Sermon 2244. Members Of Christ
(No. 2244)
"For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones." Ephesians 5:30.
YESTERDAY, when I had the painful task of speaking at the funeral of our dear friend, Mr. William Olney, I took the text whichI am going to take again, now. I am using it again because I did not, then, really preach from it at all, but simply remindedyou of a favorite expression of his, which I heard from his lips many times in prayer. He very frequently spoke of our beingone with Christ in "living, loving, lasting union"-three words which, in addition to being alliterative, are very comprehensiveas to the nature of our union with Christ. Those three words, you will remember, were the heads of my discourse in the presenceof that remarkable gathering which crowded this place to do honor to the memory of our Brother whose highest ambition wasalways to honor his Lord, whom he so faithfully served.
Paul here speaks only of true Believers. Men who are quickened by Divine Grace and made alive unto God. Of them, he says,not by way of romance, nor of poetical exaggeration, but as an undisputed matter of fact, "We are members of His body, ofHis flesh, and of His bones." That there is a true union between Christ and His people is no fiction or dream of a heatedimagination. Sin separated us from God and in undoing what sin has done, Christ joins us to Himself in a union more real thanany other in the whole world!
This union is very near, and very dear, and very complete. We are so near to Christ that we cannot be nearer, for we are onewith Him. We are so dear to Christ that we cannot be dearer. Consider how close and tender is the tie when it is true thatChrist loved us and gave Himself for us. It is a union more intimate than any other which exists among men, for "Greater lovehas no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." We were His enemies when Christ died for us, that Hemight save us, and make us so one with Himself that from Him our life should be drawn, and that in Him our life should behid. It is, then, a very near and dear union which Christ has established between Himself and His re-deemed-and this unioncould not be more complete than it is.
It is, also, a most wonderful union. The more you think of it, the more you will be astonished and stand in sacred awe beforesuch a marvel of Grace. Well did Kent say-
"O sacred union, firm and strong, How great the Grace, how sweet the song, That worms of earth should ever be One with IncarnateDeity!"
But so it is. Even the Incarnation of Christ is not more amazing than His living union with His people! It is a thing to beconsidered often-it is the wonder of the skies and is chief among those things which "the angels desire to look into." Onthe surface of this Truth of God you may not see much, but the longer you gaze and the more the Holy Spirit assists you inyour meditation, the more you will see in this wonderful sea of glass mingled with fire. My soul exults in the doctrine thatChrist and His people are everlastingly one!
This is a very cheering doctrine. He that understands it has an ocean of music in his soul. He that can really grasp and feedupon it will often sit in the heavenly places with his Lord and anticipate the day when he shall be with Him, and shall belike He is. Even now, since we are one with Him, there is no distance between us-we are nearer to Him than anything else canever be. The very idea of union makes us forget all distance. Indeed, distance is altogether annihilated! Love joins us soclosely with Christ that He becomes more to us than our very selves-and though now we see Him not, yet believing, we rejoicewith joy unspeakable and full of glory!
In passing, I may say that this doctrine is very practical. It is not merely a piece of sugar for your mouth-it is a lightfor your path, for, "he that says he abides in Him ought, himself, also, to walk even as He walked." We must take care thatthe love that was round about Christ's feet is always shining on our path. We must go about doing good, following in the stepsof our Lord. It would be giving the lie to this doctrine if we lived in sin, for, if we are one with Him, then we must be,in this world, even as He was-and being filled with His Spirit-must seek to reproduce His life before the world.
These thoughts may serve as an introduction to a fuller consideration of this great subject and I shall begin by saying that,in Holy Scripture, the union between Christ and His people is set forth under various forms. Then I will try to show you thatthe metaphor in our text is full of meaning. And, in the third place, I will prove to you that the doctrine of our union withChrist has its practical lessons. As we delight our hearts in the glorious Truth of God that "we are members of His body,of His flesh and of His bones," may we determine to live as those who are this closely joined to the Lord of life!
I. Our first thought is that THIS UNION IS SET FORTH UNDER SEVERAL FORMS. The blessed fact is almost beyond our highest thought!What wonder, then, that language fails adequately to describe it! Simile after simile is used. I am only going to mentionfour of them.
The union between Christ and the Believer is described as the union of the foundation and the stone. "To whom coming, as untoa living stone, disallowed, indeed, of men, but chosen of God, and precious, you, also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritualhouse." We are built on Christ and built up into Him! We lie upon Him just as the stone rests on the foundation. Well maywe sing-
"All my hope on You is stayed, All my help from You I bring!"
