Sermon 2436. "How Good to Those Who Seek!"

(No. 2436)




"The LORD is good to the soul that seeks Him." Lamentations 3:25.

I DO not know whether it has ever struck you what a grand man Jeremiah was. If you were to read the book of his prophecy through,from beginning to end, and make yourself familiar with the circumstances under which the Prophet spoke and wrote, I thinkyou would come to admire him as one of the greatest men who ever lived, for he was not, like Isaiah, brightened and cheeredby having a joyful message to deliver, but he had received a sorrowful burden from his Lord-and he faithfully carried it out-andwhen the people rejected his testimony and refused his message, he went on delivering it all the same. There was no gleamof success to gladden his ministry, yet he never flinched! Nobody seemed to believe in him-he was the jest and the by-wordof the people, but that did not matter to him at all. He was tender and affectionate, so that he cried, "Oh that my head werewaters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!"

Yet he was as stern and unflinching as if his face had been made of adamant stone. I think him second to no man in the wholelist of human beings who have ever lived. Therefore, when I found some of those with whom I have been in controversy of latedescribing one of my protests against false doctrine and worldliness as a, "Jeremiad," or a Jeremiah's Lamentation, I saidto myself, "That is the highest compliment they could pay me." If they call me a fool, even, I will, nevertheless, acceptthe epithet with delight! I count it no dishonor to have to lament as Jeremiah did, and to have to bear a sorrowful testimonyeven as Jeremiah did-and in that great day when the Lord rewards His servants, the rewards will not be in proportion to theway in which their testimony was received, but in proportion to the fidelity with which they delivered it! If Jeremiah isrejected of men, yet, if he has delivered his Master's message, he is not rejected of his Master! And in that great day whenGod, the Judge of all, shall bring us to account, we who have spoken out of the depths of our soul and have had our testimonymade jest and a by-word, shall receive none the less honor from our Lord if we have faithfully delivered it!

I begin with this thought, concerning the man who uttered my text, because the people who speak somewhat sorrowfully and sadlyare said to be "pessimists." It is an ugly word, yet I have had it applied to myself. Whereas other men who speak very brightly-possiblymore brightly than they ought to speak-those who have rose-colored glasses for everything, are called "optimists." Well now,when a man is in deep distress of mind and in sore trouble of heart, if a person comes to him, and says, "Oh, my dear Sir,there is really not much the matter with you! It is a very simple thing to cure, and I will soon get you through it," yousay to yourself, "That gentleman is an optimist," and you make very large deductions from what he has to say because you feelthat he is inclined to flatter, and to put a brighter face upon things than they ought to wear!

But if another person comes, who is called a pessimist, one who always makes the worst of everything-a man who writes "Jeremiads"and who utters lamentations-if he, nevertheless, says something very bright and cheering, you say to yourself, "Now I knowthat what he says is true. There must be something really cheering and hopeful when such a man as that, who dares to lookat the dark side of things, can yet venture to encourage me." Well now, it is the Prophet Jeremiah, in his Book of Lamentations,who says to you who are seeking the Lord, "The Lord is good to the soul that seeks Him." You do not need to take any discountoff his words of cheer! Depend upon it, what he says is true! If he of the weeping eyes. If he of the sorrowful spirit, nevertheless,in all the bitterness of his misery, bears testimony that the Lord is good to the soul that seeks Him, then, depend upon it,it is so! So we begin at an advantage. I pray you to believe the text because of the man who was inspired to utter it.

I shall try briefly and earnestly, first, to describe a seeking soul. Next, to assure him that God is good to him. And thenfurther to cheer him on in his seeking.

