Sermon 2400. Number 2400-or, "Escape for Your Life!"

(No. 2400)




"Escape for your life." Genesis 19:17.

THE Lord Himself said to Lot, "Escape for your life," although the command was sent by one of His chosen messengers. God hasmessengers, nowadays, and He still sends by them short, sharp, urgent, stimulating messages like this, "Escape for your life."This message was sent in love. God loved Lot and, therefore, He would save him from the impending doom of Sodom. I doubt notthat this message of love was spoken by the messenger in very solemn tones. I do not know how angels speak, but I am certainthat the very heart of the messenger was apparent in the message when he said to Lot, "Escape for your life." Whether he whisperedit in Lot's ears, or uttered it in a loud voice, I cannot tell, but anyway, I am sure that it was delivered as it ought tobe delivered and it had an immediate effect upon the man who heard it, for he was obedient to it.

Now, it may be that God has designs of love towards you who are here, who, as yet, have never fled for refuge to lay holdupon the hope set before you. Remember that the Gospel admonition comes to you fresh from God-it has been in this blessedBook for ages-but it has not grown stale! It still leaps from the mouth of God, filled with all its native energy, and thoughI who have to deliver it to you may not speak it as I would desire, for I am very feeble, I will at least speak it out ofthe very depths of my soul while I try to plead with every unconverted man or woman whom my message may reach-and this shallbe the one burden of my pleading-"Escape for your life."


He must escape from the doomed city. The angel did not propose to him that he should stop in Sodom and, beneath some shelteringarch, hide himself from the fire-shower. No, the message was, "Escape! Flee from Sodom! Escape for your life." So, to youwho are unconverted, we can bring no proposals of hope if you stay where you are! We can hold out no hope to you either inthis world or in that which is to come! Neither a lesser nor a "larger hope" do we believe in, apart from your laying holdon eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ! Stay where you are and you are doomed. Remain what you are and you must perish inthe overthrow of that City of Destruction which God will certainly burn up before long!

There was no safety for Lot where he was, so, let me say to you who are unbelieving and unconverted, there is no safety foryou in unforgiven sin. It does not matter what form your sin has taken-whether you have been a profligate or a moralist-aslong as the sin you have committed is unforgiven, there is no safety, for whether your sins are as scarlet, or, in your judgment,of a milder hue, does not affect the truth of what I say-you must be washed in the precious blood of Christ and pardoned throughHis great atoning Sacrifice received by faith, or else you will die in your sins and you will be driven to the place wherehope can never enter! If you die with your sins upon you-where death leaves you- eternity will find you! Once lost, you willbe lost forever. So, there is no safety in unforgiven sin.

And, further, there is no safety in unforsaken sin. No, you must escape for your life from every sin. The drunk cannot besaved and keep to his cups. The adulterer cannot be saved and indulge his evil passions. The thief cannot be saved and remaindishonest. The only salvation for you is salvation from your sins-and that is the salvation that we preach! How many wouldlike to be saved from the punishment due to sin, and yet to be allowed to go on in the sin! But there is nothing of that kindof teaching in the Scripture! God did not send His Son to be the Excuser or the Minister of sin, but to be the Savior fromsin! There is no hope for you if you stay in this Sodom-you must get out of it-you must clear right away from it.

Perhaps you say, "I will change my place of residence. I will go from the slums of the evil city into the cleaner and morerespectable part of it." I tell you that you have to come right out of it! You must altogether quit the region of sin. Youmust flee from the realms of iniquity or else you shall be consumed in the destruction of the city. Up and away from all sin!Up and away! Our cry is not, "Hide in a corner," or, "Shift into a better place," but, "Escape for your life!"

