Sermon 1854. The Foundation and Its Seal-a Sermon for the Times

(No. 1854)




"Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, 'The Lord knows them that are His,' and, 'Let everyonethat names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." 2Timothy 2:19.

PAUL had met with many difficulties in his earnest career, but his most painful trials came from false brethren. It is battle,enough, for the Church to contend with the world, but what is she to do when she has to contend with herself? To go forthweeping, bearing precious seed and, in due time, to reap it in the heat of the sun is toil enough for the farmer- but whatis he to do when the tares are sown among the wheat and they spring up and well-near choke the growing grain? He is distressedand knows not what to do! At first he is eager to root up the tares; then he fears that he might root up the wheat with themand so, at his Master's command, he lets both grow together until the harvest. This he does with tears in his eyes, for heforesees that those growing tares must do fearful mischief to the good seed and, in the end, where he looked for much, hewill gather little.

A compact army of brave spirits, every man in health and every man a hero, can march across a continent and strike at thefoe, time after time-and every stroke shall fall as from the hammer of Thor. But if you have the leadership of a great andmotley host-and there are many sick folk to be carried in the ambulances, while others are faint-hearted, cowardly and coldin the cause and, yet another company are half suspected of a design to go over to the adversary-then the captain's hair maywell turn gray in a night at the thought of what may be the result of a battle! Paul was full of somewhat similar anxietieswhen about to leave the field of conduct to receive his crown. He was handing over his commission of Watchman of the Churchesto Timothy and, as he did so, it was with a trembling hand, as he thought of the evil influences which were at work withinthe Church, itself. Outside persecution seemed light enough to him, but internal dissension, heresy and ungodliness weighedupon his spirit.

When I read this Second Epistle to Timothy, it reminds me, somewhat-only it is a great improvement upon it-of David's addressingSolomon and reminding him of those who had given him trouble in his lifetime. He exhorted him how to deal wisely with themlest his kingdom should be disturbed by them. You notice that throughout the Epistle, the Apostle makes more mention of troublesomeindividuals than in any other letter. In the first chapter there is Phygellus and Hermogenes. And now we come upon Hymenaeusand Philetus. These dogs generally hunt in couples. A little further on you get Demas and Alexander, the coppersmith, whohad done much evil to the Apostle. The departing saint, harboring no resentment, yet has great anxiety of spirit as to whatthese mischief-makers might do with a young man like Timothy, since they had been such thorns in his own side.

It is a cheering thing to note that while Paul mentions these things with a gracious anxiety, they do not disturb the serenityof his faith, nor make him question, for a moment, the success of the cause, nor doubt the success of the work which the Lordhad worked by his own hands. These are his words-"For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: therefore there is laid up for me a crown ofrighteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them, also,that love His appearing." Courage, then, servant of God! Whatever may be your trials because of an apostatizing church, yourfaith will give you victory! Be faithful to the Word of the Holy Testimony and the Truth of God shall yet prevail. Live muchin communion with your Master, for by His name shall you triumph!

Project yourself into the eternal future. Feel the crown already upon your head when it is aching under many sorrows! Hearthe Master's word, "Well done," when you are weary with the noise of them that oppose the Cross. Stand

fast! Having done all, still stand! The campaign is not lost. Despite all that has happened, or ever shall happen, not onejot the less does, "the foundation of God stands sure." The work of God goes on and the reward which God gives to the workersis not diminished, nor even placed in danger. Therefore, in patience, possess your soul.

This morning, with deep solemnity of soul, I approach this text and pray that the Spirit of God may bless it to us all. Isee in it, three things. The first, perhaps, is rather in the context, it is the lamentable overthrow of which the Apostlehas been speaking. He says that these two men, Hymenaeus and Philetus, overthrew the faith of some. Secondly, we shall surveythe abiding foundation-"the foundation of God stands sure." And then, thirdly, the instructive inscription upon the foundationstone, "The Lord knows them that are His." And, "Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity."

I. First, let us think, for a little, of THE LAMENTABLE OVERTHROW which the Apostle so much deplored.

The Apostle observed with sorrow a general coldness. It was, in some respects, coldness towards himself, but in reality itwas a turning away from the simplicity of the Doctrine of Salvation by Grace through faith. He says in the 15th verse of theprevious chapter, "This you know, that all they which are in Asia are turned away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes,"two men, I suppose, of whom he had hoped better things-perhaps persons who had professed a warm attachment to him. Their departurewas the unkindest cut of all.

