Sermon 2220. Three Decisive Steps

(No. 2220)




"Audit came to pass, while the ark abode in Kirjath Jearim, that the time was long; for it was twenty years. And all the houseof Israel lamented after the Lord. And Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying, If you return to the Lord with allyour hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from amongyou, andprepare your hearts for the Lord, and serve Himonly: and He will deliver you out of the hands of the Philistines. Then the children of Israel put away Baalim and Ashtaroth,and served the Lord only. And Samuel said, Gather all Israel to Mizpeh, and I will pray to the Lord for you." 1 Samuel 7:2-5.

Two enemies held Israel in subjection. The Philistines had fought against them and defeated them, even though they sent toShiloh and brought the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of Jehovah's Presence, into their camp. The Lord was not with them,so they were smitten with a great slaughter. The crowning disaster of the day was "the Ark of God was taken." The Philistinescarried it away to Ashdod and set it in the house of Dagon, their idol. You remember how God, jealous for His honor and Glory,worked mighty wonders, causing Dagon to fall and inflicting punishment on every city where the ark came, until, at last, thePhilistines, wearied with their trials, sent the Ark back to the people on whose behalf Jehovah had shown Himself so strong.Twenty years the Ark abode at Kirjath Jearim and, during all that time, Israel was under the hand of the Philistines.

But a worse enemy than the Philistines held sway over the land. Though the Ark had returned, the people had gone away fromtheir God and had set up the abominable worship of Baal and Astarte, the idols of the Phoenicians and other heathen nationsby whom they were surrounded. I will not stay to explain to you about these gods. Suffice it to say that the Baalim were themale gods and the Ashtaroth the female-and that worship of these idols was attended with great lewdness and filthiness-infact, the holy things of Baal and Astarte we would call obscene and degrading. The people were thus in double bondage. Theheavy yoke of the Philistines was upon them because the heavier burden of a false worship crushed out the life of their hearts.

It may very naturally be asked, "Where was Samuel all that time?" I know not what he was doing during those 20 years, butI have a suspicion. I will say I have a firm persuasion that he was going from place to place, preaching in quiet spots whereverhe could gather an audience, warning the people of their sin and stirring them up to seek Jehovah, thus endeavoring to infusesome spirituality into their national life. But "the time was long." He plowed and seemed to plow a rock. For 20 years thegood man spoke. For 20 years he acted like a battering ram upon a wall that did not seem to tremble beneath his strokes. For20 years he went up and down, fleeing for his life from the Philistines, but venturing out, whenever he had an opportunity,to warn a household or a village group, or, perhaps, a township, that they could only be delivered from the Philistines byseeking God-that they had come into their present evil case by forsaking Jehovah and, that, unless they came back to the worshipof the only true God, they would never again have their liberties.

"The time was long," very long, for him to keep on speaking, warning a people who did not seem to care for his message. Butconstant dripping wears away stones and, at last, the inert mass against which he had battered began to move and there arosea general feeling of enquiry all over the country-"all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord." Then was Samuel's timeto strike, while the iron was hot! He had spent 20 years in getting it hot and he did not miss the opportunity when, at last,it came! He pleaded with the people and plainly showed them the only way in which they could expect help-namely, by puttingaway their false gods and returning with prepared hearts to the service of Jehovah.

That the continual prayers and efforts of Samuel were crowned with success should encourage all those who, in days of unfaithfulnessand apostasy, still lift up their voices for the Truth of God! Keep pegging away, my Brothers, though the people may seemto be indifferent to your message, or stiffen their necks against it. Do not give up though in the service of the base idolsthey seem wholly to forget God! The Lord will yet arise in His own good time and His cause shall triumph! Prepare a way forHim, of whom it is written, "Your people shall be willing in the day of Your power." Now, I believe that my case, with regardto some to whom I am speaking, is something like that of Samuel. I have, at least, the same message to deliver.

I hope to be able to make this plain by showing you, first, that these people were in a very hopeful condition. That, secondly,they were called upon to take very decided steps. And, thirdly, that they were helped to do so by faith. True, it was faithin Samuel-and you get much more help if you have faith in a greater than Samuel who is still here among us, even our Lordand Savior, Jesus Christ!

