Sermon 1838. The Good Ananias-a Lesson for Believers

(No. 1838)




"And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias, and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said,Behold, I am here, Lord." Acts 9:10.

AT this season we are called upon to think of foreign missions. As members of the Baptist Missionary Society, we are in happyand hopeful circumstances. God is smiling upon the work, both at home and abroad, and raising up men whose hearts are in thecause. Last year the Society was in arrears-it has expended very much more money this year than last year-and yet it has paidits way, is clear of debt and begins the year with a balance in hand! For this we are very thankful, not only because themoney is necessary to defray the charges of the holy service, but because it shows that the Churches have confidence in theMissionary Society and that they are awakening to their responsibility concerning it. The more Believers in the Lord Jesusconsider the matter, the more they will see that it is the duty and the privilege of all who know the Lord to make Him knownto others.

There was a time when Christian people thought it idle to send missionaries to the heathen, but that time only survives inregretful memories. We remember reading that in a Scottish assembly, a Moderate minister, famous in his day, talked of theproposal to send missionaries to the heathen as the greatest absurdity to which he had ever heard! One who was of anothermind cried out, "Reach me that Bible"-and when the Bible was opened and he began to point to its teachings, the quibbler wassilenced. Are there any such quibblers yet afire? If there are, they are wise enough to hold their tongues! No reviewer inour day would dare to sneer at "consecrated cobblers," for they remember Carey and tremble in their shoes! Brothers and Sisters,we are to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. This is our Captain's orders and it would be treasonto disobey! We have acted negligently towards this commission far too long! It is high time that we awakened from our sinfulslumbers. May many a man and woman among us be called to mission work and may the rest be eager to help them by their generousgifts.

What subjects have risen before me while thinking of a discourse upon missions! Many grand and exciting themes have temptedme. The coming of the Lord, the conquest of nations to His sway, the reign of peace, the overthrow of falsehood and all mannerof glorious topics invite me! But something less ambitious has won my thoughts. It lies upon my heart not to speak of thingsupon a great scale, above our present power, but to talk of practical matters within the reach of common Christians. I shallnot, therefore, treat of the Millennial reign, but of the kingdom of Christ in your soul and mine-and of how we can increaseHis dominions and cause His Kingdom to come with power! I had rather speak five words to practical purpose than 50,000 fororatorical effect.

I have selected my text that we may see what can be done by private Christians and learn how we can personally serve the Lordand become links in the great chain of His gracious dispensation. The mass of us cannot go abroad as missionaries, but wecan all be messengers for Christ in our own city. We cannot all preach, but we can all pray! We cannot all give money, butwe can all fill the treasury of supplication! The question for each one to ask, is-"Lord, what would You have me do?" Whatcan I do with a household about me? What can I do, who can only take rank as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, withoutspecial office in the Church?

It seems to me that Ananias may serve as a typical person and that his history may furnish us with many useful lessons. Brethren,I shall invite you, this morning, to think about this good Ananias, to whom the Lord said in a vision, "Ananias, and he said,Behold, I am here, Lord."

I. First, let us think a little about THE MAN. He is described as "a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias." We hearof him this once and we know nothing more about him. He comes forward at a critical point in Paul's life- executes for hima very useful office-and then disappears. The good soldier was sent upon special service by his Captain and, when he had fulfilledhis commission, he retired to his ordinary place in the ranks. Who was this Ananias?

We remark of him, first, that he was simply a private person. He is not described as pastor, or evangelist, or even as deaconor elder of a Church-yet this private person, obscure in life and without special distinction in the Church, was the channelfor communicating the Holy Spirit to the great Apostle of the Gentiles! For the time being, he became one of the most importantpersons in sacred history! The Lord did not send to Paul for the opening of his eyes and the comforting of his heart, an Apostle,lest any should have said that Paul received his commission second-hand from those already in office. The Lord did not sendto him any man of distinguished position or eminent gifts, lest it should be concluded that Paul received the Gospel at hishands. The great Apostle could say in later days, "I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelationof Jesus Christ."

It was necessary that instrumentality should be used, but it was wise that such instrumentality should be of the most ordinarykind, lest any power should be ascribed to it and lest it should arrogate to itself credit for the Apostle's conversion andlater life. I see, therefore, in many of you, dear Brothers, special qualifications for certain uses, even qualificationswhich your being Church officers, or preachers, might take from you your very obscurity and lack of glittering talent maybe a fitness for peculiar service. There is a special work for you to do who are private Christians and I trust you will beprompt in the doing of it.

