Sermon 2259. The Simplicity and Sublimity of Salvation

(No. 2259)




"He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sonsof God, even to them that believe on His name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the willof man, but of God." John 1:11-13.

EVERYTHING here is simple. Everything is sublime. Here is that simple Gospel by which the most ignorant may be saved! Hereare profundities in which the best-instructed may find themselves beyond their depth. Here are those everlasting hills ofDivine Truth which man cannot climb! Yet here is that plain path in which the wayfaring man, though a fool, need nor err,nor lose his way. I always feel that I have no time to spare for critical and captious persons. If they will not believe,neither shall they be established. They must take the consequences of their unbelief. But I can spare all day and all nightfor an anxious enquirer-for one who is blinded by the very blaze of the heavenly Light of God that shines on him and who seemsto lose his way by reason of the very plainness of the road that lies before him! In this most simple text are some of thedeep things of God and there are souls here that are puzzled by what are simplicities to some of us. And therefore my oneaim shall be to handle this text as to help and encourage and cheer some who would gladly touch the hem of the Master's garment,but cannot for the press of many difficulties and grave questions which rise before their minds!

Let us go to the text at once and notice, first, a matter which is very simple-"As many as received Him...even to them thatbelieve on His name." Secondly, a matter which is very delightful-"to them gave He power to become the sons of God." And thirdly,a matter which is very mysterious-"Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, butof God."

I. Here is, first, A MATTER WHICH IS VERY SIMPLE-receiving Christ and believing on His name. Oh, that many here may be ableto say, "Yes, I understand that simple matter. That is the way in which I found eternal life!"

The simple matter of which John here speaks is receiving Christ, or, in other words, believing on His name.

Receiving Christ is a distinctive act. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." The very people you would havethought would have eagerly welcomed Christ did not do so! But here and there a man stood apart from the rest, or a woman cameout from her surroundings, and each of these said, "I receive Christ as the Messiah." You will never go to Heaven in a crowd!The crowd goes down the broad road to destruction, but the way which leads to life eternal is a narrow way, "and few thereare that find it." They that go to Heaven must come out one by one and say to Him that sits at the wicket-gate, "Set my namedown, Sir, as a pilgrim to the Celestial City." They who would enter into life must fight as well as run, for it is an uphillfight all the way-and few there are that fight it out to the end and win the crown of the victors.

Those who received Christ were different from those who did not receive Him-they were as different as white is from black,or light from darkness. They took a distinctive step, separated themselves from others and came out and received Him whomothers would not receive. Have you taken such a step, dear Friend? Can you say, "Yes, let others do as they will, but as forme, Christ is all my salvation and all my desire-and at all hazards I am quite content to be counted singular and to standalone. I have lifted my hands to Heaven and I cannot draw back. Whatever others may do, I say, 'Christ for me'"?

As it was a distinctive act, so it was a personal one-"To as many as received Him." They had to receive Christ, each one,by his own act and deed. "Even to them that believe on His name." Believing is the distinct act of a person. I cannot

believe for you any more than you can believe for me! That is clearly impossible. There can be no such thing as sponsorshipin receiving Christ, or in faith. If you are an unbeliever, your father and mother may be the most eminent saints, but theirfaith does not overlap and cover your unbelief. You must believe for yourself. I have had to even remind some that the HolySpirit, Himself, cannot believe for them. He works faith in you, but you have to believe! The faith must be your own distinctmental act. Faith is the gift of God, but God does not believe for us-how could He? It is for you distinctly to believe. Come,dear Hearer, have you been trying to put up with a national faith? A national faith is a mere sham! Or have you tried to thinkthat you possess the family faith? "Oh, we are all Christians, you know!" Yes, you are all hypocrites-that is what that comesto! Unless each one is a Christian for himself, he is a Christian only in name-and that is to be a hypocrite. Oh, that wemight have the certainty that we have each one laid our sins on Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God! God grant that if we havenever done so before, we may do so this very moment!

Mark, next, that as it was a distinctive and personal act, so it related to a Person. I find that the text runs thus, "Hecame unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the Sons ofGod, even to them that believe on His name." That religion which leaves out the Person of Christ has left out the essentialpoint. You are not saved by believing a doctrine, though it is well for you to believe it if it is true. You are not savedby practicing an ordinance, though you should practice it if you are one of those to whom it belongs. You are not saved byany belief except this-believing on Christ's name and receiving Him. "I take in a body of divinity," says one. Do you? Thereis no body of divinity that I know of but Christ, the Son of God in human flesh, living, bleeding, dying, risen, ascended,soon to come-you must lean on Him-for the promise is only to as many as receive Him.

