Sermon 2336. The Love Of Jonathan and the Love Of Jesus

(No. 2336)




"Your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women." 2 Samuel 1:26.

DAVID was a poet and when he found that his best-beloved friend had fallen by the arrows of the Philistines, he wept greatlyand then he cheered his heart by writing the very fine elegy which, in later years was called, "The Song of the Bow." Evenif David's lamentation is judged according to the canons of literary taste, it must be placed among the first of poeticalcompositions. Thus David tried to keep his friend's memory green-the song was meant to be a memorial of him. Such friendsas Jonathan are not common and when we have had them, we must not forget them. It is sad that, in these days, friendship isproverbially a frail thing. Friends are like swallows that are with us in our summertime and gone when the damps of autumnbegin to gather. When a man has a faithful friend, let him grapple him to his side with hooks of steel! And when he loseshim, let him know that he has lost what will be very hard to replace and let him not forget his friend though he is buriedbeneath the sod. True friendship likes to fashion memorials of the departed. We keep mementos of the loved ones we have lost.We like to think of the happy days of communion we have had together and we will not allow the cherished name to be blottedout from the memory of men.

When I thought of this subject, I said to myself, "I shall see many, tonight, who are lovers of the Lord Jesus Christ. I shallbe face to face with thousands who love Him as they love their own soul." I believe that is my happiness now. Well then, belovedFriends, let us who love Christ keep Him always in memory. If you can speak of His name, be not silent. If you can make melodyin honor of Jesus, in the great congregation, take down the minstrel's harp and lay your fingers among the strings and bringout sweetest music to His dear name that thousands may hear! But if you have a feebler instrument, sing or play to the twoor three and let those who love you know that you love your Lord best of all! Or if your tongue fails you, use your pen tolet men know who Jesus is. Say, with the Psalmist, "My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I havemade touching the King."

What shall we do to keep Christ's name before the sons of men? Let us be inventive and often make the winds and waves to bearthe story of His life and love to those who know it not. I would whisper in the ear of someone, "If you love Jesus, how isit that you are never at His Table?" If there is anyway of keeping Him in memory, which is better than every other, it isthe one which He has, Himself, chosen-"This do in remembrance of Me." How do you excuse yourselves, you lovers of Christ,who have never kept up this feast of love? This is one of His dying requests, "Meet and remember Me." And yet, though yousay that you love Him, and I will not challenge the truth of what you say, you have never yielded obedience to His lovingrequest and come to eat the bread and drink of the cup which are the memorials of His broken body and His poured-out blood.David, you could sing of Jonathan, though there was no law that you should do so! What will you say of some who love the Christof God better than you loved Jonathan and yet have never remembered Him in the way in which He asked to be remembered, buthave cast behind their back the sweet forget-me-not of the Communion Table?

Let that stand as a preface. May the Lord put our hearts in tune, now, while we think upon two things! The first is the smalltype, Jonathan's love to David. The second is the infinite anti-type, Christ's love to men. Perhaps it will be sweetest, tonight,if we can, each one, say, "Christ's love to me. He loved me and gave Himself for me." That expression will be in harmony withthe words of the text, "Your love to me was wonderful."

I. First, then, we have to think a little about JONATHAN'S LOVE TO DAVID.

Jonathan's was a singular love, because of thepureness of its origin. Jonathan loved David out of great admiration of him.When he saw him come back with the head of Goliath in his hand, he loved him as a soldier loves a soldier, as a brave manloves another brave man. He felt that there was the right kind of metal in that young man and though Jonathan was the king'sson, and heir-apparent to the throne, we find that he, "stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David,and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his belt." He felt that such a hero, who could so trust his God,and so expose his life, and come off so victorious, deserved his utmost love. It did not begin in self-interest-it did notbegin in relationship-but it began in the likeness that Jonathan saw between his own nature and that of David. It was onebrave man loving another brave man.

Jonathan's love proved, also, to be most intense. It is said that, "he loved him as his own soul." He would at any momenthave sacrificed his life to preserve the life of David. In fact, I do not doubt that Jonathan thought David's life much morevaluable than his own and that he was quite willing to expose himself to peril that David might be preserved. Jonathan's wasa very intense love. May we see more of this kind of love among Christian men! May they love each other for Christ's sakeand because of the love of God which they see in one another-and may they be intense in their affection!