The stone is one with the foundation in its dependence. In the time of our need, we press closer to Christ. The heavier ourhearts, the more we bear our weight upon Him. It is the heavy stone that clings to the foundation-the light stone, perhaps,might be blown away. But we cling at all times, depending wholly upon Him, even as the stone rests upon the rock beneath.The stone does not bear up its own weight, it just rests where it is put. So do we rest on Christ. He is the Foundation andwe repose on Him!
Again, the stone is one with the foundation in its adhesion. In the course of time, the stone becomes more and more knit toit. When first the mortar is placed there and is wet, you might also move the stone. But, by-and-by, the mortar dries andthe stone seems to bite into the foundation and holds fast to it. In old Roman walls you cannot break a stone away-for thecement, which joins the stone to its fellows is as strong as the stone itself-and, truly, that which joins us to Christ isstronger than we are! We might be broken, but the bond of love which holds us, like a mighty cement to Christ, who is ourFoundation, can never be broken away! We have actually become one with Him, as I have often seen stones in the walls of anold castle become one with each other. You could not break them away-they are part and parcel of the wall and it would havebeen necessary to blow the wall to pieces before you could separate the stones from one another. So have we, by God's Grace,become one with Christ, experimentally and indissolubly! The course of years has bound us still faster to Him.
The stone is one with the foundation, moreover, in its design. The architect, in placing the stone, was following out hisplan. He planned the foundation and thought of every course-and the stone is essential to the wall, even as the foundationis essential to the stone. Thus we are one with Christ in the design of God. Reverently we say it, that God's purpose comprehendsnot only Christ, but the whole company of His elect and, without His chosen people, the design of Jehovah can never be accomplished.He is building a Temple to His praise, but a Temple cannot be all foundation. There is a necessity for every stone in thewall-in the Divine purpose there is a necessity that such a one should be a living stone, and such a one should be anotherliving stone. The weakest and the meanest of the Lord's people are as necessary as the noblest and the most beautiful, though,indeed, all are without any praise until they are built into the wall.
He that chose Christ, chose all His people. He arranged that they should be built up together and in Him, "all the buildingfitly framed together grows unto an holy temple in the Lord." Oh, I like to think of each one of us, however insignificantwe may appear to be, as being bricks or stones in that great Temple of almighty Grace! Perhaps some of us may stand whereeverybody can see us, but what does it matter? If we are in the wall at all, it is well! Wherever you are placed, we are joinedto Christ and, therefore, no one has a pre-eminence over any other, because we are all alike built
upon the one Foundation, even Jesus Christ our Lord, into whom we daily grow, pressing closer and closer to Him in experienceand holding tighter and tighter to Him by faith.
The second aspect in which our union with Christ is represented in the Scripture, is that of the vine and the branches. "Iam the vine, you are the branches," is the word of Christ to His disciples. The former simile of the foundation and the stonedoes not suggest any idea of life. Therefore, the Apostle, in using it, had to speak of Christ as a living stone and of usas living stones! It is a somewhat odd figure and yet it is strictly true, for you and I have no more spiritual life in usthan stones, except as a miracle makes us live! And then, though we are living, yet like stones we are apparently inert andlifeless, albeit we are really quickened by a supernatural work and made living stones. But the figure is not congruous.
This second simile, however, conveys to us the idea of life, for a vine is no vine if it is dead-and its branches are no truebranches unless they are alive. There is a living union between Christ and His people and I hope that I can appeal to theexperience of many here present who know that there is a living union between them and Christ. Happy is the man who can say,"I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son ofGod, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
The union is even more than a union of life-it is a union of derived life. The branch is in such union with the stem thatit receives all its sap from it-it could not live unless the living juices flowed from the stem into it. And such is our life.Christ pours His lifeblood into us. Perpetually, as long as He exists, He seems to be oozing out into His people. In fact,when His wounds were open, He bled life into us-and when His heart was burst, He changed our hearts and gave them life, thoughthey once were hearts of stone. We are so one with Christ that we, at first, received our life from Him- and we continue toreceive it from Him every moment!
In consequence of the life of Christ in us, we grow. The growing of the branch is really the growing of the vine. It is becausethe stem grows that it sends its growth into the branch and manifests it there. As Christ pours His life-force into us, Hemakes us grow, to the praise of the glory of His Grace.
