Sermon 2421. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

(No. 2421)




"For the LORD takes pleasure in His people: He will beautify the meek with salvation. Let the saints be joyful in glory: letthem sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouths and a two-edged sword in their hands." Psalm 149:4-6.

I THINK I have read that, once, when the seraphic Samuel Rutherford was preaching, he came, before long, to speak on the highpraises of the Lord Jesus Christ. That was a theme upon which he was at home, and when he reached that point, and had spokena little upon it, the Duke of Argyle, who was in the congregation, cried out, "Now you are on the right strain, man; holdon to that!" I thought that, this morning, we, also, struck the right key. [See sermon #1968, Volume 38-Jubilee Joy-Or, BelieversJoyful in Their King] We were trying to extol our God, our King, and to magnify His holy name and something seemed to sayto me, "Hold on to that strain! Let us have the same note, again, tonight, and let us continue to laud and praise and magnifythe name of the Most High."

So, without further preface, I remark, first, that our text contains some reasons for praise. We had a great many this morning,but here are some more-"For the Lord takes pleasure in His people: He will beautify the meek with salvation." Then our textgives special phases of praise. It shows us how, in a peculiar manner, we may praise the Lord-"Let the saints be joyful inglory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouths and a two-edged sword in theirhands." There is plenty of sea room for a preacher here, but as we have not much time, we will make for the nearest port andour words shall be as few as possible.


The first of these reasons is the delight of God in His people-"The Lord takes pleasure in His people." Therefore let us praiseHim! It is delightful that God takes pleasure in us who are His people. We feel that this is a great stoop of condescendingGrace. What is there in us in which the Lord can take pleasure? Nothing, unless He has put it there! If He sees any beautyin us, it must be the reflection of His own face. Yet, the text says so and, therefore, it must be true-"The Lord takes pleasurein His people." In the 147th Psalm we read, "The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear Him." You who tremble at His Word,you who stand in awe of Him, you who trust Him and seek to obey Him-you are those that fear Him and He takes pleasure in you!He that is infinitely blessed-can He take pleasure in us? He that has the harps of angels to make music for Him, He that hasthe host of cherubim and seraphim to be His attendants, He that can make a world with a wish-does He deign to take pleasurein us?

I am sure this is true, not only because it is stated, here, that the Lord takes pleasure in His people, but because we seethis Truth of God in action! The Lord takes pleasure in His people's prayers. What poor imperfect things they are! Yet Heopens His ear to hear them. He would sooner miss the song of a cherub than miss the prayer of a broken heart. He is charmedwith the prayers of His people-they hold Him, they prevail with Him-He will do anything for those who know how to pray. "Prayermoves the arm that moves the world." He must take great delight in His people, or else He would not listen to their prayers!And He is pleased with their praises, too. There is never a hymn that is sung by a true heart but God accepts it. No one mayhear it on earth-it may not be worth the hearing, for the sound may be discordant. But when a true heart seeks to praise God,He cares not for the vocal sounds-He has regard to the voice of the spirit's thanksgiving. Must He not take great pleasurein us to notice our praises and our prayers? Yet He does so.

This will be still clearer to us, dear Friends, if we remember that while He delights to hear us praise and pray, He alsospeaks to us. The Lord has a wonderful way of revealing Himself to His people. You who are spiritually blind can go throughthis world and never see Him, but there are others who have had their eyes opened and they have seen the King in His beauty!You who are spiritually deaf can go through the world and never hear His voice, but they whose ears have been unstopped haveheard Him say to them, "Seek you My face," and many a blessed word of promise has He spoken home to their hearts, making themglad. Jehovah does not shut Himself up within His palaces. The Lord Jesus comes forth out of the ivory palaces wherein theymake Him glad, for His delights are with the sons of men-and He loves to commune with His own people as He does not with theworld! Does not this show what pleasure He must take in us- first to hear us speak, and then to speak to us, Himself?