Jonathan's love was very disinterested because, as I have said, Jonathan was heir-apparent to the throne, but David had beenanointed king by Samuel. The kingdom was to be taken from the house of Saul and given to the house of David. Very naturally,the young prince Jonathan might have felt, first, envy, and then hatred of David, who was to supplant him. But instead ofthat, he said to him one day, very touchingly, "You shall be king over Israel and I shall be next unto you." He meant to behis friend and his helper, taking joy in seeing David wear the crown which might have adorned his own brow. Happy Jonathan,to be able to put himself in the background like that and to feel that, if David was first, it was what he, himself, desired!That friendship, in which a man can set himself on one side for the sake of another, is not yet so common that we can haveit in the streets.

Jonathan's was a love which bore up under all opposition, for he soon found that Saul, his father, in his black heart, hatedDavid. Saul could not bear the thought that another man would take the place which he coveted for himself, though he did not,himself, deserve to keep it. He wished to see David dead and because Jonathan took David's part, Saul was exceedingly angryand made Jonathan's lot hard to bear. Yet Jonathan did not cast off his friend-he clung to David through good report and throughevil report. Jonathan "is faithful to his father and very obedient to him, but still, he would not give up his friend, David,and he would sooner be in jeopardy of the javelin of Saul than end the friendship that existed between himself and God's chosenservant.

And this love was very active, for you know how he pleaded for David with his father. He went out into the field and tookcounsel with David. He arranged plans and methods for David's preservation and, on one occasion, we find that he, "went toDavid in the wood and strengthened his hand in God." Yes, his love was not a matter of mere talk-it was real, practical, active-itwas a love which never failed. When the arrow of the Philistine went through the heart of Jonathan on Mount Gilboa, it struckthe name of David that was engraved there-

"He loved him long, and loved him well, And loved him to the death," so that David could truly say, "Your love to me was wonderful,surpassing the love of women."

Now, dear Friends, do you not think that when we read a story like that of Jonathan and David, it should stir up in us thedesire, not so much to have such a friend, as to be such a friend as Jonathan was to David? Any man can selfishly desire tohave a Jonathan, but he is on the right track who desires to find a David to whom he can be a Jonathan! There is great joyin life with real friendship on both sides. Some people expect friendship to be always heaping its treasures upon them, buttrue friendship has two hands, two feet and two eyes. You cannot have a real friendship that is all for taking, and neverfor giving. David loved Jonathan as Jonathan loved David. May that blessed Spirit of God, who teaches us to love even ourenemies, help us to cultivate sanctified friendships and to be willing to help those who are our Brothers and Sisters in Christin time of need!

I shall say no more upon that part of my subject, but I hope it will rebuke some who are no friends at all. Oh, how oftenhave we met with such! They are very friendly when their legs are under your mahogany, but they are not so friendly when youhave no mahogany and have hardly a deal table left. They think all the world of you while you can be a ladder

by which they climb the wall of prosperity, but when they are on the top of the wall, they too often say that they never sawthat ladder in all their lives-and you may take it away! We continually see that kind of thing among men of the world. Mayit not be so among Christians! May we be true to all who are our friends, as we would be generous even to any who are ourfoes, if such persons are in existence!

II. But I want, now, to talk of something more sweet and more sure. THE LOVE OF CHRIST TO ME. Using the first personal pronoun,because it is in the text-"Your love to me was wonderful."

I hope that many here will be helped to use that same pronoun, each one for himself, or for herself. I do not wish to preachtonight-I want, rather, to be a sort of guide, just to go through the exercises that others may do the same. I am to speakof love which I trust many feel, which I hope they may feel even more than the speaker does-and let it be the ambition ofevery one of us to love Christ more and more. Let us think of Christ as present here, tonight, for so He is, according toHis promise, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." There He stands! With closed eyes, faith perceivesHim and she cries, "Your love to me was wonderful."

I think that we feel this most when we see our Savior die. Sit down at the foot of the Cross and look up. Behold that sacredbrow with the thorny wreath upon it. See those blessed eyes, red with weeping. Mark those nailed hands that once scatteredbenedictions. Gaze on those bleeding feet which hurried on errands of mercy. Watch till you can peer into that gaping side-howdeep the gash-how wide the breach! Look how the water and the blood come streaming forth! This is the Lord of Life and Glorywho thus dies amid derision and scorn-suffering, the Just for the unjust-to bring us to God! Oh, if you can picture Christon the Cross, and believe that He died for you, you will be led to cry, "Your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the loveof mothers or of wives! Your love to me was-I cannot describe what it was-it was wonderful-as full of wonders as the heavensare full of stars, or as a forest is full of leave? Your love, as I see it in Your death, was wonderful."

