Sermon 2373. The Weary Dove's Return

(No. 2373)




"But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot and she returned into the ark to him, for the waters were on the faceof the whole earth. So he put out his hand and took her, and drew her into the ark to himself." Genesis 8:9.

NOAH knew that God would, in due time, let him out of the ark. He was quite sure that the Lord had not put him into the arkto make a great coffin of it-that he and all those living creatures that went in with him should perish there. And, becausehe believed in God, he, therefore, removed the covering of the ark and looked abroad, expecting, by-and-by, to see not onlythe tops of the mountains, but also a dry and green earth once more. True faith often goes to the window. If your faith turnsher face to the wall and expects nothing, I do not think it is genuine faith. Faith has eyes and, therefore, she looks afaroff, and she often watches as the watchman of the night looks for the gray dawn of the morning. You remember the story ofthe child who went to a Prayer Meeting which was called together to pray for rain? She expected that God would send the rain,so she took her umbrella with her because she needed to get home dry. I wish that you and I had learned the same simple artof faith. Having prayed, and having believed, let us expect! Let us open the window and look out! God never failed an expectantpeople, yet, but a great many of His people fail to expect. And if you do not expect, you are not likely to receive! Davidsaid, "My soul, wait only upon God, for my expectation is from Him." And when your expectation is from Him, it will not bedisappointed. It is a great pity when we keep the shutters up so that we cannot look out of the window to see the dry land.

Next, because Noah expected the earth to be dry, he sent out the raven. And when the raven did not answer his purpose, hesent out the dove. After the dove came back with no tidings, he waited seven days and then sent her out again. And when shereturned with only an olive leaf in her mouth, he waited seven more days and then sent her out again. Oh, dear Friends, oftensend out your doves! Be looking for blessings! You have asked for them-God has promised to give them-send out your doves tosee whether the blessings are not there! And if you do so constantly and perseveringly, verily, I say unto you, you shallhave your reward!

Still, notice that Noah, when he had the best evidence that he could get that the earth was dry, did not dare to go out ofthe ark till God opened the door. So, gather all the information you possibly can about your position and act according tothe rules of commonsense. But, after you have done that, still wait upon God! When you know from your ravens and your dovesthat the earth is getting dry, do not come out till He that shut the door opens it for you. Dear people of God, I wish thatwe had more of that old habit of looking to Providence! We have become so wise, nowadays, that we do not require the fiery-cloudypillar! We run without Divine guidance, but, mark you, we often have to run back, again. We are guests at the table of Providenceand if we will let God carve for us, our plate will always have plenty of food on it-but if we get to carving for ourselves,we shall cut our fingers-and not cut much else! And we shall have great cause to be ashamed that, instead of trusting God,we took to trusting ourselves! Do not trust your raven or your dove, trust your God! And if you go where He guides you, youwill go the right way, even if it should be a rough way. And you will have to say, "Surely, goodness and mercy shall followme all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Now, to come a little closer to the text and to what we are about to say upon it. I do not know where the raven rested, whetherhe did, as some suppose, alight on the corpses floating on the flood, which I hardly think is likely, for

God was preparing the earth for Noah to come back to it, and He would not leave it strewn with carcasses, as some have imagined.Whether the raven returned to the ark, but refused to come in, or whether it found a resting place on the slimy boughs oftrees, or on the tops of the mountains, which we are told began to be visible, I cannot tell. This, I do know, that, whereverthe raven rested, the dove could not do so-there was no clean place fit for the dove's clean nature. So it had to return tothe ark and when, weak and weary, it could hardly reach the ark, being heavy with the damp, perhaps mired with the filthywater into which it may have fallen in its weariness-while just able to get as far as the ark-it might have perished in thewaters had not Noah perceived his little bird coming to the window. I suppose he was already there looking out for her andhe stretched forth his hand, and caught her, and pulled her in, and she was safe in the ark again.

There are three lessons which I am going to try to teach you from this simple little incident. I. The first is, that THUSGOD RECEIVES HIS SERVANTS. He receives them unto Himself, just as Noah received this dove into the ark.