Fruit-bearing is the ultimate end of our union to Christ. We are one with Him that we may bring forth fruit unto His praise.Dear Friends, are we really doing this? Are we not satisfied with a nominal union to Christ, even though we bear no fruitto His honor? We ought to be very distressed when we are barren and unfruitful, remembering that the great Husbandman hasa sharp knife and that it is written, "Every branch in Me that bears not fruit He takes away." Oh, that none of my hearersmay ever be in Christ in that false way, but may we all be in Him in a union so true and vital as shall cause us to bear fruitto His praise-for then, though we shall be pruned, we shall never be cut from the vine!
The third metaphor which the Savior deigns to give of this union is that of the husband and the wife. "For the husband isthe head of the wife, even as Christ is the Head of the Church." Here you have a union, not only of life, but also of love.It is worthy of notice that the two words, "live," and, "love," should be so like each other. In spiritual things, the twothings are not only similar, they are exactly alike! Love is the life and life is always first sent-and chiefly sent in theform of love.
With the true husband, his wife is himself. The Scripture says, "He that loves his wife loves himself," and I believe thatChrist considers that when He loves His Church, He loves Himself. His care for us is now His care for Himself. Since He hastaken us to be in eternal wedded union with Himself, He regards us as Himself and He cares for us as He cares for Himself-"Forwe are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones." No sane man will injure his own flesh. "No man ever yet hatedhis own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it, even as the Lord the Church." So Christ takes care of His people because Heregards them as being bound to Himself by those bonds which make them to be as Himself. Hence we are kept as the apple ofHis eye.
Remember that in every family, the wife is the mother of the children, and so it is in the Church of Christ. He would haveus all bear unto Him a holy spiritual seed. If we abide in Him, we shall be able to propagate our faith and bring others intothe Church. Every Believer should have this objective before him as the joy of his life, for thus shall Christ "see His seed,He shall prolong His days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hands."
The wife, too, is the keeper of the house. She takes care of the household concerns of her husband. And so would the LordChrist have His people care for His interests and for all that belongs to Him, for He has committed these things unto us asthe husband commits his treasures to his wife. He has left us in custody of all that He has. In one sense we are the stewardsof His household, but in another and a clearer sense, we are united to Him by marriage bonds which can
never be broken. It is a sweet subject, but I cannot linger upon it. You must let your own thoughts be fragrant with its aroma.However close may be the union of husband and wife, the union between the Believer and Christ is still closer. Oh, to realizemore and more of it each day!-
"O Jesus! Make yourself to me A living, bright reality, More present to faith's vision keen More than any outward object seen!More dear, more intimately nigh, Than even the sweetest earthly tie!"
All human imagery fails to set forth the union between Christ and His people, but the figure in our text is that of the headand the member. The Apostle says of Christ that "we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones." Christ is theHead and we are members of His body. Wonderful union, this! In the first metaphor, the foundation and the stone, we had theidea of rest. In the second, the vine and the branches, the idea of life. The union of the husband and wife gave us the thoughtof love. Now, here, we have the suggestion of identity. There are two lives in the husband and the wife, but there is onlyone life in the head and the body-and in this respect this metaphor brings out the true relation of Christ to His people moreclearly than any other!
There is a wonderful union between the head and the members of the body. It is a union of life and a union of the body whichalways continues. The husband may have to travel miles away from the wife, but it can never be that the head can travel awayfrom the body. If I were to hear of any man whose head was six inches, or even an inch away from his body, I would say thathe was dead! There must be perpetual union between the head and the members, or else death follows-and the death, mark you,not only of the body, but of the head as well. They are dead when they are divided. How glorious is this thought when we applyit to the Lord and His redeemed people! Their union is everlasting! They would die if separated from Him and even He wouldcease to be did He lose them, for, somehow or other, they are so joined that He will not be without them-He cannot be withoutthem, for that were for the Head of the Church to be divided from the members of His mystical body! Thus is we are able tosing-
"And this I do find, were two sojoined, He'll not be in Glory, and leave me behind."
II. Having thus shown you these four figures-and there are others, but I have not time to speak upon them-I now come to theone before us in the text and remark that THIS METAPHOR IS FULL OF MEANING-"We are members of His body, of His flesh, andof His bones." There are seven points to which I would ask your attention.
There is here union of life, union of relationship and union of service. See what I mean. Your hand never studies what itcan do for the head, but when the head wishes the hand uplifted, immediately up goes the hand. And when the head wishes thatthe hand should go down, down it goes in an instant! There is no deliberation or discussion about the matter. The head andthe members, in a healthy body, are practically one. If you happen to be ill, it may be different. I have sometimes seen,in a person semi-paralyzed, the leg throw itself out without any guidance from the head and, sometimes-how often has it happenedto me!-the head has willed that the hand should turn the pages of a book and the hand has been unable to do it.
Did you ever notice when you are falling, how, without thought, your hands always try to save your head? If any person wereabout to strike you, you would not deliberate, but up would go your arm to protect your head! This law is also true in spirituallife. All true Christians will do anything to save their Head. He saved us and now our desire is to save Him! We cannot bearthat He should be insulted, that His Gospel should be despised, or that anything would be done against His sacred dignity.We are so one with our glorious Head that the moment anyone strikes at Him, up goes our hands immediately in His defense.Oh, I trust that you know what this means-if you are ever put up to the pain of hearing Christ's Gospel falsely preached,or seeing professedly Christian men bringing disgrace upon His dear name, you feel at once that you would rather bear anypain, or any reproach, than that Christ should be injured! The hand is so one with the Head, that it endeavors to screen it.
Between the head and the members there is also union of feeling. If the head aches, you feel it all over, you are altogetherill. And if your finger aches, your head does not feel well. There is such a sympathy between all parts of the body that,"whether one member suffers, all members suffer with it; or one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.
Now, you are the body of Christ and members in particular." Christ is our Head and the Head specially suffers with the members.I do not know whether it is always so clear that one hand suffers with another hand as it is clear that the head suffers witheither hand. So is it with the Church. It may not always be clear that all the members sympathize with each other, but itis always clear that Christ sympathizes with each one of His people! There is a quicker way, somehow, from the head to thehand, than there is from one hand to the other, and there is a keener sympathy between Christ and His people than there oftenis between one of His servants and another. It is written concerning His people that, "In all their affliction He was afflicted."In all your sorrows, child of God, your heavenly Head feels the pain!
There is, moreover, a union of mutual necessity between the members and the head. The head needs the body. Now, I must speakvery guardedly here, when I refer the thought to Christ, but it is still true. What would my head be without my body? It wouldbe a ghastly sight. And Christ without His people would be incomplete! A dying Christ redeeming nobody! A living Christ withno one to live by His life, would be a grim failure! Christ on Calvary and souls going down to Hell, with none saved by Hisprecious blood? Christ Incarnate on the Cross without a single man saved by His Incarnation and His death? It would be a fearfulsight! The Church is said to be Christ's fullness-"The Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all."This is a wonderful expression. Now, the fullness of the head is the body- take the body away from the head, what is it? Asto the body, what could it be without the head? If your head were gone, you could not have swiftness of foot, or deftnessof hand, or strength of heart. No, there remains nothing for the head if it is severed from the body and nothing for the bodyif it is separated from the head! There is between them a union of mutual necessity.
There is, farther, between the head and the members a union of nature. I will not attempt to describe the chemical compositionof human flesh, but it is quite clear that my head is made of the same flesh as my members. There is no difference betweenthe flesh of one and the flesh of the other. So, though our Covenant Head is now in Heaven and His feet are on earth, yetChrist is still so one by nature with His people, that He is very Man of very Man, as much as He is very God of very God!If you deny His Humanity, I do not think you will long hold His Divinity. And if you deny His Deity, you have sadly destroyedthe perfection of His Humanity-for He is a perfect Man-He could not be if He so acted as to make men think that He was God,when He was not! To us He is God-Man in one Person, whom we love and adore! His Nature is the same as our nature and we arejoined to Him forever-
"Lord Jesus, are we ONE with Thee.9
Oh, height!Oh depth of love!
With You we died upon the tree,
In You we live above.
Oh, teach us, Lord, to know and own
This wondrous mystery,
That You with us are truly ONE,
And we are ONE with Thee!"
Between Christ and His people there is also a union of possession. Nothing belongs to my head that does not belong to my hand.Whatever my head can claim as its own, my hand may claim as its own. Whatever belongs to Christ belongs to you, poor Believer!Christ is rich, can you be poor? Even His Father is your Father and His Heaven is your Heaven, for you are so one with Himthat all the broad possessions of His infinite wealth are given freely to you! He bestows upon you His bounty, not only "tothe half of the kingdom," but the whole of it. Joined to Him-all that He has is yours!
Between the Lord and His Church there is also a union of present condition. Christ is very dear to His Father's heart. "Thisis My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," was the word which came from the opened Heaven concerning Christ and, as Goddelights in Christ, so is He also well-pleased with you who are in Christ. Yes, He is as pleased with you as He is with Christ,for He sees you in Christ and Christ in you! God makes no division between you and Him to whom He has joined you. "What, therefore,God has joined together, let no man put asunder." Certainly God will never separate that which He has united in Christ! Donot put yourself asunder from Christ, even in your thoughts, by supposing that you are not well-beloved of God even as Hisown Covenant Head.
Last of all, there is a union of future destiny. Whatever Christ is to be, you are to be a sharer of it all. How can you diewhile Jesus lives? How can the body die while the head lives? If we go through the waters, they cannot overflow us until theyoverflow our head. While a man's head is above water, he cannot be drowned. And Christ, up yonder in the
eternities of Glory, can never be conquered-neither can those be vanquished who are one with Him! Forever and forever, tillthe Christ shall die, till the immortal Son of God expires, you who are united to Him in the purpose of God and in faith whichnow lays hold of Him, shall live and reign! "Because I live, you shall live, also." Is not that a quietus to every fear ofdestruction? You are so one with Him that when the sun becomes a burnt-out coal and the moon is turned into a clot of blood-whenthe stars fall as the leaves of autumn and the Heaven and earth shall melt away, going back into nothingness from which Omnipotencehas called them-you shall live, for He shall live who is your Head! "We believe that we shall also live with Him: knowingthat Christ, being raised from the dead, dies no more; death shall have no dominion over Him." Where He goes we shall follow!
I have heard it said that when a thief is able to get his head through the bars of the window, his body can easily follow.I am not sure of that, but I know that where my Lord has gone, His members shall surely be! "I am He that lives, and was dead;and, behold, I am alive forevermore," is a word that is meant for your consolation! Take it home. "We are members of His body,of His flesh, and of His bones," and, as Doddridge sings-
"Since Christ and we are one,
Why should I doubt or fear?
If He in Heaven has fixed His Throne,
He'll fix His members there."
III. Lastly, and briefly, THIS DOCTRINE HAS ITS PRACTICAL LESSONS, which I will try to set forth plainly so that those ofus who are members of Christ may bring greater joy and glory to our Head than we have brought before.
To begin with, I would say, if we are, indeed, one with Christ, we should have no doubt about it. It used to be a fashionand, I fear, still is in some quarters, to think that mistrust of our own condition and doubt concerning our own salvation,is a kind of virtue. I have met with good people who would not say that they were saved-they "hoped" that they were. And Ihave met with others who were not sure that they were cleansed by the precious blood of Christ-they "trusted" that they were.This state of mind is not a credit, either to Christ, or to ourselves!
If I told my son something, and he were to say to me, "I hope you will keep your word, Father," I should not feel that hetreated me as he ought. Surely, to believe Christ up to the hilt is the way to honor Him! If we are one with Him, we losethe comfort of it if we do not know, for sure, the fact of our blessed union-we miss much of the confidence that comes ofit if we do not clearly apprehend the reality-and we are robbed of much of the joy which it brings. And how little of themeaning of that Word of God, "the joy of the Lord is your strength," unless we believe simply, like children, and take theWord of God to mean what it says-and are certain about it!
This is an age of doubt, but, as for me, I will have none of it! I have doubted enough and more than enough! I have done withit long ago and I can say with Paul, "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep which I have committedunto Him against that day." Salvation is by faith. Damnation comes by doubt! Doubt is the death of all comfort, the destructionof all force, the enemy of God and man!
If we are one with Christ, we should go through the world like princes. We should be like Abraham among his fellows, who claimedno princedom, and wore no crown, yet who could say to the King of Sodom what he had already vowed to God, "I will not takefrom you a thread unto a shoe lace, and I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, I have made Abram rich."If you are one with Christ, treat the world in that way! O World, you cannot bless me! God has blessed me! You can not curseme! God has blessed me! Do you laugh? Laugh if it pleases you. Do you frown? What difference does it make to me? If God hassmiled upon me, you may spurn me! If I am one with Christ, I expect that you should think little of me, for you did spurnmy Head. Should the body of Christ expect better treatment than the Head received?
If we are one with Christ, we shall remember that to dishonor ourselves is to implicate our Lord. If I dishonor any part ofmy body, my head feels the shame of it. And since we are the members of Christ, we should be very careful how to behave, lestwe should cause Him pain. Men will judge Christ by His people. If I caught sight of a pair of legs very unsteadily walkingalong the street, I would be inclined to say that they belong to a drunk head! If our walk among men is not such "as becomesthe Gospel," what harsh thoughts those around us may have of our Savior! Of course we know that any ill estimate of Him willbe false, for He is all fair and there is no spot in Him-but still, His name and His cause will suffer dishonor. Let us not,then, injure or defile ourselves, lest we should bring reproach upon Him whom we love!