I. First, I am to try to DESCRIBE A SEEKING SOUL.

Everybody does not seek the Lord. There are many who say to God, by their actions if not by their words, "Depart from us;we desire not the knowledge of Your ways." The man who seeks the Lord is the man who feels that he needs Him. He is undera sense of need-a need which he could hardly describe, but which, nevertheless, weighs very heavily upon him. He needs somethingvery great, but he hardly knows what it is. He feels that he has a void-an emptiness within that needs filling. There is asomething that he believes would content him if he could get it, but he has not got it yet. He feels that he is not rightwith God. He feels like one who is far off from God. He feels guilty and he needs pardon. He feels sinful and he needs renewing.He feels everything that he ought not to be and he wants to be changed, to be made a new man. That is the one who seeks theLord-a man does not seek after that which he does not want-but a conscious and urgent need drives the troubled soul to seekafter God.

This seeker, also, is one who, though he does not know it, has a measure of faith, for he believes, deep down in his heart,that if he could once get to God, all would be well with him. He has heard of God in Christ Jesus and he says within himself,"Oh, if I could but find this blessed Mediator! If I could but discover this glorious Lamb of God who takes away the sin ofthe world, it would be well with me." He has not believed so as to appropriate Christ, but he believes so much as to wishthat he could appropriate Him. This is the man who seeks the Lord. We do not seek for that which appears to have no valuein it, but, in proportion as a man has, first, a sense of his need, and secondly some idea of the value of the great blessingwhich he needs, he becomes an earnest seeker! I hope I am talking to some persons of this kind as I am describing their truecharacter.

Further, this seeker sometimes seeks very unwisely. He goes to seek God where he will never find Him, like the holy womendid when they went to the sepulcher to find the risen Christ, and the angel asked them why they were seeking the living amongthe dead! When a soul wants God, and needs salvation, it will begin to seek the Lord by its own doing, by its own feelings,by its own strange eccentricities, perhaps. It wants God and it must have Him! You know how a starving man will break throughstone walls to get at the food that he so terribly needs, and, often, a man who is seeking after God would go through stonewalls, or over them, if he might but find Him-yet that is not the way to seek the Lord. "Say not in your heart, Who shallascend into Heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above), or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring upChrist, again, from the dead)." Christ is not far off, He is very near you-and yet the seeker is unwisely seeking after Godas though He were far away-and for Christ as though he had to do some strange and wonderful thing in order to find Him. Someof you think that you must have a remarkable dream. Others expect an angelic vision. Some are waiting to hear a very extraordinarysermon and to feel very amazing emotions. This is the nature of seekers, that they often seek in a very unwise way. But still,they do seek-and it is a mercy that they do-for, "the Lord is good to the soul that seeks Him."

I will tell you what true seekers do when they act wisely. I notice that they often get alone. When you begin to seek theLord, my young Friend, you will steal away by yourself. Father and mother will say, "We do not quite know what has come overhim, he seems so different from what he used to be. He gets up into his little room-we think he must go there to pray." Ifhis parents are gracious people, they begin to have great hope of him. I remember times when I was never so happy as whenI could get alone. Seekers, true seekers, will find some quiet place. That is a difficult thing to find in this noisy London,yet a real seeker will make even a crowded street to be his place of retirement, or he will walk down some back alley andbe thinking, and crying, and seeking and groaning! But in the country, how often have I known young lads to get down a sawpit,or up a hayloft, or in the corner of a barn, or anywhere where they could but sit in quiet meditation and try to think theirway to Jesus' feet, that they might find Him if they could. That getting alone is a good sign. When a stag is wounded, itdelights to hide in the recesses of the forest that it may bleed and die alone. And when God has shot His arrow of convictioninto a human heart, one of the first signs of the wounding is that the man likes to get alone.

I will tell you another thing about the true seeker. You will find that he begins to bring out his Bible, that much-neglectedBook. Now that he is seeking the Lord, he knows that-

"Within this sacred Volume lies, The mystery of mysteries."

And he begins to study his Bible as he never did before! It is a blessed sign when the young man or the young woman beginsto take an interest in the Word of God and searches the Scriptures, saying, "Lord, bless this Book to me. The Christ is here.He feeds among the lilies of Your revealed Truth. Oh, that I might meet Him, and that I might call Him mine!"