Beloved, you who know the Lord must feel that He never would have dealt with you as He has done if He had not taken greatpleasure in you. Why, you are His children! I saw just now, from the window, a man playing with a child, and he seemed sohappy as he tossed the little one about. It was but a baby, but I suppose the charm to him was that it was his own, and itseemed to give the father great delight. When I see a father playing and toying, thus, with his child, and finding joy inhis offspring, I understand, a little, how it is that the Lord takes pleasure in His people. Are we not born of Him? Has Henot carried and nursed us many a day? And does He not daily feed and supply us with all necessary things? Therefore, we marvelnot that He takes pleasure in us.

But why is this? Surely it is His own Grace that makes Him take pleasure in us. If you want a person to love you, be kindto him. Yet you may fail even then. To be certain of his love, let him be kind to you. A child may forget the mother-it receivesmuch from her-but gratitude does not always come to her in return. But the mother never forgets the child to whom she hasgiven so much! What she has given is a firmer bond between her and the child than ever gratitude is from the child to themother. Now, God has done so much for us, already, that this is why He continues to love us. Jesus remembers that He diedfor us, the Holy Spirit remembers that He strove with us, the great Father remembers how He has preserved us-and because ofall this goodness in the past He takes pleasure in us-

"With joy the Father does approve

The fruit of His eternal love;

The Son with joy looks down, and sees

The purchase of His agonies."

Moreover, I think that the Lord takes pleasure in us not only because of all that He has done, but because He sees somethingin us that pleases Him, something which is His own work. A sculptor, when he commences on the marble, has only a rough block,but, after days and weeks of hard working, he begins to see something like the image he is aiming at producing. So I believethat God is pleased when He sees in any of us some Grace-some repentance, some faith, some beginnings of that sanctification-whichwill, one day, be perfect. You know how pleased you are with your children when they begin to talk, yet it is poor talk, isit not? It is baby talk, but you like to hear the sound of it! The first little sentiment that drops from the child's lipsis nothing very remarkable, yet you tell others and brothers and sisters quote it as an instance of opening intelligence!So does God take pleasure in the tears of penitence, in the broken confession, in the first evidences of faith, in the tremblingof hope because He has worked all this and He is pleased with what He has done, pleased to see that, so far, His handiworkhas been successful!

Besides, I believe that every true sculptor can see in the block of marble, the statue that he means to make. I doubt notthat the artist could see the Laocoon of the Vatican after he had chipped for a little time, the figure of the serpent, andthe father, and the sons all standing out in that wondrous group long before anybody else could see it. And the Lord takespleasure in His people because He can see us as we shall be. "It does not yet appear what we shall be," but it does appearto Him! In the cast of His mind and the shaping of His eternal purpose He knows, dear Sister, though you are now strugglingwith your fears, what you will be when you shall stand before the blazing lamps of the eternal Throne of God! He knows, youngman, though you have but a few days turned from sin and begun to struggle with vice, what you will be, when, with all theblood-washed host, you shall cast your crown before His Throne! Yes, the Lord takes delight in His people as knowing whatthey are yet to be.

As I talk to you about God's delight in His people, I feel as if I must take delight in Him. I think that if the Queen wereto send for you all to come and see her, and if you went in and out of the palace, and she was very pleased with you all,and showed great affection for you, you would be sure to have the same esteem for her. It would so completely win your heartsthat you would not be able to help it-and you would not wish to do so. Now, the great King has made us His creatures, Hisfavorites, yes, His sons and daughters! And He has said that we shall shortly be with Him enthroned above the skies and, therefore,we must praise Him. God forbid that we should be silent when we receive such love from Him! Praise Him! Praise Him, "for theLord takes pleasure in His people."

The next reason for praising God is found in the beauty He puts upon His people. The second part of this verse says, "He willbeautify the meek with salvation." Great kings and princes have often tried to magnify themselves by beautifying their courtiers.They that stand nearest to thrones are expected to be bedizened after an extraordinary rate. Well now, our King takes themeek and lowly and He beautifies them with salvation! They have no beauty of their own-they do not think themselves beautiful,they often mourn their own deformities and imperfections-but the Lord is to be praised because-"He will beautify the meekwith salvation."