Again, there is no safety in unbelief. You may say, "I do not believe this," but, as the Lord lives, before whom I stand,it is true! In my own heart, soul and conscience, I know that there is a Judge of all the earth, and that He must do right,and that the day shall come when He will execute vengeance upon those who live and die in sin, for He cannot wink at iniquity.It is not in the Nature of a holy God to suffer sin to go unpunished! You may shut your eyes to this Truth of God, but itis there. You may disbelieve it, but it is there. You may ridicule it, but it is there, and you shall, before long, know itto be so! You must come out of this state of unbelief if you are to be saved! There is no salvation in unbelief. "He thatbelieves and is baptized shall be saved; he that believes not shall be damned." There is to be no flinching in this matter-Iam not sent here to please you who do not believe, or to talk with bated breath, as though I sympathized with your unbelief.I denounce it as high treason against the majesty of God and, therefore, I cry unto you, "Repent and believe the Gospel,"for if you will not, you must perish in your unbelief! "If you believe not," says Christ, "that I am He, you shall die inyour sins." There is no safety in unbelief and, therefore, we say, as the angel said to Lot, "Escape for your life."

And once more, let me remind you that there is no safety in self-righteousness. If anybody here says, "Thank God, I am nodoubter, I am no profligate, I am no open sinner," I am glad if you can truthfully say that, but still remember, if you trustin your own righteousness, you cannot be saved! You must come out of that condemned city or else you are a lost man. I spokewith one, this morning, who is, I believe, earnestly seeking salvation, and he said to me, "I have denied myself this, andI have cast away that." I was pleased to hear it, but I said to him, "You have denied these things to yourself, but have youdenied yourself? That is to say, have you left off trusting in yourself!" The hardest self-denial is to deny yourself andget right away from all confidence in your own doings, feelings and everything that comes of yourself, for you might as wellhope to be saved by your sins as by your good works! The road to Hell by human merit is as certain as the road there by humansin! If you seek to insult the Atonement of Christ by setting up your merit as though it were as good as that Atonement, orby trying to prove that you do not need that Atonement, you are just barring Heaven's gate against yourself! You must comeout of that self-righteousness if you would be saved! My only cry to you is, "Escape, escape, escape for your life, for thereis no safety for you where you are!"

II. But now, in the next place, according to this message of the angel, IF LOT IS TO BE SAVED, HE MUST RUN FOR IT AT ALL COSTS-"Escapefor your life."

First, he must leave his former comrades. Have you any jolly companions who are not Christians? "They are bright, lively fellows,"you say. But they are doing you infinite mischief-they are leading you away from God and His Christ! Break loose from them-"Escapefor your life." Though they seek to hold you back, tear yourself away from them and even leave your garment in their hands,as Joseph left his in the hands of Potiphar's wife! "Escape for your life." Quit all evil company.

Next, Lot had to leave his former comforts. For the sake of comfort, he had gone to Sodom and, doubtless, he had his housewell furnished there. But he must quit it all. Probably it was that excellent house that made Lot's wife look back- she couldhardly relinquish all those nice things of theirs even for life, itself! Beware, when you are seeking Christ, that you donot let your money or your business stand in your way! It will be better for you to enter Heaven a beggar than being a richman, to be cast into Hell! It were better for you to be as houseless as the most unpitied waif about whom the wintry windsare howling-it were better for you to die in a ditch and to be saved-than that you should live in a palace and yet, afterall, be cast into Hell fire! I charge you, be ready to give up all things, if necessary, sooner than lose your soul. "Escape,escape, escape for your life!"

Yet again, Lot must not stop to argue-and nor must you. You do not see the danger. You need more evidence. You have objections-toall of which my one solitary answer is-"Escape, escape, escape for your life!" You have not time for me to discuss your difficulties,now. When you are saved, it will be soon enough for us to argue out the moot points, but now, while the fire cloud hoversabove your head, escape for your life! Yonder drowning man will not clutch the rope until I have explained to him the doctrineof specific gravity. O Fool, what have you to do with specific gravity when you are drowning? Lay hold of the rope and live!So, there are some who must have election or predestination explained to them, or the doctrine of the human will-they musthave this, that, and the other opened up to them and made clear as daylight. I beseech you, do not be such madmen! Do nottrifle with your souls, but escape for your life! That is the one business of the present hour-see to that, first, and letother matters wait awhile till you are in a fit condition to consider them.