And as, perhaps, in his study of the Scriptures he meets with difficulties, you will find that this seeking young man is anxiousto go and hear the Word preached, for the Word rightly preached has a warmth about it and a vividness which are not alwaysso manifest to the seeker in his reading of the Word. If you are true seekers, I know that you will want to go and hear apreacher who touches your conscience, who speaks to your heart and who longs to bring you to Christ. My dear Hearers, I donot mind where you go on the Sabbath if you really hear the Truth of God faithfully preached. As far as I am concerned, thereare plenty of people here, but I do wish that, on the Sabbath, and on weeknights too, you would not have any desire to goand hear a "clever" preacher, or to some fine musical service, but that you would say, "We have to care, first, for our immortalsouls, and we long to seek and find eternal life, therefore let us go where the minister preaches Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.Let us go where we can hear the Gospel of the Grace of God, for that is what we need." You cannot afford to throw away a singlehour, either in listening to human oratory or to any other kind of performance. With you, it must be, "Give me Christ, orelse I die." Therefore, be diligent in hearing the Gospel preached.

That is, then, another mark of a true seeker-he loves to be alone, he searches the Scriptures, he goes as much as he can tohear the Gospel preached.

And there is another sign of the true seeker that I always love to see-he likes to get into godly company. He does not care,now, for the friends he once so much admired-his merry friends who laughed away the years-if he can but get where he can heara few poor people talking about Jesus! Something like John Bunyan, you remember, who saw three or four godly women at Bedfordtalking about the things of God and the tinker drew near and listened to their gracious conversation, though their talk aboutthe new birth was beyond his comprehension! That is good seeking when you turn eavesdropper to hear about Christ, when youlike to listen to some poor neighbor who does not know much more than you know, yourself, but who, in her simple language,talks about an experience of the things of God to which you have not as yet attained, but which you wish you had felt andknown!

There is another mark of a seeker that is still better-"Behold, he prays." Possibly, he used to repeat a form of prayer, buthe has given that up and now he talks to God straight out of his heart and asks for what he really needs. And he not onlydoes that morning and evening, but he is praying during most of the day! If you watch him from the other side of the counter,you may hear a sigh every now and then. Or when he is at his work, driving the plane, or using the hammer-if you are closeto him, you may see his lips moving and you may catch such words as these, "Savior, reveal Yourself to me. Blood of Christ,cleanse me. Spirit of God, renew me." That is one of the men who are seeking the Lord!

I think there will be one more mark that you will see upon a sincere seeker-he will quit all that is evil as much as possibleand he will seek after that which is good-and especially he will seek after faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has heard itsaid that he that believes in Him has everlasting life and he says to himself, "Oh, that I could believe in Him!" You willsee him, now, trying to believe, very much like a little child tries to take his first steps in walking alone. His motherholds out an apple and baby makes a daring venture to try, with three or four steps to get across to where mother holds outthe bribe! Oh, I love to see poor souls trying to trust Christ, trying to rest in Jesus! They often make sorry work of it,but still, the Lord accepts it, for with their hearts they are really trying to rest in Jesus! If, poor trembling Seeker,your faith should bring you no comfort because it is so weak-keep on trusting to Christ!

When the bronze serpent was lifted up, all who looked to it were healed. There were, doubtless, some clear bright eyes thatsaw the bronze serpent from its head to its tail and, as they looked, they lived. But there were probably others who wereso bitten by the serpents that their eyes were swollen and dim-they could only see out of the corners and the death-damp seemedto blind even that little bit of sight which they had-but, oh, if they could only get just a glimpse, so as just to see theglittering brass, though they could not make out the shape of the serpent, yet they lived! They were bid to look and if theylooked, and could not see, yet the promise was not to the seeing, but to the looking! And so, as they looked, they were healed!Thus look to Jesus and you shall live.

I trust that many seekers here have come as far as this. If so, I may now conduct them to the next stage of my sermon.

II. I want, in the second place, to ASSURE THE SEEKING SOUL THAT THE LORD IS GOOD TO HIM-"The

Lord is good to the soul that seeks Him."

