Sermon 2410. Springtime in Nature and Grace
(No. 2410)
"For as the rain comes down and the snow from Heaven, andreturns not there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forthand bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: so shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth:it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for whichI sent it. For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth beforeyou into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree,and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign thatshall not be cut off." Isaiah 55:10-13.
THIS is a text for the springtime! If you read it through tomorrow morning, before the smoke has clouded the heavens, whileyet the earliest birds are calling up their mates to sing, you will understand its meaning better than I can make you comprehendit by any words of mine. The whole four verses seem to describe a scene in nature which is only to be witnessed about thistime of the year, yet I am not going to look into the poetical meaning of the text so much as to use it as a description ofpersonal experience. I think, no-I am sure that there are many of us who have passed through our spiritual winter. We havealso had our spring-we are even coming to our summer-and there are some whose ripe and mellow experience has the peacefulnessof autumn about it. Our lives are, in miniature, like the years that so quickly follow one another and every year does butrepeat the changes in our lives! I want, at this time, to speak about springtime in our spiritual experience-touching, however,upon a more advanced period, as it will be necessary to do-but my first word is to be concerning our springtime experience.
Brothers and Sisters, by nature we lie in the cold and death of winter-everything is frost-bound, withered, dead. We are nothing.We yield nothing. We can do nothing. The Word of God comes to us as the beams of the sun pour down their warmth from the heavensand, by a mighty and mysterious influence, that Word begins to work upon us and we soon feel that we have entered upon quiteanother season of life. We are no longer in the cold winter-we have come to a blessed springtime! That is the theme upon whichI am going to now speak.
I. First, notice in the text the descent of the Word, THE DOWNCOMING-"As the rain comes down, and the snow from Heaven."
Our spring begins with April showers alternating with rough winds. There is sure to be, at this period of the year, a rainyseason to prepare the earth for bringing forth fruit, to swell the buds on the trees and to work with sunshine to producethe spring. So is it spiritually-the coming down of the Word of God is, to our hearts, like the falling of the rain from Heaven.
Concerning this coming down, I may say, first, that it is usually unpleasant. We are accustomed to speak of rainy weatherand especially of snowy weather, as, "bad" weather. We are the wisest people in the world in matters relating to the weather.Having, as some say, no "climate"-only "weather"-we talk a great deal about it and inform each other what kind of weatherit is when one can see just as well as the other what it is! Now, when we spiritually begin to live, it is usually rough weatherand we are apt to think it is bad weather. Drip, drip, drip, fall showers of repentance. Snow-flake after snowflake fallsand buries all our hopes. Our joys are covered as with a winding-sheet. It is bad weather with us and we are not slow to complainof it. Oh, dear Friends, if we did but know how God is blessing us-if we could but realize that these experiences are workingout our lasting good-we would thank God that His Word comes down upon us as the rain and the snow fall from Heaven!
The work of Grace in our hearts, however, is like a spring shower in another respect. It differs very much in its method,for rain and snow do not always come down in the same way. Sometimes the rain fails very gently-we can hardly tell whetherit is rain or not. Our Scotch friends would call it "a mist." At another time, the rain, like Jehu the son of Nimshi, drivesfuriously. Big drops come pouring down and before we can reach a shelter we are wet through and through. So is it with thesnow-it falls at times as gently as the dropping of tiny feathers, but it may descend thick and fast-a blizzard blowing itinto our faces and almost blinding us. So, there are some to whom God's Word comes very softly. It does come, but it comeswithout tempest or storm. There are others to whom it comes very terribly-the Word of the Lord is full of dread to them-itis a tempest, a whirlwind. The rain or the snow comes down to them and there is no mistaking it-they are shivered throughand through with its cold, they are wet to the skin with its moisture! Therefore, learn this, you who have been comparingyourselves with others, that as the rain at one time differs from the rain at another time, and as the snow in one place variesfrom the snow in another place, and yet the rain is always rain, and the snow is always snow, so the entrance of Divine Graceinto one heart differs from the way it enters into another, yet it is always the same Grace!