I find that, according to different interpreters, this text may be read in three different ways. First, as in our version,"He will beautify the meek with salvation." Next, "He will beautify the afflicted with deliverance." Hear that, you afflictedones! Jot it down for your comfort. And, next, "He will beautify the meek with victory." The men that cannot fight shall bebeautified with victory! The men that will not fight, the men that resist not evil, the men that yield and suffer in patience-theLord will beautify them with victory! When the fighting men and those that stood up for their own rights will find themselvescovered with shame, "He will beautify the meek with victory."

How does God beautify those who are meek? In the Scriptures you will find that the most beautiful persons were the meek persons.I remember only three people whose faces are said to have shone-you remember those three, do you not? There was, first, theLord Jesus Christ, whose face shone when He came down from the Mount of Transfiguration so that the people came running togetherto Him. How meek and lowly of heart was He! Another person whose face shone was Moses, when he came down from the mount ofcommunion with God. Of him we read, "Now the man Moses was very meek." The third man whose face shone was Stephen, when hestood before the council and, in the meekest manner pleaded for his Lord and Master. If your face is to shine, dear Friend,you must get rid of a high and haughty spirit-you must be meek-for the brightness of the Divine Light will never rest on theforehead that flashes with anger. Be gentle, quiet, yielding, like your Lord, and He will then beautify you.

Meekness is, itself, a beauty. We read of "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit." There is many a Christian woman who hasbeen all but divinely beautiful in her gentleness, bearing all sorts of provocation's, going about her domestic duties withgreat quietude. I am sure that I have known one or two good old Quaker ladies who looked to me as nearly like angels as evermortals could be. There was about them a quietude of manner, a gentleness, a sort of unworldliness or unearthliness of beauty,though they wore no jewels and were decorated with no adornments that might have commended them to the taste of fashionablefolk. The Lord gives great beauty to His people who are very quiet and submissive. If you can bear and forbear-if you willnot be provoked to speak a hasty word-that meekness of yours is, itself, a beauty!

Beside that, God beautifies meek people with peace. They have not to go and beg pardon and make up quarrels, as others have,for they have had no quarrel. They have not to think at night, "I really said what I ought not to have said," for they havenot done so. There is a great beauty about the peace that comes of meekness!

Another beauty which God puts on the meek is contentment. They that are of a quiet and gentle spirit through the Grace ofGod are satisfied with their lot. They thank God for little-they are of the mind of the godly woman who ate the crust of breadand drank a little water, and said-"What? All this, and Jesus Christ, too?" There is a great charm about contentment, whileenvy and greed are ugly things in the eyes of those who have anything like spiritual perception. So meekness, through bringingcontentment, beautifies us.

Out of meekness also comes holiness-and who has not heard of "the beauty of holiness"? When one is made to subdue his temperand curb his will, and yield his mind sweetly up to Christ, then obedience to God's will follows and the whole life becomeslovely! Let us praise the Lord that ever He put any beauty upon any of us. And let us bless God for the holiness of His peoplewhenever we see it. It is a pity that there should be so little of it, but what a comfort it is that the Lord has some amongHis people who are of a meek and gentle spirit, whom He beautifies with salvation!

Here I cannot help breaking away from my subject to tell you what happened to me this morning after the service was over.When I went into the vestry, there was a number of American friends and others waiting to shake hands with me. I was gladto shake hands with them. But there was one person present who did me more good than all the other Brothers and Sisters puttogether. He was a father and he said to me, "If my emotions will permit me, I would like to tell you something that is onmy heart. I feel that I must tell it to you." This friend came from a distant city. He continued, "My son left my house wellclothed and well stored with money, but for a long, long while I never heard from him. He plunged into all kinds of sin tillhe reduced himself, by disease, to beggary and want. He had not even shoes for his feet."

As he passed by the front of the Tabernacle-(you young people, here, listen to this story and take home the lesson of it)-allin rags, on a Sunday afternoon, a young man asked him to come into one of the classes here and gave him a tract. He utteredan oath, threw the tract on the pavement, and trampled on it. After a few seconds, some sort of compunction seized him andhe turned back and picked up the tract, whereupon this young Brother, quick and alert-(as I hope you young men and women alwayswill be in looking after poor sinners)-spoke to him and said, "Oh, you have picked it up. Now will you read it?" "Yes," heanswered, "I will read it."