Do you picture David saying this as he thinks of the body of Jonathan pierced with the arrows of his enemies? "Your love tome was wonderful." Will you not stand so, tonight, in imagination, over your Savior's body, as you see it wrapped in spicesand laid in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea? Ere yet the stone is rolled to the cave's mouth, will you not look on that mangledform and say, "In very truth, Your love to me was wonderful"?

Beloved Friends, sometimes we feel as if our love to our departed ones would know another great flood if they could come backagain. You have lost-no, I will not harrow up your feelings-have all lost those most dear and your sorrow was great as youlaid them in the grave. But if, tonight, when you reached your home, you should find, sitting in that room of yours, the belovedone come back, I think that your love would suddenly leap up into an ecstasy and it would be greater than it ever was before!"Has my husband returned to me? Has my spouse come back to me? Has my mother, my child, been restored to me?" Oh, what a feastof love our souls would have if there could be such a reunion in our bereaved households! Well, remember that He who diedfor us rose again-

"He lives, the great Redeemer lives," lives with our love still within His heart! He lives to love us as much in His eternalGlory as He did in the shame and spitting while He was on earth! Come, give your love room, tonight, as you remember Him asdead, but rejoice in Him as living!

I think, also, that we sometimes feel the greatest love to dear friends when we find others doing them despite. When Davidfound that Jonathan's body had been dishonored by the Philistines, that they had taken away the bodies of King Saul and hissons to hang them on the wall of Bethshan, then was he sorely troubled and his love broke forth, again, in sighs, cries andtears. And I must say, tonight, that I love my Lord all the more because of the insults others heap upon Him. When I havelately seen books written against His atoning Sacrifice. When I meet with men calling themselves Christians, who speak lightlyof the sacred Expiation and even of the Divine Person of the great Sacrifice, my heart first burns with indignation againstthe traitors-true successors of Judas-and then my soul cries, "My Savior, by the dishonor that they put on You, I love Youall the more! By the shame that they again cast on You, as though You were a hundred times crucified, I vow to serve You witha hundredfold energy and force of concentrated love, for Your love to me was wonderful." Some can speak lightly of Christ.Perhaps they never knew such love as He has shown to me. Some can despise His blood. Possibly they were never washed fromsuch sins as mine. Some think lightly of His faith. Perhaps

they have never had such communion with Him as my heart has known. I must say of Him, "Your love to me was, is, and alwaysshall be wonderful, passing all loves supposable in Heaven or earth besides."

Now let me briefly tell the story of that love-it is a long story-the love of Christ to me. Part of its wonder lies in theobject of this love, that it should be bestowed upon me! "Your love to me." Dear Brother, dear Sister, will you talk aboutit, just now, to yourself?" It is a wonder that Christ should love anybody, but is it not the greatest wonder of all thatHe should love me? Who am I, and what is my father's house, that Christ should love me?"-

"What was there in you that could merit esteem, Or give the Creator delight?"

Your love to me! There was special undesert-there were many reasons why love should have passed me by, but Your love to mewas wonderful that You should single me out. Tell it in Heaven that there is no greater wonder there than that Christ shouldlove me! And when you get there, say to all the bright spirits before the Throne of God, "There is no greater wonder in thesalvation of you all than there is in my salvation. Your love to me, my Lord," and you will bow adoringly at Christ's feetas you say it, "Your love to me was wonderful."

Then throw the emphasis on the first word, "Your love to me," and you have another part of the wonder, that is, in the Giverof this love. For a man to love me, well, should not men love their kind? But for God to love me, for the Infinite, for theinconceivably lovely One, whose ideal of that which is loveable must be far beyond human conception, for Him to love me, thisis a miracle, indeed! Can you imagine it, that God, who is greater than immensity, whose life is longer than time, that Godthe all-boundless One, should love you? That He should think of you, pity you, consider you, this is all very well-but thatHe should love you, that His heart should go out to you, that He should choose you, that He should have engraved you on thepalms of His hands, that He should not rest in Heaven without you, that He should not think Heaven complete until He bringsyou there, that you should be the bride and Christ the Bridegroom, that there should be eternal love between Him and you-oh,as you think of it, lift up your hands with adoring wonder and say, "Your love to me was wonderful."

