nature and make a new man of himself? All outward means are unavailing. He may go andhear sermons. Well, I know that sermons of mypreaching will never turn a heart of stone into flesh. Without the Spirit ofGod there will be no result whatever produced! The man may be christened, or he may be baptized, but what is there in waterdrops or water floods that can alter his sinful nature? Why, there have been villains upon earth who have gone through everyreligious ceremony and yet have ended at the gallows! You may scrub an Ethiopian till you scrub his skin away, but he willbe as black as ever when you have done with him. So is it with the sinner. You may put him through every form and ceremonyof the church-and you may make him think that he has accepted the orthodox creed and you may even alter his outward life toa considerable extent-yet, when it is all done, nothing at all will really have been done towards his soul's salvation!

Somebody, perhaps, asks, "Why, then, do you preach to these people?" Well, I do it principally because I am sent to do it.You see, if God were to send me to preach to the mountains and to bid them move, I would go and do it-and expect to see themmove! If He were to bid me go and stand on the shore, and say to the salt sea waves, "Turn into fresh water," I would do it,not because I think the sea, which is salt, can make itselffresh, but because my Lord never sent me on a fool's errand andHe will honor the message He tells me to deliver! I heard somebody say that to tell a dead sinner to live was as if you wereto stand at a grave and bid a dead body live. That is exactlyit, my dear Friends, and you say it is ridiculous. Yes, it isvery ridiculous if you leave God out of it, but as we are told to do it, we leave the responsibility of it with the Lord-andwe intend to go on with this thing which men call ridiculous! Like Ezekiel, we are commanded to say, "O you dry bones, hearthe Word of the Lord." Somebody objects that dry bones cannot hear-that does not matter to us-we are bid to tell them to hearand we expect that the Lord will enable them to hear what He has commanded us to say to them!

Another reason why we do it is because, when we have been preaching the Gospel to these Blackamoors, when we have been holdingup Jesus Christ and Him crucified to these Ethiopians, we have seen them turn white! So we shall keep on, dear Friends, for,though they could not turn themselves white, yet when we have come in the name of the Lord and said to the Ethiopian, "Bewhite," he has become white before our very eyes. I have seen, not only hundreds, but I have seen many thousands of personsfrom whose lips I have heard the story that though they were formerly persecutors of Christ and His people, they have becomeHis followers! Or, though they were fond of drink and every evil thing, they have been washed and made white in the bloodof the Lamb. So I shall keep on bidding sinners do this impossible thing, for, God working with me, the withered hand shallbe stretched out and the dead Lazarus shall come forth from the grave at the bidding of the Lord!

II. I said that I would finish up with another question and another answer. I have only two or three minutes in which to speakabout them. The question of the text is, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin?" The answer is-No, no, no, no, no, no! Here isthe other question-Can the Ethiopian's skin be changed? The answer to that is-Yes, yes, yes, as emphatically as we have justnow said no, no, no! Can the Ethiopian's skin be changed? Can the sinner's nature be renewed? Yes, for God can do everything.He changed primeval darkness into light! He changed chaos into order and God can turn that poor ruined man-that wretched drunk,swearer, adulterer, into one who is chaste, pure, ad lovely and honest, for all things are possible with God! He who madeus can newly make us! There is nobody who can put your clock in order so well as the man who made it. If your clock has gonewrong, you had better send it to the maker if you can find him. And there is nobody who can put a heart in order like theGod who made the heart. Send your heart to Him, for He can make it new by His blessed Spirit.

Remember, also, that it is provided in the Covenant of Grace that the Holy Spirit should make us new. It is written, "A newheart, also, will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you." God the Holy Spirit, as a Spirit, is master of ourspirits. My dear Friend with a bad temper, the Holy Spirit can conquer that evil! You who have such a forgetful memory, hecan conquer that! You who are so proud, He can make you humble! You who feel so hard, He can dissolve the heart of stone,or take it altogether away! Do not doubt that the Ethiopian can have his skin changed by a power outside him and above him!

Further, know you this-the Lord Jesus Christ has come to save the lost. If you believe that Jesus is the Christ, you are bornof God. If you believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, you shall be saved. To put it in other words, "He thatbelieves on the Son has everlasting life." Or, to give you the whole Gospel as Christ told us to preach it, "He that believesand is baptized shall be saved." If you will come, not to do, but to have all done for you-not to meritsal-vation, but toreceive it as a gift of God's free favor-if you will come just as you are, altogether without desert or anything to pleadbefore God-and you will just say in your heart, "Lord, I adore the love which moved You to give Your Son to die for sinners,and I believe in the great Propitiation which He offered for sin," go your way, you are saved! If you thus believe, it isnot only that you shall be saved, but you are saved.