A great lack of spiritual life and zeal for the Truth of God is our trial, today. Laodicea is not the only Church that isneither cold nor hot. I am, at this moment, unwillingly compelled to believe that a very serious blight is upon many of ourChurches. From a wide correspondence, I gather that a wintry chill is just now upon the Church-possibly it is not to suchan extent as in certain terrible periods-but still to a very saddening degree. There is not that firmness in the faith, thatholiness of life and that enthusiasm for the Cross of Christ that one would wish to see. I view the immediate prospect withserious anxiety. Yet, I was reading Mr. Bunyan's words concerning the age in which he lived and I find that he had similarapprehensions in his time. And I notice that before his day, each loyal-hearted man of God was troubled with similar fears.

Nor were those fears childish-they were not a presumptuous trembling for the Ark of the Lord, but a godly jealousy lest theenemy should get an advantage over the hosts of God. It is a mercy that there should be somebody to complain; somebody toexpress the longing of the Church for better things. I am sure that there is grave reason for regret at this moment. Thoughwe look with the greatest gratitude upon all the things that are good, we still have to look with heavy hearts upon much thatis grievous to the Spirit of God in the Churches of the present day.

Furthermore, the Apostle saw with much alarm that teachers were erring. He names two especially, Hymenaeus and Philetus, andhe mentions the doctrine that they taught-not needlessly explaining it, but merely giving a hint at it. They taught, amongother things, that the Resurrection was already past. I suppose they had fallen into the manner of certain in our day whospiritualize or rationalize everything. They say, "This is mythical! This death of Christ is to be understood as the triumphof self-sacrifice. This Resurrection of Christ means the revival of forgotten principles." Thus they hold an atonement whichis no Atonement and a resurrection which is no Resurrection. They appear to accept the great historical fact and yet theyreduce it to fiction! This is the subtlety of the old serpent! Somehow or other, these men manage to extract from the Gospelan attractive philosophy, but it is not the Gospel which God intended to be preached! They seek, rather, the wisdom of man'sthought than the Revelation of God's thoughts. You need not that I go into particulars, for all around us men are dealingcraftily with the Truth of God-adulterating it and in heart denying it. These are, by no means, persons to be trifled with-manyof them are keen, acute, and thoughtful-and it is the great peril of the Church, at this moment, that she numbers such amongher teachers. These can stab under the shield. We care not for the besiegers outside, but we are distressed because of thetraitors within! God grant that this thing may go no further, but may His people become alarmed by the growing decline ofthe Church and resolve to be rid of this destructive influence which eats as does a canker.

In Paul's day, many professors were apostatizing from the faith because of the evil leaders. Sheep are such creatures to followsomething, that, when they do not follow the shepherd, they display great readiness to follow one another. When Hymenaeusand Philetus taught a highly intellectual doctrine, many people who fancied themselves to be cultured, must necessarily beof their mind. Hymenaeus had discovered a method of being abreast of the times, so that the Christian teacher could figurein the heathen academy and be complimented for his liberal views. These "cultured" teachers looked

down with contempt upon those uncouth fishermen who were so unlearned and ignorant as to believe that the teaching of Jesusmeant what it said, for they, themselves, gave the Gospel a more rational meaning! They thought themselves profound and eclecticmen who could see the soul of things and, therefore, they rejected the simplicity of the Cross and put in its place the theoriesof the philosophers. They took away the foundation facts under the pretence of building higher and thus the faith of manywas overthrown.

Take away the Resurrection and what remains of the Gospel? The Resurrection of Christ and the consequent resurrection of Hispeople is the keystone of the arch of the Christian system! And if that is removed as a myth, the whole building falls. TheApostle saw numbers of persons led astray by this error as, alas, we see many in these times deluded with kindred falsehoods!It becomes Christian men, nowadays, to carefully discriminate as to what they hear. I read, the other day, a complaint asto small towns having many chapels where one might have sufficed. Truly, one might suffice if the Gospel were faithfully preachedin it, but a score would not be enough if, in them all, there was an absence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and of the lifeand power of the Holy Spirit! When another Gospel is introduced, those who love the Truth of God are bound to enter theirearnest protest and to form another congregation. I am for unity in the life and Truth of God, and for our coming closer andcloser together-spiritual men to spiritual men-but that is quite another thing from making an aggregate of this great motleymass of Christian profession and unchristian teaching, since it has so little of the true life of Christ within it! Wouldto God that in every place where Christ is preached professedly, He were preached truthfully! Oh that you who profess to followChrist were really doing so! But what is the chaff to the wheat? How much of chaff is mixed with every heap that lies uponour Lord's threshing floor!