This reception of Christ consisted in faith in Him-"As many as received Him...even to them that believe on His name." He wasa stranger and they took Him in. He was food and they took Him in and fed on Him. He was living water and they received Him,drank Him up, took Him into themselves. He was light and they received the light. He was life and they received the life,and they lived by what they received. As the empty cup receives from the flowing fountain, so do we receive Christ into ouremptiness. We, being poor, naked and miserable, come to Him, and we receive riches, clothing, and happiness in Him! Salvationcomes by receiving Christ!

I know what you have been trying to do-you have been trying to give Christ something. Let me caution you against a very commonexpression. I hear converts continually told to give their hearts to Jesus. It is quite correct and I hope they will do so.But your first concern must be not what you give to Jesus, but what Jesus gives to you! You must take Him from Himself asa gift to you-then will you truly give your heart to Him. The first act and, indeed, the underlying act all along the way,is to receive, to imbibe, to take in Christ-and that is called believing on His name. Note that, "name." It is not believinga fanciful Christ, for there are many christs, nowadays-as many christs as there are books, nearly-for every writer seemsto make a christ of his own. But the christ that men make up will not save you! The only Christ who can save you is the Christof God, that Christ who, in the synagogue at Nazareth, found the place where it was written, "The Spirit of the Lord is uponMe, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliveranceto the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable yearof the Lord."

You are to believe on the Christ as He is revealed in the Scriptures. You are to take Him as you find Him here-not as Renan,not as Strauss, or anybody else pictures of Him-but as you find Him here. As God reveals Him you are to believe on His name-"TheWonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Emmanuel, God With Us; Jesus, savingfrom sin; Christ anointed of the Father. You are to believe on His name, not on the Christ of Rome, nor the Christ of Canterbury,but the Christ of Jerusalem, the Christ of the eternal Glory! Not a christ of a dreamy prophecy with which some are defamingthe true prophetic spirit of the Word, no christ of idealism, no man-made christ, but the eternal God, Incarnate in humanflesh, as He is here pictured by Psalmist, Prophet, Evangelist, Apostle, very God of very God, yet truly Man, suffering inyour place, bearing the sin of men in His own body on the Cross. It is believing in this Christ that will effectually saveyour soul! To believe is to trust. Prove that you believe in Christ by risking everything upon Him-

"Upon a life I did not live, Upon a death I did not die, I risk my whole eternity."

On Him who lived for me and died for me, and rose again for me, and has gone into Heaven for me-on Him I throw the whole weightof past, present, future and every interest that belongs to my soul, for time and for eternity!

This is a very simple matter and I have noticed a great many sneers at this simple faith-and a great many depreciatory remarksconcerning it, but, let me tell you, there is nothing like it under Heaven! Possessing this faith will prove you to be a sonof God-nothing short of it ever will. "To as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become sons of God," and He hasgiven that power to nobody else! This will prove you to be absolved, forgiven. "There is, therefore, now no condemnation tothem which are in Christ Jesus." But if you have no faith in Christ Jesus, the wrath of God abides on you! Because you havenot believed on the Son of God, you are condemned already! One grain of this faith is worth more than a diamond the size ofthe world-yes, though you should thread such jewels together, as many as the stars of Heaven for number, they would be worthnothing compared with the smallest atom of faith in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God!

But where does this wonderful power of faith come from? Not from the faith, but from Him on whom it leans! What power Christhas! The power of His Manhood suffering, the power of His Godhead bowing on the Cross, the power of the God-Man, the Mediator,surrendering Himself as the greatest Sacrifice for sin! Therefore, he who touches this has touched the springs of Omnipotence!He who comes, by faith, into contact with Christ, has come into contact with boundless love, power, mercy and Grace. I marvelnot at anything that faith brings when it deals with Christ! You have a little key, a little rusty key, and you say, "By useof this key I can get all the gold that I need." Yes, but where is the box to which you go for the gold? When you show meand I see that it is a great chamber filled full of gold and silver, I can understand how your little key can enrich you whenit opens the door into such a treasury. If faith is the key which unlocks the fullness of God, "for it pleased the Fatherthat in Him should all fullness dwell," then I can understand why faith brings such boundless blessings to him who has it.Salvation is a very simple business. God help us to look at it simply and practically-and to receive Christ and believe onHis name!

II. Now, secondly, here is A MATTER WHICH IS VERY DELIGHTFUL-"To them gave He power to become

sons of God."

If I had a week to preach from this text, I think that I should be able to get through the first head, but at this time Ican only throw out just a few hints. Look at the great and delightful blessing which comes to us by our faith in Christ. Wegive Christ our faith and He gives us power to become sons of God! The authority, liberty, privilege, right- something morethan mere strength or force-to be sons of God!

When we believe in Jesus, He indicates to us the Great Father's willingness to let us be His sons. We who were prodigals,far away from Him, perceive that when we receive Christ-the Father, who gave us Christ-is willing to take us to be His sons.He would not have yielded up His Only-Begotten if He had not willed to take us into His family!

When we believe in Jesus, He bestows on us the status of sons. We were slaves before-now we are sons! We were strangers, aliens,enemies and every word that means an evil thing might have been applied to us! But when we laid hold on Christ, we were regardedas the sons of God, as a man in Rome, when he as adopted by some great citizen and publicly acknowledged in the forum as being,from that day forward, that man's son, was regarded as such, so, as soon as we believe in Jesus, we get the status of sons!"Beloved, now we are the sons of God."

Then Christ does something more for us. He gives us Grace to feel our sonship. As we sang just now-

"My faith shall Abba, Father,' cry, And You the kindred own."

God acknowledges us as His children and we acknowledge Him as our Father and, therefore, "Our Father, which are in Heaven,"is no meaningless expression, but it comes welling up from the depths of our heart!

Having given us Grace to feel sonship, Christ gives us the Nature of our Father. He gives us "power to become the sons ofGod." We get more and more like God in righteousness and true holiness. By His Divine Spirit, shed abroad in our hearts, webecome more and more the children of our Father who is in Heaven, who does good to the undeserving and the unthankful, andwhose heart overflows with love even to those who love Him not.

When this Nature of sons shall be fully developed, Christ will bestow His glory upon us. We shall be in Heaven, not in therear rank, as servants, but nearest to the eternal Throne of God. Unto angels He has never said, "You are My sons," but Hehas called us sons, poor creatures of the dust who believe in Jesus! And we shall have all the honor, joy, privileges

and delight that belong to the princes of the blood royal of Heaven-members of the imperial House of God-in that day whenthe King shall manifest Himself in His own palace!

Some of us could draw parallels about being made sons, from our own lives. You were once a very tiny child, but you were ason, then, as much as you are now. So is it with you who have only just begun to believe in Christ-He has given you authorityand right to become sons of God. Very early in our life, our father went down to the registrar's office and wrote our namein the roll as his sons. We do not remember that, it was so long ago, but he did it and he also wrote our name in the FamilyBible, even as our Father in Heaven has enrolled our names in the Lamb's Book of Life! You recollect that, as a child, youdid not go into the kitchen to dine with the servants, but you took your seat at the table. It was a very little chair inwhich you first sat at the table, but, as you grew bigger, you always went to the table, because you were a son.

The servants in the house were much bigger than you and they could do a great many things that you could not do, and yourfather paid them wages. He never paid you any-they were not his sons-but you were. If they had put on your clothes, they wouldnot have been his sons. You had privileges that they had not. I remember that, in the parish where my home was, on a certainday in the year, the Church bell rang and everybody went to receive a penny roll. Every child had one and I remember havingmine. I claimed it as a privilege because I was my father's son. I think there were six of us, who all had a roll-every childin the parish had one. So there are a number of privileges that come to us very early in our Christian life, and we mean tohave them, first, because our Lord Jesus Christ has given us the right to have them and, next, because if we do not take whatHe bought for us, it will be robbing Him and wasting His substance! As He has paid for it all and has given us the right tohave it, let us take it!

You were put in school because you were a son. You did not like it. I daresay that you would rather have stayed at home atplay. And you had a touch of the rod, sometimes, because you were a son. That was one of your privileges, "for what son ishe whom the father chastens not?" One day you were in the street with other boys, doing wrong, and your father came alongand punished you. He did not touch your companions, for they were not his sons. You smile at those little things, but youdid not, at the time, count your punishments as privileges-but they were. When the chastening of the Lord comes, call it aprivilege, for that is what it is! There is no greater mercy that I know of on earth than good health unless it is sickness-andthat has often been a greater mercy to me than health!

It is a good thing to be without a trouble, but it is a better thing to have a trouble and know how to get Grace enough tobear it. I am not so much afraid of the devil when he roars, as I am when he pretends to be asleep. I think that, oftentimes,a roaring devil keeps us awake-and the troubles of this life stir us up to go to God in prayer-and that which looks to usas bad turns to our good. "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called accordingto His purpose."

III. Now I come to my last point, that is, A MATTER WHICH IS MYSTERIOUS. We are not only given the status of children andthe privilege of being called sons, but this mysterious matter is one of heavenly birth-"Which were born, not of blood, norof the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."

This new birth is absolutely necessary. If we are ever to be numbered among God's children, we must be born again! Born fromabove. We were born in sin, born children of wrath, even as others-to be God's children, it is absolutely necessary that weshould be born again!

The change worked thereby is wonderfully radical. It is not a mere outside washing, nor any touching up and repairing. Itis a total renovation. Born again? I cannot express to you all that the change means, it is so deep, so thorough, so complete.

It is also intensely mysterious. What must it be to be born again? "I cannot understand it." Says one. Nicodemus was a teacherin Israel and he did not understand it. Does anybody understand it? Does anybody understand his first birth? What do we knowof it? And this second birth? Some of us have passed through it and know that we have, and remember well the pangs of thatbirth, yet we cannot describe the movements of the Spirit of God by which we were formed anew, and made new creatures in ChristJesus, according to that Word from Him who sits on the Throne, "Behold, I make all things new!" It is a great mystery.

Certainly it is entirely superhuman. We cannot contribute to it. Man cannot make himself to be born again. His first birthis not of himself and his second birth is not one jot more so. It is a work of the Holy Spirit, a work of God! It is a newcreation-it is a quickening-it is a miracle from beginning to end!

Here is the point to which I call your special attention, it is assuredly ours. Many of us here have been born again. We knowthat we have and herein lies the evidence of it, "As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God,even to them that believe on His name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,but of God." If you believe on Christ's name, you are born of God! If you have received Christ into your soul, you have obtainedthat birth that comes not of blood, nor of the will of parents, nor of the will of man, but of God! You have passed from deathunto life!

Let no man sit down here and cover his face, and say, "There is no hope for me. I cannot understand about this new birth."If you will take Christ, to have and to hold, henceforth and forever, as your ONLY trust and confidence, you have receivedthat which no line of ancestors could ever give you, for it is "not of blood." You possess that which no will of the fatherand mother could ever give you, for it is, "not of the will of the flesh." You have that which your own will could not bringyou, for it is, "not of the will of man." You have that which only the Giver of Life can bestow, for it is, "of God!" Youare born again, for you have received Christ and believed on His name. I do not urge you to look within, to try and see whetherthis new birth is there. Instead of looking within yourself, look to Him who hangs on yonder Cross, dying, the Just for theunjust, to bring us to God! Fix your eyes on Him and believe in Him. And when you see in yourself much that is evil, lookto Him. And when doubts prevail, look to Him. And when your conscience tells you of your past sins, look to Him!

I have to go through this story almost every day of the year and sometimes half a dozen times in a day. If there is a despairingsoul anywhere within 20 miles, it will find me out, no matter whether I am at home, or at Mentone, or in any other part ofthe world! It will come from any distance, broken down, despairing, half insane, sometimes, and I have no medicine to prescribeexcept, "Christ, Christ, Christ-Jesus Christ and Him crucified! Look away from yourselves and trust in Him!" I go over andover and over with this and never get one jot further. Because I find that this medicine cures all soul sicknesses, whilehuman quackery cures none! Christ alone is the one remedy for sin-sick souls! Receive Him! Believe on His name! We keep hammeringat this. I can sympathize with Luther when he said, "I have preached justification by faith so often, and I feel, sometimes,that you are so slow to receive it, that I could almost take the Bible and bang it into your heads!" I am afraid that theTruth of God would not have entered their hearts if he had done so. This is what we aim at-to get this one thought into aman, "You are lost and, therefore, such an One as Christ came to save."

One said to me just lately, "Oh, Sir, I am the biggest sinner that ever lived!" I replied, "Jesus Christ came into the worldto save sinners." "But I have not any strength." "While we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died." "Oh, but,"he said, "I have been utterly ungodly." "Christ died for the ungodly." "But I am lost." "Yes," I said, "this is a faithfulsaying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." "The Son of man has come tosave that which was lost."

I said to this man, "You have the brush in your hand and at every stroke it looks as if you are quoting Scripture. You seemto be making yourself out to be the very man that Christ came to save! If you were to make yourself out to be good and excellent,I would give you this word-Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. He did not die for the good,but for the bad. He gave Himself for our sins-He never gave Himself for our righteousness. He is a Savior. He has not come,yet, as a Rewarder of the righteous-that will be in His Second Advent. Now He comes as the great Forgiver of the guilty andthe only Savior of the lost. Will you come to Him in that way?"

"Oh, but," my friend said, "I have nothing to bring to Christ." "No," I said, "I know that you have not-but Christ has everything.""Sir," he said, "you do not know me, otherwise you would not talk to me like this." And I said, "No, and you do not know yourself-foryou are worse than you think you are, though you think that you are bad enough in all conscience. But be you as bad as youmay, Jesus Christ came on purpose to lift up from the dunghill those whom He sets among princes by His free, rich, SovereignGrace."

Oh, come and believe in Him, poor Sinner! I feel that if I had all your souls, I would believe in Christ for their salvation!I would trust Him to save a million souls if I had them, for He is mighty to save! There can be no limit to His power to forgive!There can be no limit to the merit of His precious blood! There can be no boundary to the efficacy of His plea

before the Throne of God! Only trust Him and you will be saved! May His gracious Spirit lead you to do so now, for Christ'ssake! Amen.


May the Holy Spirit, who inspired these Words, inspire us through them as we read them! Verse 1. In the beginning was theWord. The Divine Logos, whom we know as the Christ of God. "In the beginning was the Word." The first words of this Gospelremind us of the first words of the Old Testament-"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth." Even then "theWord" Was-He existed before all time, even from everlasting.

1. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I know not how the Deity of Christ can be more plainly declared than inHis eternal duration. He is from the beginning. In His glory He was "with God." In His Nature He "was


2. The same was in the beginning with God. As we have been singing-

"Before sin was born, or Satan fell,"

before there was a creation that could fall, "the same was in the beginning with God."

3. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. He that hung upon the Cross was the Makerof all worlds. He that came as an Infant, for our sake, was the Infinite. How low He stooped! How high He must have been thatHe could stoop so low!

4. In His was life. Essentially, Eternally.

4, 5. And the light was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. It neverhas done so; it never will. You may sometimes call the darkness, the ignorance of men, or the sin of men. If you like, youmay call it the wisdom of men and the righteousness of men, for that is only another form of the same darkness. "The lightshines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."

6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. How very different is the style of this verse from the one that precedesit! How grand, how sublime, are the Evangelist's words when he speaks of Jesus! How truly human he becomes, how he dips hispen in ordinary ink when he writes, "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John." Yet that was a noble testimony tothe herald of Christ. John the Baptist was "a man sent from God."

7. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through Him might believe. Dear Friends, if youand I know our real destiny and are the servants of God, we are sent that men might, through us, believe in Jesus. John wasa special witness, but we ought all to be witnesses to complete the chain of testimony. Every Christian should reckon thathe is sent from God to bear witness to the great Light, that, through Him, men might believe.

8. 9. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light that was the true Light, which lights every man thatcomes into the world. There was no light from John except what he reflected from his Lord. All the Light of God comes fromJesus. Every man who comes into the world with any Light borrows his Light from Christ. There is no other Light-there canbe no other. He is the "Light of the World."

10. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. This is a sad verse. He was a strangerin His own house! He was unknown amidst His own handiwork. Men whom He had made, made nothing of Him. "The world knew Himnot"-did not recognize Him.

11. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. That favored circle, the Jewish nation, where Revelation had beengiven-even there, there was no place for Him. He must be despised and rejected even by His own nation!

12. 13. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name:which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. To receive Christ, a manmust be born of God. It is the simplest thing in all the world, one would think, to open the door of the heart and let Himin-but no man lets Christ into his heart till, first, God has made him to be born again-born from above.

14. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory of the Only-Begotten of the Father),full of Grace and Truth. They who saw Christ on earth were highly privileged, but it is a spiritual sight of Him that is tobe desired-and even now we can have that! How full of Grace, how full of Truth He is to all those who are privileged to beholdHim!

15, 16. John bore witness of Him, and cried, saying, This was He of whom I spoke, He that comes after me is preferred beforeme: for He was before me. And of His fullness have we all received, and Grace for Grace. I wish that we could all say that.Even out of this company, many can say it and, linking our hands with those who have gone before us, and those who are stillwith us in the faith, we say unitedly, "Of His fullness have we all received," and we hope to receive from it, again, tonight,for it is still His fullness! There is never a trace of declining in Him. It was fullness when the first sinner came to Himand it is still fullness-it will be fullness to the very end. "And Grace for Grace." We get Grace to reach out to anotherGrace, each Grace becoming a steppingstone to something higher! I do not believe in our rising on the "step-pingstones ofour dead selves." They are poor stones-they all lead downwards. The steppingstones of the living Christ lead upwards! Gracefor Grace, Grace upon Grace, till Grace is crowned with Glory!