If Lot is to be rescued, he must, as men say, put his best foot forward. It is quite early in the morning, but before thesun has risen much higher, all Sodom and Gomorrah will be destroyed. You have already waited far too long, my unsaved Friend!Gray hairs are on you head here and there-why will you delay any longer? Did you not catch the solemn tones of our hymn-

"Hasten, sinner, to be wise,

Stay not for the morrow's sun"? We sang that line over and over again in the different verses-

"Stay not for the morrow's sun." Oh, that God would, in great mercy, press that appeal home upon you! "Escape for your life."

Lot must not sit down and take things easy-nor must you. Lot must not begin to crawl at a snail's pace and amuse himself bylooking down every side street of Sodom as he leaves it-he must run from the doomed city and you, also, by God's Grace, mustbestir yourself! You must quit your sin by repentance and lay hold of Christ by faith. God help you to do so! Oh, that mylips could speak the longing language of my heart, and cease to utter the feeble syllables that do not express half what Ifeel! How can words fully express the burning desires of a soul yearning over sinners? But if you become willing to be led,even by my feeble speech, to listen to God's almighty voice as He says to you, through me, His messenger-"Escape for yourlife."

I cannot help, just by way of parenthesis, pointing out to you the contrast between the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrahand the repentance of the Ninevites. At the command of God, Jonah went though Nineveh and this was all he had to say, "Yetforty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown." Again, and again, and again, in bitter tones, the Prophet cried, "Yet fortydays, and Nineveh shall be overthrown"-and the whole body of the Ninevites sought for mercy and found it-with nothing to helpthem to pray but this, "Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from His fierce anger, that we perish not?"Now, if you have nothing better to comfort you than this, "Who can tell?"-

"'Perhaps He will admit my plea,

Perhaps will hear my prayer,'"

why, you have good ground to go upon in approaching your God! But, Friends, you are not under such a dispensation as werethe Ninevites-I have not to cry to you, "Yet forty days, and you shall be destroyed." I have to tell you that Jesus Christcame into the world to save sinners and that whoever believes in Him has everlasting life! I have to entreat and beseech youto lay hold on eternal life by believing in the Lord Jesus. Oh, how you ought to welcome such a message as that!

If there is anybody whom I am addressing who is actually marked for death and who knows that he carries about in his bodythat which must, in a very short time, bring him to the grave. One who is well aware that he cannot recover from the incurabledisease that has seized him-yet, even that should not hinder him from seeking God's face-rather it should move him at onceto turn to Jesus! I can see a man before me now-my mind's eye can see him and I know that he must die, I am sure of it. Poorwretch, he has been a thief! His hands and both his feet are nailed up, they are bleeding from the cruel nails and, withina short time, he must die in agony. Yet I hear him cry out, as he turns his eyes on the crucified Jesus Christ, "Lord, rememberme!" He is nearly dead and almost in Hell, but he cries, "Lord, remember me," and he is saved-and today is with Christ inParadise!

Now, you who have a cancer, you who are sick and ill, you who are poor and broken down and feel as if you must soon die, youwho are as great a sinner as the dying thief was, say to Jesus, "Lord, remember me," and He will remember you! There is noreason under the earth, nor on the earth, nor in Heaven, itself-there is no supposable reason why you should not pray! Andif you pray and seek the Lord's face, you shall not come to Him in vain, for He has said, "Him that comes to Me, I will inno wise cast out." God help you to come, now, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake!

III. Now, to conclude, let me remind you that LOT HAD EVERYTHING AT STAKE and, therefore, the angel said to him, "Escape foryour life."

Suppose he had stayed in Sodom-then he would have lost all. He would not have saved his furniture, or his gold, or his silver-hewould have lost all that he had. Suppose you stop your sin-will you really save anything by it? "I shall save myself fromthought," says one. Oh, but do you think you are an ox, or a donkey, that thought should be trouble to you? Why, it surelywill be your wisdom to addict yourself to the most sedulous care about your eternal interests! Suppose there should be a cryof, "Fire!" raised in this house, tonight, as there was but a little while ago in Spitalfields- how many there are who wouldrush to the doors in a mad panic to escape for their lives! Yet, surely, the soul's life, the eternal life, is more preciousthan the life of the body! Will you not make that the first point to be considered and set-tled-for, if you could by sin gainthe whole world-yet what would it profit you when you would lose your own soul?