Ananias is especially said to have been a disciple. Dwell on that title. He was a learner. He sat at Jesus' feet and learnedof Him and, therefore, was ready to instruct Saul of Tarsus. A true disciple is also a follower-he is an imitator of his Master.Christ's discipleship is always practical-it is of the heart and of the hands as well as of the head-all these were neededin the mission of Ananias to Paul. Oh, Brothers and Sisters, we must take care that we keep up the character of disciples!May we bear fruit, so we shall be His disciples. Let us never dream of knowing more than our Master teaches us. Let us neverthink that we are perfect, so that we have no more to learn. He who gets beyond a disciple rises beyond his proper place.Our strength for usefulness lies in our remaining disciples. You cannot disciple all nations unless you are disciples, yourselves!How can you teach others that which Christ does not teach you? But if you sit at His feet and receive of His Words, then shallyou speak so that others shall learn of you.

Paul tells us, in Acts 22:12, that Ananias was "a devout man." How much I wish that all avowed disciples of Jesus were devout men! I suppose he was devoutwhile he was yet a Jew, before he received Christ. But when he was enlightened, another element entered into his devotions,so that he worshipped God in the name of Jesus. Nowadays we greatly need more devout men, men of prayer, men who dwell withGod in secret-devoted men, men of devotion-for the strength of the spirit of man lies in fellowship with the Spirit of God.A devout man is soon discovered-this fire from Heaven cannot be hid! The devout man may not be more somber than others-whyshould he be? He certainly will not be more anxious to make a display, but it will soon be seen that he is more full of power.

A devout man is a remarkable man! If he prays, you perceive that he is familiar with that holy exercise. If he is called toendure trials, his patience proves that he submits himself to God. His daily conduct in the affairs of this life exhibitsa secret, sacred something which few understand, but which all feel. The Spirit of God dwells with the devout man and fitshim for the Lord's service! I believe that God loves to send, as His special messengers, those who ordinarily dwell near Him.Let us aim to abide with God that we may be employed by Him! Every Christian man cannot be a talented man, but every Christianshould be a devout man! Every man cannot be eloquent, but every man who loves the Lord may be de-vout-and in that devotionlies a main qualification for service. He that has power with God will not fail to have power with men.

Paul also tells us that Ananias had "a good report of all the Jews which dwell in Damascus." They hated Christians, but theycould not help respecting this devout man. The world had then, as it still has, a respect for those who walk with God. Ifwe are to be useful to our fellow men, we must deserve their esteem. We are not to curry favor with them by lowering our principlesto gain their approbation, but, on the contrary, we are to win their respect by sheer force of unbending holiness so thatwe may have power over them for their good. We are to win influence over our fellow men by an upright character and a generousbehavior-so that if they wish to speak against us, they may find no matter for accusation

unless it is concerning our zeal for the Lord our God. Oh, that our Church members were all men of spotless character! Oh,that all professors were well reported of! The Church is injured in her efforts for the conversion of the world by the inconsistenciesof certain of her members. Let us provide things honest in the sight of all men and, by our lives, adorn the doctrine of Godour Savior in all things-and then we shall be prepared for the Lord's use among our neighbors!

This, then, was Ananias, a disciple towards Christ, devout towards God and upright towards men.

Another qualification of Ananias for the work which the Lord put upon him was his general thoughtfulness for the Church ofGod. This comes out in his own words. It is evident that he thought about the persecutions of his Brothers and Sisters. Hesays, concerning Paul, the persecutor, "I have heard by many of this man." No doubt he had frequently made Paul the subjectof conversation, for he was grieved at the afflictions of the saints in Jerusalem and he feared for his Brethren in Damascus.Observe that he is the first to call Christians, "saints," or holy ones. He had evidently observed the followers of Jesusand had noticed with delight this point of their character! It is well to speak frequently of matters which concern Christ'sKingdom.