"Ah," says one, "my heart is almost ready to break! I have been seeking so long, I feel so sad, I am so discouraged." But,"the Lord is good to the soul that seeks Him." Let me show you this Truth of God very rapidly.

First, it is good of Him to have set you seeking at all. He might have left you in your sins as He has left so many millionsof your fellow men. He might have left you to be content with this vain, wicked world. At this moment you might have beenleaning across the counter of the gin palace instead of listening to the Word of the Lord. Yes, instead of going home to pray,you might have been getting to the harlot's haunt and, tomorrow, instead of coming to the Prayer Meeting, you might have beenfound where the multitude amuse themselves with vice. Thank God that you are a seeker, for there is something good in thatfact! On a dark night you may be grateful for one star shining in the sky, or even for a single match-it is very little, youthink, but thank God for that little! "The Lord is good to the soul that seeks Him," in setting him seeking at all!

But God is also good to the seeker in giving him some gleams of comfort. Did you say that you had been seeking the Lord formonths? Well, how is it that you have kept on seeking? I think it must be because you have, sometimes, had a few rays of light.I cannot give you any better evidence than my own. I was long in seeking Christ and for that I blame myself, not Christ. Butthere were times, before I found Him, when I almost met with Him. I did not see Him, but I seemed to see the trees move asHe passed along! I did not see Him, but I heard His footsteps and, sometimes I went home and said to myself, "Oh, yes, I shallfind Him! I shall not cry to Him in vain." I even thought, sometimes, that I had laid hold of Him and that I had trusted Him-andthough I went back, again, into despondency, yet I was not without hope of ultimately finding Him.

You know what it is, sometimes, when you are very hungry and you cannot get a meal, if you can get just a bite or two of something,it keeps you up till the mealtime comes. Well, it was like that when I was hungering and thirsting for Christ. Many a crumbthis poor dog picked up from under the Master's table and so I was encouraged to keep on seeking till I found my Savior. Isit not so with you, dear Friend? Yes, the Lord is good to them that seek Him by just keeping their courage up and preventingthem from sinking utterly into despair! Is He not good in keeping back the temptation which might have destroyed you? Thefoul insinuations of Satan trouble you, but they might be worse than they are! You have been driven almost to despair, butnot quite. You have grated against the rock, but you are not shipwrecked yet. "He stays His rough wind in the day of the eastwind." Thank God for that! "The Lord is good to the soul that seeks


I think that He is also good in not letting us rest short of Himself. You would have liked to have had comfort long ago, wouldyou not? Yes, but comfort is not the main thing that you require-you need safety. Often the surgeon, when he has a bad case,will not let the wound heal. "No, not yet," he says. "if that wound heals too soon, there will be more mischief coming fromit." So he lets in his lancet again and cuts out a bit of proud flesh. And our Lord will not let us close up the wound thatsin has made lest it is but a sorry healing that will end in a worse wound than before! I pray God that no one who is reallyseeking Christ may ever be able to rest till he gets to Him. There is good resting at the foot of the Cross, but you wantto rest before you get there! I thank God for not letting you rest until you get to Christ. And I hope you will say-

"I will not be comforted Till Jesus comforts me."

Make that your resolve and may the Spirit of God keep you up to it! If so, you, too, will also prove that "the Lord is goodto the soul that seeks Him."

But He is much better to them that seek Him than you have ever imagined, for He has given such rich promises to seekers. Oh,the blessed invitations of Christ! "Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." "Comenow, and let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though theyare red like crimson, they shall be as wool." "Let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and lethim return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." This blessed Bookis full of such promises as these-just the kind of promises that seeking souls need! And they all prove that the Lord is,indeed, good to them that seek Him.