Now begin, if you can, to consider the commencement of this love. When did God begin to love His own elect? There was a timewhen He began to make the worlds, but from eternity He has loved His chosen. Before the first flash of light illuminated theprimeval darkness, God loved His people! Before the first pulsation of life came into human bodies, long before there weresuch beings as men and women, He loved His own. He saw them in the glass of predestination and foreknowledge and He lovedthem. His delights even then were with the sons of men. His love had no beginning, it was like Himself, self-existent, startingfrom itself, and there never was a time when God did not love His own people. Think of that wonder of Grace, that such a speckof dust as you are should have been loved from eternity! That such a handful of ashes as I am should have been loved frombefore all worlds! Tell it as with voice of trumpet, for God has said it, "I have loved you with an everlasting love: thereforewith loving kindness have I drawn you."

Christ's love, then, is wonderful in its beginning and when it began to work on me, it was still wonderful, for what did Ido? I refused it. When Christ came in robes of love to me and presented Himself as a candidate for my heart's acceptance,I told Him that I would not have Him! There was a wanton world that had my heart. There was the devil, himself, in all mannerof sinful shapes-and he had my hand-and I was his. Was it not so with some of you, that Christ wooed you many a year and youwould not have Him? He came to you, sometimes, threatening, and sometimes inviting. He came to you by Providences, by preachers,by books, by His good Spirit. Yet though you turned your back on Him, He never turned His back on you. He would not take,"No," for an answer-

"Determined to save, He watched o'er my path When, Satan's blind slave, I sported with death." Think of a man who used tocome staggering out of a public house late at night, yet He is loved of God! Or of a thief, whose hair was cut short in theprison, yet He was loved of God-and here he is, tonight, sitting at Jesus' feet, rejoicing in that love! Oh, what songs therewill be in Heaven concerning the love of Christ to His own and the rebuffs which the dear Lover of our souls received by thesad, sad usage of ungodly, willful men! "Your love to me was wonderful."

And when Christ's love led Him to come here and take our Nature, was it not wonderful? He reigned enthroned in Heaven. Seraphimand cherubim gladly did His bidding. He was God and yet He came down from yonder royal palace to that stable at Bethlehem,and to the manger where the horned oxen fed. 'Tis He! 'Tis He! But as George Herbert reminds us, He has unrobed Himself andhung His azure mantle on the sky, and all His rings upon the stars-and there He lies, a

babe in swaddling bands, taking human nature into union with His Divinity because He loved us! Truly, You blessed Child, whomI would take into my arms as Simeon did and say, "Lord, now let You Your servant depart in peace, according to Your Word:for my eyes have seen Your salvation." Your love to me was wonderful! Behold Christ with the scepter of Heaven in His hand,and then see Him sitting on the edge of a well, talking to an adulterous woman! Gaze on Him with the harps of angels ringingout His praise and then see Him with all the riff-raff of Jerusalem scoffing at Him and bidding Him come down from the Cross!If He stooped to become a Man like ourselves, and stooped lower, still, even unto death, truly may each saved one cry to Him,"Your love to me was wonderful."

There is one thing that makes the love of Christ more wonderful than anything else and that is that He not only took our Nature,but He took our sin. There, scrape it up together, the filthy stuff that has made God, Himself, to sicken at the thought ofman-I mean the sin and the pollution of our lives! Behold, the Lord has gathered it up together in one foul heap, enough toputrefy the universe-and He has laid it all on Christ! And the great Sin-Bearer takes it upon Himself as though it were Hisown-but it was not! He suffers for it, He bears the sentence of Justice on account of it and then He hurls it all away intothe abyss of oblivion where it shall never be found, again! My Savior, did You bear my sin in Your own body on the tree? Wereyou condemned for my condemnation? Then, in very deed, Your love to me was wonderful!