The young man then said, "Come into our class," but the poor fellow replied, "Look at me." "Yes," he said, "but we will notlook at you if you will come in. They will all be glad to see you. Perhaps it may be a turn in your life." The young man didgo into the class and he came in the evening to hear the sermon. They put him somewhere where people would not stare at him,and God blessed Him! He sought out some friends in London who, at first, could not believe that he was the son of this person.They had seen him, before, in better days, so they questioned him and they found that he knew so much about the father thatthey said, "Yes, no doubt you are his son." His feet were bleeding and he, himself, was sick, so they cared for him, clothedhim and he came in and out of this House of Prayer, his father told me, for many months serving God. His father saw him andrejoiced over him!

Now this story was told, with many tears, in the vestry behind me-told as I cannot tell it-and the good man invoked everyblessing on me and upon that young Brother, whoever he may be, that brought his son in. "And then, Sir," said the father,"He could not find any work to do so he enlisted in the army, and was killed at Tel-el-Kebir." He left in his knapsack a letterto his father to say that he died in perfect peace, and that he had found the Savior at the Tabernacle. Our friend was soglad and I could not help telling this story because that Brother outside, I hope, was one of the meek ones, and God has beautifiedhim by bringing that soul to Christ! And we who try to preach very plainly and never aim at adorning our discourses with theflowers of eloquence, but try to talk to people from our hearts-may God give us great beauty in the eyes of many when we bringtheir children or themselves to the Savior's feet! I only wish that somebody, like that young man, might be converted, bythe Grace of God, through this sermon.

I think that I have said enough upon those reasons for praise. Let us praise God with all our hearts and bless and magnifyHis name because He takes pleasure in His people, and because He beautifies the meek with salvation and, sometimes, does itby making them the means of salvation to others!

II. The second portion of my sermon, which is to be concerning SPECIAL PHASES OF PRAISE, shall be delivered with great brevity.

The first way of praising the Lord is by glorying in God-"Let the saints be joyful in glory." "That means the saints in Heaven,does it not?" asks somebody. No, no, no! The Psalmist is not writing for them, he is writing for us! "Well, but we are notin Glory," says one. I do not know. I think that we are. First, we are in Glory by contrast. Look, dear Friends, a littlewhile ago we were in sin and we were condemned under sin, but now we are delivered, we are absolved from guilt! Surely thatis like being in Glory! A little while ago we were cast down and troubled-and had not a ray of hope. Now we have rest in Christand perfect peace. Is not that like being in Glory? Why, years back, when I had been preaching in Wales, I heard a Welshmancry out, "Gogoniant!" and others have shouted, "Glory," and I thought it was all right. There is enough to make the saintscry, "Glory!" to think that they have been redeemed from death and Hell, and that their feet have been taken out of the horriblepit, out of the miry clay, set upon a rock and their goings established! Why, truly, it is like being in Heaven, or Glory!Therefore, "let the saints be joyful in glory."

Next, as we are in Glory by contrast, so we are in Glory by anticipation. What will Glory be? It will be a peace with God,but we already have that. Glory will be rest and we also have that. "We which have believed do enter into rest." Glory willbe communion with God and we have that, too. "Truly, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ." Glorywill be victory and we have that. "This is the victory that overcomes the world, even your faith." "But," asks one, "you donot mean to say that we have Heaven already?" Yes, I do. "In whom also we have obtained an inheritance." Are not those theWords of Scripture? Here is another Word of Scripture-"God has raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenliesin Christ Jesus." By anticipation and by foretaste we have already obtained life eternal-therefore, "let the saints be joyfulin glory." Rightly do we sing-

"The men of Grace ha ve found

Glory begun below.

Celestial fruits on earthly ground

From faith and hope may grow.

The hill of Sion yields

A thousand sacred sweets

Before we reach the heavenly fields,

Or walk the golden streets!

Then let our songs abound,

And every tear be dry-

We're marching thro'

Immanuel's ground

To fairer worlds on high!"