In like manner, Brothers and Sisters, the coming down of the snow and of the rain differs, also, in time and in quantity.One shower is quickly over and another lasts all day and all night. The snow may in one season fall heavily for a few hoursonly. At another time, a week of snow may be experienced. So, the work of Divine Grace, when it begins in the soul, is notvery manifestly the same in different persons. Some of us were, for years, subject to the operations of God's Spirit, andendured much pain and sorrow before we found peace in believing. Others find Christ in a few minutes and leap out of darknessinto light by a single spring! I have known some whose convictions have been so brief and have been so completely swallowedup by their almost immediate faith, that it has been a trouble to them to know whether they were ever truly convinced of sinat all! On the other hand, I have known many who have been so long shut up in Giant Despair's dungeons that they have thoughtthat they were the men in the iron cage-that they were given over to destruction and could never find salvation! Judge nothing,I pray you, after this fashion, but remember that God's Word, as it comes down like the rain and the snow from Heaven, yethas varied methods of reaching different hearts.
One thing more I may say about this coming down of the Word of God and that is, it is always a blessing, and never a curse.If the rain should pour down very heavily and continue to fall until we might be led to think that the very heavens wouldweep themselves away, yet, Brothers and Sisters, it can never produce a flood that would drown the world, for yonder in theheavens is the rainbow of the Covenant! These rains must mean blessing, they cannot mean destruction. And if the snow shouldfall ever so deep, yet not even by snow will God destroy the earth any more than by a flood. So, when God's Grace comes streaminginto the heart, it may produce deep conviction, it may sweep away the refuges of lies, it may cover up and bury beneath itsfall every carnal hope-but it cannot be a flood to destroy you! There shall yet come a change of weather for you and yoursoul shall live. Let the Grace of God but come and let that Grace come how it may-it is always a benediction to the man whoreceives it.
Thus have I described to you the first part of our spiritual springtime, when, at last, our long winter begins to yield beneaththe sunlight of Divine Grace. The Word of the Lord comes down upon us like the snow and the rain that fall upon the earth.
II. The second thing to notice in our text is, THE ABIDING. We have had the coming down-now follows the abiding of the rainor the snow that comes down from Heaven-"it returns not there, but waters the earth." So is it spiritu-ally-when God's Gracefalls from Heaven, it comes to stay!
My dear Hearers, this morning [Sermon #1961, Volume 33-S.S.-Or, the Sinner Saved] I had to complain of some that they werelike the rock upon which the rain falls, but which it never enters. It drops upon the granite and runs down the side of it,but produces no result. But when God sends His Grace from Heaven, you may know it by this sign-soaks into your soul! Oh, howmuch of my preaching there is, and how much of other people's preaching there is, that reaches the ears and that is the endof it! Oh, for hearers who drink in the Word of the Lord! O rain from Heaven, would God that you did always find us like plowedfields ready to drink you in! This is how Grace works-it enters the soul, penetrates the heart, saturates the conscience,abides in the memory, affects the affections, gives understanding to the understanding and imparts real life to the heart-whichis the seat of life! I wish that we always heard the Gospel in that fashion, but hearing is often mere child's play. If itwere true hearing, it would be the most serious work under Heaven and it would be done in a reverential manner as a true partof Divine worship! Then we should find the Word of God soaking into men's hearts as the snow and the rain from Heaven enterthe earth.
It appears from our text that this downpour, instead of returning to Heaven, does this, also, for the soul into which it soaks-itfertilizes it, it makes the soul bring forth and bud. Yes, but the metaphor of my text cannot set forth the whole Truth, forthis Word of God, which is the rain, is also the Seed. This Word of God, which is the snow, is the living Seed, itself. Whatwould we think of clouds that rained down seeds? That would be a new thing beneath the heavens, yet it is the old thing, afterall! The Word of God is the living and incorruptible Seed which lives and abides forever and whenever that Seed is sown, God'sWord comes soaking into the soul, making the soul live, and causing the heart to yield its life up to the living Seed. I cannotdistinguish between the Seed and the soil in my metaphor, for it seems as if the very soil did breed the Seed and take itup into itself, and cause it to grow, causing it to bring forth and bud. O Beloved, if the Word of God has been to you likean uncomfortable shower, may it afterwards prove its living power, making you feel a new life that you never felt before,a something within, struggling, striving, a something which, of itself, was not previously there, but which comes with theheavenly Word and is, indeed, the sure evidence of the beginning of the new life within your soul!