I do not know how to break my text up so as to bring it home to each Believer. I wish that everyone here, who really has knownChrist's love, would help me by a personal thought upon the brotherly and condescending character of this love. Times havebeen when we, who love Christ's name, have been in trouble and He has been very near to us. Times have been when we have beenmisrepresented and abused-and He has smiled, oh, so sweetly on us! Times have been when bodily pain has made us very faintand He has put underneath us the everlasting arms. Speak as you find, Beloved-how have you found the Lord Jesus in your darkdays, in your heavy days, in your weary days? Have you not found Him a matchless Friend? I can bear my own witness that thereis no comfort like His comfort! There is no smile like His smile! There is no touch of help like His delivering hand. "Yourlove to me was wonderful."

Sometimes, when I have told the story of God's goodness to me, a Christian friend has said, "Have you not written all thatdown?" "No, I have not," I have replied. "Will you not take care, before you die, that it is all written down?" I have said,"No, I do not know that I shall." Now perhaps your life's story will die out with yourself, yet have there not been very marveloustouches of Christ's love in it? Have there not been windows of agates and gates of carbuncle through which you have seen yourLord's face and can you not say, tonight, looking over your pilgrim path from the first day until now, "Lord, You have beenalways with me. Your love to me was wonderful in condescending, helpful fellowship in the time of my need"?

Think, also, of the comforting and thoughtful provisions of Christ's love. Sometimes you have been well-near slipping, notmerely as to trouble, but as to sin. Our lives are not all to our credit-there have been sad moments when unbelief has creptin on the back of thoughtlessness and you have been almost a skeptic. There have been evil moments when sin has insinuateditself into the imagination and you have almost done that which would have been your ruin. Have there not been times in yourlife when you have been struck and, if there had not been Someone to hold you up, you would have fallen, almost unconsciouslyfallen, and there have lain down to die? But oh, how Jesus has watched over you and cared for you! Never mother nursed herbabe with such care as Christ has given to you! When you look back, sometimes, and see the pit from which you have been preserved,into which you might have fallen-when you meet with some old friend who used, years ago, to be singing at your side, and isnow a drunk or profane-you may ask, "Why should he be like that anymore than I should? Who has made me to differ? What butthe Grace of God has kept me until now?" Ah, then you see how Christ's love to you has been wonderful, surpassing the loveof women!

But the love of Christ to us is most of all wonderful in its plans for the future. You know not, and you cannot conceive,what He will yet do for you! You are in trouble, are you? Well, joy comes in the morning. But now, you have to drink the bittercup and God gives you pills that you do not like. Take them at His hand, for they are meant for your good. 'Tis but a littlewhile and then sorrow and sighing shall forever flee away! Has any redeemed man here any notion of what God has prepared forthem that love Him? You shall stand among the perfected and go in and out among the holy! You shall be where no trouble shallever reach you, or even the noise and dash of a wave of sorrow ever reach your ears. You shall be where it shall be your joyto serve God without mistake, without transgression and without omission. You shall behold the face of the King in His beauty,not now and then, but forever, without a cloud or a veil between!

You shall find it your delight to praise Him and your voice shall be heard amid the choirs of the glorified as you adore theLamb whose love to you has been so wonderful. And what will be your employments in Heaven? Ah, that I cannot tell you, butthey shall be employments that shall be equally honorable and delightful!

I have told you before what I sometimes dream shall be my lot in Glory-to stand not here and preach to a handful of people,though it is truly a large handful-but to stand upon some starry orb and preach of Christ to whole constellations at onceand thunder out my remembrances of His sweet love to myriads of beings who have never heard of Him as yet, for they have neversinned, but who will drink in all the tidings of what Jesus did for sinful men! And each of you, according to your trainingfor it, shall make known to angels, principalities and powers, the manifold wisdom of God! There is plenty of room for youall, for God's universe will need millions upon millions of messengers to go through it all and tell out the story of redeeminglove. And we, I believe, are here in training for that eternal work of making known to illimitable regions of space and countlessmyriads of intelligent beings whom God has created, but who have never fallen, the story of this little planet and of theGod who loved it so that He came here and died that He might save His people from their sins.

Get ready, Brothers and Sisters, for the eternity which is so near! Within about a hand's breadth, you and I shall be in eternity!Even if we live to be 80 or 90, or fulfill the count of a hundred years, it is but a little while and we shall have quittedthese dark shores and landed in the everlasting brightness of endless glory, that is, if we know the love of Christ, today,and trust in Christ today. We shall go on and on forever and forever experiencing more and more of this great Truth of God,"Your love to me was wonderful."