Ananias was in sympathy with tried saints, was deeply touched by the story of their trials and could not forbear to dwellupon their sorrowful experiences. All the servants of God who are what they should be, take a great interest in the conditionof the Church of God-they bear one another's burdens and share each other's griefs. They do not go in and out of their pewson Sunday and then fancy that their connection with the Church is ended-they bear upon their hearts the interests of Zion!They hang their harps upon the willows if she is captive and they rejoice when they see her enjoying prosperity. They takepleasure in her stones and favor the dust thereof. It is one mark that a man is right towards God when he is right towardsthe family of God. All that belongs to Jesus belongs to me if I belong to Jesus. All the interests of His Kingdom are my interestsif I am truly walking in fellowship with my Lord!

See, then, the man Ananias-there is nothing brilliant about him-he, by no means, claims distinguished rank. But he is whatI pray we may all be-a vessel fit for the Master's use-cleansed, prepared, consecrated, set apart unto God! Hence he was usedof the Lord.

II. Now, secondly, let us consider HIS POSTURE. This is seen at once in his answer to the Divine call. The Voice said to him,"Ananias," and he answered, "Behold, I am here, Lord." He was familiar with the Old Testament. He remembered how the Lordsaid, "Abraham," and the Patriarch answered, "Here am I." He remembered how the young child, Samuel, when the Lord said tohim, "Samuel, Samuel," answered, "Here am I." He remembered how the Prophet, when he saw the excellent Glory and heard theVoice saying, "Who will go for Us?" responded, "Here am I, send me!" He made the same answer, because his mind was full ofScripture and also because he could not find a better reply, for the words were few, reverent and very fully expressive ofwhat he felt.

Did not this indicate that his heart was responsive to the Divine Voice? "Ananias." "Here am I." Do you not think that Godspeaks to us many times and gets no answer? Happy is he who can say with David, "When You said, Seek you My face, my heartsaid unto You, Your face, Lord, will I seek." Every Sabbath you receive a heavenly message and, in your reading of Scriptureand in your private worship, voices whisper to you from God, voices which the ears hear not- does your heart hearken to thesecalls? When your heart hears a rebuke for a certain omission, do you respond by fulfilling that omission? Or if it is a rebukefor sin committed, is your heart humbled at once and ready to respond by putting away the sin? If there is a call to duty,or a secret prompting to sacrifice, does your spirit say at once, "Here am I"? Scarcely should we need the Lord to speak,for, "as the eyes of a maiden look unto the hand of her mistress," responding to very motions of her hands, so should ourheart be immediately answerable to the will of the Lord in all things. O Lord, make us like wax to Your seal. May our heartecho the voice of our heavenly Father!

He was also ready. "Here am I," he said. He did not ask, "What for?" but, "Here am I," ready for anything! Oh, that our heartsmight be in such a state that were it for living or for dying, for giving or for losing, for suffering or for working, thesame response would come forth-"Here am I, make what use You can of me, my Lord; I shall count it an honor and a joy if Youwill send me anywhere, to anyone, with any message, at any time-here am I." Oh, Brothers and Sisters, are we free from reservations?Whatever the Lord says to us, are we prepared to do it? What drawbacks there often are! What hindrances to consecration, whatreserves for the flesh! But, blessed shall that man be who has no answer to give to God's call but just, "Here am I." Ready,yes ready!

Again, I think his posture was one which I can only describe by using the phrase that he was all there. "Ananias." "Here amI," he said. Would not some Christians be compelled to say, if they described themselves truthfully, "1 am not here-You callme but I am not here"? Is it not so, that sometimes in prayer we are not there? In singing the praises of God, how often ithappens that the mind is wandering-we are not there! I know there is such a thing as preaching, teaching and doing servicefor God with a portion of yourself-and it is not a fact that all that is within you is stirred up to the service of the Lord.I often see upon a sunny wall, a chrysalis, and when I go to take it down, I find that the summer's sun has shone upon itand the insect has developed and left nothing but an empty shell behind. How often in the pew we find the chrysalis of a man,but where is the man? Wait till tomorrow morning, and see him in his shop-there is the man! Or, to follow up the figure, thereis the butterfly with all its wings! Wait till you find our friend engaged in secular employment to his own advantage andthen you will see what he is made of! But in the work of the Lord, he is not worth his salt!

