Sermon 2211. God Rejoicing in the New Creation

(No. 2211)




"Behold, I create new hea vens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be you gladand rejoice forever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. And I wiilrejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in My people." Isaiah 65:17-19.

THIS passage, like the rest of Isaiah's closing chapters, will have complete fulfillment in the latter days when Christ shallcome, when the whole company of His elect ones shall have been gathered out from the world, when the whole creation shallhave been renewed, when new heavens and a new earth shall be the product of the Savior's power, when, forever and forever,perfected saints of God shall behold His face and joy and rejoice in Him. I hope and believe that the following verses willactually describe the condition of the redeemed during the reign of Christ upon the earth-"There shall be no more thence aninfant of days, nor an old man that has not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old. They shall buildhouses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit;they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of My people, and My elect shall long enjoythe work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed ofthe Lord, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they areyet speaking, I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dustshall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, says the Lord."

But the work which is spoken of in the text is already begun among us. There is to be a literal new creation, but that newcreation has already commenced and I think, therefore, that even now we ought to manifest a part of the joy. If we are calledupon to be glad and rejoice in the completion of the work, let us rejoice even in the commencement of it! The Lord Himselfwill joy and rejoice-and we who are in sympathy with Him are exhorted and even commanded to be glad-let us not be slack inthis heavenly duty.

Do you know what this work of creation is, which is here thrice promised in the words, "I create. . .I create . . .I create"?It is evidently a second creation, which is altogether to eclipse the first, and put it out of mind. Shall I tell the story?

The first creation was so fair that when the Lord looked upon it, with man as its climax and crown, He said, "It is very good."But it failed in man, who should have been its glory! Man sinned and in his sin he was so connected with the whole of theearth that he dragged it down with him! The slime of the serpent passed over everything. The taint of sin marred the wholeof God's work in this lower world. The creation was made subject to vanity and it groans in pain even now. But the InfinitelyBlessed would not be defeated. And in infinite condescension He determined that He would make a new creation which would riseupon the ruins of the first. He resolved that under a second Adam, something more than Paradise should be restored to theuniverse. He purposed that He would undo, through Jesus Christ, the Seed of the woman, all the mischief that had been workedby the serpent. He has commenced to undo this mischief and to work this new creation-and so commenced that He will never withdrawHis hand till the work is done.

He has commenced it thus-by putting new hearts into as many as He has called by His Spirit, regenerating them and making themto become new creatures in Christ Jesus. These, the Apostle tells us, are a kind of first-fruits of this new creation. Weare the commencement of the future ingathering. Our new-born spirits are the first ripe ears of corn out of a wonderful harvestthat will come, by-and-by. The saints' spirits are, first of all, new-created, but their bodily parts re-

main in the old creation. Hence we suffer pain, for though the Spirit is life because of righteousness, "the body is deadbecause of sin." By-and-by our bodies shall be new-created, when, from beds of dust and silent clay, we shall leap up intoimmortal beauty! The resurrection will be to the body what regeneration is to the soul. When body and soul are thus createdanew, the whole earth around them in which they shall dwell, shall be, at the same time, also renewed. And so God shall makethe spirits, the minds, the bodies and the abodes of men all new. These bodies, quickened by His Spirit who dwells in us,and united to souls purified and refined, shall tread upon an earth delivered from the curse and shall be canopied beneathnew heavens! Have they not new desires? Should not all above them be new? They shall tread a new earth for they have new ways.

Inasmuch as this ought to be the subject ofjoy and the text invites us to it, I come to press upon you the sweet duty of presentdelight! Oh, when happiness is made a precept, when joy is made a command, I cannot but hope that God's people, to whom Iam now speaking, will answer the call! Has joy become a duty? Then we will be joyous! Has gladness become a precept? Thenwe will gladly enough obey and our heart shall dance for joy! I will read the text again and then we will consider what sortofjoy it is which is to arise out of the work of Divine Grace in the new creation. "Behold, I create new heavens and a newearth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be you glad and rejoice forever in that which I create:for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in My people."

I. First, then, concerning the joy to which we are called, we would say, IT IS A JOY IN CREATION-"Behold, I create new heavensand a new earth. I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy."