Upon this I remark, first, that sometimes God's servants wander. How I wish that they never did! Oh, that we so loved ourNoah that we never left Him and never went away from Him who is our Rest! We are tempted and the flesh is frail. Oh, how sadlyhave some good men wandered! We speak this to our shame. We make no excuse for ourselves. We have wandered like silly doves-wehave left the place of peace and safety and joy-and we have gone abroad, flying, we know not where! Perhaps I speak to somesuch at this time.

Now, if you are one of Christ's doves, you will never rest till you go back to Him. Time was when you could have found pleasurein the ways of sin, but you cannot do so now. You may try to find it, but you cannot. When you were a raven, you might havedone so, but now that the Holy Spirit has made a dove of you, you are spoilt for the raven's ways. When a true child of Godwanders into sin at any time, and goes back to the old haunts, he thinks to himself, "I used to enjoy myself in this placeof amusement. I used to make merry with such and such company. The pipe and the bowl were once like Heaven on earth to me.But now," he says, "I do not know how it is, but these things seem so vapid, so empty. There is not the life, there is notthe vivacity about them that I knew in my younger days. It seems to be all a more hollow sham, now." Ah, my Friend, it isnot these things that have altered-it is you that the Grace of God has changed! If God means you to live in Heaven, you shallnever find your Heaven in this world! If He has chosen you to be His, and means you to be His, and has put His Spirit withinyou, you must be always restless till you come back and find rest in Him.

"May I come back?" says one. May you come back? Your Noah is at the window waiting for you! Speed towards Him with both yourwings! Rest not till He puts forth His hand to you and grasps you, and draws you into Himself. "But will He have me? WillHe have me again?" O bird of the weary wing, He is not weary of you! O bird of the wet wing that has been soiled in the filthyflood, He will not reject you! He washed you once-He will wash you again! He waits to be gracious! Jesus loves to receivebacksliders. It is the joy of His heart, not only to make a sheep out of a goat, but to find one of His sheep that has goneastray! Not only to adopt a stranger into His family, but to restore the prodigal son! That is the meaning of that parable-itis the backslider's parable. Oh, that you would understand it and know that the infinite mercy of God is as ready to receivea returning backslider as Noah was to receive his wandering dove!

Now I will turn to another point. The dove in this narrative was not to blame, for it had not gone astray, but Noah sent itout and, every now and then, the Lord Jesus sends a dove of His to go and spy out the world. It is a business upon which wemust go if He sends us. Now, what is our report of the world? Our report is that there is nothing in the world upon whichwe can rest the sole of our foot. The world is said to be progressing, advancing, improving, but we cannot discover it. Thesame sin, the same filthiness, the same universally abounding unbelief that our fathers complained of, we are obliged to complainof still! And we are weary with the world, weary with the 19th Century and all its boasted civilization. There is nothingupon which the sole of our foot can rest.

"What of the Church?" asks one. Well, look at the Church, too. There is nothing to rest on. There is much for which to bethankful, but there is nothing that can content a spirit that seeks after the Truth of God and holiness. I speak what I know,for with weary wings have I fled across the waters, and with anxious eyes have I scanned the horizon, but there is no placeof rest for the sole of my foot! What then? What then? Is the servant of God weary with his flight? See what Noah did to thedove, for this is what the Lord will do to His servant-"he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him intothe ark." O dear child of God, if you cannot rest in the Church, you can rest in Christ! If you cannot

rest in the world, you can rest in the Lord! "He pulled her in unto him." It is a delicious sensation to get away from allmen and all things to Christ, Himself. He never seems so sweet as when all else is bitter! He never appears so substantialas when all else melts before you. "He pulled her in unto him." She had done her work; she had taken her flight; she had madeher investigation. Now she has come back and she is in his bosom. "He pulled her in unto him." May that be the portion ofall my dear friends in Christ who at this time feel heavy about the signs of the times! May the Lord draw you into nearer,dearer, sweeter fellowship with Himself than you have ever enjoyed before, and this will be your best reward!