But oh, Brothers and Sisters, if ever a man ought to be all there, it is when he is called to the service of God! He shouldmarshal all his faculties and every faculty should reply, "Here am I." Call over the muster-roll of all your powers, capacitiesand abilities-and let each one of them answer to it, "Here am I!" The whole of a living man is something worth having, buta fragment of a man is only fit to be buried. Oh, that we might be found with our loins girt and our lamps trimmed-and we,ourselves, as men that wait for our Lord and watch for His coming! We are to be ready at His bidding to consecrate every facultyof spirit, soul and body, to the grandest cause that ever moved the soul of man. There is the man and there is his posture-maywe be like he and stand as he stood! Help us, O Spirit of the living God!

III. Now, thirdly, we are to look to HIS DIRECTION. When he had thus said, "Here am I!" the Lord gave him his orders in detail.I do not say that the Lord will give us orders verbally as he did to Ananias. And I would have you take heed that you do notmistake whims of your own mind for the voice of God, but I do say that whatever your hands find to do, you are to do it withall your might and believe that God's voice is calling you to that service which His Providence places in your way. God stillguides His servants when they are willing to be guided. Ananias had his orders as to where he should go. The Lord said, "Arise,and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas." The Lord knows the street and He knowsthe house where the sinner lives who is to be blessed by you. The Lord is very specific in His directions, for He gives Ananiasthe name of the person who kept the house. Whether it was a house of public entertainment or not, I do not know, but the Lordknew all about it and He gave His messenger precise directions. If you stand waiting for the Lord, He will direct you, today,to the right street and to the right house. Only wait upon Him and if you go in His name, He will take care that you are notsent to the wrong person.

His directions further related to the person to whom he was to go. This person was to be named Saul, known to come from Tarsus,and he was to be a blind man, for he was to "receive his sight" through this Ananias. The Lord knows the individual whom youare to bless and all about him. He knows what he is, where he is and what he has been doing and what he is doing and whathe is going to do. Though, as I have already said, you have no verbal directions given to you, yet any person who falls inyour way, if you will but seek to do God's work to him, will turn out to be the person whom God intends you to bless. Youare to deal with him in faith under that impression and you will not be disappointed.

Ananias was also told when to go. He was to arise and go at once. Perhaps he had not yet left his bed, or it was a visionof the night, but he was to, "Arise and go." God's errands are so important that we must not delay in their performance. Whenevera man proposes to obey in a week's time, he confesses himself to be disobedient for that time. He who, when he receives amessage, delivers it at once, with the impression of his call fresh upon him, will deliver it with authority and power. Thisday there is a call to each Believer to proclaim the glories of the name of Christ wherever he has opportunity-let him dothis at once!

Ananias was also told why he was to go. He was to go to Saul of Tarsus, "for behold he prays." The servant was to go becausethe Master was already there! God had inspired the prayer of the blinded persecutor and now He was about to answer it by Ananias!Where God has plowed, we are to sow. Of that preparation you know but little, but your own duty is clear enough. If you beginto pick and choose the objects of your labor, you will select the wrong persons. But if because God has put such and sucha person in your way, you tell him of Jesus and His love, you will make no mistake! The Lord who prepares you to speak hasprepared him to listen! In fact, in this case, Paul was so prepared that he had "seen

in a vision a man named Ananias coming in." If we are always ready for the Master's work, we shall be surprised to find howbeautifully He makes us fit in with His Providence and His Grace!

There is a person in this Tabernacle, this morning, who has been here many times and has always expected that a Christianfriend would speak to him, but nobody has done so yet. But if you do it this morning, he will respond to you and say, "Thankyou; this is what I was looking for. God has been troubling me of late in my thoughts and I am desirous to find the way ofpeace. You are the very person whom I wished to see." God sends the right messenger to the right man-Ananias to Saul.

He had further directions, for he was told what he was to do when he found Saul-he was to lay his hands on him. There is agreat deal in the touch of an earnest man. If you stand half a mile off from a man and throw the Gospel at him, you will misshim. But if you go close to him and lay hold upon him, giving him a hearty grip of the hand, and show that you have an affectionfor him, you will, by God's blessing, lead him in the right way. You must come into heart contact if you are to influencethe man. "But," you say, "if I did thus grasp a man and speak with him, I could not open his eyes." Could Ananias do so? Yetthe Lord worked by Ananias and why not by you? "Oh, but I do not think I could comfort a troubled heart." Ananias could nothave comforted Paul unless the Lord had been with him. Paul was a vastly superior man to Ananias, yet the humbler man wasthe means of the spiritual enlightenment of the greater mind-and why should not you? Though you should meet with a great skeptic,or a very learned person who is quite a giant Goliath, compared with you, yet make bold to play the man-for the Lord doesnot work by gigantic instruments-but by young David who seems unequal to the task. At any rate, I do pray you, dear Brother,are ready to speak what the Lord has spoken to your own soul-and be this your resolve-

"Now will I tell to sinners round What a dear Savior I have found! Point them to Your redeeming blood, And say, Behold theway to God." Your instructions are in the Scriptures-follow them!