I. First, then, THESE PEOPLE WERE IN A VERY HOPEFUL CONDITION. "All the house of Israel lamented after the Lord." What doesit mean?

It means, first, that they were greatly oppressed. Their goods were taken from them. They were beaten. They saw their childrenslain. They were the slaves of the Philistines and, therefore, they began to say, "Why should we not return to our God? Whenwe were true to Jehovah, there were no Philistines to trouble us. They were put to rout when we served God. It was betterwith us then, than now. Samson, when the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, slew a thousand of them with the jawboneof an ass. Oh, for a day of Samson back again! Oh, for a day of God back again!" Their oppressions made them think of God.

Do I not address some whose many troubles are compelling them to think of God? All went well with you, once, and then youwere an atheist. Troubles are multiplying, now, and atheism does not suit you. You have buried those you loved. Ah, the grasshas not yet grown on that newly-formed grave and your heart is aching after something, you scarcely know what! There weredays with you, perhaps, in your youth, when you knelt at your mother's knee-and in your early manhood, when you went to theHouse of God and seemed to be one of God's people. You sigh as you think of happier days-but all goes wrong with you, now,and a voice seems to say to you, especially in the still of night, "Return, return, return!" You have wandered, like a sheep,from the pasture to the desert, from the shepherd's care into danger from the wolf. May God grant that you may, in this way,begin to lament after the Lord!

I think that by the house of Israel lamenting after the Lord, is meant, next, that they began to be inwardly convinced thatnobody could help them but the Lord. "Ah," said one, "would God these Philistines were driven away!" "Ah," said his companion,"nobody can do it but Jehovah." And then the first one answered, "Then, would that Jehovah were here! Oh, for His mighty handand His terrible power to drive away our enemies!" "Israel lamented after the Lord." Samuel had taught them to some purpose,seeing that when they saw their need, they did not look for help to him, but to his Master. Some teachers attract attentionto themselves and are like the moon when it shines-everybody says, "What a beautiful moon!" The true Prophet of God shineslike the sun and people do not say, "What a beautiful sun!" but, "How lovely is the landscape!" Let it be your ambition toso declare the Word of God that people will not say, "What a splendid preacher!" but, "How glorious is his Christ!"

No man must come between the seeker and God, for the best of men are but men at their best. Not even the ordinances of religioncan meet the need of the people, though they are God-appointed-they were meant to lead us to God-and not to be a substitutefor Him! When the Philistines triumphed, as we read in the fourth chapter, the elders of Israel said, "Let us fetch the Arkof the Covenant of the Lord out of Shiloh unto us, that, when it comes among us, it may save us out of the hand of our enemies."And lo, when it came, it did not save them! When people trust in the religious symbol instead of the spiritual power, theyare idolaters in heart and invite disaster!

But the house of Israel did not lament after the Ark-they lamented after the Lord, without whose Glory, shining between thecherubim, even the Ark was void and valueless! Am I speaking to one who has come to this conviction- "Nobody can help me butGod. I am so down at the heel, so broken in spirit, I am brought into such a condition, that unless the heavens are rent andthe right hand of God appears, there is no rescue for me"? I am right glad you are brought into that condition! There is muchgained when you look away from all others and from all else, to God. Say now, "I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, fromwhere comes my help. My help comes from the Lord who made Heaven

and earth." And if your soul still sighs, "Oh, that He would help me! Oh, that it were true that He did hear me and wouldcome to my rescue!"-remember His words, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify


In some such case were the people of Israel and when it says that they, "lamented after the Lord," it seems to me that, whilethey desired Him, they were afraid that He would not deliver them. They prayed after a fashion, but there was a dash of doubtabout it. So have I known many go up to their closet to pray and they have said, "O God, if so vile a sinner can be forgiven,if there is such a thing as salvation for a backslider, if sins like mine can be washed away, oh, that I might be saved!"They have prayed with an, "if," and a, "perhaps" and a, "maybe"-lamenting after the Lord with many a moan, sigh, cry of despair-andthen, just a little drop or two of hope! Lamenting after the Lord-I do not quite know how to describe it. But I know the distressingcondition very well-that state in which the soul feels it needs God and would give anything to be saved, is willing to submitto Him and is anxious to be forgiven, but always is haunted with the dark thought-"It is not for you. He will never stretchHis arms of mercy so far as to reach you. You are outside the Covenant! You are past hope." Still, even though this is a verydark state of mind to be in, it is a hopeful state of mind. It is much better than presumption or carelessness.