Again, to give another case, the Lord's servants are sometimes sent forth that they may bring something back with them. YouSunday school teachers go out on the Sabbath hoping to bring some child back with you. You street-preachers (and may yournumber be multiplied!) are trying to bring something or somebody to Jesus! Workers of different sorts who are here, tonight,you go flying abroad to try to find someone for Jesus. It may be that you have not picked up even an olive leaf, yet-not one"son of peace" has, at present, received your benediction. Well, this dove was welcome though she brought nothing back. Shecame back with nothing in her mouth the first time, but then we read, "Noah put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled herin unto him into the ark."

What, though no child is saved as yet? What, though no hearer in the street has responded to the invitation of love? What,though you have labored in vain and spent your strength for nothing? You are accepted of your God if you have done your best,trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit and, tonight He pulls you in unto Himself. If you are weary, O Martha, come and sitwith Mary! If you are encumbered with the serving, come and be refreshed with the communing! After all, you can, perhaps,glorify your Lord more by receiving than by giving. You shall find it more blessed to yourself to receive Christ than if youcould bring a soul to Him-He can make it to be so if He pleases. At any rate, your hope of going out, again, and bringingin an olive leaf, by-and-by, will lie in your coming in, now, and getting in unto your Noah and resting on Him until He sendsyou out again!

Only one more observation will I make on this first point and it shall be a very brief one. As far as I can see, this dovewas sent out in the morning and she came back in the evening-and Noah pulled her in unto him. Brothers, let that be a pictureof every day in your lives. When you wake in the morning, perhaps the factory bell is ringing. At any rate, it is time foryou to be off to business. You must think about your business. Perhaps yours is a work that is mental. You must give yourmind to it, so all day long you feel like the dove flying abroad. Well, take good heed that when the sun goes down, you makeyour way back home to your Lord! Lock up your heart every morning before you go out and give Christ the key to keep till youcome home. And then, when He opens it at night, the sweet perfume that you had in the morning will be there in the evening!It is best if we can keep up our thoughts of Christ all day long, but perhaps we cannot-then let the dove, that flew awayin the morning, be sure to fly back at night! It is where you go when the day's toil is done that tells what sort of a manyou are!

I think I have, before now, used the simile of the crows. You cannot tell where the crows live early in the morning- theyare out on the land following the plow. Farther on in the day they are inspecting a field of turnips, perhaps, watching tosee if they can find a fly or a worm. Where do they live? Wait until the evening, when they get together, and then you willsee that they make a straight line for those tall trees where their nests are! Where do your thoughts go at night? Where dothey go when your day's toil is done? When you have done with the business of the day, which is like the crows picking upthe worms, which way do you go? That shows where your soul lives, so take care that in the evening you make your way backto your Noah. Oh, how sweetly does Christ come to us in our evening prayer and put out His hand and pull us in unto Himself-andwe rest once more-

"As in the embraces of our God, Or on our Savior's breast."

Thus have I spoken to you upon my first division, showing that God receives His servants as Noah received the dove.

II. I will now go on to the second part of my subject which is equally practical and will be useful to another class of people.THIS IS WHAT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST DOES TO SINNERS. I have spoken, first, of His servants. Now I want to speak of sinnerswho are seeking His face.

Note, then, that the Lord Jesus Christ does not despise the condition of the sinner who comes to Him. I have imagined thatthis dove might have fouled its wings. Certainly it was not the beauty that it was when Noah sent it out in the morn-ing-buthe did not, therefore, refuse to take it into the ark. It was very weary and ready to drop into the waters, yet

Noah did not refuse it, but there he stood, at the open window, to meet it when it came! And you feel very foul, very unworthy,very unfit, and very unsafe-nevertheless, Jesus Christ will not refuse you! Whatever your condition may be, He casts out nonewho come to Him. Come as you are! Come even though you feel that you cannot come! Come anyway, for He will not reject you.