Paul also deplored that ungodliness increased. He says that the profane and vain babblings of his time increased unto moreungodliness. O Brothers and Sisters, it is godliness that we need-the living of the soul with God, in God and to God. We needa holy fear of God, a sacred sense of God, a true delight in God! We need less of man and more of God! Less of mere creed-repeatingand more of vital faith in God. Less following of men and more following of God in Christ Jesus. More of union with God, livingin God and likeness to God. Oh that He would work this in us! The world grows dark with accursed lusts and the Christian Churchgrows more conformed to the ungodly world. Persecutions unto death have ceased-it is easy and respectable to bear the Christianname-and, therefore, the separation from the world, which is the glory of Christians, becomes less and less apparent!

My heart is sorely wounded with the sight of some who will come into God's house and undertake God's service during the Sabbathand yet, during the week they are unjust, oppressive, graceless and greedy-not servants of God, but servants of self and sin!By unholy professors, the Cross is dishonored, the Holy Spirit is grieved and Christ is put to an open shame! All this vexedthe heart of the Apostle in his day and it is our cross and burden at this hour. "Lord have mercy upon us! Christ have mercyupon us!"

II. Now let us turn to the subject which supplied Paul with consolation. He speaks of the ABIDING FOUNDATION-"Neverthelessthe foundation of God stands sure." It is a joy to quit the ever-moving flood for the firm, substantial rock. It is blissto feel that there is something under your feet, something substantial, abiding, sure. "Nevertheless, the foundation of Godstands sure." Though the earth is removed and though the mountains are carried into the midst of the sea-though the watersthereof roar and are troubled and though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof- yet will we not fear, for the LordJehovah changes not!

What is this foundation which stands sure? Those who have interpreted the passage have given many meanings to it, but I believethat all those meanings are really one. For the sake of clearness, I would give three answers to the enquiry- the foundationis, secretly, the purpose of God; doctrinally, the Truth of God; effectively, the Church of God-in all, the system of Godwhereby He glorifies His Grace. The foundation is the Divine purpose. Though men prove fickle, false, wicked and the Churchis sorely grieved, "nevertheless" God's purpose is carried out! The Covenant of Grace is fulfilled and the Glory of God isrevealed. God has a grand design from which He has never swerved, no, not by so much as a hair's breadth! His purpose shallstand! He will do all His pleasure. It is incumbent upon us to believe in the responsibility of men and to feel the weightof that Truth, for as a Truth of God, it is of the most solemn importance. It is our duty to give ourselves up with all ourmight to the doing of that which is right, as if all things depended on us. Yet when we are baffled by matters which are beyondour control, it is a blessed thing to fall back upon the purpose and Providence of the Almighty-and feel that though we aredefeated-He cannot be! There is a power high over all which works for

righteousness. The Messiah "shall not fail nor be discouraged till He has set judgement in the earth and the isles shall waitfor His Law." The Divine design in creation shall be effected and in redemption and in Providence, it shall be the same. TheLord shall be, at the last, victor all along the line! The good shall glorify Him and even the evil shall be compelled tomagnify the greatness of His majesty. "The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof."God Himself, who is in very deed the Foundation of all things, stands sure!

The Apostle also meant the Divine Truth, which is the foundation of the Gospel. He had been speaking about certain Truthsof God which were spirited away by those two unworthies, Hymenaeus and Philetus, and he says, "Nevertheless the foundationof God stands sure." Interpreters have thought that Paul points at the doctrine of the Resurrection. No doubt he does, buthe includes every other doctrine which is a foundational Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yonder is a man who has provedthat Jesus is not truly God. Let him prove what he likes, since Jesus is God for all that! Another man has disproved the substitutionaryAtonement of Christ-let him disprove it if he pleases, for it is just as true! Rhetoric and logic can do wonders in appearance,but they do nothing in reality. The orator's thunder has not shaken the unchangeable Truth of God! He is proud of his triumphs,but as we look into the Book and look into the dear Master's face, we feel that, "nevertheless the foundation of God standssure."