And, again, the Word of God, when it comes into the soul and abides there, works in the man whatever God pleases- all HisDivine purposes-"it shall accomplish that which I please and prosper in the thing for which I sent it." It is a very wonderfulthing to get the Word of God thoroughly into your soul, to get soaked and saturated with it. We have, none of us, any ideawhat that Word may yet do for us. Who among us knows the Infinite reaches of the Divine purpose? Who shall cast the lead andfathom all the Divine intentions concerning man? Verily, "it does not yet appear what we shall be," but when the Word of Godis truly in us, it will work whatever the Divine purpose is and carry it out to the fullest without fail, for the Word ofGod is living and powerful to effect the designs and purposes of the Most High!
My beloved Hearers, open your hearts to this Word-drink it in-do not stay its course, do not try to hinder its Divine operations.Pray to be completely under its influence, for you do not know how holy, how strong, how happy, how heavenly you may yet be!This, then, is how our spiritual springtime comes to us-first, showers under which we tremble and are troubled, but, afterwards,a Divine abiding which produces marvelous effects in our hearts and lives!
III. So, in the third place, I will briefly speak to you about THE RESULTS of the coming down and the abiding. The rain hascome and the rain remains. Now what happens?
First, we are told, it makes the earth to bring forth and bud. I love the time of buds. There is nothing more beautiful thanthe rosebud-it is more charming, by far, than the full-blown rose! And the buds of all manner of flowers have a singular charmabout them. But when the Grace of God has come into a young man's heart, we very soon see his buds- he has gracious purposes,he has holy resolves, he has the beginnings of prayer, he has the makings of a man of God about him! Childhood in Grace isa sweet budding time with many rare beauties and delights. Some of you, perhaps, are complaining of yourselves that you havenot yet come to the perfection of flowering. Do not murmur on that account, but be thankful if you have only a bud. A littleprayer, a faint desire after holiness, a hungering and thirsting after righteous-ness-these are buds-be grateful for them!There are some birds that like to eat the buds of trees and they do much mischief to the garden. And there are some old Christianswho, I think, are rather too fond of nipping buds, and so doing damage to young beginners. May God keep these destructivebirds away from you who, as yet, are but feeble.
Beloved, if you are what the Lord would have you to be, you will not long be content with buds. If you serve the Lord andthe Lord continues to visit you with showers of blessing, you will soon bring forth seed for the sower. You, yourself, willbecome useful to others. Your experience, your knowledge, your service will become the seed of good for other people. Thedevil can never destroy the Church of God, or banish it altogether from the face of the earth, because, if there were onlyone Christian left in the world, he would be seed for other Christians, and I cannot tell you how many might spring from him!If all of us should die and there were only one of the dear children left who have lately joined this Church, yet the Churchof God would spring up and flourish, again, from that one child! That Grace which first comes to you and fills you with convictionof sin, afterwards comes to you to make you to be the seed-corn for others!
Grace also makes us produce bread for the eater. I was thinking, today, that next Tuesday (May 3rd, 1887,) it will be just37 years since I was baptized into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! Up to that day, I had neveropened my mouth for Christ. I had not even engaged in prayer at a Prayer Meeting, for I was very diffident and I was afraidto speak of spiritual things! I was not very old, so perhaps my timidity might be excused, but, 37 years ago, when I gavemyself to Christ, I could not have imagined that I should stand here, tonight, to preach the Word to these thousands of people.The "bud" of that day has been "seed to the sower" and, blessed be God, it is still "bread to the eater." Oh, young men, youdo not know what God can make of you! Young women, if you consecrate yourselves to Christ and come under the saturating influenceof the Divine Word, you do not know how many your lips may feed, nor how many your word may even convert to Christ! You, too,shall furnish seed to the sower and bread to the eater. You may, perhaps, at first pass through a painful experience in whichyou will be made to see your own worthlessness, but you will, in due time, come out into a joyful experience in which Godshall bless you, increase your usefulness and make you to be a blessing to those who are round about you!
There is one other thing that must be noticed under this head. The result of Divine Grace upon the heart is very amazing,so that I can hardly bring it under the metaphor of rain and snow, for it works a transformation. When rain falls on a plotof ground, if it is covered with weeds, it makes the weeds grow. But in the spiritual realm, the rain that comes down fromHeaven, itself, sows the ground with good seed. What is more amazing, where it falls, it transforms the ground and the plantsthat come under its influence change their nature! "Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree." If you were in Australia,you might see leagues of land covered with huge thistles and thorns. Down comes this shower of Grace upon man's nature, thuscovered with thorns and, instead of thorns, come up fir trees-useful, delightful objects in the landscape-not gnarled andtwisted thorns, but fair and comely fir trees!