Again, if Lot had not fled out of Sodom, he would, himself, have perished. Not merely would his garments have been burnt,but he would have perished. Not only would his gold and his silver have melted in the fire, but he would have perished. Thatwas a true saying, though Satan uttered it, "Skin for skin, yes, all that a man has will he give for his life." And all thata man has he ought to give for his soul, for the immortal part of his being, for his higher and better nature! Why, if yoursoul is cast into Hell, it would have been better for you that you had never been born! If you neglect the Great Salvationand you die and perish in your iniquity, you have lost everything! You are not merely like a bankrupt who has lost his gold,but you have lost yourself! I beseech you, therefore, listen to me as I cry to you, in my Master's name, "'Escape for yourlife,' your immortal life, which is now in imminent danger!" Your existence will continue whether you are lost or saved, butyour life! Have you yet received eternal life at the hands of God? Your life! Will you be content to lose it and to perishin your sin?

The worst point about this story is that if Lot had not escaped, he would have perished with the men of Sodom. He could notendure them-he was vexed with their filthy conversation! How horrible, then, would it have been for him to perish with them!I cannot bear to think that some of you upright, moral people may yet be lost! You were never drunks, and yet you will perishwith the drunk unless you repent and trust in Jesus! You were never swearers, but you will be as surely damned as the blasphemerswill be unless you come to Christ! You cannot bear impurity or filthy language-there is much about you that is most amiableand excellent-but even to you, the Savior says, "You must be born again." And if you are not born again, if you have no faithin Christ, if you are not converted so as to become as little children, you will as surely perish as will the worst of men!

You sometimes read in the newspaper a horrible story of vice and crime and you wish that it had never been printed, and Iwish the same. But what must it be for you to be shut up forever with such as those who commit these unmentionable abominations?Yet there are but two places for man's eternal abode-Heaven and Hell-and if you are not saved so as to go to Heaven, wherecan you go but into the same pit with all the multitude of transgressors who shall perish in their sins? I wish that you whoare outwardly moral and upright would think of this Truth of God. It seems to me as if I ought not to further press it uponyou, for you are reasonable beings, you are not shut up in Bedlam. I pray you, therefore, run no longer such fearful risksas you have run up to now, but escape for your lives.

If Lot had been destroyed in the overthrow of Sodom, there would have been one thing about him which there would not havebeen about the race of the Sodomites, he would have perished after having been warned. When the fire-flakes began to falland Lot felt the terrible burning, he would have had this barbed dart driven into his heart-"I was told to escape. I was takenoutside the city gate. I was led to a place of vantage and charged to escape for my life. Nobody else had that opportunity-nobodyelse in these cities was called, thus, to escape! I had a special appeal made to me by the messenger of God, and I refusedit and, therefore, I shall die a self-murderer, having chosen my own delusions." O Sirs, O Sirs, if you go from this Tabernacleto Hell, it shall be hard work for you! If you perish, I will be clear of your blood. As long as this voice can speak, I willplead with you that you do not destroy yourselves!

Look at the myriads of Africa, and the millions in China and India who have never heard the Gospel! I leave their future inthe hands of God, all merciful, but they cannot enter Heaven! Neither can you! But there will be this about your doom, thatyou had the means of Grace-you had the invitations of mercy, you had the expostulations of God's Word! And you chose-you resolutelychose-to put eternal life far from you! O God, You who have made these men and women, if they have lost their reason, giveit back to them and may Your sweet Spirit teach them, now, to judge righteously! And may they at once count it to be inevitablethat every wise man should escape for his life and flee from the wrath to come!