No Truth of God has ever been destroyed by all the fires through which it has passed! The fire which tried the bush in thewilderness was a much more potent element than any that men can kindle, for it was God's own Presence and He is, emphatically,"a consuming fire." Yet the bush was not consumed by such a fire! What, then, can destroy it? Even so, since the Truth canstand the test of God, the All-Trying One, depend upon it, it can endure the test of such poor fires as man can bring to bearupon it! In a broad Scotch version I read, "The bush lowe'd and was nane the waur"-that is to say, "it was none the worse."Brethren, the Gospel is none the worse for all the opposition which has surrounded it, though it has been as fierce as a devouringflame! Only the additions of men have been burnt out of it. Everything that can be consumed ought to be consumed and onlythat which cannot be burned is really God's eternal Truth. All that has happened by all the controversy of all the ages, isthat man's fiction has been separated from God's foundation-man's speculation has been purged out of God's Revelation! Thefoundation of God stands sure and, oh, the joy of this fact to every heart that loves the Lord!

But, further, I think Paul meant, here, not only the purpose of God and the Truth of God, but God's Divine work in the worldin the salvation of His own. The Divine Election of God has been fulfilled so far-and those whom God has really saved-in whomthere has been a real work of Grace, stand sure when all others are overthrown. You look upon the Church and lament that somany have turned aside; that so many others are very poor specimens of Christians; that so many more are sadly questionableand that a certain company are evidently false. Well, it is very sad, but there is a remnant according to the election ofGrace-"the foundation of God stands sure." Those who were really laid upon the foundation by the Spirit of God-those who arevitally united to Christ-these still stand firm in faith and character! Those who are truly born of God live unto God! Therighteous hold on their way. The choice spirits endure unto the end. Does not Jesus say, "My sheep hear My voice, and I knowthem, and they follow Me"? Does He not declare that, "A stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him, for they knownot the voice of strangers"?

The teachers of error would, if it were possible, have deceived the very elect, but the chosen detect the deception by thespiritual discernment which is in them and by the teaching of the Holy Spirit! They love the Truth and live the Truth-andthe Truth lives in them. Thus in their persons, "the foundation of God stands sure." Brothers and Sisters, let us take greatjoy in this foundation of God, this faithful Church of God which is steadfast and immovable in the day of blasphemy and rebuke.Blessed be the name of the Lord, He still has a quickened people! He still has a Church in the world-in all communities ofprofessing Christians, there is a secret seed of faithful ones-and while the floods and the winds have driven down the stream,the many towering houses that were built upon the sand, yet the house of God still stands upon the Rock!

It is not yet complete so as to be fully built as the great House of God is to be. At the present it wears, rather, the aspectof a foundation, or basement, than of a house-but it will rise by degrees to be a fair palace-and even now the King, Himself,deigns to dwell in it! What there is of the true Church is a sure prophecy of what there shall be before long. "The foundationof God stands sure." Let us take courage from this and be not sorely moved nor dismayed in the day of apostasy. "They wentout from us, but they were not of us." The hireling flees because he is an hireling. Let us not

dwell exclusively upon the mournful side, lest we lose that joy of the Lord which is our strength. Our Master wept over Jerusalem,once, but He also rejoiced in spirit when His mind looked another way. In His heart He always mourned over the woes of ungodlymen, but still, He thought and spoke of more cheering themes-and so must we. It would not become us to let any one form ofthought penetrate our hearts through and through with painful monotony. You can contemplate the sad side of things till youbecome so wretched as to be unable to do good! Have a brave and hopeful heart. When you see a black cloud, look for its silverlining. When you see that which looked like substantial material consumed in the fire, be thankful that if the wood and hayare gone, the gold and silver remain. God is laying a foundation for the future, a foundation so sure that it cannot be moved!And He will build upon it, course after course of jeweled stones till its walls, great and high, appear unto all men!

Soon shall we see its windows of agate and its gates of carbuncle. Soon shall the glittering pinnacles of "the terrible crystal"shine in the eternal light and, best of all, we shall inhabit the house forever and go no more out, for the Lord God and theLamb shall be the Glory of that House and His faithful ones shall be built into it as living stones! Pluck up courage, then,and stand in your place, O you who are trembling! Let, "Onward!," be your watchword! Victory is not so far away as we fear.The retreat of yonder cowards is nothing-the turning back of the men of Ephraim is according to their nature. But be strongand quit yourselves like men, for the Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge!