"And instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree." When the Grace of God begins to work, a change is made in thosewho are like briers and they become like myrtles! Out at Mentone there are large tracts of land covered with myrtles, rosemaryand other odoriferous plants. Often have I thrown myself down upon them as upon a spring bed, for they grow close together,and, as you rest upon them, a delightful perfume is round about you everywhere. Now, when the Grace of God comes into thesoul, it takes the obnoxious things in us and transmutes them into blessings. Here is a man who is naturally of an obstinatedisposition. You know him. When the Grace of God comes into his heart, he becomes firm in his attachment to the Truth of God.A fine character can be made out of an obstinate man-he is the one of whom you can make a martyr if necessary-he would bewilling to burn for Christ's sake! You would never find him flinching.
Here is another person who is full of levity and trifling. The Grace of God comes and transforms that lightness into cheerfulnessand amiability. He is the light of the house, you are glad to know such a person. "Instead of the thorn shall come up thefir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree." This is wonderful Grace, is it not? I hope that some ofus are now undergoing its transforming power in our hearts! This springtime of Grace is charming, far beyond that of nature,for nature, in her developments, still continues to bring forth the primeval thorns and thistles which our father, Adam, byhis disobedience, brought to us. But the Grace of God changes these evil things and makes the soul to bring forth that whichis good, pleasing, sweet and profitable-both to God and man!
IV. Now I have come to my last point. We have considered the coming down, the abiding and the result of the rain. Now letus notice THE REJOICING.
This is a time ofjoy-the music of the year is full in springtime. Birds get silent towards the end of autumn. That is theSabbath of the year. God's bounty, then, has become so manifold that nature seems to feel that she cannot express her gratitudeand even the birds, as a rule, are silent, then, but now they are bursting into song as trees are bursting into leaves andplants are bursting into flowers! I want that to be your experience in this springtime. I saw, the other day, outside a certainplace of worship (!), the notice of "a free and easy." I wonder what kind of worship that is? However, though I do not knowand cannot imagine, yet I should like you who are the Lord's to feel wonderfully "free and easy" in the highest sense! Nowthat the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth and the time of the singing of birds iscome, let every child of God enjoy himself, for our text says, "You shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: themountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."Why should we be so happy? Why should everything about us be so happy? Let us run the parallel between springtime in natureand in Grace.
In springtime, one cause of happiness is new life. Things have been dead, but they are now springing into life. The bloodruns more quickly within our veins-our whole being now seems warm with the new life that courses through our nature! It isso spiritually. We have come into a new life, the Holy Spirit has breathed upon us and we live and, blessed be God, that lifenever gets old! After knowing the Lord these 37 years, as I have told you, I feel His love to be as sure as ever, and thepower of His Grace as powerful as ever. There is a constant novelty about the life of faith. The mercies of God are new everymorning and fresh every evening. Well, then, since you have a life of which you knew nothing before, since you can see allaround you the tokens of a life which you never perceived before, be glad! Sing, tonight, you songsters of the Lord! Breakout into sweet music because of the new life within you-that new life which can never die, but which shall, in due season,be enlarged and perfected into life forever before the Throne of God above!
Another source of joy in springtime is to be found in our happy surroundings. It is beginning to be warm. We hope, soon, tobe able to sit out of doors in the sunshine. We trust that the dull and heavy clouds will not return and that the winds whichpierced us to our very marrow will now be withheld from us. So we feel happy in the advent of spring and is it not so withus spiritually? We are no longer in bondage and no longer in fear! "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God." Reconciledthrough the blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord, we joy in God. Let us be happy together and, coming to this table, whereon arespread the memorials of our Lord's great love to us, let us not come with dull and heavy hearts, as though we were assembledat a funeral, but let us meet in joyful anticipation of the day when we shall sit down at the marriage supper of the Lambin Glory! New life and happy surroundings should make us clap our hands and rejoice before the Lord!