I must confess that I think it a most right and excellent thing that you and I should rejoice in the natural creation of God.I do not think that any man is altogether beyond hope who can take delight in the nightly heavens as he watches the starsand feel joy as he treads the meadows all bedecked with kingcups and daisies. He is not lost to better things who, on thewaves, rejoices in the creeping things innumerable drawn up from the vast deep, or who, in the woods, is charmed with thesweet carols of the feathered minstrels. The man who is altogether bad seldom delights in Nature, but gets away into the artificialand the sensual. He cares little enough for the fields except he can hunt in them; little enough for lands unless he can raiserent from them; little enough for living things except for slaughter or for sale. He welcomes night only for the indulgenceof his sins and the stars are not half as bright to him as the lights that men have kindled-for him, indeed, the constellationsshine in vain!

One of the purest and most innocent of joys, apart from spiritual things, in which a man can indulge, is a joy in the worksof God. I confess I have no sympathy with the good man, who, when he went down the Rhine, dived into the cabin that he mightnot see the river and the mountains lest he should be absorbed in them and forget his Savior. I like to see my Savior on thehills and by the shores of the sea! I hear my Father's voice in the thunder and listen to the whispers of His love in thecadence of the sunlit waves. These are my Father's works and, therefore, I admire them and I seem all the nearer to Him whenI am among them. If I were a great artist, I would think it a very small compliment if my son came into my house and saidhe would not notice the pictures I had painted because he only wanted to think of me. He therein would condemn my paintings,for if they were good for anything, he would be rejoiced to see my hand in them!

Oh, but surely, everything that comes from the hand of such a Master Artist as God has something in it of Himself! The Lordrejoices in His works and shall not His people do so? He said of what He had made, "It is very good." And He cannot be verygood, himself, who thinks that which God makes is not very good. In this he contradicts his God! It is a beautiful world welive in-

"Every prospect pleases, And only man is vile."

There are lovely spots on this fair globe which ought to make even a blasphemer devout. I have said, among the mountains,"He who sees no God here is mad!" There are things that God has made which overwhelm with a sense of His Omnipotence-how canmen see them and doubt the existence of the Deity? Whether you consider the anatomy of the body, or the conformation of themighty heavens, you wonder that the scorner does not bow his head-at least in silence-and acknowledge the infinite supremacyof God!

Well, now, if there is-and I am sure there is-something pure and elevating in joy in God as the Creator of ordinary things-asthe Maker of all this first creation-much more is there something bright, pure and spiritually exhila-

rating in rejoicing in God's higher works, in God's spiritual works, in God's new creation! I think if a man feels withinhim a new heart and rejoices in his new birth. If he sees in others new and holier lives and rejoices in them. If he listensto the preaching of the Gospel and discovers in it new and better principles such as the old worn-out world could never havediscovered-why, that man is a gracious man! The eye that can see the new nature is an eye that Grace has given and newly openedto new light. The heart that can rejoice in the new creation is a heart that is, itself, renewed, or else it would not comprehendspiritual things and could not rejoice in them. I invite you, therefore, dear Friends-you that see, know and somewhat appreciatethe new creation in its beginnings-to joy and to rejoice in it tonight!

It is a delightful thing that God should make a tree and bid it come forth in Spring with all its budding verdure. It is afar better thing that God should take a poor thorny heart like yours and mine-and transform it till it becomes like the firtree or the pine tree to His praise. It is a charming sight when bulbs that have slept under ground through the winter, holdup their golden cups to be filled with the glory of the returning sun. But how much better that hearts that have lain deadin trespasses and sins should be moved by the secret touch of the Spirit of God to welcome the Sun of Righteousness and torejoice in Him! How glorious to see a slum become a sanctuary, a den of thieves a house of God! This is even more wonderfulthan for darkness to become light and chaos yield to order. God's new creation, even in its beginnings here and now, is asomething to delight one's soul in! I pray you, delight yourselves therein. Behold, in the creation of a new heart, the manifestfinger of God! What power to turn the human will-to subdue fierce passions-to change the very core and center of the heart!This is power in the moral and spiritual world as great as anything which can be seen even in the convulsions of earthquakes.