Moreover, these people had very little hope but they had very much desire. "They lamented after the Lord." I suppose theirlamentation after the Lord was in this fashion-"Oh, that God would be our God! But then He never will. Oh, that He would deliverus from the Philistines! But then He never will." Their prayer was damp for lack of faith. Their tinder would not burn. Theydid not rejoice to believe in the Lord, but they "lamented" after Him-they kept sorrowing and sighing, moaning and crying-needingHim, but never coming to Him. I know that I now address some who have regularly attended the preaching of the Gospel for years.You are not without a sense of sin. You are not without anxious desires. You are not without very anxious feelings at times.Sometimes you would give your eyes that you might know Christ and you feel as if you could willingly die if you could butknow that you were saved. But, still, you cannot believe it possible-and that doubt still hangs over you. But it is possible!It is more than possible! It is absolutely certain that he who believes in Christ has everlasting life and he that comes toHim, He will in no wise cast out! He is ready to forgive. He delights in mercy. He overflows with compassion. "If you seekHim, He will be found of you." Your lamentations after the Lord may be sweetened with a good hope that, coming to Him, Hewill accept you!

If you read the third verse, you will see that, all this while, they had not parted with their idols. They lamented afterthe Lord, but they did not get the Lord because they wanted to have the Lord and to have their idols, too. There are men inthe world who want to go to Heaven, but they want to stay on the road to Hell! They would get to the north by traveling tothe south. There are some who would go home to their Father, but they would like to take the swine, the swine troughs andthe husks with them! A pretty sight, that prodigal would have been, would he not, driving the hogs and carrying the hog troughson his back, to his father's house? Such a picture is not to be imagined. It never existed in fact and never can. John Bunyantells us that when he was playing at the game of "cat," one Sunday, on Elstow Green, as he was going to strike the cat withhis stick, he thought he heard a voice, crying, "Will you keep your sins, and go to Hell; or will you give up your sins andgo to Heaven?"

That question, without an angel's voice, you may hear at this moment! I put it now to some of you who would like to keep yoursins and yet go to Heaven! You lament after the Lord. You would be a saint, but then you want to be a sinner, too. You wouldbe a child of God, but then you would not like to turn out of the devil's family. You would not like to be ridiculed by theworld. No, you want the crown without the cross! You want the end without the way. You want Heaven without holiness and forgivenesswithout repentance-and this can never be. It is useless lamenting after the Lord if it does not lead you to give up your idols!

One thing, however, was meant by this lamenting after the Lord. It meant that they could never rest till God returned. Someof you have tried many ways to get rest. Some years ago you got harpooned at a meeting and though, like a big whale, you havedragged out miles of line and gone to the bottom of the sea of sin, the harpoon still sticks in you! I know what you havebeen doing to get rest. You have tried the world and now there is nothing there that pleases you. You have tried stickingto business, but you are unsatisfied. You have made money, but you are a poorer man than you were when you began business!Poorer, really, than when you had not a penny to bless yourself with! In fact, you have not a penny that does bless you-allyour pennies seem curses as they come in.

And then you have tried philosophy. Oh, you are a wonderfully wise man, especially when you have just read a book full ofinfidelity! Then you are wiser than two Solomons rolled into one! And yet you are a fool and you know you are, for you cannotget any peace by that means. You try, sometimes, to talk big blasphemies, and that is because you are afraid. As boys willwhistle when they go through the churchyard, and are afraid of ghosts, they whistle to keep their courage up. And some peopletalk very big things just to keep up their confidence-a confidence which they really do not possess, for they are dreadfulcowards when they come to die! I wonder what you will try next? Will you try dissipation? Will you try drunkenness? Will youtry the use of drugs? Well, well, if God means to save you, you will never rest till you are anchored in the port of Christ'satoning Sacrifice.