The first thing that Noah did with this dove was to display his power-"He put forth his hand." I have known the Lord displayHis power very remarkably when poor souls have been coming to Him, putting forth His hand, sometimes in Providence, doingsome extraordinary thing to bring them to decision. Sometimes He has used a sermon, or a stray word from some gracious soul,or He has put forth the power of His hand in the preaching of His Word. Sometimes He has used a religious book, or a littletract as His agent. It has not mattered what the instrumentality has been, it is the power which God has put forth which hasbeen the means of laying hold upon the coming sinner! Sometimes there has been no book and no sermon, but the Holy Spirit,without any apparent means, has made an impression upon the conscience and upon the heart. There has come over the sinner,when he has begun to seek the Lord, a singular melting power, a feeling of solemnity such as he never had before. He cannotunderstand it. He seems to be on the borders of a new world. He hears the chimes of bells which he never heard before, ringingout of invisible places, and summoning him to his God! I know what this experience means and I pray that some of you may knowit-that just now, at this very moment-our blessed Noah may put forth His hand to you poor fluttering doves! You cannot doanything, but Jesus can! You cannot save yourselves, but He can save you, even as Noah put forth his hand and saved the dovefrom perishing.

Then we read, next, that Noah took the dove, seized her, captured her, held her. That is what my Lord does. Jesus takes holdof sinners. Oh, that He might get a blessed hold of some of you, tonight! I have sometimes thought that Noah stood somethinglike this [leaning forward, with hands outstretched,] looking out of the window, and when the dove came back and was readyto drop, he caught her between his hands, as one would tenderly hold a dove, encompassing her, and then he pulled her in untohim. What a blessing it is when the Gospel of Christ seems to surround you and you get a hand beneath you, and a hand aboveyou, and you feel as if Christ had laid hold of you and was leading you joyfully captive! Some of you remember when that happenedto you-when the hand of Jesus was first held out, and then was put round about you-and you were taken prisoner and held ingracious bondage to the love and power of Christ!

Then we read that, "He pulled her in," and thus Jesus draws in sinners. There is something of a pull needed. Oh, what blessedpulls the Lord sometimes gives to bring sinners to decision and put an end to their hesitancy! They want to wait a littlelonger, but the Lord Jesus will not have it! Providence and Grace end their delays. They are very fearful, fluttering likethis dove, afraid of her best friend, but the Lord Jesus Christ gives a pull that ends their fears and kills their despair.They are His and His powerful love wins the day! Sometimes, it is ignorance that keeps sinners back from Christ, for God'sdoves are often very silly creatures. They do not know the way into the ark. They miss the window. But Jesus does with themas Noah did with the dove-"He pulled her in." I hope I am not talking beyond the experience of many of you, or, if I am, Ipray my Master to make this to be your experience even now. May these poor simple words of mine induce some of you to cometo Christ at once! Why will you perish? Why will you delay? Why not be pulled in tonight, even as the dove was pulled in byNoah? I cannot pull you in. I would if I could, but Jesus can! And He cannot be less willing to bless you than I am!

Notice where Christ draws sinners. Noah pulled the dove in unto himself and that is what Christ does with His poor flutteringdoves! He draws them to Himself. You say that you need a lot of things. No you do not-you only need Jesus. If you have Him,you have everything! You need to be pulled into peace, to joy, to holiness, to rest. Yes, but what you really need is to bepulled into Jesus and you will get all the other blessings! Drawn to His wounds, poor doves, you shall find your hiding place!Drawn to His wounds, poor doves, you shall find the truest cleansing! This is what your Master must do for you, even as Noahpulled the dove in unto himself.

And when he had pulled her into himself, then she was in the ark and she soon found other doves. Thus, Jesus draws sinnersin unto salvation. When He draws a man to Himself, then He draws Him to the Church and he comes where he shall meet with fitsociety that shall console him and help him during the rest of his days. I cannot preach as I would, but I know that I amtelling you that which, if my Lord will but bless it, will save and comfort your souls! I pray Him to put me on one side,altogether, and to come-and with His own pierced hands pull you in unto Himself!

III. So I finish with this third point. THAT WHICH JESUS DOES TO HIS SERVANTS AND TO SINNERS, HE WOULD HAVE US DO. Now, youpeople of God, listen to me, and do what I now entreat of you in my Master's name.