Now let each one answer this question- Can you say, "He loved me and gave Himself for me"? If not, you are an unhappy man.God make you even more unhappy until you come and look to Jesus Christ as men looked to the bronze serpent-and as by theirlooking they were healed, so by your looking may you be made to live tonight! Remember that-

"There is life for a look at the Crucified One! There is life at this moment for thee! Then look, Sinner-look unto Him andbe sa ved- Unto Him who was nailed to the tree."


Verse 1. And David fled front Naioth in Ramah, and came and said before Jonathan, What have I done? What is my iniquity? Andwhat is my sin before your father, that he seeks my life? David had an enemy upon the throne and God gave him a friend inthe heir to the throne. If you have an enemy, you have also a friend-God sets the one over against the other in His Providence.Set the one over against the other in your thoughts and be you comforted thereby. David might have been very heavy at heartabout Saul and so he was, but Jonathan came in to be the makeweight on the other side and turn the scale in favor of the sonof Jesse. Of him David enquired, "What is my iniquity? And what is my sin before your father, that he seeks my life?"

2. And he said unto him, God forbid; you shall not die: behold, my father will do nothing either great or small, but thathe will show it me: and why should my father hide this thing from me? It is not so. One admires Jonathan for defending Saul-hewill not believe anything bad of his father. Children should never believe anything evil of their parents unless it is forcedupon them-this rule is a part of the command, "Honor your father and your mother."

3. And David swore moreover, and said, Your father certainly knows that I have found grace in your eyes; and he says, Letnot Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved: but truly as the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, there is but a step betweenme and death. He wanted Jonathan to believe the truth, namely, that Saul was seeking to kill him, and that he was in greatdanger from the wrath of the king. Therefore he took a double oath that it was so. It is not for Christians to imitate Davidin this respect, for our Lord's command to His disciples is, "Swear not at all, but let your communication be, Yes, yes; no,no: for whatever is more than these comes of evil."

4. Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatever your soul desires, I will even do it for you. Love promises large things. One isreminded, here, of the love of Christ and of how He says, "Ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you."

5, 6. And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat:but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even: If your father at all misses me, then say,David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem, his city: for there is a yearly sacrifice there for allthe family. The family of David was a godly household and they had a meeting, not for pleasure, but for sacrifice-a specialfamily gathering for worship and David must be there. He spoke no untruth-he did desire to go to Bethlehem.

7, 8. If he say thus, It is well; your servant shall have peace: but if he is very angry, then be sure that evil is determinedby him. Therefore you shall deal kindly with your servant; for you have brought your servant into a Covenant of the LORD withyou: notwithstanding, if there is in me iniquity, slay me yourself; for why should you bring me to your father? These twomen had entered into a solemn Covenant before God that they would be friends for life, so David pleaded with Jonathan. Hewas innocent-he knew that he had done no evil and, therefore, he put it to Jonathan, "If I am what your father thinks me tobe, slay me yourself."

9-11. And Jonathan said, Far be it from you: for if I knew certainly that evil were determined by my father to come upon you,then would I not tell you? Then said David to Jonathan, Who shall tell me? Or what if your father answers you roughly? AndJonathan said unto David, Come, and let us go out into the field. And they went out both of them into the field. Quite alone,away from their troops, where they could talk together without being overheard. These two good men sought private fellowshipand do you not think that if we love Christ, we shall want to get alone with Him? Shall we not say to Him, "Let us go outinto the field"? Where there is no private devotion, there is no devotion at all. If we never get alone with Christ, we arealtogether strangers both to Him and also to His love.

12-15. And Jonathan said unto David, O LORD God of Israel, when I have sounded my father about tomorrow any time, or the thirdday, and, behold, if there is good toward David, and I then send not unto you, and show you; the LORD do so and much moreto Jonathan: but if it pleases my father to do you evil, then I will show you, and send you away, that you may go in peace:and the LORD be with you, as He has been with my father. And you shall not only while yet I live show me the kindness of theLORD, that I die not: but also you shall not cut off your kindness from my house forever: no, not when the LORD has cut offthe enemies of David, every one from the face of the earth. In Jonathan's great love, he wished not only to be David's friend,himself, but that all his children should be in love with the same valiant hero. Brothers and Sisters, our love to Christmakes us long to see our children love Him, too. I will not believe that you have any love to Christ unless you pray thatyour boys and your girls may also love Him. Dear children of godly parents, our heart's desire and prayer to God for you isthat you may love your mother's God, and trust your father's Savior.