Until you come to God by Jesus Christ, you shall never rest! You shall be weary of foot; you shall be weary of brain; youshall be sick at heart; you shall feel that life is not worth living; you shall feel darkness over all your brightness andyou shall taste bitterness in all your sweets. If God means to save you, He will make you lament after Him. He has lamentedafter you-you cost your Savior many a tear. You cost your Savior nailed hands and feet. You cost your Savior bloody sweat.You cost Him His death and He will not have you trifle where He is so in earnest-and if you will not come without strong measures,He will make you come!

You shall be like Noah's dove. The raven rested on the corpses, but the dove could not. For her there was no resting place-shemust drop into the water and drown-but her weary wings, at last, bears her back to the ark! Noah opens the window, puts outhis hand, takes her in his grasp and pulls her in unto him into the ark. Then was she peaceful and quiet. She had found herNoah-she had found her rest. And it is to be so with some of you, now. You may stand out against my Master, but He means tohave you. I sometimes hear of persons getting very angry after a Gospel sermon- and I say to myself, "I am not sorry for it."Sometimes when we are fishing, the fish gets the hook into his mouth. He pulls hard at the line-if he were dead, he couldnot-but he is a live fish, worth the getting, and though he runs away, for a while, with the hook in his jaws, he cannot escape.His very wriggling and his anger show that he has got the hook and the hook has got him. Have the landing-net ready-we shallland him by-and-by! Give him more line-let him use up his strength and then we will land him-and he shall belong to Christforever!

Some of you know well what all this means, so I need say no more upon this point.


STEPS. See how plainly and decidedly Samuel puts the matter-"If you return to the Lord with all your hearts, then put awaythe strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts for the Lord, and serve Him only."

The first thing that they were to do was to "put away the strange gods." They were to go home and break the images of Baal,tear down the vile statues of Astarte and smash them to pieces, whether they were private images, or public ones. They wereto clear out the whole tribe of idols! Now, if we would come back to God, we must get rid of all our false confidences-

"The dearest idol I have known,

Whatever that idol be, Help me to tear it from Your Throne And worship only Thee."

Every man seems to have a different idol. One has pride-he is so wonderfully good, so self-righteous! He has never done anythingwrong. He is quite as good as a Christian and some better. He gives himself an excellent character. He could not have a better.If it were not for the name at the bottom, which is his own, he could get any situation with such a character as he has! Butthen, you see, he has given it to himself. You will have to give up that nonsense, for you have not a good character, afterall, and when you stand in the Light of God, you will see yourself to be defiled from head to foot!

Another man's god is his self-confidence. Hear him talk. He understands everything! He does not need to be taught anything-andif there is anything in the Bible that he does not understand, why then he does not believe it! He knows better than God Almightyand the Holy Spirit! He can judge the Scriptures and tell you what they ought to be and he could have, himself, written abetter book. So he says, sometimes, in his talk, or so he thinks. Ah, poor Soul! You will have to break that image of prideor it will be your ruin. Self-confidence, in all its shapes and forms, must be hurled down if God is to be set up in the heart!

Alas, there are some that have the images of Baal and Ashtaroth in the form of lust. Ah, you cannot keep your sin and go toHeaven! Unchastity, fornication, adultery, uncleanness of body-these must be given up! God is ready to for-

give the harlot and the fornicator, but they must quit their sins once and for all and forever. You cannot lie in the styand yet go home to your Father. This abominable thing must be totally given up and never thought of again, if you would beforgiven and saved.

Others, who are more respectable, have the god of covetousness. To make money, to save money, to grab, to grasp- for thisthey will grind the workman in his wages. For this they will cheat in the quantity or the quality of their goods. All sortsof tricks in trade will be performed that they may get rich. Now, covetousness is idolatry. If you worship a god of gold,you will perish as much as if you worshipped a god of mud! Oh, that we might have this god driven out of us and have a living,generous spirit implanted!