In the first place, look out for souls. Now, Noah, go to the window! There is that dove, you know, fluttering some-where-goand look out for it, go to the window, Noah! He does not need to be told to go, for there he is. Noah loves his dove, so heis watching for her at the window. Dear people of God, often go to the window! In your families look for the salvation ofyour children. In your workshops look for the salvation of your employees and those with whom you work! Perhaps that is anew thought to some of you. If you can get them to work for a little less money, you look out for that, but oh, that you wouldlook out for their salvation! To see your employees saved is the best profit that you can, any of you, have! Watch for theirsouls and do so, not only at home, but when you come to your place of worship. We have friends in this Tabernacle who arelooking all over the place while I am speaking. I do not say that they are not attending to my message, but I do not thinkthey are attending so much to my words as to those to whom I am speaking! I have frequently seen a Brother making his wayvery quietly down to a certain spot where he has noticed some of you sitting very attentively, some newcomers, perhaps, whohave never been here before, and it is more than likely that he will speak to some of you before this service is over.

I hope somebody will ask you whether you are saved and, if so, you will begin to find that there are some who desire to bringyou into close quarters! I think that it ought to be so. I cannot bear the thought of your coming here without getting a blessing.I have to fire the Gospel cannon from this platform-it is loaded with grape shot and it often does great execution-yet manyof you may not be hit that way, but, happily, my friends can come to you with their little pocket pistols and so reach manywhom I miss! Get to close quarters with them, Brothers and Sisters! Find out whether they are saved or not! We need a greatdeal of this kind of work. Now then, Noah, go to the window and look out-be you an old Christian or a young Christian-be onthe look out for sinners!

Noah goes to the window and, sure enough, there is his dove. Then Noah stretches out his hands, as I want you to do. Stretchout a hand to sinners. Do it very gently, for doves are not bears, you know-the souls of men are not like the skins of tigers.Stretch out your hands to sinners, but do it in a very loving and gentle way. Try, if you can, to let them see that thereis a friend near who will be happy to help them to Christ. Stretch out your hands and if you can, lay hold of them. I do notknow how Noah caught his dove, whether by the wings, or the legs, or the neck, but he did catch her, and pulled her into theark. Now try if you can to lay hold of a soul for Christ-get a firm grip on it! This is not child's play! He that can catchdoves with his hands is a wise man and he that would win souls must be wise. Try to catch souls, if you can, but do it gently.Remember that they are doves and, therefore, be very tender and very gentle with them. But, being doves, they are apt to flyaway-therefore hold them fast-and do not let them go.

Perhaps they will not like you to touch them. Never mind that-go on as mildly and lovingly as you can, yet do seek to givethem a pull and do not rest until they are with you in the ark, that is to say, till they are in Christ! Till they are trustingHim, till they are resting in Him, till His precious blood has washed them and they are saved, as you trust you are!

I do not think that we are half earnest enough in dealing with our fellow men. I remember a young man who, when dying, saidto his brother, "I am afraid I am lost, my brother, and I cannot help saying to you, 'Why were you not more earnest aboutmy salvation?'" His elder brother answered, "John, I have spoken to you once or twice about your soul." "Once or twice!" repliedthe other, "You ought to have been always at me." "Well, but I did frequently speak to you about Divine things." "But," saidhe, "if you knew that I was perishing, why did you not shake me? Why did you not do something unusual with me? Why did younot weep over me? Why did you not force me to think? My soul is lost and you have shown but very little care about it."

Perhaps that was a very hard thing to say, and an unkind thing, and a self-excusing thing, but do you not think that somepeople might say that of you and of me? We have never been earnest enough in seeking the salvation of their souls. Mr. RowlandHill's story about this matter is a good one. He said, "I hear them say that poor old Mr. Hill makes a great noise and oftenshouts when he is preaching, the poor old gentleman gets quite excited." "Yes," added Mr. Hill, "and I was one day walkingout at Wotton-under-Edge, and I was going by a gravel pit, or a chalk pit, and it fell in and buried a man. And I went runningdown into the village as fast as ever my old legs would carry me, crying out that there was a

man likely to be buried alive-and the people rushed out to try to save him! And they did not say, then, as they do, now, 'Poorold Mr. Hill is making a deal of noise.'"