"I cannot get up to that," says one. Try, dear Brother, try! At any rate, get as far as this-wherever there is Grace therewill be Glory. Grace is the egg and glory is the hatching of it. Grace is the seed and glory is the plant that comes out ofit. Having the egg and the seed, we have practically and virtually the Glory! Therefore, I say, again, with the Psalmist,"Let the saints be joyful in glory."

The next special kind of praise is joy in special circumstances-"Let them sing aloud upon their beds." This is a message forthe time of sickness. Praise the Lord when you are ill! Sing to His Glory when you cannot sleep! Sing when the head aches,for that is the highest kind of praise that comes out of the body that is racked with pain! "Let them sing aloud upon theirbeds." There are, sometimes, infirmities of the body that seem to quicken the soul. There are aches and pains that make usmore fresh and vigorous of heart. But there are others that paralyze the mind and, reaching the very core of one's being,seem to freeze up every spring of activity. It is little wonder that under such infirmities the brave heart grows faint! Andit is especially so when there is mental affliction added to the physical pain. I have known men of God, highly favored, andSisters in like condition, who have walked in the Light as God is in the light, and have had great blessing from Him and,by-and-by, they have had strong inward temptation, an awful fight within, till sometimes they have had to cry out in theirvery souls to know whether they were with God, or God was with them at all! Doubts have insinuated themselves into the mindand there have been grave and solemn questions about matters most vital and important. And, at such times the man of God,though he still believes in his God and is obedient to the Divine will, yet feels a chill creeping over his very soul andhe is ready to faint! Then is the time for him to sing aloud upon his bed, for praise to God under such circumstances willbe especially acceptable!

Your bed? Why, that is the place of seclusion! There you are alone. Have you ever felt so happy that you did not want to sleep?I have sometimes had such joy in the night that I have tried to keep myself from falling asleep lest I should miss the hallowedfellowship which my heart has had with God! Commune with God upon your beds and sing His praises, if not aloud with the voice,yet aloud with the heart!

Upon your bed? Why, that is the place of domestic gathering, for the bed here meant is a couch on which the Orientals reclinedwhen they ate. Sing the Lord's praises on your couches-that is, when you gather with your families. "Praise you the Lord:sing aloud upon your couches." I wish we had more family singing-we ought to have more. Matthew Henry says, with regard tofamily prayer, "They that pray every night and morning do well. They that pray and read the Scriptures do better. They thatpray and read the scriptures and sing, do best of all." And so say I-that is the best of all family worship! Let us take care,in our domestic relationships, that we praise this blessed God who is the God of our households as well as the God of oursanctuaries!

Upon their beds? Why, that means the bed of death! We shall soon go upstairs and gather up our feet in the bed. Oh, then,you dear children of God, praise Him aloud upon your beds! I believe that the sweetest praises ever heard on earth have conefrom lips that were just closing in the silence of the tomb-

"I will love You in life, I will love You in death, And praise You as long as You lend me breathe. And say when the death-dewlies cold on my brow,

If ever I loved You, my Jesus, 'tis now." Always praise Him! Always praise Him! When nobody hears you, in the silence of yourbedchamber, still sing aloud unto your God!

We must press on, though we have not time for much that ought to be said. The next special phase of praise is elevation insong. The sixth verse says, "Let the high praises of God be in their mouth." As I told you when I read the Psalm, [Expositionat the end of the sermon-ED.] it is "in their throat" in the Hebrew, for God's people sing from their hearts and so they area deep-throated people who do not merely sibilate praise with the lips, but send it up from the depths of their soul!

What does the Psalmist say? "Let the high praises of God be in their throats." Our praises ought to be very high praises,for there is a high objective before us. We praise a great God! We should, therefore, praise Him with high feelings, feelingswound up to the highest point of high delight and high desire! Our praises should climb up to Heaven's gate-running up Jacob'sladder even as the angels did-till we cast our praises right at the foot of the eternal Throne of God. Let us sound forththe high praises of God with our mouths! Let us extol Him, magnify Him and make Him great! Say noble things of God whereveryou go, for He well deserves it at your hands.