IV. But now, fourthly-good Ananias, excellent man as he was, had HIS DIFFICULTIES and so, when he was told to go, he said,"Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he has done to Your saints at Jerusalem: and here he has authorityfrom the chief priests to bind all that call upon Your name."

These difficulties were very natural. Saul's conversion was astonishing to the last degree. Ananias had long been thinkingof the terrible persecutor, Saul-"I have heard by many of this man." Could it be that this wolf had become a lamb? Ananiashad Saul on the brain through terror of his cruelties and now he was to have Saul on the heart through joy of his repentance!He had heard such dreadful stories of the ferocious persecutor, that as soon as he heard the word, "Saul," it took his breathaway! There is a promise that the leopard shall lie down with the kid but it is not surprising that the kid should, at first,shrink from the monster-and so this dear, plain, simple-minded man was startled at the idea that he was to visit the maliciousman who had sought the lives of Christians.

But notice that his objections were such that he could tell the Lord about them and, whenever you feel any difficulty, ifyou can lay it before the Lord in prayer, there may be unbelief in it, but there will be no willful sin in it. We do not praisethat good man who said, "Send by whomever You will send, but not by me." Yet he was not blamed when he gave his reason andmourned that he was slow of speech. The Lord met him in great tenderness and helped his infirmity. To tell your difficultyto God may be an evidence that you are hearty in his service and only regret that you have not greater ability to consecrateto it.

But, observe, that his difficulty was unfounded. If he had thought for a minute, he would have concluded that if Saul prayed,he must have ceased to persecute. To any man who prays, we may go with confidence that he will listen to our witness concerningChrist, in whose name he is praying. Ananias had forgotten this. The Lord had changed the heart of Saul. He had visited himwith the light of His Glory and made him His captive for three whole days of darkness. And now he was ready enough to welcomethe man by whom his eyes would be opened! Do we not lose opportunities of doing good by dwelling too much upon the past charactersof those to whom we are sent? Do we not say, "I have heard of this man, that he is a desperate, drunken, swearing fellow-Ishall not go near him"?

My dear Friend, this is the man who most needs your aid and who knows but, at the very time, when you go to him, the Lordmay be dealing with his conscience so as to set before you an open door? Are we to speak to none but those who

will welcome us? In that case we shall be often disappointed, for such persons do not always repay our exertions. Those whohave been, for a long time, very hopeful, are usually the most hopeless of cases-but utterly hopeless people are often themost hopeful when we have faith enough to approach them. Do not bury a man before he is dead! Hope that so long as a sinnerlives he may yet live unto God! Be hopeful that He who placed this sinner in your way and you in the sinner's way, has designsof love which are about to be accomplished.

V. Concerning Ananias, I want to remind you, in the fifth place, of his COMFORT in the work. The Lord reassured His servant,first, by reminding him of the doctrine of election. God said to him, "He is a chosen vessel unto Me." Some read it, "He isa choice vessel," as if there were originally something in Paul which rendered him a choice person. But the Apostle, himself,does not put it so, for he describes Ananias as saying, "The God of our fathers has chosen you, that you should know His will."He did not know the will of the Lord except through the Divine choice. To him, the Revelation of God came as the gift of SovereignGrace! Here was one whom God had chosen to bless, though Ananias knew it not. The grand doctrines of Sovereign Grace and ofelecting love are the most powerful inducements to labor for the conversion of all who come in our way!

Did not our Lord say to one of His servants, "I have much people in this city"? And did he not make this his encouragementfor preaching the Truth of God with all boldness? So let it be your encouragement. Behind all opposition there is an almightywill which cannot be set aside-there is a purpose which must be accomplished-there is a predestination that can, by no means,be defeated. "Oh," says one, "if I believed that God had an elect people, I should not preach again." It is amazing how peopleargue-for that is the very reason why I do preach! If the Lord has not chosen any, what is the use of my preaching? But ifHe has done so, I shall not preach in vain! Often have I thought to myself-I shall have a picked congregation today-God willbring the very people here that He means to bless-and He will save His own elect by His own Word! It does not rest with me,nor with them, but with HIM and, therefore, there is hope! The eternal purpose goes forth in all the majesty of its might,therefore will we go to every creature, testifying in the name of Jesus-and believing that as many as the Father gives Him,shall come to Him.