Springtime, I think, is peculiarly pleasant because of its large promise. We are thinking of the hay harvest and of the fruitof the fields. We are reckoning upon luscious grapes and upon the various fruits which faith sees to be hidden within theblossoms. Yes, but may not our hopes be disappointed if we reckon upon earthly fruits? But you and I have come, by Grace,into a land of hope most sure and steadfast! We have hopes grounded on God's Word and they shall never be disappointed! Letus be happy, then, since we shall certainly one day be in Heaven! Let us begin the music of Heaven down here. Since our Lordis on His way back to us and may arrive before this assembly breaks up, let us anticipate the joy of His glorious appearing.May God the Holy Spirit help us to think of all these choice mercies, that we may be glad in the
In springtime, once more, there always seems to me to be a peculiar sense of Divine Power and Divine Presence throughout allnature. It is as if nature had swooned, awhile, and lay in her cold fit through the winter, but now she has been awakened.Her Lord has looked her in the face and charmed her back to life! I trust that you and I feel this peculiar Presence of Godin the highest sense. Some say that there is no God. Ah, me! Ah, me! Blind men say that there is no sun, perhaps, but theymust be very blind if they think so. We know that there is a God, not only by the argument from design, which is a very strongone, but by better evidence than that. We have had dealings with God, personal dealings with Him, as when the sun, thoughit is ninety-five millions of miles away, has commerce with the earth, and the bulbs that sleep beneath the black mold beginto swell and grow and, by-and-by, the yellow cup is held up to be filled with the light of the sun! There must be a sun, weknow, because of all its warmth and genial glow, and the life force with which it charms the earth into the revival of spring!And though we have not seen God at any time, neither can conceive of Him in all His Glory, for He is essentially inconceivable,yet have we felt His Power charming into life our hope, our faith, our love! Sometimes, as the sun may be, for a while, hiddenfrom us, a cloud obscures our God. Ah, me! What darkness then returns to us-how do all the young shoots seem to droop in theblackness! But when that cloud is gone and the light comes streaming out, again, O Lord, how we rejoice, how strong, how bright,how happy we are! If we have not wings, yet do we learn to fly without wings-we soon mount aloft when God, Himself, drawsus towards Himself.
If you do not know God, my dear Hearer, conclude that there is a life which you have not yet discovered. As Columbus founda new world when his ships steered across the Atlantic, so may you yet discover a new world which you have not seen as yet.May God, Himself, steer your ship and bring you there! But do not tell us that there is no God, and no such new world-youcannot prove a negative, but we can prove a positive-namely, that we have entered into a new life, we have been in the newworld! Suppose that I were to try to teach astronomy to a horse. I could not make him understand me, but if I possessed thepower to put an immortal soul into that horse, how easily would his eyes look through the telescope and how speedily wouldhe begin to rejoice in sun and moon and stars!
You, my dear Hearers, who are without God, are nothing but a soulish man at present, almost a brute man in some respects.There is a higher spirit that you need-oh, that you had it! God the Holy Spirit can breathe it into you. That is what we meanby regeneration. When He imparts a new and higher nature and when you have received that nature, then you will be able tosay, "There is a God, for I perceive Him. I also have entered a new world. Things are the same as they used to be and yetthey are wonderfully different! I see nothing as I used to see it. Before, I saw it as a brutish man, but now I see it asa man twice-born, who has become so exalted as to be near akin to God, Himself."
Then, dear Friends, when you reach that state, "You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace: the mountains and thehills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." God give you savingfaith and this new life of which I have been speaking, through Jesus Christ His Son! Amen.
Hear these Inspired words, dear Friends, as though they came fresh from Heaven, as though God Himself spoke them at this momentout of the excellent Glory, for, indeed, He does so. The Word of God never grows old-these messages are just as new as ifthe ink on the pens of the Prophet and the Psalmist were not yet dry.
Isaiah 55:1. Ho! Everyone that thirsts, come you to the waters. This invitation is not given to you who are full, to you who can satisfyyour own needs out of the buckets of your own righteousness. No, the Prophet speaks to you thirsty ones who feel an awfulnecessity which will not let you rest. Hunger you may appease, but thirst is terrible-none can long bear its pangs. "Ho, everyonethat thirsts." Whatever your age, sex, character, rank, or position in life, if you do but thirst, then the Gospel standswith uplifted finger, and cries to you, "Ho!" as do merchants and traders who want to dispose of their wares.
1. And he that has no money; come you, buy, and eat; yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. In theLord Jesus Christ there is all you need and more than you know that you need! As yet you only thirst, but here is bread foryour hunger as well as drink for your thirst. Whereas "waters" might seem to satisfy your thirst, here is a superfluity ofGrace, an exceeding abundance of mercy-"Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Christ is as free as theair! As you have only to take in the air by breathing, in order to live by it, so have you only to receive Christ into yoursoul and you live by Him! As flows old Father Thames through the green meadows, and every dog may come and lap, and everyox may stand knee-deep in the stream, for there is none to keep even an animal away, so is it with Christ-"Come, buy wineand milk without money and without price."