He is also good to seekers because He has made the way of salvation so plain. Brothers and Sisters, there are certain gentlemen,nowadays, who want us to have what they call an advanced theology, an eclectic religion which will suit those who are supposedto be "cultured!" O God, save me from ever hearing such a thing as that! I want to be the means of saving to the poor andneedy, the ignorant and the fallen-and God wishes to save such people-and, therefore, He puts the Gospel very plainly, "Believeand live. Trust the great Sacrifice, rely on Jesus Crucified and you are saved, and saved forever." A man with an intellectnot much above that of an idiot may understand this Gospel and enjoy it! While a man with the greatest mental powers cannotunderstand it any better-no, he cannot understand it at all unless the Spirit of God shall reveal it to him! I thank God thatit is not a difficult way of salvation that He has laid before us, but that it is simple, or as men say, "as plain as a pikestaff."God bring us all to accept this gracious plan of salvation!

Then, once more, is it not very good of the Lord in being found of seekers in due time? There is no true seeker who shalldie in his sins. If you are sincerely seeking, you shall find-this is promised in our Lord's own words that we read just now-"Foreveryone that asks, receives; and he that seeks, finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened." If I could take you throughthe whole dread region of Hell. If we could pause at every cell where the finally impenitent are shut up without hope. Andif it were possible to interrogate every lost spirit, there would not be found, there, a single one that sincerely soughtthe Lord through Jesus Christ! No one shall be able to stand up at the Last Great Day and say, "I came to Jesus, but He castme out. I trusted Him, but He did not keep His promise." No, my dear Hearer, if ever you shall be lost, it will be becauseyou never came to Christ, because you never trusted Him, because you would not have Him as your Savior! But if you come toChrist-poor, ragged, defiled, loathsome, guilty up to the hilt-if you come to Christ, remember that He said, "Him that comesto Me I will in no wise cast out." And that Word of God still stands true! If you seek the Lord with all your heart, you shallsurely find Him, for He "is good to the soul that seeks Him."

I try to speak to you very plainly, as if I were talking to you by your own fireside. I do not feel at any great distancefrom you in standing here to speak to all of you round about me, yet I half wish that I could get a hold of your hands, youunconverted ones, and say to you, "Believe that my Lord is good to them that seek Him! Believe it and seek Him for yourselves!"He is a good Lord. We sang, a few minutes ago-

"Oh, hope of every contrite heart! Oh, joy of all the meek! To those who fall, how kind You are! How good to those who seek!"Those are not mere words-they are the very Truth of God! He is, indeed, good to those who seek Him.

III. But, lest I weary any seeker where I want to win him, I shall close by FURTHER CHEERING HIM ON IN HIS SEEKING.

Friend, be of good comfort, Christ is seeking you. It is written, "The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which waslost." If I were at this time seeking a person in London, I might have a long and difficult task-it would be like the proverbial"hunting for a needle in a haystack." But suppose I knew that the person I was seeking was also seeking me? I think then Ishould say that there was a double probability of our meeting! If I am seeking him, and he is seeking me, and especially ifhe who seeks me is a man of high intelligence and wide knowledge, we shall meet one of these mornings or evenings, dependupon it! So, if you are seeking Christ, that is hopeful. But if Christ is seeking you and He knows all about you-all the insand outs of you poor life-He and you will come together soon, I am persuaded of it! You are drawing nearer to each other everyhour and it will not be long before your arms are about His neck and His arms about yours! You will be rejoicing in Him andHe will be rejoicing over you!

I want to give you another word of good cheer, my seeking Friend. It may not be long before you find the Savior. It may, indeed,be so little a while that, before the clock strikes again, you will have found Him! Why not? "Oh," you say, "I wish it mightbe so! Oh, that I might find the Lord in that short time!" Well, look at me! I had been seeking Christ some four or five yearsunder a heavy burden of sin. I remember well that Sabbath morning in the month of January, 1850, for there was a very severesnowstorm. I was going to the Congregational Chapel at Colchester that morning, but it snowed so heavily that I turned intothe little Primitive Methodist Chapel, merely because of the heaviness of that snowstorm.