Herein is wisdom, too! We speak of the wisdom of God as seen in anatomy, in botany, or in astronomy. Yet this wisdom is stillmore to be seen in regeneration-in the making of the sinner who wandered from God to become a saint who follows after holiness-inthe bringing of the opposer of Christ to become His friend and advocate. To rule the will and yet leave it free. To guidethe heart and yet to let it choose. To reverse the law of being and yet to violate no law of man's nature-herein is the wisdomof the Highest, Himself! The attributes of God are to be seen in the visible creation, but they are to be seen in a brighterand superior light in the new creation. There is not one of the attributes of God which has not its illustration under theeconomy of Grace and, blessed shall your whole being be if you can, to the fullest, rejoice in that which God creates!

There is one reason why you are called upon to rejoice in it, namely, that you are a part of it. When the angels saw God makingthis world, they sang together and shouted for joy-but they were not a part of this lower world. They had nothing to do withman's estate, but as a matter of sympathy. But as for this new creation of our gracious God, you and I, Beloved, who havebelieved in Jesus, are part of it! That same Grace which has quickened others into new life, has quickened us. The same Spiritwho has given new principles and new desires to others, has also given them to us. The Father has begotten us, again, by theResurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We are the central beings of the new creation and so let us joy and rejoice init with all our soul, mind and strength!

I know, when I lay sorely sick and tormented in body, it seemed always to be such a joy to me that I, myself, my inner self,my spirit, has been new-created and that my nobler part could rise above the suffering and soar into the pure heavens of thespiritual realm! And I have said of this poor body, "You have not yet been new-created. Still does the venom of the old serpenttaint you, but you shall yet be delivered. You shall rise again if you die and are buried, or you shall be changed if theLord should suddenly come. You, poor body, you that drags me down to the dust in pain and sorrow, even you shall rise andbe made anew in 'the adoption, to wit, the redemption of the body'-for the new creation has begun in me, even the earnestof the Spirit." O Beloved, can't you rejoice in this? I would incite you to do so. Rejoice in what God is doing in this newcreation! Let your whole spirit be glad! Overflow with gladness! Let loose the torrents of praise! Leap down, you cataractsof joy!

Well, that is our first point. It is a joy in creation.


Now, my text is, "And the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." God's great new-creating work ought to fillus with such joy as to make us forget the old creation, as though we said to ourselves-"What are the sun and the moon? Weshall not have need of these variable lights in the perfection of the new creation, for in Heaven, 'They need no candle, neitherlight of the sun.'" What is the sea, though it is the very mirror of beauty? In that new creation

there will be no more sea-storms and tempests will be all unknown. What are these luxuries of sight and hearing? We shallnot need them when our eyes shall behold the King in His beauty in the land that is very far off! The joy of the spiritualis such that, while it admits the joy of the natural, yet, nevertheless, it swallows it up as Aaron's rod swallowed up therods of the magicians. In those last days we shall be in tune with Dr. Watts when he sang-

"Lo! what a glorious sight appears

To our believing eyes!

The earth and seas are passed away,

And the old rolling skies.

From the third Heaven, where God resides,

That holy, happy place,

The new Jerusalem comes down,

Adorned with shining Grace.

The God of Glory down to men

Removes His blessed abode,

Men the dear objects of His Grace,

And He their loving God.

His own soft hands shall wipe the tears

From every weeping eye,

And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears,

And death itself shall die."

As an instance of the expulsive power of a new delight, we all know how the memory of the old dispensation is gone from us.Brothers and Sisters, did any of you ever weep because you did not sit at the Passover? Did you ever regret the Paschal lamb?Oh, never, because you have fed on Christ! Was there ever a man that knows his Lord that ever did lament that he had not thesign of the old Abrahamic Covenant in his flesh? No, he gladly dispenses with the rites of the Old Covenant, since he hasthe fullness of their meaning in his Lord. The Believer is circumcised in Christ, buried in Christ, risen in Christ and inChrist exalted to the heavenly places! Did you ever regret the absence of the burnt offering, or the red heifer, or any ofthe sacrifices and rites of the Jews? Did you ever pine for the feast of tabernacles, or the dedication? No, because, thoughthose were like the old heavens and earth to the Jewish believers, they have passed away, and we now live under new heavensand a new earth, so far as the dispensation of Divine teaching is concerned. The Substance is come and the shadow has gone-andwe do not remember it.