Have you anything to trust to beside Christ? Then you are lost, for you have a mingled faith that is not of God's making!But if you wholly, solely, alone, heartily and entirely fix your hope on the blood and righteousness of Him whom God has setforth to be a Propitiation for sin-then you are saved and I know that your heart says, "Blessed be God for that! Now thatI love God, what can I do for Him?" That is the way!

I noticed, yesterday, when I was talking to some 40 persons who had recently found Christ, that they were, all of them, eitherhard at work for the Lord, or they were asking what they could do for Him. Could I tell them something they could do for theirdear Lord who had saved them? There is far more done out of love than there is out of law. We will not, cannot do anythingto be saved, but, when saved, what is there that we cannot do? Live, and then do! Not, do and live. Live in Christ and thenserve Him, but do not put the cart before the horse! Come, dear Friends, and trust in Christ. The Lord bless you by His DivineSpirit leading you to do so, for Jesus' sake! Amen.


This story of the children of Israel, after they came out of Egypt, is like a mirror in which we may, with great sadness,see ourselves reflected.

Verse 9. The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle. They had every opportunityof serving their God. He had provided them with fit weapons for the war, but they were cowardly, so they "turned back in theday of battle."

10, 11. They kept not the Covenant of God, and refused to walk in His Law; and forgot His works, and His wonders that He hadshowed them. Let each one of us ask, "Does the Psalmist describe me?"

12, 13. Marvelous things did He in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan. He divided thesea, and caused them to pass through; and He made the waters to stand as an heap. What a marvelous miracle that dividing ofthe Red Sea was! Did it not make an abiding impression upon them? I will be bound to say that many of them said, "We shallnever doubt God again." Yet, they soon did doubt, murmur and rebel against Him!

14-16. In the daytime also He led them with a cloud, and all the night with a light of fire. He split the rocks in the wilderness,andgave them drink as out ofthe great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and caused waters to run down likerivers. It seemed as if there was nothing that the Lord would not do for them-all that they needed for food and refreshmentwas given to them freely.

17, 18. And they sinned yet more against Him by provoking the Most High in the wilderness. And they tempted God in their heartby asking meat for their lust He had given them food for their necessities, but now they must have meat for their lusts.

19. Yes, they spoke against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? So you see, dear Friends, what speakingagainst God really is! I am afraid that we, also, have often done that. To question God's power is to speak against Him. Perhapsyou have thought lightly of your unbelieving speeches, but God does not think lightly of them- to my mind it seems that thereis hardly anything that so grieves Him as the doubts of His people concerning Him.

20. Behold, He smote the rock, that the watersgushed out, and the streams overflowed; can He give breadalso? Can He provideflesh for His people? There ought to have been no question as to the Lord's power-the God who could fetch water out of a rockcould, if He pleased, make loaves of bread out of the sand under their feet, or cause the very stars to drop with meat forthem if necessary.

21. Therefore the Lord heard this, and was angry. He was really angry with His people because they doubted Him. He loved themand because He loved them, it cut Him to the quick that they should have questioned His power to bless them.

21-23. So a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel because they believed not in God, and trustednot in His salvation: though He had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of Heaven. Unbelief is very hardto kill. God opens the doors and windows of Heaven to feed His people yet, nevertheless, the next time they are in trouble,they begin to stagger at the promise. Oh, shameful unbelief!

24-29. And rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of Heaven. Man did eat angels ' food: He sentthem meat to the fullest. He caused an east wind to blow in the Heaven: and by His power He brought in the south wind. Herained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls like as the sand ofthe sea: andHe letit fall in the midst of theircamp, round about their habitations. So they did eat, and were well filled: for He gave them their own desire. Yet that wasnot a blessing to them and, Brothers and Sisters, let us always be afraid of our own desire, unless that desire comes fromthe Lord. You know how David puts it in the 37th Psalm-"Delight yourself, also, in the Lord; and He shall give you the desiresof your heart." If, however, you find your delight in any earthly thing, it shall be a plague to you to have the desire ofyour heart! "He gave them their own desire."

30. They were not estranged from their lust For the more lust gets, the more lust wants. It is like the daughter of the horse-leechthat always cries, "Give! Give!" God can satisfy the longing soul, but all the world cannot satisfy the cravings of lust.

30, 31. But while theirmeat wasyet in theirmouths, the wrath ofGod came upon them andslew the fattest ofthem, and smote downthe chosen men of Israel They received what they pined for, but they had a curse with it. Affliction with a blessing is farbetter than prosperity with a curse!