How many do I know, too, who have for an idol the god of drink! Old Bacchus sits astride not only the wine cask, but manya man's heart. The man, when sober and "all right," is what everybody calls, "a good fellow." But he must drink and when oncehe is drunk, then he is by no means a good fellow, but foul and vile in language and one knows not what he may do! Sir, youmust quit strong drink if you would be saved. No drunkard has any inheritance in the Kingdom of God! Drunkenness must be givenup, and chambering, and wantonness, and gluttony, and all the sins of the flesh! These gods must be broken. "Put away thestrange gods from among you."

There are others I know whose strange god is malice. They cannot forgive. Perhaps even while sitting in the House of God theyare saying, "Well, I can forgive everybody except my brother. He served me a very bad turn. I can never forgive him." Or,possibly, some are like the man who, when dying, told the priest that he forgave So-and-So for all the wrong he had done him-"Thatis," he said, "if I die. But if I get up again, I'll make him rue it." Are there not many whose forgiveness of injuries isof that kind? It is a mere sham! But there is no going to Heaven unless, frankly and unreservedly, you can forgive otherstheir offenses. Why, you cannot even pray the Lord's Prayer unless you do so! "Forgive us our sins; for we also forgive everyonethat is indebted to us." You cannot get through that prayer, much less get through the narrow gate, so long as malice is inyour heart!

But I must not stay to enlarge here. Every man must discover his own idol, whatever it may be. And now let me most solemnlyput it to each one of you-"If you will return unto the Lord with all your heart, then put away the strange gods that haveruled over you-and turn unto the Lord." That is the first decided step.

Are you saying, "Well, I will put away these evil things; I will give up these sins"? I am glad you have come to that. Butwhen? Can you put them away now, just now, do you think? "I was thinking," says one, "I have an engagement tomorrow that willbe rather bad." Can you not put the thing away tonight? "Well, I should like to have one indulgence of the flesh." Ah, Sir,you will never put these sins away till you go and do it straight away! That prodigal son got back to his father because hewent off directly. He ran away! I do not know upon what terms his master had engaged him, whether it was by the quarter, orby the week, but this I know-he no sooner came to his senses than off he went and never stopped! He ran off instantly. Youmust run away from your old master without giving him any notice, for if you give him any warning, you will never get awayat all! God help us to break the images here and now! Down with them, whatever they may be, and turn at once to the Lord!

Now, notice the next step of decision-"Put away the strange gods, and prepare your hearts for the Lord." The mere outwardreformation was not enough. They might have torn down every idol in the land and have been no nearer God for that. See, inFrance, today, how the people who have for long bent the knee in superstition and idolatry, have, many of them, flung awaytheir vain worship only to sink into infidelity. What better are they, when they exalt the "Goddess of Reason" where beforestood the altars of the Papacy, when the heart is untouched and God is not in all their thoughts? Still, there are many inthat land, as, I trust, there are many here, who are lamenting after God and only await the preparation of the heart whichcomes from Him, to bow in allegiance before His Throne. What, then, is the way to prepare the heart?

The first thing is, confession of sin. The people said, "We have sinned against the Lord." Go and confess your sin unto God.The more particular you can be in that confession, the better. Go and acknowledge your iniquity with many sighs and tears-andwith deep regret that you should have sinned as you have done. Lay every secret bare and let the Light of God explore everyhidden corner. The surgeon who means to cure must first expose the wound and probe it to the bottom-and before we can be forgiven,we must make a clean breast of our guilt, calling a spade a spade, and not trying to excuse ourselves, or cover up the evil.

Then resolve in your soul that you will quit these sins. No half measures will do-chronic diseases require thorough cures.You remember when Augustine, after a life of sin, heard what seemed to him a voice bidding him, "Take, read," he went to hisNew Testament and his eye lighted on the passage, "Put you on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh,to fulfill the lusts thereof." Then and there he determined to leave all his former lusts and, in the strength of Christ,to live a new life. It was the hour of his conversion-the axe was laid to the root of the tree and the old profligate lifewas utterly renounced! The sinner became a saint who led others in the way of holiness! And when he died, he left behind hima rich legacy of experience and instruction for the people of God. Whatever the sin is, it must


"Repentance is to leave

The sins we loved before,

And show that we in earnest grieve,

By doing so no more."