Moreover, the Lord put aside the fears of Ananias by telling him that He had chosen this man to a great purpose. "He is achosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name among the Gentiles." A great sinner is to be made a great saint! A great op-poser isto become a great laborer. Who knows how largely God may use the sinner whom we seek to save? Who knows what may be in anyman, or in any child? You, dear teachers in the school, may be teaching Luthers, or Melancthons! You may be instructing, inthose young girls, holy women who shall serve the Lord abundantly! You are handling choice materials, therefore be not carelessin your service. To you is given not gold, nor silver, nor precious stones, to fashion, but immortal spirits that shall glorifyChrist on earth and in Heaven!

And then, to remove all difficulty from the mind of Ananias, the Lord told him that He would go with him-"For I will showhim how great things he must suffer for My name's sake." You are bid to teach the Gospel to an individual who has been veryhardened-and you fear that you have no strength for such an undertaking and, therefore, you cry- "Lord, I cannot show thisman the Truth!" The Lord replies, "/ will show him." "But," you say, "he is so ignorant!" "I will show him." "Alas, he isblind and prejudiced!" "I will show him." You are, "laborers together with God." When we lift our trowel upon this wall, wemay know that a Divine arm is moving at the same moment-and the stone which we seek to place in its course shall be laid thereby an Omnipotent hand which works effectually!

Therefore, give yourselves up to your Lord's work, whatever that work may be. "Behold I will make you a new sharp threshinginstrument having teeth: you shall thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shall make the hills as chaff. You shallfan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them; and you shall rejoice in the Lord, andshall glory in the Holy One of Israel."

VI. I must ask your attention for a minute or two to the sixth point, and that is, Ananias' difficulties being graciouslytaken away. Observe HIS OBEDIENCE to his Master's orders.

It was prompt obedience-"Ananias went his way and entered into the house." No longer hesitating nor delaying, he went hisway with all speed. His obedience was exact-he entered into the house and, putting his hands on Saul, said, "Brother Saul."He did as he had been told. There is a great point in that. Mind that what you preach is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus andthat what you do is by order from the Throne of God and that it is carried out in the Spirit's power, for you cannot expectthe Lord to bless your message if you alter it. If my servant goes to the door and amends the mes-

sage which I have sent by him, why then, he must bear the responsibility of doing so and also run the risk of dismissal! Butif I, as Christ's servant, deliver my Lord's message to the best of my knowledge, just as He gave it to me, then my Lord isresponsible for the success of it and not myself! Be prompt, therefore, and be exact.

Then, see how loving he was. "Brother Saul," he said. Saul of Tarsus would not have made two bites of Ananias a little timebefore, if he had fallen into his power, but now the words, "Brother Saul," are sweet to his ears. Love is the method of Grace.You cannot win souls by putting on a morose countenance and repelling all approaches-it must be, "Brother Saul." Do not beafraid to call the individual, "Brother," but take care that you mean it. Though he may be a greater and wiser man than yourself,still come close to him with confident affection, for if he is, indeed, a Brother, he will accept the salutation. And, ifnot, your peace will return to you. Ananias did not use the term as a cant expression, but his spirit and feeling were brotherly.The love of his speech betrayed his deep affection and intense sympathy. He was as pleased with Saul as a mother with a newbornchild! He shared, with angels, the joy over the returning prodigal!

See, also, how wisely he spoke. It was given him, in the same hour, what he should speak. He did not pompously say, "I aman ordained official and, therefore, speak with great dignity." No, he began, "The Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto youin the way as you came, has sent me." It was wise thus to sink himself in His authority. He speaks most wisely all throughand speaks precisely the right words. When he alludes to Paul's former course, he only gives a hint of it-"The Lord that appearedto you in the way as you came." He does not say, "as you came to persecute us," but he allowed conscience to do its own work.He gives the items of his errand-"Jesus has sent me that you might receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit."I have not time to indicate all the points which show the prudence of the Lord's messenger. May we, also, be made wise towin souls!