32. For all this they sinned still, and believed not for His wondrous works. They were dyed ingrain with unbelief, so thatit seemed as if it could not be washed out of them.

33. Therefore their days did He consume in vanity, and their years in trouble. A great part of our trouble is the fruit ofour own unbelief. It is like hemlock in the furrows of the field. They who distrust God are making a rod for their own backand, before they have done with it, they will have to rue the day in which they thought themselves wiser than God!

34-36. When He slew them, then they sought Him: and they returned and enquired early after God. And they remembered that Godwas their Rock, and the High God, their redeemer. Nevertheless they did flatter Him with their mouth, and they lied unto Himwith their tongues. Some men are like dull animals that will not go without the whip. Many of us cannot be kept right withoutconstant affliction. If our God gives us a little smooth walking, we go half-asleep, or we trip and stumble. And so He iscompelled, as it were, to make our way very rough, and often to strike us with the rod to keep us from falling altogetherinto sinful slumber. How many there are who, when they seem to turn to God in times of sickness, are not truly penitent! Adeath-bed repentance may be true, but, oh, what a risk there is that it may be false!

37-51. For their heart was not right with Him, neither were they steadfast in His Covenant. But He, being full of compassion,forgave their iniquity and destroyed them not: yes, many a time turned He His anger away, and did not stir up all His wrath.For He remembered that they were but flesh; a wind that passes away, and comes not again. How oft did they provoke Him inthe wilderness, and grieve Him in the desert! Yes, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. Theyremembered not His hand, nor the day when He delivered them from the enemy. How He had worked His signs in Egypt, and Hiswonders in the field of Zoan: and had turned their rivers into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink. He sentdivers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them. He gave also their increase unto thecaterpillar, and their labor unto the locust. He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore trees with frost. He gaveup their cattle, also, to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts. He cast upon them the fierceness of His anger, wrath,and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them. He made a way to His anger; He spared not their soul fromdeath, but gave their life over to the pestilence; and smote all the firstborn in Egypt; the chief of their strength in thetabernacles of Ham. This is what God did with their enemies who had oppressed them, that He might set His people at liberty.After all that, ought they not to have trusted Him as a little child trusts its mother, without ever a question or a doubt?While He thus overthrew their enemies, see what He did for His own people.

52-56. But made His own people to go forth like sheep, and guided them in the wilderness like a flock. And He led them onsafely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies. And He brought them to the border of His sanctuary,even to this mountain, which His right hand had purchased. He cast out the heathen, also, before them, and divided them aninheritance by line, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents. Yet they tempted and provoked the Most High God,and kept not His testimonies. This sad note seems to come over and over again, as if they never could have too much of grievingGod. Yet the Lord was still tender towards them. Well may we sing-

"Who is a pardoning Godlike Thee? Or who has Grace so rich and free?"

57-64. But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitful bow. For they provokedHim to anger with their high places and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images. When God heard this, He was angry,and greatly abhorred Israel: so that He forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which He placed among men; and deliveredHis strength into captivity, and His glory into the enemy's hands. He gave His people over, also, unto the sword; and wasangry with His inheritance. The fire consumed their young men; and their maidens were not given to marriage. Their priestsfell by the sword; and their widows made no lamentation. They were dumb with excess of grief. When God chastises His children,He does not play at it. Sometimes, when He is angry at their sin, He lays on the blows fast and heavy till their very bonesare broken, so that they may hate sin as God hates it, and seek after holiness even as God loves it. So, dear Friends, I praythat if any of us have lost the consolations of God and are feeling the weight of His rod, we may begin to inquire what secretthing it is in us which has angered Him, and go back to Him, and seek to stand before Him as once we did. For, otherwise,He will smite, and smite, and smite yet again and again. But notice that the Lord never delights in chastening His children.He is glad to have done with the necessary correction. So, when their enemies were most cruel with them-

65-69. Then the Lord awakened as one out of sleep, andlike a mighty man that shouts by reason of wine. AndHe smote His enemiesin the hinder parts. He put them to a perpetual reproach. Moreover He refused the tabernacle of Joseph and chose not the tribeof Ephraim, but chose the tribe of Judah, the Mount Zion which He loved. And He built His sanctuary like high palaces, likethe earth which He has established forever. You see that we are getting into clear water now-it was all broken water, stormand hurricane, while we heard of what Israel did-but when we come to deal with God in Christ, of whom David is the type, thenhow sweetly everything goes!

70-72. He chose David, also, His servant, and took him from the sheepfolds: from following the ewes great with young He broughthim to feed Jacob, His people, and Israel His inheritance. So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart and guidedthem by the skillfulness of his hands. Blessed be God who puts away the sin of His people, because He delights in mercy!