Now, I want you to feel just the same with regard to all your former life as you now feel towards that old dispensation. Theworld is dead to you and you to the world. Carnal customs and attractions are, for you, abolished, even as the ancient sacrificesare abolished. What were your sins? They are blotted out. The depths have covered them. You shall never see them again. Seeknot after them as though you had a lingering esteem for them. Let them not come to mind except to excite you to repentance!What were your pleasures when you lived in sin? Forget them! They were flavorless, deceptive, destructive evils. You now havea higher pleasure which enchants your soul. What have been the sorrows of your past life, especially your sorrows while comingto Christ? You need not remember them, but, like the woman who remembers no more her travail for the joy that a man is borninto the world, so your birth into the new creation causes you to forget all the sufferings of your spirit in coming there.

"Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!" I would to God that the joy of the new creation would sofill us right up to the brim that we should not imagine any other joy! This puts out all other joy as the sun hides all thestars. Let all go! Let all go! Rolled up as the heavens and the earth are to be, like vestures all worn, let all of my pastlife be laid aside. Now put I on my new dress of sparkling joy and delight in the new things, for has not Christ made allthings new to me? A new song is in my mouth, even praise to Him forevermore! A new Law is in my heart and a new service engagesall my powers.

There is great scope for enlargement here, but I will not linger, lest I chase away your joy by speaking about it unto weariness.

III. In the third place, IT IS A PRESENT AND A LASTING JOY. "But be you glad and rejoice FOREVER in that which I create."Be now glad and now rejoice-it is a present joy. Take a delightful interest in that which God is now creating in the spiritualrealm-though the work is only in the doing, yet be glad concerning it! Be glad in anything

that the Lord has created in you. Has He created in you so much of the new life as to have produced conviction, repentance,faith in Christ, hope in the promise, longing for holiness? Be glad in this even if you have other circumstances pressingupon you and causing you to be heavy of heart. Though you might be mourning because you are so sickly, yet be glad that youare born again! If somewhat distressed because you are so poor, yet be glad that you are a child of God and have a place inthe new family of love! Let the old things go and grasp the new, the heavenly. The old creation-bear with it a little longer,for the time of your redemption from its bondage draws near. Find your joy where God would have you find it, namely, in thatpart of your nature which is new, in the new principles, the new promises, the New Covenant and the blood of the New Covenantwhich are yours-all of them! Look no longer for the living among the dead, but let your heart dwell in the living world withyour living Lord and be glad! The Kingdom of God is within you! Rejoice in it!

And I want you, also, to find your joy in the new creation of God as you see it in others. The angels rejoice over one sinnerthat repents-surely you and I ought to do so! Try and do good and bring others to Christ-and when a soul shows signs of turningto its God, let that be your joy. "Be glad and rejoice in that which I create." I have had many rich draughts from this cup.I do not know anything that has made me so happy, hundreds and thousands of times in my life, as to see God at work in men'shearts and, without exaggeration, to hear of this one and of that one brought to Christ through the hearing or the readingof my sermons! It has been a Heaven to me! Oh, you may drink as much as you like of this cup of sympathy with God in His newcreation work! There is no intoxication about it-to find a joy in the work of God in the hearts of others is healthy, unselfishdelight!

I know some snarling people who, if they hear of one being converted, say "they hope it is genuine," which, being interpreted,means that they do not believe it is-and they almost hope it is not. "Oh, but," they say, if there is a great work done anywhere,"I never did like excitement! When I hear of many conversions, I expect many backsliding." Cold, dead fish that they are,excitement would not hurt them. A little boiling might do them good, perhaps. Yes, but if they meet with one who is an eminentChristian and whose public character will bear the closest inspection, they say, "Ah, well! We do not know what he is likeat home." And so they have always some sly word to say against God's work, just like the serpent in Eden coming and hissing,"Yes, has God said?" I would far rather be one of those that can see the beauty of God's handiwork in my fellow Christians,than one who can spy out their defects.