Notice how thoroughly faithful Ananias was. He said, "Arise, and be baptized, and wash away your sins." The tendency withmany good Evangelists is to say nothing upon that point. The main thing is to get this man to be a believer in the Lord JesusChrist, but to say, "Arise, and be baptized"-is not that far less important? Brothers, we have nothing to do with alteringChrist's message-we are bound to deliver it as a whole-without addition or diminution. The tendency everywhere is to say,"Baptism should not be mentioned-it is sectarian." Who said so? If our Lord commanded it, who dares to call it sectarian?We are not commanded to preach a part of the Gospel, but the whole of the Gospel- and Ananias did this. Is it not written,"He that believes and is baptized shall be saved"? Why omit one clause? I question whether God's blessing has not been withheldfrom some teachers and preachers because they have failed to repeat their message in its entirety.

A Brother will write to me next week and say, "I am sorry that I cannot circulate your sermon because you allude to Baptism."My dear Brother, if you cannot circulate the sermon, I must be content without your kind help-but I cannot amend the Lord'sWord to please the best man upon earth! What prominence is given to Baptism here! We would greatly err if we believed in baptismalregeneration, or even in the efficacy of washing in water for the removal of sin-but, on the other hand-we are not to placein the background an ordinance which, by the language of Scripture, is placed in the forefront! Ananias said to Paul, "Ariseand be baptized, and wash away your sins." And this tallies with that other text, "He that believes and is baptized shallbe saved." In both of these passages the Lord puts a special honor upon Baptism and it would be evil for us to neglect thatwhich He so evidently esteems!

Do not make any mistake and imagine that immersion in water can wash away sin-but do remember that if the Lord puts this outwardprofession, side by side, with the washing away of sins, it is not a trifling matter! Remember that other text, "With theheart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation"? Faith must be followed by obedience,or it cannot be sincere-do, then, what Jesus bids you. That is not, however, my point. I want to urge upon you that you shouldalways speak the Lord's Word faithfully and be true to that which the Lord reveals to you, even to the jots and tittles. Inthese days there is much talk about, "undenominationalism," and in that talk there is much to be admired. But the danger islest we should, on all hands, begin to pare away a little from the Word of God for the sake of an imaginary unity.

The suggestion is that one is to give up this-and another is to give up that. But I say to you-give up nothing which yourLord commands! In all charity, believe that your Brother desires to hold only Christ's Truth, but make sure that you holdit yourself, whether he holds it or not. This is the best "undenominationalism" in the world-every man to

be faithful to his convictions and true to his Master out and out-and then to give his Brother in Christ credit for doingthe same! In this way we may expect the Master's blessing.

VII. Lastly, observe the RESULT of what Ananias said. The results were IMMEDIATE, for Paul received his sight at once, wascomforted at once and baptized at once! But the results were most extensive, for this Paul became a preacher of the Gospelto every land! As the Apostle of the Gentiles, he brought multitudes to Jesus! It was a splendid work that Ananias did thatmorning, for to this day, the testimony of Paul to the Cross of Christ is ringing over Europe and throughout the whole world!Where would we have been as a nation if it had not been for the Apostle of the Gentiles? Our Lord Jesus Christ was pleasedto raise up, in Paul, an especially useful instrument of blessing to the sons of men. I might almost say that, among thosethat are born of woman, there has not been a greater than the Apostle Paul! It was necessary that Ananias should link himto the Church of God by instructing him in the faith and initiating him by Baptism.

Go you, then, my Brothers and Sisters, wherever God sends you, for you know not what may be within a man, a woman, or a childwhom you shall bring to Jesus! Everybody is not a Paul, but yet you may find a Paul among your converts. The pearl fisherstanding on the rock plunges deep into the sea-he does not know whether or not he shall bring up a pearl that will decoratean emperor's diadem. But he searches the deeps in that hope and why should he not bring up such a treasure as well as anybodyelse? No matter though the fisherman, himself, may be coarse, ragged and rugged, yet he may light upon a priceless pearl!

And you, whoever you may be, I charge you, in the name of the Eternal God, plunge yourself into your work with whole-hearteddevotion and you shall yet discover some hidden jewel which shall adorn Immanuel's diadem! So may it be with you, dear Friends,for Christ's sake. Amen.