I shall not detain you much longer, for surely I have said enough. Only this much must be added before I close. There wasa special favor in the case of Lot, for Abraham had prayed for him. I should not wonder if some here present are receivinga warning from me just now because someone else has been praying for them. Abraham had prayed for Sodom and, of course, especiallyfor Lot and, therefore, God's messenger must go to bring Lot out of the doomed city. At this moment, while I am speaking,your mother is praying for you. While I am preaching, your wife is praying for you. Some of you have been made the subjectsof special and particular prayer-you know that it is so! She who is now in Heaven never ceased to pray for you as long asshe was here-and her many prayers-shall they not be now answered? They are undying prayers, though she who breathed them haslong been dead-they still live in the Presence of God! Has He not sent His messenger, on that account, to bring you out ofthe City of Destruction? Here! Here! Let me grasp your hand and let us, together, flee from the wrath to come and run to yonderCross where there is safety, for none ever looked to the Christ that bled thereon and looked in vain! I feel impressed thatthere are some persons to whom this message is a peculiar answer to very special prayers that have gone up to God on theirbehalf.

This message will, I trust, come to them as a special warning, as the Lord's messengers reached Lot in a mysterious way. Howcame those angels in Sodom to tell Lot to escape for his life? How very oddly people are brought where the message of salvationis proclaimed! You did not intend to be in the Tabernacle, tonight, did you? You had an engagement to be somewhere else, buthere you are, and you have never been here before! Yesterday you would not even have dreamt of being here tonight-but hereyou are! To what end are you here? God has, in a mysterious way, brought you here to look in the face of this man who caresfor your soul and who says to you in the name of God, "I beseech you, escape for your life!"

Then, again, this message came to Lot at a special time-on the morning in which the city was to be destroyed. An hour later,it would have been too late. I sometimes feel an awful solemnity creeping over me as I stand in this place, because I knowmany things which I cannot tell you about the strange way in which God speaks here. You remember that just before I went awayfor my rest, I told you the story of the godless young man who left his father's house? He was going to Australia, followedby his parents' prayers. It was Sunday night-he was about to sail on Wednesday and he thought that he would spend the Sundayevening here in this house, as he knew that it would please his mother. Better, still, it pleased God that night to touchhis heart and, we trust, to save his soul!

I put into the "Personal Notes" in The Sword and the Trowel for December, the letter that he wrote home to his parents tellingthem how God had met with their prodigal boy. That letter reached them only a few hours before a telegram arrived, sayingthat the vessel had been run into at Graves End and the young man and five others had been drowned! Oh, what a mercy that,just a few hours before he had to meet his God, his God met with him! I may be speaking to some others who are in just thesame position, just on the borders of eternity-I cannot tell. You know that it is but two or three Sunday nights ago sinceone of our Brothers sat over yonder, in the last pew in the middle. He came into the Tabernacle, covered his face for prayer,and immediately died. We had to delay the service, you remember, while he was quietly carried away.

He was a child of God, but suppose it had been some of you? Suppose it were some of you tonight? What would become of you?God save you even now! Do not run any more risks. There is but a step between you and death, a step between you and Hell ifyou are unbelievers! Therefore, escape for your lives, and escape tonight-

"Stay not for the morrow's sun." God help you to have done with delaying and to feel that you must and will run away to theLord Jesus Christ at once! Put your soul into His hands and if you do, He gives you this guarantee , "None shall pluck youfrom My hands." Your soul will be safe enough in His keeping! If I take my money to the bank, it is credited to my account.What do I do, then? Do I loaf about and, at last say to the clerk, "Is that money safe?" He would think that my mind was alittle wandering!

Sometime ago there was a bank in France to which there came a man who had put in some thousand francs or so, and he said tothe banker, "Have you got my thousand francs?" "Yes, certainly. Do you want the money?" "I should like to see it," he said."Well, here is a thousand francs," and he laid them down before him on the counter. "Thank you," he said, "I do not know thatI want to take the cash, now-it is there, alright, so I am satisfied." The next morning, he came in again and he wanted, oncemore, to see his money. I believe that the banker cut the connection and told him that he did not need such a customer asthat to bank with him. If he could not trust the banker with his money, he had better take it home with him.

Now, if you cannot trust Christ with your souls, go and save yourselves! But if you can trust Christ, put away all those foolishdoubts, fears and anxieties, and say-

"Firm as His throne His promise stands, And He can wel secure What I've committed to His hands Till the decisive hour! Thenwill He own my worthless name Before His Father's face, And in the New Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place."