The last phase of praise concerns courage in conflict-"and a two-edged sword in their hands." Songs in their mouths and swordsin their hands! It is something like the sword and the trowel-the trowel to build with and the sword to smite with. God'speople must sing and fight at the same time-and they fight best who sing best. Not those that growl best, but those that singbest, fight best

But with whom are we to fight? That depends upon what your sword is. If you had a sword of steel, you would fight with men-butthat is no part of your business. You are not called to that cruel work, but, as you have the sword of the Spirit, which istwo-edged, which is, indeed, all edge, for it cuts whichever way you turn it, go forth and praise God by the use of that two-edgedsword which is the Word of God!

Let me stir up God's people here to do this. Go and proclaim the Gospel! Proclaim the Gospel. I think I have, to a large extent,attained my wish in this congregation. I miss such a large number of our friends on Sunday nights and I am delighted to missthem, for they have no business to be here, then! They are out preaching, teaching, working in Ragged-Schools, mission hallsand all sorts of holy service. That is what you ought to do if you love the Lord-get a good meal, once, on the Sabbath, andthen go and do a good day's work the rest of the Sunday! Praise God with your mouths and have the two-edged sword in yourhands! To war against ignorance, to war against vice, to war against drunkenness, to war against infidelity and sin of everykind is one of the best ways of praising the Most High! Until the last sinner is saved, see to it that you keep the two-edgedsword of God's Word in your hands and then forever let the high praises of God be in your mouth!

I have been talking all this while about praising God and there are some here who never praised Him in all their lives! Whatwretched creatures you are! God has been blessing you all this while and you have never praised Him. I have seen hogs underan oak munching acorns-how they enjoy themselves! They never stop to thank the oak-such a thought never enters into theirswinish heads. Do not blame the swine, but think of the numbers of men who are worse than they are! God is to them far morethan the oak is to the animals. All things come of Him-their health, their strength, their daily comforts-and yet they neverthank Him! Have you some little chickens at home? Let them chide you! Whenever the chick stoops down to the saucer to drinka little water, up goes its head as if to thank God for every drop! Oh, begin to praise God! Begin to thank God at once!

Perhaps this may be the beginning of something better, for when you have begun to praise Him, you may begin to dispraise yourself-andthat is next door to feeling your sinfulness, which will lead you to seek the Savior! And if you seek Him, He will be foundof you. Seek Him now, this summer's night, while all God's bounty is being poured upon the earth to make it fertile! Oh, thatHe might pour some heavenly beams on you to make you fruitful to His praise! May He do it and to His name shall be glory,world without end! Amen.


The whole Book of Psalms is full of praise, but the praise culminates at the close. There are five "Hallelujah Psalms" atthe end of the Book. They are so named because they both begin and conclude with the word, Hallelujah, "Praise you the Lord."It must be to the intense regret of all reverent persons to find the word, Hallelujah, so used today in such a way that itis made to be a commonplace instead of a very sacred word-Hallelujah, or, Praise be unto Jah, Jehovah! He who uses this wordin a flippant manner is guilty of taking the name of the Lord in vain!

Psalm 149:1. Praise you the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song. You have had new mercies from the Lord- give Him, in return, a new song!You have a new apprehension of His mercy. You who live under this Gospel dispensation have something more to sing of thaneven David experienced! Therefore, "sing unto Jehovah a new song"-throw your hearts into it! Do not let it be a matter ofroutine, but let your whole soul, in all its vigor and freshness, address itself to the praise of God!

1. And His praise in the congregation of saints. All saints praise God-they are not saints if they do not. The praise of anyone saint is sweet to Him, but in the congregation of saints there is a linked sweetness, a wonderful commixture of preciousthings. Sing His praise, then, in the congregation of His holy ones.

2. Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him. Adore your Creator for your being and for your well-being. He has twice made you,you people of God! Give Him, therefore, double praise-not only the song of those who sang when creation's work was done, butthe praise of those who sing because they are made new creatures in Christ Jesus!

2. 3. Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise His name in the dance. The holy dance of those daysdiffered altogether from the frivolous and lascivious dances of the present time. It was a sacred exercise in which the wholebody expressed its delight before God.

3. Let them sing praises unto Him with the timbrel and harp. The one to be struck and the other to be gently touched to yieldits stringed sweetness.