2. Why do you spend money for that which is not bread? Why are you so busy about your ceremonies, your works, your feelings-noneof which can yield food for your soul? Come to Christ and buy without money the Bread of Life which came down from Heaven!
2. And your wages for that which satisfies not? Listen diligently to me, and eat you that which is good, and let your souldelight itself in fatness. If we will but hear the Gospel, and attentively hear it, "faith comes by hearing," and that faithleads us to Jesus Christ! And in Him we find that which is substantial, solid-the very thing we need. We find in Christ allthat is super-excellent, so that our soul delights itself in fatness. I have no lean Christ to preach to you! No half-starvedsalvation that will drag you into Heaven and save you, "so as by fire." But in coming to Christ, you are invited to "let yoursoul delight itself in fatness." A Christian cannot be too happy-"the joy of the Lord" is beyond all description! You musttaste it to prove its sweetness. As honey among the sweets, such is the joy of the Lord among joys! Yes, as the sun and thelesser lights in the sky, such is the joy of Christ compared with all other delights that men can ever know! "Let your souldelight itself in fatness."
3. Incline your ear. You know what that means-bend forward to catch the faintest utterance of the voice that is speaking.
3. And come unto Me; hear, and your soul shall live. We do not live by sight. All the pretty things that you can see in aRoman Catholic place of worship will not save a single soul! The preaching of the Gospel is God's way of salvation- "Hear,and your soul shall live." Christ rides into the City of Mansoul through Ear-Gate. Take heed what you hear and take heed howyou hear!
3. And I will make an Everlasting Covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Think of God making a Covenant with you!This is a very wonderful thing. You may almost leap for joy at the thought that God should ever enter into Covenant with you.You think very little of yourself and reckon yourself to be among the most obscure of mankind. "Yet," says the Lord God, "Iwill strike hands with you and be your Friend, and pledge My Word to you. Yes, and make a Covenant with you-and an EverlastingCovenant it shall be, too. Surely, blessing, I will bless you." Oh, what a wonder of Divine Grace it is that God should enterinto Covenant with sinful man! "Even the sure mercies of David." You know what David this is-this is the Son of David, theinheritor of great David's name, "great David's greater Son."
4. Beheld, I have given Him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. Jesus Christ is a witness toyou of His Father's love. I do not know how God could show His love more fully than He does in the life and death of His Son,Jesus Christ. Christ is the great Witness of the Father's love! Behold how He loves His people in that He gives His Son todie for them! Will you not clasp hands with God across this great Sacrifice of His only-begotten Son? Let us do so, now, again,as we have often done before. "I have given Him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people." If Heleads, let us follow. If He commands, let us obey. His command is that we are to believe in His name and to be baptized inHis name-let us not be disobedient to any part of His holy will. Now comes a promise made to our great Leader, our CovenantHead-
5. Behold, You shall call a nation that You know not, and nations that knew not You shall run unto You because of the LORDYour God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for He has glorified You. That is, Jehovah has glorified Christ. It is promisedthat multitudes shall come to Him. "You shall call a nation that You know not." He never saw you in His House before. He neverknew you to fall on your knees in prayer, but He is calling even you, by His Grace and by His Gospel! You are here, tonight,and He is calling you, even you! Therefore, come to Him at once! There are some, here, who do not know Christ Jesus our Lord.They are strangers to His love and to His power to save, but the promise is that, "nations that knew not You shall run untoYou." That implies speed-it is a double quick march. Oh, that many sinners would at once run to Christ! Some who often hearthe Gospel are very slow in coming to Christ, but I pray that some of you who do not know as much of it as they do, may runto Christ at once and be saved by Him. It is a blessed thing to take Christ at the first time of asking. Love to Christ atfirst sight is the wisest kind of love that can be! May it be largely bestowed on many of you! Listen to these next words
6. 7. Seek you the LORD while He may be found, call you upon Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake His ways, and theunrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He willabundantly pardon. Hear the music of the glorious message, "He will have mercy!" "He will abundantly pardon!" Return untothe Lord and He will have mercy upon you! He will abundantly pardon you!