I think it is very beautiful where John Bunyan represents Christiana and Mercy as admiring each other. They had both enjoyeda wash in that wonderful beauty-giving bath and Mercy said to Christiana, "How beautiful you are! I never saw anyone lookso lovely as you are." But Christiania said that she was not beautiful at all-she could not see anything about herself toadmire, while in Mercy she saw everything to esteem and love. Oh, to have an eye for the work of God in other people and torejoice in it! Such an eye sees not itself and yet it is, itself, one of God's loveliest works. "Be you glad and rejoice,"says God, "in that which I create."

Can we decline the sacred invitation? No, rather let us thankfully enter into the joy of our Lord! Be thankful for what Godhas done for yourself. Be thankful for what God is doing in other people. And remember that if you once begin this joy, youneed never renounce it, for the text says, "Be you glad and rejoice forever." Every day and all day, this light of joy isshining, for the Creator stays not His hand! As long as you live there will be something in the new creation that shall beto you a wellspring of fresh joy and delight. Heaven will only enlarge this joy. Be glad forever because God will always becreating something fresh in which you may be glad!

IV. Again, in the fourth place, it may be said of the joy which we ought to feel, that IT IS A JOY WHICH GOD INTENDED FORUS, "For, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy." He has made the new city, the new people, the newworld to be a source of joy!

Take Jerusalem as the emblem of the Church of God. God always intended that His chosen, called and converted people shouldbe a rejoicing. He created you on purpose, that you should, yourselves, be happy and bring happiness to others! Do you notknow that His name is the happy God and nothing gives Him greater happiness than to give happiness to His creatures? Do youthink you were chosen to be a groaner all your days? Were you called to misery, dear Brother, Sister? Does Jesus Christ say,"Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will make you doleful"? Does He say, "Take My yoke upon you andlearn of Me, and you shall find agony in your hearts"? No! But He talks about rest, peace, joy and blessedness.

One wrote to me, some years ago, and said that he came into this congregation and he felt at once that he must be in the wrongplace because he found so large an assembly. God's people, he said, are a small remnant. There are few that shall be saved.He had settled that matter in his own expanded soul. But he was still more sure that he was in the wrong place when he lookedat me, for I looked happy! And in his judgment, if I had known anything about the experience of a tried child of God, my facewould have been much longer, more wrinkled and more sadly serious. I confess that my face does betray, at times, the factthat I am happy-but I cannot help it! But when this good man looked round on the great congregation-you were not all herethen-but when he looked round on the vast congregation and saw them all looking so happy, he felt that he must get out ofthe building as soon as he could, for such smiling people could not be the afflicted people of God! He walked, he said, somedistance along our streets, feeling heavy at heart because of the joy he had witnessed, but at last he reached a Chapel placein a court.

The very aspect of the Chapel gave him hope-it was so small and so hidden away. He entered, and, to his satisfaction, he foundin the congregation less than a score-here were the faithful few! At any rate, he could say of this, "Is it not a little one?"The minister was as doleful as could be desired and the subject was full of lamentation. He tells me that he sat down therein peace, for he found himself at home! I am glad he was suited. Different people have different ways, you know, and somelove to be comfortably wretched. But I find myself miserable only when I keep away from my Lord and His work of new-creation.I have always found that when I can get under the shadow of His wings, my soul is at rest and I look upon that restfulnessand happiness as the work and fruit of the Spirit-"the fruit of the Spirit is joy and peace."

My impression is that I am not right when I give way to depression and melancholy. I certainly should not go to a place ofworship seeking for doubt and despondency! Neither should I conclude that I must be on the way to Heaven because I felt inmy own heart some of the miseries of Hell. When I am despondent, I say to myself, "Why are you cast down, O my Soul?" I probablyknow as much about depression of spirit as any man that lives, but I consider myself foolish and blameworthy-a fool for knowingso much darkness-and I do not want to feel any more of it. I would like to drive myself out of it once and for all if I could,for we ought to be glad and rejoice forever in that which God creates! He has created His people as a rejoicing-yes, His peopleto be a joy! Ours is a heritage of joy and peace! My dear Brothers and Sisters, if anybody in the world ought to be happy,we are the people! How large our obligations! How boundless our privileges! How brilliant our hopes!-

"Bright the prospect soon that greets us

Of that longed-for nuptial day

When our heavenly Bridegroom meets us

On His kingly, conquering way!