Finally, the reason why the angel's message had such power with Lot was that God, Himself, was in it. That gave it a specialpressure and I have been praying that God, Himself, may be in my message, now-that He may speak, gently speak, and powerfullyspeak to many of you! You will scarcely know why it is, but you will say, "I never felt like this before. I will arise andgo unto my Father. I will repent of my sin. I will look to Jesus, the Crucified Savior, God helping me! But why am I sayingthis? Why do I feel thus softened, I who used to be hard as steel? Why am I moved to this surrender of myself to my Savior?"

It will be the sweet Spirit of the blessed God gently working upon your heart and graciously inclining you to yield yourselfto the Lord! I pray that it may be so, even now, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.


Genesis 18:17-19. And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mightynation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him, that he will command his children and hishousehold after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abrahamthat which He has spoken of him. Abraham is called, "the friend of God." It was not merely that God was his Friend-that wasblessedly true and it was a great wonder of Grace-but he was honored to be called, "the friend of God"-one with whom God couldhold sweet converse, a man after His own heart, in whom He trusted, to whom He revealed His secrets. I am afraid there arenot many men of Abraham's sort in the world just now, but, wherever there is such a man with whom God is familiar, he willbe sure to be one who orders his household aright! If the Lord is my Friend, and if I am, indeed, His friend, I shall wishHim to be respected by my children, and I shall endeavor to dedicate my children to His service. I fear that the decline offamily godliness, which is so sadly prevalent in these days, is the source of a great many of the crying sins of the age!The Church of God at large would have been more separate from the world if the little church in each man's house had beenmore carefully trained for God. If you want the Lord to confide in you and to trust you with His secrets, you must see thatHe is able to say of you what He said of Abra-ham-"he will command his children and his household after him."

20-22. And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will godown, now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto Me; and if not, I willknow. And the men turned their faces from there, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD. He was in nohurry to close that blessed interview-when he had once come into the Lord's immediate Presence, he lingered there. Those whoare friends of God like to be much in their Lord's company!

23. And Abraham drew near. There is nothing like coming very close to God in prayer. "Abraham drew near." He was about touse his influence with his great Friend-not for himself, but for these men of Sodom who were going to be destroyed. Happyare those who, when they are near to God, use the opportunity in pleading for others, yes, even for the most wicked and abandonedof men.

23-25. And said, Will You also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Perhaps there are fifty righteous within the city: willYou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from You to do after this manner,to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from You. Shall not theJudge of all the earth do right? Abraham bases his argument upon the Justice of God! And when a man dares to do that, it ismighty pleading, for, depend upon it, God will never do an unjust thing! If you dare to plead His Righteousness, His InfallibleJustice, you plead most powerfully!

26-30. And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes: perhapsthere shall lack five of the fifty righteous: will You destroy all the city for lack of five? And He said, If I find thereforty and five, I will not destroy it. And he spoke unto Him yet again, and said, Perhaps there shall be forty found there.And He said, I will not do it for forty's sake. And he said unto Him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Perhapsthere shall thirty be found there. And He said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there. This time the Patriarch has advancedby ten-before, it was by fives. Pleading men grow bolder and braver in their requests! A man who is very familiar with Godwill, by-and-by, venture to say that, which, at the first, he would not have dared utter!

31, 32. And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Perhaps there shall be twenty found there. AndHe said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake. And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but thisonce: Perhaps ten shall be found there. And He said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake. He went no farther than to pleadthat Sodom might be spared if 10 righteous persons could be found in it. I have heard some say that it was a pity Abrahamdid not go on pleading with God, but I would not dare to say so. He knew better when to begin and when to leave off than youand I do! There are certain restraints in prayer which a man of God cannot explain to others, but which he, nevertheless,feels. God moves His servants to pray in a certain case and they pray with great liberty and manifest power. Another casemay seem to be precisely like it, yet the mouth of the former suppliant is shut, and in his heart he does not feel that hecan pray as he did before. Do I blame the men of God? Assuredly not! The Lord deals wisely with His servants and He tellsthem, by gentle hints, which they quickly understand, when and where to stop in their supplications.