Oh, that we were as earnest about the souls of men as we can sometimes be about their bodies! Do try, then, you who love theLord, to pull them in, even as Noah pulled the dove in unto himself into the ark.

I leave the text with you. When I cannot preach, I always wish that all of you may be preaching. If the preacher seems tospeak feebly, take up what he has said and work at it, and go and do better with it. And if you will do so, it will be betterthan if I, alone, had done better. The Lord bless you, for Jesus Christ's sake! Amen.


1. And God remembered Noah. Noah had been shut up in the ark for many a day and, at the right time, God thought of him, practicallythought of him and came to visit him. Dear Heart, you have been shut out from the world, now, for many days, but God has notforgotten you. God remembered Noah and He remembers you.

1. And every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark. Does God remember cattle? Then He will certainlyremember men made in His own image! He will remember you, though you think yourself the most worthless one on the face ofthe earth! "God remembered Noah and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark."

1. And God made a wind to pass over the earth and the waters subsided. Winds and waves are wholly under God's control. I supposethat this was a very drying wind, so the waters began to turn to vapor and gradually to disappear. It is God who sends thewinds. They seem most volatile and irregular, but God sends them to do His bidding. Blow it east, or blow it west, the windcomes from God! And whether the waters increase or are subsided, it is God's doing. Are the waters very deep with you, dearFriend? God can dry them up and, amazingly enough, he can stop one trouble with an-other-he can dry up the water with thewind. I have known Him act very strangely with His people and when they thought they were quite forgotten, He has proved thatHe remembered them, and both the winds of Heaven and the waters of the sea have had to work their good! There is not an angelin Heaven but God will make him to be a servant to you if you need him-there is not a wind in any quarter of the globe butGod will guide it to you if it is necessary-and there are no waves of the sea but shall obey the Lord's will concerning you.

2. The fountains, also, of the deep and the windows of Heaven were stopped, and the rain from Heaven was restrained. God worksupwards and stops the windows of Heaven. He works downwards and stops the breaking up of the fountains of the deep-

"He everywhere has sway,

And all things serve His might." Be not afraid! He can open the windows of Heaven and pour down abundant blessings for you,and He can let down the cellar-flaps of the great deep and stop its flowing fountains-

"When He makes bare His arm,

What shall His work withstand?" 3-5. And the waters returned from of the earth continually: and after the end of the hundredand fifty days, the waters were abated. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, uponthe mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first dayof the month, were the tops of the mountains seen. God told Noah when to go into the ark, but He did not tell him when heshould come out again. The Lord told Noah when to go in, for it was necessary for him to know that, but He did not tell himwhen he should come out, for it was not necessary that he should know that. God always lets His people know what is practicallyfor their good. There are many curious points on which we should like to have information, but God has not revealed them,and when He has not revealed anything, we had better not try to unravel the mystery! No good comes of prying into unre-vealedTruths of God. Noah knew that he would come out of the ark one day, for was he not preserved there to be a seed-to keep therace alive? Noah was not told when he would be released and the Lord does not tell you when your trouble will come to an end.It will come to an end, therefore wait and be patient, but do not want to know the time of your deliverance. We would knowtoo much if we knew all that will happen in the future. It is quite enough for us if we do our duty in the present-and trustGod for the rest.

Still, I think that Noah must have been very pleased when he felt the ark grating, at last, on the mountains of Ararat. Hecould not build a dock for his big ship, but God had prepared a berth for it on the mountain side. Now, as he looked out,he could see, here and there, a mountaintop rising like an island out of the great expanse of water.

6, 7. And it came to pass at the end offorty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: and he sent fortha raven, which went forth, to and fro. Sometimes alighting on the ark, then flying away again.

7-10. Until the waters were dried up from of the earth. Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abatedfrom off the face of the ground; but the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark,for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand and took her, and pulled her in unto him intothe ark. And he stayed yet another seven days. I wonder whether Noah sent out these creatures on the Sabbath mornings. Themention of seven days and the resting in between seems to look like it. Oh, dear Friends, sometimes people send out a ravenon the Lord's-Day morning and it never brings them anything. Send out a dove, rather than a raven! Come to the House of Godwith quiet, gentle, holy expectation and your dove will come back to you! It may be that it will bring you something worthbringing one of these days, as Noah's dove brought to him.