III. Now, we are, in the third place, as we may be helped of the Holy Spirit, to look at this foundation and observe

THE INSTRUCTIVE INSCRIPTION. I think this figure best expresses the Apostle's intent. He represents the foundation stone asbearing an inscription upon it, like the stone mentioned by the Prophet Zechariah, of which we read, "I will engrave the gravingthereof, says the Lord of Hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day." The custom of putting inscriptionsupon foundation stones is ancient and general. In the days of the Pharaohs, the royal cartouche was impressed upon each brickthat was placed in buildings raised by royal authority. The structure was thus known to have been erected by a certain Pharaoh.Here we have the royal cartouche, or seal, of the King of Kings set upon the foundation of the great palace of the Church.The House of Wisdom bears, on its forefront and foundation, the seal of the Lord. The Jews were known to write texts of Scriptureupon the doorposts of their houses-in this, also, we have an illustration of our text.

The Lord has set upon His purpose, His Gospel, His Truth, the double mark described in the text-the Divine Election and theDivine Sanctification. This seal is placed to declare that it belongs to the Lord, alone, and to set it apart for His personalhabitation. Does not the Lord thus say, "This is My rest forever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it"? By His choiceand by His sanctifying Grace, He has formed a people for Himself and they shall show forth His praise. The inscription, moreover,is put upon the foundation stone, that every man may take heed how he builds on it. We cannot be sure, when we build, thatevery stone we place upon the foundation is well and truly laid there-"The Lord knows them that are His." But we have thismark to guide us-those who truly name the name of Christ depart from all iniquity. "By their fruits you shall know them."

We are to use judgement in our building and this is the rule of it-we must look for holiness in every real convert, for, "withoutholiness no man shall see the Lord." It is labor in vain to build those into the visible Church who are not sanctified inthe spirit of their minds. In doctrine, also, it is in vain to preach unless our doctrine is according to godliness. A holyGod will not dwell with an unholy people! If the foundation is holy, so must the building be. The seal upon the foundationis the mark of the builder and the indication of the object of that which is built. It is intended to denote the characterof the entire edifice, for God's building is all of one piece and of one nature throughout. On each individual Christian,who is truly so, there is the private seal of Divine knowledge and the public seal of Divine likeness. God knows and approveseach true Believer and each true Believer proves his knowledge of God and his delight in Him by departing from iniquity.

My inmost soul vehemently desires to aid in building up a Church that shall be composed of men approved of God- God-fearing,God-loving men and women in whom God lives and who, therefore, live unto Him! What a Church this will be! Upon such a peoplewill be seen the second mark, for they will hate all sin and flee from it. They love that which is good, true, loving andGod-like. In us these two things must meet-God's free and sovereign Grace towards us and our hearty and practical obedienceto His will, or else we are not His sealed ones and are not built on His sealed foundation.

If I might use another illustration, I can suppose that when the stones for the Temple were quarried in the mountains, eachone received a special mark from Solomon's seal, marking it as a Temple stone and, perhaps, denoting its place in the sacrededifice. This would be like the first inscription, "The Lord knows them that are His." But the stone would not long lie inthe quarry. It would be taken away from its fellows, after being marked for removal. Here is the transport mark in the secondinscription-"Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." The first seal marked it for the Lord, thesecond secured its removal from the common stones around it. First comes election and then sanctification follows. I wantevery professing Christian to have that double mark and so to be Christ's man, known of all to be such by coming out fromthe unclean and being separated unto the Lord. Remember the words of the Prophet Isaiah-"Depart you, depart you, go you outfrom them, touch no unclean thing; go you out of the midst of her; be you clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord."

Carefully follow me while I notice that the first mark is concerning God and us, and the second mark is concerning us andGod.

The first is concerning God and us. "The Lord knows them that are His." He knows, that is, He foresees and predestinates,for, "whom He did foreknow He also did predestinate." Those that are His, He always has known to be His, for they were Hisfrom before the foundation of the world! They are His known ones when He deals with them in Grace and comes into their heartsby His powerful operations. He watches over them by a special Providence, knowing the way that they take and never losingsight of them.