33. And the LORD went His way, as soon as He had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place. We knowthat the angels went down to Sodom, where they were received by Lot and despitefully used by the Sodomites. We will continueour reading at the 12th verse of the next chapter.

Genesis 19:12. And the men said unto Lot, Have you here any besides? Son-in-law, and your sons, and your daughters, and whatever you havein the city, bring them out of this place. Let me bid every Christian to look about him, among all his kith and kin, to seewhich of them yet remain unconverted! Let your prayers go up for them all-"Son-in-law, and your sons, and your daughters."

13, 14. For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hassent us to destroy it. And Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you outof this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law. "The old man isin his dotage," they said, "he always was peculiar. He never acted like the rest of the citizens. He came in here as a strangerand he has always been strange in his behavior."

15, 16. And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take your wife, and your two daughters, whichare here; lest you be consumed in the iniquity of the city. And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and uponthe hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the LORD being merciful unto him; and they brought him forthand set him outside the city. I have always felt pleased to think that there were just hands enough to lead out these fourpeople, Lot, his wife and their two daughters. Had there been one more, there would have been no hand to lay hold of the fifthperson-but these two angels, with their four hands, could just lead these four persons outside the doomed city. God will alwayshave agents enough to save His elect-there shall be sufficient Gospel preaching, even in the darkest and deadest times-tobring His redeemed out of the City of Destruction! God will miss none of His own.

17. And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for your life; look not behind you,neither stay you in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest you be consumed. Perhaps the old man's legs trembled underhim. He felt that he could not run so far and, besides, the mountain seemed so bleak and dreary he could not quite quit theabodes of men.

18-21. And Lot said unto them, Oh, not so, my lords. Behold now, Your servant has found grace in your sight, and you havemagnified your mercy, which you have shown unto me in saying my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some eviltake me, and I die: behold now, this city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one: Oh, let me escape there, (is it nota little one?) and my soul shall live. And he said unto him, See, I have accepted you concerning this thing, also, that Iwill not overthrow this city, for you have spoken. I think that I have said to you before that this sparing of Zoar is aninstance of the cumulative power of prayer. I may liken Abraham's mighty pleading to a ton weight of prayer-supplication thathad a wonderful force and power! Lot's petition is only like an ounce of prayer. Poor little Lot, what a poor little prayerhis was! Yet that ounce turned the scale. So, it may be that there is some mighty man of God who is near to prevailing withGod, but he cannot quite obtain his request-but you, poor feeble pleader that you are-shall add your feather's weight to hisgreat intercession and then the scale will turn! This narrative always comforts me! I think that Zoar was preserved, not somuch by the prayer of Lot, as by the greater prayer of Abraham which had gone before, yet the mighty intercession of the friendof God did not prevail until it was supported by the feeble petition of poor Lot.

22. Hasten you, escape there. The hand of Justice was held back until God's servant was safe. There can be no destructionof the world, there can be no pouring out of the last plagues, there can be no total sweeping away of the ungodly until, firstof all, the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads and taken to a place of security! The Lord will preserve His own.He lets the scaffold stand until the building is finished-then it will come down fast enough.

22-28. For I cannot do anything till you are come there. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. The sun was risenupon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORDout of Heaven; and He overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grewupon the ground. But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. And Abraham got up early in themorning to the place where he stood before the LORD: and he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of theplain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace. What must Abraham's meditations havebeen! What should be the meditations of every godly man as he looks towards Sodom and sees the smoke of its destruction? Itmight do some men great good if they would not persistently shut their eyes to the doom of the wicked. Look, look, I prayyou, upon that place of darkness and woe where every impenitent and unbelieving spirit must be banished forever from the Presenceof the Lord! Look till the tears are in your eyes as you thank God that you are rescued from so terrible a doom! Look tillyour heart melts with pity for the many who are going the downward road and who will eternally ruin themselves unless almightyGrace prevents!