In Glory, bride and Bridegroom reign forever."

What should make us miserable? Shall the children of the bride chamber mourn while the Bridegroom is with them? Sin?-thatis forgiven! Affliction?-that is working our good! Inward corruptions?-they are doomed to die! Satanic temptations?-we wearan armor which they cannot penetrate! We have every reason for delight and we have, moreover, this command for it, "Delightyourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." God bring us into that blessed condition and keepus there!

God intended not only that we should have joy, but that we should spread it among others. He intends that wherever we go,we should be light-bearers and set other lamps shining. Why are some so afraid of joy? They seem, wherever they go, to bebusy in turning out the lambs. The first thing to be done is, "Take that child out." Dear little child, with its pleasantprattle, so happy at your feet!-why send it away? If there is a very happy hymn in the book, do not sing it-it would be presumptuous!Sing-

"Lord, what a wretched land is this."

Crooked meter, key dismal, dolorous tune! I fear that certain Christians go through this world making it miserable as theymarch through it. Oh, that they could see that Christ has come to destroy the works of the devil and would have us rejoicein the new creation of our God!

Alas, there are heady, hard-hearted persons abroad who, by their willfulness and pride, would crush every flower in the gardenbeneath their wicked hoofs! Wherever they go, everything is despised, ridiculed and kicked by them! This is the spirit ofthe Evil One! Oh, do not so! Christian people, you dare not be so! You shall not be so-God will not let you

be so-you must be gentle, compassionate, generous, kind, gracious! Wherever you go, try to make others happy, for God createsJerusalem as a rejoicing and His people a joy-a joy to others who have no joy, a source of happiness to the saddest of ourrace! Help the widow, comfort the fatherless, succor the poor, cheer the desponding, tell the glad news to the weary heart.In the Father's hands, in Christ's hands, in the Spirit's hands, seek to break the prisoner's fetters and to bring him outinto the light of liberty! You, too, are anointed to proclaim liberty to the captives. May the God of infinite mercy helpyou and help me to do so!

Now, dear Friends, just for a minute upon this creation. I want to show how the work of God does create a joy-making people.As soon as ever we are converted, what is one of the first things that comes of it? Why, joy! The morning I found Christ,it snowed very hard. The snowflakes fluttered around me like white doves, as I went home, and I felt just as light as those,for my soul was washed whiter than snow! It was not a gloomy winter's day to me, but all Nature wore her bridal dress in sympathywith my delight! Was it not so with you on the day of your new birth? Were you not as happy as you could be when you firstfound the Savior? So far, you see, the Lord creates joy-and it is better, still, further on! When the creation of God goeson and a man is helped to conquer sin-when the work of Grace in his soul grows and increases, he cries, "Thanks be to Godwhich gives us the victory"-and he gets increased joy in his soul over every conquered sin.

When you and I see sin subdued, do we not feel happy? Whenever the news comes to me that a man has been reclaimed from drunkenness,or a woman is saved from the streets, or when I hear of a hard-hearted sinner repenting, I rejoice in the Lord! Conversiondays are our high holidays! Revivals are our jubilees! Thus the Lord gives us opportunities for joy and rejoicing as His new-creationwork proceeds stage by stage. Better days are in store, it may be, and I trust that in years to come we shall more and morebehold God working and shall rejoice therein!

But, by-and-by, there will be a still greater joy! We shall enter into Heaven and there will be joy among the angels and joyin our heart over God's new-creation work which will proceed at a glorious rate! Then the nations will be converted to God.I know not when, nor exactly how, but the day shall come when Christ shall reign from pole to pole. And what a joy that willbe! We shall, indeed, be glad in that which God creates, as the islands of the sea shall ring out His praise! Then Christthe Lord will come and what joy and rejoicing there will be in that day when He has fully fashioned the new earth and thenew heavens! His ancient people, the seed of Abraham, shall be gathered in with exultation. We will clap our hands when thelong-wandering nation shall turn unto the true God and acknowledge the rejected Messiah of the house of David!