16-18. So Jonathan made a Covenant with the house of David, saying, Let the LORD even require it at the hand of David's enemies.And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul. Then Jonathan saidto David, Tomorrow is the new moon: and you shall be missed, because your seat will be empty. David was not a nobody-if hewas away, he was missed. I wish that all attendants at the house of prayer would remember that when they are away, they aremissed. Perhaps some of you have come, tonight, from some little chapel where you will be greatly missed. I am not going tothank you for coming here because I am possibly unconsciously causing pain to your pastor and I do not want to rob him ofone of his sheep. David's seat is empty, tonight, and he will be missed.

19-23. And when you have stayed three days, then you shall go down quickly, and come to the place where you did hide yourselfwhen the business was in hand, and shall remain by the stone Ezel. And I will shoot three arrows on the side thereof, as thoughI shot at a mark. And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, thearrows are on this side of you, take them; then come you: for there is peace to you, and no hurt; as the LORD lives. But ifI say thus unto the young man, Behold, the arrows are beyond you; go your way: for the LORD has sent you away. And as touchingthe matter which you and I have spoken of, behold, the LORD be between you and me forever. Thus He arranged how to let Davidknow in case he was in danger. Love is thoughtful. Love would keep its object out of harm's way. Therefore, as we love any,let us try to preserve them from sin-let us endeavor to warn them when temptation is near, that they may not fall by the handof the enemy.

24-27. So David hid himself in the field: and when the new moon was come, the king sat him down to eat meat. And the kingsat upon his seat, as at other times, even upon a seat by the wall: and Jonathan arose, and Abner sat by Saul's side, and

David's place was empty. Nevertheless Saul spoke not anything that day: for he thought, Something has befallen him, he isnot clean; surely he is not clean. And it came to pass on the morrow, which was the second day of the month, that David'splace was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Why comes not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor today?David was the son of Jesse, but he was Saul's own son-in-law, yet, out of contempt, the angry king calls him, "the son ofJesse."

28-30. And Jonathan answered Saul, David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem: and he said, Let me go, I pray you;for our family has a sacrifice in the city; and my brother, he has commanded me to be there: and now, if I have found favorin your eyes, let me get away, I pray you, and see my brethren. Therefore he comes not unto the king's table. Then Saul'sanger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, You son of the perverse rebellious woman, do not I know that youhave chosen the son of Jesse to your own confusion, and unto the confusion of your mother's nakedness? He was in such a passionthat he began to abuse his own wife, the mother of his own son! In the East, if you want to sting a man most severely, giveevil names to his mother, and surely, in the West as well, if anyone has anything to say against a man's mother, it cuts herson to his heart if he is what he ought to be.

31. For as long as the son of Jesse lives upon the ground, you shall not be established, nor your kingdom. Therefore now sendand fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die. Saul knew that David, and not Jonathan, was to succeed him on the throne.He gives Jonathan warning of that fact, and seeks his rival's life.

32. And Jonathan answered Saul his father, and said unto him, Why shall he be slain? What has he done? Very reasonable questions,very properly put.

33-42. And Saul cast a javelin at him to strike him: whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay David.So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and did eat no meat the second day of the month: for he was grieved forDavid, because his father had done him shame. And it came to pass in the morning, that Jonathan went out into the field atthe time appointed with David, and a little lad with him. And he said unto his lad, Run, find out now the arrows which I shoot.And as the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond him. And when the lad was come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot,Jonathan cried after the lad, and said, Is not the arrow beyond you? And Jonathan cried after the lad, Make speed, haste,stay not. And Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows, and came to his master. But the lad knew not anything: only Jonathanand David knew the matter. And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad, and said unto him, Go, carry them to the city. Andas soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himselfthree times: and they kissed one another, and wept, one with another, until David exceeded. And Jonathan said to David, Goin peace, forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, The LORD be between me and you, and betweenmy seed and your seed forever. And he arose and departed: and Jonathan went into the city. Behold the love of Jonathan andDavid! Here was a brother born for adversity who clung to his friend in the day of danger, and even jeopardized his own lifethat he might defend David. Let us see, here, a faint emblem of what our great Friend, the Lord Jesus, has done for us.