The text teaches us that the Lord discriminates-"The Lord knows them that are His." Some who bear His name are not His andHe knows them not. He will say of them at the last, "I never knew you." They are supposed to be His. They suppose themselvesto be His-they are taken into His Church as His, they continue throughout a long life nominally His-but they are discoveredat the last. There is another and severer test than that of ministers, elders and Church votes-the Lord knows the secret thingsof the heart. Be not deceived, God is not mocked! There is an eye that has no failure in its vision, but sees to the verysoul of things and reads the hypocrite despite his pretended sanctity! This discernment on the part of God should make uswalk very truthfully before Him. Let none of us profess to be the Lord's unless we are such-nor ever pretend to an experiencewhich we have not truly felt, for the Lord cannot be, in any measure, deceived-He searches the heart and tries the reins ofthe children of men.

"The Lord knows them that are His," signifies that He is familiar with them and communes with them. They that are really theLord's property are also the Lord's company-He has conversation with them. They know Him and He knows them. He makes Himselfknown to them and they make themselves known to Him. O Brothers and Sisters, do you know God? Does God know you? Will He eversay, "I never knew you"? When I have been cast down, I have said unto the Lord-"Lord, You cannot say You do not know me, forI have knocked at Your door by the hour together! I have burdened You with my needs and haunted You with my groans. I havebeen Your daily beggar, receiving large alms at Your hands." It is a blessed thing to be sure that we are not unknown in Heaven.At least we have the fellowship of asking and receiving, if no more.

Further, the words imply God's preservation of His own, for when God knows a man, He approves him and, consequently, preserveshim. "The Lord knows them that are His" and He will keep such to the end. This man, Hymenaeus, and his fellow, Philetus, maydeceive many, but the Lord, who is the true Pastor of the Church, will keep His own sheep according to His word-"I give untoMy sheep eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand." This is the first sealof the sure foundation. Be not afraid of it. "The Lord knows them that are His."

The second seal is concerning us and God-"Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." Observe how thepractical always goes with the doctrinal in holy Scripture. Those whom Free Grace chooses, Free Grace cleanses. We are notchosen because we are holy, but chosen to be holy and, being chosen, the purpose is no dead letter, but we are made to seekafter holiness. Note that the word is universal as to Believers-"Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity."You expect ministers to be careful in their conduct and so they should be. But are not their people under the same obligation?Elders and deacons are expected to be gracious. This, indeed, is as it should be, but why not those of whom they are the servants?Let everyone that is called a Christian, or trusts Christ, or preaches Christ, or teaches Christ, flee far from the ways ofunrighteousness!

This is a sweeping precept as to the thing to be avoided-let him, "depart from iniquity"-not from this or that crime or folly,but from iniquity, itself, from everything that is evil, from everything that is unrighteous or unholy! O you Christian people,be holy, for Christ is holy! Do not pollute that holy name by which you are named. O you people of God, if you are, indeed,the Lord's, let no sin dwell with you! Do not say, "It is a constitutional sin." You are born again, what have you to do withthe old constitution but to mortify it? Do not say, "Oh, but others do it." What have you to do with others?-to their ownmaster they stand or fall! Depart from iniquity on your own account, even as Israel departed out of Egypt. Let your familylife, your personal life, your business life be as holy as Christ, your Lord, would have it to be.

The text is very decisive-it does not say, "Let him put iniquity on one side," but, "Let him depart from it." Get away fromevil. All your lives long travel further and further from it.

Do you know where my text originally came from? I believe it was taken from the Book of Numbers. Read in the 16th chapterthe story of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. In the Septuagint, almost the same words occur as those now before us. Moses and Aaronwere the servants of God and they were, so to speak, the foundation of the building of the Jewish Commonwealth. Moses wasfaithful in all his house. Korah, Dathan and Abiram rebelled and sought to overthrow that foundation-and Moses replied tothem, "The Lord will show who are His, and who are holy; and will cause him to come near unto Him; even him whom He has chosenwill He cause to come near to Him." So Moses bids them come and bring their censers and officiate as priests, if they dareto do so. There they stand and there stands Aaron and the Lord knows and shows who are His!

Now, turn to the 26th verse of the same chapter and read, "Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touchnothing of theirs, lest you be consumed in all their sins." Then the faithful fled away from their tents on every side and,before long, the ground split asunder that was under them and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up. What a parallelis the whole chapter with my text! And what a warning to all who teach false doctrine within the Church of God! Judgment willsurely overtake them. The Lord shall "gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity and shallcast them into a furnace of fire." The Lord Jesus is exercising discipline in His Church every day. It is no trifling matterto be a Church member and no small business to be a preacher of the Gospel. If you name the name of Christ, you will eitherbe settled in Him or driven from Him! There is continually going on an establishment of living stones upon the foundationand a separating from it of the rubbish which gathers.