The Gentiles will not be jealous. They will rejoice as the Jew comes in and then will the Jews rejoice over the Gentiles,as they see them worshipping Abraham's God! Everything that is to come in the eternal future flashes the Light of God intothe eyes of Believers and calls upon them to rejoice in anticipation! Nothing prophesied should be dreaded by us. There isnothing foretold by Seer, or beheld in vision, that can alarm the Christian. He can stand serenely on the brink of the greateternity and say, "Come on! Let every event foretold become a fact! Pour out your vials, you angels! Fall, you star calledWormwood! Come, Gog and Magog, to the last great battle of Armageddon!" Nothing is to be dreaded! Nothing is to be fearedby those who are one with Jesus! To us remains nothing but joy and rejoicing, for God has made His people a rejoicing-yes,His people a joy!

V. I finish up with the last point, IT IS A JOY IN WHICH WE SHARE WITH GOD. Gently, my tongue! Timidly

and cautiously speak here! Here is your warrant for supposing a fellowship with God and man in this joy-"Behold, I createJerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in My people." The wonderful comes outhere! God, Himself, the Ever-Blessed, finds joy in His new creation! Here is ground for marveling! I have often said to youthat when the Lord made the material world, there was not much in it to touch His spiritual Nature and so He simply spokeand said, in plain prose, "It is good." That was all-He said it was good. But when the Lord has made new heavens and earth,when He has finished, when the bride of Christ shall be brought to Him-you know the word, "He will rest in His love, He willjoy over her with singing."

Did you ever get into your hearts the idea of the Lord God singing? God singing over His Church, over His Jerusalem, overHis new creation! God singing! I can understand the angels singing for joy over God's work, but here is God singing over Hisown work! I will tell you something more wonderful than that-it is that you should be a part of that work and that God shouldsing over you! And yet it is not so very wonderful, for is He not the Father, and does not the

Father sing over His prodigal son that wandered and is come back? Is He not the Savior, and will not the Savior, who boughtus with His blood, sing over us who are the purchase of His agonies? He is the Spirit, and shall not the Spirit, who has strivedwith us and worked all our works in us, sing when His work is done and we are sanctified?

Father, when Your eternal purposes are all fulfilled, You will joy over Your people! Son of God, Redeemer, when all Your agoniesshall have received their recompense in the salvation of Your redeemed, You will rejoice over Your chosen! Holy Spirit, whenall Your condescending indwelling within us shall have accomplished its design, You will rejoice in Your people! Come now,Beloved, rejoice in sympathy with the Divine heart! When the father found his son, he made the whole household merry, andshall not we be? When the woman had found her piece of money, she called together her friends and neighbors and she said,"Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost." Shall not we rejoice with the Spirit over the lost silverpieces? When the shepherd brought home his sheep, he said, "Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost." Come,then, rejoice with the Father, rejoice with the Son, rejoice with the Spirit! And if the Lord God, as the Trinity in Unity,invites us to be glad and rejoice in that which He creates, let us not hold back, but let us sing His matchless love and new-creatingpower and infinite wisdom! I am sure you will sing! You must sing even now, if you know yourselves to be a part of this amazingGrace!

And now I close with this observation. Nobody will ever rejoice in this new-creating work of God while he is rejoicing inhis own works and trusting in himself and boasting his own merits. It is a sign of Grace when a man is sick of self and isin harmony with God. When he leaves off rejoicing in what he can do and comes to rejoice in what God has done and is doing,then a change has been worked in him! Some of you are trying to save yourselves and make yourselves right before God-as wellmight the dead try to find life for themselves. It cannot be done! You must be made new by a power you have not within yourself-bya Divine Power. You must be born again and this is the work of God-not your work. We shall know when this heavenly work isbegun in you when you cease from rejoicing in anything that you are or can be of yourselves, and then shall you, with us,rejoice in that which God creates in you!

Ring the bells of Heaven! Tune your voices, sons of earth! He who makes all things new is on the Throne, working out His holypleasure. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen.