Sermon 1784. Unbelief Condemned and Faith Commended
(No. 1784)
"They are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith." Deuteronomy 32:20.
"Blessed is that man that makes the Lord his trust." Psalm 40:4.
THESE two texts will serve to show the different estimate which God has of unbelief and of faith. He says of unbelievers,in my text taken from Deuteronomy, "They are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith"-as much as to say thatthe absence of faith proves them to be froward, presumptuous, willful, disobedient-a people at cross-purposes with God. Hesays not only that they are perverse and froward, but He adds an emphatic word-"they are a very froward generation, childrenin whom is no faith." The second text most clearly shows us that God has a high approbation for faith, for He, Himself, bythe Holy Spirit, says, "Blessed is that man that makes the Lord His trust." Here, then, we have set before us a great evilto which we are sadly inclined-and a great Grace which we greatly need. May God the Holy Spirit work faith in us by His owngracious power! Alas, it is still true that "all men have not faith." Even when an Apostle preached, we read of the congregation,that some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not. There is that division among you at this time. Oh,that unbelievers may become Believers before this service ends!
I will tell you what I shall be driving at this morning-I have a special character in view and I long to be made useful topersons of that sort. Outspoken and naked unbelief the most of you abhor. Should unbelief display itself in its real hideousness,you who have been brought up religiously would be startled at its approach, would close the door immediately and bolt it fastlest such a demon of the deep should gain an entry into your souls! Consequently, unbelief, when it attacks the regular hearerof the Gospel, takes care to disguise itself. It pretends to be something other than it is. It does not walk abroad in allits natural deformity, but it approaches us as the Gibeonites came near to Israel when "they did work wilily and went andmade as if they had been ambassadors."
There are those here who do not doubt, for a moment, the existence or goodness of God-neither have they any question aboutthe Inspiration and Infallible Truth of Holy Scripture-and yet they are entertaining within their hearts an unbelief whicheats as does a canker! A deadening unbelief is upon them so that they abide in darkness and take no pains to come into theLight of God. Yet they do not condemn themselves, but rather look for pity as though it were their infirmity and not theirfault. To them, unbelief acts like Jezebel when she tired her hair and painted her face. Oh, that my words could strip offthe disguise of this evil thing! Of this most deceitful form of unbelief I would say, as Jehu said of Jezebel, "Throw herdown." And then I would cry-Go see, now, this cursed thing and bury it, for it is a horrible evil. That which prevents menfrom finding salvation by putting their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ is an enemy so hateful and malicious that no quartermust be given to it! No excuse must be made for it-it must be utterly destroyed from under Heaven!
Dear Friend, you tell me that you are by no means an infidel or a skeptic, and yet you do not believe so as to find peacewith God! You tell me that you cannot believe, which is a confession that you are so false at heart that you cannot believethe Truth of God! It is well that you should admit this gross depravity, but I have reason to fear that you are hardly consciousof the horrible nature of the crime which you acknowledge! I beg you to lay to heart this fact-that unless you have faithin Jesus you will perish just as surely as if you were an open denier of the Word of God and a reviler
of His Son! There are, doubtless, degrees in the terribleness of the punishment, but there are no degrees in the certaintyof the fact that every unbeliever will be shut out from the blessing of the Gospel of Christ! "He that believes on the Sonhas everlasting life: and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him."
I want you to remove every flattering unction from your souls and to know for sure that, "He that believes not is condemnedalready, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God" (John 3:18). Dream not that because you do not happen to be an avowed atheist, or deist, or agnostic, that, therefore, your own formof unbelief is harmless! We read of Israel in the wilderness that, "they could not enter in because of unbelief-yet they werenot atheists! A passive unbelief will ruin a man as surely as an active infidelity! Suppose that an enemy is on this sideof a river, destroying everybody? To find safety, the river has to be crossed, and there is but one bridge. Yonder man declaresthat he will never go over such a bridge-he does not believe in it! He asserts that it is a rotten old thing which would breakdown under his weight. He hates the structure. He will not even call it a bridge at all! He ridicules all who venture uponit. It is clear that he will stay on this side of the river and die by the pursuer's sword. He is the type of the avowed skeptic!
But where are you? You say with unfeigned distress, "I am horrified to hear that man talk so of that excellent bridge. I believethat it is well constructed and that it has carried hundreds of thousands over it. I cannot bear to hear a word said againstit, for my dear father and mother found refuge by crossing it and they are now in the land of peace." Yet you do not escapeby that bridge, yourself, though well aware of your danger! Do you answer, "Well, I do not feel worthy to go over it." Why,that is nonsense! It is as if you should say, I cannot swim and, therefore, will cross over the river by means of the bridge.Your unworthiness cannot be a reason for refusing to accept a free salvation! On the contrary, it is a reason why you shouldaccept it at once. However, it matters little what your excuse may be-you will perish forever if you do not believe in Jesus!
Take another illustration. A fatal disease is abroad and a remedy has been discovered of the most effectual kind. One mandenounces the medicine, the physician who invented it and the apothecaries who distribute it-he can hardly find words enoughin the dictionary with which to express his contempt for what he calls a monstrous quackery. He will evidently receive nobenefit from the medicine. That is not your case-you are of quite another mind. You esteem the medicine, reverence the physicianand even feel an affection for the apothecaries who distribute it! No question about the matter has ever crossed your mind-onthe contrary, you are an advocate for the great remedy and believe firmly that it has healed multitudes of persons. Why doyou not take the wholesome medicine yourself? You tell me that you are trying to get better and that you do not quite seehow the medicine can heal you.
This shows that you mistrust the power of the medicine to heal you just as you are. You will derive no more benefit from itthan the other man who rails at it! It is quite impossible that any man should receive the blessing which comes through theatoning blood of Christ unless he has faith-and whether he goes to the length of an utter contempt of the great Sacrifice,or stands off from it because he does not feel as he could desire-he will surely die without forgiveness. Out of Christ, thedoom of eternal wrath will fall on you whether near to the Kingdom of God or far off from it.
I want to talk with those unbelieving people who are not avowedly skeptical. Some of these I have seen and I know that theyare a numerous class. They are very sincere and are really seeking after salvation, but the one thing which they refuse todo is to believe in the Lord Jesus. They will not trust their God! They will not believe in the promise which He has madeto us in Christ Jesus! They would suffer any penance. They would give anything they possess. They would cut off their rightarm-they would consent to lose their eyes-if they might but be saved! But this one matter of trust in God and accepting Hisway of salvation is the point in which they quarrel with the Most High. Upon this matter, in which the Lord will assuredlynever yield to them, they stand out very obstinately, and so prove that they are "a very froward generation, children in whomis no faith." If they would obtain the Lord's blessing, the only way to it is faith. Oh, that they would hold out no longer,for, "Blessed is that man that makes the Lord his trust."
I. To begin, then-our first statement is UNBELIEF IS FROWARDNESS-"they are a very froward generation, children in whom isno faith." One very frequent disguise of unbelief is that of humility. "I feel myself such a great sinner. I feel so muchevil to be in my heart, I dare not believe in Jesus!" If you judged by appearances you might think this unbelief very modest,but, indeed, it is not so. It imitates the tone of humility, but it cannot catch the accent. This deceptive vice dares tohint that the sinner's unworthiness is a reason why Jesus should not be trusted! What? Would any man tell
me that his own wickedness is a reason why he should distrust me? That would be too absurd! Because you are such a sinner,is God, therefore, a deceiver and not to be trusted? This is not humility, but audacity!
Our fearing to trust the promise of God because we are evil is a most perverse piece of wickedness. Surely, God is true, evenif we are liars! Our falsehood does not make Him false, or deprive Him of His right to be believed! Do we dare to tell Himthat He cannot save when He assuredly promises to save us if we trust Him? Do we deny His willingness to save when He sendsus gracious invitations and entreats us to turn to Him? This is insolence-not penitence! However great a sinner you may be,there is forgiveness with God that He may be feared, for, "all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men." Donot deny this. Do not be so profanely bold as to call Jesus a liar!
Unbelief also claims to be timid. It cries, "I am afraid to come to Christ, afraid to trust Him with my soul." This is nottrue fear, but an evil pride! The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau! The sound is that of anamiable timorousness, but the spirit is that of frowardness. Friends, if you truly feared God, you would tremble at the ideaof distrusting Him. It is a very daring act of impiety to question any promise of the Most High-it is the height of rebellionto deny the power of the death of His dear Son! That kind of timidity and humility is to be shunned and to be abhorred whichdares to make God's love a dream and His mercy a fiction! Since the Lord's mercy endures forever; since Jesus has never yetcast out a soul that has come to Him, it is folly to talk of being afraid to come to Him! Dread doubting and fear not to trustyour God!
Unbelief is a very froward thing. We repeat the statement and go on to prove it because, in the first place, it calls Goda liar. Can anything be worse than this? God says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved," and the unbelieverreplies, "I cannot believe that Jesus will save me." That is to say, translating it into plain English-You do not think thatGod speaks the Truth! You do not believe that God is able to make His promises good to you. You do, in effect, imagine thatHe has said a great deal more than He means, or promised more than He is able to perform! At any rate, you think it unsafeto trust Him with your soul. I beseech you, if you must transgress, do not select a sin so presumptuous and so provoking asthe sin of denying the Truth of the Most High! "He that believes not God has made Him a liar because he believes not the recordthat God gave of His Son. And this is the record, that God has given to us eternal life and this life is in His Son."
Oh, you poor, timorous soul, as some would call you, I will not flatter you, or excuse you, for I am afraid you must be veryproud or you would not look the great Father in the face, and say, "You will not receive me if I come back to You like theprodigal child"-when, again and again, He invites you to return and promises to receive you. O Soul, can you dare to lookup to the Cross of Jesus and say, "There is no life in a look at the Crucified One for me"? Can you even think of the HolySpirit and then say that He has no power to change a heart so black and hard as yours? Oh that this miserable slander of Godand of His Christ might be stopped!
Again, unbelief is great frowardness because it refuses God's way of salvation. No man can read the Scriptures without seeingGod's way of salvation is not by works nor by feelings, but by trusting in the Son of God who has offered a full atonementfor sin. Now the sinner says, "Lord, I would do or suffer anything if I might, thereby, be saved." God's answer is, "Trustin My Son"-and this is put into a great many shapes to make it plain! Jesus says, "This is the work of God"-the highest andnoblest work-"that you believe on Him whom He has sent." But the soul wriggles away from this believing in Jesus. It cries,"Surely I must feel this, that, and the other!" Oh foolish heart! Stop all these vain observations and listen to this onething-"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved!" If you will make the Lord your trust, you shall be blessed-butif you will not, you are assuredly accursed-seeing you have rejected the blood of the Eternal Sacrifice, refused the way ofmercy which Infinite Love has appointed and done despite to the Spirit of God. To what a pitch of madness you have reached!You will sooner destroy your own soul than treat your God as you would treat an honest man! You can trust your wife, yourhusband, your father, or your friend-but you will not trust your Maker! You will sooner go to Hell than trust yourself withChrist! Ah me! Ah me!
Unbelief is a very froward thing, again, because it very often makes unreasonable demands of God. When Thomas said, "UnlessI put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe," he was speaking very frowardly.I have heard the sinner say, "Oh, Sir, if I could have a dream! If I could be broken down with anguish, or if I could enjoysome remarkable revelation-THEN I would believe God!" This, also, is frowardness. And so you dare look the Eternal in theface and say, "You shall be a liar to me unless You will gratify my whims and wishes,
and do this or that to prove what I admit to be true." Will you say to your fellow man, "Sir, you have offered to help mein this time of need. I am quite willing to depend upon you for that help, provided you will do it in my way-the way whichyou propose for my assistance I utterly reject"? You will probably turn your friend against you if you talk so!
Beggars must not be choosers-certainly not with God! If I mistrust a friend who has been good to me all my life, it is anunjust thing. And if I tell him that I cannot believe him unless he will do what I choose to demand of him, I am insultinghim. This towards man is evil-but what is it towards God? What? Must God do according to our mind and play the lackey to usor else He shall be under this penalty-that we will not believe His Word nor accept His gracious forgiveness? Shame on unbelief,that it should be so insulting to the God of Heaven before whom angels bow with veiled countenances! Surely, the devil, himself,cannot go further than unbelief-nor so far-for he believes and trembles!
Unbelief is very froward, next, because it indulges hard thoughts of God. Why do you not trust your God to save you by theblood of Jesus? Do you say that, "Salvation by faith is too good to be true"? Is anything too good to come from God, who isinfinitely good? Is He not Love? Do you say, "If I were to come to Him, He would not receive me"? How dare you say that whenit is written, "Him that comes to Me I will by no means cast out"! "Oh, I have so offended that if I were to cry, 'Father,I have sinned,' I could not expect Him to forgive my offense." This is a base slandering of the heavenly Father! What penitenthas He ever repelled? You know not how good He is-He is inconceivably gracious, He delights in mercy! It is His joy to passby transgression, iniquity and sin. Have you never heard that, "as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His wayshigher than your ways, and His thoughts than your thoughts"? Has He not declared that He will abundantly pardon? Has He notsaid, "Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool"? Why will you so cruelly defame the Ever-Merciful One? Turn fromthis wickedness or you will destroy your own soul!
And yet again, unbelief is a very froward thing because it disparages the Lord Jesus. It tramples upon the blood of the Sonof God! The unbelieving sinner virtually asserts that he has discovered the limit of the Savior's power to save and that hestands just over the margin to which His Grace extends, for he thinks that Jesus may save anyone except himself! O Soul, doyou doubt the infinite virtue of the Divine Sacrifice? Do you question the power of the intercession of the risen Lord? Isit not true, as He has said it, that He is, "able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He alwayslives to make intercession for them"? "Oh, but I am such a singular person." And are you so singular that you have a rightto limit the Holy One of Israel? Oh, if you did but know my Lord and Master, you would not talk so, for He, with a word, cancast out devils, heal the sick and raise the dead! He has but to say "Son, your sins are forgiven you," and they are forgiven!He has but to look on you, poor sinner, and you shall live! Yes, be assured that if you will look on Him, you shall live!Has He not said, "Look unto Me, and be you saved, all the ends of the earth"? Has He not also said, "He that believes in Me,though he were dead, yet shall he live"? If you believe, you shall see the Glory of God! Trust Him, trust Him! He deservesyour trust, for He is a great Savior for the greatest of sinners.
And do you not think it is another instance of great frowardness that unbelief casts reflections upon the Holy Spirit? Itseems to say, "I feel sorely afraid and, therefore, there is no peace for me. I am too hardened and foolish for the Holy Spiritto lead me to faith in Jesus and, therefore, I will not trust." "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Change you, man? Why,He has turned millions from darkness to the Light of God! Look upward-see what hosts surround the Throne of Glory and "daywithout night" magnify His saving Grace! Not save you? Who are you that you should stand out against the witness of the Spiritof Truth? Will you refuse the three-fold witness of the Spirit, the water and the blood? Who are you that you should set yourselfup as a kind of vanquisher of Grace, conquering Grace by your sins and saying to the ocean of God's love, "This far shallyou come, but no further"? Your unbelief is a very froward thing- nothing can be said for it-it dishonors Father, Son andHoly Spirit! It denies the Inspired Scripture and keeps your soul in cruel bondage.
This vile unbelief has in it a tendency to destroy the Gospel itself. If it could but have its own way, it would underminethe whole fabric of salvation. When a man says that God cannot save him, he suggests that there maybe others in the same case.Where, then, is Christ's wisdom in bidding us preach the Gospel to every creature? If it would be vain for one man to believe,each one of us would be afraid that it would be vain for us, also, and where, then, would be the Gospel promise? If it couldbe proven that any one man, if he believed in Jesus, would not be saved, then the Gospel itself would be disproved! Who amongus would have any ground for believing in Christ if we knew it were possible to believe in Him
and yet to be cast away? What is this but to rob us all of hope? Why, man, you are scuttling the ship! I mean that such isthe tendency of your unbelieving talk.
If Jesus is not worthy to be trusted and you seem to say so by your own refusal to trust Him, then all of us who are restingupon Him for salvation are under a delusion! Do you mean to say this? If you, as a sinner, cannot be saved upon believingin Christ, then the whole Gospel is called into question-you have broken the whole staff of bread for the souls of men! Oh,wicked unbelief! God-dishonoring, soul-killing unbelief! Dear Hearer, be warned against it, for it will shut you out of Heavenunless you shut it out of your heart!
II. And now, secondly, we turn to the better side of our subject and remark that FAITH HAS THE DIVINE APPROVAL. "Blessed,"says God, "is that man that makes the Lord his trust." We are sure that it so. Wherever there is faith, God is pleased withit, for faith is the sure mark of God's elect. We can only know them by their believing in the Lord Jesus Christ unto eternallife. God would never have set that of which He disapproved to be the mark of His eternal choice, but, as He makes faith inJesus to be the token of His covenanted ones, He must approve of it. Remember that God has been pleased, in His great love,to make this the main requirement of the Gospel. "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved." "Believe on the Lord JesusChrist and you shall be saved."
The Lord puts faith into the very forefront because He delights in it. I find not that the Lord has promised salvation tolove, or to patience, or to courage-admirable as these Graces are-He has put this crown upon the head of faith. "Your faithhas saved you; go in peace." The Lord must certainly approve of that which He makes to be the grand necessity of salvation!Do you not know that God has made faith to be the one thing necessary in the matter of prayer? If you come before Him in prayer,He will not ask you to bring your hands laden with gifts, nor to drop from your tongue choice words of eloquence! But you"must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him," or else you can have nothing at Hishands. If, then, God has made the efficacy of prayer to turn upon faith, He must have a high estimate of it! He has made faithto be the master key by which all the chambers of His treasury may be unlocked and, therefore, depend upon it, He will nevercast it out as unwarranted and presumptuous. "Blessed is that man that makes the Lord His trust," whoever that man may be!
Beside that, He has been pleased to make faith to be the mode and manner of the spiritual life. "The just shall live"-how?By works? No-"the just shall live by faith." There is no living except by faith. Let any child of God try to live by senseor reason, even for a day, and see how miserable he will be! It comes to this with me-I must believe my God or else I perish.I can walk the waves by faith-but, beginning to doubt-I sink. It is only as I trust that my soul can bear her daily burdenand perform her daily duty. If, then, God has made faith to be the way of His people, rest assured it can never be wrong fora soul to exercise faith in Him. Why, Brothers and Sisters, look what God has done to make us believe! He cannot object toour trusting in Him, seeing He works to that end! For this purpose the Scriptures are in our hands. John says, "These arewritten that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ" (John 20:31). The Lord multiplies His exceedingly great and precious promises that we might have strong consolation and find it easyto put our trust in
His Holy Spirit comes on purpose to work faith in the soul and the witness of the Holy Spirit in the Word, and in the heartsof His people, is intended to create and nourish faith in God. The Lord rewards faith even in this life! Read the 11th Chapterof Hebrews-see what men gained, what they enjoyed, what they did by faith! Unbelief does nothing, gets nothing, rejoices innothing! But faith wins the blessing. The Covenant was made with Abraham, who "staggered not at the promise of God throughunbelief." Who are Abraham's seed? Why, they that trust as Abraham trusted, that exhibit a whole-hearted confidence in God,feeling that what He has promised, He is able, also, to perform! Oh Souls, you cannot have too much faith in God! You neednever say, "May I believe?" It is altogether another question-How dare you doubt your God? "But is it true," asks one, "thatfaith means trusting in God?" That is it. God bids you trust Jesus and you shall be saved. Will you accept His testimony andtrust Jesus? That is the whole of it.
In common life we exhibit faith in man and no one blames us for a legitimate trust. A man says that he has received a thousandpounds. How is that? He has nothing in his hand but a bank-note and that is merely a bit of paper. Yet he is quite confidentthat he has the thousand pounds because he has faith in the Bank of England and in its promises. That is my own mind as toGod's promise-it is to me the thing which it promises, even as the note for £1,000 is a thousand pounds. "Faith is the substanceof things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." If you believe God as you believe
your friend, you are saved-for faith has brought you into the state of salvation. But this is what men will not come to. Theywill stop and mutter and sputter, and spin all kinds of cobwebs-and invent all sorts of theories in order to evade the sweetnecessity of trusting in the Lord! Simply and wholly to hang upon the bare arm of God and trust the merit of His Son-thisis what they will not come to-for they are "a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith."
Furthermore, it is not unreasonable, but it is highly reasonable that God should take pleasure in faith. Beloved, look atyourselves. Judge of the Lord from yourselves in this matter-for the Lord Jesus permits you so to judge of the Father's mind.You who are fathers, what would you say of your child if he did not believe your promise? If he said that he could not trustyou, what would you think of him? If your boy had offended, but refused to ask pardon because he could not believe that youwould forgive him, what would be your judgment of his character? Would you be pleased with him if he would not confess thathe was wrong, but took to sulking because he thinks you are unwilling to forgive? Would you take pleasure in such a childas that? No, but one of the beautiful things about your little children is just this-that they have not a thought or a care-buttrust you implicitly! They never question where Monday's dinner will come from- father has always found food-father will alwaysdo so.
If you make them a promise of a treat on Saturday, look how they will jump for joy! Though there is still a week to come beforethat promise is to be fulfilled, yet they begin to live on the prospect of it and they enjoy the pleasure a hundred timesover by the expectation of it! They will ask you tomorrow whether it is not already Saturday. You are pleased that your childrenshould trust you-it would be most unpleasant for you if they did not. When children have lost confidence in their parents,farewell to domestic peace! If you, being evil, love to be trusted, must it not be so with God? If you, a poor sinner, comeand say, "Lord, I have greatly sinned, but I believe You are such a greatly loving Father that you can blot it all out forJesus' sake," do you not think that He will be pleased to hear your confidence? But He cannot be pleased with you when yousay, "Lord, I know all about Your Gospel and its blessings, but I really cannot trust You!" Oh, naughty words! Vile words!How can they look for favors who thus throw dirt into the face of God? How shall He bestow His Grace on men who will not evenbelieve Him?
God will accept our faith, for it is in conformity with our position towards Him. What position ought the creature to occupyto its Creator? Should it not constantly depend upon Him? What position should a sinner occupy towards His Savior? ShouldHe not rely upon Him most heartily? What position should a child of God occupy towards the Divine Father but one of lovingconfidence? Brothers and Sisters, God loves faith because faith supplies the missing link between us and Himself! If we cannotkeep His Law perfectly, as, indeed, we cannot, for we have already broken it-yet if we trust Him, our heart is right beforeHim! The complete confidence of the heart is the essence of obedience and the fountain of it. A servant who thinks evil ofhis master cannot be an acceptable servant to any man-he will be looking out for his own interests and, whenever they comecrosswise with those of his master, we know what will happen! But if, after having acted very crookedly, the man should haveproof of his master's affection for him, and should come to the belief that his master is a model of goodness, then you havelaid the foundation of another kind of service, such as no wages can purchase! From a loving trust there will proceed patience,diligence, zeal, fidelity, obedience and everything which is suitable in a servant towards a good master.
So, when a soul comes to make the Lord its trust, it has set out upon the right track, and though it is but at the head ofthe way, yet it will make advances and arrive at no mean degree of rightness with God. "Oh," says one, "it seems such a smallmatter to simply trust." It may seem so, but within the compass of that little thing there lies a force whose power it wouldbe difficult to measure. Every Grace in embryo lies within true faith! It is a virtue which contains within it seed enoughto sow all the acreage of life with holiness! O my Hearer, God blesses faith, therefore, I pray you, render it to Him! Godhas put His curse on unbelief-oh, may His Spirit help you to shake yourself free of it this day!
III. My time has failed me and, therefore, I must close by noticing, in the last place, this fact-that FAITH IS BLESSEDNESS."Blessed is that man that makes the Lord his trust." To believe in God is to be blessed by God. "Oh, but," says one, "I believein God and I am in great trouble." Just so, and within that trouble there dwells a measureless blessing! Your trial is theveil which covers the face of a loving God. Faith will make you sing with the author of this Psalm, "I waited patiently forthe Lord." Faith says, "I am in deep trial, but all things work together for my good. It is, therefore, a great gain to meto be as I am. All these griefs and woes are but a heavenly surgery to cure me of the malady of inbred sin." This enablesthe Believer to receive correction with patience. He knows that all is right and, therefore, the
child of God frets not and does not kick against the pricks. As in the old days of surgery, a brave man laid himself downand gave himself up to the knife, so does the Believer resign himself to sharp affliction because he knows that it is necessaryfor his spiritual life and will tend to his perfection in Grace. Thus faith distils a potent medicine from poisonous plantsand extracts light out of darkness. Is not this enough to make a man blessed?
Faith, again, releases the afflicted out of trouble. Turn to the Psalm, again, and read-"I waited patiently for the Lord,and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set myfeet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He has put a new song in my month, even praise unto our God: many shall seeit and fear, and shall trust in the Lord." If you are shut in by affliction, like a man in a deep pit and, if instead of risingout of it by your exertions, you only sink lower, like one who struggles to rise out of miry clay. If you see no way of escape,whatever, do not despair or resort to desperate means, or think bad of God, but just pray and trust- and soon, like David,you shall bear witness to the blessedness of trusting! "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." The Lord knows howto deliver the righteous when they cannot guess how He will do it! Jehovah is not limited in ways and means. Is the Lord'sarm waxed short? Trust in the Lord in the dark and He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment asthe noonday. Thousands of saints who have tried and proved the faithfulness of the Lord unite in chorus to declare that Hehas delivered His people and will deliver them!
The man that makes the Lord his trust is blessed because his faith creates in him a deep peace. It is responsibility whichcauses the wear and tear of life-at least it is so in my case. Now, he who trusts a matter with the Lord sees that the fulfillmentof the promise lies with God and not with him. When we trust in the Lord, we cease to worry because it is the Lord's businessto answer to our faith-
"Tis mine to obey, 'tis His to provide." He who takes the Lord for his Guide no longer worries about the way. He who takesHim for his Watchman rests in perfect peace. He who accepts Him as a Savior looks for sure salvation at His hands. There isa wonderful calm in the heart when we can commit our way unto the Lord-then we delight ourselves in the Lord-and He givesus the desires of our heart. That blessed act of casting every burden upon the Lord is faith's masterpiece and it gives asweet quietus to all care. To rest in perfect peace of mind is the best blessedness beneath the stars-and we have it, forwe hear the Spirit say concerning all the people of God, "And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: He shall deliverthem from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him."
Now, suppose you and I were laboring to reach Heaven by our own merits? Then we might bid farewell to peace, for all the waywe would be terribly afraid that we had not done enough, or suffered enough, or prayed enough, or repented enough. There isno rest upon that bed, for it is shorter than a man may stretch himself. But, "we who have believed, enter into rest." Jesusis our Rest-in Him we have peace with God. If I could make the Lord Jesus my trust and yet be lost I should be a great loser,but I should not lose so much as God would! How is that? I should lose my salvation, but the Lord would lose His Glory, Histruthfulness, His goodness! His Gospel would be dishonored and His Son robbed of His reward. That cannot be! When a man trustshis money with a firmly established bank, he does not sit up all night to protect his cashbox and iron safe. No, his moneyis out of his own keeping and he feels at ease about it. Thus we commit our body, soul and spirit into the pierced hands ofJesus who has redeemed us, and we know and are confident that He is able to keep that which we have committed unto Him untilthat day. None can know perfect rest of heart but those whose minds are stayed on God by a sincere trust in Him.