8, 9. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher thanthe earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Perhaps you are thinking that He cannotforgive you, that He cannot possibly mean that He will blot out your sins? But He does mean it, yes, and He is willing todo it now! Oh, that you would come to your pardoning God through Jesus Christ His dear Son!
10-13. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from Heaven, and returns not there, but waters the earth and makes it bringforth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: so shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth:it shall not return unto Me void but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for whichI sent it. For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth beforeyou into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree,and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign thatshall not be cut off. Now let us read the 136th Psalm.
Psalm 136:1-3. O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endures forever. O give thanks unto the God of gods: for Hismercy endures forever. O give thanks to the Lord of lords for His mercy endures forever. In this Psalm we have the same refrainrepeated 26 times! The words-"for His mercy endures forever," were probably intended to be taken up as a chorus by all thepeople in and round about the Temple at their solemn festivals. But though there is repetition, there is no tautology, forthe saints of God are so fond of God's praise that they can never have too much of it. I am sure that if you have ever tastedthe faithful mercy of God in Covenant with His people, you will never hear this sentence once too often! "For His mercy enduresforever" will be a sound that shall be most welcome to your ears. You will observe that, first of all, the praise is to theLord's Person-"O give thanks unto Jehovah.. .the God of gods...the Lord of lords: for His mercy endures forever." Next, thepraise turns upon His works.
4-9. To Him who alone does great wonders: for His mercy endures forever. To Him that by wisdom made the heavens: for His mercyendures forever. To Him that stretched out the earth above the waters: His mercy endures forever. To Him that made great lights,for His mercy endures forever: the sun to rule by day: for His mercy endures forever: the moon and stars to rule by night:for His mercy endures forever. In the works of Creation and in the dispensations of Providence, we have abundant proofs ofthe perpetuity of God's lovingkindness. No sooner have we experienced the blessings of the day than the mercies of the nightfollow quickly upon their heels! If we look up to the heavens, we have instances of God's mercy, there, in kindling the starsand lighting the sun and moon. And if we look upon the waters, and the land that stands above them, we still see God's lovingkindness.That man is intensely blind who can see nothing of love and kindness in Creation! You have but to open your eyes anywhereto see that the whole earth is full of the mercy of God! Still, the loudest song belongs to God's dealings with His Churchand, therefore, in the 10th verse, we come to God's deliverance of His peculiar people, His chosen Israel, in which we alsohave our share, for in Abraham's seed all the nations of the earth are blessed this day.
10-15. To Him that smote Egypt in their first-born: for His mercy endures forever: and brought out Israel from among them:for His mercy endures forever: with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for His mercy endures forever. To Him whichdivided the Red Sea into parts: for His mercy endures forever: and made Israel to pass through the midst of it: for His mercyendures forever: but overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea: for His mercy endures forever. And you and I have experienceddeliverances of the same kind! Our troubles have been overcome; our sins have been forgiven; we have been preserved by God'sgoodness and guided by His Wisdom. Let us, therefore, sing of that Covenant faithfulness and of that Immutable Truth of Godwhich have never left us!
16-18. To Him which led His people through the wilderness, for His mercy endures forever. To Him which smote great kings:for His mercy endures forever: and slew famous kings, for His mercy endures forever. We are far too slow to recall the specialmercies of God. We have, here, a bright example given us, not only to remember God's goodness in the lump, but in detail.We are, as it were, to take His mercies to pieces, that we may see fresh grounds for thanksgiving in every separate section!
19-23. Sihon king of the Amorites: for His mercy endures forever: and Og the king of Bashan: for His mercy endures forever:and gave their land for an heritage: for His mercy endures forever: even an heritage unto Israel, His servant: for His mercyendures forever. Who remembered us in our low estate: for His mercy endures forever. Here is a song for us-"Who rememberedus in our low estate." We were brought low by sin, by conviction, by ignorance, by our own powerless-ness-but, low as we were,"He remembered us in our low estate: for His mercy endures forever."-
"He sent His Son with power to save From guilt, and darkness, and the grave! Wonders of Grace to God belong, Repeat His merciesin your song." 24-26. And has redeemed us from our enemies: for His mercy endures forever. Who gives food to all flesh: forHis mercy endures forever. O give thanks unto the God of Heaven for His mercy endures forever. Thus the Psalm finishes uponits keynote-"for His mercy endures forever." May that be the keynote both of our daily song and of our eternal hymn of praiseunto the Lord! Amen.