Then there must be much prayer, for so it was with these people. Cry mightily unto God, "Lord, save me!" Cry again and againunto Him and make this to be your one cry, "Give me Christ, or else I die!" Nothing so prepares the heart for God as cryingout after Him! The water brooks are sweeter to the hart that has panted after them. The blessing is twice valued that hasbeen won by intercession. I have heard it said that a man who wins his wife too easily treats her too lightly. Whether itis true, I cannot say, but I am sure that the richest blessings of God come to those who urge their suit again and again andwho will not be denied the Grace they seek. May the Holy Spirit give you this preparation of heart by a full confession, astrong resolve and mighty prayer!

Remember, too, that there must be trust, or else the heart is not rightly prepared. We must get beyond the stage of "lamenting"and begin the act of "consenting." Not only wish and pray for the blessing, but rely on the Lord to send it! He who smotethe first-born of the Egyptians and, with a strong hand and mighty arm, brought their fathers out of the house of bondagecenturies earlier, could easily deliver them! He who gave them at first the land for a possession could still scatter theirenemies. Why should they not expect Him to work a work in their day? By the memory of what God did for your forefathers, Iexhort you to trust in my Savior. "We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, what work You did in theirdays, in the times of old." Therefore, O great Jehovah, will we trust in You in this our day!

Then, break away from the world. These people of Israel went home and smashed their idols. And then they gathered at Mizpeh,once more a separated people. It was like a declaration of war! Declare war at once with evil of every shape. Now, come, andenlist beneath the blood-stained banner of the Cross and say, "I am a follower of the Lamb, and I will not parley with iniquity.Let the Philistines come, if they will-I will not submit to them again. I will break loose from the world, God helping me."

Perhaps you say this is not the preparation of the heart, but the beginning of the battle. I know it, but any old soldierwho has been in the wars will tell you that the best preparation for the strife is the first encounter with the enemy! Afterthe first shot or two, the coward heart becomes brave, and the trembling nerves are strung for action. Many a timid soul iskept from the joy of God's salvation simply for the lack of a bold separation from the world. A little moral courage is allthat is lacking in the case of some of you. Come out boldly and declare your desire and decision. Difficulties will vanishin the act. The first confession of Christ is the best possible preparation for the next one.

This matter of heart-preparation is most important. It is God's work and yet, as His Spirit is ever present to help our infirmities,it is also ours. You remember how Solomon, in the Proverbs, says to his son, "Keep your heart with all diligence; for outof it are the issues of life"? If the heart is divided, the life can never be true. You will notice how Samuel put beforethe people the necessity of being thorough in their decision-"Return unto the Lord with all your hearts," was his clarioncall. If we expect God to be wholly for us, we must be wholly for Him, and keep back nothing from His control. The Thessalonians"turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God," and in like manner this preparation of heart, on the part ofIsrael, came between the two acts of turning from idols and serving God-and was the spring of both.

Then the next step is the service of God-"Serve Him only," said Samuel. "Then the children of Israel did put away Baalim andAshtaroth, and served the Lord only." It is not enough to give up serving evil-you must come and serve the Lord! That is tosay, from this time forth your great aim must be to glorify God. If you would be saved, you must give up every object in lifeas a guiding star to you except serving God! Whatever He bids you do, you are to do. His will must be

your law. Christ will save you, but He will have you take upon you His yoke and wear it. And as He is meek and lowly in heart,He would have you learn to be so, too. And then you shall find rest unto your soul. This is Christ's way-that where He comesto save, He comes to sanctify and make us obey His will and live to His praise. His smile is reward enough for the poor servicewe can render Him. His, "Well done," at last will be Heaven to the heart that loves Him! Oh, that many here would say, "Yes,I wish to serve the Lord and serve the Lord only. Too long have I drawn near to Him with my lips, while my heart was far fromHim. 'O Lord our God, other lords beside You have had dominion over us: but by You, only, will we make mention of Your name.'"