I was cold at heart, almost despairing. I thought that I would never find the Savior, but between half-past ten o'clock, whenI entered that place, and half-past twelve o'clock, when I was back at home, again, what a change had taken place in me! Ihad passed from darkness into marvelous light, from death to life! Simply by looking to Jesus, I had been delivered from despairand I was brought into such a joyous state of mind that, when they saw me at home, they said to me, "Something wonderful hashappened to you!" And I was eager to tell them all about it. I was like Bunyan when he wanted to tell the crows on the plowedfield all about his conversion! Yes, I had looked to Jesus as I was, and found in Him my Savior! Well now, this October Sabbathnight, you, dear Heart, have been seeking the Lord for ever so long. You will not need to seek Him any more if you will butlook to Him-that is all you have to do! Look to Him! Look to Him! Look to Him and, as you look to Him, the great transactionwill be done-your burden will be gone, the joy of salvation will be given to you from Heaven by God's own right hand-and youshall have a new song in your mouth, your feet shall be set upon the Rock and your goings shall be established!

And mark you this-when the blessing comes, it will be worth waiting for! When the pardon of your sin comes, you will say,"I do not regret my cries and tears, my weary waiting and anxious seeking. He has come! He has come! HE has come, my Lordand my God!" Why, if I had to wait at the posts of His door from youth to old age, yet if I found Him at last, it would wellrepay all my waiting! The joy and peace through believing, which come from Christ, are a wonderful off-set against the tearsand sorrows that we have endured while we have been seeking Him.

This is my closing thought-you have no need to go about seeking Christ any longer. You have no need to wait even five minutesbefore you find Him, for it is written, "He that believes on the Son has everlasting life." Do you know what it is to believeon Him, to trust Him? Do so now! "It would be a great venture," says one. Then venture on Him! "Would He save me?" Try Him!You have heard, I dare say, of the African who came over to England. Before he came, the missionary told him that, sometimes,it was so cold in England that the water grew hard and men could walk on it. Now, the man had heard a great many things thatwere not true which he had believed, but this, he said, he would never believe! It was "one great big lie, for nobody evercould walk on water." When he woke up, one December morning, and the stream was frozen over, he still said that he would notbelieve it. Even when his friend went on the ice and stood there, and said, "Now you can see that what I told you was true.This is water, yet it is hard, and it bears me up." The African would not believe it, till his friend said to him, "Come along,"and he gave him a pull and dragged him on the ice, and then he said, "Yes, it is true, for it bears me up."

I would like to give some of you a bit of a pull like that! I am resting on Christ, on Christ alone, and He bears me up! Comealong and try Him for yourselves! May the Lord lead you to do so! There never yet was a heart that truly trusted in Christthat was deceived by Him! Remember that verse which we sang at the beginning of the service, and-

"Venture on Him, venture wholly Let no other trust intrude! None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good!"

Then shall you know for certain that "the Lord is good to the soul that seeks Him." God bless and save you, everyone, forJesus' sake! Amen.


Verse 7. Ask, and it shall be given you. He that will not ask for it deserves to go without it. Have you ever asked for it?If not, whose fault is it that you have it not?

7. Seek, and you shall find. How can you hope to find if you do not seek? Have you never found it? Have you never sought it?And if you have never sought it, how do you excuse yourselves for your neglect?

7. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Is that all-knock? Is the gate of Heaven not opened to you? Have you ever knocked?Do you wonder, therefore, that the door is shut? Take care, for the time may come when you will knock and the door will notbe opened to you, for, "when once the Master of the house is risen up, and has shut the door," then knocking shall be in vain.But at present this verse is still God's gracious word of command and promise-let me read it to you again-"Ask, and it shallbe given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

8. For everyone that asks, receives; and he that seeks, finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened. When you are dealingwith men, this is not always true. You may ask and not receive. You may seek and not find-you may knock and not have the dooropened to you. But when you deal with God, there are no failures or refusals! Every true asker receives; every true seekerfinds; and every true knocker has the door opened to him! Will you not try it and prove for yourself that it is so?