Come to Christ, we say, and oh that you would come! But still do not come to Him pretendedly and nominally, for, "His fanis in His hand and He will thoroughly purge His floor." To and fro goes that great winnowing fan and every breath of the winddrives away chaff that looks like wheat! Who can tell, by sight, what it is? The good grain falls to the ground, but lo, thechaff is blown away! Yonder fire that is burning outside the threshing floor destroys it. Judgment must begin at the Houseof God! The Lord may let the wicked remain in this world unpunished for many a day, but if you come near to Him, He will besanctified in you, or upon you. There is discipline within my Master's house and if you come under His roof, you must comeunder that discipline. For this cause in olden times many were sick in the Churches and many died prematurely-and it is stillso, for within His great house a jealous God maintains a strict rule. Thus says the Lord, "You only have I known of all thefamilies of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities." Look how He dealt with Ananias and Sapphira withinthe Church, while many a liar outside of it grows gray in falsehood! Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord because they offeredstrange fire, while many another man has lived on in the blackest iniquities. For Achan's sin, the whole nation of Israelwas sorely troubled! What a solemn thing is iniquity in the Church of God!

Brothers and Sisters, I conclude with a brief but earnest appeal. Let us seek after the highest degree of holiness. Let usnot be satisfied with being nominal Christians! Let us aim at the greatest measure of godliness. Let us plunge into the streamof Grace, immersing ourselves wholly into the life of God. How many professors appear to know nothing of the real force andenergy of the Spirit of God in subduing sin and creating holiness! Theirs is a shallow life. Alas, how much they lose! Theycome under the obligations of the House of God, but they do not know the infinite privileges of that house. It is for thetruly spiritual that God reserves the choicest of His dainties. Be half a Christian and you shall have enough religion tomake you miserable-be wholly a Christian and your joy shall be full! Walk with God in the light as He is in the light andyou shall have fellowship with Him, such as shall make earth akin to Heaven!

But take a little light and a little darkness and attempt to make a mixture of them-seek to join the Church and the world-andyou shall have neither the pleasures of the world nor the comforts of the Spirit. It is a pity for a man to miss joys whichan angel might covet! What an injury such professors are to the Church! Each one pulls his companions up or drags them down.Every man in the Church is either a help or a hindrance. No Christian man can live to himself. He may attempt to confine himselfwithin his own ribs, button up his coat and fancy that what he does is to himself, alone, and that his tongue and his heartare his own, but it is not so. A smell steals forth from every man's life and it is either like the spikenard of the alabasterbox, or like the reeking of a dung-hill. God help us to remember our influence upon others!

Think, also, how much the world is injured by Christians who are not Christians! Oh Friends, we need, nowadays, a sterlingChristianity! We cannot do with German silver, now! We must have the real metal. I was about to say I would sooner you hadno religion and made no pretence to having any, than to have the imitation of it. Sin is real today. We have heard enoughof how far sinners will go-they venture not only to the brink of Hell, but they snatch the accursed fire out of the pit, itself,and bring it into our city! Shall saints be shams, when sinners are so real? Shall Baal have worshippers that cut themselveswith knives and leap upon his altar in the frenzy of their lust-and shall Jehovah have only a faithless company who, as yet,are halting between two opinions and do not know whether He is God or not? Oh for a Church of God that will shake itself loosefrom the world! If we had but one such Church, there would be hope for our age. God send it!

Last of all, how is Christ shamed and dishonored when we are not holy, but worldly, covetous, proud and unloving! Oh, Sirs,it seems to me that since the foundation of God was laid in agony and bloody sweat and, since God Himself became Incarnatethat He might lay the foundation of holiness in the world, we ought to take heed how and what we build thereon! We must cometo it, for, "other foundation can no man lay." And it behooves us to come very solemnly to it and to know what we mean bybuilding thereon. True godliness is not to say, "I believe," but to believe! Not to talk of repentance, but to repent! Itis not to speak of regeneration, but to be born again! It is not to talk about consecration, but really to live to God! Itis not to speak about the Holy Spirit, but to have Him dwelling in you!

Be it ours to have the Truth of God in the inward parts and Grace in the core of the heart. Oh, may God bring us to this!We ask it for our Lord Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.