In the next place, if we are one with Him, to think of Him should be very natural. There are many of us who could say, withoutany exaggeration, that though we do not think so much of our Lord as we should, and are not so much with Him in contemplationas we desire, yet we have spent more time with Him than we have spent with anybody else. Little as we know compared with whatwe hope to know, yet His love has become to us now the brightest, the most conspicuous fact in all our history! We know butfew things, but we know that we are one with Christ in a union never to be broken. We know Him, too, by our communion withHim. We saw Him this morning-we have seen Him during the day-we shall see Him, again, tonight. I should not like to go tobed with any other thought upon my mind than this-
"Sprinkled afresh with pardoning blood,
I lay me down to rest,
As in the embraces of my God,
Or on my Sa vior's breast."
If we are one with Him, to live with Him should be the most natural thing in our lives. Have I not heard, however, of someprofessors who have not had communion with Christ for many a day? I talked, once, with a Brother who said a great deal aboutmany things. And when he had complained of this and of that, I leaned forward to him and said, "Brother, how long is it sinceyou have had close fellowship with Christ?" He answered, "Oh, there you have got me!" When I asked him, "What do you meanby that?" he answered, "I am afraid that I have not had fellowship with Christ for months." I had suspected that it must havebeen so, or else his conversation would not have been of the kind it was. What a sad thing it must be for a wife to live inher husband's house and not speak to him for weeks! But how much worse it is for us to profess to be one with Christ and yethave no sort of communication with Him by the month together! This is something perfectly horrible! God save us all from sucha thing! May we think continually of our Lord and always live with Him because we are one with Him!
Again, being one with Christ, to serve Him should be very natural. Indeed, we exist but to do His will and to glorify Hisname! Of what use are my hands and feet unless they move at the impulse of my head? They are but encumbrances unless theyare ready to obey the bidding of my mind. If your arms hang helpless, you do not know what to do with them-whichever way youturn, they are in the way! To be paralyzed is most unnatural, yet I fear there are many of us who are of little use to ourMaster. We hear His Word, but do not obey it. He calls for helpers, but we run not at His bidding! Come, come, this will notdo! We are members of Christ and the one purpose of our life should be to serve our Head! God help us all to do it!
I will not continue longer. I leave you to draw the many inferences which naturally spring from our being one with Christ.Our Heaven lies in our union with Him. Yes, and sometimes, when we realize our oneness with Christ, we can hardly think thatwe should be happier in Heaven than we are now! May you all have this enjoyment! Oh, you would think that we raved if we toldyou the unspeakable delight, the immeasurable bliss which communion with Christ has brought into our souls! I desire thatall of you should know the same rapture! I never enjoy a thing without wishing everybody to enjoy it and, therefore, whenI come to this point of being one with Christ and the delight it brings, I would to God that you all knew it, too!
But alas! You do not-some of you do not even desire it. I have been talking something like Dutch to some of you tonight-youhave not comprehended my language at all! May the very fact that you have not understood it, or cared about it, lead you tosuspect that there is a joy which you have not known and a life which you have not found! And when you know that it is so,"Seek you the Lord while He may be found, call you upon Him while He is near." If you seek Him with all your heart, you willsurely find Him-and very soon you will also be brought into "living, loving, lasting union" with Christ.
Remember that the least touch of faith is sufficient to save the soul! That poor woman who came behind Christ in the throngonly touched the hem of His garment-yet that timid touch brought healing and health to her! Virtue went out of Him into herand she was made whole of her plague! If you can only touch the Lord by the finger of your faith, yes, though it is your littlefinger, it shall be well with you! Though your hand is quivering with the palsy of unbelief, yet, still, if you have faithenough to touch Him, to come into contact with Him, you have set the whole machinery of salvation in motion! God give youfaith to find eternal life even now! Why not? If my dear friend were here, of whom this drapery is a memorial, he would sayunto me, "Oh, tell them to taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed are all they that trust in Him!" You know how fondhe was of that verse we sang yesterday-
"Oh make but a trial of His love;
Experience will decide
How blest are they, and only they,
Who in His truth confide!" God bless you all, for Christ's sake! Amen.
Portion of Scripture Read before Sermon-Ephesians 5.