17. For the Law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. We know that the Law came by Moses. The Lawhas often burdened us, crushed us, convinced us, condemned us. Let us be equally clear that Grace and the Truth of God comeby this Divine channel, "Jesus Christ."

18. No man has seen God at any time; the only- begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. Wedo not need to see God apart from Christ. I am perfectly satisfied to see the Eternal Light through His own chosen Medium,Christ Jesus. Apart from that Medium, the light might blind my eyes! "No man has seen God at any time." Who can look on thesun? What mind can look on God? But Christ does not hide the Father-He manifests Him. "The only-begotten Son, which is inthe bosom of the Father, He has declared Him."

19 - 23. And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who are you? Andhe confessed and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. And they asked him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he said,I am not. Are you the Prophet? And he answered, No. Then said they unto him, Who are you? That we may give an answer to themthat sent us. What say you of yourself? He said, I am the voice-not, "I am the Word," but-I am the voice." Christ is the essentialWord-we are but the voice to make that Word of God sound across the desert of human


23. Of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the Prophet Isaiah. You see, even as a voice,John was not original. That straining after originality of which we see so much of today, finds no warrant among the trueservants of God. Even though John is only a voice, yet he is a voice that quotes the Scriptures: "Make straight the way ofthe Lord, as said the Prophet Isaiah." The more of Scripture we can voice, the better. Our words, what are they? They arebut air. His Word, what is it? It is, "Grace and Truth." May we continually be lending a voice to the great Words of God thathave gone before!

24 - 27. And they which were sent were of the Pharisees. And they asked him, and said unto him, Why do you baptize, then,if you are not that Christ, nor Elijah, neither that Prophet? John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but therestands One among you, whom you know not; He it is, who, coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoelace I am not worthyto unloose. Ah, Dear Friends, although it was a lowly expression that John used, you and I often feel that we need somethingthat goes even lower than that! What are we worthy to do for Christ? Yet there are times when, if there is a shoelace to beunloosed, we are too proud to stoop to do it! When there is something to be done that will bring no honor to us, we are toohigh and mighty to do it! O child of God, if you have ever been in that condition, be greatly ashamed of yourself! John wasfirst in his day, the morning star of the Light of the Gospel, yet even he felt that he was not worthy to do the least thingfor Christ. Where shall you and I put ourselves? Paul said that he was "less than the least of all the saints." He ran awaywith a title that might have been very appropriate for us. Well, we must let him have it, I suppose, and we must try to findanother like it. But if we cannot find suitable words, God help us to have the humble feeling, which is better still!

28, 29. These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. The next day John saw Jesus coming untohim, and said, Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world! John preached a sacrificial Savior, a sin-bearingSavior, a sin-atoning Savior. You and I have nothing else to preach. Let each of us say-

"Tis all my business here below To cry, Behold the Lamb!"

30, 31. This is He of whom I said, After me comes a Man which is preferred before me: for He was before me. And I knew Himnot. Although John knew the Savior, personally, he did not know Him officially. He had a token given to him by God, by whichhe was to know the Messiah, and he did not officially know Him till he had that token fulfilled.

31 - 33. But that He should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. And John bore record, saying,I saw the Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove, and it abode upon Him. And I knew Him not: but He that sent me to baptizewith water, the same said unto me, Upon whom you shall see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, the same is He whichbaptizes with the Holy Spirit. John could not know of his own judgment. No doubt he was morally certain that Jesus was theChrist. He had been brought up with Him. He knew His mother, he had heard of His wondrous birth. John and Jesus must havebeen together often, but he was not to use his own judgment in this case, but to wait for the sign from Heaven. And untilhe witnessed it, he did not say a word about it. When he saw the Holy Spirit descend upon Him, then he knew that it was evenHe!

34. And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God. Hear you, then, the witness of John! The Christ, who came fromNazareth to be baptized of him in Jordan, He on whom the Holy Spirit descended like a dove-"this is the Son of God." Thisis the sin-bearing Lamb! Oh, that you and I might fulfill John's expectation, for he spoke that we might believe. He, beingdead, yet speaks! May we believe his witness and be assured that "this is the Son of God!"