10, 11. And again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; and the dove came unto him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouthwas an olive leaf pluck off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. The waters were abated as far asthe fruit trees-not only the tallest forest trees, but some of the fruit trees were uncovered from the water. The dove hadplucked off "an olive leaf." Perhaps you have seen a picture of the dove carrying an olive branch in its mouth, which, inthe first place, a dove could not pluck out of the tree and, in the second place, a dove could not carry an olive branch evenif she could pluck it off. It was an olive leaf, that is all. Why cannot people keep to the Words of Scripture? If the Biblementions a leaf, they make it a branch, and if the Bible says it is a branch, they make it a leaf.

12. And he stayed yet another seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more. Noah couldread something from that leaf that the dove brought to him, but he learned more when she did not return to him. He knew thatshe had found a proper resting place and that the earth was clear of the flood!

13. And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters weredried up from off the earth. That was a happy New Year's day for Noah! He was glad to find himself at rest once more, thoughnot yet at liberty.

13. And Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry. Why did not Noah comeout? Well, you see, he had gone in by the door and he meant to come out by the door. And He that opened the door for him,and shut him in, must now open the door for him and let him out. He waits God's time and we are always wise in doing that.You lose a great deal of time by being in a hurry. Many people think they have done a great deal when they have really donenothing. Better take time in order to save time. Slow is sometimes faster than fast. So Noah removed the covering of the arkand looked out, but he did not go out till God commanded him to do so.

14. And in the second month. Nearly two months Noah waited for the complete drying of the earth.

14. On the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried. "The face of the ground was dry" in the first month."The earth was dried," the second month. Noah might have thought it was dry enough, before, but God did not think so-therewas enough mud to breed a pestilence-so Noah must wait until God had made the earth ready for him.

15- 16. And God spoke unto Noah, saying, Go forth of the ark. Noah must wait till God speaks to him. Oh, that some peoplewould wait for God's command, but they will not! He shall bless your going out and your coming in if you will go forth andcome in when He bids you. "Go forth," says the Lord, "Go forth of the ark."

16- 19. You, and your wife, and your sons, and your sons' wives with you. Bring forth with you every living thing that iswith you, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth; that they maybreed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife,and his sons' wives with him: every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatever creeps upon the earth, aftertheir kinds, went forth out of the ark. That was a very wonderful procession! It was the new beginning of everything uponthe earth! Whatever evolution or any other folly or evil of man may have done, everything had to begin over. Everybody wasdrowned save these great fathers of the new age-and all must begin from this stock.

20. And Noah built an altar unto the LORD, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offeringson the altar. Commonsense would have said, "Spare them, for you will need every one of them." But Grace said,

"Slay them, for they belong to God. Give Jehovah His due." I have often admired that widow of Zarephath. When she had buta handful of meal, she made a little cake for God's Prophet, first, but then God multiplied her meal and her oil. Oh, if wewould but seek, first, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all things would be added unto us! Out of the small stockhe had, Noah took of the clean beasts and of the clean fowls, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

21. And the LORD smelled a sweet savor. Noah's faith was pleasing to God. It was Noah's confidence in a bleeding sacrificethat gave him acceptance with the Lord. God thought upon His Son and that great Sacrifice to be offered long afterwards onthe Cross and He, "smelled a sweet savor."

21. And the LORD said in His heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man'sheart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. God always speaks comfortablewords to those who bring an acceptable sacrifice. If you would hear the voice of a Divine promise, go to the atoning bloodof Jesus. If you would know what perfect reconciliation means, hasten to the Altar where the great Sacrifice was presented.

22. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.They never have ceased. We have had, this year, a long and dreary winter. It looked as if spring would never come. Only afew days ago the chestnuts were just beginning to turn green and then there came the little spikes. And now you can see themin full flower. How faithfully God fulfils His Covenant with the earth! How truly will He keep His Covenant with every believingsinner! Oh, trust in Him, for His promise will stand fast forever!