Faith, in addition to bringing peace, creates a holy elevation of character, and that is blessedness. The man who lives bysight and walks according to the judgment of the flesh is confined within a range too narrow for blessedness. He is not muchabove the brute that perishes! His provender and stall are the main dependence of his joy! But the man that lives by faithranges among eternal things and drinks from celestial fountains! His is a high, sublime, mysterious life. Is it not the lifeof God in man? I have compared the ascent of faith to climbing a succession of lofty stairways. Up from the depths we havealready risen by no other means than faith in the Invisible! Not a single step before us can we see. Beneath and around, cloudsand darkness roll in enormous masses-the mist hangs thick over our pathway. Like the world, which the Lord hangs upon nothing,so our life has no visible dependence! We put down our foot on what seems thin as air and behold-it is firm as a rock beneathus! Rising, ever rising, we tread from stair to stair and are safe as the Throne of the
Eternal-but we never see more than one step at a time and at times scarcely so much as that. Sight brings us no comfort, butFaith fills us with delight, for above her head shines out as clear as the sun, the Words of the Immutable Jehovah!
"Ah," cries one, "I could not live with nothing to depend upon!" Oh, my Brother, is God nothing? Elijah had nothing to dependupon, for Cherith dried up and the ravens came no more with bread and meat. And the widow woman had only flour enough forone more meal-yet the little meal in the barrel wasted not and the cruse of oil never failed! Isaiah had nothing to dependupon but God, you know-that is to say, he had only everything. The Believer has nothing to depend upon except his God, butwhat more does he need? What more could he have? Mark how yon heavens stand without a pillar! See how the round world floatsin space without a stay! What more does the universe require than the power of the Eternal? O Believer, get out into thesedeep waters where there is sea room for faith and no weak creatures to interfere with unmingled reliance upon God-for blessedis that man whose life is rendered sublime by an undivided confidence in the living God!
Lastly, blessed is the believing man when he thinks of dying, for he is sure and certain that he cannot truly die. Faith hasso linked him with the one living God that he feels immortality pulsing through his entire nature! When he comes to lie onthe bed of sickness and gradually decays, he has no fear of his departure! On the contrary, he looks forward with expectationto be delivered from the bondage and sinfulness of this mortal life and to be admitted into the liberty and perfection ofthe life eternal! Look at him as he quits the shores of earth-he is not torn away by violence, forced unwillingly into anunknown hereafter-no, he undresses for his last rest solemnly but expectantly! A song is on his lips and glory is in his heart!He has finished his work; he has been washed from his sin; he has embraced the promise and now he falls asleep upon the breastof his Redeemer-assured that he shall wake up in the likeness of his Lord! "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright: forthe end of that man is peace."
Oh, Souls, if you will believe, you shall have both Heaven on earth and Heaven in Heaven! But if you will not believe yourGod-your Savior-many sorrows shall be to you and, in the end, you will destroy yourselves forever! It matters not what excusesyou make about this, or that, or the other-if you will not trust your God, He will have nothing to do with you! If you cannotbelieve Him. If you will make His Son to be false. He must say at the last, "Depart from Me, you cursed, into everlastingfire, prepared for the devil and his angels." It cannot be otherwise! This shall make the great division between you and therighteous-that you believe not in Him-while they have made the Lord their trust. If you believe in the Lord Jesus, you shallbe numbered with His chosen! And all His promises shall be fulfilled to you, for with you has He made an everlasting covenantwhich shall stand fast forever and ever when all visible things have melted away! May God uplift you from the miry clay ofunbelief to the rock of confidence in Him, for Christ's sake! Amen.