9-11. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son asks for bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, willhe give him a serpent? If you, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall yourFather which is in Heaven give good things to them that ask Him? You not only give, but you know how to give so as not todisappoint the asker. It is most blessedly so with the great Father in Heaven! He will not give you that which will mock anddisappoint you-He will give you bread, not a stone-fish, not a serpent! No, more, He will give you the Bread of Life, andthe Water of Life, that you may live forever!

12. Therefore all things whatever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for this is the Law and theProphets. This is rightly called, "the golden rule." Christ says of it that it is, "the Law and the Prophets." It is the essenceof them, it is the sum and substance of the highest morality. What you would that others should do to you, do that to them.Do not let that golden rule remain merely as a record in this Book, but take it out with you into your daily life. If we didall act to others as we would that others should act to us, how different would the lives of many men become! Ours would bea happy world if this Law of Christ were the law of England and the law of all nations! God send us the Spirit by whom, alone,we shall be able to obey so high a rule!

13. Enter you in at the strait gate. The narrow gate.

13, 14. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are which go in thereat becausestrait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads unto life, and few there are that find it. Do not try to go with themajority-truth is usually with the minority. Do not count heads and say, "I am for that which has the most on its side," butprefer that which is least liked among men! Choose that which is most difficult, most trying to flesh and blood-that whichgives you least license because-"strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leads unto life, and few there are that findit." You will not hit upon it, then, in a "happy-go-lucky" sort of style. Heaven's gate is not found open by accident-therewas never anybody yet who was saved by accident! No, "few there are that find it," is still true. God grant that we may beamong the few! And why should we not be?

15. Because of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. There are alwaysplenty of them around! There is nothing of the sheep about them but the skin-and there is no connection between that skinand those that wear it.

16-20. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so, every good treebrings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither cana corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Therefore,by their fruits you shall know them. You may judge men as well as trees that way-and you may judge doctrines that way. Thatwhich gives a license to sin cannot be true. But that which makes for holiness is true, for, somehow, truth of doctrine andholiness of life run together. We cannot expect holiness to grow out of lies, but we may expect all manner of evil to comeout of false teaching.

21. Not everyone that says unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that does the will of My Father,which is in Heaven. Practice is the true test, not words. Not he that says, "Lord, Lord," but, "he that does the will of God."Not he that merely has good words on his tongue, but he that has the will of God laid up in his heart and worked out in hislife-that is the man who "shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

22, 23. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? And in Your name have cast out devils?And in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you thatwork iniquity. If our lives are evil, it does not matter to what denomination we belong! We may be clever preachers, or mightyteachers. We may fancy that we have had dreams and visions. We may set ourselves up to be some great ones, but if we havenot done the will of God, we shall, at the last, hear Christ say to us, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity."

24, 25. Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him unto a wise man which built his houseupon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house and it fell not: forit was founded upon a rock. He was a good man and a practical man, yet he was also a tried man. His house was built on therock, but that did not prevent the rain descending, the floods coming and the winds blowing! The highest type of godlinesswill not save you from troubles and trials! It will, in some measure, even necessitate them. But, blessed be God, here liesthe gem of the parable or narrative-"It fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." It could stand the strain and endure thetest, for it had a good foundation.

26, 27. And everyone that hears these sayings of Mine, and does them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which builthis house upon the sand: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and itfell: and great was the fall of it. He was a great hearer, but he was a bad doer-yet he thought that he was a good doer, forhe built a house. Alas, the house was on the sand! There was no real obedience to Christ, no true trusting in Him and so,when the time of trouble came-and trouble will come even to the hypocrite and to the false professor-we read of his house,"It fell: and great was the fall of it," because it could never be built up again! It fell hopelessly! It fell forever! Therefore,"Great was the fall of it."

28, 29. And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at His doctrine: for He taughtthem as one having authority, and not as the scribes. There was a force and power about what Jesus said. He spoke from theheart. He spoke with the accent of conviction, whereas the scribes and Pharisees only spoke magisterially and officially,with no heart in their utterance-and there was, therefore, no power about it. God give to all of us the Grace to know thepower of the Words of Christ! Amen.