4. For the LORD takes pleasure in His people. Should not they take pleasure in the condescension on His part to take any pleasurein them? Oh, what a lift up it is for us when we learn to take pleasure in the Lord!

4. He will beautify the meek with salvation. He dresses all His children, but the meek are His Josephs, and upon them He putsthe coat of many colors. And they shall inherit the earth.

5. Let the saints be joyful in glory. God is their glory! Let them be joyful in Him.

5. Let them sing aloud upon their beds. If they cannot come up to the congregation, yet, when they rest at home, or when theysuffer at home, let them not cease from their music. God's praise comes up sweetly, I do not doubt, this Sabbath evening,from many a lonely chamber where the saints are waiting for the appearing of their Lord.

6. Let the high praises of God be in their mouths. "In their throats," says the Hebrew, for God's saints sing deep down intheir throats. There is a deeply rooted music when we praise God, which is altogether unlike the mere syllables of the lipsthat come from a hypocrite's tongue.

6. And a two-edged sword in their hands. For we have to fight, today, with principalities, and powers, and wickednesses everywhere!With the sword of the Spirit in our hands, we fight the battles of the Prince of Peace!

7, 8. To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobleswith fetters of iron. So was it when Israel came into Canaan, ordained to execute the vengeance of God upon the heathen nations.We have no such warrant and no such painful duty-but there is a prince who shall be bound with chains and with fetters ofiron one day. The Lord shall bruise Satan under our feet shortly and, meanwhile, we fight against the powers of evil of everykind. Oh, that God would help us to bind King Drunkenness with chains and King Infidelity with fetters of iron! Would Godthe day were come when impurity, which defiles so many, were overcome and vanquished by the two-edged sword of the Spiritof God!

9. To execute upon them the judgment written: this honor have all His saints. Or it may be read, "He is the honor of all Hissaints." "Unto you that believe He is precious," or, "He is an honor," says the Apostle, and there is no honor like that whichcomes of being coupled with God, living in Him, and living for Him!

9. Praise you the LORD. What bursts of praise must have risen from the hosts of Israel when they gathered for their annualfestivals and sang together these last great Hallelujah Psalms!

Psalm 150:1. Praise you the LORD. Praise God in His sanctuary. Notice how, in this last Psalm, it is praise, praise, praise, all theway through! I think we have the word, "praise," some 13 times in the six verses. It is all. "praise Him,

praise Him, praise Him." It is not enough to do it once, or twice, we should keep on praising the Lord till we should makethe very heavens ring with the music of His praises! "Praise you the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary." That is, in His HolyPlace where He dwells. Begin, you angels, cherubim and seraphim-pour forth His praise!

1. Praise Him in the firmament of His power. Let every star shine forth His praises, and sun and moon cease not to extol Him-"PraiseHim in the firmament of His power."

2. Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness. There is a task for us-we shall neverattain to that height. We sometimes sing-

"Wide as His vast dominion lies, Make the Creator's name be known!

Loud as His thunder shout His praise, And sound it lofty as His Throne." But who can compass such a feat as that?

3. 4. Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet: praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel and dance:praise Him with stringed instruments and organs. So that there were all kinds of music in those days praising God-the windand the stringed instruments, the timbrel and the pipe. Everything that can praise God should praise Him. The spiritual significanceof these verses is this-let men of different orders and different sorts praise the Lord- men, women, children, those who aredeeply taught and those who know but little, those who are great and those who are small. Let every heart regard itself asan instrument of praise and use itself wholly for the Lord's praise. Having gotten so far, the Psalmist remembered that therewere discs of brass, which were struck together, and gave forth a sound to be heard at a great distance, so He said-

5. Praise Him upon the loud cymbals. Crash!

5. Praise Him upon the high sounding cymbals. Then came another crash!

6. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise you the LORD. A Jewish Rabbi once remarked to me that the name,Jehovah, was not made up of letters, but only of a series of breaths. [The preacher here uttered the three syllables of thesacred name, Je-ho-vah, as though they were not composed of letters, but only a succession of breaths.] That is the nearestapproach to the name of God, three breaths-therefore since all breath comes from Him-and His very name can only be pronouncedby breath, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise you the Lord." Hallelujah!