III. Now, I think that I hear one say, "But these three steps are pretty stiff ones-give up the idols, prepare the heart,serve only the Lord." Yes, they are, and I do not believe that these people could ever have taken these three steps if

it had not been for my third point, namely, that THEY WERE HELPED TO DO ALL THIS BY HAVING FAITH. It

was faith in Samuel, as we have already noticed. You can be much more helped, yes, graciously enabled, if you have faith inChrist!

They believed Samuel's words. He had spoken to them and they said to one another, "Samuel says that God will deliver us fromthe Philistines if we trust Him. Samuel speaks the truth." Well, now, God has sent a greater than Samuel- His Only-BegottenSon-and He says to you that, "Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." You need have no doubtabout it-the Word He has spoken shall never be broken! He means what He promises and not one jot or tittle of His Word shallpass away till all is fulfilled. Believe what Christ says, that there is salvation for everyone who puts his trust in Him!Believe that and take hope and, getting that hope, be bold to strike the decisive blow tonight and give up your idols andturn to God!

These people believed chiefly in Samuel's prayers. He was a mighty man in prayer and when the Philistines came, the childrenof Israel cried to him, saying, "Cease not to cry unto the Lord our God for us." How much greater faith should we put in theLord Jesus, who died and rose again and always lives to plead for us! "Therefore He is able also to save them to the uttermostthat come unto God by Him, seeing He always lives to make intercession for them." Sinners, Christ is praying for you! If youtrust Him, His prayers will help you to break the fetters of sin-

"The Lion of Judah shall break every chain, And give us the victory again and again."

The people had faith in Samuel's sacrifice, for Samuel took a lamb and burnt it whole upon the altar. And our glorious Christhas made Himself the Lamb of God and He has been wholly consumed as an offering unto God. Trust in His Word! Trust in Hisprayers! Trust in His Sacrifice! Believe that the precious blood can make you white! Believe that there is virtue enough inthe death of Christ to make atonement for all the sin that is confessed and laid before Him! If you believe, the blood ofJesus Christ His Son has cleansed you! If you will trust Him, your sin is put away. This is the very errand on which He came,"To put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself."

Hear what the Lord has said by the Prophet-"I, even I, am He that blots out your transgressions for My own sake, and willnot remember your sins." "I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, your transgressions, and, as a cloud, your sins: return untoMe; for I have redeemed you." Believe this and, believing it, you shall be helped to break the idols, helped to prepare theheart, helped to come and serve the Lord only! Let the prayer go up from your heart to Him who poured out His soul on Calvary,but who is now alive and attentive to the voice of our cry, "O Lord, I trust in Your Sacrifice, I rely on Your blood! Saveme for Your name's sake, and cleanse me from my sin."-

"Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole, I want You fore ver to live in my soul. Break down every idol, cast out every foe-Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow."

Israel also accepted Samuel's rule-"Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life. And he went from year to year in circuitto Bethel, and Gilgal, and Mizpeh and judged Israel in all those places." You see, salvation means being delivered from thepower of sin. Salvation means being made a new man-an honest man, a holy man, a gracious man. It means that Christ, who savesthe soul, begins to govern the life and this salvation is to be gained through faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord help you tobelieve in God Incarnate, in God making sacrifice for sin, in Jesus dead, buried, risen, ascended, sitting at the right handof God and soon to come in Glory! Let Him enter your life and, dwelling in your heart, judge your every action and rule overyour entire life.

I trust that none of you will say, "We will keep our idols." Ah, if you do so, you will not keep them long! If your idolsare not taken away from you, you will be taken away from your idols. What will some of you do in the next world when thereis no gold to hoard and no revelry in which to indulge? When you will have no occupation but to gnash your teeth upon yourselfbecause you committed everlasting suicide and refused and rejected Christ for a few days' pleasure, or a few years' gain?Will any of you be mad enough to let eternity go, let Heaven go and let God go for the paltry lusts of the flesh, for thefleeting gains of the hour? As I shall confront you at the bar of God, I charge you, seek Him! Put away your idols! Prepareyour hearts! Trust in Jesus and serve only the Lord! God grant that it may be so, for His name's sake! Amen.